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Show Sunday, February PRESIDENTS or STORES ATT THE HERALD, Provo, Utah, 16, 1992 DAY jViNTA3f 1- lJVl TXj Y.jVI. -4 ' ' , 1 " Men's Basics At 17.99 broadcloth dress shirts A. Reg. S24 65 polyester35 sleeves. blue, pink or ecru: long Short-sleev- e styles Reg. S23 Easy-car- e Van cotton styles in white, 15.99 Entire stock of Jockey1 underwear Heusen button down oxfords C. Reg. S27 Van Heusen long-sleev- e button down oxfords in white, blue, pink or ecru. Reg. 824 Short-sleev- off 25 19.99 Van Heusen1 Prices Stock-U-p e styles 17.99 and patterns in great selection of styles, colors Men's Furnishings. Just an example: dots. paisleys Reg. 8.50 Fashion tapered boxers in solids, stripes, D.-- Save on a 20 Off and tartan plaids; sizes 30-3- 8 in assorted colors Reg. $9 Pocket of white basic briefs in Reg. 14.50 Three-pac- k Van Heusen patterned dress shirts sizes 28-4- 2 Reg. SIS B. Reg. S2S-S3- 8 Entire stock of Editions and 417' shirts with spread, tab and button down collars. Three-pac- k Z-'elsewhere in I'tah and in the l".S.. Order by phone: In Salt Lake Carte Blanche', and Discover' cards. gladly accept your ZCMIOption Charpe, MasterCard. VISA', American Express. Diners Club. We of crew or 6. 100 cotton for white tees 10.87 13.50 . Men's Furnishings 579-666- ' . . Page E3 |