Show UTAH SONG BIRD RETURNS HOME Miss Emma Ramsey and Brother Lewis Lois Arrive Arrivo From Europe WILL TO l TONIGHT TON WIT 1 III Visit vidt hi tier Her ler leollo and aUl heat nul for u a While Alter or Mio sho III 1 Ito Ilo 10 Heard leRr III II Hall laU Lake Lalu I Miss Mis MI Emma 11 sey ey of ot Provo Iro re ms reo turned tur fd this from a three thre and anda a n half halt years In where rite die he has hns pursuing liar her hiI musical and nual III returns home hOle not merely n a II vocalist olst but hul a wul wull ul thoroughly grounded In the ns as ni well wel as tho purely artistic ntH of or her tier IJ 10 f I 0 I Miss Homs y will wi lest resl quietly julcUy for tor two or at 0 three wt ks visiting with friends In title this city ety and 0 lul wl will then theli show th public to what purpose she has hi I I hat itoi ho gl time while hll abroad r C J 1 J will wi be MISS ills IM Willie elm remains lere and amid In his hIl abilities as 11 n it 1 conceit inductor site she tho hns Idis 1115 Justly lu ho greatest She SM however rather ex cx letts tint that In iii II time the full sho shu may 11 lull return to nn I there timers alI niu a Il concert cn en el H waiting awaiting I her there ther gal cbs hc he has hal hl made unade ad such an all 11 excellent Impression jon sion Miss Ramsey studied piano In title thin co wih Prots anti An Anton Al ton lel C a Lund and Vocal culture with wih Mrs Irs DeM Knappen J before goIng abroad antI anil while In n stud led vocally al I I li I Frau Von Aon YOI Mimic Corell and all Herr Horr lerr Schultte tte Ii of ot the Hoyal She Sho stud led lul harmony halmony under Herr lerr piano In lie tho VIi Then rh hen n tho tw Ito fair student went to Palls Pails hero site nhe studied vocally olly under tinder Mon Mons of or the French Kiench I academy tio nu It will wi IlI be seen Ilen that Miss Mils tins hits his hind hOl the best b st of ot Instruction In iii nil all of ot music und Ind Is well wel equipped to take a I In Iii any Ameri American can attn el Institution Her lEer voice Is la n a I dat tr soprano with a l rouge range l of oC OIry octaves her lowest note being V P She hits u ii wide acquaintance with musical clasie While In II New York Miss Ramsey sang for fOI and Mumford of or the Musical Courier both critics well wel known knowl In II as well wel ns tin In title this country und and they expressed themselves ns os delighted with her voice ole In II Cities Chica Chicago go MIH Ramsey sung fung In concert In ifs Kent under tinder the auspices of Prof Proto Jones JOles of at ChIcago university city sity IVI ad was wa very ery received Miss Ill Ramsey Hamsey remarked this noun noon 1011 that I the lie art of or the united States Stute Ws S rapid rapidly ly Iy rising to the tle status obtained In iii II Europe but for fat some years fellS yet et It I would be e necessary for American students to tl study abroad In o Ite I to 10 0 acquire that polish thAt can mn come cattle cOle only from roust a n thoroughly musical atmosphere More Moreover Moreover ore over Oer there are nIl specialties In the var various nr ious 1015 loul branches of the profession that can cnn only ottly on I be le profitably stud led by y residence In foreign musical circlet Mis 1181 Ramsey Halsey attended the concerts In II nil all al of the time great Iut operatic con conceit ami and performances In tho the German ermul capital and Ind these supplement supplemented ed cd by hy n a similar experience In Iii u Paris have given title this fortunate young n a I most enviable equipment for Cor her lifes Iel work Miss IRS Ramsey hits has n a charming list IB Is the Iho most en be lie cause CU l unaffected by b In fin assumption of oC affectation Ir or 01 in the vernacular of ot the day nho Rho dues does nut put on 00 nn an air i will wil make of or her Item n a greater favorite with whit the Her many friends In this isis state stute will 1 be bl very er glad when the time tle comes Otnes when ilien she site Is to 10 appear before u a local luca I public pu Miss Ramsey Is accompanied by ly her I brother Lewis who has hal been ben studying art In itt Paris for tor the past pst two years Several SIerl of ot his hla brush blush productions have havo been accepted by I the tue St it Jullen Julien emny 11 anti and are ore said to bo ito hI works of or high merit Mr and Miss Ramsey go to tonight |