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Show UINTAH BASIN RECORD intinr - -!- Fii -p 3EI- - :n2Dc HCF-SB-!: inf:- - PUZZLED "inr jrqnr Cool , Airy Outfit For Outdoor Play THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE ipF13g BIG TOP 3B! BEE IBG 33E 3BLj!iI-a- 3BL '.i3BE A has pockets for trimming and for trophies. Take a look, mothers, at the pinafore spread out in the little sketch, and youll see how absurdly easy it is to make, and thats a good thing because this play trio is so attractive and practical that youll want your little girl to have three or four made just like this. Gingham, percale, gabardine and chambray are sturdy, sunfast cottons for this. sew chart included in pattern. Ga the sittir Mar; brok the ETS play out in the sunshme, in an pinafore, with panties for propriety and a bonnet to keep the sun out of our eyes! All three, in 8721 have frills in just the right places. Ail three are completely comfort! able, and cute as dimpled elbow. Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young rini summer T 3BG By ED WHEELAN Listen .tex - waltuompson OH.THAT5 IS THE SALT OP 1 KNOW YOU'RE THE EARTH AND GOIMG To LIKE HIM , BUT, AS 1 TOLD YtrtJ . HYRA AND HE HAD A SILLY MlSUHDtPSTANDlNt why He rode. UP WToTHUH RIlLS.VirTH 'SUNSHINE' Rn this morning and FboR hal has meanwhile. GEE.T ClN UNDERSTAN E HOW HE FELVDAD-CAUS- THERE THERE AIN'T NO HOSS TO SPILL YORE BE ' hal. WlLLBE HACK A IN IN O-- - ,ames VfflH A PAY OR SO - 7U ST TAKE THUH ALL PAY ARE YOUR ANKLE WILL I'M TROUEL.ES TO SAME WAY WITH y DEEM NEARLY FRANTiC YOU MYRA' one. like yore own ' y'Sy THANK YOU, OR Ma wazzat thing? Why thats a sun dial. Thats to tell time with. Well where do you wind the thing? MINUTE MyiMINSS-HE'- S GOING IT EASY. DEAR J To CARRY ME TO THE CARS If SIMPLE SSJ & Vf ' LALA PALOOZA whew! playing VINCENT, WHO 13 SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HIS SISTER, tp TAKING HIS FOURTH REGULAR AFTERNOON NAP WHEN YOU KNOCK HER CHAUFFEUR OUT, the si'- Im By RUBE GOLDBERG A Cup of Coffee, a Sandwich, and a Jealous Woman PART OP A WOUNDED DUCK 15 NO CINCH -IO RATHER EAT A COOKED DUC- K- (PUFP PUFF fml )i; Marfc7 CHANGE CLOTHES WITH HIM AND DRIVE OFF WITH LALA J If you give me your telephone number. Ill call you up some time. Its in the book. Fine! And whats your name? Thats in the book, too! GOOD AS DOUGH Frank SMATTER POP )) Urk Sjodirai. Inf. By C. M. PAYNE Hey, Pop! The pinafore Hubby Theres no use talking, cant make bread like mother used to make! Wifie Without any talk at all, you cant make dough like father used to make so there! you BeQ Syndicate. MESCAL IKE By s. l huntley 'ma.w. if NuUae iojet euoogw to dr stock WNTJ Srvie, DECEITFUL Heres Mud in Your Eye, Pa ikj) TW MUO .YOU'LL HAVE. TO I GT CXJT BY YORSEL FTUlMK 1 WAWTA , GIT - Step-by-ste- p Pattern No. 8721 is designed for sizes 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 years. Size 3 requires 3Va yards of terial for the ensemble; ruffling. Send order to: ma4 Vi yards T aske that 7 He SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 149 New Montgomery Ave. San Francisco Calif. bly Enclose 15 cents In Pattern No Name Address sion: and Ma coins for cut Size "I pliec need AU-MUO- knit Mi stab of w Sibil J I E SPLOP-POP On the House its no use suing By well! what are WAITING FOR? f k HER&S YOUR YOU FOR YOUR WINE- BILL -WE'LL CALL T receipt! - r-'- ydu N He J. MILLAR WATT ISN'T IT USUAL TO GV A FELLOW A DRINK WHEN HE S&TTLEP My husband is a deceitful fellow; sometimes I almost lose patience with him. Whats he done now? Last night he pretended to believe me when I could see very well "Y01 She am; anyt f? that he knew I was fibbing." SNAKE AND IIER SCALES African Pigmies The stature of Akka tribesmen of African pigmies seldom exceeds 4 feet 10 inches. .ViU ' "1 end impi USCi MIS PAID! "C account: than Salt Lakes NEWEST HOTEL I Mar closi "1 sr&sfci' Ma Have nothing to do with that little pianiste, Madeline, shes a snake. Maid Mother, why do you call her a snake? Ma (temporarily stumped) Well er isnt she always showing oil her scales? The Bell Syndicate. Inc. WNU Service THE NEIGHBORHOOD LEAGUE By GLUYAS WILLIAMS TRIED AND FOUND WANTING A girl called on a fered her services as farmer and Cheerful News of- a shepherdess. said the farmer. No, no, lassie, I advertised for a shepherd, not a shepherdess. I know that, but surely theres no reason why the work should not be undertaken by a woman. Well, a woman tried it once and made a mess of it." Who was she?" gtlTXHCEIG DEVASTATES EUROPE ggiP(&ES PLOWAi-OIN FRANCE P .11 I h a "I j bad 44Jt and lor very erv.i bam 7 'ti jW put and I AWMV FORTS LEVELED' IN PEC6IUM S 30W1 uni STRANGERS bib ial Hotel TEMPLE SQUARE Its lei Opposite Mormon Tempi oh Highly recommended J0! T.ai Rates $1.50 to $3.00 mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful re. hostelry ERNEST C. KOSSIThR, Mgr. Happy Fighting? Judge Don't you think you and your husband, Rastus, could live together without fighting? Mandy No, yer honor; dat is, not happily. AoilWiOti AMOHgThE BEARS" 1b CHANGE 1HDR NAME -- TO -- THE "HURRICANES" NEVER. 60l VERY FAR, BECAUSE SOME CF The MOTHERS WHO HAD 5PENC WEARY HOURS SEWIH6 THE FORMER NAME ON THEIR UN.ropMS HAPPENED To OVERHEAR. THE TlSCOSSlDN tvntftwat fne WMtf HOLLAND UNDER WATEP- - ARE. WE PREPARED To WEATHER A ST0PM U RE THAT? Teacher Now, can any member of the class tell me where we find wom- "as thoi TEACHING A CHILD VALUE OF PENNIES A child of wie mother will be be- taught from eaily childhood to regular reader of the advertisements Inthatwaybetterperhnps than in any other can the child be taughtthe great value of penmesnnd the permanent benefit which cornea from making every penny count. Jll come ay 1 maw I ft a I mm Hot WLDCi PAW, Your face seems familiar. Ive either seen you before or someone very much like you." Well, Ive never seen you before or else it's someone else very much lde you I've never seen Easy Answer mangoes. Oscar Yes. miss, wherever an goes. LIOHTNINO STRIKES |