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Show Sunday, February THE HERALD, Provo, Utah, 16, 1992 - Page C3 Orem Junior High releases honor roll ; t " Orem Junior High Second Terra Honor Roll n, High Honors 7th Grade: Trevor Aitken, Wendy Allen, Ricky Allman, iii -- Aaron Gardner, Sandi Gonzalez, Athelia Graham, Christa Grone-maEmily Hansen, Bryce Has-leDevin Hendriksen, Hanna Hippen, Jonyce Johnson, Peter Law, Debra Ixwis, Michael Lyman, Robert McArthur, Collette McGee, Michael Shurtleff, Joseph Stoddard, Jennalee Stokes, Andrea Swensen, April U'Ren, Janel Walker, Sarah Whitehead, Jenni-ly- n Whiteley, Annajune Wilson. 9th Grade: Kami Anderson, Lindsay Anderson, Carrie Heidi At wood, Jamie Beck, Tiffiny Bell, Natalie Burningham, Brooke Bushnell, Ruth Butler, Stephanie Carter, Shersta Chabot, Lindsey Christensen, Bonnie Clarke, Michael Cook, Carrie Coombs, Travis Dastrup, Kristy Eastman, Cortney Finlinson, Foutz, Krista Fuller, Jeffrey Gehring, Cheryl Guymon, Jocelyn Harbaugh, Celene Harbaugh, Lisa Hawkes, Melanie Heaton, Sarah Hecker, Elizabeth Hodson, Tina Hoist, Chris Housekeeper, Michael Howe, Andrea Jeffs, Marsha Jennings, Lisa Jensen, Shanalee Jolley, Michael Jolley, Kehau Kelly, Carolyn Lemmon, Lindsay Lichfield, Aaron Lichfield, Margie Lott, Kaylynn Mangelson, Melissa Mickelsen, Kristan Mitchell, Robyn Newell, Kristie Nybo, Tiffany Ogden, Kim Patterson, Elizabeth Peterson, Kristan Peterson, Russell Peterson, Randy Provstgaard, Elizabeth Sawaya, Lori Scanland, Rachelle Thomas, Melanie Thomas, Kellie Thomas. Honors 7th Grade: Elizabeth Allen, Britney Anderson, Adam Argyle, Jared Baker, Heather Bayless, Kristen Beardall, Hay ley Blumen-stocKip Brower, Nadine Brown, Tracy Burningham, Benjamin Card, Rachelle Carter, Cody Cox, Carl Craner, Aaron Danner, Dylan Evans, Heather Gardner, Michael Garner, Danielle Gelter, Val Gibson, Ryan Gourley, Ryan Grover, Steven Grundzinski, Meredith Hadlock, Heather Haines, Stephanie Hall, Jennifer Hancock, Terry Hansen, John Hillstead, Joseph Hodson, David Hoist, Shannan Housekeeper, Eric Jensen, Jeffrey Johnson, Jason Johnson, Cortnie Johnson, David Jones, Jason Judd, Ryan Kerekes, Jay Larsen, Jeana McAf-feDevin McClellan, Jenny Memmott, Kalun Merrill, Lane Muranaka, Mari Myers, Clint Paulsen, Benjamin Penrod, Kerry Peterson, Jennifer Philbrick, Gabriel Reichert, Christopher Reid, Allred, Cherie Anderson, cDouglas Anderton, Ryan Andrus, Tyler Bahr, Brian Blackham, Camille Burningham, Jillian Barns, Jennifer Carter, Danny .Christensen, Chad Christensen, ,Kristy Clark, Kaylynn Coombs, -- Jennifer Curt, Brigham Dastrup, ;Tanya Day, Megdalynn Ernst, Jon Fairbanks, Mindy Foutz, Leslie George, Jana Henrie, Max Hobbs, Suzanne Holm, Alissa Hooley, Katy Hunter, Denise Hurst, Ben Jones, Adam Lichfield, Jennifer Ash-dow- 'Lloyd, Christopher Maggard, ' Jami Mangelson, Angela Man-guAngela Minert, Heather Morgan, Angela Mount, Rebecca Myers, Stephen Pratt, Josie Schel- in, Erika Shippen, Sharlynn Stew-- I art, David Taylor, Ben Test, Mel- issa Tiemann, Annalee Veatch, Michele Vercimak, Vance Wilson, 8th Grade: Paul Andrus, Sony a j ! Bishop, Alysia Brown, Julie Bul- lock, Jessica Cain, Kevin Casper, ' Aspen Evans, Michael Francis, Kim-ber- t i i USU extension service moves its local office PROVO office - The Utah County of Utah State University Ex tension will be moving to the old Utah County Courthouse, beginning Monday. The office will be in transition throughout the week, but office personnel hope to be open for business again by Feb. 24. They ask all patrons to be patient until they can get all their equipment and materials moved and in order so they can resume serving the public. They will occupy space on the main floor of the old County Courthouse. Their current office space on the lower floor of the Adminstration Building will be taken over by the County Sheriffs Department. n, ly k, e, Rollover means the selling of new securities to pay off old ones coming due or the refinancing of an existing loan. Vanina Rosas, Milton Rosas, Catherine Sawaya, Shauna Sherwood, Andrew Skabelund, Michael Smith, Dane Sorensen, Aaron Thomas, Matthew Tolson, Nathanial Tregeagle, Christian Ward, Kiffin Warner, James Washburn, Susan Watson, b. 8th Grade: Lisa Anthony, Jan Arguello, Joseph Austin, Heather Barrett, Jeremy Barton, Laura Bascom, Emily Carter, Wendy Carter, Michael Croft, Jocelyn Crowther, Holly Curie, McClellan Dameron, Julie Davis, Jennifer Davis, Shauna Degering, Matthew Field, Casey Finlinson, Bradley Garrett, Karen Gaufin, Rachelle Gay, Meggan Glahn, Stephen Gordon, April Gordon, Paul Grass, Joshua Gubler, Amber Hamblin, Joshua Harroun, Natalie Hauzen, Amber Heslington, Brittany Mad-seGregory Hunt, Leann Steven Marquardt, Benjamin Moreland, Jason Moss, Brindy Pace, Amber Palfreyman, Joanie Pead, Justin Peterson, Amanda Jeffrey Puckett, Melissa Richens, Susan Seegmiller, Melissa Seiler, Naomi Sharp, Kara Slaughter, Matthew Smith, Chriy stian Sorrells, Kendall Stock, Jennifer Trotter, Sumner, Angela Trotter, Scott Tuitupou, Tamma Wood, Naomi Wright. a 9th Grade: Cory Adams, Aikau, Wade Allen, Tyler Allred, David Anthony, Tamara Ash, Danielle Batson, James Beardall, Jeffery Belliston, Stephen Bettwieser, Joseph Billings, Carolyn Black, Shannon Boulter, Heather Braithwaite, Rachel Brer-etoAmi Brown, Erica Brown, Monica Butler, Karen Cahoon, Shannon Cheever, Vaun Clark, David Coleman, Lisa Crook, Brandi Daniels, Ryan Davies, Jennifer DeWitt, Tiffany Dwoeny, Corby Draney, Amanda Free, Amy Gentry, Adam Gibbons, Ami Gordon, Paul Hadlock, Lincoln Hall, Tamara Hendriksen, Mandy Hill, Matthew Holman, Sarah Hunter, Laura Jones, Amy Ketcheson, Katie Kirk, Ashley Lammons, Quincy Langager, Chris Larsen, Darren Lister, Trudy Lopez, Trisha Loveless, Ivan Mangum, Shyloh McEwan, Misty Miner, Stephanie Mlaker, Grant Myers, Jaime Ostler, Crystal Otis, Katie Paulson, Kirk Pead, Ashley Perkins, Shan Peterson, Jill Pratt, Amanada Rowe, Liz Sillito, Jinjer Smith, April Terry, Thad Tregeagle, Stephanie Warner, Michael Washburn, Jon Worthington. 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