Show Talk About It always the way with our Hair Vigor When per pcr persons perSons sons use it they are always so highly pleased with it that they tell their friends about it itI If I f your hair is short too thin splits at the ends cuds is rough or is falling out our Hair Flair Vigor will perfectly satisfy you If your hair is just a little gray or perfectly white Ayers Hair Vigor will bring back to it all the dark clark rich color it had years and years ago One dollar I a bottle bottie I U II your cannot cann t you OS as f LOO and we w will es a II 1 bottle to you Oil tili charges prepaid He lie sure sod and us your offic J I C Ainu Co Lowell Mass Mau MauSen Send Sen for Cor or our handsome book on The Tue Hair A Birth fir ifs Ic t t I is wry very Cr much munch like liko the blossom bloom blossoming bIO om log ing of a u flower Its Us beauty and perfection depends entirely upon the caro caru bestowed upon its parent I mothers should have hac the care They fhe hould bould be spared nil worry won and anxiety They should cat plenty of good nourishing food tI This will go sro a long way WilY toward preserving preservIng ing lug their health and their beauty as u well M n that of or the little one to come nut But to be absolutely absolute turo suro url of or a short and painless labor they the should use usa Wi s Fed regularly during e of gesta I lion Hon ThIs Tali a 1 mple liniment which It is 1 to ID he bo m externally It U Kin give i strength an 1 Kr to t the aud nj I pro prevent all of oC tie the lb of r pree preg pre pregnancy nancy which ht h Used und to n ha n nM w were re 3 ry M th ft Friend 1 It is thuD II 5 no dafter Oft net Mother Friend PI lend at St thi drig 4 store 81 1 i r bottle hoille Tilt THE DR CO ATLA ATLANTA OA JA su Is 10 In Will If ti lor I e it lei sf k if c k i J r L k f A Wholesome Tonic Acid Phosphate Taken when vitality and nerve nervo force have become im paired when you feel fcc all nil played out cant sleep and have no appetite it nourishes strengthens an imparts now new life lite and vigor A Tonic and Nerve Herve Food Th Tl The ct t Kin Leti tar IU U Ii DAm lm ni M OIl e 1 Itel PATCHES Why v Ii t II CIe I it e 11 r on When hen a Ii woman can Rh jet get rid of brown on her race face ace by 11 changing her tier diet It U Is worth while for other women who care caro for their complexion C to Know something of ot the method A 4 lady In Michigan City CIt Ind Inti who flow not want vani her name mentioned 51 says S that coffee cortee C caused d the brown rown patches on her lace Tac ace by hy giving her stomach trouble then putting her hor serve out of ot order and the result was WIS shown hown In her complexion She quit coffee and began using Poe Ioe turn tum Food Coffee Corree and in less lem Ie than a month the stomach trouble disappeared e and within two t o months month her complexion up Jr and la Is now nn fin and rosy racy She speaks of a It Mr Ir Knight and lid Gid Gideon Ol Oleon eon Hunt of ot WestfIeld Ind lad who ho have hav both b been n improved In tn health h by leav IMY leaving ing big off ort coffe coffee sad and nd taking In its place lo lum Food Coffee Cott Ito a It Mr sir Ir and Mn drs In JeM J Stanley of the same place pIRe who were ere In III poor health and suffered from trouble They The quit cot cof coffee fee fe anti and after aUer using u A 1 short hort time lime the result waa natural sleep return re return return turn of or t and a gain fain In strength an as 5 fast as u nature will wll rebuild rebuilt She SIP gives the names of a 1 number of other I n who Aho have bave been 11 helped Uy by leaving ts ving oft off coffee corti and taking Coffee corree It U Is a it safe eafe proposition that It If any all user uller has hu stomach or nervous trouble or bad complexion he ie or she sheran run ran get Iet rid of ot the trouble by discon discontinuing rotcH and find taking Food Coffee Corteo It U l I Is easy enough to prove the truth ruth of ot this by b making trial livery Ivery 1 ery Or lolau grocer sells concerning the object of ot the lecture of ot tin tha evening Dr De Dc Costa began by b speaking of ot the beauty of ot the Salt Lake Inke Valley anti ami t l i Greatest Playground IT IH f n Earth H i tir w On Car In 01 EVERY NEED EVERY WISH f Can be Suited EVERY EVY EVE Y PURSE SPECIAL RATES Have been een established by b the SOUTH KUN PACIFIC between all parts larts of CALIFORNIA CA and Its number of ot famous resorts by hy which the expense of a trip Is re ye reduced reo to a very crr low and rate mitte Fur Tor example PIlO ALL AIT PAWlS PATHS OF 01 CALIFORNIA CAItI OH IA IATO TO TIm HI IN SHASTA mG I CIN TAHO AND AD SUH SUIt HOl HIO 1111 THE KINGS lINCH COUN THY FROM 1 SAN JOAQUIN AND SACUA SACHA POINTS TO TUB TIlE Y HAY BAY COAST ImO FROM 1 Tim SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ARIZONA AND ANI AN TO O TUB ThIh R IN SOUTH ImN CALIFORNIA AND AN TUB THE RK IU SORTS OF NORTHERN CALIFOR CALIFORNIA NIA POI For t Lull full Information Inquire of nearest agent of ot the tho SOUTHERN PACIFIC or of D n 1 R B GRAY Oitt OI A 1 General Agent gent west Second South St Salt Lake City SOUTHERN PACIFIC co 30 to 10 San 30 On all trains leaving Ogden Ogdon June JUlie amid all Return Limit September Inquire of oe C A Henry floury 1 Agent Ogden Ogdin W V H j HS Agent Ogden D H R OR AY General Agent lOG W Second Socon South St Salt Lake Lako City READING THE HAND Professor Sterling has already read ren renthe the tIme palms of ot n II number of ot leading cit citizens A number of ot them theta will be Je pub from day till to tm day Out of at this his list the time tIl following have havo been Jeon selected for today todos s isu Im PALMER HOUSE formerly the SL SI Jains Hotel South louth Main Mala Strut Street near Third South St 51 r ff H lI G ihlE PALMIST AND AD PSYCHOLOGIST who io Is 18 now In the city and Is recognized by J prea public everywhere All 1 are pleased antI delighted with his readings Multitudes es visit istL his parlors dally daily anti and are happy Palmistry Is an exact science and It R excites tho the won wonder tier der and admiration of DC the most skeptical skeptIcal Professor Sterling can bo be con can suited on nil mill matters pertaining to the welfare of oC time the human race Your hands reveal all questions of at life lICe tier per to marriage sickness death changes travels divorces separations IR Is lawsuits suits business Julnes transactions wilts wills deals mortgages lost or absent friends mining ventures etc Consult Professor Sterling lie Ho Is acknowledged ed the greatest living authority on Oil oi palmistry and an alt all al his hla work worl Is done In InIn manuscript In form tonn and Is strictly conn confidential hours are lire 10 a m to 9 p m mm dally daily and Sundays Palmistry lm huts been wen reduced to a science and amI following arc nrc some tome of or the tho results obtained by J Professor or Sterling of well known persons ns In 11 this city J 1 A Salesman You must not take the thi within thre threw months If It you do you will re reo clove clave an Injury that will whit effect the whole course cours of at your our life lift J 1 A MA Attend to studies and amid other affairs of at life they are necessary to one of ot your our temperament N You will soon noon overcome tho time difficulties that have been your lot You are en endued lowed dued with tIne fine mental attributes L I n 11 Insurance e Agent ent You are likely to Inherit money mane but nit this Ihl should not deter dater you ou from ilo do doIng In Ing ng your b best t with whatever presents Itself n B G O GUtTER Clerk CIrk Reticent thoughtful thou pr persevering not nol sail R Iy discouraged though th uTh you do wor worry or orri ry rr Success Is plainly In your our hand and you ou have hae a u long life lite before IOU OU Palmer Homo formerly St Bt Same James S Its South Main street Room C 8 CHARGES SOc Oo and 1100 00 Prof IroC Sterling does dees not publish private private vate ate readings In the dolly dati paper k i iii k c m ZIONS SAVINGS SA vINas BANK BAUK ft K KAND AND HD TRUST COMPANY No I Main Miln St i all U Lake City J isia J DEPOSITS SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OPINED OPENED iL lit ilL 4 percent per ir annum uti Oh U 1 or thousand 70 SNOW Bua lre M ii I Oll U r a s B III II II IJA roB resident lUbi S II M U S DEPOSITORY DESERET f H lI l BANK ii Arle f LAKi LAlm CITY UTAH f f ff J JA A PITA r M t 1 1 rity Deposit lt for Cor lo it V lX 1 I 2 CO i iBAN BANKERS BAN ERS lJ Salt Snit Lako o City Utah 0 ro in ml SI r Ic II THE m STATE m n OF UTAH i sALT KAIT CITY J WM sl II it ulo If il II I ILI Ill lIIAS CliAs AS a So lit liC ITON flashier r M 1 ulIs Joseph I Haiti Ohm Oh 8 S m I 1 T 1 V Im mu U II III han Isan 5 A W V Carlion arlson Commercial in ill nil In it Al HOI H ITU Illo attention given glun to I Iu u n nn n l llAN OF m 1 TilE r lI Ji Jiu U S 8 mIO ItO frank Irot lo 00 t o A low I m mW W T l i CAPITAL CA I i i I IN i N 0 mM cJ hr 1111 II k If In III all aU it II r r on ll tho thu principal c of 10 laid un on Hum il f II im THE DESERET SAVINGS 14 BANK i iW W v W V II It er President j fl tu luc o Vo Vie hilas A I i Jamo Sharp John It II Join Jom U I Jut 1 In lor r Dm Id A W Calon II U Winder I 1 II II Purry iturry t i It II ItI 1 I W V 1 I P 1 hour our po vor por r icat Interest paid pal on au savings saving r ill Iw m t CAPITAL PAll I IN Oo Hunk n t In III tilt all Its 11 I Dr I r Th Iru M I oyer ur ii J Italy Imly O 0 1 tam U Fox lor I M a rii ill W V V I Otie ohio j rl M I Donney it ney Y John lohn A I r W l BROS I BANKERS I SALT LAKI OrTY OiT UTAH IsU IZ IZA h J A General clod SAfETY Bos FOK rOi KENT I ENT WELLS FARGO f COS DANK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH Ella bUshed 1852 TrAnsact I a General Ginera I 1 1 C 11 DOOLY C Y 1 1 1 R JONES g W CO mm DANKERS South Main Mam Street t tH I B H 11 SCH DANKER flANKER ETTLER I 1 22 MAIN tAIN ST OPPOSITE COOP L Jilt f I H HZ Itt Itta a r j 0 7 II j JJ i I Z c I h I 1 flarIng al a I anu U lJ UThe 11 The Best est I 1 ny fill aro are Haul l with fI MA LIIlI III l CO 10 Pens I In all ai gra ot of points froum to thus enabling tho Iho writer to Lo pou u utile tile mu Itt satisfactory Fountain F t jr oun at n l JL Pen 7 en f Mable Mabie Todd A lit IU iO I it St 8 New ew York I for ale sae by Cannon llon toro IlK N New PI ew l 0 O K 11 1 1 Mart Bro Salt Malt Sa t Iko New ew Co Harrow lira y to I 1 t B Bf oy 1 Bro itro protected or f t Royal ly by this t Broa l C A D label 1 t 1 I WE NEED THE TIlE MONEY Hence n nce we are mak rank ranking makSi Si in ing prices on our cr lumber and build building In TI materials that can cnn cannot 9 not be duplicated It you nul 1 I thing In the build line Une come and andst andI w I jJ st s P us or telephone t your order m l M m CO COI I I 2611 Wi V bo T Tel k fill AU k |