Show HAVEN VEN IDAHO Death of Loveland of r Heart Special Correspondence Fish Haven Bear Dear Lake Ink County Counts Count Idaho March 12 Last Wednesday George Jeorge Loveland of or Fish 1811 Haven passed away very suddenly at the thus home of his lila father rather between six and UtI sen of It heart failure The deceased was as malt carrier train from to 10 Fish Haven arid and had made the trip on n Wednesday morning arriving nt at Fish Ieh Haven Haen about 1 and seemed to be In good food health and spirits laughin mind and joking In his usual manner He Ife went treat to 10 his fa fathers a titers thera place and unhooked his hla team and Ind Was wag Va in the tho stable when he took t ol slid denly with n a terrible laIn In his stoat ton ach and heart tome tonie ne of ot hU his brothers told him hInt In tl to SI go to the house but he would not nol ns mitt he ho said It hurt hUrl him to so toto soto to walk wall at nt last they persuaded him to go mind and he felt n a little better when he lie got there anti and they the tho had hall sent pent for tor his wife who lived just Juat ju t n a short distance dl away hut hilt he lie took look worse wor c In tn n a very er short hort time line anti soon expired Ho no was WIS 29 23 years rears of or age antI and leaves Jeans a wife anti and three children the lie eldest t n a boy of ot f B 5 Byears years and anti two to little tittle girls ages 1 and S 3 Years vears with numbers of relatives anti and I friends to mourn his demise lie He was well Veil sad and II nIl favorably known having car r nod the lbs mail for some sometIme time and made many friends frIend Ills Hit funeral service wire w r hold bet In lit tho the Fish Meeting house Saturday March Murch Tho Thio sneak era ern were vere erl Elders Ehlers II n W V H If P I Nelson Wallace Pope J 3 W E Stork Stock anti and H n P who spoke comforting words to the bereaved ones A large cortege cort followed the remains r tn to the this cemetery ant watt was headed with six fix horsemen mounted on In n greys gren the leader headers being President Shirley anti anil Counselor Coun of rut tho the Y V M I it M 11 I 1 A of ot which deceased was Willi a It member |