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Show UINTAH I? 4 SIN RECORD GENERAL Embroidered Picture Doctor Bids Babies to Huge Party Of Freedoms Lady HUGH S. JOHNSON Jour: l.PhiMpr Washington, JP. C. HITLER AND U. S. ' From diplomatic information it is possible to get a general idea of what the immediate future will bring forth in Europe if Hitler takes Eng' land, as he seems sure to do in the next month. FIRST, be will want to buy U, S. cotton and grain in large quantities in fact, he will be willing to take most of our surplus but he will want a huge loan from the United States government to do it This will be called reconstruction financing, and it will be tempting bait to farming and business groups. SECOND, it is more than likely that Hitler will offer Jo freeze the armaments of Europe and the United States on the basis of their present armed strength. This also will be tempting to a American public. The United States always has favored disarmament, and several times has proposed freezing armaments. How' ever, this was when France and England had an army and navy, and when this country was protected by them in South America. Hitler's reported plan Today, would leave the United States with less than 250,000 men, Germany with about 3,000,000. In other words, Latin America would be open to attack at any time, and the United States would be powerless to prevent it, Nevertheless, Hitlers plans would have strong appeal in the United States, especially if accompanied by the usual Nazi propaganda stating that Hitler had only the kindliest ideas about the United States and cherished absolutely no designs for any part of her soil. Note This was the propaganda Germany dropped from airplanes on France before the tanks came. It told how France and Germany had no basic quarrel, could live in peace tax-ridd- indefinitely. HITLERS SECRET GAS All the evidence gathered by military agents abroad now points to the probability that Hitlers secret plan for conquering Britain is poison gas. It is significant that so far, Hitler has not used gas. Even more significant is the fact that he has been storing it up in huge reserves. French and British Intelligence officers have sent back reports that alarming quantities are now manufactured and ready for use. Whether any new and more deadly form of gas has been perfected, they do not know. One reason Hitler did not use gas in attacking France and Belgium was that his army was moving too fast. His tanks and armored cars were penetrating into the enemy lines so rapidly that they would have caught up with their own gas. It would have hampered Nazi opera- tions rather than aided them. But in England it will be different. For the English channel lies between Germany and her victim. There will be no danger of the gas seeping back to Nazi invaders until they actually land troops. And so far all evidence indicates that before attempting to land troops. Hitler will subject England to a rain of bombs such as the world never has seen before. Only after Hitler has gassed and bombed England to the verge of surrender will the Nazi attack by sea begin. Mited Feature THE PLANE IDEA Edsel Well, Pop, what do you think of it? Henry I never imagined Id ever be in this business. How did it happen anyhow? Edsel We just got up one morning and found ourselves in it. Henry Do you think we can turn out 1,000 a day? Edsel If it can be done you can do it. Pop. it CAN BE DONE you can do it, pop All or7h',t afraid Im Henry the government will keep the model. Edsel If they do that we cant turn out one a month. Henry You know how the government generally does things, but Ive got a promise it will stick to one set of plans.Edsf-Shes a slick looker, aint she? Henry Not to me, son. I hate that kind of machine. Mans place Is on the ground. He dont belong up in the air. Edsel Your early models kept him up in the air, Dad. Henry It wasnt the cars fault; was the rough roads. 1 ' f t VI :j I4 4 1. The upholstery wont be either. Henry But it wont be easy sailing. We have to be careful turning out planes for war. We cant make any little mistakes. A loose nut may be okay in a flivver but its bad stuff in an airplane. A driver who gets up a mile in the air and discovers something was left off his plane is in a tough spot. optional, v7 uU Jf - r ! Z v s'4v v j. Dr, A. O. Belmore of Bridgewater, Mass., (on platform, right) speaks to some of the 2,002 babies he has brought into the world. In nnusual party staged at his home, in celebration of his thirty-fift- h anniversary as a practicing physician. Close to 1,000 of his babies attended the party. Refugees to Canada From British Isles Both men are leading citizens with honorable and distinguished records. Mr. Stimson was at one time secretary of war and at another, secretary of state. In neither position did he leave any record that would recommend him as a great cabinet minister. As secretary of state he was ready to use force to a oppose Japan in Manchukuo, course which, however would have been fatal to the American strategical position in the Far East. Both these gentlemen have served as volunteer temporary army officers in time of war Mr. Knox in two wars. There can be nothing but praise for that patriotic and d But performance. little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Such temporary service relatively subordinate commands sometimes fortunately not fre quently leaves the veteran with the conviction that Providence real ly intended him as a latter-daNapoleon or at least a master strategy, logistics and tactics. That is true in both these cases In both, this conviction has per' suaded these gents that we should commence firing tomorrow before we get guns to fire. That strategic folly is another danger of this blitzkrieg move. high-minde- d, Edsel I dont think theres much more work on this plane than on a de luxe sedan. Henry Not as much. Therell be no women passengers in it; thatll save us a lot of gadgets and fancy stuff. We wont have to worry where to put the vanity case and ash tray. Edsel We can save a lot of time there. Henry Youre telling me! Edsel f n ") r'swsssss ; Zfl 1 y 'V ) $ j J f: ( high-rriinde- j c: y l vf V y t A 'iw Surely the President doesnt feel the need of any such expert amateur military and naval advice. He Grade Fields, famed British comedienne who has been entertaining Tommies at the front, shown among shares a similar conviction about some of the British refugee children brought to Canada. Right: Crown Princess Juliana of the Netherlands his own powers in these fields. It Edsel What colors are we going holding one of her children on train at Halifax, while F. E. H. Groenman, Netherlands minister to Canada, was obviously not with any idea to holds her eldest child. The royal party will reside temporarily at a vacation resort in Canada. improve technical preparedness that to make these war planes? this move was made. It will have Henry Now dont bring up that a reverse effect. It is too clearly matter. One color is all Ill stand a pure political gesture in an elecfor. Its going to be hard enough coalition-cabine- t tion year the satisfying everybody on this job slickness that the White House has withouf getting into any arguments denied intending. It is a dangerous over colors. gesture because it is designed to Edsel Are you sure Washington wont insist on reds, pinks and destroy the third term tradition and erect a war dictatorship by impairgreens? y ing our system, which is Henry Nobody can be sure of of the very essence of American Washington on anything, but Ive democracy and that is menacing got a promise, and if some bureauand sinister in the extreme. crat comes rushing in and demands that the air force works better in a Mr. Stimson wont do the war delight blue plane than a gray one Im partment any good. It will take going to raise the devil. months to educate him in the completely changed condition since he Edsel Have you ever thought left and his is the sort of inflexible what may be the outcome of this mind which does not filter fast job, Dad? Maybe after we get Into This is a cruel blow to the fine production the public will want work that has been done especially planes instead of autos. recentbr by Louis Johnson in the ofHenry Im afraid of that. fice. ot assistant secretary of war. Edsel Maybe the general public Under a statutory mandate Mn will always prefer to stay on the Johnsons organization, has done ground. much of the preparatory work necHenry If you watched the averessary to rapid supply and industrial age Sunday driver you wouldnt mobilization. In its recent historical think so. floundering to make up for its crimEdsel Well, anyhow, well get inal neglect of preparedness, this busy and do our best. administration has simply ignored Henry (reflectively) Gosh, but the valuable product of work and this seems funny. And to think that planning it and paral-lele- d in the last war my contribution was it Now it has taken the tucker A PEACE SHIP! out of Mr. Johnsons dynamic lead"'fl PLEA Gene Tunney lambasts the Reds, ership and energy by kicking him aside and giving him a new boss Be as brutal as you may-t- ,J Queen Elizabeth is interested In a Toronto Scottish machine gun and especially what he terms their whom it will take weeks to educate. mean Bitter, scornful, str clover; crew in training, while her husband, King George VI, chats with Major control of the National Youth conBut treat me like a neutj ai? . . , Say General A. G. L. McNaughton, during a visit to a southern England en- gress. He is speaking at a press Positively, mister, rr4Ver! DEFENSE BOOM campment. They are inspecting regiments of the Canadian active serv- conference at Hotel Roosevelt, New We havent even scratched the ice force. Hit me till the hffpists play. York city. surface of consideration of defense Kick me in trie middle section, of our cities from sudden air raids. Scalp me, at, please never say That requires tens of thousands of This b done for your protection! guns with some kind of home guard and expert crews F.fmer Twitehdl is so disturbed by and we havent even begun to fith columns that he never roads think about it or to provide oeyond the first and second, of one per cent of the material the whole program will require. Nobody gets more frightened by A ir Shall we, like England, dally along to war than a holder cf stocks 3,000 with a bunch of Chamberlains unmiles away. til it is too late for any Churchill to do his stuff? Elmer Twitchell was out on the I'. is Our effort to build our defenses. lawn with his new gasoline-drive,1 If vigorously and intelligently ! lawn mower last night Causing a '!f- should create much employA mechan neighbor to sneer: ment and e;en some kind of an inized attack again! dustrial boom. LAppropriations asked Tlie President has decorated tremendous but, if they George Cohan for composing two to prove sufficient and effective, we great war songs. They are given seen nothin yet. We haven't aint as "Over There and Youre a even made a good start It has Grand Old Flag. But if Irving Berbeen estimated by the best informed lin doesnt get a little federal recog1 authority that if the World war had nition, it wont seem quite fair. Oh -extended through 1919, our expendiHow 1 Hate to Get up in the Mornk. ri tures for that year would have been ing was a favorite war song, too. $35,000,000,000. The most fantastic retake of history was staged in this historic vehicle Baron Edgar von Spiegel, German War, whether offensive or defenAdd similes: As futile as a fellow recently, at Uumpirgno forest, 1 ranee an armistice meeting in which consul general at New Orleans, al- sive, is now largely a matter of inwho finds he hasn't the house keys the French and German roles of 1!I8 were reversed. The Germans, as the leged to have made remarks to the dustrial production of arms at three in the morning. sparconquirors, hand d to rn oj s of t.ie defeated 1 relish, peace terms Which effect that Germany will not forget tan discipline and sacrifice to the must be accepted as a whole. Martin R. Ragawav. U. S. aid to the allies. single purpose of military ctlicjency. Royal Inspection of Canadian Fighters Against Reds two-part- Transfer No. Z919I ' I 'OWERING majestically over New York harbor, Miss Liberty is an reminder of our heritage as Americans. Holding aloft the glowing torch of freedom, she represents democratic America. So we pause to pay her tribute in an embroidered picture that should stir evever-impressi- ve ery American heart. As transfer 15 cents, this stamps to about 17 by size. Send order to: Z9191, 21-in- i Bs AUNT MARTHA Kansas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No... Name Address 166-- ie ;;iai iey loo ell JS as .Tt HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONS Carpets can be kept clean and their colors bright if they are swept occasionally with a broorri dipped in hot water to which I turpentine has been added. Carving knives, when not in use, always should be protected eithei in a box or carefully wrapped sc that the edge does not come in contact with other cutlery. tanks constructed. This, they know, would be disastrous to the country, but also from a purely political viewpoint it would mean the defeat of President Roosevelt or any other Democratic candidate at the polls in November. This possibility has caused shaking of heads even among several cabinet members who have seen how slowly other projects moved in the past. They know that with the nation voting the biggest national defense budget in peacetime history, and with the President himself emphasizing its urgency, the country is going to expect results and expect them fust CAPITAL CHAFF Summer heat has come to Washington, but not the new fiscal year. Result: No electric fans for the state department. The building hfts just had its .wiring, changed Irani direct to alternating current but the money for new fans is not available until the new fiscal year. White House press conferences are drawing between 150 and 200 newsmen these days. U. S. Ambassador Steinhart looks in vain for a day of rest in Moscow, The Soviets have outlawed Sunday; they take one day of rest every six days. But it usually coincides with a week-da- in Washington when the state department is at work and its cables keep Steinhart at work. SEC Commissioner Loon Henderson went back to his class reunion at Swarthmore college, where 20 years ago they called him Dub. The class parade was headed by a sign reading, "Wall Street Dont lie Afraid of Henderson We Knew Iiirn When He Was Dub. Armistice Car in Old Role In Reverse J I. German Consul one-ten- th V rr n N.I ilkn n htiBiTiliirfhiittriai semi-milita- - i 'll han-die- I d, ' Th he; Ut .st g .nd To avoid a scorched taste whenf 1 saucepan, remove contents immei to a clean pan and dont j15 diately stir up any of the stuck portion. !S0S . If the grass is cut too short, noq enough leaf surface is left to sup-- j ply the roots with plant food. This;j results in weakened plants which permit dandelions and other weeds i to get started. t Concrete should not be painted for at least six months after it is laid down. If, however, it must be painted within that time, it may fp be aged artificially by washing .in, with a solution made by dissolv- Ian: ing two pounds of zinc sulphate in lie one gallon of water. I lie ! Linoleum will last much longer if rubbed occasionally with a rag! dipped in olive oil. It also restores polish to tables marked by hot dishes. First paint the marks with spirit of nitre, then apply the olive oil and polish. ! i, hi (lnc mo: I 1 T I ?u rer 10 -- U. S WAR PRODUCTION One very real worry among some of Roosevelts friends is that after all the hullabaloo over national defense, October may come around with not many more airplanes or ; WNU Sends spectively, has a poisonous significance. They are both ardent tomtom beaters for war. Mr. Stimson has been raising his voice for us to repeat the follies of 1917 and 1918 in a steadily increasing clamor until his most recent blasts insisted on our convoying contraband of war to Britain and opening our naval bases to the British fleet both irretrievable acts of war. Mr. Knox has been preaching armed intervention for months. This choice leaves no doubt whatever about the Presidents own intentions. If he is not stopped he is going to take this country into bloody war as soon as possible whether it wants to go or not and with about 85 per cent majority, it doesnt want to go. ijhi it 2 7. Washington, D. C. DANGEROUS GESTURE The selection of the Republicans, Mr. Knox and Mr. Stimson as secretaries of navy and war re- EDSEX AND HENRY DISCUSS UL. Jr 4 INDIGESTION the may affect Thi Heart ea Gaa trapped in the stomach or gullet may art Ifke on the heart. At the first sign of distress s Tablets to smart men and women depend on et gas tree. No laxative but made of the aHing medicines known for acid indigestion. If the s better return FJKST DOSE doesn't prov bottls to ca and receive DOUBLE Money Back. c. ig 4 COE et Contagious Laughter There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laugh-- ! r. ter and Dickens. j he bti good-humo- I ( on: .WANTED! WOMEN. )u: 88 to 52 yrs. old, who are restless, moody, nervous, fear hot flashes, dizzy spells, to take Lydia E. Pink-haVegetable Compound. Fa mous in helping women go smiling thru trying times" due to functional "irregularities." Try ill van m Xr of thi tht sa WNU 2740 W ba Y Without Purpose We do not lack ability so much as we lack purpose. r May Vara of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with Its harry and worry Irregular bablta. Improper eating and drinking iu risk of eapoiiure and infection throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxand fail to biter excess acid Bnd other impurities from the blood. You may Btiffar natrdng backache, headache, dizziness, getting op nights, feel constantly lug pains, swelling tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. help the Try Doan P''U. Doans off harmful excess body kidneys to waste. They have had more than half century of public approval. Are recommended by grateful users everywhere Ask your ncighbori pa sc |