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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD JND E GONE Along the Concrete teLiviq: un3s, rThere nt's porno iat - n Ji Feu) M Little M cr again- - vjhv PONT HE ToRNt he's signaled A ppzen Times jnThe r'se from ! imlnS upon q flust and h0 large over Pleasured p ises from ss 'stia. the Our Pet Peeve Qarterma( 3 of FIFTY-FIFT- chaqj c; t thunder. sou1 Popsua the rumbi r, pocket and drew out the letter. "Im afraid not, my dear, he said coolly enough. she "Of course you didn't! snapped. "And I told you that It was very Important. "Yes, I remember, dear, ha returned. "Ilow like a man that Is ! she continued. he stammered. "But, dear "Don't but me. Ixn angry, she snapped. "But, dear, be reasonable. Look at the letter; you forgot to address It," he explained. Stray Stories. in' of v Ind hteenth eeif1.- weather at men will in our own the handii I ailantlj, tft ft miy be: r ultimate ut. passim the whole ern noise sound, mmuion By UJFEATHERHEADS X? traffic 'fouRE iemoniac IvAGANT-ow- n mind, g0j(SrtT Jnoinlcaliy- -. -- Henry 0 Wur Oatan Nenpefei Ca5e Point Proved WHO SAYS WE DON'T NEED IT? ' a i PaJatg by AH. ig exe stlc seal Turns. I rikiag a ! blue-bla- not Bed ' gild feefcf jXEY 1 is Too Slow for Him The real estate agent, having shown the prospective customer around all day until well Into the evening, Inquired: "Well, now, what do you think of our little city? "Ill tell you, brother, replied the tough westerner. "This Is the first .emetery Ive ever seen with lights. Exchange. Hea tha Teacher Fond Mother David, I'm shocked to hear you use such language. Did you learn It at school? David Learn It at school? No. Why, Its mo that teaches the other boys, mother. Pathfinder Magazine. 95 )r and OF THE FORCE 0 be1 No Lady! Ninftt Uu.a nice, work, Finney- - that IS "SLIPPERY ADOLPH" S uRE 0DT TELL ME HOW ENOUGH mt ave teel inery en j used of T 1: YOU EVER - SPOTTED HIM that "DAME" WUi ACTtM' tOiWD O' FUNNY MYSTERRlUS KOifJD OPAN' 01 WATCHED AN WIHiN "SHE" PASSED TWO MILLINERY IN WOMAN'S OUTFIT TMi S WAU a- jrA . Ua S ia iil larfnU 1 'T TOOTH, DOC... I -- S GOT MOST OF THE f BOLD PAIMT SCRAPED OFF IT. HERES THAT jUST A MINMET7 Ey GEORGE STORM WHO'D A likely storv! GIVE THE LIKES OF YOU A in letter of credit! youreAND ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO THAT AT THE MOEHT MV DEAf FELLOW- - MY LETTER OF CREDIT HAS BEEN DELAYED, ' IN THE MAILS COMSTASu. BEFORE YOU LOCK HIM UP VO LIKS TO HAVE HIM SETTLE THE BILL HE'S RUN UP AT THE HOTEL HERE following footsteps. Emergencies are bound to arise which compel each person of voting age to decide for himself which way he is going to Jump. CHARGE FOR BURGLAR BILL.' SEATIN YOUR HOTEL STEP ALONG1 NOW tn tror.lATTFR pnp Mrt It W Plenty What did the wife Bay when you came rolling in at 2 a. m.7 "Maybe you have time to spend three hours listening, but I havent that long to waste repeating what she said, and she talks a heap faster than I do." Cincinnati Enquirer. fM Let Oil Lightly Walter Would you mind settling your bill, sir? Were closing now. Irate Patron But, hang It all, I haven't been served yet. Waiter Well, In that case, tliero'll only be the cover charge. ' ig By C. M. PAYNE TruU At All To Change It Preparing for the Rath Film Star What will you charge to conduct my divorce? Lawyer If youll give me a monopoly of your future divorces, I'll do this one for nothing. o f - ""Cl P'M-SVi2- PING UP WITH THE JONESES waj a Lucxy When LATHCeL ClOeKll THCCL erak FCRDlHrtND MADE NS VICS OF THC SNOKC-- JnPAwy: HCRRlNfr GOlWC? a tough winter rm TO OL 1HULLO A troy OVER. THERE MOAN INS' ' OUT OF A GOQ SUPPOSE. AND HONifR, SlTTlNO I go OVER and - slip HlH FIFTY CENTS ill MAN, NY YOU SEEN TO T,S IN TROUBLE what'j THE matter s. ? AH, THIS "ufcPKfc'SOION, me! IN MY STOCKS PAiO it's killing iqjjq ME $ 395,000 XMVIDCNJ5S, YEAR My IN SUT THIS DWlOENDS ONLY You say andLITTLE FELLOW TH .SOCKED YOU IN THE EyE ? Wl IHOUr THC Cwi SLIGHTEST PC.OYO CATION, X officer! was FEAR. HE UL ft ttENENTEDf 1 yy , T 12, 11, 10, IS, 20, 30, 32, 34, 30, 88 and 40. Size 10 takes 4 yards 39 Inch "Are you going to teach your small boy to follow In your footsteps? No," sabl Senator Sorghum. "Of course, hell go Into politics. Everybody has to. But nobody can go on and bL 'fJBY THATCHER The Evidence neckline add a cldc note. For added Interest, tiny buttons trim the hack bodice. Sleeves may be omitted .or may be made of contrast. Pattern 177(5 Is available In size fabric. Illustrated step by step sowing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (13c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address and sty le number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Had Small Mouth Address orders to Sewing Circle so Is that lady lawyer Indig"Why West 213 Pattern Department, nant? New York City. Seventeenth Street, to ns her the alluded "Somebody big mouthpiece. FOOTSTEPS SHOPS VAlYOUT LOOKIN' N TH WINDERS AN1 PASSED UP A COUPLE O' MIRRORS WiT OUT r One on Bridget Mistress (in late afternoon) Good gracious, cook, Ive forgotten to order anything for dinner. I must have senile decay. Cook Never heard of It, muni. Does it take long to cook? An Ad "What do you have there, Johnny? asked the mother of her boy as he came home from Sunday school with a Bible text card. about "Just an advertisement heaven, Johnny replied. Exchange. glance o ith pure to suggest spring to brighten np our wardrobe and our spirits I We'd love the model sketched here In one of the colorful designs so popular this season. It has truly flattering, feminine lines the graced fully flared sleeves, the slim waistline and length-givinskirt panel. With the neckline worn open, artificial flowers posed at the "The letter I gave you this morning did you post It? asked Sirs. Brown inquiringly. Brown put his hand In his jacket streaiN, zanthiQ 1776 seml-belte- of list in va-- t PATTERN Theres nothing like a print frock all-ov- I, nuffletl from itelic obrm; a PRINT FROCK THAT IS WORTHY PI CE IN ANY WARDROBE w W L Uh Subtle Tact Illcks So you got the best of tint argument with your wife? Dicks Sure, by agreeing with her In everything I made her doubt her own facts. Brooklyn Dally Eagle, Men Are Like That Wife My husband awake so much at night Second Ditto Huh ! Mine talk In his sleep and lies even then. First Won Her Stripei The dinner was delicious. Yos must have an old family cook." "Yes, Indeed; she's been with u ten or twelve meals." |