Show I I 11 JI N ILL Il University Professor Attack of CH Dr Orson Howard of o time the State Slate Uni University Is nt nut his hi homo home convalescing front from flOI an nn attack of or nervous nerous prostration The hue doctor has always been lucen h el u mu haul 1111 worker Iol er anti for time the Ih PUtt past few fel weeks week ho hohas lass has put nut In iii un sum Incredible number of ol hours Time The consequence Is that hula his hil body hilr which IB Is not very er strong ausy way could not stand the severe revere strain and he had to abandon lila his hi and He lie IH is IHnow isnow classes return to 10 hula his home Ie now taking a n very er much umuchi needed rest and 1111 will wi be all ni right In iii a n few fe days s Ho lie 10 lieas was as EO so anxious to remain to the end of the year car that ho Iw wont went to his hula classes when he hIJ should have hUe been len remaining at nt home Or Dr 1 Howard Is tIme the professor of at lila bio biology logy at nt time the University and amid Ind IB In very ery el dent Ilont In iii his hii He Is 18 a n graduate of the time Iowa university amid ond old also of time the college He lie le practiced medi medicine lEdl tumid and nd nine cine In this city el for several years later accepted tilt the th chair hull of oC biology In iii Inthe the State Hato University Ills His II mommy many lan friends and Int associates l at nt atthe the time University sincerely hope for his hiss speedy s y recovery reo 0 r |