Show rI HILTON fiL I TON of or Charles I of n it I HIR hums Career Special Correspondence Milton Morgan Co June S SOn On June 3 1801 1901 tho tIme people of ot Milton Morgan Co eo Utah wore we called upon to lay hay layaway Inra away a wa one nile of oC their most respected citi citizens cIt I I acne zens Mr tr Charles H 11 II CrIddle who into lio liopas pas Pd Into the time great leal beyond June let 1st bt Ills C dath was caused by liy epileptic convulsions Is by Ii acute disease the first violent at attack attack attack tack April Apri 1901 Mr riddle was horn born In this count county October 11 1561 and has hu been liton a prominent citizen In the time Milton ward during his hll short life le In ISS he lie left for Cor Britain on a IL mission hut but was wa Great Grent reat 01 Wa compelled to return ere cre Its completion on n account nf ot ill health In 1897 1397 he mar married married ried ned Miss Mary Mar I Gibson of Salt Lake LakeI City I who 19 with wih two Iwo children survive hint him himle He lIe has occupied many public pOll pod loins lions le some som of or which ore are President Ir Jent of ot the time Y M M 1 I 1 A superintendent of ot the tho Sunday school and Bishops coon coun cun He lIe was WIS justice of oC the time peace for Cor fora Cora a number of ot terms was wits secretary of ot the lIvestock Jh company lolan di dl director 1 rector of ot the Milton Irrigation cor corpany CO ilon band and pany captain of the bru also captain In the N 0 O IT V I The TIm funeral rl ites w s well WIl attended and beautiful foti offerings the tim floral norl remarks were ae 1 h by Stake President homer Helner amid Counselor Win Wm Franco France FrancoV l rol W lv Iener V 0 U South Smith B 13 Prances Hr se L P 11 hol I Bishop Win Wi Giles flies alel and amid Coun COUll Counselor F l i A Little |