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Show jejam Chbap Coal. W. S. Blanchett & Co., are supplying coal of good quality tefry cheap. They can be found at Z. C. M. L Ogden warehouse, Ogden, and W. Lyle. at the U. P. stock track, will also receive orders. Try this coal and see if it isn't good and cheap function. fJITEKtKVE.50.Sun',y,'Kpted 4 ,krJtILi,'iui8l9CO"A!'T MIL 1rPBOS.w"BdBnineMM,Ul,r - ' A GAKi Event. This morning's Weber train from the West contained several of th. ,nDual Conference . Jie be. hell in boxes of fresh flowers culled from the 'Cnbern.cle. on Saturday nd gardens of California. They are inti0JeD.T ... is,h and 19th, 1874; tended Ut a grand bridal festival, which JftnU" 6aJy. eomnience ati0 . m. and 2 la to take place in Omaha. A consign.- -to KrT interesting ment of oranges was also among the flf..chd.y. A very Beveral Tbitor. freight, for the same occasion. uVaticiPated..ad . TvdiLrts a - geoerai Th Battlk of New Oriians. The desired of the County, U Districts eighth day of January was formerly cele minted The Presidents of brated with imposing pageantry throughto liuer. are particulariy requested out the country as the anniversay ef the this occasion., y Jrtntoa Battle of New Orleaus, when Andrew Jackson defeated the British troops un Cyrus H.Wheelock der Gen. Packeuhara. But of late years ftUTHaa-K- Wr the Ogden Tabernacle the strict observance of the preach in day has fall en iuto disuse. It has become chiefly an occasion for party demonstrations. Pro , I bably a grand mass assembly will be held School room, oD in 3d Ward exc,ptTUur,. Wol,now ?it during the day, and an anniversary ball " r. "j given in Tammany Hall in the evening, a , , and perhaps, excepting a less imposing Wednesday ext B(.0ROAS.zATio.-Nmilitary display in the large cities the Du-,.;- ,t the 14th inst., the F.rst evening, day will hardly be noticed. The change Aicultural Socity will meet in of political rule since 1860 has contribuat half past rrle,'chool house, ted materially to the sweeping away of ol ,'clock, for the purpose a custom, and the reunions of officers, etc. Thia lh. Society, election the Grand of Army of the Republic, i'.ni "oonnciation. and it is to , H in ini()u""" which unfortunately serve to keep up . full attendance. h hoped there will be the remembrances of the late civil strife cele have supplanted the grSee Geo. Whitehead's bration of the anniversary of the ever. idirlisement. memorable " Teller's Vardeyille Thkatee. OaDs Nox Quitk a Weddinq. A promising make their first appearance Troupe will and happy union at the shrine of Hymen at the theatre. They have was suddenly broken off yesterday morn bien performing at different points much to the ineffable digust of an and ing, San Francisco and Ogden, lord. A young man in good encomiums expectant bye received the highest serio-comi- o and withal prepossessing circumstances from the press. The interesting and in address appearance,' led a young drama, ''Everybody's Enemy," to the altar, there, as her teens in miss followed a ho -tn by ....nisH ii l. he of fondly consisiing hoped to receive the boon eraod olio entertainment, to sea! his happiness fer all was which uD ana am;e.. recitations, songs but it was not to be. The future the with time, 'conclude will roaring formaaoa .T r a nM Axl tnn A.u damsel was inclined to be capricious, H' .nit i? uvuuuu wait or d. i&rce i and, as she contemplated the awful re the adrertisement. sponsibility of giving herself up, her Col. Spencer T. Avery, heart shrank within her, and before the Peksonai. words were uttered that should unite the ttSorth Carolina, who has been spend twain in one, she refused to plight her ing iome time on this coast, was among tit arrivals from Salt Lake last night. vows of obedidnce and love and all that It'utgtllant gentleman and an accom- - sort of thing, thinking that she was too His visit has been young, as if "sweet sixteen" were not jiskeJ lawyer. The minis tuii'in giving impressions that will enough for a girl to marry. li to to ceremo is the then refused stores ter iteh perform already abundant Mirmatioa. He left for his home ny. was not lover The aisconcertea, Ms morning. however, and before the couple sepera-teff.H. Hooper, W. she promised to e'ope with him some Jennings, Esqs., of alt Ltke, arrived here last evening on week. Arrangements were all next day their way to Logan in connection with made, and a second attempt to cement taiiiess in the interest of the Z. C. M. I. the bonds of union will probably be nd were the guests of Mr. D. II. Peery unless some obdurate parent be during their stay in Ogden We are cruel enough to interfere and break the pained to learn that since Mr. Hooper's two fond hearts. departure from home, a telegraphic dis patch Las been received announcing the From yesterday's Condensations. Math of one ot his children. s : Newt: time-honore- -- 1 T d, suc-csef- :. The second presentation Fbacas. The examination the Alderman's Court was conclu M last evening, resultina; in a fine of $5 against E. Poulter and the discharge fthe other defendants. The evidence etto?iow that there was a. general wffle, in good humor at first, but re w serious blows. The men at rkn J. Honrocks' building becam ineeiued against Harold Henineer be Me they thought that while he drank the rest he did set perform his ton of the worlt the moving of the '"Ming being a kind of "bee." When hdji offer to asiat they told htm to eo WJ, and on his persisting the trouble "mmeneed. Mr.; Henioeer eiD.aing at he had to leave for a short time on ""Men connected with the store in uch he was Interested. I After Mr M pulled him and tore his coat, Mr duller struck him "once for luck," anc ,iea Mfk Elmer came in it wan t r order as a Doliceman. lisTina nailed "Jweph Hunt to assist him. Heninger m"ai be was a fresh assailant and "fMkhim with a board, and in turn r ed a blow from Hunt who considered duty to heln Elmer. Tlle Alderman could not, upon the ev- eonvict either Mr. Jones or Mr. but Mr. Poulter admitted the ""Tor luck- ,- and was fined $5. " Hope 'M u. n ,.!, -- in ; of .. "Belsbas-sar- " Tuesday' and "Temptation," in the Eleventh Ward School House, was attended by a large audience. Mr. G. G. Taylor gave excellent imitations of Salt Lake actors. Residents of the 19th Ward, bench, have been without water since the last storm set in. Judge McKean has appointed a committee tf three to examine such students of law who wish to be admitted to the bar of Utah, and report to the Court up;; on their qualifications.' The prospect of finding coal in the vicinity of Butcherville appears to be t nl growing better. '' ..:..; From this morning's Herald: Three adventurous : miners tried to reach the Scott mine a day or two since, when one of them was attacked with rheumatism of the heart,' and his companions were obliged to wade through a depth of Bnow ranging from three to four feet. They finally reached Modoc City safely. Attorney Loeber and Justice Clinton were arraigned before' Alderman Felt's Court on a charge of assault and battery filed against each, and both were held under $50 bonds to appear next Wednes" " ' ' day for trial. in Salt the for time first Mr. Home, Lake, will appear this evening in the drama ofJ"Lighthouse Cliffs." The third running race between the to drop, aa it i nnt. auk;A 'Mark nags "Walking John" and i i parties should wish to be Saturbeen has until Moore,' postponed el any more. The less said about day- better for all From this morning's Tribune : Ophir is a wonderful place.' The uni Died. versal cry of "hard times" has very little i, me reeiaence of her effect in that district More men and Mrs. Martha West, inth is city more miners are working there at the tuuetb Joiner, aged 72 years present time than ever have been before "",Bl nd eight days. Deceased There are three large groceries, one Wn in Montgomeryshire North clothing and variety store, one She joined theChnrM, of Jesus house, three hotels, three billiard saj onois in j04z; em- - loons, one reBtanrant and several saipt. America witl her husband in loons, two ? 1841 livery stables and twe blackd came U Utah i 1855, remain-5ralthfsmith shops in Ophir, and all making member of he Church money. aay of her deathCo. The District Court has adjourceJ till , please copy. the liih. btfore ; ", - ' , l. dry-goo- ul m v', BY TELEGRAPH. ' y, Hfaire MnttaK?r, Leatler of Orchestra, Tbe proposed continental railway, for which a charter is to be asked ' of Congress, as it is marked out on a map in tbe railroad and canal committee 5 room, is almost an air line from New York to Omaha.f It starts from Jersey City and runs due west across New Jersey, crossing the Delaware atBelvidere; traverses Pennsylvania without deviat ing from a straight line, passing through Iiloomsburg," Milton' and Newcastle; enters Ohio near Youngstown, and runs through Akron, London and Lima; takes Fort Wayne in its route tnrougn mai ana; and at a point half way across I Hi noia it goes slightly to the northward, crossing tbe Mississippi at Muscatine and reachine Omaha by a bee line of the tjChicago, Rook Island and Pacific, and the Chicago, Burling'on and Mis souri river roads. The road never goes eut of the way to reach town or city, and the purpose of its projectors appears to be to open a great direct line between the far west and New York, without reference to Ideal traffic. But a bill is in course of preparation which will have a Dumber of prominent capitalists as corporators. The parties who indicate a willingness to undertake the enterprise with moderate aid from the government, mention a guaranty of bond, bearing lour to nve per cent, in terest, to, the amount of about the cost of construction. The committee nave been in correspondence with a number of these capitalists with a view to induce them to accept a Congress rtnal charter, ond under it construct a line from tbe Missouri river to the Atlantic, agreeing to carry freight at a stipulated price be low the present rates.;' Responsible par ties stand read to undertake this work with government aid, but the committee will endeavor to secure their object without Uscurring ; any expense or re snonsibility on the part of the govern ment, end they are not without hot ee hether the com' that this can be done. mittee will agree, if nothing better can be done, to recomend that Government euarantee the interest at a low rate upon bonds representing a portion of the cost of construction, and take a nrst lien on the road for its security, has not yet rx been decided. 0 V Chicago 7- j j .V ',- ; So far as can be learned the storm of snow, rain and sleet, which hns prevailed during the latter part of last night, in eastern all of to day and Ohio, and presumedly east of tha; State, has been almost unprecedented in violence Telegraphic communication between this city and the east has never been so completely cut off as at present. The weather here the past two days has J been very fine, clear and warm. . ,. Columbus, 0 ,' 7. The storm last night prostrated all the telegraph Hues leading out of this city except one. The sidewaiks in all parts of the eity are covered with branches of trees broken down by Ihe weight of the ice collected on them. UI !. pavements." :,;?,': Prof. M. Kreaior th ehoiceet itock of Ihncy Confection ery In th Territory. All cheap 33cxv TALLOW AND GREASE, THE tl i . ... ' CASH OB SOAt, or Rendered Tallow STALE BUTTER, For Rough -- And all other kind of EVERYBODY'S lij a grand. Vocal O and O X Xj the Imported Furniture ever offered ' in this city, CALL a Terptl-churia- id B05 E SOLO, by Champion CHAS. CORIELL GRANDMOTHER DOOLEV. with local Hit, H. UU ftEW iAND AXD PROVISIONS . a X COMIC SONd, CHAS. CORIELL CHARACTER CHANGES, by the little fairy FAVORITE Sl'ECIALTr, CUA. , ROBINSON TTATCHMAKEKS The Evening' Entertainment will conclude with g the Burletta of A.. . i by th Company. Character DOORS OrEN AT 7, 13 , , y ADm$SIOX: . $1.00 59 ' ' " Iaiuad PREPARED TO CKDEBTAaa . of t TASHIONARLE Ogden. i ALJumava : ,.,.! Watolies, Clocks, . SILVER WARE; J. JIalf a - ;, CUTLERY, . SPECTACLES , for ladlisi and children. L. ? JElVEhltr, PLATED f NEEDLE-WOR- .UP, STAIRS ROOMS 1I0LTIIER, Good Workmanship Guaranteed. t ."(- Cloth y 'Mi i. Guns,Pistols, M Ammunition. ' ': AND ; of Main Street. Iiloek Weil ' : ' ': :, i Repairing Xeatly Executed ing Cleaned and Repaired. NEEDLE by ' ZION'S - Fifth Strsist, Oodbh, lit, 18, ORDERS MERCBAXDISE - Fifth Street, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, NOTICE; THE JEWELERS siAiff ntiikkt, oc;in:x G. MRS. GXtAIIAM. RECEPTION Pnrqnptte, . Uallcry, Children Half Price. OS AND AFTER JANUARY DRESS-MAKIN- IS f s p TO BEGIN AT 8. , & FASHIONABLE YOUNG EPHRAIM MASTER CHAS. CORIELL, Aged 8 year. OLD EPHRAIM CHAS. COIllELL I :r.r:.; CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST. THE YOUNG SCAMPI. I ; PAHPE&BOESSEL .. GROCERIES INSPECT; JOHN BOYLE. (, JOSEPH C, GBAHA3I, Fltth Street, - - Ogdeu. rKTlTKs 'ATTKSTIOK elect itock of ! AND ; ' FAMILY GROCERY. ORCHESTRA. To be followed Jtrsx nii:cEiVEr. - Salt Lake City. XJTAIL SEW GOODH, Adjoining Pugsley's Mill 19th Ward. The Evening' Entertainment will commence with tbe most pleaxing of eriu-comSramaa, entitled, OVERTCRK, OGDENt Tho Best and Cheapest Or, at SOAP FACTORY,; , FRIDAY Eve, Jan. 9th j XJxa.Uc3.lns;, EAST SIDE MAlJf STREET, ; ..n iwi BI PRICK WILL MARKET STOCK TO HIS JUST CALL AND SEE HIS WINDOW. HIGHEST IXTENSlVR ff for the Holiday a. , dienae, rom tli Uniting Theatre of the TRCifie Conn. W. R. FORTIER Hi nlnksin? JntonMn Artnr from the Alhanibra Theatre, tk V. ansa UHAUK SOKOTE, from the California Th MISS CORA 1IESLEH, S. A. TBLI ER, MRS. 3, ......... 1 ar ft GUN CARTRIDGES, and CIOARd tn (treat CIIOICB TOBACCOS variety, j . , . i 187-l- . ( Mercantile Institution, Will he received only in its . RETAIL DEPARTMENTS. ; W. I. llOOPEK, Sup.' COALVILLE - Rock Spring, Coalville, , Det vered , PRO BONO 10.00. 7.60. ' '" , 8.00.' Keep Warm by Getting Good Clear! Coal. YARD AT U. P. FREIGHT DEPOT. Order left at Dougla' Meat Market will b promptly nileil. JOUST PIKCOCIC. MRS. 4MjCLTJ8IY, MIDWIFE S blocki OGDEN. Eut of the Tabernacle,- - ? "7 ( UTAH. S GEORGE W. TURNER, I A (Late C. B. McGregor Fifth Street, . Co.), ' 0i lii CIUAJB? AKD TOBACCO. ? ACCOMMCDATIONS. " - FARE, 815. Wall Paper ofth Best iorFITT k GOHSETT, CO Pattern. Hoot and Shoemaker, HI" Ut xhb old mixbX'ri . Ttar doors soutb of , Z CGI 5 PHYSICIAN, of CniTenity 43 " D. - da I AND OB3TEtKtCTAN tviery. Reidne, 1 tf'VIIM SI . Main Street. a ; e S 1 s I ' rl V a S o s O K ; ' Lumber, Laih, and Slilnglrs, '. ,: j S tm rpotfuJ!y 4-- s a O V 1 YARD, treight depot, WIHTE PISE -1 3Iid- Surgery : and ' ' of th. public , 5 ear u, p. 3 at Richmond Medical Collene. v-- . Ro'dent Phyil-ia- n and 9ir(teon to College Hospital; fellow of V. Medical Society. A flora number of year practical acquaintance 4 eatern with th. CiieaK. of th Eaiteru Bute and Territorie ha located permanently at rice, upon Ot;den City, and promiiei first claw th lateet and inoit improTed methods vt AlloSo all department of pathic Treatmeut ' MITCHELL, Agent, Cherry Creek. OGDEN, ; 1 of Va., Graduat. :( Corner Wall and Sixth Street, M SKHOEOJf l 't ,, LDItlBER i 31. s ,1-- , A w Orders promptly filled. Repairs neatly executed. T. E. BROWN, " , MAIN STREET, OGDEN. Give me tt call i e5i S(abl, 1.1 very r. MARX, "Agent," Toano, 0 f nlMcflptimi takf-- tor all the Paper of th day iWUrn Local, Eastern and Vt eetern. Cash paid for Eggs and Chicking W. S. READ, F. ' PropHetortii f ; ; J ' Btar mak eloa connections at Cherry Creek with Pioche.UamiitoB and JCurekatitagv. , ' o 0 &c. '. !', ' StAfre Books, Periodicals, Mag azines, Pictures, Albums, Stationery, ' ' " ' FiR-T-CL- w 1 ' abore place. I "1:U. Time, Throngh in 21 Hours. en ZD tl Toano Monday and Thnnday. Cherry Creek Wduday and Lei 8 g Y SEMI-WEEKL- " betweah ' IT LJ T - - - Ogden. RUN day. cq PHYSICIAN AND JL stage AcS DC , NEW TJNDKRBIOifED HATE PUT ON mil Which will here Iter b. I Line of it M $ 9.50. ' publico: TOAKO ASD CHEERY CREEK COAL. - Delivered, Q DC 0 YES!! 0 YES!! ROCK SPRI3VG :.'". ' A. TELLER Oho. Coriell li. Lislcm REMOVED 1113 FURNITURE i City, j An old lady of Jackson, Tenn., Medicine, has asked the city authorities to "she Tlie patronage exempt her from city taxes as eolicited. or sidewalks their seldom walks over Offlce and . i iLalco i -- V II li FIRST SOUTH STREET. Tliii Corapan is couipoted of th following talented ArtiMei.- C1IA8. OOR1K1 I. nhmnninn lain. nhnr. . Ventriloquist. The littl fairy qnea "as. CUAS CORIELL, J . of ,,B1U1D Master CHAS. COR1KLL, ged 3 'fm, th wt'uiwnm imam rut. -- Toledo, 7. J. PROPRIETOR, buaiutau Uauager, JOHN BOYLE Establishment, Confectionery There Virginia City, Mont., 7 . The legislature met at noou on Monday. There was a full attendance, Geo. Stapleton was elected Presideut of the Council, and J. H. Rogers epeakerof the House. Governor Pons' message gives general satisfaction. He gives the total debt of the Territory as $432,987; recommends fewer exemptions in taxation; a further reduction of fees and salaries; the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating liquors on election days; the enactment of a Sunday law; recommends a memorial to Congress asking the opening of a military road via Wiud River and Yellowstone Lake to Montana; he thinks the policy of the general government towards the Apaches of Arizona, should be applied to the Sioux, in order 10 facilitate the building of the Northern Pacific road. n In the House, a special committee was appointed to wait on the Sec reUry of the Territory, asking four copies of daily papers to each member. Tbe committee returned with the following report : "Mr. Speaker: l'our special committee, appointed to1 confer with the Seore-tar- y of the Territory, to ascertain if be would furnish the several members of the House with newspapers, as was done by Secretaries in former times, have performed their duty, and beg leave to report that tbe Secretary informed your committee that he had no monies in his possession,, applicable to tbe payment for the papers desired; and that in a correspondence with the First Comptroller of tbe Treasury of the United States, in which he had made application fur authority to supply the same, he fuiled to obtain such authority; but was forbidden expressly to incur auy expenses in this regard, and he Ooutd not comply vith the desire of the House. San Francisco, 7. St. Clair, the man who is supposed to have set Portland, Oregon, on fire last was caugut August, arretted to burn the reattempting yesterday maining portion of the city. Mr. Roach Senate In the introduced a concurrent resolution requiring Congress to amend the treaty with China so as to prevent further Chinese immigration. A simi'ar resolution was introduced in the Assembly. , i , Louisville. 7.- , . . In Davies; county, - Kentucky, last Monday, two negroes and one white man killed John Gasset, one of the negroes walking up' to Gasset, placed a pistol against bis body, fired and killed him instantly. They then dragged the body to a ditch where it was found next day. The murderers were arresied.? , WALLACE'S H. Salt American! v XT VAUDEVILLE Proposed Continental Road. . NEW YEARS GIFT. ' THEATRE. The Montana Legis- lature. t , W, Arrest of a Supposed I OCDEN ... of (be beat quality, Al-Wny- s ,. ui r on II unci In " Larjfo Quantities. The Cheapest in Town. CALL AND SEE. P. C 4 tf ' W. I). 1V11LI151S.: i |