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Show Patronize the Lions Dance - Rovoli, Saturday July 6 . The Duchesne: County Seat Gateway Newspaper Uintah Basin Covers ALL The Uintah Basin Volume 9 One Killed; Two Injured As Wreck Causes Second County Fatality f I I Paul Eldredge, about 29, of Salt a former Roosevelt Duresident, Monday became chesne countys second traffic fatality of the year, when he died in a of skull fracture received auto wreck Sunday morning at the Gee turn about 6 miles east of Duchesne. Mr. Eldredge died at 8 a. m. Monday at the Whitmore hospital in Roosevelt, about 24 hours after the accident. Two companions, William Collett, 26, and Reed Wardle, 24, also former Roosevelt residents, living in Salt Lake City, were severely injured but are reported as Mr. Collett received improving. broken ribs and sternum and numerous chest injuries; Mr. Wardle is suffering from severe lacerations and bruises. Caiwjd By Speeding Deputy Sheriff David Baum of Duchesne who investigated the accident, said the three were travelLake City, f I 4 ing from Salt Lake City to Roosevelt when the car with Mr. Eldredge at the wheel, left the highway at; the Gee turn, at 9:15 Sunday morning. The car rolled a distance of 138 feet after it left its wheels, Mr. Baum said, completely demolishing it. Mr. Baum blamed the accident to speeding. Collett Following the accident, and Wardle were taken to Roosevelt by passing motorists, while word was sent to Duchesne for first aid. Chester Lyman and Mrs. Hildur Johnstun responded to the call. Little could be done at the scene for Mr. Eldredge whose lower limbs were paralyzed, they said, and he was put on a stretcher and taken to Roosevelt in an improvised "Borrowed ambulance. From Car Lot The car, a 1936 LaSalle sedan, had been taken by Mr. Eldredge from a Salt Lake City used car lot where it had been placed for sale by a Salt Lake City physician, without the car lot operators (Continued On Page 8) Three Vernal Mr. residents, Slaugh, Mr. Baese and a former Miss Thompson whose married name was not known to the reporting officers escaped without serious injury when the car in which they were riding left tile highway in the twists about eight miles west of Vernal at 5 a. m. Monday morning. According to state highway patrolman Jack Young who inves- tigated, the car left the highway when the driver became tired and sleepy and collided with guard rails, completely dislodging two of the heavy posts. Though the car was badly demolished, the occupants escaped without serious injury. The injured were taken to Vernal where they received medical attention. BOYS WILL LEAVE SUNDAY FOR BOYS STATE Three Duchesne boys, Jack Barton, son of Mrs. Charles Barton, Keith Duke, son of Mrs. Jack Ode-kir- k and Wallace Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stephenson will leave Sunday for Camp Williams, to attend Boys State July 7th to 2 0 th, according Wilson, Com- mander of the Duchesne post of the American Legion. The are furnishing the transportation, and the boys will probably be taken out by Titus Jones and himself, Mr. Wilson stated. Various amounts were contributed toward the enrollment fees for the boys by the following organizations, Mr. Wilson said: B. P. W. Club, Duchesne P.-A., the T. DuCom- American Legion Auxiliary, chesne Lions club, Duchesne mercial club. The boys parents also contributed to their expenses. Mr. Wilson expressed gratification that with the assistance of Mrs. Mary Foster, president of the American Legion Auxiliary, sufPUBLIC UTILITIES ficient funds had been raised to send Duchesnes full quota of 3 SHOW INCREASE boys to the encampment this year. IN VALUATION of his He said he and the to tife."k the wish organization S. Bertell Bunker of the State various clubs for their support and Tax Commission wa3 in Duchesne contributions. this week to deliver and explain the asssessment roll which is taken care of by the state commis- Roosevelt Takes sion. All public utilities and rol- Duchesne ling stock which includes trans- In Net Tourney portation company equipment, etc. are assessed by the State Tax Bill Murdock of Duchesne vanCommission. his opponent James Hall quished valuation Mr. Bunker said the in the mens singles Roosevelt of inof this class of property hod tournament, but was creased from $287,000 In 1939 to of the tenni3 of one the Duchesne playthe only in$325,000 in 1940. Most of the win when the two score a to ers crease is represented iby the Moon towns competed at Duchesne last Lake Electric Companys property which includes the Rural Electri- Sunday. Jacqueline Gerry of Duchesne fication lines recently energized. was defeated 6 - 2 by Carmady This was assessed at $25,000. of Roosevelt in the girls Harmston was An increase of $10,000 singles. on the made in the assessment In the men's doubles, Harold Uintah Power and Light ComBell and Bill Murdock lost to Elmo panys property. Colton and James Hall two sets lAvrs Road Patrolmen Take Trip Through Basin L. L. Fryer and Leuten-an- t P. L. Dow of the state Highway Patrol accompanied by local Patrolman Jack Young made a trip through the Basin Monday and Tuesday. They said in Duchesne Tuesday they had no particular mission. Leutenant Dow has recently been apponted head of division 2 under the new reorganization of the highway patrol. Division 2 Is broken up into districts 4, 5, 6 and 7 of which Utah, Wasatch, Duchesne, Uintah and Daggett counties comprise district 4. Directly over district 4 will be either Sargent Elmer Loveless or L. A. Christensen, both of whom are now stationed at the district heodquarters in Provo. Eleven patrolmen will soon be added to the highway patrol, one of whom, It is hoped by local citizens, will be statloed in Duchesne Captain County. 6-- 0 and FINANCE MUSIC PROGRAM 6-- 2. ElJacqueline Gerry and Harold Wiscombe Helen to lost dredge and Elmo Colton in the mixed doubles with a score of 4 on the one set played. The matches were arranged by Howard Reynolds and Elden Wilkin, Roosevelt and Duchesne recreational leaders. The Duchesne junior softball team had a game scheduled with Roosevelt at Roosevelt 'Saturday find at 3 p. m. but were unable to Wil-cken a car to take them down, Mr. the to forfeit so had said, game. 6-- WEATHER REPORT E. f. Winslow Cooperative Observer Miss Nancy McGuire, 19, of Boston, Massachusetts, were seriously injured when their car overturned at Sand ridge about 14 miles west of Vernal. Miss Jeanette received fractured knee cap and ribs while her sister and friend received severe lacerations of the head, face and hands. Reed Cowan of Duchesne who arrived at the scene a few minutes after the accident at 9:15 Monday morning asisted by another motorist who arrived a few minutes after him, released the girls, who were pinned beneath their car, a convertible coupe, which had come to rest on its top after rolling over a couple of times and Mr. Cowan took the girls to Roosevelt where they were treated by Dr. L. Miles. He then took them on to Salt Lake Ctiy where they received further treatment at the Holy Cross hospital and then boarded a plane for Seattle early Tuesday morning. The Jahn girls are daughters of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Jahn of Seattle and were returning from Boston where they had attended college. Miss Katherine had just graduated and the car in which they were riding was a graduation present, the girls told Mr. Cowan. She became 21 the day of the accident, she said. Miss McGuire was taking a vacation trip with her friends. Mr. Cowan said the accident was probably the result of slippery roads, as it was raining at the time. Water Commission Makes Filings On Utah Streams Editors Note: State Engineer T. H. Humpherys In tlifc following statement .answers Inquiries of citizens, newspaper editors and groups as to reasons for water filings made in his office by th3 Utah Water Storage Commission and other state agencies, and withdrawing of streams from further appropriation. Outstanding among water ings made in the office fil- the the past of David II. Calder Vernal Businessman Enters Race For Congressman David H. Calder of Vernal, Utah, announces his candidacy for the Democratic nomination for congress in the First district at the forthcoming nominating pri- Utah. Native of Vernal Bom in Vernal 36 years ago, Mr. Calder was educated in the public schools of the community, Brigham Young university, the Utah State Agricultural college and the Iowa State college of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts in Ames, He was graduated from Iowa. the Utah State Agricultural college with a B. S. Degree in 1930 and later received an M. S. Degree from the Iowa institution. At the U.S.A.C. he was a member of the debating team and subsequently served as debating manager. In 1936 he was elected to the state house of representatives and during the session served as chairman of the highway committee. One of the most important bills Continued on Page 8 - Utah-Colorad- Only two previous filings have been recorded Floyd Case for commissioner on the Democratic ticket and Lyman Burdick for the same office on the Republican ticket. Mr. Young is just finishing a term as county commissioner and i3 chairman of the board and Mr. Stewart is completterm as couning his first The Duchesne Band Mothers voted to assess each member in order to finance the summer music program, at a meeting held 'Saturday in the library. Town members are asked to pay $3.00 and those living out of town who must transport their children to practice will pay $2.00, it wras decided. All assessments must be in the hands of the treasurer by July 20 when the next meeting will be held, it was stated. Last year, the school district paid part of the salary of the band masters in each school, but because of the heavy building program which has been carried on and additional building scheduled for the coming summer and fall, the board has deemed it impossible to finance the music programs this summer. No member at the Saturdays meeting was willing to let the program drop, feeling that the summer season is the time the band is most needed by the town and the band cannot play unless regular practice is maintained. Several Junior Band Mothers expressed their satisfaction with the progression uf the Junior band and felt assured that some of the junior students will be able to fill places in the senior band vacated by students who graduated last fall. The students enjoyed a swimming party at Lake Boreham last Saturday afternoon before the evening practice, and other trips and parties are planned for those students who attend the practices maries. Mr. Calder, member of a Uintah county family which has long been prominent in political, fcivic and business affairs of the Uintah Basin and the state, was formerly a member of the state legislature regularly. and is now vice president and general manager of the Calder Bros. Price Mayor Invites Creamery company, at Vernal At state engineer during year are several applications made by the Utah Water Storage commission to appropriate water from streams on which possible projects for storage and industrial purposes are being investigated. Reclamation Surveys The filings are made in order to protect the rights of the public Continue On aggainst speculators and nuis- Basin Project ance filings, and to insure that the water will be held for such Progress of investigaton of proprojects as are found to be feas- posed power and irrigation proible. jects on the Green river was reTo Be Assigned To Users ported to State Engineer T. H. In due time the wi r .will be Humpherys Monday by E. G. Nielsen, U. S. Bureau of Reclamation assigned to the water usel.'A will sponsor and pay for the pi o- engiiitcfd:- - charge of the Utah inbjects, where projects are found to vestigations, on his return from an be feasible. If no project is built inspection tour though the area. Continued on Page 8 The investigations.. echoing carvau ried out by the reclamationUtaZT in with the cooperation STEWART YOUNG, water storage commission. FILE FOR Mr. Nielsen reported that diamond drilling at the Echo Park REELECTION dam sight is under way and will inbe completed in about two weeks. Lyle Young of Bridgeland, cumbent, filed hi3 candidacy for The sight is located on the Green line. river near the Duchesne county commissioner, term on the Democratic tick- On completion at Echo Park the et and George Stewart of Roose- crew will go to Rattlesnake dam velt, incumbent, filed for county site located just above the conattorney on the Republican tick- fluence of the Price and Green et, Tuesday at the county clerks rivers. office. Three topographic parties, work- ty attorney. $2.00 BAND MOTHERS TO Enters Race Miss Katherine Jahn, 21, and her sister Jeanette, 20, of Seattle, Washington with their companion, Vernal Residents Injured In Auto Mishap ' to Ernest DUCHESNE, UTAH, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1940 Three Girls Escape Fatalities As Car. Capsizes Paul Eldredge Dies Of Skull Fracture; Two Companions Hurt As Car Leaves Highway At Gee Turn Near Duchesne Wreck Victims Are Former Residents Of Roosevelt To o ing under direction of H. E. Wilbert, assistant to Mr. Nielsen, will complete topographic surveys at The the Rattlesnake this week. three parties will then be transferred to the Cross mountain dam site on the Yampa river located east of Vernal in Colorado, Mr. The Yampa river Nielsen said. site is being planned for storage purposes and the Rattlesnake site as a power project. Attendance Robbers Roost Rodeo free-flowin- Duchesne School District Adopts Budget For Coming Fiscal Year Estimated Expenditures of $182,135 Include Debt Payments of $23,500 ; Levy Set At 14 Mills, Same As Last Year School Board Makes Decision Against Instruction Costs Total $98,330 In New Estimates Summer Band Work Participation in a summer band With the biggest item In the program was decided against in budget going to construction costs, the regular meeting of the board an estimated total of $98,350 the of education at Duchesne last Fri- 1940-4Duchesne county school Lack of sufficient district fiscal day evening. budget was adoptfunds and the fact that all stu- ed at the of the board at meeting dents in the district do not parti- the school offices evening. Friday cipate in the band program, were The total expendgiven as the reasons for the ne- itures for theanticipated year was set at gative vote. $182,135, of which $25,500 goes to Superintendent W. J. Bond, in payment of bonds and Interest laying the matter before the and, warrants for accrued teachboard, told the members that ers salaries over the summer Band Mother organizations and Mill Levy Unchanged civic clubs in Roosevelt, Duchesne and Tabiona would match district months. The mill levy was left the same funds, if the district would vote $100 each to the three band lead- as the previous year, at 14 mills, ers of these communities. This distributed as follows: Mainten would supply a little over two ance, 10 mills; building. 1 mill; months instruction for each of the Interest fund, 1 mill; sinking fund, three bands, the superintendent 2 mills. In the tentative budget submitted by Superintendent W. told the board. After considerable discussion, a 2J. Bond, he had recommended a mill levy for building purposes, Continued on Page 8 but this was reduced by the board to keep from Increasing the total L. D. 1 S. WELFARE LEADERS HOLD MEETING Apostle George Albert Smith of Salt Lake City and Sterling H. Nelson of the L. D. S. general g will be iminformal comradery nature in of the enterthe plicit tainment to be provided. We will be infinitely delighted to have you 12 and 13." with us on July of the Among the highlights program will be !kyeagle and Sunthe nation's finest beamIndian bow and acnv act, and whose Mr. and Mrs. Frank L' ! .u' trick roping-')riding, sparkling is in demand whip cracking act the entire rodeo circuit. t, LADY LIONS CARD PARTY INCREASES FUNDS Thirty-twguests enjoyed the card party In the Legion Chateau last Friday evening and added to the fund being raised by the Lady Lions to help entertain the state editors on July 13 and 14. Ernest Wilson of the American Legion contributed to the success of the party by screening the chateau against flies and mosquitoes. Pie and coffee were served and high score prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ernest Crocker and Jess Johnstun. Consolation prize was given Mrs. Fred Johnson. tracts. Matters of equalization acted at recent meetings trans- in Duchesne, Myton and Roosevelt were completed with the lowering of valuations on several pieces of property wblrh had been erroneously assessed and reeording the As usual, most of the commis- corrections on the county records. Included also In the business of sioners' time was devoted to the the putof thereby meeting was the appointment property, selling etal Life Insurance company; in- ting it back on the tax rolls, and of Ike Hamilton as constable of con- - Tabiona. terest on $62,000 to Zion's Saving taking care of time-payme- Number 50 welfare committee were principal speakers at Priesthood and welAn invitation to residents of fare meeting for the Duchesne Duchesne and, Uintah county to stake welfare board members and attend the annual Robbers Roost stake officers at Hanna SaturRoundup at Price on July 11, 12 day evening, and 13 was extended to the city Mr. Nelson asked xor reports administration this week by May- from the bishops of each ward on or J. Bracken Lee of Price. the produce being raised and disThrough the Duchesne city tributed to needy families, and council, Mayor Lee addressed the gave advice to welfare workers in following message to local citiout their program. carrying zens: On July 11, 12 and 13, Apostle Smith void of changes Roost Prices annual Robbers which have taken place in the BaRoundup will commemorate that vibrant pioneer era when was kin- sin since the first time he ever dled the flame of the state we visited it some fifty years ago. cherish today. Believing that all He also discussed the wefare proUtahns share in common from gram of the church. Members from Duchesne who atthat background a priceless heriand tage of independent thought and tended the meetng were; Mr. PorMrs. Mrs. Mr. and Elmer Bell, council feels Price action, the city that it is only fitting to invite ter Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn residents of Duchesne and sur- Casper, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. BarA1 White, John rounding communities to join with ton, Jim Oman, us in observing our fourth annual Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Clement, Golden Berrett, Mr, and western festival. Not only do we promise you Mrs. J. P. Madsen and Mrs. Rulon one of the wests outstanding ro- J. Larsen. Delicious refreshments were serdeos, but we also assure you that ved to all who attended the meetand lusty hospitality Duchesne 'Con nly Finances Are Good Duchesne county Is perhaps in the best financial condition in it3 and Trust Company and Interest on $1000 to L. A. Hollenbeck. Nothing more is due until January 1, 1911, and the money Is already on hand to meet these obligations, Mr. Goodrich said. Per Year In Advance ing. levy. Based on an assessed valuation of $3,200,000 the levy is expected to raise $44,800. Other sources of anticipated revenue Include the state district $69,950 from school fund; $30,500 from the state equalization fund; $12,500 from the uniform school fund, and other smaller items bringing the total revenue to $166,300. To meet anticipated expenses and a deficit carried over from the budget a tax anticipation loan Is Included to bring the tal receipts to $182,300: to- Anticipated Expenditures Main expenditure items in the budget are: General control; including salaries of superintendent, clerk, board members and office help and expenses, $7,250. Instruction; including salaries of teachers estimated at $90,000; salary of Primary supervisor, (Continued on Page 8) BROTHER OF IOKA WOMAN DIES ON BATTLEFRONT IOKA: Mrs. Thomas Gentry of Ioka received word that one of her brothers had been killed and another wounded. Both were In the British navy where they were serving with distinction and hon- or. Murdock Family Holds Reunion At Lukes Hot Pots Edgar Charles Brice was a petty officer on board the destroyer Ivanhoe. The ship was assisting the escape of the British troops at Dunkirk, in the vast embarkation when two German bombs were dropped, killing a number and badly damaging the boat, but it was able to escape to a home port. Barest details are available but the body was shipped to the Brice house at Canterbury. He is survived by his wife and a brother, John of England, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brice and three brothers of San Jaucinto, California and his sister, Mrs. Gentry of Ioka. The same letter carried the Information that John Brice, a seaman at Fitzroy was also wounded three hundred Approximately e members of the Murdock family gathered at Lukes Hot Pots at Midway last Saturday and Su.aday for their annual family reunion y Festivities included a dance nSht and dinner and proRock gram Sunday afternoon. Kirkham o 'Vashlngton, D. C., son of Oscar Kirkrm, Utah Scout excereecutive, acted a3 faster of Mr. Kirkm.gn, one of the monies. younger members of t,c Murdock clan, is also interested in Boy Scout work and carries o ut this activity in Washington. Relatives were present from alv- eral neighboring states as well as and is now in a British hospital. In Mrs. Gentry lost a brother Utah. weieV the World War, Duchesne from Attending Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lusty and Mr. j and Mrs. A. M. Murdock. LIONS PREPARE FOR sixty-fiv- Sat-nrda- Duchesne Visitors Hurt In Ohio Accident FISHING PARTY AT MOON LAKE Duchesne Lions and their lad- D. D. Withrow and his sister, ies are making plans this week s Mrs. V. L 'McLaughlin of West for their fishing parVirginia, who spent a week here ty to be staged at Moon Lake Sunwith Wm. H. Fitzwater and Mrs. day. All club members are exPre-Pres- Lawrence Pack were seriously in- pected to take their partners and jured in an automobile accident families to Moon Lake and make on their way home, according to a a clay of fishing and picnicking. wire received Tuosday by Mis. The results of the catches are Pack. The wire was sent by Mrs. to be put on ice to be served the Withrow who had been summoned following Saturday at the Utah to Columbus, Ohio, and did not State Press Association banquet, state details of the accident, but at the Moon Iake lodge. It will said Mr. Withrow and Mrs. Mc- take a limit for each member to Laughlin were in a hospital there feed the hungry editors and their in a scriour condition. n An air partners Pres. dent Roy A. mail letter Is expected soon. warned the member in reThe visitors left Duchesne last questing a full attendance on the Thursday to return home. outing Scho-nla- |