Show mm W ARO WILL VISIT THE TUE POPE Afternoon tho English King Goes to the Vatican IS GLAD OLAD TO It BE HI IN ROME HOm lc rr Ho lie Ibis A tp tl of ul Vult lm h lle d dOf Of II HI Ml LOlli April l no nc t ned lied by J Gen Gon en represent j rf 11 Vitor Emmanuel 1 e eby es ee esI I by toy a n brilliant army of at t the tire today toda and dc lIe lIeP dep P wreaths on ull the tombs of or King Klim Kin KinI KingS S I I anti and King 11 hour urn bt bi ils is majesty titan then enjoyed a n long lu dm trough the tire city lire Tho crowds cc acclaimed the visiting so I II I dward received the tIre diplomatic I I I relatives rei In Home In III iris his own I W liP its In iii tire till He lie was wasIM I II I IM Fit I by tire the ambassador I ail nn k hands s amid spoke lot liy i iI 1111 t I foreign representative To fo ToI 1 hates tates Ambassador Meyer his iris ml Inc aId I 1 have brave taken pleasure I nt n II a the Prince of ot head hood I It if t oily fair commission T To 1 l Meyer replied that hat such n a I orn It and atril honor trotter as much MI ap I ir et n i America WI received I he tire day Iris his majesty said I 1 Im till m fl j I I be bo In III in Italy 1111 It and he III added I mit J I especially I in iii Home HOllie le u e words worda while they have hue I eat ent satisfaction ha 0 been holl much on Oil III in arid and deB eles King xing also ie to C lie he bonds existing between Ital heat hat t turn anti and the time king of at Italy drove afternoon to tu the Ihl Coliseum nIl art lIua the Ih Forum anti and of ot Victor VI Emmanuel King if i i I P d expressed e l his Iris great glent nil nd i i what he ho saw Haw they i II s he two tso kings a were loudly received u tt continuous ova om ovar tiomi tlonA A con cou II at t which winch lOi 10 I covers r In IS hold held tonight to II a tea tou posed b by tire the king ot of Italy King said L car UfO u you sire that U 11 t has hM been t een ver vel to 10 COme to Home i bavo hn flint the merit of at f tol ni al amity that lure hUll so NO tong Ions existed een our countrIes wm wilt nuver I Si el nIl ad having these great ol oh jets Jells WF we I advance JM nce tire the 1 path and progress WI We hal have loyed ourselves at nt lire Ow Carrie ame tint the of or ersal pet pel It jt Is a riot ot long Iong ago that wo WI toUgh tou h by side anti though I have 1111 coat coni I e lint another occasion for tor this vlot r rot lOt urse urise i Am am mat wo we tt ways Iway be hI fr n 1111 IR Is for tor the Iha cause cau e of II m arid as nil ns liS for tin tIlt good and pros pro of ot a 0 Thanking you ou foi for tire the warm ome omne given Kven mae lle upon ni my arrival by und rind your our which I shall nl ne rOI forget rl I 1 drink to the Ire Of tf I i Ih I t 1111 nf or UL e I 1111 UL e I I I hUng 1 wilt will go to t Starting from the ass as ire hE will lii ull alight hl nt at time the court of at Dumas In Iii the where ire hI w e received by nore lIl lett rooter ot of the he chamber till The will renoir render royal roal honors to th Ills leti IEtI will I oct King to 10 tire the here Cag mao Inno do de A tire the popes moJor domo ml II b by prelates and high dignitaries Ill re holy see with will greet reet tire the reign ICing will vili hero be by tire the major domo to the nt ae apartments ot of the POPe POPl and amid no will uti bt be present at tire tha he be m ii the and ond tire the British When tire Iho opened todDY today D 13 hen herl made mado n a short I speech In hoh lie Ire wild saul PI lie lied had tho tire honor 11 of Ut assisting at the tire arrival In iii Homo Home of ot tire tho king kin of at I lanil arid anil of i iris his majesty majest the greeting of oC the tire chamber timid mid UK Its thanks a for far or tho tIre visit paid tu to Italy to soY sov sovereign antI to 10 tho the city of Homo He lie HeW W WItH Will H certain lio he lit ell tire the sentiments of Ir f tho th Ito chamber In Its 19 tUrns to tin th tim of or u it 1 gr it amid friendly loll In the tire 9 lt ely with itil tho 1110 hO people JI Th J deputies listened t 16 e lid Ito d dIle Tile Ile grand mill h hea trios perform performance since ance 01 of tonight in of King hing ltd BI word ward wu was by try iho he I Kings of ot Ita Italy ly I ii and heat Cheat hr r prince members of the tire lir tl corps and ruin court he ire cute 1110 of lit nf Homan society Tho Tue hounS presented a II brilliant bril limIt spectacle In addition to 10 the tire en Ill enRio Rio r stUff Staff of tIre the embassy those thins Moyer sister liter of My Meyer r Mr 11 ant Mrs Cornelius Lady Her lIel Herbert bert sister of or Mr Ir and nuri Miss Alice HH ht I Nell York loik ian Fatally Hurl I I irmi Chicago April 29 cause couse of at to U l W V 81 Si cads ollila n it 1 Now York traveling ItO ho o died diet lit rot tIre tin county count 1 I Is 18 being by b the police wan wad for foil Ii I on one tire the stone atone steps of Ire he e Trust company bunk early n mr I lire Iha hi morning He lie was 11 suffering from front skull skuli Mr Ir brad Oen i en a n guest ut at tire the Groat Gront Northern hI h 1 slIme since April 23 3 whore for tor some seine v I known reason he ire registered ns nl K g Ii H It Is still mil t formerly ns eon con with whir tine tho ih I hi IRO ige board of or trade When Viren ho moved t II New lew York ire he en err Into a 1 with a to hick blok Him firma In Wall meet for fill Outline Guthrie pill 29 Associate Justice has nn mimi taint decIsion rig ilK the of ot guardians for foi diane dUmi to prevent them tram front of their mooney money ns as n they please Num null ins such guardians have lunoe Peon boon appoint for the Ihl I Cheyenne Indians Hille IrWin irIn has die I missed nil nl such much h ir hl Ing them to be Lip JI 11 locally In otilee d U prohibiting the jotter courts In tl ci future Inter f Alth the tire then private II n nua n ua tin cos UlI St rik Now Not York tine the con contractors cont tractors t tore fore Friday mom liiK trig OOOO labor employed on the tire subway and arid In PO c 0 excavations for tor buildings In in a Oren red Now Nell ew York iii lay down their pick enrol shovels At t n a meeting of ot the tire tractors Protective last r 1 itt ht no nn decision lon was amid It vs s a said salol that another meeting would n mr be held before May 1 tire the limit hunt of tin n II sot set by br the work workmen men for tor an nn r to Iti ultima ultimatum turn tum More trait than M P 11 rent edit of ot the tire mon area cm om ore nrc hlll I aird sty aw ot of threat them can cun speak lang I The Ia say that they tire c Ie IC Into this iris country under tire sy Tr laborers t a uniform pay for nl all hl receive nt at pres present ent I a 11 day accord lag to ski arid tire the ot of the itt III tIre the ver Ner part of at tart tan The men I 2 n a till for M O n a day for tal rook rock work wurl Tire fillY entry that the scale the men ti II arid th tirey to ny mien who ad neter seen seln n a tirey are paying experienced men Inert Tire ore tire ll might ht to tn tiny tire the labo ialo in fI according to their skill Tire rhe laborers 1 want n a day ot f eight hours Tins This tin refuse to 10 grant It e to carry carryout out their conti on 11 they say It they agreed to all an e a hour thour day |