Show JuI L is ISSUES HIS PROCLAMATION I 1 Half Flags on All Federal Buildings 0 rS sted Out of Respect to Gen Harrisons Memory Mourning of a Nation national u n ng today for tor O ex exe e Ital I I FUi Ire re td t half I Ill 1 tho ho hOotS fi Fred pon of the private DrI ore and d many KW 1593 inhibits Iho th U ICI M or of file In bUICk liS Is Ie t 01 publiC formerlY UI upon on the Tal II I Ith 1 nt th of LS an directed that he herl hethe mansion bo be Je rl 01 the amt denied deified ir to tor td yd t who hod krs r t oe He will c importance probably Canton tt far nR nfl as him I IntE 13 over one tIllY III mAl StOP stoll Me Meil c morning tH the il l 1101 tIe Mansion Washington Wll D DC I IC 11 1 1901 luch C ot Of the thO States T r t of the harrison iso to 1893 died Stilts from At hIs 1115 home In 44 11 p m at hi death the tue In b la ot one ot of Its hs I deprived In lila his brilliant A and he be grained fame ante by his ener energy rY and anil arid lie he rose to he be a 11 lawyer tal r As Al I a Senate he at atI 01 the th bar In the jaro sad and retained his runk as on oil ono I lock end and In the high and o extra he I ent and amI andIn administrator lt as C and private life lICe In example for forthe his coun Cotin count b I lit let S a t In lit which of the respect In Ii the government is II held hi by 1 tI memory United States Stales I Ito Id the ad tt the People of the tho that the flag on to d bIreY manlon and ad the several de 1 l ItO et bAIt bail malt for tor a pert ol of thirty day days military antI naval honors honaN or of the secre secretaries arles of T the orders ord rs fir iu and nd of the navr be rendered on e day of lt the erwe t tills at l the City of Vas nth day da of I March I arch In the year Il I of ofa o a IMone lard rd one hound nine uttie hundred 2 we and DOr in the tb M Ind nto lif if the HIe f States State of t f America the one erie hun bJ bi and an we fi MeK BT Sj the be hAY Secretary tar ot of State SlAte In of proclamation t the I IHa Ha ag s on en every mry public building in the United States Stales at every army aray post po t In 11 Inthe Inthe the tolled States tt Cuba Porto Porte Rico Hawaii and the he and on every mry American warship In whatever quarter of or the globe will 1111 fly ily 1 at half hat taut nut for thirty day dars AT THE HARRISON IO m larch IINo soon sooner er IT MI the news new of the death of ex ox President Harrison noshed flashed to the world than the messages ot of Inquiry which h had bad d ken been pouring In for several days changed to messages Bewares of ot sympathy and the Orrt at part of last night a n lar large number r of such uch messages were from every eiery section of the coun court countr UT tT tr and sad at al an n early earl hour this morn fc Iq there HS u a line of messenger boys it at the Hamson home The messages aRes taie tue frOC tco Intimate friends and ad Kiwi of ot the general and from rein men toMten tot en associated with him hini In 1 1 I t The ater greater rr part port of them an Intimate personal na m Hit at Mrs Mn Harrison felt that their tents toti not b te be given to the tho toe One fj of f the nt messages re tC reo JW tIlted Tel tas ai from Grover drover nd tho ho telegraphed Mrs Irs hard Harrl fA i f n nOt b SYmpathy In an antol U nick ch millions JJ tol ho share with W THE PRESIDENT tt foD me message ago from Pres Preat I tit U LII reached Mrs Irs Il 1 the I est of Gen Gem Harrison LT Lt on onI r u lost 1 a I and nna an The people of at the ou You hn have e the th of at Urs Mr 1 H hour of overwhelm rOt II home WM W t AI Puller 1 Justice McKenna k 1 lilt of the Supreme rII expressing their th lr Uit 1114 liem ra of f Gen HarrIsons i ibe heu in ls be Was dent sent lent telegraphed be e hereto here that he to t t II attend the funeral 4 that n a number ot of I will wll also be beed 1 neld tIt On the nOminee for tor Vice ticket In it with 11 Gen Mrs rs California Harrison te 1 ara tr as follows II ano by this terrible tn for tor calamity for fo the Inc In i the Mrs Irn and deep expression of sin 1111 Tin rt I to t be receIved ed by q t It rame at this a from morn lr First Assistant Sec of at th the 7 II Berlin ern em I I af Jarkon received tel to 10 this durin place from t the the latter In f L White io Ue the A lIe He Is I at a The Of message WO an de rIef Mr lIr Jack Jek I pon fon felt relt at the tho loss of at a personal friend The second cablegram came Caine a II few tew minutes Inter from Addison C Harris of at Indianapolis United States minister to Austria I IA A L 14 I Mason a 11 lawyer and personal I friend in telling of ot his last call cail on Ion Gen Harrison a n few tew days before his last iii ness Raid said today tollay CUBAN Wo conversed on a Il variety varlet of sub subjects subjects I had Junt finished reading his article on the tho Hoer Boer Will wor and milled rallied him him by saying that when he lie should BO go abroad the next time he would not be bean Jr an acceptable at nt the English court He Ho answered with great quick I 1 con cnn go to see sec Kruger Ho lie talk talked talked ed eu for tor a I time about the tIme creed He lie was WOM the tho chairman of or tile the committee on revision He Ire took up the Cuban CuJan question Ills point on this was waR that Wo we had bad placed ourselves In a po position position before tho thee world orid where hero our sin simm In dealing with Cuba could just justly justl ly Ir l be Je questioned lie He was va ns emphasizing hIs Ills former statement that the moral immoral law bound the tIme honor of ot the nations as aswell well as of or Individuals lilt lila reference to the Philippines antI and 0 nit Porto Porco menn expressed surprise that the Supreme Court of the United States Slate had not yet ct handed down Its It I dt d TRUSTS T Later Laer the tIme conversation turned on He lIe said lie iho had very definite Ideas on the regulation of trusts trust and believed that the problem was waR one which was Wn fairly within the roach reach of legislation that would commend Itself to the common sence of all nil good people Ho lOo quoted ll at length from memory from froni the articles of ot Incorporation of ot the tho Steel trust and expressed a belief that a corporation should not be he admitted to do business In any In State unless It carried on Its Ita business In tho the State where It was sas organized and un tin unless unless less It was WaR a bona tide fide corporation of or that State lIe Ho remarked that many of tho them great grent trust combinations organized under the laws of or New Now Jersey transacted no busl bush ness fleRs In that State Stale and were not In tended to tn transact any ony business there Of the tIme general conservation these are arc the thc that come to my lil memory STATE OFFICERS MEET The Time state officers met this forenoon nt at the house with W V H 10 H U Miller Sillier anti SI M I representing the Harrison family and amid arranged for the funeral of or Ion Gen Harrison The Time general plin agreed on was ns for the body to lie In tn state at the state suite house Saturday and nn for tor the time funeral services conducted by h 1 the tue flay Hev M L I Haines who lint had boon tho tIme generals pastor for tor years oars to to be bo held in th First Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon urt at nt 2 Cov Go 10 Durbin and his hii secretary Mr Ir Wilson WIson were among the to call cali nt at time the Harrison home last night to ex ox e tend sympathy to tIme tho family The governor asked that the body lie In the time house for tor a n time so that alt all who wish to view Ie the time lead dead statesman may do 10 so and amid the request deal was grant ed eI ll The body Jod will be burled buried Crown wi le at Hill 1 I In the family faintly lot At the meeting of ot state officers It Wag Wa decided on Mrs Harrisons I re reo quest that there should not be Je military display on o Sunday On Saturday the military will wi take part In the ceremonies Transportation officers of or the rail rai Toads roads anticipate the time greatest crowds of or people here Saturday and Sunday that I ever visited Indianapolis lv ly It If especial President President and Former Fonner Cleveland come rome MRS ms The terrible straIn of or constant watch Ing tug at the side of or Oen Ion Harrison Harrl on ended cooled Mrs Sirs Harrison Harrison and the members of or the I RI nir t M t I rest they thoy have h e hn for tor u six lx 4 days le i last night Mrs Irl Harrison had not slept four tour hours since last Thursday when the general was wa attacked by the fatal Ill iii ness and she hall hail been almost con II time 0 at t this his side Ilde during the time entire Her mental and physical con OU dlton wan such that nho Iho has hns been un on able ahle to take lake nourishment except a n very little at nt rare Intervals When the tho VI end enil enl came Caine she Ii collapsed completely but ut finally rallied milled and night anti and this morning she Bhe was Wan wal Ihle to get et her first real rest Mrs Irs Caroline F Stroud of New ew York an Intimate friend of ot Mrs Harrison Is 18 with wih ith her E F Gen Harrisons private secretary had not hall hail l 1111 his s clothes off olT for tor seven nights until List night and 01 had Imd been heen In constant attendance either cither at nt the th generals ide or In looking af at ter affairs of or the household answer Ing of or Inquiry sending out the physicians bulletins antI an receiving callers clorA Clifford Arick Samuel D t Miller aM Dr F 0 O Dorsey Doree watched last ller night over Oer the body of or the Tim Thin body lies In n the same Iame room rom where the lime end ond ell came and anel will wl not nul be Je removed until It Is to the time capitol to lie le In state Hussell U Ii Harrison the generals son lon who arrived Into lato last night spent th time night with W V H II 1 11 II I Miller Mier Mrs Ir Hus Itus Hussell HusFel sell Fel Harrison and their son ROI arrived at nt noon non today Mrs Mary far Harrison Harrson Melee tho the gen generals 1 orals daughter and her husband ar nr arrived arrived rived at nt noon non today from tram Saratoga II N X Y Today there ther were many man callers at nt the tarron home friends who came to offer aret their services to the family faintly tamly anti to tender their sympathy In the bereave bereavement bertle ment meat which hitch had hall come comae me to them Mrs Irl received r these theBe callers for Mrs fu Harrison who was wan al Unable to see pee army any an body bo except a few tew of tho the most Intimate friends of or the family LAST WORDS The Tho last Intelligible words spoken by b or Gen Germ Harrison were to hi his wife Tuesday afternoon shortly before he lapsed Into total toll unconsciousness At that time Mrs Harrison naked him If Ir he hoe hl her and he replied i that thu ho he did didAt didA didAt At A noon noun of tho the same samo day he hl recognized his imis Mrs Newcomer feebly greet greeting big ing Ilg her na UH Aunty Aunt when she sho come came to his bedside In tho time sick mans maims delirium which last lasted lastell ed ell eu from late lle Sunday night until ulU ho lie he be became came totally total unconscious Tuesday af nt afternoon tf his mind wandered back over the great scenes of ot his hits life Now he heway way wax the tho soldier charging with his lots column again ho lie was tho time states statesman man than speaking before the time convention that named him for Cor President PIc dont dontA A DEATH MASK TAKEN TAN 14 Late this af lt John H II I Mahoney tho the sculptor c L in t It H twin tUO t u tt cast fur for a n death mask of Ion Gen Harrison ALL ALI AL STATES NOTIFIED Indianapolis Ind March 13 Acting on the tho til Instructions of or Gov Go Durbin Charles E B Wilson his Imis Wison hil private secre tary tory today sent telegrams to the gov ROV governors of ot every State and Territory In the tho Union Informing them that the tho body of ot Jon Gun Julson will alit wil He lie le In state In tho thou Indiana Indian capitol Saturday that tho Uw military display of ot time the State will vill bo tie Hindu mall on that day and amid that tha the fun tun funeral funera wi eral era on Sunday will wi bo be of a private nature Acting on nn an order of the flue governor Gun Gon Gore Issued I un an order culling out the entire State militia consisting of companies and three bat bit teries of ot artillery The he troops ant will wil ar arrive nr rive nyc Friday night amid ald Saturday morn lor ing and ad will wi remain until Sunday even big ing III bigit It I was as arranged to have the body lie In state from frol from 12 noon or o shortly shorty be toro fore that hour witH until 10 lQ Satur day lay night when It will Viii be lie returned to wil the Hairlson ol home where 11 It wi will re remain remain main until time for tor the time funeral tUn rl ser services vices Ie s Sunday afternoon The will wi Iii form torm under ulder tile tho command of or Brig Gen McKee In iii Washington street In front of or the capitol at nt 10 Sat Bat morning and will wil move moe to time the tlc Harilson home Promptly at U 1 thou tho body Lody will vili wi be taken takemo from froum the home and In the thou funeral car to bb Jt taken to the time state house In addition to the tue troops of at tho the guard the time escort will wi be Je mantle made up ull of several grund army ary i posts Tho rho Seventieth Indiana regi regiment ment to which Gen ion be longed will wiil wil be Je the time guard of ot honor marching Immediately In front of time the funeral car clr Immediately ahead abend of the time regiment will wi be Je the time Grand Army Amy posts arid and an In front of or them the tle State troops The lime same arrangements as prevailed at the time dome the body hod of or nun len Lawton and ammil again when the body of a Gov Mount lay Jay la In state In the time capitol wilt wi prevail Saturday While the body bod Is lying In state It will wi he bo guarded by Jy detachments from tram the artillery battalion AN SITUATION Ind md March If HAn An em condition nan hal ima been caused by Jy tho time fact act that hint the time St Patricks Day DIlY parade paralle Is set Bet to 10 take place at the time same sante time trl as al Gen len Harrisons funeral 2 Sunday SUlta afternoon It I has hiI been Jeen thought that perhaps the managers of ut the St Day Di will wi change their plans They will wi make final Inal decision tonight |