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Show CO- - , - ; ' BYBNINO, Sunday, excepted rffflj flu - - ; IB '01 B a Business Manager. pMEOSK. Editor and M H , 8- - a . BIV 4 81 M ' B i J TTT"ttTAmTA-V I V I i I 1 17 VI 1.T1T Ma HaSr B I M ri M B H E7 (3 M 1 I H H Til I lfru H M I I m B m I (J BROWNING'S T Mini W I SsOFSSCBIPTIO.N. rt- -i JUrSU II published EVERY FVFMifjr SO PUBLIC! Oi- - ocsok CTAH. THOiSDAT. JANUARY S. 1871. MERCHANTS. Instit'n, Mercantile Slfk'rfMp. Brother, E. V rwym A ttlUlfl 411(7 21 II II . WAfflAa THE LADIES Have vou a clersrrman in snnr Uorrork,. HOTELS. Cirain V UM CENTRAL TtL TLB. OD. E STORE, TOCK 0 lakM In Exrhwna. 3. and " I WITH A Where customers will fiud it lo their advantage to call before pvrchuiH(f elsewhere. VT Trfrf-CW- I I "IT 7E IUTK OPESED " General Merchandise. Three l)or SiUli or L'luii Hotel, C;deii. DIRECTORY. 0ORMATIONJ1THE STORE. 1 J. W. UROWMNG. , UTAH NORTHERN ELGIN WATCHES from your well mauued Dulnita ? T there any one of your sound divines PIONEER LIXE OF UTAH. Carroll, Proprietorf. who is willing to suffer 'martyrdom ON AND AFTER JAnI 1st 1874. church ? - Tho pulpit MRS. EMMA. iu a first-claCARTER, TRAINS RUN BETWEEN 4 "n", iaai,i,ai,aJ' J a a a il.ll i,i,nni'. ,M in iuauison square is vacant, and .I,v.L AND CLOSJLNtt MAILS. Snperiatendent, Kame of ...nriUL candidates will havea chance. Mad. No. 1 No. S B.45 pra. 4 YTTII0SE LONG FXPERIKNCK AS A MILLI- STATION. 70 Paas. Pa, 7.40 un. ison Square is the most fashionable t.4Up.m. tnis city, and the Presbvte- - calls atiention to the spot in v,"a ana vicmily, BEPABTl'RK. J . 1 1. . superior ttock on L.ud. Junction vTithC.P.R.R., 8.40 a.m. 6.30 p.m. nan cuuruu, wnicu n Train. Leave f a. K. r. x $ cU.'cU ironts the green aHLLINERY goods, N4TT0VAI, WATCH rolPiV. 6.20 p.m. rLm.miiTh Mail daily . is tne xsmin.d 'Salt .40 M most fashrichest a.m. iianiig and vour expanse, . twtri caniully Lak. 8 iioor SKIRTS, 0 3 40 iJL through Mail daily wtcl..a, we find them )wrft in all their pari ionable in this denomination here. CORSETS. BUSTLES, Ine flmish.aiid troll ulimJ .... i. T.00 .m. .v i w nil ui of (lie Wood. Cross 8 36 4 8 6010 75 forfWtUlwwidtheEMt tir keeping pnblie. W. considir tlum :i 6.00 pm. The salary is 3.000 and a house. the kid gloves, watohea in America for the price, and lrt Centrerille Evanston, Wyorn-''At- a tTirhCoonty equal 33 4 16 i And all nMir 75 1 00 is easily run up to 10,000 I lie f,net Wirojwan 10 Watcbo,for acenrato time. ltol.ttlVphc. fcr Bieh County, This by furuisbiug goods In tta Hint cost double or ilira. tlm. b. . 8 p.m. . Farmington 6 40 4 33 1 idDedwnd Saturdays, at perquisites, and an occasional trip to Latest 30 clierrfully recommend Uiam to all partlea ishln" OOjl and most Fashionable Kaysville . 4 0 p.m. Europe win oe thrown in. In Mad 7 4 62 1 7 fDaily to Loftanl t On and after Oct. 1st, 1878, Daily Passenger K0WUX a IC'llWAIX. 4.30 p.m. W. H. 0. xii.ua and Thursday. fSSw 35jl styles, co ison bquare vulgar Dovertv ia un ci u aao. ro and IWlay. ' 8.3() p.m . . Arrive at Ogden , And SOld at fltAaruii mI tl... 7 60 a eo 3 oo t.t. A.llLtHAN, ' Train. i.. MXMaoday. w. w. a I. . MAVO, known. KX-Wedndaa.m 7.30 lot A and 25 a. orriafciM Saturday. ys by 100, frontin ; m4 in aro invnea to exanuue wt.NBi. it. ' annua, ' .u .wui iu iu nore ueiore purehnsing. Leave Corinne at 12:00 noon. .No. 2 No. DltS, KllllDlH 4 BAMILTOIT. . IMTIItMtlj-l- l a ironting the Square, is worth $50,000 Cass. , ., ... , ... c., Pan. a. i. kokmi a co Leave Logan at 7:30 a. m.; m. aaonaaaa a CO. 800P, for a dwelling house. The man who to connect with train, for The names alT. m t.. , . and LakeSalt Ogden j h of Chicago. They hav.no occupies this pulpit will preach to ary i.tere.t In the Company, bit freely pecm as Train. Leava OFFICE HOURS. A. II P. U fifty iniHions of dollars." His contestify Reduced Kates to Excursion Tarties. the past year have been sold by them. gregation will include three bants. ; ; Ogden I 40 t 20 NAVtnxAl Watch Comfant. Cmeooi BEU1STRY DKPAKTMENT aud nearly .twice as many insurance Passenirer. will nleau nii.u iri.i.... Kiysville' f ' 9 31 7 10 . jituR,, .ma,. . ns (IfNTi: 1'h. v.t. ..... I 30 the OIUc. Open from a.m. iu I '" l.. vtAr jWU, besides DEPARTMENT. other omces, ORDER MONEY corporations during (he past year, have, with scareelv .Lt For all infirmatlnn mrnin. 11 wr it a.m. 82 7 Farmington iu r 31 1 1 -from 85 7S more Open than ordinary satisfaction, and given a.. !.... equany soulless. Une may almost a.m to 8 p m. are proving to b all that OaUidt Door open from 6 ' ' 10't ' . you claim for thelu as ' JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster. feel the heavy tread of these 4 T 44 1 68'2 10 accurate and durable CentreTille( General Freight" aud Ticket capitalAgent. Taking Into cniml.lerstion the Imnrovement ists aa they tread up the aisles as sugWoods Croat 10 13 7 63 1 7512 30 . MUSES THATCHER. .; -Vna have IntrndiiPMl l.r."-- " wtuun, ana uie Trainsfineness of;r finish of ev.n the lowest grade, of their financial g.noral basis. Hrn w gestive . , E a.m. 7.40 n.n.n.1 Arrive Salt arrives Lake at 10 40 8 20 2 ,00 3 00 tliemaah.inrw.il .u..i.. CP. train - 5.40 p.m. it will answer to read occasionally take great satisfaction in selling them to such ot " C. P. " " our as eti.toBiers doalre 6.20 p.m, about the camel and the needle's good C. P. " leaves In addition to Ilia above,' . eye, 8.50 a.m. for fAXJUER, BACTTELDIRS It CO " are well off. They expect U.P. MIXED 16S Washington Bt ioaton. they i TRAINS WILL RUN - 7.50 a,.m. TJ. C train arrives WARREN & BPADONH, to be rich one of these days, They 5.40 p.m. Alaiden Lane, Nw Tort and DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) are when ask them WHEBtSR, PARSONS poor enough ROUTE EAST. CO - - - 8 40 a.m. you leaves 8 Aluldea & at 5 Lana, K'ew York. a.m 3.30 p nil Leaving Ogden City 6.20 a.m. for money. , and ' it BOOTT tt HENNEOEH. ; i i and The Only Line Salt Lake City Time. TittsburBli. Pa. Running Through Salt Late City at 8.30 a.m.and 5.05. p.m. : JINKIUS HATCH. ClnolnnatL Ohio Cars from . , - . ,jKorrfnMa ' PaSRemrern will ntoiu. :, KIDDLITOW , VO PpiWAIt TBI Seeret. ncuivun BROS, Capt. -iUM 4n1ri j a w.anv m,ucu 11 at Ul the 1 Tabernacle, in Maiden Y. auuitional will unuimw, Lana, -jr. everj Sunday, riiyycenta becnarged a.ivf a.uwi..Utao, IClliaiU Sehool-house- , iu wre coueciea on tne train. t nrnviilprl thf.tr hnnna unwell, .f, a.m., and in the 2nd Ward Ijidles' 'Watches, of elpirsnt 10 it is well known that in his' great lunsr e.i.t ..i''""" and Third destroyed by mineral poison or other meana, and a Farles School-hous- e iv.ti. ..r New and For the all Information vital wasted bevond Tort,' in Cincinnati organs the Chicagro, and search of the relics, urpawed sledge journey, at b p.m. with B V Vara School-hous- e qwalitlp. the point of repair. " ' niancr si. superior to anv. Louisville r JAM Kb SHARP ")'""i Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. and o p.m. of Sir John Franklin. Cantain Hall or Head. vet . til . r.. nnninfuctiiri.il nit in vyspepsia ,i. Indigestion, mi i.. . . auaI v I , . 3AKtl 'I' .. ache. Puin in thA Shinlilra Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and made i un. shortly b. placed tn market As;ent. . y WnUOUT CIUNQJt. vreigot distressing discovereies, which jicto ui mo i,uohi, ui.ziwhh, sour Kructa-tion- s m mm. I A I ai M of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the he resolved never to ive to tnn Krht. Ko loremeata Retailed by the Company. Bilious Attacks, Palpitation of the Spiritualist Lectures (UhnU s Hall), Mouth, 8CPERLNT1ENDKNT. FOUR as long as .Lady x ranklm should live. Heart, Inflammation of the TRAINS DAILY! 111.30 p.m. CAW, OX YOTJB JIWELLEH AND Lungs, Pain in . it. OGDt Hoaxe. Jl"i J. Mlion, Proprietor. t"j.. IIVKRT STABLES. CITY. Railroad. ss 1 it. HI If K coHiisrnsrE, 1 t ! 5 in .... - ri LOG- . J 1 D i. NffifiSS i ' tr ... " ri.ii "..Bi x- - ,. "'' , . wari-car- s. VAN DA LI A! ? ' , v niiitiu Hairs ST. LOUIS ' Uentk-ninn'- s g dn 1 i-- ir r SALT LAKE CITY. M Tn Canital. $200,000 Authorized $1,000,000 IS. H. HOOPER, a. n ti.DKtiHif;, President,! vicfrest. ikmiiau viiiivn WM. J. JKNNINOS. tnjrfnr. I. LITTLE, I i. LULLS, Jill ' Cashier. In Exchange, Coin, Gold Dust, College gcrin. wuB,nuui umud auu prumpuy remitiea. forvp Eichange for Sale. Interest Paid on - fevltim i.n . Dsnn.;. WELLS. the region of ether painful of Dyspepsia. no equal, and fruarantee of vertisement. On his last departure fr6m Greenland in the Polaris he entrusted all his important documents to a Mr. Smith of X essuisak. From them it is now ascertained that Capt. Hall made the sad discovery that Franklin and his party were reduced to the dire necessity of eating each other." The fact or tnis discovery would have added still greater .fame to Capt. Hall.' He kept the secret from Lady Franklin ; but now that the tender and heroic explorer rests under the same dreary skies with the lost Franklin, this most unhappy secret has come to the iignc. FARGO & CO., LArjsuss t oil Bankers mwl non1ira Id lor Female ty In ' Ring-worm- Kitra ITvod Knulfl-Unfl- ii.h Vvwannu.a Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a short time by the use of these Bitters. One botUe In such cases will convince the most incredulous of their curative etTects. Il-IMcDOZVAI.D ,fc CO., " Druggists & Gen. Affts., San Francisco, Cal., 4 cor. Washington and Charlton Sts., N.Y. SOLD BT ALL DEUGGISTS k DJ?ALERS. Playing Billiards with his Aosc. I. An American in London, has rnmp forward with a fresh notion, which EUCENE i may entirely revolutionize the world ATTORNEY-dt-LAof billiards. This gifted person flings Ofla I. the Jcucrio cus and nn. away the Bulding. dertakes to conauer his nnnnnpnts hv II. simply substituting his nose in its Hydraulic and Civil Engineer, place. In a report of a match played wnn lutton tne other dav. we read : Logan, Cache Co. "His modus operandi is very sim- lBd and Mining Claimg gurreyed. pie. xuicon piays a break with the cue in the Usual Wav. and as snnn a he leaves off, Jefferson bends over A. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. taBle. the the ball with his nose, Wfflce at Residence 2nd South Street, and rolls taps it into a pocket or caroms Salt Lake City, Utah. UHnd of legal business on the other ball." There promptly attended irom it are undoubtedly some advantages in thus dispensing with the cue. - The we presume, is not Aoa player; HOUSE, ylfiA H Block East obliged to of th ThoAtr nose. nis cnajt SALT LAKE CITY . LAsrn re W time-honor- tf J LUNCHEON. ed MARTINEAU, 1,n" LUNCH STAND, a i !H. A. -- The very best I Xj .'-i- f W'K : T .1 . r- THE SUN. . of Cars. A.. HfllitlUIIJ ekwaw Cor. Chestnut t. PassAgt, C. Daily ; , wirt Trrna Ticket Ag't, St. Lonii. Wesfn Pan..' Ag t.8t.Loi). Gen. BupMniiianapolU. Gen. McMULLIl. Gen. Bupt, Chicago. l6-t- l Chicago. TIME . TABLE STORE! TOY ' a.i lOO N. Fonrtta St. Btet.LOma. M. PftT.RrrilW Confectionery TOYS, IN TUB GREATEST YARIBT1 Pas. Agt.,8t.Louii gi-- and Pullman Palaee Sleeping, Billing and Smoking Car. run through without change, between Chica- g inn ci, uuuio, anu vuicago ana nansa. uty. Tho only line running these Oar. between Cbi- uivgu auu du ioui9, Bna running both Palace, Sleeping and Dining Car. between Chicago and Kausa City, and Palace Sleeping Car. between 8t iji-uauu bv. ram, via wumcy ana ijnrllngton. CANDY, PURB AND FRESH. HOME-MAD- TAYLOR'S HOTEL 0 mi Buaopuii Pun, West Side East Temple Street, CANDY; IMPORTED ALL VARIETIES. SALT LAKE CITY Board by the Day or Week. gSTRooms with or without Board. -- 5J TAvlnr A. 10Ot' . r.it1i PronHetara. " Candy Cheap! Candy Cheaper! ! Candy Cheapest! BURLINGTON ROUTE. . AND DAILY. i ATLANTIC STATIONS. . S.2U L I first-rat- e nret-rat- e 1 .. UU T d, ga-tl, v fifty-si- four-pag- e g twenty-eig- ? x NODA ..).! " ...t J ICE CREAM hSA p.m 6JjOa.ra .o0a.m. 8.40 D jn 7.00 a.m. 100 pjn 11.15 a.m 3.22 a.m 3.15 p.m 7.00 a.ia .00 a. in 1 (.45 p.m. lO-'i8.60 p.m. 4.00 p.m 6.65 p.m. 9.20 a.m I M. a.m. 1.30 p.m. v ie Wholesale and Retail. KAIL. IXPBXM ,. . Tiiif U'rri'i ;.i.ju in.ivnu tv in i. i.i.ik uiv ci: l .v. iQ ..iii. "nil, require any extended ivconimeiidatinn; but the Leave OGDEN . . reasons which have already giv.n it fifty thousand Leave OMAHA it Arrive BUKLINGTOK ,i),srilAea anil u'ltinli will Wa Iwina " Galoeburg, (C. B. A Q.) many thousands more, are briefty an fnlluws: " Mendota umi-ran tne m'ws VI XI i. iiew.iwi'ei. ) I.. r.,..n.l ln i A..fl....Dj uV.A.. ..u ituc i nticu un m.i w iuiiiiu iu it,1. .... Chicago uaj I rt.. ... a. f. f ; .n.,, wuuciito. .... . n .. t " i Peoriav " Ind'plhi (T. B. A W.) always presented in a clear, intelligible, and in" Cincinnati manner. teresting t .. r .1. 1(111. rt Via,.., .1.. im1. - .1AHlj.l.r.mll.MU. " Logausp't (T. P. W.) I ' .'I.I.J J , " . . , full (HI. Ml " Columbus and instructire reading ot every iiiud, but conoffend the can Must that (craputaining nothing Through Car. from cattle-market- "".to.?.!8 '" With through 81mtnir Omrtwu U Ticket Office, So. GATE! ? -. t.- Express. cago EEE AST DAY CARS. J. .. No. 3. vw UrSiZ?fn ROAD IN THE of Railroad, bv M.-Chi- t " line. M;-F- ast P. i,oti;nj, ST.. CHICAGO. GOLBEIJ With Pullman'. P.lar. Sl,,lt to New York, Cuioiunati or Loui.ville C:15 ii IS9 o. 161 LAKE Daily except Sunday, TO TUB EAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. cross-eye- d P. TTT?WTm . JJusinMS Offlro find SnUitntnm, National Westlnghou.e Safety Drake. : well-dresse- I T. ASK TO Pullman'. Palace Day and Dining Can. r. sweet-scente- 3l -- And the shortest, quickeetnnd best route between St. Louis and Chicago, Kansas City and Chicago, Chicago and Jeflerion City, St Lonia and Pekiu ouu j cui m, oi. uoun ana oi. ram, ana Bt. Louis auu Huncy ana isurungion. Gen. Ales, Porters and Cigars. . -5 O 3Et i f ALTON milE ONLY FIRST CLASS bee claiwiflcation X West. j r I) 2Vo Oliau&re ; A man cast a rrloorn Urwrutr. Joaif SrRUAiccs c.o.CHrimt. over a Detroit street car last WednesSPRUANPr CTAMlrv f. nn seven men and day by asking one-on to H. Webster A Co. and J. AJ.8prnance, he strangers on the opposite seat ... porfer and WholetaU Dealert in had any chewing tobacco handy." AND LQUORS. First the seven strangers looked at' ouoei, ssan rrancuco. N each other; then the seven hands went pocketward; and observing this motion, each of tho seven sunnoaed lous taute. i story paper. The best talc his neighbor the one spoken to, and mtIt mmanrM r.f riirront litratHre are rarAftilltr pages. the seven ' hands returned empty. aeiecieaa ana legmiy pnurea iu in It l. .gricnitiiraj paper, j i room The on aud articla. instructive man cast a ricochet fresh agricultural regularl appear in this departiicnt. glance of indignation along the line, topics It i. an... independent political paper, . belonging .1... .", f..r ww ' ....I! IU and with the remark, "A wiioii- a. j.gin nvnitxijt, d ij ouu WAA,n. principle, and for the election of the bet men to lot of generous roosters," UIHI.O. . t"J,w;.ilJ . ...w ij hiiviivb took a chew of his own tobacco. expofure of the great corrnptions that now weakunto en and disgrace our country, aud threaten T. S. T.V.WTQ! dermine retinblican iuetitulious altneether. It and ask. no favor, from baa no fear of ' Aas! another pleas- - their supporter-- knaves, . AND JEWELER, It reports the Taanions lor tne lanie. ana ine young man has been m.rk.t. fur theinen. eiMc.aliv the piaying nis little games, this time in to which it pays paticular attention. don. Md 'alTwr Finally, it i the cheapest pajxer published. One ,t wamrted Camden, Me. The following are the dollar a year will secure it fir any supucribcr. It to get up a clnb in order to have points of the case, but we havn't the ia not SUN at this rate Any one who U. heart to arrange them : Young man THE WEEKLYdollar will get the paper for a year. .ends a single suddenly appeared boarded at the We have no traveling agents. MALTING HOUSE, best hotel costume perfect sensa- THE WEEKLY SUN. Eight page., tion among the ladies esnecinlW the columns. Only $1.00 a year. No. discount, from this rate. SCN. Same sine as the young ones married woman, wife of THE ppw'S;ne.lwaj.on hand. a wonny Daily Sua. S2.UO a year. A discount of 20 misled the ramihes Supplied. mechanic, per cent, to clulu of 10 or over. newsTHE DAILY SUN. A large couple bolt nice young paper the Rail. wrong-doincolumns. Daily circulatiou Towa wi" man discovered to be a miscellaneous over of . feTUed at ?h. of ceuu. I ah ine uews lur .seem-- . per gallon 6J cents a month, or jsO.WO a price acription and scamp, principally a gamble.'. year. To clubs of 10 or over, a discna g enr- - The confidence of the human tap in per cent. AUberslLlow r. rca Acta i ni 3. 31 good clethes is truly miraculous. Sew York City. cross-eve- d : II CHICAGO v 3:30 P. 5:15 THAI ELQIV WATCHES. B Express. For all Way Station n. 11. BEAKD.SI.EY, Proprietor. JA8. CHART0N, Lunch from 10 ctt. to 60 cts. WEEKLY, Proprietor. ' FIR8T- - Bar Attached. JOHN BECUXOL. I'rMiillnir. Good Private Room for Company. per day. Rate.. .ww Uy and Table Board at Rm.cnai.le J. C. LITTLE, Has fitted up a neat L Also t2 PER DAT. BOARD TlfEALSSOC. XTX ( lasa accommodations. A.M.-D- ay vuK. iv nrw iuik, VU1 ca(fo( CiucmriaU or Louuviil Dnily xceut f Kiinilav Opposite Union Depot, Between Chicago and Bt. Louis, and one honrand . . . ... . ... A. a Iuiii r fiuif.r uuie oeiwaen vnicage ana Juu sasCity than by opposition route. FRANK HIGH, Western Traveling Agat, An.as iiiy, mo. AT THB MINER, BE ARDSLEY HOUSE, ONE HOUR FASTER TIME ALBERT CRAY. ' 7:45 ; young: Complaints, or old, married or single, at the dawn o( womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonio Hitters display eo decided an Influence that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. Per Itsnammeitorjr and Chronic aud Gout, Dyspepsia or Rheumatism Indigestion, liilious, Remittent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have been most successful. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which is produced of the by derangeBient Digestive Organs. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet-- ! ter, Salt Rheum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, IVA-imEli- Foreign and Domestio Exchange. OFFICS at n'TOV jnWOTTnw B nrnivr ".T. J. E. DOOLY. the Kidneys, and a hundred symptoms, are the odVipringa In these eomplalnts It has en bottle will prove a better Its merits than a lengthy ad- 2.46 6.20 p.l Miiwouri Rirer to vmiusuo, iBDlAKAFOUg, UIMC1HKATT1, LOeaB.rORT, ' aUU lyUliU.IKJI... 4 PASTEI of ALL KINDS. j rpiIK jl boiuuo. hr js. - auu.a c. LlM. Gan'l Pass. Agent. , . muui ira ' -i , Cakes Ornamented to Order, " 0I SHORT ; ' ' K0T1CB. . rEKKINS. '! Bup'fc. s, , . , , A1JO, TB CIUaiTtB , ; WEDDINC CAKES I' if A all TTlioui it mar concern. M0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, T1TAT SPECIALTY. SAXTA CL.4US COOMi'G STOVE Tor Coal and Wood, Which has sock a Demand through the Territory, for Beanty and Excelence, cannot ba J. H. KELSON, Finii Street . . Ojlen. it all Peremna entraped in Huino n surpassed. GEO. A. rilLVCE uguen ttty, jict wnictt tne Utty Ordi- All oar Itove. are kept and for sale by Z. C. M. I-CO. nance provide that a license must be nd all its Branch Storm. Alo by all tl obtained.) without firRt Stores ia the Ter s license are liable to be taken before ritorrS04ra Organsti-Melodeon. . . ay o ail oi aaiu Uity, ana be subjected Tha Oldest, Laryeirt, and Most Perfect Manulaa Aiaprman . "s i i . i to a fine. iwrj in ins uniteo Btatos. By order of the City Council, XEW JSTOJtE. LESTER J. HERRICK, Mayor. JAMES TAYLOR, City Recorder. ' OPENED A NEW 8TORB JCOLCL0UGH HA4 with o a full supply f,f Toys Now Ift tv. Crocrftry, Preserving The Office of the City Recorder is at Jars, Fruit, Trebles and So othar Musical Instrument ever bbinJ Proviion. of the best quality. the City Hall, Fifth Street, Ogden. mm popularity. CALL AJfD BEE Bill. Off.it Ucsnfriri 10 a n. Ml 5 for Prise Lists. j.m. 4400-la- i al-3n- i Addrea. BCTFAL0, S.I t , .. ... , 31,314 M0XIT0IW KOW IN TJSE. JS. CITY LICENSES. To S a-- MONITOR HA8 GAINED A no nignnr encomium can lis bestowed upon a Cooking Stove than to aay that Connections at those polnM with line, leading every house-wif- e who nM It nwiiii , Um . tr, thm Vjtm .Vm.th mnA an.l. and recommend. Itta aeighbers and friends, This is the Host, Shortest, Quickest and Cheap- - for economy, cleanliness and all its reliability in . . j , t. , .. . operations. Do not be deceived, bnt obtain Tickets via the a. WATKK. , 52,0 0 0 . . |