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Show OTIOE Pobllihed IT1BT SYENING. Bandaji excepted - HUBOTHAE RetaU Department. - v A Tough Old Man. m uiu man, wno gave- nis name Geo. S. Gordon, fronT Medina Ohio, lately went to ; the Sherwood House in Evantrille, Ind.r and en gaged a room and board for a week Events prove that he went there to commit suicide. He has been work ' ing hard to accomplish this last object of his life, but has not yet lew mornings since lucceeaea. he was found lying in bed with his wrist cut across, but he had failed to strike the Brincisal arterv. and good deal of blood was left in him. He was able to tell that he had pre viously taken two ounces oflaudanum and a quantity ef arsenic, which failed to kill him he did not know why. Then he had gone to the wharf for the purpose of taking fatal plunge bath, but there were so many people around that he knew they would drag him out, bo he did not go in Then he thought that quietly bleeding to death in his bed would be nice, so he tried that plan; but the doctprs say they,will be able to eave him. He seems to have charmed life, and feeds on poisons, and they have no power. In his bureau a package was found, containing some arsenic which he had not taken. In the stove were dis covered two or three vials that had been burned. They may have contained laudanum, but there was no proof of that. Also the metallic a watch mounting of a pocket-booand a knife. The old man .appar- mm .Ogden Junction Office' PAELOR AND COOKING STOVES, Nonveautes, Uepps, Corded Alpacas, Jacquards, Delaines, Flannels, V ii ixxctrriB A Full Lin IAnseys, etc. of Carpets and Trimmings. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, A IN A Large Assortment of For Gents, Ladies or Misses wear. ' CHARTKR All kinds of PRODUCE received . Fourth Street. Odpn Four boors Froin ir GEAERAIi DEALER TS for-swor- Hats, Caps and Clothing ! n jyj Gibson loved i Miss Iloch barely dodged a bullet, and Bill was arrested; but when he was arraigned she Bent word to the Court that she would marry him if they would let him off. They Letter Heads, wThe Wisconsin Lumberman estimates the grand total of the ' pine Btumpage ot Wisconsin at the enormous amount of 40,000,000,COO feet. Pine grows in tho forests with wonderful rapidity, and if the above figures are hot exaggerated,' there is likely to be as much pine cut in the State forty years hence as during any of the recent years. The supply is f practically inexhaustible. - ''How old are you ?" asked a St. Louis f justice of a bridal candidate. "Eighteen," replied the girl, who looked five years younger than that. "In what year were you born ?" continued the justice. The girl stammered, blushed, and guessed it was official in 1859, 5 The to refused perform the thereupon went out counting and she eeremony, en her fingers how much eighteen from 1873 left, bo as to be prepared for the next trial. NEW ERA AND OTHER COOKIN MONITOR, 105-t- f , , of CO-OPERAT- ; r Meal Tickets, JUST STOVES ALL KIISTDS. DEtEJOESIXTEIID. Fait and Winter GOODS of the best qtiality. Which will he Cut in the Latest Fashion! And Made tip in the Most Approved (Style, dl-- tf W. H. HOOPER, Superintendent ;. MERCANTILE INST'lV. IVE E EVER CARRIED ON IN A. O 1b US E CALL AT TEASDEL & Co's, TUE TERRITORY OF UTAH. Arising from a uniform system of dealing principally with Manufacturers, buying in Immense Quantities and selling on ike Closest Margins. - - Salt Lake City, AND EXAMINE THEIR CHOICE STOCK, SELECTED WITH THE GREATEST CARS IS NEW YORK, BOSTON. PHILADELPHIA AND CHICAGO. Consisting of ; ' '' KonthJy Statements, "; DEALING IK BLEES9 SEWING MA CHINES I EVERY DESCRIPTION OF MERCHANDISE Aim Call THE wu awarded SEWING SINGER , : OX Our Agent and examine at his Store, for Ogden. TX 1"1'"FT MACHINE W.G.CH1LB OGDEN STEAM EXHIBITIOX AT OGDEf. PSaAETirJG- RAIL ROAD WORK! " Studebaker, Bain and Whitewater TUT A O H S. ReapersvHowers,Siilky Kakes,Thresliliig Macliiucs EVERY DESCRIPTION OF AGRICLLTLR.1L hv ' STANFOED a-i- y This Iastitution is the SOLE AGENT for Utah Territory. SAMPLES ire , N. C. FLTGARE. ; -- . appointed . - MlCfllXEBT ! On exhibition and for eale at AND ' V SHINGLES' FIHST-OLASs- T MAS CFACTIJKERS OF Sash, Doors, Blinds, Door and Window Frames, M niililinena. Milk Safes;, Tables, Sinks and all Kinds of Carpenter Cupboards, ork done to Order. A Full Set of"W"ood-workin- Maohiner' g in Operation. D LANS JOT At our Large and Commodious Branch Store in Ogden the Facilities fit supplying our Northern Friends are in no wise inferior to 4 cose at Sali Ike. W. II. HOOPER, Superintendent. : gep22-t- f MIIiZiS! - Lumber Yard. BARNARD WHITE'S YARD, FOURTH ST.,OCDEN. C. 7. PENROSE, Fox In consequence of the increasing demand for the above machine Mr. J. At the WORLD'S FAIR, VIENNA, SS Unrivalled in the Market. H I The new Mayor of Liverpool is a benevolent- brewer, and he kindly offered to supply gratis the inmates Evtrg Taritty of the .with workhouse f the parish beef required on Christmas.' But the Workhouse Committee say that they do not want the paupers to have any beer on Christmas Day. They aver that in former years when beer formed a part of the Christmas dinners it led to scenes of uproar, owing to one set of paupers buying up the allowance of thosa who did not care for beer, and getting gloriously fuddled., f, Jt.,'0' i itX;-- t According to Kussian journals one or two little difficulties are still to be settled with regard to the forthcoming royal weddings In the first place marriages are solemnized in the Greek ' AH Order, Knqnlre, Kemittoo, etc, toold Church invariably at night, whereas be ftddresned to the Manager, tha English Church requires that the ceremony shall be performed in the morning. Protestant marriages at the Russian i Court have hitherto been, without exception, solemnized in the Imperial Winter Palace,which, it is feared, would not be considered a legitimate place for the act by the . OGDEN, Staple aud Fancy Dry Goods, Shawls, Yankee Notions, Etc. Hand Bills, i PARENT INSTITUTION AT S. L. CITY. Clothing; in immense Tariety, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Bills, ' Shipping Groceries and Hardware. "Wholesale and Hetail hard-hearte- d; British authorities. Extensive preSt. Peparations are in progress at marthe tersburg for the reception of riage guests. FIFTH STREET, ' East Temple Street, Ball Tickets, 2S. A neia Stock of Heating Stoves of all Descriptions. TINWARE O. Box Two doors west of Main Street. A LARGE STOCK CHARTER OAK, NEATLY MEECHANT TAILOE! Doing the Largest Business Business Cards, EXECUTED: SEPAIKS P. Z. C. M. I. Store Department, 03 ZION'S let him off. 8- F1XDIXGS I . Show Cards, Yisiting Cards, TAKEN. J. TAYLOR, d pistols., SHOE PKODUCE dS3-l- y -- :o:- i Miss Jessie Bill Iloch, and wanted her to wed. She coquetted until Bill got mad. and this being in San Francisco, he natu rally resorted to the argument of AXD AT THE LOWEST PRICKS. ' " CASH PAIU for Hides. GROCERY AND HARDWARE DEPARTMENT Complete in every variety, Pretly well for a Puritan. A New Order Books, England boy seeking his fortune in the West, writes home that he had i4 joined three churches of various faiths, for he is persuaded that this is Ecccipt Boole, the way, not only tu secure the patronage of the best people, but also to have a hand in all the fun that is go Bill Heads, ing. Piety pays in tne West and is popular. MD SHOES, LEATHER J- Stylo . r-j- BOOTS Oxxd oxiox in Exchange. . ently had the best intentions to destroy himself and personal effects, but failed. He is only about sixty, and if he takes care of himself he may live for years yet. At any rate he has given up the idea of suicide, and whiskey from this time lorta.' .;. .t i ; OAK STOVES A. G. WHITEHEAD BOOTS AND SHOES, OF THE LATEST STYLES k, OGD GENEEAL MEECHANDISE JPoplins, JOB WORK IM - -- CO. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OP ' Ever offered in this vicinity. Silks, " - MAIN STREET, or a & NEXT DOOR TO Z. C. M. THE imEST STOCK AT THE CHILD & ESTIMATES OF BUILDINGS ON REASONABLE TEKralO" Orders addressed to Office and MUla, Si CHILD, FLYCARE& Builders, Contractors Fifth Street, Ogden, opposite Z. C- - M. I. Granary. tf |