Show WO T HUl TO i ST 1 In Stops in to Of II 1 New I Pw York UThe Mall and prints the following It I Has wa wa today toa from an 1 authoritative live tive lve source that the lary lar blocks of oC Chicago Quincy stock Mock which have havo been bought In the tho market durin the tho last IASI three or four weeks week of oC In causing a Jump ten points point tho thu price wore vero alien for tor the lije tie Union Ulion und mid within u n v very ery ry hort time this will wl be be followed by h the election ot of Union thion Pacific m men m to tie tho tw board Of Or director of oC the The fh closer cloer relations which will wi f tul d low between n th the Union Pacific and Ald are only lees IMS IHs important Own the purchase of th Southern by the Union Pacific rho Tho was wan wa the company h Wil Was va most to be feared by tin the Union in transcontinental ter territory territory II the t hI reaching well wel out omit Into Wyoming and 1111 Colorado and amId to 10 build an Independent line lne pf t f lt It Its own to tl th Ih tt count iu h n j 5 parallel 1 tho t 1111 o Union tl to I n C great t dorc there U II i reason on to 10 belli beleV ve that the Ih l n wor WI lending aid uld Ild to Mills Of oC the thu recently rM rated torn com that thit i by b Hn Sen eil ator A Clai iarI trini Salt Sil l hake ko City CI to 10 Los Angeles llo Union will wi not nt have a n In iii li the nn as the tm if stock so o tr far li 11 Ics than one ana 1 half Jar tu the tha which l Is 18 Including In lUlng the Ihl l laM lail t I iel IU Tho ri Union Pacific purchases lk to lie be b h 00 and k mid all tt holding are to 10 b l be when U ft I can CUI bo be doime at nt In price iii ice I The above come comeau as nother I of the rumors which havo hu 11 been In Iii th the air IIII tot for the past two IWO weaks ns nit fB outlined In tile the New NS N wI on Oi 8 The Time object of ot the move In Il undoubtedly tint list headIng tiff off tho the proposed Clark road despite the Ih assertIon which win rOul published In II the Ii Los Herald of oC FebrUary to the tile effect that the anti and nm the Hun fun Pedro lr lo Io An All Angol gol n A Suit Luke Lake road roud would Join MI I Suit Lake and Int HUb e o With lh the Hurling tons tona ton plans of ot extending from Mel ocy 81 Wyoming to H RJ ait lt Lake headed oft oN and connection with whim wih the Hlo lLIo Ha and amId Denver nio Grande Western 10 Grande consolidation emphatically c ott ll the future tUI plaits plain of ot the now nw road will w be he watched with wih Interest In speaking In regard to the purport cd etI action of time Union Pacific Inter In Interests lor ests 1111 In heading oft off or the San Sni Pedro I los 19 Angeles Salt Srm Uke road rand n it prominent n man alan saia eai tins rims 1118 i I leSs leAs the th Union Pacific eB to build to Los ToR nod and southern California 1 I cannot for or the life ICI of me mile le see why Wily tl they want rant to 10 head off oC ft larks Clarks road When I I owned time the tte Southern tile tho situation IS different It wits was WIH then to Ills his hIl interest to see nee that hers here wa was no n road built hum that would con connect cn WR fleet lect Ogden O ll with lx Lo Angeles Today TOI things thing haVe havo The Tho Southern IB la it but a I link In tho the chain If I Clarks road 1st Is II built hul what will wJ It mean mon It 1 simply ply means that rood rond will pass through practically territory What business It will wi bring will wil be Ie practically new nl business hIlls ban bomi taken awny away from the time Santa IV l I Outside of o I Is IMS os Angeles It I will wi awny ty very V HY ry little from the Southern Pacific 1110 and amid then thell It I would bring It all nl to ii tl Halt Lake Uko and amid It would be he to time tha Ihl Interest of o If the Union Pacific to the long haul cast emt eRI In tills this lh 11 of hesdin off the tho I believe 11 love that Union Pacific la is work vork workIng lug Ing for tor Us its Ie own Int t ng is 18 outlined If I however harriman really menus means to extend Ih Short Line III and run rn a n line through to California then Ihen naturally It I would be bl to 10 his hil lit Interest to 10 tofee fee eee I thit the th I Lo s Angeles road COSIl roat pro projected projected by ly Senator Clark Is never built |