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Show I. if C. EL Zm. Z;' C.;:m , Published erery WFJISKBDAY n! SATURDAY by the OaBEN FtiuuHiiina immpakt. 'There !" aid Jon cs, as he wrath fully pushed uway the pie which his landlady had just served to lain, that stuff ain't fit for a pig to eat, '"and I ain't goin' to cat it!"0. Wholesale Department. GROCERIES, HARDWARE 'AMieliigftn pflpe rwjently fclosel an Obituary notice with tue misquotation, ,'IIc is not deal, but squeakcthi" . - OgdiBn City, IM CR0C(!RY; mim 2.000 PIECES ' - DRY GOODS, STAPLE and FANCY NOTIONS, An economical' bridal pair at Springfield partook of their wedding feast, composed of smoked hernDg, crackers and chcesCj spread out on the head of a barrel. A meddlesome crowd around the door was dis persed by the bride, who exclaimed, "What'n thunder you lookin' at?" school not fur from London a young tyro in declamation, who had been told by the teacher that ho must gesticulate according to the sense, in commencing a piece with "The comet lift? its fiery tail," lifted the tail of his coat to a horizontal position, causing roars of laughter. At the examination at u Oil. CLOTHS, CAKFfiTS, UFHOESTEKY CiOOIKS, Mats and Caps, BOOTS AIB SHOES! Of Wall Paper, Bordering, Decorations; Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines; WISES, MqUOKS, AL.E EveryOP Variety, EASTERN ami CAEIFOBXIA MAXUFACTUIiE, and POUTER A General Assortment of Singers' Sewin? Machines, in Variety i Bespoke Boot and Shoe Dcpartncnf; CLUDIXQ Cntlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. leather, Findings, Beltings, &c; PRODUCE, GRAIX, BUTTER, EGGS, Ac; SCIILTTLER MACHINERY IN ALL WAGOXS, BOB Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks ETC., ETC. &C. BRANCHES, ITS SLEDS; A LARGE STOCK OF HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS. A Full Line of chair into splinters over his head. Upon an insinuation regarding the absence of marks on his cranium, he TO "No! 'e didn't answered, indignantly make no marks, but 'e smashed de ch'ar all ter' peices, and de eh'ar Will find the Largest Assortment of Merchandise in the several Departments of All Z. C. M. I., as above, that can be seen in the West, and all at fair prices. b'longed ter me." - Wholesale Purchasers and Visitors SALTvIiAKE CTT1T CHOICE to-da- H. B. CLAWSON, el-- tf y, orders addressed to D. II. PEEItY, Ogden City, ivdl recive prompt attention. s8"tf Superintendent.. l; i Z. IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS f The Burtonian reports large prairie fires. After naming 'several who lost considerable by the fire, it says: "A terrific fire raged in the Logan Valley, west of Oakland on Tuesday. The losses were severe; those that we have heard of are, F. Hill lost all his grain from 20 acresj John P Nelson lost his stable, hay and grain; Jacob Jacobs and Hansen, six largs stacks of hay; George Rock of Ari tona lost lis house, which was upon lis farm : near Oakland. . -- TtJ-v : I I y 3 ' iLi'. Q 3 O. M. COHHSSIOg AND U U. T., H. B. CLAWSOX, Superintendent SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S u HOCERIESS! Of All Descriptions. '.:,;- A ppecial . telegram from J. Mart inReese, Carson, at 2 p. m. forms us, 6ays the Gold hill Neict. of the 17th, that Colonel Abe - Curry was struck with an apoplectic fit this morning, and that he lies in a very critical condition. Col. Curry is in- connected with the most . timately and prominent era in the hisstirring ' this of State, being one of its tory enrliest pioneers one of the locators of the famous, Gould & Curry mine, ouce the chief in bullion producing on the Comstock. ; CLOTHING . Boston.- ... Weeds. Soys' o,2a.c3L EEADY-MAD- E BOOTS ami SHOES; b-- y An anthropomorphous eon of Ethiopia entered Station 3, at Boston, an evenins or two airo, to complain of a colored brother who had broke a Gr033Lts' CXOTIIOG, HATS, Went to Boston 40 A. country years ago, wearing his father's boots, and kept them uutil he had earned money enough to buy himself a pair. Now he is president of a bank, and all the country boys within ninety miles of the Hub, who hate heard of the incident, are worrying the lives out of their paternals begging their old boots and permission to go to Empress Cloths, Wool Delaines, Gingham'! TlSiuiw Denims, Bomestles, etc. assImero Cottonadcs, Jeans, Etc., Etc.' STOVES; & IMPLEMENTS TOOLS, PRISTS! . I. DEPARTMENT, IN CHARGE OF , H. W. NAISBITT. 0 Will purchase any hind of Merchandise not usually kept stock, including Engines, in ; Saw Mills, Circular Saws, Bolting Cloth, Eellel Water Wheels, Cheese Factory or Threshing Machines, Jiaeiiinc Extras, Force or other Pumps, Kclting, Sorghum Mills, Evaporators, ft After church, one Sunday, a little il i I V i -" 3 Hvinsr in Ntfivburvnorfc inmn'rpd cirl -v ';!. 3 O U Jt ' TV T i of her mother who the "siggerbug-gm- '' S:c., &c. V 5 Or any article from any State, that were. She was informed that be needed ia an Agricultural or may Mechanical population. there were no such creatures, but Send in your orders and we will da the bes to fill them at Manufacturpersisted that there must be, as the ers prices with freight added, or on a minister had prayed especially for slight percentage. o them that day. It happened that . e are and n the reverend man had some peculiarexpecting au immediate shipment of the d ity of pronunciation, and, after considerable investigation as to what the child had mistaken for the "sigger-buggersFITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED was discovered it that the SCRIBNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, The Factory having just got fairly intended subjects for prayer were running since the An Intention most the "sick among us." having a important bearing on the future reputation of Reed Instruments, by means of which the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely inA man is o much more polite in creased, and quality of tone rendered , JOT. church. He is on dress parade, as 88- 6m TO THAT OF EQUAIi BEST it werei Nobody was surprised to ORGAXS OF SAME CAPACITY. pee that young man last Sunday dive celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louis Tatent," "Vox Humana." "Wilcox Patent " suddenly into the bottom of the pew Our ' ' "Octave Coupler," the cliarming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and to pick up her parasol. While he was at the bottom he saw the em- All tlio Late Improvements Can be Obtained Only in these O-EIbroidered fcdge of her pocket hand'Organs.. kerchief sticking from under the Thirty-fiv- e Different Styles, jFor the Parlor and the Church, fdgeof her dress. He commenced The Best Material and Workmanship, tugging at it, when there was a fierce Quality and JWume of tone Unequalled. pcutilo, and a little hand darted down. came, up without it. COO DONE AT THE There were two red faces in the sanc- FACTORY ASP COR6tk & CONGRESS STS., DETROIT WAREROOMS, ' MICHIGAN.-AGEv- NTS tuary, that seemed to bring no reWANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. , , Sabbath seemed reto bring tired ETAJSL1HEI IX l&tiO. lief. But he was a man that yung " twatt well.' x V' ADtmi&s; 3is1mons & Ct&tcn Organ C6 Duftoir,-- Micbiqas. : : "' ; j- '1 Ac, I , . well-know- Grand Combination Organs, ," justly-celebrate- "Studebaker Wagon," - , THE THE PIPE - B, CLAWSON, Superintendent ; T - - YOUH JOB P RINTING! PKICES, f SOto Dollars; , 9G3-l- y 1 -- '' , "Ogden Junction OSice, main street, oodeny |