Show THAT ThAI A l A undertakes to mild mildly ly Iy apologue apologize In behalf of ot the German for tor the Intended expulsion of or the A from that country county Jh h th lie view I of ot that contemporary the th i tact fact that these ate me Saints appears to be a n 1 valid aiM reason for any y kind of at annoy once The Tb state religion In itt Prussia vi we are ore told lold 18 is Lutheran and conse minIsters of ut other religions an Oft be prevented rum ti uri on any pro In this tills country COUll h we du do donot not nut undertake to My aay IR that oe olie form 1 right And other lire ure wrong iong In they du do to jo declare flint that Inh nil all the It Is saul said With regard to tile the religions In lii Irus lrus PIE ria It ft is II well ell II known that the official hurh li ti a kind of at union of the two large bodIes hod Ie the Lutheran and anil the lint Hilt besides there the there thee ne Oe Old Lutherans and CM Oil Jews and some dl audi sudi an III Methodists etc ett The Catholics receive support from train the time state stale just justus justIS ui us the state tate church The dissenters arn arii K granted charters of ot Incorporation tion and this thu secures them a n measure or of So Su much for tor time he lion that a country with u a I state church Is Justin d in expelling the tha of If IC any unpopular denomination A gus goy gu gust t that the peoples money to three different anti and charters to n it l of ut toots seats mutt must have l for nn on ex IX expulsion order a n particular sect HECt and If IC J these reasons do not exist the order l I Ii arbitrary mind and must lu lie dianne ox as culon have nn an m that tho the mission slon arlen encourage emigration and pon IO sibly lint hat to Is d t to when It la Is said fluid that Hint the Mormons are oro propagating a faith alUm Incompatible with the tue of at atthe the ute It If so fJ It would be Well to enlighten tile tho on that point The llie Mormons do not encourage Im Immigration migration They even cn warn against It Itan ItIs an ste can cun be bo Abundantly proved And as regard regards polygamy the Mormons nov nev never ne ner er cc r did teach anybody to practise that form ot of marriage In any foreign coun coon country try where It Is It forbidden by b law In w There U lie consequently ron no more maIO reason for tor the tho expulsion of Mormon mUI n na nalee r lee lea than there would be 10 for tor the expulsion rica Ion of at or Moravian Brethren These too tOt were one once On tin thi ground that their teachings wore were dan tiami dangerous to the state Were the th secret moth motives en of at the order ardor known It would In III all nil probability b be Je found tint Is at tho the bottom of ot It II t Judging ut of ot a n portion of or the press there Is a 1 strong sentiment In parts arts of Germany Jermany anti and It would not be b strange trun if It this were given vent In lit title this manner I lIu UK no matter mattor The rho expulsion order viii not nol accomplish the overthrow of tho the Church In Germany On II the time contrary It will grow become stronger Something must bo lio done nil all time the time limits to 10 place the truth tru th before tho the world In order ollIer that It may become known Anil this title IH is undoubted undoubtedly ly Iy one of ot the thu Incidents through which It 11 will become better throughout the Herman German empire In III tho the meantime the German govern goern government meat ment should not entertain the Idea that It its action In lit this matter gain gaina un undivided divided admiration and applause In III this country countr The fhe enlightened public opinion here places lilaces the right estimate upon the measure The SRn Sami Call of at April 27 j for fut Instance says anys edl edi editorially While all countries are denying to China the to exclude It Is III interesting Inter that Germany ermany claims the right to expel the Mormon mission mIssionaries arles aries who ho are working In that country There Titers are art American Mormon mute mil missionaries now no working among tho the Ger Oer Germans mans and the tIme Kaiser orders order them all nil to leave using the lie of the tue I kingdom of ot and of time the Grand Oranti Duch tuch of ot Mecklenburg as al Instruments of or the expulsion The reason given Is III that the Mor Mormon mon mOil are propagating a faith that Is Ic In tn Incompatible Incompatible compatible with the time laws law of ot time the state Out nut In this country time till Mormons are Ire and lind excerpt except as II to polygamy there M It no at opposition to their creed ex cx except Pt such aUdi KM RII originates In the Ihl prejudice of or all religious sects eerie against each fORCh other Their essential declaration lion of or faith Is III not riot held to be inconsistent lIh good gOOl gOOlAm American Am Hut But tier ler lastly holds holde hall that public author It 1 l i III endangered n mv my permitting to 10 b be preached China held the same earns position as to toI thi I h I Iman missionaries who pane pene penetrated d the middle kingdom but Ger Gerin in loon in Willi u ready nady to follow tollo them with an anui anI ui II I in Oh lint support their preaching by Ii Will ur Just Juat why China Chin has hili ices leni 1 In ii It to missionaries than th has hall tt If is I not explained There Is III every ever that us U preached by the Ih Herman German and other mis mill missionaries Is I destructive of or this the th ItI au Cu of ot the Ute Chinese government and andt Ut t the western nations nation deny demmy to 10 the to protect herself from strung strange doctrines dO There may be sonic some Interesting di III diplomatic exchanges and ana M Inquiries over oer thIs expulsion of or A merl merles es e c missionaries from fr m Germany ormin That Is III an opinion from an and which is I very ery largely I held beld beldIn In this country where discrimination erds Is II a Inquired in only b by religious |