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Show TELEPHONE US Do you U get your paper rognlarrf Mi telephone M before S:to pan. VOL. 5, NCL52. J'.i A WILL hja rROVO, UTAH COUNTY, UTAH, SUNDAY, JULY L - V. fWW Becomes Civilian 4 v-- Slayer' of Obregon --- the Republican primaries for the Provo pre- A call for Merger In England Regarded as Ans - wer es M " a n, d congressional j udicial district, conventions has been issued by county central commttee, and A. H. Dixon, vice chairman of .Prove city committee. The prim- let Yor the selection of delegates! to ell three conventions will be new Realizing a cnuanoou amoiuon to riae in the cab of an engine, Miss FrldayVevenlng, August I, At 8 Amelia Earhart, the "Lady Lindbergh" of the airris pictured here in o'clock.) her role of Casey Jones, 'Wearing overalls, she rode with John C. Sloan, The places for the primaries are Pennsylvania engineer, from Pittsburgh to Grecnsburg, Pa. They are Maeser shown above leaving the station In Pittsburgh. " M follows: First precinct, school; second precinct, Central e " Junier hlgE school; third precinct, Franklin; school; fourth precinct, school ;f ifth precinct, Timpanogoe " ' r Parker ' school. : "" Distribution of Delegates . ' Provo will name 23 delegates for each convention as follows: First, 4 delegates; second, 4; third, fourth, B; fifth, 6. The Fourth Judicial dtotrict coG. O. P. Presidential Candi-jda- t the city ntention! Will, be held lj PrbvorTri-daynirternoo- n In and county building HeadsTartyTJound for at 3 o'clock, with a Four-daTrip to Redwood candidate for district attorney and Uwo district Judges for the term of ivilds; Leaves Frisco. "four years to be named. A Judifour of term a for cial committee 'IN HOOVER - CARAVAN" ON years also Win be selected, at this 150 On Hand In CanyonTor ROAD TO MUD CREEK, Cal.. Julv '. convention. " ' 28- - (UP). Herbert Hoover passed Summer Outing: ; ; This convention will consist of ' through San Francisco by motor. 115 delegates apportioned w follows Awards Made Vbefore sun-utoday- - on the first leg 10, Unttah 14. Utah 78, Wasatch, of his four-dafishing trip to the ,' : f Duchesne 15. " The Republican sUCa convention More than 150 boys from varidu Redwood wllda.-thousands hailwill be heldjn the Elks' building. communities ,of the Timpanogos CThe streets where g 10 ed him yesterday In ills Ogden, Thursday, August 16 at district Boy Scouts of America, are were and deserted celebration a. m. .uA'Aj. .' enjoying , their 'summer outing at passed unnoticed. At this convention the following their camp at the base of Mt. Tim- - heThe Republican presidential pom-inc- q officers will be placed in nomina- panogos, Provo canyon accordate breakfast aboard the ferry tion: United States senator for a ing, to Will Boyle, member of the San Francisco bay behind term of six years; a governor for court of honor, who in .company crossing Golden Gate. a term of four years; a secretary with Cha'rman George H. Brimhall the - The party disembarked from the of state for a term of four years; and a group of Scout commissionferry at Sausalito shortly before 8 an' attorney general for a term of ers; spent Friday at he camp. a. m. Pacific Coast standard time four years; a state treasurer for Favorably Impressed and set out directly northward on a auditor state are summer The "term of four yearsj-encampments the Redwood iilghway, a superin the four years; the most worthwhile thing for a term of . ) f intendent of public instruction for lives of these young men, in the Bound For Redwoods two Justices opinion of Mr. Boyle; who was very .a term of four years; PALO ALTO, Cal..' July of , the supreme court, one. for a favorably impressed with the splen Hoover chucked a fishing term of ten years and one for a did training the young men are red M an old suit of, clothes Into term of two years; four presiden- receiving under the leadership of his big automobile at dawn today tial electors, and a state committee. Scout Executive A. A. Anderson. and set out for a four-da- y fishing Each 'Friday evening the court trip into the Redwood wilds of County Has 7S Delegates under meets at of the honor 76 the of camp will send Utah county Northern California and .' southern ' 881 delegates that will make up the direction of Dr. George It Oregon. Brimhall. chairman of the court the personnel of this convention. Hoover is taking this method of The ' Republican Congressional Last Friday evening the court com- getting himself in physical trim for Will of Dr. Boyle. Brimhall, the arduous task of conducting his convention of th Second congres-lona- l prised district will be held at the Commissioners Roy Passey, A. V. Republican campaign for the presiA. O. Glen B. and Smith Newhouse hotel, Salt Lake City, 'at Flpher, dency. There were '46 members of the 2:30 p. m., Saturday, August 11, Smoot, chairman of the board ;of the and met for the purpose of placing in nom- county commissioners, party in 12 cars which left exam ination a candidate for congress following successfully passed University campus for the inations: Rex Thomas, Troop 22, Trst day's Journey, of 285 miles. term. for a two-yesludyrLynn Wood, Troop 22, The convention .will name 437 bird bird study and leather work; San-for- d OFFICIAL IS INJURED delegates, apportioned as follows; Bingham, Troop 23, bird study. WASHINGTON, July 28 (UP) Davis county, 25; Salt Lake county, riandicraft; Hal Tay Charles BRobblns, assistant-secretar- y 822;' Tooele county, 15; Utah county, bookbinding, 30", lor, Troop craftsmanship and of war, was 75. today leather work; Joe Swenson, Troop while changing Seats Injured in an airplane The chairman of the various com- 30, and leather work: craftsmanship mittees are as follows: county, Don C. Markham," Troop 43, bird during a flight from Columbus, to Washington, the war which selects delegates to the state study, civics, firemanship, first aid, Ohio7 announced. VRobbins sufconvention," E H. Street, of Pay- - public health. Mr. Markham also son; Juulclal, R. H. Andrus of Span was recommended for star and life fered a broken collar bone and two broken ribs. ish Fork; congressional, W. W, badges. Wilson of Murray. Clifford H. Olsen, Troop 76, camp - Herbe Hoove On Fish ing Trip SCOUTSENJOY y, p y - home-comin- "" I ' A n A u P7ip tVr3 it i PROVO d 0. P. WOMEN MEET A meeting of the Preyo Women's Republican club will bo held Thursday, at 8 p. m. at the residence of Mrs. Frances Knight, 142 North Fifth West street . Judge George Worthen will give K talk on "Current Political News", Two musical numbers will be furnished by Mrs. Norma P. Bullock, and Mrs Merle Halvorsen, and Mrs. Lottie Worthen will give a reading. Refreshments will be served by the hostesses, Mrs. Knight and Mrs. George P. Parker. . Members of the club and those interested are urged to be present at this meeting. $ . , I The Weather aft path-findin- g, leather work, .camping, swimming; James G. Burgess, Troop 76, camping, metal work, wood work, handicraft, personal R. William health, swimming; Burn. Troop 76, personal health. swimming; Daniel Wychirly, Troop 76, camping; Jetu. :.R.. Halliday, Troops chemistry and leather 5 work, , Among the entertaining features at the camp are those furnished by M. D, Sclman, aged Indian interpreter of this city, who is dressed in his Indian regalia, paint and all. and delights In giving young scout dom the benefit of his experiences with the Indians,- - . " Trips to the top of Mt. Timpan. ogos are features of camp life. Commissioner Passey reports that he has made 35 trips to the summit of the great mountain, and each . trip furnishes-ne- thrills. Kathleen Eves Wilis In Poster Contest Kathleen Eves, promising young Partly and un- - srtlst was awarded first prize i" settled Sunday; I m connPCtion with the publicity littlo change In campaign for the last Tlmpanogos hike. Second prize was given to Gill temperature. The entries submitted were Maximum temp. Hafen., 22x28 inches In size. I Friday .....101 All showed signs of careful work Minimum' temp. according to the Judges- ,- E. ..51 Friday Edgar M. ; Jensen," and Hottest day this Orson D. Campbell. Ralph Smith was in charge of the contest v year, UTAH cloudy All-Re- lete; Defense Recognized rger public, recommending of all of the Important British com the-me- ic YOUTH SAVES PROVO GIRL FROM DEATH MILK SUPPLY IS EXCELLENT - iherterrifylnsr experience. Sanitarian IS ;n in me river near Vivian rar rn- Gratifying day afternoon. Bee's heroic action tal By City , peAcr-Secretar- y -- d -- INDIANS WILL . publicly-owne- JL AID PROGRAM ar ar - Cd SecretaryLWarJ3ays Signing of Anti-WTreaty Won't Make His Office Obso- - ' DENVER,-Colo.July 28. (UP) Bound for Hawaii on of War Dwight F. a friendly-missi- on of wa seen today in the merger of Davis stopped in Denver today and hinted that the Kellogg the great British privately-owne- d anti-wtreaty .isn't likely, to make his office obsolete, - the cable arid telegraph systems, "The Kellogg "pact Is an important document and its signMarconi wireless and the British d Beam ing August 27 should be celebrated with a proper undergovernment's " ' wireless and Imperial cable,' popu- standing of its contents," the secretary said. ; system, g Defense Is Recognised larly known as the of the wire; imperial Thereport "Itr;is an expression of poncy; less and cable conference Just made trans-Atlant- ' s KellogiPacLl LONDON, July- - 8 CUP) Great Britain's bid for dominance of the world's - communications system way for the greatest communica tions merger In the history of elecq trical tranmission of intelligence. Popularly It is regarded aa Great Britain's reply to the American communication challenge. It Is no secret that the BrttiBh cable and wire less companies have been watching the remarkable developments of the International Telephone and Telegraph, the radio corporation of the MEXICO CITY, July28 The American Telephone and Telegraph anti-labof the communicagroup of , the Obregon tion field through Its overseas teleparty was elated today over what they considered an important vicphone system with real concern. Under the new merger Great Brittory In their campaign to have all lHboritea excluded from thirgoverh-men- t. ain will have the great cable and radio company, capablo of reaching MA, eif'- Luls Morori.es, who recently reevery portion of the earth's- - surface able to utilize to the best adsigned, from a cabinet post aft- the assassination of Presidpnt-el-w- t vantage of the British uses, cable 1 -or radio and In a position tn rnm-pet- e Alvaro Ohreeon. is head of thn (nhr on a basis most favorable to group. He. was Obrogoa's' ch'ef AflcI saving, three years in the political foe. Soto y Gama. head of ,!'p'- dur lr8 wnlcl- - me nc re8CUcd themselves with the American comthe anti-labpanies' or the . communication congroup, has demanded i u,i Ce PcoPo. from drow ning, Boy, forsaer mascot of the soldiers at cerns of any European power. tha iaborites be exrln,lna frnm government and' also blamed that Fcrt Clayton,, Panama, has retired group for psychological Influence In to civilian life. Boy pulled a soldier out of thewatemt Panama for biborites of governmental power. ' his fii'st rescue; then he got help To Dismiss Mayor- swhen another, soldier was drownYesterday ,the, government was ing, and wound up his record by to have decided to diKmiss reported small son of the all labprite mayors and other gffioe palling out12io captain. He's shown here with holders in the federnl district. They post Miss Victoria., Wolfe,, his custodian will be replaced 'by 'Obrcgontstaa, on the steamer from Panama to Now the has re- Snn Francisco. quested that this action be carried out through, the entire - republic, thereby completely stripping the laborites of government power. Saved from death Jn a deep swim Should the government fiil to do ming hole In Provo river by the this the anti-labgroup threatens heroic action of young Lawrence to cretite trouble. Bee, Hiss Flerls Kirk wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirk- wood. 367 South Fourth West street, was fuTIy recovered from Inspection of Dairies Conduct- Saturday - 1 Hisiews Oh . aceiaent-oceurr- ed SMITH IS ON" HIS VACATION "No Politics!" Says-A- to l News-- . Accompanying paper Men - ' NEW YOBJC. July 28 (UP) Political - worries 1 and . campaign plans were left In New York and Albany ioday as Governor Alfred E. Smith, Democratic presidential candidate, started what may prove to be his only vacation before election.! Gon To Long Island Surrounded only by members of several personal friends and a score of newspaper men, Smith went out on Long Island to Goodground, where he had spent several summers with his family before ha became rovernor Thti t was only one ob)ectivs be fore the chief executive as ha left the Blltmore to get as much fun crowded Into the next two or three days as he possibly ly, could. am not going to make any news for you fellows," he told the correspondents as they left the hotel with him. "If It's any fun for you to see me knock the old pill around and swim around the bay, It's o. k. with me. "But no one Is going to see me to talk politics. If any one can sug gest a way to have a good time, I'U talk to him. That's all." Confers With Ritchie ; r Nevertheless, the governor had some political ideas on his mind as he started out, for he had a lengthy conference with Governor Albert C mtcnie or Maryland and Howard Bruce, national committeeman from that state last night Smith was told that he should make as broad a contact with the publip as he possibly could during the next few months, and he also had Ritchie's Ideas on the subject of prohibition, which will be discussed at some length In Smith's acceptance speech Aug. 23. came just in time to save the girl, who was just going down for the third time when rescued. Drift Into Deep Water Miss Kirkwood, who cannot swim well, was Induced to enter the swimming hole. She was accompanied by Ruth Swartfager of Salt Lake, and before they realized it they had drifted Into deep water. In a frantic effort to save herself Miss Kirkwood hung to Miss Swartfager with a vicclike grip, pull ing her Into water over their heads. Hearing the screams of the girls and their companions, Mr. Bee, who was nearby, ready to go for a swim, jumped into the water and with some difficulty broke --Miss 's grip upon her companion, Is It hot enough for youT who swam to shore. Bee then Ifs plenty hot for most peo--p- le the brought drowning girl from Tthe In Provo at the present time. of stream. the depths A longstanding heat wave She was taken to the bank of the culminated Thursday In n roc-river where first-ai- d resuscitation ord mark of 99, and this high was applied successfully. Later she figure took the count Friday, was taken to the family's summer when the mercury soared to lot home in the park. for the year's record., The heat Mr. Bee Is the son of Mr. and , wave continued Saturday, and ;Mrs. Shirley Bee of this city. "little change 1n temperature" la the prediction for Sunday, although unsettled weather pro- duces the welcome possibility of National defense, however, has been taken care of and la recognized in thetreaty. If there Is to be any BTsarmamefiT'lFwnibmenaterT ' Asked what effectthe signing de-of the pact would have on the war partment, Davis said events would have to determine that. f His trip west has led him to believe that Hoover will ha elected;-- he said. "It will be a hard campaign. Tammany is well organized and confident "I think, however, that there are ' so many Independent voters who have studied the issues that Hoover will be elected." Davis plans to call on Hoover In Palo Alto before embarking for Hawaii, where he will attend the ecelebration of the discovery of the Island. Agitation for- complete motorlza-1-tlo- n of the army has been the strongest movement directed at the war department recently, DavLi said. Separation of the air service from "the army, advocated strongly last year, has not progressed very far, he said. Army and navy chiefs feef that the air service should, be closely related to both, he explained. HalUand In Party Lieut Lester J. Maitland. who flew to the islands two years ago. Is In Davis party. Two daughters of the secretary, Alice and Cynthia, and Colonel J. K. , Partelle, ;. San Francisco, are also with the secretary. Partelle said the secretary would be taken to the Grand Canyon, to San Bernardino, Calif., Los Angclca and Sapoys before reaching San Francisco. The party spent yesterday at the Frontier Days celebration at Cheyenne, Wyo. sesqui-centenni- al . - , -- MADS JOHNSON LAID TO REST and Very ImpreBslvt were the funeral of this locality products dairy services held in the Lake View "Real Indians from the Uintah C. to N. Dr. ward chapel Friday afternoon for reservation will furnish one of the proved very gratifying g Mads Johnson, and highly attractions at the state encamp- Spalding,, city sanitarianj who has esteemed resident of that communi-- . ment of the Indian war veterans just completed a test of Provo's ty, who passd away Tuesday. to be held at Spanish Fbrk, August milk supply wai found tox be comJ4. 15, 16 and 17. They will enterBishop Spencer Madsen presided with the city ordinance, the and was one of the speakers.' Praytain with a parade and take part plying ers were offered Madsen in " the parade. There will Be a doctor reports. and L' John Nuttall. Of each milk test taken during varied sport program, which InTheward choir sang "O My cludes a frontier, stampede, with the month evdry one was found to Father". "Come Ye Disconsolate" horses from the Uintah reservation. contain bacterial counts within the and "Beyond the Hilltop." , This will bo a riding contest in John Johnson was the which the winners will receive sub- maximum allowed by.ihecity ord first speaker and In reviewing his inance. In addition to this, all were stantial rewards. g association with the deE. K. Ferguson, who Is chairman giving the public the required perceased, emphasized his loyalty to of the sports committee is lining centage of butter fat required by the ward and community In all acup some' interesting races, announc- the city milk ordinance, the range tivities. ing Roman end chariot racos as of butter fat In this month's analyJudge Elmer E. Corfman spoke features. The opening day will be sis being from 8.50 to 4.7 per cent in affectionate terms of his friendrcservedfor getting settled. The The ordilOT"e"Tequire3 3.27- percent. ship with the departed, which had sons and daughters of Pioneers Improvement Noted extended ovtr 30 years. He referred "M.uch improvement in dairies are making arrangements for lodgto the days they had spent together and of and milk methods to handling ing the guests who are unable "by the lake and by the stream" milk products has been noted in when he had marvelled at the the last few months. Several dairies understanding of nature recently have installed devices and cooling plant 'so necessary in the Continued on page two) correct handling of milk beforer4t v reaches the dealer or consumer," CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH ' Dr. Spalding explains. . First Church of showers. Fewer bacteria are found in milk corner of First East, and First Oh, well! It won't be so very from clean cows drawn by clean North streets. . Regular Sunday long now unU everybody's .persons or equipment, and cooled . shovelling snow off the sidemorning, services 11 a. m., 'subject at the earliest possible moment, "Love"., Sunday school at .8:45 a. m. walk and talking of the good than are found. In milk that is careWednesday evening meetings are old summertime. So we'll have health-officlessly handled, the to make the best of It But In held at 8 o'clock. Reading room of the SpanRepublican primaries open daily from 2:30 to 4:30 o'clock. points out Milk should be kept ish Fork precinct were held Friday . the meantime V All are welcome. in a temperature not to exceed Beginning this evening at 8:30 o'clock, Sunday eveat which the following dele Sure, It's hot enough for ns! evening 4 until used gates were chosen to the state, con ning band concerts in Provo will be resumed, and will AsAlldegrees Fahrenheit dairymen are said to be and iuditfsrconventtonfC,--On r"" continue throughout the season, it is announced.-The-Prov- o estly UtlllC XJdllcrV cooperating with the city! as follows- City-Elk- s' band, with Samuel Jcpperson, Jr., as ivAiui i in Kivinir Jrrovo State P. P. Thomas, Joseph Nel better line of products than ever son, Henry Andrus, David director have arranged the following program for tonight, City Hodge, To Meet to be rendered on the west front of the city and county before, in this locality. Henry Gardner, Nell Dahle, Am Wells nion . Tuttle, . Brockbank, .The case against Ted .'".Qlsea- - of building: Membersot the committee in Herbert Snell. Provo Bench, brought against him H. O. Wheeler March "Merry America" . Congressional L. O. Lawrence, by his wife on a charge of battery, charge of the Utah stake touting "Berceuse" , , . . . . . . Armas Jaernf4t Henry Andrus, John E; Booth, Mrs. was ordered to bo continued Inde- - to be held at Geneva August 22, John- - E.- - Booth- ,- Joseph Nelson. flnltelywhenSaned"iiD in JQdirtr- - are requested to meet today at I . . . J. M. Fulton Selection, "LouiseT. . ... Herbert Snell. Mrs d,Corge S. EalUs court . Salurdayf o'clock tn the"Btake Admlnistra-tioHarry Elmer, PcpularCa) Without You Sweetheart'-'- . Ahdrua,' Sherman McGarry, morning. It is understood that an HenrjT building to arrange final Brown Henderson and , DeSylvia G. R. Hales. amicable settlement was reached :. .; i plans for the outing which la exYradier Judicial J. W. Christensen, S. L. out of court 7.. By request (b) "La Paloma pected to be the biggest in the Olsen was arrested on July 14 bv Anderson, Henry Andrus, J. O. Mc- Zamecnik COPENHAGEN. July 28 (UP).history of the stake. "Spirit of America," patriotic patrol JVH. n The members of the committee Snell, Walter Roach, D. Deputy Sheriff B. Fifty hours from their home bas?J Kelt Concert quartet (H. Steineckert, E. Halverson, W. Parry, the n. rescued members of the crew of T. Lewis, Joseph Nelson, Mrs. Effie complaint sworn to by are: J. William Knight, S. P, A.,Burgener.) the 'dirigible Italia became more Dart, Sarah Sterling. He pleaded rot guilty when arEggertsen, S. E. Bunnell, A. L f V. . . . . . Arrange Barnard " (a) "Bohemian Girt" cheerful today as the Lapland cx-- ! Booth, Albert Mabey, H. R. Merraigned in court. , press carried mem toward Italy. TO RECOGNIZE NATIONALISTS rill, A. O. Smoot, H. J. Stagg. , (b) "Schubert's serenade" All reports from SEKKED HEAD UNEARTHED Alfred Madsen, Joy Clegg, Lais that Is -- WASHINGTON. July 28 (UP1 .v. .. .Charles 'Allen "Hungarian Dance" M. Aratort, H.-General Umberto Nobilc The adminisfraMon; according to DAHLONGA. Ga., July 28 (UP). Dixon, R. J. . ...Donizette learning "Sextet from Lucia" and his men;" a group added to by authoritative state department ad- The Gruesome discovery of a map's Myrdock. James H. Clark, Spent i.. Miles ; severs! jrroups that set out to ree- - vices today, has decided to recog- head, severed7 from his body, led cer Madsen, ' Mrs. Ascha Pax-ma"SparRletts" . Vlotor X Bird, Elmer J. . Friml icue Nobile and became lost them- - nize the nalqhI)at regime as the police here today to arrest AbraSelection, "High Jinks" . . .; fflrmw rhA a selves,, indicated there was the de Jure govteraraent of China. For- ham Smith Leona Durrant, Mrs, LotJacobs, ".77. . . . . . Banner" ".Hi. "Star .Key Finale, Spangled mal announcement of this decisloln ago reported George Walden, 18- tie Worthen greatest cheerfulness aboard and Walter Startup. the d ia expected within a few weeks. train. farm hand, as missings- i y?r-ol. July Inspection of dairies ii carpentry,-handicr- to America's Challwge In Cable and Wireless Lines on suspicion that he gave Toral the pistol with which the crime was committed, was released yesterday. AnJXtraoxdlnary session of congress, scheduled for tomorrow, is expected to last only for two houra long enough to hear the official announcement of the votes in plate legislatures on constitutional reforms that Obregon had sponsored. . Ing, in m B aMs-rl- el Communications Expected I nounced today. t A full statement was promised by poHee authorities when Toral, con fessed assassin of Obregon, lsl handed over for trial. Suspect Is Released name delegates to the inn LtAU -- CABLE SYSTEM MEXICO "ITYT July; 28 (UP) Jope de Leon Toral and others held connection with the with him-4- n President-elec- t as8assination,of er to Obregon," will Te handed-ovcivil courts Monday, it was an ar rnn run 4. to Give Full Statement Mon Conday ; tinue Intensive Activity Anti-Laborit- SUMMER CAMP ... IN COURT Prqyo Precincts of G. 0. P. Will Name Delegates To Coming State, Congression- - al and Judicial Conventions 8; v,, ;, BRITAIN BIDS- INTO CIVIL 4 cints to state,' Fourth 29,-192- Army's Dog Hero I'ladyL indy" Rides In Cab Ull I - I PRIMARIES - SIXTEEN PAGES Pages 1 to 8 ; Whooie! It's Getting Hot! life-lon- life-lon- Kirk-wood- BAND CONCERTS WILL - PRIMARIES AT j Christ,-Scientis- t, j BE RESUMED TONIGHT SPANISH FORK er . f -- -- Outside -- . . -- .... r.... iiCjommittee Stake Outing' Court Today j. NOBILE PARTY ....... . IS CHEERFUL -- n - - MiSr-Oise- ...... - the-tra- ....... ..... in .... - .... ... n, |