Show I a 8 Ie I J NEWS I CIRCULATION TODAY e u n W f i m x largest I i I of F july any i published h t Denver UIn cr mid Ind tho tie i t t I I I I I H M AMas vials sum SIL l nit Ol Di ci 61 10 f r hAy HAD IfO F u 1 li 1 70 7 We pay py 4 per liI cont nt Interest per an nn annum annum num nurn on 1 or thousands Sav Say SayS S ings Dank ft Trust company Loren lAuren Lorento lAureno to o Snow Sn president George M 1 Can Cnn Cannon Cannon non nOl cashier uTAh OU ANU HANK Interest paid on savings W V Vi P F i Armstrong pre t P 1 W Inen vice Ice i prest J 3 E 1 Caine cashier UTAH COU Ct en Castle Gate Oate and ald Clear 0 per Ier er ton Winter Quarters Quater Lump and all ni nut coat coal tS per ton Anthracite nil all ni sizes size W 10 per too IOL toa 73 n south Main aln St Telephone TelephoneD 42 D J 1 SHARP Ai p L When children have hf earache carne he saturate n it 1 pier of or cotton coton with wih SNOW LINIMENT and ami place It In the ear It 1 stop top the pain quickly Price 5 and r 0 O cents c Z C M I Drug Dept Now No Is the time to oil 01 harness harneu and we know kno you tau can Cn get set the best at 72 12 E B Second South Are you OU sick If I so o investigate the merits merit meris of ot HK H BINK It I Is i a concen rated medicine the dose do e Is II small arnah mal yet et etI It I quickly products produces the most gratifying results re digestion Improves the lips III and cheeks cheek lose their pallor the eye ee be becomes conies comes bright and an the tha step elastic Prices Price SO 80 5 cents C U M 1 L I Drug Dru Dept c f TEMPLE NOTICES The Tho Salt Sal Lake Temple will wi close on Thursday evening April Apri Hh and re reopen reopen reopen open on Tuesday morning moring April Apri Oth 1911 19 LORENO SNOW President St t George Utah Feb eb St StGeorge StGeorge George Temple will I close on Friday evening ee 2 lh of Qt f March MarcIl and reopen on Tuesday morning ot of April Apri 1901 j DAVID DAVI H 11 CANNON I President Manti Mant Utah March 1901 lant Temple will wi ill close clo e on the evening of the 2 1901 th of ot March Reopen the th of ot April Apri JOHN D 1 T President CHURCH NOTICES NO Tho regular monthly meeting meeting of the tho theard vard ard officers of at the Y M 1 M I A of Salt Sal Lake Stake Slake will be held hell In the lee lec Ipe lecture ture turl hall hail hal of ot the L I D I S B College Cole Wed Ved Wednesday Wednesday evening March nr h at Prof Wm M t Stewart Siewart will wi tie do delver doliver liver lver a n lecture subject What luat Training Is Most Valuable to the Youth All 1 officers and members of ot both the Y T M Mand Mand r rand and Y 1 L M I A Of this Stake are aro In to mCHAnD n IL LYMAN Superintendent LOUIS LOUS E IVERSON Cor Secretary ENCYCLOPEDIA The Tho time for receiving sketches etc ete for L D S 8 Encyclopedia dia dla by Andrew Androv Jensen Tenson has lias It been extend extended ed ed till tl April lath Address Aldress Parley P 1 Jenson Box Do 1316 16 Salt SnIt Lake City NOTICE The Primary conference of the Salt SnIt Lake Luke Stake Slake will wi be field In the Assembly Hall hail lal Saturday March 1901 at 1030 a m to It H Is desired de that the tho children be beIn In 11 ft their places promptly at nt time An Interesting program has baa been pre pro prepared pared ared and nil all ni Interested In primary work vork are Invited to be lie present I ELLA ELIA W V HYDE Secretary If U troubled tro with rheumatism give gl Chamberlains a n trial U It I will wi not net cost coat you 01 a cent If It It does no good One Ono application n will vl relieve the pain ain U It I also cures sprains and bruises s sIn In the time line requIred by b other treatment cuts C ts burns frost trost frostbites frostbites bites pains in the side Bide chest and nd other swellings are arc quickly cured by applying It Every f ver bottle bote warranted Price 25 and CO GO O cs NEW NIm CATALOGUE OF CHURCH CHUnCH WORKS Just Issued by the th Deseret News Send for tor n a free tree copy cOY Special terms to deal dealers dealers dealers ers agents and anil canvassers MUSIC MUSI LOVERS LOVERSAll Alt All Al who 1 desire de Ire Information of ot the address nd ees etc of ut SnIt Salt Sni Lakes Lake music teachers teacher consult the Musicians Directory Director published on the Dramatic and Musical page sage of ot the Saturday News NeIs ChrIe n nm nd Pupil Pupi of ot Kullock Kulla k Liszt f B l Studio 17 So State BUte Pupils accepted I shall Ihal resume the he management of ot my business at Globe Market t 16 Main St Bt Ston StOn on March 1st let with Ith a n complete stock of ot choice meats m etc at nt lowest prices s and hereby herel return thanks to my 1 friends and ami patrons for tor past at favors favor and solicit con continuance of ot same sani Respectfully SHERWOOD SlIER WOOD SUlk Milk Mil Ask your grocer for tor the tho Ihl genuine genuine OBSTETRICS AND NURSING DR DB MARGARET C ROBERTS RODEnTS will 1 commence her next class clase In Ob Oh Obstetrics and Nursing on Monday April 1901 75 7 North NOth orth State St Apri BISHOPS Blanks for tor the use Ise of block teachers In Ia making yearly early statistical tat reports can be procured d at this office 25 5 cents celt per pet dozen doren THE STANDARD Do you OU have hao the Standard Die Dic Dictionary In your library Ir nr r school room ro If not you are not up to t date It ft I Is II the largest lagut best bell edited best printed best bound and most moat modern work Tork In all ni respects yet Issued Only a limited number on hand Ad dress dregs tho the News HOOK And printing specially attended to at the Deseret News Newl Ien s Office Orce Estimates Estimate promptly Ruth Hush orders orde a specialty TEACHERS HERS ERS Dr Talmage Talmo I new book The Great Salt Bait Lake Present and Past Palt should hould be In the hands of ot every educator Tho Tio amount of ot Information It contains re 10 lating to the great rat saline sea ef a make it an ln Invaluable ble work tar for reference or cr stud atud LIFE IFE OF A PIONEER PI EEn Autobiography Ct of f Capt James S 8 Drown Brown 52 50 t pager bound bolln 1 In ln cloth Price 20 for tor sale lale at the Deseret News New Prie Special terms ta co agents aren arenI I 0 I I MORE ABOUT TELEPHONES It docs dc not require a I largo large of ot business bu to warrant on an outlay of ot TOo per p r week eek for tor something that makes you youa OU a ft 1 competitor lor In your pur line lne For that amount lun oui pan ran an hire a n I measured service telephone tele hoo oh a 1 metal meta He lie le circuit with wih equip equipment ment allowing unlimited Incoming calls and aud an average ot of f nearly noarl two calls cals from your our Instrument each ech bust busi bustness ness Hess ICS day dIU In the year Tills Thil company cOlpany furnishes measured l business or professional proCessional telephones It at atIS t 18 IS different rites rates ranging from 35 30 6 to 72 per year designed tl t meet nil all ni classes of ot business bu ne s needs If It 1 you consider cOl lder your y ur telephone charges not In accord With wili lh your tele telephone telephone phone requirements call No 9 your relief reler may be In measured service Rocky Hock Mt lt Hell Hel Telephone Co 1011 l Everybody ent It Nothing beats bents It ft I Look for tor the tM label and ask your grocer for tor It every duty day Health follows Vu m I I D fl H 8 Export Ekert Western Dental Co 32 Eagle Engle Blk Dle HANK DANK STATIONERY And printing specially HP attended to IQ at nt atthe atthe the Deseret News Office Ole Estimates F promptly furnished HUsh orders a 1 I I WANTED i IX 10 IJ YOU WANT DO TX YOU want ID h help lp Oo 00 to Employment Agency Main Miia street str t 44 l TilE THE DES NEWS A Halted TiE number IF of ot th the tho blet edition eiton of or lbs tho hl for tor Tithing or Store Soro pay 10 FOR ESTATE C WE HEAL flEA ESTT TI S AM A fT Tuttle Him red ball bait bli 1 14 Main Mala ala BEK BEti SK US FOR FOIl FOI mi A anti ami Insurance Stein Main WILL SKI EIT YOU AT ATA A VA VAcant cant cont lot lots a I cottage or a n modern lu iii u any anI part pan of ot HID th city cuy Jamol Jamal it t i 11 Walker Wall or Hank Dank n FOR SALE IN T LOTS TR ONLY O LY KM 00 a rOL rod tibia In IDd and sightly 33 f W w Filth Fifth North IlisT hAY IA Y 4 per por hundred Como Caine OO and let et IU It it Warehouse corner corDer th South uth and aud Third Wet West 01 OIL b IN l U fl S 8 72 j E E 2nd lou h to rathor Tug Tin NEWS mu A limited number of ot the tho Intuit t edition of 01 tho the Dictionary or puy Price JLOu I M VS 1 hOUSES At T PRICES ANI KINDS KINDI Tuttle Tulo liens 19 M tl St red bai bali MOSTLY UN tiN HER CULTIVATION ITI VArIoN ACIN AND ANU A SU fenced ito acres of located tm bo oDd anti ache Ox 01 C Utah I 1 II in lucern lucera 1 tl iii Wois toils ot ille and oDd Oo Co Joshua Johua Irown Brown Hr Utah Ulah FOR RENT t YOUNt HEW HEM KENTAL ANI MW IN gents IW LOJ J h I ANt AND A n A ALP OF land close In ID Apply 22 So Lo NEW fI AND ANI f I all nil all ni prices price s Wiles WI d k Johnson Id 0 K 1st ht I t South St Ht AT A ISO 20 PElt mouth month at White URlce W 9 W First I AU DO no YOU WANT WAT S1 MAiZE MAICE MAIO US USan USan an otTer ou on tho the following art iciest 11 A Oak ilc l Jo 1 1 dot dol Oai dining 19 IS One fine Antique O Oak k Dod Bed BedI ot T j I white while h I 0 manual U and 14 Is OaK atc Extension TaLlo H On Oi K I Combination JoCk oi oiHi Hi 25 olure and 13 1 Rattan HAtan and Oak ak Cots Cot worn 1 r go lira are ur now but shop tr n 1001 1000 on ou tO I 7 X U l I Furniture It Curvet Carpet 11 Installment House I A Iroy 4 1 K h Second street stroet Telephone IJ rings u w Tim NEWt N Wd IA VINO PUIt 1 l huG tho printing Plant of 0 lea Q Cannoa on DI H l now II the thu cx Church publish publishing ing house hOUK 0 will UI make to o tM k n onh and canvassers to t Church work works U Li I a I splendid field fol throughout Utah Ula and surrounding static tate for tor it a J bright bt can Yasser In iii II thos Unix Uno tu tuu vad fur lor HELP WANTED TIlE THE IF miT FEMALE n IL HEM IS OL 01 sons ions Employment HI i IX I Sad 2nd ad bu o oLOST o oLOST LOST I BLACK HAG CONTAINING money mone T 1 O 0 orders order antI and nn pair of spectacles cles drs Return to 39 30 W North Temple Templo and be rewarded TWO 1181 SETTER ONE 7 1 year oar al old lotura to 10 3 D n St St and rot got ot reward SPECIAL L TIlE THE TiE NEWS WILL VILf LI SELL SEIT A limited number of ot the latest edition of ot the Dictionary outre or store PAY y Ul I BUTCHERS U UTO H ER S OOIJ MEAT MARKET tET 18 it t MAIN I IN ST 8 ilp 1 U t t price paid for tor choice hugs and UPHOLSTERING U NC EXPERT ALt ALL KINDS II DR OP OF furniture Estimate 1 telli brIng mci mf Union work ul 13 K E I 3rd South SouthWALL SouthWALL WALL WALLPAPER PAPER APER CLEANING L t fl AND CLEANED o teo li i 1 INSURANCE YENG 00 A l HELD INSURANCE I EtT haw lock Block LIFE INSURANCE INSURANCE E 1 iN TUF CONN NN MUTUAL costs Write for Int sail pa par nr r A i Id NOTICE ANY WN A TO 10 of MI Kati Turner will TI bo Lie luh by bler tier her sister ht ut t wl U State t St t illi I 1 1 K 1 Tumor tte WALL PAPER UI U TO 10 T DATE DAlE 1 PATTERNS IN WALL Paper a at money saying un Len WALl w ready to 10 lilY dont do L fall rai to call calf cl oa on 0 heui liro rad 31 J V IrH V High mixed le homo hou paints MASSAGE AND CHIROPODY AU ANI AT IM EG per pr Positive lo cure for nil tull 11 dl di cs lases a i M ft 1 practiced by bl J 1 of or f S 1 Pet PeWs burg burl iii 1 i nt lt t tio lo o 67 61 5 and M 11 i e elevator Ir HARES HARE HARES lAJE AT A town Oln 1118 Ort titus Gt Il 1 W A t REPAIRING UTAH STAM DYEING AND CLEAN lag Co C B K Thin So Fine work rea Fn prices i Send Bind us u your our rt I I I i s c I 1 hUI EdIar t an r V VI Office I Weh ol 01 Uth DI t omet h II k luke oCh EI IL 1011 lM A n L uni d I P at LI Zi 1 la Ia 1 81 j R Et p LIt asi 0 Ulo lILo hur 11 MINEt V L WY J nt JA ii 10 tl N Ij 1 DE DEI S DR EWING ING 1 of dental S1 PC Week ork Ing Teeth trat P I DES MI corrected at rC le III flit DB TIO Main street Salt bait Laka Ur SUta DL F lA It it nl s ot of JH ons olta d fl fon r rU U f A F 31 I Tr r a W ENCI EN CIHi i i ud tid y U b MONEY TO TO LOAN L UTAH S So Money tl 01 Wan loan on aD bANI I 2ND D Jewelry j cl clothing ew etc it at nh city Unredeemed et Mel t leID ll It Urn told aln les cie e eON l la ON ANY TUI a removal CIA i o C NO no us IO I v Dd I IMi IJAN ONI ONbY MY OW O no thIrd Nf no patty pany no 10 low rute Ci tey J Trace J si tate O la ELECTRICAL WE A ARE HE o A I II kInd or of ItA I and au OJ wins OUI rl L 1 he li In Ia Utah Ulah 4 Suit J lm Temple t t 1 v t WE LEAD in th ib If city cal u lo e el er tiit Oui sj chandeliers hll ing liar kea by thi Iro la Sal a ol In it W noC lt lo and it ci irr L ti hers ost or ChIM ad lor M lf l Inter Cal 1 On Co 1 ta Qt II taU East let 1st 1 South Houlb bt St rt 1 L ai ain I Iwi C I WR wi n 10 flU n ALT ALl KINDS giNI OP work ork Having the tuOt lisa OF of t Mi nl luro In lii tho the city clr and make mak a I U o hou o wiring and all ni kinds ot or electric l t I work vork orl All Al woric el iuli inn I It Supply Do Ou 1 I U WO e mu iu 11 Tel 11 No 8 G PLUMBING c AND HE t C JAMR A k HARRIS t U anet 5 nd hot or 03 IS a sai 11 trout Telephone l STEAM HEATING I I IV T and Hot v n it Y 1 r ra J n LUMBER DEALERS f 1 OKO OEO o EO T r FELT ft i 00 0 CZ HI fence toeo lumber I i luth It id eL fco or r b So ed and Iut sutta TeL ri JL BAKERY BAKRY AOL On PIL O s cit Quick g I c D TICKET BROKERS sold and UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS J 3 E TAYLOR IA 01 1 a J 1 burial and casket 11 tau fail INI nl BOILER MAJERS UI tk mn makes ke and tIm blo smoke stacks no MO arc Rear W i Campi FUR MANUFACTURER CO o tAh AI TI Till It It STENZEL FUR Ul c In fur only sla furs aad wild Ud III Ct for It itaw I rul STOVE REPAIRS RE JS J 1 T all Stora bought anti and sold sold 67 t t K 3rd TeL 1 MIS y 5 EDISON 5 yEN C ER S THE SOA VEs r I II I dence d ence SM TiE enl AT Are OPTICIANS s W sv Ii MA I t le OpticIan t 73 13 W v ii 1st S S p for CO 00 11 t tEl ft El t retail t le I day l as on WATCH M MAKERS rI l WATCh A Ni w J A lEmU A and Jewelry 1 l F FACTORS CONTRACTORS ACTORS t 1 c Thir Third Cut Ft Sll St SIDEWALKS AND ROO R RO CEMENT O IEST ANt AW 11 d walks was tar and r f l r n Iru J I mh tret tretO O P JI M l Dr Louise 0 Unger f t s I iV 0 LuIsa l orne at U 45 and L I Milt 01 Ns TIc TI TIo c c GO o TO Tm TilE nd hUB to yOt r I all dree dressed I s sap IJ b t iI t laII I lf for A Of late ot lok ta ti W WI i I I i I |