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Show was consequently reduced to penury. blished EVERY KYEXINQ, Sunday! excepted by the Osdex Publishing Corcrmt. Charles Penrose, Editor JY. aad Boainesa Manager, OGDEX. tTiia. Thursday Erenin?, January 8, 1874. POHEUOY. OF K AXS.1S A FUGITIVE. Poineroy, of Kansas, according to a dispatch received yesterday, has forfeited the bonds under which he was held to appear before the proper Court to answer to the charge of bribery and malfeasance in office, and fled from th country. Ex-Senat- or Another Harry Genet, had the start 4f him, in the race probably for Canada, that hospitable asylum of great criminals on this side of Her Majesty's Possessions. Btth of those worthies have probably succeeded in eluding the just retribution which awaited them, for the unholy practices by which they violated sacred trusts, and enriched themselves upon the' spoils wrested from a people and on indulgent nation. Still another ex- Senator is held in durance vile, un or . tax-riJJe- . n der sentence to expiate his sins in the penitentiary, but the vigilance of his custodians has been sharpened Ly their experience, in extending un warranted leniency to the princely culprit who lured away' his keeper, while revelling amid the gorgeous scenes of his enchanted palace at Harlem. , The flight of Pomcroy will not startle those who have observed his public career, and for twenty years he has been a conspicuous actor in the drama of public life. His many daring schemes by which he advanc cd private interests to the detriment of the public weal; the corrupt influ ences he brought to bear to promote his personal aggrandizement; the disreputable expedients to which he unscrupulously resorted for plundering the people of his own. State, and for obtaining largesses by which the nation's patrimony was recklessly squandered, all form a compendium f peculation, fraud aid intrigues un precedented in the annals of crime Friendship was a term at which he scoffed unless he used it as b, guise for the perpetration of wftrug' and accomplishing his ambitious purposss, Inplacable in his enmities, narrow minded in his opinions and relentless in his prejudices, he did not possess even the redeeming quality of good faith to his friends.- - Pretending to be attached to the fortunes f his Governhead of the J.he at patron ment, he Becretly conspired with Thayer, of Nebraska, to supplant the existing Administration, but' failed to Becure a pliable topi in his ser- ? ; i - the ages; the other has been practised and approved by the beet mm and women of olden times, prophets, seers, sages and heroes, and has received the seal and sanction of the only true and living God. There is nothing in common between them. They .cannot be compared. They are in direct antagonism. They ought not to be mentioned in the same breath, nor coupled in the same argument, for God and Satan, light and darkness.purity and;filthine8s,have not a greater difference than plural marriage and this secret abomination. SATU2DAY Richlakds, " Editor Junction: ' Sib: I see in your paper of 13th and 17th a synopsis of a bill introduced in uongress reiaure to Li tan matters, a bill which, if passed, opens the door for religious persecution, a bill iniquitous m its provisions and oppressive to the people of Utah, a bill which strikes a blow at American religious liberty, and cuts the last thread of States' rights and local self government. Where is the constitutional right of Congress to pass such a bill? Did not the first aettlers of th country flee here in order to free themselves from reli gious persecution, and in order to serve God according to the dictates of their iowa consciescet Is it not amoag the wisest provisions of our Government in our U. S. Constitution: "There shall be no religious test?" Again, "Congress shall pass no law respecting the establishment of religion or preventing the free exercise thereof. The Mormons settled at Salt Lake on Mexican Territory and fled there to I am for escape religious persecution. by Congress in. Blah matters. The Government has no more right to deprive the people of Utah of their religious notions than u naci to rob the writer of his property. 1 nave felt the hand of oppression here and I sym pathize with your people. A Government corrupt as this is no administered ought not speak of the moral law. Look at the causes in the States for divorces. Look at their free- love societies. See their houses of lewdness and prostitution I Are the authors of these bills without sin? Do they not practice in secret and in the dark, what Bngham loung and bis iol lowers do in the face of day? Is this not hypocritical legislation, and ought not the authors of these bills to intro duce another to purge and punish such of thoir body as visit houses of ill fame? Vote for a law in the day and break that law at night! Washington City, New York and Boston, are nearer Sodom and Gommorah than either Ogden or Salt Lake City. Will the Government drive your people from their homes, disfranchise them, confiscate their property and deYour people stroy their happiness? ought to send out lecturers in the States and appeal to the populace, for that bill disfranchises and proscribes yon for opinion's sake. It is a bill of religious intolerance, a bill conceived in iniquity aod'brought forth in sin. Tbe national then vote legislature ought to hesitate, ' the bill down. , , , , popular actor ash-ingto- n, thousand dollars.' Speer had pre- children, to" them all his procondemned by all enlightened, viously assigned persons in ait and he and was valuable, perty, which pure-mind- God-fearin- g AT ALL IIOCRS MAIN STREET, OGDEN. PURE DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES, Perfumery and Toilet Goods. NEW DRUG STORE,. On O. Xi. Fifth Street. PAIXTS, OIUS, TURPS, VARNISHES, MRIJS11ES, Pooblos Groceries ! CSroceries! rRii(Eiiic5 mecuT, m au eikix or , LIQUORS JOB MEDICINAL USES. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF. HOME, KENNEDY, RED JACKET, PLANTATION as ROLLA, East Side Main St., Ogden. Wliolosalo and Hetail OPPOSITE WALKER BUOS, THE BEST IMPORTATIONS OF Parquette, 60 cts. Reserved Seats, "5 cts Uallery, lib cts. DOORS OPEN AT 7, COMMENCE AT S O'CLOCK WHISKIES, JC2? ,92-t-f AND 8. HORROCKS, AT THE TEBT LOWEST PEICR. OCDEN CITY, UTAH. B. Beard and Lodging per dn y, $ L. W. CHEAP COAL HOSEOCKS Goeda of the beat quality at the lowest poaaible Produce taken in OR TO H. S. BLANCETT 'Now Everything:;- & CO., I. Warehouse, Ogden. ) A RAILROAD. Traim LeaTa Logan daily, at 7.30 a.ra Traiui Leave Corinne daily at 3.00 p.m. . .,, CHAS. NIBLEY, ' General Freight and Ticket Agent. ' MOSES THATCHER, Gen. Supt. . . 2STOTICE. ' d8My . Exciiang-e- 1873, TUE LARGEST CIRCULATION! M. E. SCHOOL WILL OPEN" MONDAY next. The rchool will be made as iuterteting aa ia possible; strict attention will be giron to the instruction of the children by Miss Railway, who has already proved herself to be thorough and efficient as a teacher. Tei ms, $1, per month. Welcome all who may desire to L. N. B. LONG. , come. d80-- TPHOUSTERY. CARRIED ALL IT9 BRANCHES, IN the aulKcriber. Workshop ON BY over the Post moe. Entrance by the alley btwen C Wood anaee a and tha Poat Office THOMAS WILSON. Sept. 3rd, 1873. 3UTCHER SHOP. Fourth Street j Ogden , Prime Beef, Mutton, Etc., iiood Cuta and Low Prices. THE 1874, N THE TJTA.EE HOTEL, APPIETON'S AMERICAN Cyclopaedia. EDITION, the beet OYCLOPiE DIA. . "Trill be Ismed Camplet iu 18 vola., of SOLD ONLY BY bUO beginning July, 1873. pages each. . SUBSCRIPTION. A chance for the million to buy a complete ten library without feeling Ihe cost. A (avion of cent a day buya tha complete eat. Now ia the tint toeubecribe. For all Information, Address, ' ROBT. H. VAN RENSSELAER, , , : Ogden, Agent for Northern Utah, d7'-lm- Elirrillv Situated. . IN THE NORTHWEST. to which it was assigned by nniveraal assent In the excited canvass which resulted in the second and triumphant election of President Grant. FOREIGN BROAD-CLOTH- x was their earliest, aa know that the it haa been their staunchest and warmest, friend. It vi emphatically tbe organ of the people in the best aense of that term, believing in the fullest protection of the righta of the many against the encroachments ot tbe lew. it Deueves thai au chartered corporations should be held to be sub and with servient to tue power that created tuem, out an infringment of the just righta-- of others it to all will and that continue insist, corpo insists, rations enjoying special privileges voted to tlietn by tke people shall eerve tliera lairly and justly at a compensation allowing a reasonable profit upon the actual capital employed. OGDEN. S, : BEAVERS, : ,.' Inteb-Ocea- the FAMILY. ' Just , CASSIMERES, ' VESTING S, Eto., PUMPS! PUMPS! Ilcivl. . D. M. STUART BEST AND CHEAP Suits or single a arments made KEEPS FOR SALE THE FORCE and LIFT to order in the Latest Style and PUMPS for deep or shallow wells. Also, r at the lowest prices. tent Pointa for Drive Well Pumpa, with aaitablt reasog SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. T. W. JONES. V s makes special efforta to render itself acceptable to tbe famlieaof its patrons. To COUGH STOP this end everything ia rigorously excluded that Could Dossiblv ottend. Ihe reunions aua moral MAILED TO ME, I CENTS TEX character ia guarded w'th especial care, and its FOR eend you a receipt, telling how yon can aim ia "to encourage the true, tbe Deautuul, and cure your cough within 48 hours alter following - , i the good." niy prescription, whicn la amipie anl win noicosi INTElt-OCEA- N you anything for medicine, m it will ahow yon tliat you hava tbe remedy within reach of your . own homes. J. A. jlONES d01-2ia the paper for Box 79, Ofcden City, Utah. ' THE REPUBLICAN, The W. THOMSON, DOMESTIC AND SCOTCH TWEEDS, THE FARMERS IsiEH-CcKA- THAT iron piping. Pumps repaired aDil fitted upon terms, at Workshop. Tithing Offl, nable ltf Oeden. ;E.P.; BROWN. General Produce THE AKJ11SB, THE FAMILY, :: THE MERCHANT, TILE 'PROFESSIONAL SlAJf. THE MECHANIC, In Literature, Oeneral News, Foreign and Domestic Correspondence, Local Reports, and all that goes to make a hi is conducted with great care, and everything poa aible ia done io make the market reports such aa the farmers and businesa man of the Northwest can rely upon. THE AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT la carefully edited by gentlemen of ability and experience. haa by far the largest circula The Iktir-Ocea- h tion or any newspaper published in the Northwest. It is Mint to more than 5.1 10 PoatofHcee. distri buted in every State and Territory in the UnitedStates. In all the British Provinces, and in numerona Fonign States and Coun triea. guuscriptioni are solicited irom an pana oi in.world. While tha Ixtkr-Ocea- h especially repreaecta the great interests of the Northwest, it ia NATIONAL NEWSPAPER, one that will be found interesting and useful to Americans 1 n every part of tne globe. It treat upon all subjects, and in editorial disonssion aims to be candid, dignified, and abam personal abate. Terms of Subscription. Shipping a Specialty A "Wonderful . Never-failin- Remedy g Sold by Z. C. AND ALL RESPECTABLE TRY IT! 1 :t 31. 1. IXTER-OCF.A, X 119 Irfihe CMeagr. AT , MERCHANTS. TRY IT! GOODS LOW PRICES FOR . CASH.' BVT NO BETTER THAU TOD CAS your goods at td X WALLA CE FO UL GER'S, EXTEXSIOX OF Where yoa wUirfind "a well aasorted BUSINESS. stock of V . Groceries. ' .4 - Goods, V lrylloots and Shoes, J. Stanford, In addition , CLASS FIRST tn this ht will run A FIEST CLASS BAKERY. ? i Crockery, -Hardware, - Provision s, ef Next Door to City Drugstore, Ogden, FiflU Street, Ogden, d09-l- ,t''';.'.ai' P.O '.Box 4,"'W, FOK FAINS OF ALL KINDS. - "0 Rv K..H rnnr.lile in advance 1. tier Tear for six montht 6.IW in Bv advance), - mail. (payable . . . , n. i .w By mail (payaoia in aavancej, per THE STORE TORMERLY Daily every other day (three times per week) HAS CONNECTED aa the City Bakery with bis Dry per year extra. Ooods DeparUnont, awl baa stocked it with a full Paper for Sunday, per year line of Qrocerjea and Hardware. JOHN PINCOCK .... FIFTH STREET, OGDIS, tfTAH. . CelclratoI DAILY: $1.80 6.00 MERCHANT I COMMISSION EXTERMINATOR! Dr.LEE'S .ntidoto AND ; TAIN GENERAL MERCHANT li'jo Ten copies, one yeai 20 M Twenty copies, one year Snecia! Arranawmente nude with country pub- for clubbing with their publications, MuneV can be sent by ConiMi Free. SUPPLY GOOD COAL TO THE of Oirclen. at the loweet rate., Beliverdraft, money order, express, or registered letter, or in any part of the city. at our risk. U. Address Sn, " Main W. FARNSWORTH WILL Entertainment Tbf. M OCDEN Ixtkr-Ocka- WEEKLY: edatthe Apply to ' ', , Established less than two years since aa a repCITY. IN resentative Republican paper, plodged t maintain the principles aud oreamziition of Hie treat na n haa tional Republican lutrty, the ' attained a circulation and influence with the mas buei- -, ses of its voters to entitle it to approach the com The undersigned has ineuoement of a new calendar year, and to prepare ness at his old stand AND WITH for the preliniluay work of the next campaign, the between the ia al the shadow of which ready casting iiself npoa country, In the coundenco tlmt its triemla will PIONEER AND CITY DRUG STORES, EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATIONS. need no other specific pledge tor tbe future thau haa been (rives in its columns from clay to day du Street, Ogden, !it ring the past eighteen mouths. Since Its first For particulars apply to ' publication it has maintained the position of A choice aelection of THE LEADING REPUBLICAN '.NEWSPAPER Single copy, one year Four ropiea, one year J. ! The Finest House N Commercial and Family Newspaper, It is not excelled by any publication in the coun. try. THE UUniUaUAU UtrAlllJUfii LOOK HERE. TO RENT. JONES III SSE LF AGAIN. FOR 1874. 1'UJS BARNARD WHITE'S OPPOSITE LUMBER YARD. la INTER-OCEA- ' rK Entirely - The best house for the country trade. THE BUSINESS MEKTINO OF THE "UNION SOCIAL CLUB," will be held Thursday . eteoing, Jan. 8th, at the iwal place. A full attendance in requested, aa hunineea of importance will come up before tua meeting. d93-, ; J. F. GRAHAM, 8ect. REVISED Ogden THE CHEAPEST. Produce Taken, . NORTHWEST. NOTICE. 3fETV - THAN d94-S- f - pncei. U. P. Stock Track, aw-iv- - STORE, NEAV GOODS, ISTEW SHURTL1FF, IN One door west of Z. C. M. I., Ogden! APPLY TO UTAH NORTHERN - General rflercbandise. Ot'A Superior Quality Gencrul 31crcliuntli!e. CHEAPER Z. C. M. W. T. BAKER. BAKBE. & - PropV. DEALERS IN DEALER BY THE TON OR CAR LOAD. - - "' " ' - ( NEW STORE. O. ' - aiu-t-i. LAXDT, Prop. Siugle meals, 0 cU. ''' ' II. CLARK, Fropr. Main Street, W. Uppoairo U. P. H. K. Depot. WILLIAM DRIVER, : BRANDIES, Wines, Ales and Porters HOTEL. Prescriptions Accurately Prepared, , OY THE MEASURE DELMONICO and ANGOSTlfii, BITTERS. Full Chorus by the Ogden Tabernacle Choir. Board per week, $5.00. Fine Article of Old Tom Gin, Foreign and Native Wines and Liquors, Stock new and Complete. Prices of Admiailon. " Fine Jamaica Ilnm, Batch Schnapps, Also, OF 5 Old Cognac Brandy, Articles, Mtailioiiery, Fine Cigars, etc. BRANDS , Genuine Old Scotch Whislccy, 1'erfumery, Toilet FINE tXt, A FULL LINE OF LIQUOR STORE. RESTAURANT City Drug Store! CVa, Vitm. ttc, . H. O'HAKNETT, Prop'r. J supported bv THE OGDEN DKAMAT1U COMPANY, u self-contr- Bread, dCS-3- J. S. LINDSAY, The . wrong ; tnosa wuo upuom know, or at least believe, it to be right. The first breeds, disease and tends to death; the second promotes health and lawdevelops! life and increase. One is less, despising restraint, the other is reversed bv conscience and the law of in the God, and requires , ' themlower who highest degree. Those ashamare selves to revel in the former, ed of their own lust and its effects: they who have the courage to walk up to the world to latter, are willing for the whole results ihe see and know their position leavselfish, of it. The first is entirely to eex weaker pering its victims of the second the ish through its consequences; is magnanimous and generous, affording affection to the protection, support and women who embrace it, and to their its offspring. Ooe fias neen MEALS ()I1S""M, PIZARRO! ; The above expresses the feelings of thousands of persons in both the north and the south who do not believe in the religion of the "Mormons."' There is one question propounded fey Alpha, however, that we must answer most emphatically in the negative. "Do they not practioe in secret and in the dark, what Brigham Young and his followers do in the face of day !" There are these great distinctions be tween the Becret acta to which our correspondent alludes, and the practice of plural marriage : One is illicit, tbe other sanctioned by religion and the public sentiment of the community among whom it is practised. Those who indulge in the former, know it to be FIFTH St., OGDEN. EYE., Jan. 10th 1874. Will be presented, the beautiful drama in 5 acts, entitled CORRESPONDENCE. , ; . THEATRE. ' Onslow Co., N. C. Deo. 30th, 187 J. NEW RESTAURANT. The Orleans Chop House! and uaiLta I vice. ; Some Ave years ago an incident occurred which goes far to show the futility with which he was enabled to carr out tig nefarious purposes with impunity, at the same time with what ease ha could extort tha submission of the national authorities to John terms which he " dictated. of Collector Speer of Lawrence, was Internal Revenue for the District of Kansas. He proved to be a defaulter to the amount ef $250,000. Re turns were made by him that serious the best and most rv coniuromised 4 J responsible business men in that State. Many prominent merchants werw set down on the official records of the office as absconder, ; others as bankrupt without available assets(and dead. It was atated that the defalca tion would cover naif a million if the affairs of the office were strictly examined."" It was evident that poor made the unsuspectSpcer had been Senaing dupe of" whilom friends. tor Ponieroy and Representative Sidney Clark were the principal bondsmen for the embezzler. The former at once proceeded to and assisted by Clark, succeeded in preventing au investigation and effected a compromise for six - Pomeroy has represented the State of Kansas from the day of its admission to the Union. He perverted the trust confided to him by turning to his advantage privileges to which his constituents were justly entitled lie has accumulated a vast fortune, and through subtle intrigue and can uing device, he has become oa of the largest landed proprietors in the world. More than one hundred thousand acres of the richest lands in that fertile State, have passed to him by means of specious legislation.' An avsnging Nemesis has ovei taken the and from his once honorable estate, he has fallen to the level of a common criminal Should he be successful in escaping the penalty which he deserves, he will nevertheless be , held up to the execration of the whole country, and in his declining years be fated to mourn, in merited obsourity, over the decree which has consigned him to perpetual exile. FIRST 5 itah. ,dn4Bi A ATI Salt lake Cif. 'J WARREN HUSSEY, - i i PRESIDENT. . cjttt rn tan. Oldest Banking Institution in I FairiHrfS supplied with Bread. Cakes IsnassT Allowed os Tim DurosiT. and Candies of the best quality. Bddl5e Collections Promptly ; |