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Show WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY.) PER TEAK. OGDEX, UTAH. SATURDAY. XOVE3IBEH 1, 1873. 91. Xo. BY TELEGRAPH. OCDEN DIRECTORY. one establishment offered work at reduced wages, but the men declined to work below those established by the Crispin Society, and consequently were discharged. Nearly every trade is affected similarly. A letter from Berlin shows that that cily has not only not been affected by the American panic, but that it is preparing for one f its own scandals. There is irregularity and insecurity in every branch of business, prodigality and waste among the middle classes, and AMERICAN. great suffering among the poor. There is a swelling tide of emigration, and all Syracuse, 27. A fire broke out in Canastota, last forms of pecuniary distress hangs over night, which was quenched this morn- - the city, and air said to be owing to ins after burning over six acres of nothing less than specie inflation. Territory, destroying two hotels, thirty, two dwellings, and between forty and fifty places of business. The total loss is estimated by Insurance agents at J. WILKES BOOTH STILL LIVES. Total Insurance $10,000. $150,000. The fire was incendiary. The business The Missouri Republican reporter portion of the town ia all destroyed exheld citizens The block. Deecher has learned Irom .Henry Maury, o cept and passed a resolu- St. a meeting Louis, that John Wilkes Booth is tion inviting pecuniary aid from the still .alive, and an inhabitant of one charitable' everywhere, and appointing Pelew Islands, a small group the of D. II. Rasbacht, cashier of Canastota This the Indian Ocean, about ten decoutribuiions. in bank, to receive any is the third disastrous conflagration here grees north "of the equator.' Maury's in six months, involving an aggregate mtormant said ot himseli : loss of $300,000. All these fires have "My name, said the narrator, is doubtlfss. been the work of an incendiCarroUackson Donelson, and I am a ary. The inhabitants contemplate the blood to relative of Andrew Jackson committee a appointment of vigilance of the is left what Donelson. who died village. preserve recently at Mem William Scanlan and James McMahon, phis, Tenn., the Peabody Hotel) (at and boys, quarreled and fought which now en route to for am I city the latter eettma worsted, ran into a the assist settlement of his estate in regrocery store stole a cheese knife, war the between the sections Scanlan turned and stabbed fatally. During 27. in a the I.was captain Washington, Eighth Texas The Secretary of the Treasury will cavalry, known as Terry s Hangers issue an order to commence payments in and was at side when he fell Terry's silver at New York, Boston, Philadel' banks on Green the of river, in i phia, Baltimore and other leading cities, Willich'a Germans. or At charge upon where there are assistant treasurers, In . closo the of the designated depositories, struggle I returned no case will more than five dollars be to tne sea, ana in lbou louna my paid to any one person, There is at self in ban rrancisco. lhen I ship present - $500,000 in silver coin in the wm ped on board the ship Kate Hooper, possession or uovernnicnt, wmcncoinas first mate, having on board as work of the last some weeks, but more not continued be will though passengers, thirty Chinese women, ing an is There heretofore. than bound for Shanghai, rapidly abundance cf silver bar? in the country After detailing several incidents and the capacity of the mints is sufficient his the narrator comes ' i" Destructive Fire in Post Office: Ogdcn AND CLOSING OF MAILS. Syracuse. ARRIVAL A Uke City, doull .it B.Bt ThrongU 7.60 a.m 5.45 p.m. 7.40 a.m. 6.40 p.m. 8.40 a.m 6.30 p.m. - 8.40 a.m. daily,- Mail daily Mail daily wVet ThrouBli -- Lake City, double daily $11 :TliwuKli Mail daily TurougU Mail daily Payments in Silver Begun. p.m. Severe Hurricane. 7.00 u.m. Tul r .r . UCUBIJ , K i ll ..... U " ...via f." " ' Kvnlmtnn ' 5.i W ' i p.m. - !V",'dimJ...',- - .....1 Sntnrlnv. at 1 etui'"".1 and V!ie County, Tuesdays, Thursdays 6.00 t p.m. Lojjanl SundavH Daily 6.(X) p.m. and Thursdays Rich County, Tuesdays 2.3o p.m. Km-t0Kdn, Mondays audinuray.and SturUuntsville, Wednesday, 7.30 a.m. Lvnnf 'riaiu City and Slatersville, 3.30 p.m. M jiulavn and Thursday 3.00 p.m. Wednesday- - and Saturdays lma, Wednesdays Uooperville and 11.30 a.m. and Saturdays OFFICE H0DKS. 6.45 p.m. " " Geuwal Delivery, " Sunuav, o p.m. i REtilSTRX DEPARTMENT Otwu from 9 a.m- - to 3 p.m. MONEY OFFICE DEPAUTMEMT. it Open from 9 a.m. to p.m. fi Outside Door open from G a.m. to p.m. JOSEPH HALL, Postmaster . -- Truth Stranger Than Fiction Rivei-dale- Trains 7.40 6.40 6.20 8.50 7.50 5.45 8.40 P. train arrives P. leaves C P. " U. P. " C. U. U. C. ht a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. G.S0 p.m. train arrives and . leaves and " 4 ii - to-da- y, Religions Services at 11 a.m., and Every Snndav, in theTarnacle, School-hom- e in the Seeoud Ward Selioolhouso Farley's at 5 p.m. and Third Ward School-hous- e 7 p.m. Euiscopul Church at 11 a.m. and Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Lecture. (Child's Hall), at 7.30 p.m. Spiritualist Ocden'cTtjriilbrarj Depot. , News At John rt. Chambers' very day, Sundays excepted. pen WHITEHEAD, G. FOURTH STREET, OCDEtf, 1 ,Four Doors from Z, C. M. I.f GENERAL DEALER BOOTS SHOES, fe LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS, At the Lowest Trices. Produce Taken. cash""taid for HXDES. NEATLY EXECUTED. AEPAIRS My J. S. LEWIS, JEWELER, AND WATCHMAKER Dealer iu Watched, Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and Haled Ware, MAIN STREET. OGDEN. Repairing ueatly done and all work warranto! ll-l- y REEVIOVED. in career, in of the Pelew Islands, and con yearly in silver, without interfering with sight t&e : of Willi tinues other coinage. exception that in California there is but little coin "Knowing from the natives that in the country now not owned by Gov- the occupants of the tents were white ernment. we pushed boldly forward, and men, The" War Department has received a came upon the encampment una dispatch from Fort Jefferson, Florida, hurricane severe of wares a account to an its occupants. 1'ive men giving there on the 10th inst. Nine'een beef and one woman made their appearcattle were washed to soa, and drowned. ance from and around the tents. The The cattle yard was damaged, and the first one that advanced toward me slaughter house and stable were under- and extended his hand was Wilkes J. and carried away mined. Roofs were windows broken, and many rooms were Booth. There was no mistake as to flooded, 'doing great damage to clothing his identity, as 1 had been an inti stores, and making necessary the remov- mate, friend of his .in Montgomery, al of the sick. One hundred thousand before. He directed my dollars will be required to put the quar- Ala., years be procured, men water could where in house store and good ters, barracks, inhabitable a the fort and then entered into confidential make and repair,! conversation with me, asking that I for troops. The Ute delegation had a final inter should not reveal his name to my view with the oommiesioner. cf the when the Brunot men, nor to any one for a period of Indian bureau, the Ute one year; besides, said he, "the world treaty was acquiesced in, and now in would not believe you if you were to Utes the that chiefs promised New Mexico, some 500 or COO in numsaythat J. vVilk.es Booth lives. I ber should be moved to Los Pinos reser- - have lost my identity among living ium iu men. A vation. lie tJOioraao uius srreat Government hus killed nnntont try this arrangement, but the nnmmissioner assured thein if they did me, paid its reward, and I live a new not move to Colorado Government would and original existence." do so. His conversation with me was lonjr compel them to ' San Francisco, 27. and earnest, he stating that but one Mrs. Yand. wife of the Japanese person in his party knew that he was Charge de Affairs at. Washington, ar and that was the female who rived by steamer mis evening, io join Booth, is This accompanied him. her husband in Washington. "And she," he said, "is my wife." the first Japanese lady . who has ever left her native country to join her husHow he made his escape from the band in a foreign land. She will go to United States, he did not reveal, exWashington overland. he that did not leave Washingcept Cumberland, Mo., 28. John M. Risley, this afternoon, fatal- ton City for thirty days after the aseditor of the sassination. ly shot Lloyd L. Clary, During his wanderings Times. he had been in Mexico, South AmerDaily Louisville, Ky., 2t. ica, Africa, Turkey, Arabia, Rome, L. D. Graves, proprietor of the Mam- and was it latterly in China. While in shot, moth Cave Hotel. Cave City, E. Home he met John Surratt, In Chibyis thought fatally, Wilcox sen., in a pistol fight. Wilcox, na he entered the Imperial service under Ward, the American Irishsen., is unhurt. New York, 27. man who commanded the Emperor's The effects of the late fiDancial trouforces the be felt to against the rebels of the Taramong bles are beginning A IradeB. tar the latter being under the in classes large breed, many working number of operatives were discharged command of an American from New at tb close of the week fur wanfc of Orleans, of the soubriquet of "Pea-cjoekor want of funds to pay them. "While under Ward he wasj ton St- Three, ihi I manufactories urda lmicnnueiy. T,l,;"s in engaged in many catties, ana last , to-da- y, TF A WANT A TII0MS0NIAN DOCTOR OR TUomsonion Medicine, YOU CALL ON DR. MURPHY, POST OFFICE, MAIN ST., SITE OGDEN, CONSULTATION Tilli sl-- FEE, $1.00. VADTIirDV : WEST OF Z. C. M. I. SIX DOORS LOGrAJST. MS ' AXD LIQUORS, ALES AND PORTER, of the very best quality. Measure or Cigars and at 25 cts. per Drink. Tobacco of the Finest Brands. .Butter, Eggs, Chickens and all nds of Grain taken in exchange. D. NELSON, rQT' fetreet, Boston, 37 &nd- - i':n Park Row, New York, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our Ager-tfor procuring advertisements ia the Ogden Jckctiok for Boston id Philadeldhia, and authorized to con-wfor advertising at our lowest rates. 701 s ct ... to-d- y, em-invn- nt ." ik. VOL. IV. gained the Emperor's favor, when an accident served to cause him to leave the country hurriedly by tho command of Ward. While in Shanghai, which has three divisions or settlements of foreigners Americans, French aud English his old passion for the stage returning, he and several English and American naval officers and residents, with the countenance of Ward, orgauized a dramatic club, and Booth being the leading spirit, was cast in the character of Ilichard, in the play of "Richard the III." All were astonished at the grace and bearing of the youthful actor throughout the performance, until the little scene where Richard and Richmond fight with such terrible energy.whcn astonishment gave way to a wild storm of applause, and high over all the tumult came the ominous words : "Booth I Booth !" meaning, very likely, the elder Booth. The name, situation, and the startling words, so piercingly distinct, caused him to be forgetful where he was. Perhaps the recollection of the buining hate with which his name was heralded throughout the world, caused him to poise his sword and glare like a tiger at the audience, lhe excitement proved too much for him, and the curtain fell upon an unfinished play wiin a living iucnara. Ward waited upon Booth the next day and informed him that a lurcher and crew awaited him. No expla nations were given, and he set sail for the Carolina Islands as a tempo rary place of abode: but the hard winds and bad weather caused him to put into Pelew Islands, where I found him. On leaving Booth he gave, me a token which he said his brother Edwin would recognize. My departure from Booth wag hurried by the booming of a gun from ' our ship, warning us that a breeze had sprung up. I did not reveal the secret of hav ing met him until the expiration of the year, and when it was told, it gained no credence, and was treated as the trivial fiction of a seafaring man. After the event of the Pelew Islands, while on the coast of New Guinea, I learned from Americans that the lurcher described had been sighted on that coast. This is the last I heard of Booth. The token spoken of by Donaldson was produced for Maury's inspection and was a heavy gold medal, heavier than a Mexican silver dollar, bearing appropriate inscriptions,hav- ing been presented by the citizens of New York to Booth's father, years before the famous actor's death, aud while he was at the apex of his histrionic greatness. Mr. Maury remarks that he knows that, while many people are of the opinion that J. Wilkes Booth still lives, the ma jority taking the accounts of his cap ture and final death as conclusive evidence, believe that he was killed on Garrett's farm by Boston Corbctt. Nevertheless, he says, when evidence or this character and weight is brought to light, and from a source so respectable,it is sufficient to destroy almost the firmest believer's opinion that Booth's body fills a dishonored grave. The story is before the read ers of the Republican and they may judge of its claims for themselves. Ucmurfiahlc Petrifaction. From the Rutland (Vt.) Herald. J A remarkable case of human petrifaction was discovered at Whitehall a few days ago by some persons viio were transferring the remains of Sally Jucket from the old to the now burying-grounShe died and was d. buried twenty-threyears ago, aud from some unknown cause the remains have petrified. The coffin, hair, and shroud had crumbled away; but her origiual form was perfect, with the exception of an indentation acrass the chest caused by a purtiuii of the coffin resting upon it, which was embedded in the chest. Every limb was as natural and perfect as in life. The hands were laid at tho side of the body, as was necessary iu laying it out. The features, were regular and perfectly natural,"with the exception of the end of the nose being absent, while the sockets showed where the eyes had been. The hair was entirely gone, the skull being bare and smooth as if it had becu shaven. Even the fingers and toos were perfectly shaped, a!thoughthe uails had assumed tho same appearance in color as the rest of the body. What seems strange is that when the body was found it rested only on tho calves of the legs and the back of the head, as quite a hollow space was found' beneath the body, where the bottom of the coffin once rested. The deceased was a large woman while living, weighing two hundred pounds; and it is also a curious fact that the phenomenal specimen weighed about the same. A e Fortunate Presentiment Not long ago Mrs Neely, who resides about one aud a half miles from the Lake House, Sacramento, came to the city intending to remain until evening. By way of precaution she brought with her all her valuables. Her daughter, whom she stopped with in town, laughed at her for her When she returned precaution. home, however, sho fouud that some thief had broken into the house during her absence and ransacked it from oue end to the other, but, thanks to the valuables being removed, but little booty was secured. ! Women's liightH. The Journal des Dcl'ats of a lale date says: "The advocate of woman's rights, however much attach ed to their hobby, can hardly read, without smLing, the following from tho list of arrivals at Baden-Bade: "Madame Rosa Sehrieber has arrived, with her husband and maid." n Mr. William Furgeson entered the first quarto section of land in Nebraska. It embraced South Brown-vill- e and tho present Hoadley farm. Mr. Furgeson is now on his way to Nevada, where be has been nine years engaged in mining. He spent some twenty thousand dollars before realizing anything, but he is at length repaid; having goncduwn two hundred and fifty feet, and drifted ono hundred each way, he is now taking out ore paying one hundred dollars to the ton. lie hopes to realize $1,000 per day from his mining His mine is located ia operations. In a Missouri village a man was Nye County, Mammoth district, found dead and horribly mangled up near Ellsworth.- - Broicnville Demo' on the railroad track. A German, crat. , ; t acted of the a Peace, being Justice i i coroner, and upon Hearing tne evi- - A quaint old clergyman once took idence, thus addressed the jury: as a foundation for a few remarks, "Shentlemen ov do Shury Vrom "The world, the flesh, and the devil." dose evidence produced, dose Cooits By way of preface he said, "I shall comes to dose conclusions : dot dese touch lightly on the world, speak mannc comes to his died by peing briefly of the flesh, and hasten m to, : ... : the deViL'! un ober mit der railroad track. , . 5 , , . -- , . |