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Show -- - " 1 ' 'PROVO SUNDAY feERALD, SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1928. PAGE TWO 1 . By George Clark SIDE GLANCES - "HAWK'S NEST- - OCEAN FLIERS 4 . - , '"."- Nivvy IN DRAMA. J. - L. i Sj. MADS JOHNSON Churches D- - S- - BONITA 4nii(t(ir)itiTrimimrHitTiMHtiihtf;CHrftiuiiAtii(itiiHitifflm r SHOW BRAVERY X tui ' h. THIRD WARD Regular sacrament services will be held in the Third ward chapel this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Owen Romney Will be the speaker and the Al)en"brothers quartet of Vineyard Will'tyjrnish musical selectlons.- T'l " SAN PEDRO, Calif., July 2 (UP) Two aviators,' who have gained flights. world renown in trans-ocea- n fwere praised today for the- rescue from "drowning of a fellow flier, Mia, , Keith. Milter. The rescuers vers Captains Harry --- the erew-- o? the mono-- hvtmr-of jjTane Sojithern Cross, 'and William Lancluter, Who recently flew 13.Q00 miles with Mrs. Miller from Croydon, England, o Sydney; Australia. Mrs. Miller fell from the deck of a yacht on which she was a guest, with her flight companion and Ly- nti- - arl' vaSM-- 1" act If ' WARD Provo city physician'and Mrs. Ctsliimore'svill be the speakers In the FVth ward chapod this evening at 7:30 o'clock. Tinder the direction of Stanley Dun-fora fine musical program will be furnished. A cordial Invitation it) extended to allJWterested. d, Clara on.'' "The" force of the "fair Stunned her and ehe was sinking a second iMi&'o Sill m TM Hawkt Jttitf time, when Lvon and Lancaster reached her. Two of her ribs were The strange and at times grotesl broken in JheXalL.,.: que habits- - and character of the Oriental are depicted with astonishing fidelity in many scenes for "Til Hawk's Nest' which comes to tjie. Strand theatre today, with Milton Sills in the stellar role. : ; A .Chinese temple, with all appurtenances.. The shrewd method "by which the killer is discovered through , tho r aid of the Chinese (UP)-W- ith friends of justice-WASIIINGT0iWuiy-S- &. great Oriental viif 1 Culilfnoj-e- , ftovv in LADItS Of 7HF. MOB , Af.tIOJNTPiCTUH PIONEER WARD . Maurice Harding will be ""the Bpeaker in the Fioneor'ward sacrament meeting this evening, which w(H commence at 7:S0 o'clock. Miss Leona Shill will furrush a number of vocal solos. All members' of the ward and friends Interested are cord.ally inviteu to attend. - PANAMAMING ELECTION ROW 'ho ad FirTH Dr. L. I A great many dramas of the underworld have been flashed upon but It has taken Clara I the screen bow, queen ,oi uie iiappers, to give the motion picture public the most ' stirring of all. k The Paramount star accomplishes this In "Ladies, of the Mob," which I CLONES opens today at the Paramount for . . a three day run. I: It is an entirely' different Clara Bow, who throws Tiff "the wiles of the flapper and plunges herself in- H 4,.. ..,., to & powerful portrayal of a, terror stricken wjfe of a gangster. It Is by the Panama presidential elec1 cafe and many other features are far the- heaviest bit of acting Miss tlon buT a week away, the United Introduced. Bow has attempted since her work SSfe 'stood ready today to InterDornTKehyon plays the feminine in "Wings" arid phe proves con7 vene n the Isthmian republic lead and the direction Is by Ben- clusively that she can handle drama Oint arte etsvtci, wc.;, bitterness be- jamin- Chrlstensen, noted Scandina- as well as the lighter rbler which, should nro.u..pT.orfv. tween: the rival political parties vian director. . " . ha'e made her so popular. - . lead to open strife or a revolution"Vell, "yea see, lady, thrre isvs not much demand for these ary outbreak, accordhig to Secretary of State Kellogg. wedding rinpfs." Meanwhile, however, the Panama were: served. The invited guests minuter, Ricardo J: Alfaro, sought Mrs. Kdit4to assure Kellnirs- that Intervention Mia. AnnieHolman, . and Mrs. J. R Balli would not be necessary and that GROVE J Monson,--Mrday,. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jaeohs his government would take steps to Mrs. Kli:ob( th Nohte-- Mrs. Bessie. insure "a fair and free election." Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Pierson, Mr. were Radmall Mlllcn .,'STfrand Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph Dickersem, Mr. and ; Mrs. J. O. Bullock, Mrs. Emily Ray. Provo visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Halliday and Mrs, Hazel Spencer, Mr. and Mrg. Jason John, Mr. and Mrs. H. W, S. I White, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph a cobs and family attended the etghty Mills, Mrs. Emma' White, "Miss party Mrs. MraXnez eighth birthday anniversary Olpin, White, of Mrs. Halliday's father, Mr. W. S. Alvira OlpinMrrC. B. JJarperLSlrs. . Grace Robinson at American Fork. Nelson, the Misses Florence SUPERIOR, Wis., July 28 (UP) and Rose Harper, Miss Edna NelB son of Mr. son', Mr.- - find Bezzant, . Mrs. Ed. NelsonjJlr. President Coolidge was represented Mr.,Holden no be would as there from here Bezzant. Jr., feeling nnd Mrs. Mark and Mrs. H. R. Nelson, Mrs. Elcnor concerted senate in and the opposition Sunday Ventura, Calif., spent West, Mrs. Annie Gardner, and Mr, to Pleasant and ratification of the multi-later' , Mrs. Clifford Tomlinson. Monday with relatives in anti-w"' treaty agreed to by the Grove. ",.,''? Mr. and Mrs. Marion Broomhead fourteen original signatory powers. The president believes responsible Mr and Mrs. John S. Holdaway, Iake were Sunday guests leadership ' in both parties in 'the Mr and Mrs.: Vance West, Mayor of Mr. and Mrs, Archie Maxfield..-- X endorse the treaty and will senato Bishop B. Newman, F. Mrs. , "and dc14 Mrs. . mr s.-- Christiansen, what absorb m may opposition Cn1( Hf.a f,. S and outdoor life possessed by his friend. "Truly," continued the judge,. "He was a great man living ' a simple life.". "I now that my Redeemer Lives", was pleasingly rendered by Mrs. Scott Taylor and Joseph H. Taylor. "An honest man Is the noblest work of God," quoted S. "P, of the Utah stake ..President Eggertsen not only paid tribute to thedeeeased but also to hl wlfo and his wife'sparents. Professor A. C. Lund of tho Salt Lake tabernacle choir was present, and gave glimpses of splendid outdoor experiences he had enjoyed with his friend, Mads Johnson, af ter which" he sang "The German Heart Song." A. wealth of floral, tributes gave added evidence of the. love and sympathy of many friends. Interment was in the Provo cemetery where tho dedicatory prayer wis offered by James Madstn. - - si... (Continued from Page One) " '" "" ...... j.i......iw.m,.i"" a oh) in m nU if nd nd f11 ol ire ou. ii rr 'ili f. f SENATE WILL . i n eai: tt ; Lf. t r.' ne 111! IM nannyrffrmi Vrrrl snocil alien"'"" 3 asm ctfntf FACULTY ENTERTAINS Mr. and Mr.s. Wiiliam Spendlove, The faculty of the Alpine sumWilliam Spendlove, Jr., and Mr. and mer Rcnool entertained the students of Hurricane Wad-- . Mrs, George Spendlove Orovfe Saturday evening -atAspen Week end guests at.the Dan were of Mrs; ttn"wre1t"end guests in an Informal program and dancimm-- as Icy home were Mr. and Mrs. Per- Ethel West ing "party in the Library building. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Verl direction kins. Miss Florence Wilson, Mr. and Mr. and Mr J, L. Harvey, Mr. Various stunts under the W. J. Snow made up of Professor Wadley,-anM. V. MM" and Mrs. L. P. Harvey and family, the Oarflcld. program. Refreshments con-- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert MeComie and jrfvret Wadley, all from of lee cream cones and cook- sistlng son Paul, Mrs: rR. Chlpman and served. A xlcligjvtfu! t!nv were M?.nf-Mnleg Wa SHoell. the daughters Entile and Kathorine, enUidisses Louise and Ethel Shoeu were joyed a party at Geneva Wednesday. was'spent. ny more man zuu people, L'SSunaay gursis vi NF.W MOVIE PROCESS Hereon Johnson ai sanuy Mrs. Ethel Drysdale and children at Payson. ROCHESTER, N..Y., July 8 (UP) from Pleasant enjoyed Tuesday visiting A new motion picture process, Grove were guests at a Dirmuay. Mrs. Leona 3H!d, son Bill "and said to be the most important forWalker Sanford Mr. for in party given daughter Elizabeth, are visiting ward itep in photography since the of American Fork Friday evening: Idaho. ; invention of the "movie", will be Mrs. Marie Smith, Mr. and Mrs demonstrated here Monday at tht S. Burton Smith and Mr. and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fugal recctv--i home of Eastmon of tho Goorge , ed word that their daughter, Mr3. George I Smith., Kodak company. a. Eastmarj Alfred had Bwenson, accepted Mrs. Sylva Draper Smith is at- position to teach first grade in the tending summer scliool at Berkeley. .Carrol private school at Boston. California. ; it' Mi, and Mrs. Reed CTcggSnd; Miss May Olpin ht Salt LaTfe is Dewaync Marrott of Provo visited ' with her Marrott-o- n: with Mrs. Miirgtirct spending her vacation mother, Mrs. Inez Olpin. Wednesday. V -- 41 III ill THE DATE REGISTER NOW WATCH W , FOR FUN - ELEVEN INSANE of Midwa the guest o. jspent liuit week.-hcr'Miss June Van Wagoner. e, "1 ARE AT LARG Tho Manila ward turned out en tnasse at a celebration honoring th. 'NASHVIUjE, TENN'., July 23. fftiring biship and the new Beared by d "(UP) stake president, Mr. Despite and officers of the state-- city Warnick. ' ) county Friday night, eleven inmates The Misses JRose and Florcnen of the state central hospital for the iHarper spent Saturday visiting 'n insane, nine of them believed dan- ' gerous, are still at liberty. Salt Lake. Of the 1,272 inmates of the insti- Tim-panngWil-for- R. Nelson pleasantly surprised liwitjflre threatened to the plant on Thursday evening, it bring hi'i l at one a. m. Friday, only 18 were birthday anniversary. A musital not accounted for at daybreak Was enjoyed. Games wrr 'day. Of these, seven were brought played and picnic luncheon wui back during the day. -- s FROLIC - - "FIGURES" Big Cash Prizes j with.: millionsIn a sympathetic r role. , ::;f : . "Now" On the Screen -- mil, & rr A-- - v HAINES . at , - -t- II Jlrst He is as t - l - Buv.--- 1 "1 i..... fi'j .. On the.Stage I1 Scrip And tmx were They both in the glove business Johnnie In the ring and behind tho counter and even his Paul Cunningham and W K. L. Florence Bennett ' ... ii uiii iiniii ii hii, in mi knock-ou- James Gteason mix-u- p t , ..i ,j ''tlMS ' that nearly cost a brave fighter his greatest ambition. t III, Assisted by Jarshal and Paul Winkopp u love affair. Gharles Ray t d A dramatic - mi n H . manager oouldnt stop this just as irrepres- brings a maturity to this role that will make jhim thousands of new 'fans in Salt Lake. Distinguished ActorV iFTinPfTX- "smart-aleck- as ever sible and impertbut inent, he in "THE TEMPEST" Enjoy Every Minute he lorn -- y" The World's in IflllNG Bobby Vernon comedy 'Stop Kidding' You'll-- .' hard-boile- WILLIAM n.omza Of K$MWi tins' wrrifz? zvdri j rji9 Harry Sullivaa & - Miss Ruth - In a Comedy Offity " An Ace in the Hole - Eddie White The Bonhairs - Dave and Tressie Yl A iLs a J?Mi I Les Jardys Matinee Evening 30c - - 50c Except Sunday - has joined our Shop Staff. Meet the Bring your cars in for expert repairing. 1 with Doris KenyonSjjvA SUNDAY MONDAY -- XUESDAY all makes of cars. RusseH-- R TJy'Wg'81'J'S'" h " Salt Lake's , Greatest Entertainment Wells Richmond 42East.lst-Nort- f & - A COOL CURRENT OF AIR CONTINUOUSLY u jJVe are pleased to announce that We, service : . , and Jobyna Ralston in a bout twixt love and fame ANNODN . -- JOHN BARRYMORE A thrillingly . .her " chest of silver coins given away free save your STARTS NEXT SUNDAY Kind Of Picture Charles Kay loved of i Tuesday' coupons. ! Your reulistic plx ture with tho color and romance of a championship f Iglit thrown in for good" measure trrlpping and human a new triangle two men and a woman but only one of them loved - COMEDIES and SHORT SUBJECTS -- the Red Head with "IT as a gunman's gal oh man! in a serious, powerful melodrama yet typically Bow. Clara's first dramatic picture! GIRLS jit's - Marlow- ' A htrrf . 6 Miss Riith Coleman Charles DeLaney - - and John - Now -- .. : . with' with RICHARD APLEN - Vacationing at Granddaddy lakf3 Mr; and Mrs. H. W. Jr.cobs and this week are-- Biehop S. L. Swenson, Mr. and Mrs-.'J- . K. Hallidnv. enjoyMr. Ezra F. Walk ex. "Mr. S, A. Kiik, ed Wednesday tit f Spanish Fork. Brown, John Swensonand Russel Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Vriht and children spent Tuesday visiting n Maxflrlrt Mr. and Mrs. Archie afid Logan. ' ' .family and Miss Katherlne Gleason Were guests nf Mr. and Mrs. FrnV''" Lambert of Kamns on Sunday; MAN" - Soon ng- I "HER BRANDED at and Mrs. T. H. Glerrson. s Holdaway-funeral services of Mr. on Wednes-mother, held In Provo day. Mis-Mar- v pmI, aiiu Owen a .mm 1 n - EVUE ar of-S- alt el ai t if i.fffn BATHING GIRLS OXEH TREATY Io-ren- and ConhiisiigS , S- i- "buffauPbill NIGHT" - PL; ui it with. . with Elaine Hamfherstein it an v BRONCS" . nil " "RARIN' "ONE GLORIOUS 1. i -- TODAY ONLY BIG DOUBLE BILL Monday Sinoe2w Every Film a BIT i. . SUNDAY - MONDAY . T13 ESDAY ,man - best-like- d ed i.. 'S3" Hawk-myst- ery of the in underworld--- " and most fearall crookdom. Here's a picture that takes you right into his nest 4 STARTS.:. NEXT WEDNESDAY RAMON NAVARRO in ; ? "FORBIDDEN HOURS" T '(tv MIIIBlsraaMTi' - |