Show i I i 4 1 Metals liar Her r 53 12 IJ cents lenti c nt i plEAD 11 t lAD i II In ir r CASTU 14 U cents a e I Ib 1 BodIly p paIn in II low lo Ia Its terror If It youve youre a bottle of or Dr Thomas Thoma Electric Oil 01 In Inthe Inthe th the house houw hou Instant relief let in cases of burnt burns aunt Lurt cuts sprains accidents of ot any x PA iI TUR A Yr 1 S 2 to 0 m fECIA l S r ry y t X X t Assorted Buttercups 35 cents pet per pe pound JJ Y Y t Y Butterscotch 1 k 15 cents c nl pet per pe pound V V par w t 0 O oe Pilm forth ft I wv Mi tt tJ en ent n V t Is o l lAe Sedi 1 I Y S SI I 1 K Kolitz I I II 1 CO 60 9 and nd StaIn Main n SI Tel lei 4 c x I or at YUM quickly quick to the wonderful curative and qualities of Kolev Iole Honey lonc and Tar It prevents pneumonia and ani comm cnn COl from a hard cold settled on the lunis Bold by J Dru to eo so BEST BOOKS March 11 n roll to the records of nil 01 book booksellers booksellers sellers the tho six mix books which have hl ve sold oll best In the tile order of demand during the tho month arc are arcI 1 I The Pit Norris 60 2 The rhe Virginian Wister Wisler 3 Letters of ot a 1 Mer Merchant chant client to Ills His Js Son Lorimer 4 Mr Mrs Ir of the Cabbage Patch LOO LOOD 6 D The Leopards s SpoOl Dixon 10 6 G The llie Spenders Wilson Wison We have them and anti alithe althe latest pop popular i ular books of the thc da lay T NI WS DOOt STORE C G Main oin St The new net Irrigation Law Ia In pamphlet form torm only lOc at tho the Deseret News nook Hook Store Storo REDUCED RATES EAST Mi via b ocean Short shor Tickets will be b sold May and Ild and aull JUI ItO Hh Oth and to lo Den Ien Denver ver Chicago St Loul Ioui HIer St f Paul many IMI outer eastern points Return limit September Full Iuli particulars from agents City Ticket Main street Cooperative Savings THE WESTERN WESTER LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY Guarantees four per cent Interest on 01 deposits with participation In profits In OX ts cf or that amount Profits hav liast ha been renter than tour four our per cent In the tile past They frenter future Vho wilt will wi be greater greaten than titan that thaI In tho the Established I 1192 1592 Assets u ta January 1 I 1903 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS P W 1 Madsen lal en President 1 J 3 D n 1 Toronto oronto Vice President A H fl J Cashier Joltn T White Richard W Madsen ladsen William K I Armstrong Armsrong Directors 49 East First South r K O DESKS and OFFICE An especially tine fine stock k just jutt ju re reo received ct DESKS ALL LL SIZES I SPECIAL SPECIA L PRICES I HARRIS FURNITURE CARPET HOUSE DOUSE S B State St at I The New Kew State Oun Gun Club a n organized under the time lavt J of ot the tho of ot Utah Location of or principal plAce of ot business Salt Sai Lake City CI State of ot Utah NOTICE Is U hereby horeb given clvin that at It n a meet meeting lag ing Int of at the Trustees held neld on the nth day dayot of ot March IM 1900 1 an nn of ot 1004 00 per share was 8 levied on the capital stock stolk of oC tho the corporation payable on or before the tho mh day la of ot Ma May a 19 I to the at lit It Salt Lake Lako City CI Utah nab 40 Main Bt hit lt Any An stock toek upon which this OM assessment muy 11 remain unpaid on the saId paid day of May In will wi be delinquent d and ami ad for sale rale nt at fl public uble auction anti and unless nl u payment li is mK e before will I bo be bosold besold sold soll on the tho ito lOth day of ot June 13 1903 19 to pay pa pathe the delinquent assessment together with wih the coat cost of ot advertising and expenses of ot sale 0 O C Secretary 16 Q a St Bt NOTICE Notice Is hereby gIven Riven Ilven that there will b a meeting of oJ the members member of ot Tho The Corporation of or the Members of at the Church of ot Jesus JUIS Christ ot of o Saints re rt Hiding 1411 In the Eighteenth Ecclesiastical l Ward of ot the Salt Lake Ika Stake of or Zion Ion IonIn In 11 the County Count of Salt Bai Lake tind ld nd State of Utah tal nt al t tho the Meeting House of sold mild Ward Wardon on Tuesday the lUl day of ct 11 Me Muy 1 at 7 73 p ra to for tor tho the e of ot authorizing tho of or Directors Director of ot MM ulti Corporation to 10 transfer the tho legal title to tilt nil ni th the real property belonging to said Raid Corporation to on P 1 Whitney Bish Bishop op rip nf or the Eighteenth Ward Vard ot or the Church of or Jesus JOUI Christ of Saints In Inthe Inthe Inthe the County of ot Salt Bait Lake oke and anti State of ot Utah Dated AprIl 11 itOl Date Avri J 1 WHITNEY President of said sal Corporation John A Evans Secretary T NOTICE Notice Is ta hereby given Riven that nt at n n a I meeting of o the Boam d of or Directors Director of ot the tho River RiversIde sIde Ido Canal Company ny held at al the tha ore of ot tho tito Company 1 da March Mach 27 2 1993 1 3 an of one dollar and amid ald fifty OUy cents 11 W per pen share was WI levied upon the out outstanding standing 10 capital stock of ot the th Company payable p immediately Immediate to the th Treasurer John 14 north Main 1 l 1 street Salt Lake City flab Any stock tolk upon Un which tills this assessment shall hal remain un on unpaid unpaId paid on the lit 1st lt day ay of May l 19 shall b be delinquent and If not raid patti be before Ie before fore tore will 1 be sold lid on the lUh Uh day of ot June ot at public auction at 1 odor p m of Ot Otal o saId ald al day to pay said delinquent assess Alen assessment m ment nt together to with the cost 01 of ot adrUs In ing and the he expense ot of sale JOHN L L I Secretary Riverside Canal Company tarch il 1 14 Date of at publication pUll atoD rc if 1 I C EKS ITTLE IVER PIUS SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by rills Pills They als relieve Distress from rein Dyspepsia Indigestion and Too 10 Hearty He Eating A per perfect pr remedy for lor Nausea Drowsiness nets ness In the Mouth Coaled Tongue Pain rai In la the Side TORPID LIVER They he Regulate the Dowels Bowels Dowes Purely Pul Vegetable Small Smal Pill Pi Small Smal Doso Small Smal Price THE STATE BANK OF UTAH SALT BALT LAKE I JJ CITY CIT Joseph F P Smith President Win Wi B D Preston Vice President Charles S Cashier henry T McKan an Assistant Heber Keber J Grant Hober leber M 51 Wells Welli Joseph 10 F P Byron Dyron Uro Cites Chu S horton Hurton James U P Murdock Wm B D Preston l Isaac haae A W Canaan Carlson Banking In alt all ni its Iti It branches Account Solicited Special Attention Given OLven n to Country Countr Trade TradeL TradeL L 14 S Hills f i President nt Mo Moses L ts Thatcher Vice lr II It 1 S U Young Cashier U 8 B DEPOSITORY DESERET NATIONAL BANK Salt Bait Lake City Utah Utah C pla I O Surplus 13 i s Q Safety Deposit for tor or Ret Rent B H BANKER SALT HALT LAKE JAKE CITY UTAH Five Per Cent Interest posits ts paid on time de di deposits de 23 2 Main Miln Street tt Coop CO 00 BANKERS SALT LAKE LIt CITY UTAH Established 1173 un NATIONAL BANK BAUK OF THE REPUBLIC U S B DEPOSITORY Knox President Get Geo o A Lowe Vice President W K 1 Adams Cashier Capital Paid laId In II 3 Ranking In alt all al Its Us branches transacted Exchanges drawn on the principal cities clUes of or paid patti on time lime deposits Th Tb DESERET SAVINGS BANK RECTORS DIRECTORS Di W v W cv V hItter Iter Moses MOlea Thatcher Vice leo President la A Smith Cashier James Jamea Sharp John Joll R n Barnes Dinu John Joll C Cutler Cuter David Dald A W Carlson Calon Geo Oeo J R It Winder E H R 11 H Reed Heed Smoot Smoot W F James Four our Per ler Cent Interest Paid r d on Saving Savings COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BANK DANK Capital Paid In SO Inh In all Ito ita Ia Branches DIU S Joau j j lu ha i v u w vury Moylan 0 O KOI loz oz w V I 1 Noble lion 10 M I 1 John lota A A I P J U 11 I J t E t Capital fully tully paid 7 WALKER BROS Q J CANKERS SAN KERS Established iio gait lt Lake City Olty Utah Ut b Incorporated 1003 Transact a General Ranking Bunking Safety DepOSit lopol for noat oat WELLS FARGO FAROD GO CO BANK Salt Bai Lake Lair City Cly Utah Established 1557 1137 Capital gaB pUl up J Surplus und and 1 undivided Noll Ios m Transacts a General Banking DRAFTS ISSUED on all al prominent cit el elIt lee Ics It of or the United Statu Europe As Aa Africa Australia and the rest rUI of at th the world Homer S King Kins President lr H U L L Miller MIr Cashier Jno Jao E Miles ILlicit Ue Arst Aut Cashier R C 0 DUN CO The Mercantile Agency George Geora Rust General Manager Manacor Utah Utah UIo and Wyoming In Progress Salt Bat Lake Laki L City Utah t tC C P HELD 6 CO Fire Insurance M CS L Main St Annual Statement for tor the year ending December 31 1002 1 of ot the tho condition of ot the tho SUN INSURANCE OFFICE The Name anti and Location of ot the Company Compan Sun Insurance o I ct London Eng Ing land Name of t I 8 R Mana J Guile oun II tl Pine SL St New York City Uty N X Y V The amount of ot Us Its Is assets U 2 The me amount of ot Its Is liabilities including capital U is I 0 The amount of 0 Its Is Income dur during ur ing In the preceding calendar year car 97 57 The amount of ot Its 11 expenditures during tho the preceding calendar eale ar arar year ar The Thc amount of ot losses paul paid Inn dur during JurIng InnIng ing the preceding peeing calendar year car 1901 The Tho amount of ot risks written during the year The amount of ot risks rIsk In force at atthe atthe atthe the end of ot the thc year State of ot Utah Office of ot the tho Secretary ot of State s sI u sit ut I t James Jamol T Hammond Secretary of ot State of ot the state of ot Utah do hereby certify Ctt that the above named Insurance Company has hi tiled fed In ray tny m office a 1 detailed Statement of or Its It condition from which the foregoing statement bas bait ba been hen pro pre prepared pared tare ared and that the said raid company hiss has ha pe petare In Inan all an other respect rl ct complied compiled with the laws la of the State relating to Insurance In Testimony Whereof I 1 liar have hereunto m Ut I t my hand and affixed the tho great SEAL 81 seal eal of ot the State of r Itah this ith th duy day of ot April Apri A D 1 1 ia J 1 T P HAMMOND Secretary of ot State Tulle Time toe Table I In 1 1908 ARRIVE From Prom Ogden OR W Stilt Bun Hal l und Omaha nute nm Pr m una Intermediate points m Prom Front Nephi N und and Intermediate poInts point 03 am nm am From 1 Ogden Cliche Cucho Valley Chi Citi Chicane cane cago cao Bt St It Louis Omaha lIen Den Denver Del von ver v r naIl anil 1111 Intermediate poInts 1201 pm Prom Pram Chicago O Bt lit Louis LUis lul ua r nl ty Omaha Denver und and Salt Hun Ian 40 pm From Ibid mind pm From Promo Tintic Mercur Pro Provo Io IoVA vo ye and nn Mantl 5 pm pat From Irom Cache Ban hiatt Francisco eo SIO pm For Por Ogden Osden Omaha 01 1 hl Chicago Danver Denver Kantian City Cl und mid Hi hit Louis am nm For Mercur and Mantl ain Fur Tor I or Garfield und and Terminus tun am For Oslen Hutte lute Helena Port Portland loud land San Ban Francisco and hl r points mInts For Ogden Omaha Chicago Deliver Kansas J an as City el St Louis Loul anti anil Sun San Francisco 12 1290 11 pta For Fu Ogden Cacho Cache Volley Voile Vale Den vcr Kansas City el LIt Omaha Bt St ft Lou lull Loula la and Chicago vm pin For or Mil font Cull Call Cul rates entel and ant Intermediate points 60 pm For Ogden Cache Cacho Valley tulley ule Bute Portland San Sai Francis FrancisCo Franciseo eo Co 10 IntermedIate points 1 atm Rm T F M Act Mgr Mfr D U K E 0 U P T P A AD AD AD 1 D S 8 SP A 0 O 3 r T r A City Cuy Ticket OC Main Street Telephone 20 Dully Dally except Sunday JD G NDE D W iRN I Current Curent Table LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY No Grand Junction Den Denver Denver ver vet and Ind points list east 01 nm No J For Junction and nil all ni points cast pm m No Iio 0 4 10 Junction and u all al points east a pm pl No 0 Iehl Lehi Pro Provo vo o 0 Mantl Manti r anti unu Intermediate lel 80 01 em No 0 S SI For or and nil ni Intermediate 60 pm No o 11 1101 For Ogden n and all ull Inter Ilter points pm No 3 For Ogden Ind tha pm Isu Nu u and the west 1250 W pm No Nu o f For lor Ogden O den antI tho the west Wet Wnm nm No Ito lark Jark City Cly 11 am lm ARRIVE ARRIVO SALT LAKE tAi CITI 9 I No Ogden and ant all al In Intermediate points O tm No NI i From Fromn Grand June Junc Junction lm tion ton and tho runt oust D am No 1 From Provo Grand Orand Junc June Junction halt tion the th oust omit 1231 1233 12 pm No 3 Grand Junc June Junction tion and an tho the east cast 1050 pm pl pm No 9 From Irom roo Hingham l Marysvale Mantl He lie le leer her er and an Intermediate point 60 pm No 0 Ogden Osden anti and time the tl west 2 am amNo No 2 From rol Old n anti the thc west 3 pm No 4 From Ogden the thu west SU 81 pm No N 7 From Eureka Provo anti and Intermediate points 1000 am nm amNo amNo No Park lark City CI Cit 61 51 pm Perfect cUllIng car service Sleeping cars to Chicago Chiago without change t Office West Second South corner Phone 2 I Easy I Traveling If I youre going cast east bet bd better better t ter tel write me ate Ive Ive been beers In the passenger business twenty years flur and I 1 know knol about traveling Ive Ive got It I t and ami iou can enl give you 00 some wont i help In Iii ways tays nYI that occur to you ou Write rIto mo tIle Remember tIme the Hurling ton Ion Is lit the short line from Denver Doner to nil all ni the Ka l Eat at t Solid Sold trains to Omaha Chicago St Joseph Kan Nan Kansas sas 21 City ly St hit Louis TICKETS 79 W Second South Sired R F Gen Agent A ent II Sill Salt SIl take lkc City r i PM SHORT HORT LINE TO ST LOUIS Through car clr Salt SAi Lake Lako City to te tf Bt St on touts Loui and City Only III hange to New York Buffalo and pela points point pint east low rates rate for or turn um IU ummer mer mner travel Especial attention to ladles ladies and chil dl children dren a Iren Tourist sleepers through to tG Chicago Bonton and other oher points point without TWO TO TRAINS DAILY Inquire at It ticket office Doely Doel lok Halt Bait Lake City Cly Any Information Inton tion cheerfully given riven Iven H C TOWNSEND O U a I 1 P U Me X A A 1 Pacino LOUIS La LOUISMe C A TEl D a P r X J A Missouri Fac y 1 te City CUr Utah Uth HOUSE CLEANING Good flood Mn The National Cleaning Co Ca ill 11 South StaIn Mat Et St TV Wa Wax I rio Furniture polished Will Wall Vapor T Tho he Overland TAKE Limited LimIt VIA It ad adI I 0 t tS a For THE EA 51 TUIS IS i Till NIN u aM hl FR nUt TJI T and all IS Draw b t al O I C Sett a I Can A I or ent time r hooks tory lr t mu folders i r nul ii I Main n St Salt Ball lake City k Orne i iT T Lots Lotsof of People Who aro g I careful tilIng about t to th 1 IN t 1 of lit pas ln East l noli I ull Ip he rd II r lIn an 1 r rest restI st e 1 e you the tI h t ean nil II all of thene t e eie com tn o No Cal matter where 1 you K o arc rda gg nt t a us talk It over with you youK K I Drake Drak D I P 1 A to Ito 10 W v Stand Second S n South St 81 Salt Sail Lake City Utah leo Oeo A DILle I P A Salt Snit Lake Laks HAL S 5 CRAY CRA Y Gen Con Denver Colo Cob heres no Better Belter teico 8 Than that via the 4 From Prom Kansas City Saint Louis and ind Memphis to te points In the South South Southeast Southeast east aud Southwest The TSie Sout Leaving Kansas City at ut P M Ill I daily will take you ou to Springfield Mem dem Memphis demphis Birmingham Atlanta Jacksonville and all points in its the Southeast For Por detailed information apply to toG toG toG G W MARTIN GENERAL WESTERN AGENT 1106 ST Sr DENVER COLO II UTAH UT AH All FUEL ruEL COMPANY c I Miner Mine and aed nd Producer of at atI I Utah Coal and CoKe Cole Alto Alco dealerS deaden In ANTHRACITE I AND BLACKSMITH COAt COAL Wholesale omee i Room Dool M 61 I RETAIL DEPARTMENT DEIA 73 Main 81 St D 1 SItAR Agent Arent Telephone m 4 City cw Joseph E T Taylor PIONEER UNDERTAKER Ot Of Utah da day 1 Dj hi Ib 11 acri i blocks Iii of |