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Show PROVO SUNDAY JIERALD, SUNDAY; JULY 29, 192S socim CANYON PARTY PLANNED FOB TODAY - ' Mr. and Mrs. S;' Cx Llbbey. and sons, Paul J. and Sidney, Jr.,-oOakland, Calif., are visitors in tnis city for a few. days. y'' '' .' , Miss Eva Williams: Is spending a "few days' in Salt Lake with her ' aunt, Mrs. Rose Williams. Mifr Teddy Nelson pf Logan was a visitor in this City the latter part of the week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nelson. " -Hary W. Rowlands left last week for California, where he will visit page 'r. rarj: and Mrs. R. E. Taylor of Sal Lake spent the" latter part of th Complimentary to MY: and Mrs. week here "with friends. ; Arnold Zabriskte and family j of ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moreton ant , Alberta, Canada, who Raymond, baby Joyce, and Mr. and Mrs. Thorn l. Item, for these column should be submitted to the Society are here visiting, Mr. and Mrs. A. as Leonard, of Salt Lake, are visit oetweea s:uu a. M. ana B P. M. M. Zabriskie will entertain at and Lewis T. J. JiW6tilr. lng here for a few" days with Mrs Mrs. T. J. Foote has returned home today. A. delicious dinDavid Klnnear. noon be served after ner at will " where they DAISY SEWING CLUB .Mrs. W. I. Hoghea of Payette Stocks on the Salt Lake Stock from Rochester, Minn., Operation of the W. B. Foshay The regular meeting of the Palsy which games, social chat, etc., will company of Minneapolis; now ex and - Mining Exchange closed the have been spending the. past two is a visitor In Provo for i Idaho, will be be diversions.. Covers the a Reunion-Plannepa Sewing club will be held Friday aftend outside the confines of the week quite and dull. The market weeks. Mrs. Lewis has been clinic. few d days. Miw. 40 and laid Mr, for including ternoon at Vivian Park in Provo la holding up well, but tient at the Mayo Brothers' Mark A.. Matleyv and Kathryr Arnold Zabriskie and family, Mr. North American continent for the as a whole Mr. and Mrs. John S. Park and first time. W. B. Foshay, presi-- there Is not much trading. Descendants ol John M. and Wil canyon. Sewing and luncheon will and Mrs. George Zabriskie, Stahman,' both of Spanish Fork 'Mr. home returned ina Saturday and be cordial diversions the family Asked relatives and friends In Sacramento, were ' Issued a marriage license a Bid. Stocks: liam Murdock and Mary M unlock dent, has announced the purchase after spending a week with rela- - Oakland and San Francisco. is extended to all members and Mrs. Alva Zabriskie and fam of a Central American utilities prop Big Hill .19 .17 He the county court house Friday. t lulr, will hold their annual family vitation Mr. Mrs. Irwin and ily of Salt Lake, in Evanston, Wyo to be present , Bingham-Mine- s , . . 40.00- - 50.00-4 tives and friends erty which rprsent-an-4nvst- -4 ifrefmtinttolsiriptoos Angelesi 1. I. Hewlett is nere from Poca reunion August , s ana , ai v lvian Misa Emma Zabrisktei ZabrtskierJv and Lake Bear Utah; Randolph,. ; 10. MY where he will spend the remainder tello, Idaho;, for a few days. Central Standard "Pack. The first day will be' spent ar-A. McKenaie,. Ed Young and Wes ment of more than $800,000. Montpelier, Jdaho and Logan. of the summer and will enter the 17Vi .18 --- v. R. A. Pants of Pueblo, Colo., wa ranging camp, and in the evening HONORED GUESTS AT Through the Central American Colorado Con. Jefferies. Mr. Mrs. V. H. and Mr. Tuft and '.14 .18 Power. Corporation, organized by Crown Point . a jlarge bonfire will be made around LAKE PARTY university there this winter. among the business visitors In- thl .,.M. been O. Mrs. have and Slack, 4.27 H 4.25 Miss Florence Jcpnerson left y Relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Frank FDELAS CLUB ENTER- wjhich community singing will be city: Friday: "":iiiliL the Foshay. company for this pur- Chief Con. ..... A .05 Ogt, 8pendjnjraweek at Fish lake. Los Angeles. E. W. Pittman of Logan spen eiijoyed. The evening of the second R. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold TAINED IN CANYON, morning for pose, the physical properties of the East Standard ill .03 Calif., where she-wattend the Saturday Jiera-witthere will be a character ball Zabriskte who ara visiting here from Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark of electric light, ice and water systems Eureka Mines friends.. -.- . dy 1 Mnu mn,; inrjini.: yior, air. TJ3SJT 03' school of ballet, tap ' in', the dance hall, to which friends Raymond, Alberta, Canada enter Eureka entertained, at their., sum-- , of Managua,, .capital-o- f Nicaragua, ErCrtwn Pt. . Mr. Elmer and Mrs. and Taylor, .48 and acrobatic tained In their honor, atalake, mer nome in Vivian East Tin. Con. .... .42 She will re- V INFLUENZA HITS .INDIANS apd relatives are cordially Invited park Saturday were purchased on. the basis of a Eureka. Lily DaniJohnson turn to Provo dancing. 2.09 M Mrs. Rulon Ty'H". 2.05 in six weeks to open tfi attend. Murdock's orchestra Vill party at Geneva Friday evening. A for the members of Fldelas of net, sound depreciated valuation of club RKGINA, Sailu, July 27 ,VP.-- An Mrs. ahd son, Everett Johnson, and and conduct the fall term of the flurnish the music. All family mem- -' delightful time was spent . .wift Eureka. A delicious luncheon was $727,000., free of all. encumbrance Eureka Bullion .... . .68 J9 y a BoTarHaws" for left have, 73 epidemic of- Influenza today wa of School toers are urged to plan on joining in bathingr boating and dancing, and served of Danse t ix Arts. Jcpperson excx-p""" ' a $40l000 mortgaged tables-- .02 trip to Yellowstone park. ' .01 Goddard to' be sweeping througl elaborate picnic luncheon was progressive "500", wore enjoyed, gua la a city of 60.0Q0 population. Lehi Tin. left reported Henry Saturday jthe family reunion this year, which an Mrs. Ernest Dixon and .family, served. Participants In. the affair Mrs. Charles Zabriskie and . . . . 1.26 r 1.50 a month's trip to Cali- the" Indian tribes of Northwester! Mammoth for morning . v"The transaction a .George represent! who are spending the summer at fornia. In Sacramento ' .09 .. .094 I9es to be one of the' best ever held. were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Tinsman Mth receiving the favors. The cash consideration of more than Nonstandard their summer, home lrLWild wood, met by his daughter and he will be dm thetDnljr - 2,00 W. W. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. August list Included the following: Mr. $700.000, -,-Mr- Foshay said," "and Plutus..'. rJ Mackenzie rrYpr.tft,t)w waterway guest were in Provo andSaturday. Mr. Mrs. .92 J. J. Mr. JC and Mrs. Ben and Mrs. Roland Olson, who of Alberta.' ; Johnson, ' COVERS LAID FOB Mr, and we have taken over more than $100,- - Provo Miss June Hoover,. Miss Luella will take him Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dahl-qui- Mrs. John A.: Thurman, . . . .60 .59 ; Jensen, by car to the various AUsn, Mr.-- and Mrs. 000 worth of supplies and materials Silver Shield TWELVE -Miss Meldrum have and Cor Vept A. Mr. Vi and ..03 .04 Mrs., Scott Jr., places of Interest In California and Charles Zabriskie, Mr. and Mrs. aside from the physical .properties. Tintlc Central . returned home from a ten-da- y trip Mexico. He will vlpit'in Los Angeles Miss Eva Atkinson entertained a Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Golden Tay13.87 - 14.00 Mr. and Mrs. John . "Our . decision to purchase was TIntic Standard Blackett, Eugene to. lake. and Fish din canyon Bryca well a few friends at lor of Pays'on, Mr. and Mrs. Clar Bunnell, - Mr. and Mrs,, Malcolm made Sales: appointed with Goddard, former Vlrl DlxonJlsjtapen45rove-a- t only after long and 'careful ner party at her home Friday ence Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Provo resident, who is now employ- Mr. Mrs. J. Grant.. Mr investigation and neggtlMimsjshich Big Hill 1000 f 17c. and Green, sessions blrth.BY-' ofthe-- : tending ra-tthe occasion being her tCenfrarSter-300- 0 10c. a nospitai or mat City." Scott, Mr us Jbe plants will-b-e effie- summer school. Dr. and Mr Greaves, Mr, George Tinsman. Mrs. Pert all of assure. Chief Con. 200 W $4.25, S. Harris ahd day -anniversary, The fining table Mrvand and Mr. ' lently a operated. profitably Mr. and MrsTFrC." Wentliem of family spent July 24thalLMapIe 3"Ws- atti actively decorated- - in; and Mrs. "Arthur. D. Taylor, Mr. Eureka Lily 700 fit n who ts to color scheme of pink and white. A and Mrs. Joseph H. Taylor,. Mr. re among the Provo visitors wu tn ayeon eanyon.2000 l?ifevi Mrs. nd Provo,. cenfof Joseph, will eiocKnoxiers, over the week end. operate the Park Bingham-r100cut glass bowl f pink roues formed and Mn. Spencer Madsen and Mr. 19c of latthe Mr. and TWrsTdrsTtJMlinariWd Fork," Ferpeseti new r Spanish properties manager. the centerpiece, on either side of and Mrs. Lamar Scott. SWeld-20b9c. a WllfcAn Silver 500 Is 68d; Miss Thtrs visitor children "of San TJlego," Calif. are U i ter three being invited guests. He has had wide experience In . Which was a pink candle in a cut 4n: Provo for two weeks, the guest among the visitors in" this- olty for countries jind for'glass hoWer correspondingjfvith the SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY of her cousin Mrs.. Edith Wilson. - '" ' ' ' I a few days. QUESTS AT DINNER PARTY merly operated a large utility plant centerpiece. Gay pink place-car- ds Mrs." I. O. Potter of Reno, "MriRlid Mr. Mrst of and residence The V. C. VVamlcfc spent Mr. and Mnt. en- -, in CubaL : Mr. and Mrs. F., were used and pink and white fav-or- g Nevada, were visitors In Provo Sat the -of scene ' was In Soren the Mlkkleson Dell, Pay son were Maple holidays Covers 4he gueata.. .100 "The" dinner given Foshay company. owns urday; the "Rouse' guests of Mr. and canyon,. i social AffairKridaj tertalnedat'ajycll appointed 1 Blacks Mrs. Clarence of home stock of common the cent, evening; st (heir JYIdajr per ' evening, when a number of friends party left Thursday 4ny. Margaret Brian of the Jocal forMm Mary Spear and flowers prettTlydecorated the holding and operating company, pleasantly surprised Mr. Mikkleson Garden other eastColumbus, Ohio, C. Pennev company store and her J. tablc.-Cov, CARDS, MCSIC AND were-lai- d the dining, In celebratlonbf his birthday an the Central American Power Corwnere sne expects to Mr.-an- d cities, Miss Veda LUNCHEON have Brian, for daughter. 12, Includingniversary. Games, music and social poration; and will continue to hold returned home from Rigby. Idaho, ' spend .month visiting with rcja-- . C. "Weston of Logan. .Mrs. Jane Evans entertained at chat were enjoyed duing the eve it until fall At. this time, proper 28. Forty-si- x Where tives and jriends before returning ASPEN GROVE, July the they have been spending the to her home Friday afternoon for ties in- Alaska for which, we now ning after which a delicious lunchProvo. ' ' towns are. among two represented weeks with and relatives past , i, members of the Daisy Sewing eon was served The guests were ENJOYABLE PARTY GIVEN are negotiating will be taken over the registrant at sum- friends;''-- . pSarah RamseyTias feturned "500"-. were of . progressive Members of the' "board of direc- andtha two units handled through mer school of seated at tables" which were" dec uniham. to.week Young at Is a Mrs. home Brig E. Goddard 8. after spending spending played after which a delicious a delicious luncheon was served. tors of the Flag Mining company the Public Utilities Consolidated versity, now In session here. These day In Sandy, attending the funeral Maple Dell, Paysbn- canyon, the Delicious luncheon was served to the f ollow-- ; The guests were seated at two gave an entertainment at the home 1 Corporation. This corporation is towns, represented a services being held for her cousin, guest of Jier brother and Ing members: Mrs. Grace Hansen, tables which were beautifully dec of Mrs. Emma Poulson Friday the one'whlch hold our public util- as . Oeorge-ABrowof are a number in found Mrs-::Z Mr. they and EUzabath.AlUn.. law. Mrs. Ruth orated with gladiolas and baskets evening. A program, of. games and Mrs. Violet Johnson, j ity interests.. When the Alaskan different states. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Evans of yMr. and Mrs. Frank Liston of. Reeves, Mrsv Anna Mikklesoh, Mrs. of summer flowers. Present- - were musical numbers was enjoyed, afare taken securities over, properties Is satiswere "The registration evisitors in Provo this calantc, Utah, among the very Anena Anderson, Mrs. Anna Nel- Mr. and Mrs. William Norman, Mr. ter which a delicious luncheon was of the two will be offered to the I ''L"' ' end. vo visitors last week ' j factory," said Dean C. . Yv Cannon son, Mrs. Anna Christensen, Mrs. and Mrs. Carl Nielsen, Mr. and Mrs. served. .. public." "I feel that the school is yesterday, Matilda Christiansen, Mrs. Leona Nels Hansen, Mr. and Mrs. James investi said his Mr. that Foshay growing stronger each year and Hansen and Mrs. Louise Jorgen- - Nelson, Mr. and Mrs., Axel Gren, CLUB PARTY AT GENEVA ' in Nicaragua showed that w!U continue to grow stronger as : sen. ; Provonas club members nter gation Mr. and Mrs.' Alfred Madsen. Mr. There's no better dish than the political structure of the re- equipment Is added ahd as people r y:' and Mrs. Hans Miller, Dr. arid Mrs. talned at Geneva Friday afternoon, public is sound, that cooperation of become aware of the sumpleasant RON'S BIRTHDAY 1M Christensen, Mrs. Louise Jorg- - aad a most enjoyable a heaping portion of Alpine day was the government is assured and that mer climate available. CELEBRATED" ensen, Harry Jorgcnsen. Miss spent. Boating, bathing and dancing reports- - of probable political Interwho has Coach Chick Hart, Mrs. Walter Holdaway.. enter Mikklcserv Kent, Lillian and were delightful features of the af- ference with legitimate business are Ice. Cream.. All delectable charge ofell the recreation, is keeping tained-- at a children'- s- birthday Max Christensen. fair and a delicious luncheon was unf ounded,, memstudents,-oswas" "fadulty ' $ jjc served to the following: Mrs. J. H. party at her home Friday afterflavors. Three three flavors bers, busy in sports of an interestMUSIC PUPILS .. noon," complimentary to her t BeckMirs. Alma Baker, Mrs. Albert ' NORTHWEST COOLER Is' Grove nature. the Aspen ing son Ross, whose birthday ENTERTAINED Selck, Mrs. F. D. B. Gay, Mrs. Edte-mafor this SUNDAY: SPEC-- : ?cene of some hard fought baseball Mrs. J. W. JdcClelland, Mrs. J PORTLAND, Ore., - July 27on (UP) Mrs. Margaret Pulsipher enterAnniversary it was. Games and in a contests the and Although daily. volleyball IAL BRICK are v piusiwerenjoyable ieatureatnd tained at Friday&fter- - WalterTaylbr," Mrs. Fred Critch-lo- rew Isolated Instances, i the - hot -- Bonfire programs, moonlight delicious luncheona;as served to noon for several of her piano stu Mrs. L. L. Nelson, Mrs. Etta weather under whtch to most of Pacific excursions thf hikes, nearby spots 12. Mrs. dents. A splendid musical program Graham,-Mrsr-JoPenrod, 1 Northwest has sweitered for a week scenic interest are planned for the : ; Mixture n na;; w?3 furnished by the young folks, Allie Cunningham, Mrs. Anna Car to be receding today., j near future. appeared "AURORA 'CLUB NOTICE California. roll of were which after games enjoyed VANILLA sjs Members of the Aurora club will and refreshments sreved. Present moetJThursday evening at the home were Robert and Grant Elliott, LITTLE. WOMEN.ENJOYi ' STRAWBERRY ...... 1 of Mrs. Eva Mildenhall, 126 South Walter and Mark Bigler, Dell and OUTING Has The Seventh West street. All Neighbors Ellwood Foote, Ellen and Olea Pul Members of the Little Women of Woodcraft club have returned from a week's ' no f urged to be pres- sipher. ent. vacation at Vivian Park In Provo The girls spent pleasant GUESTS AT DINNER is canyon. BETCRNnra?M IDAHO Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Brown en days with bathing, boating hiking, WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Leo Peck and fam- tertained at a well appointed din- horseback riding and dancing, etc., Three Finger Vave"Trcft":Wit'.Eack: Pertnantiit. On ily- have returned to their home In ner party at their home Friday eve and a most enjoyable time is re?ithis city after spending a few days ning. Summer flowers attractively ported by all.- , iiCoo System ,, t In Idaho. They went to attend a decorated the dining table. Covers family gathering at the home of were laid for MrsJ J". Kirkham of LINNEA CLUB - Mr. Peck's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ien Mr. ana airs. Stanley winn ANNOUNCEMENT Lucius Peck, in celebration of the and daughter Maxine of Idaho Mrs. Frank Hardy will be hostess Order From -- Your- Dealer Street1 26 Kcrth University JM&.&i-Uei&')- i eightieth birthday anniversary of Falls, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald to the Linnea club members at hei Mr. Pck. The affair was held on Garff of Salt Lake and Wllford Tat- - home Thursday afternoon. A full attendance is desired. July 24. tereall of San Francisco, Calif. -- ) FOSHAY ENTERS STOCK MARKET1 LATINAMERICA cuir Murdoch Family CITY NEWS REMAINSQUIET , . , . " - -- .'."""-7,- Sai-urda- . ten-da- after-whlcln- iwhr-from- ' st - , eve-nin- e, n U. Mrs.-Robe- rt $2.05.-Uttle-- f well-!;nov- -- 0 - ... . - Latin-American .'" ASPEN GROVE ers TUTS-Thoma- s v- - jIrs." the-Alpi- ne . 1 wTde-territo- sister-in-M1- ii. iihlfl Wholesome Pro)-'wee- k Nourishing . . ""Y1" . rr Scathe - Au-gus- t$ - . - : " ' AESILJEATlNGJUANTzS n, - heat-clung- -- her-hom- e- the queerest and fascinating plant r known to man. It closely resembles the HoodediColera of the jungles oXIndia. plant stalks twisted are and the leaves, funnel shape, and really, beautifulr Display at ; hn -- -- yfrri, Permanent Wave Special -- this - - nestle JT., esselrode' LADIES FLORAL iSS176 West Center "v..1 ' 15 I A "r" . h the dren's, playground. ' with ;-- - chil. Keep it warm and deaa ga. heating. J-- JjrT H'l ' . '" ,f .JJ W 5 V 1 i'UiV' 4r -- r!tim ?S "': :''- v.'.J - Tlie Utility Commission of the State of Utah has granted us permission to put into effect a new voluntary housa heating ratewteh will be the lowest on the North American Continent for manufactured QasTf :r t' ll-"- The floor m mm l 1 ;' r B U1- -- , MtillJ - N ow ou can enjoy clean, healthful Gas heat at a cost only slightly high cr than coal. mv. ?.sh lnl : . . . If you Iteat your homewith GAS we light the pilot in the fall, and turn it off in the spring, that's alL Annual inspection costs you iiotjiing. irit itm f.li : !. Vili Comfort- - Gleanliness NO SMOKE whygas is Jhecleanesjt and most efficient 1 ing fuel. heat- - Spririgville - ' - ll' i Corivehiehce SOOT-N- O. - - ; t that's --- NO : i ..."7.. ASHES; COAL-N- O f . Let the Qas Company Be Your Furnace Man House heating by gas a revelation . in. riei our ; r An Estimate For Your Home Costs You Nothing CALL AT OFFICE OR. TELEPHONE ':' , I. ' . MANAOEMENTr" '. " . .' - ' 1 ' : ": " .. opamsn Fork |