Show MORMON IDEAS OF EDUCATION Schools Everywhere Established by Labors of This People RECORD OF O EARLY DAYS the ho oi If lie ho linin I Last Latt Thursday morning at th the corn r t exercises o of oC the Saints College of o this city Hon 0 O P F Whitney delivered the tho following nd I d dross on a n subject of ot general Interest I have prepared no Ito oration no ad nd address address dress tot for this occasion and I have anI one ole desire In iii appearing before you antI that Is U tu to sPeak the tho truth and ald to have hrie haveIt It clearly understood aUlI re to remembered This I think should bo lio the thu ambition of o every eer speaker In III addressIng a an all assembly of thUs this It IB is sometimes possible to b be 11 too eloquent too polished too correct tj tL 11 in III stich n a way tsay as nl to distract time the of o tho thu hearer from rom what Is being said Hald to ito Iho manner manlIer of ot saying flaying It God Goti 00 1113 language to man to express c hn his thoughts to make mule himself understood and he should utter none but true thoughts for tor or none but hut such are 1110 worthy to be lie remembered d dI I L have hae ft n peculiar Interest st In this tills place and occasion fo To come here hers IH lit like Ilk corning home I years ago ugo time the list first of oC next July I 1 wits was b hi tnt almost on time the spot where this title building now and I am proud that my m birth birthplace place and the time old oil homestead of ot my III grandfather Newel K Vc hall buy been Ileen put limit to tl so noble a it Ute use I lam am also proud of oC the system represented by this college a n pe in peculiar culiar to the Church of ot Jesus Christ of ot Saints I 1 have havo an nn ng love loo for to Institutions Institution of ot this or cr orSome orSome Some years since e I received r a n tempting offer from time the th Agricultural College of at Utah to become he come a n teacher l In III that SimM Institution and nt at the same time another offer Jerel from tilt thu Young located at lit thin the mine place Li gin lI I chose o tho the latter simply because I 1 pro pru the tho atmosphere of lit if a Il religious school to that of ot one ono purely secular I 1 Iam am alit glad Rind to see Bee my amy friend Ir Paul latil at the bead of oC this noble Institution ion tion I ionAs As these schools multiply through throughout out alit the Church time tho time will sili come conme when tho time mouths of ot critics will be he closed closel when the stale slander that the time Mormon people are the enemies of at education will be lie heard no more IMro for tal forever ever oer This Thill Church Its loaders leathers and cam Its people have always taken a n deep cep In Itt Interest terest In education Time The very ory Idea Illen of ot Is IH education Time The Prophet Joseph Smith at tIme the outset of his career declared that time the glory glor ot or God Is Intelligence that t a n man Is saved no faster ta than titan ho he gets gote nol know knowledge l edge that whatever principles of lit intel hitch intelligence ligen co we WI attain to 10 In this life lite they will rise with Ith us U I In time the th resurrection and that If I men muon by h their diligence ann ana here acquire more knowl edge titan than other men muon they the will have just that limit much the advantage In iii the world to come If It we wo do ito not get knowl knowledge edge said f the tito Prophet we will wll be he brought Into Inlo subjection by hy evil powers In tho other world who will possess posses more Intelligence titan than we do tie And nd yet YIt tIme the man who uttered these sentiments Is supposed by lJ many ninny even ean to this day dayto to have haa been heart opposed to education Josaph Smith founded schools In lit the enily days of at the tue Church when trIton Its headquarters were nt at n t Ohio and netting the time example went vent to those these schools as us a It student for he its was all nn an unlearned man went with alt all the hu hum humility of a 11 chili child to receive Instruction TIme The Apostles whom ho Imd chosen also allo attended these thele schools IVon this stand today sits slI a wetter liner venerable able Apostle who was vita one of ot the tIme sUm stu denti in mn the th Hebrew school at lit Ion attracted thither by II the fame ante and I of that Institution Probably PIE Snow o ot i his Imis conversion to In iii Part pan to io the time fact that Jo Joseph seph Smith 11 such schools At Nauvoo one of thi first projects ls of ol the inn leaders of ot the tha Church was to organize a 11 university tutu had there been time for or Its It development prior to the tha exodus of the Saints limb Into tIme the wilderness It would have hn become Just such puch nn an Institution ns eta this wherein therein are principles of ot Intelligence tier per to this life lite and to the life lito to corne collie cornel For l or precisely the tho smite saie reason renson that we Wt ate are taught to seek after afler Intelligence for tor the time future life ml should we seek after atter Intelligence for tor time the present we wc may have hae till thit advantage over oer evil In whatever forum form It Il appears Moreover God does dos not nol Intend that his people shall hall he bo hewers of oC wood and drawers of ot water vater for the Gentiles iI The Time youth of Israel must iliuM prepare themselves for that time foretold by hy the prophets when Zion Ion shall arise ailse and ond shine the tle joy jor of the whole earth when llIn the time Gentiles shall come caine to 10 her light and anti to the tho brightness of or her hr rising Following the example of ot Joseph Smith Young was also aho ti it staunch ll friend of ot education The ham Young Academy at Provo the time Brigham Young College at Lo Logan ran and time the Young that thin t would have crowned yonder huh hill had he hI lived a n little while white longer all speak for him In this Ibis connection What other people driven a n thousand miles front from the confines of ot civilization In iii the time midst of a desert surrounded 1 by b savages anti wild beasts battling with crickets grasshopper and simm against by the time elements would have founded schools as quickly ns as did 1111 the Saints Within a n fw tw weeks after their tired feet pressed this alkaline soil school were ivere taught In tn Inthe Inthe the Ihl old fort tort on what Is I now no Pioneer r Square Satiate Julian Moses el was time the first minis and Mrs Mra Mary Hammond till the first female teacher In th the pioneer col colony colon ony on They The taught In tents antI and wagon boxes box ell with pails of cut logs for tor elicits chairs The fim were the beginnings of ot education In Wall Utah Ht Seven v n months after atler the tho ar nr arrival arrival rival of ot the time pioneers th the of ot n now no University of oC Utah was established Within a stones throw of ot thU timis building an early chool was taught by b my II own father ra Horace K 1 Whitney one of 0 time the pioneers pioneer a 1 school established by II my lily In grandfather Heb Heber r C Kimball another of ot the time pioneers pioneer lIon elII and this was will hut but one of several founded upon th the earn block by the man maim of whom It was stas recent Iv Ir 1 said Uk 1 In derision derWon What hM In h m did Heber r e KImball ever fI do for eilum He lie wa wu but one of ot mutiny many lead leaders ers era who did likewise wherever th the oC if f the Saints located All II 11 Inner to tn those tho who have coma cams here hart since for th the wood If works they the have lone done In the time cause of ot education W We have hap no quarrel with them we do ito not disparage them nor labors labora Why Wimy Wh then titan should men disparage us and anti de do decry cry cr that bat we lists have d done doneIt n nIt It Las been said Mil that bitt falsehood will travel a league while truth is II getting Its Ita It boots bools on omm but bitt there will comb corne a atIns tIns time when truth will III overtake hood hoot will confront It anti and put It i It will then lIe be known that th muth maligned l Mormons ate lUe not and nut never have been the f fool foes of or education There Is an nn education that we e Ills dia a partial education or one onetha that tha t leads men from rein God lod We WI believe belleu that incas mens mental facilities should bo Jo amme wo we believe mens powers potters N should be lie trained but hut we Wc c also hold Itoh that thai their moral nUll nail spiritual natures should bo lit developed lI This IH tic complete education and U it Is In order to stem stein the time of ot if crime and infidelity that Is sweeping lIVer this the world Wo e believe bellee with Her Herbert Herbert herbert bert Spencer Spencor that the he function of ot du cation Is 18 to prepare man for tor complete living na but hilt complete living to 10 our minds means menns life here hero and hereafter I havo salt said that th tim whole shoIe Idea of ot Is In education I say Ma now that tho timo school houfe hou e to Is the tho very wy type and ann symbol of ot the tho earth Itself When Whon the tho Creator In the beginning said to thORO who were welo with Him We Ve will wilt go IN godown godown down for tor there Is space there thele tint wo we will take tuko of ot these materials and make an nn oarth whereon may ml dwell lie He HeW W Will sas H simply projecting It a school hoUse hoUseIn In itt which his hili children the time spirits might be trained and simm from which they might aught graduate with hon lion honor honor lionor or prepared for tor time the pure and perfect Society of ot heaven Iwa 1 Did 1 11 he ho not nol say Kay We Wt ti will prove proe th m to see el If IC they will do all nil whatsoever the time Lord their flod hod command them theta who keep their estate shall bo ho 1 0 added upon Dijon arid they timey who keep kelp th their lr second estate such shall have glory Iol tolled upon uon thou heads he lM forever olIer nail and ever er Here Horl Is I the whole thing In a n nutshell tho whole of ot man to do God lot requires regardless of ot consequences regardless of what the tho world may mav mn think or say sav It Is a n work of ot progression of oC education that we WI weale mi ale engaged Cn In Our first estate was sas tho time spirit life lite III In which we walked by sight 81 ht our second estate Is ta this thin mortal life In which wo tto are ure expected to walk by fa faith Ith Ouch God Is In time the educator the tho earth Is In one ono of or his Imle school houses his hood me tho the school masters rna sent hero hore to tn teach tench tho the principles of salvation sal temporal and cind spiritual I salvo salva salvation lion tion hero here and hereafter TIme The glory of If f God hoil 1 III Itt Intelligence He lie Is tho tim most In Intelligent of or nil all but IK lIe wants his chI chil children dren to become like Ilu ilk Him hElm He lie there thelo foro nrc places them at school In lit situa situations where hero they may Inn progress But Hut how ho summit shall I they the 1110 without ui I hoti I tench I toil uch cli em Nil what would you ou think If Ir the time board hinted of ot education that established thus this col collel lel lega hind had simply built a n houme called the tho children Into It and turned tU them loose to teach tearh themselves or to be taught by byall any all one who alight arise You would think It was folly lilt Hut they did not do tin this They men trained In time calling of at tIme tho teacher and placed the students In their charge It Is ii so In school house the earth Oat God chooses tIme the teachers of mankind and sends them forth their mis missions He hIs sends fiends Apos les and miti other noble Into limb time tho world su superior superior Intelligence to train time the lessor lesser In lead heat them along time the paths of progress and salvation And these great ones must be he exemplars an as w t sl hi us mis preceptors of the principles they advocate You ou young people who vIm graduate to what does God Clod expect of you You have acquired precious knowledge at this institution What are you go goIng lag Ing to do 10 with It You have learned that n it man IB Is saved no faster titan than he lie gets knowledge but bitt let me Inc Ml thi you that the tho Prophet lid did not say suy nor muir did he Ito mean that the of knowledge will arm man Wrapped up UI In his iii izo saying paying anti and implied by It Is this principle that a it man H is saved no faster than he hue puts his knowledge Into practice lie not hearers only of time tho word hut but doers of It also your house upon tIme the rock and not upon sand Put lut Into practice the knowledge you have gained He lie examples as well ns as teachers to those who will swill come un nit dor dem your care Anti And do not work for self work tork for God Goti and glorify Him In nil that you say nud do A friend of wins mimic had bath n a dream or vision In which President Young appeared to hint him antI said Live your religion for forIt forit It Is what you do for fo God that counts when you come where 1 I am ant Noth Nothing Nothing ing could be truer titan than this Tho man who vho Is the man maim who works for self who succeeds Is the one who ho works for God When men are jealous of each other and suck seek to pull each other down unwilling that army one should be great but them themselves selves you may set It down as a fact that they time are working for themselves There Is no room for jealousy for hatred for strife there Is no room for anything but love hove anti and benevolence In ha a it heart wholly given up to the service of God lou Seek Ills His kingdom and Ills His righteousness and tint nil all else shall bo be added unto you And tn In all your teachings teach time the truth for truth will endure It Is the truth of a whether In religion science philosophy music painting poetry or lilly other art that causes It to live Nothing false can endure Truth alone Is Immortal The In conclusion recited nn an original poem Truth the lie Im Immortal mortal aptly Illustrating his theme and Impressing It very ery vividly up the tho minds of his hearers |