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Show BY TELEGRAPH Russell. Hundreds of cijLUein were at the depot to see them. The weather is fine: all trains on time; travel on the Union Pacifio is unusually large. Ottawa, Ont, 28. The debate on the address in reply to the Governor General's speech opened Mackenzie in the Commons. moved an amendment declaring the conduct of the ministry in regard to the Pacifio railway is worthy, the severest censure. Political circles are in a feverish state of excitement, both sides using the utmost exertions to make the first vote decisive. The approaching discussion is expected to be made acrimonious. The best opiuions arejthat the government will be sustained on the first vote by a small majority, but that after the first division the majority will increase. It is now said that Kiel will not be in bis place. There will be 201 inembeas present when the House meets. Chicago, 28. The Supreme Court has refused a new trial in the case of A. J. Perteet, the convicted in the colored Crimiual Court in this city, and have fixed the date of his execution for Friday, the 12th of December next. Williamsport, Pa., 28. Jno. McLanghlin was found dead in the road yesterday, with his breast and thro.it mangled by a charge of Bitot. His supposed murderer is his cousin. The fourth murder in the .county within six months. A. General Hews Items. Prince Bismarck Again in Ascendency. to-da- Railroad Accident in England . A Wife Mnrderer tenced. Sen- AMERICAN. New York, 28. Board of Aldermen, at a special meeting this afternoon, appropriated $.')0,0OU to aid the Memphis yellow fever The Hufforera. The directors of the central branch of 1ho U. P. Road have determined to ask i be first mortgage bondholders to fund the first seven coupons, maturing subse- quent to November 1st, and have prepared a, series of bonds for that purpose At noon, three nimaus entered the bouse of Mr. Dietke, Amity street, ceiled Mrs. B., poured some stupefying liquor down her throat, then ransacked t lie house, and were about leaving when her husband returned and the robbers y, lei. A inuiluu in iue bund forgery cases of If there is anybody under the canister " of heaven that 1 have in utter the says Mrs. Partington, "it cona like boy about slanderer going structor, circulating his calomel upon honest folks." excres-ence.- Coal & Lime Office Estray Notice. y MUSIC STORE, THE FOLLOW ich. if not claimed Main Street, HAVE IN MY POSSFSSION T and takeu away, will be ld to th highest reat sponsible bidder at the District Stray Pound, Hrigliain City, Box Elder Lo., flionauj, 187.1, at p.m. , mi,. r,i n,i wl.ifn s ar old steer, crop off and iwullow fork in right ears, brand roml!iiig M on left hip. 3 year old cow, tail aud bel One red lined-barly white, branded D E on lelt hip. A. A1AVMM, District Poundkeeper. Brlgham City, Oct. 24th. 1S73. i y e tld. Philadelphia, 28. During the trial of James Kingswcll, ftiis morning, for the murder of Francis alone, a son ef the deceased entered the room and made a savugo attack on the prisoner, attempting to stab him, ami crying for vengeance on his father's M murderer. Utica, N.Y., 28. Ex.Gftvorn.pr Seymour and Senator Coukliug will take charge of the fund e iho bnetit of the Memphis orphans,. r be rawed by placing extra ballot Imjm at the polls at the coming election receive donation, nj was done at the recent election in Cincinnati. St. Louis, 28. The Republican has a special from Texas, which says Lieut. Quinby, from Ft. llichardson, has arrived there, reports the Indians in that region - ry hostile; several murders have been committed by them during the post woek, and stock has been ruu off. The "t'lers tied to a ranche in that vicinity, w'jere they were- - Ueseiged by large biiods of Indians. Two companies of loft Fort lUchu-Jsoon Monday in pursuit of Iho savages. The Indians sue believed to be Comanches. A fire at East St. Louis this afternoon, destroyed the extensive saw mill of Worse, laggott & Co., with, a large amount of lumber aud several small hou-Loss from $30,000 to adjoining. 1 t Den-nisc-- v- m K5.000. Washington, 23. Secretary KicbnrJson's letter to Treas urer Spinner, directing the payment of ex-oe- to-da- y, Ogden KINDS ALL dlt MUSICAL OP s Froni I1TR1ITS! Jowsliarp to a Church Organ, as Clioap.or Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah. and other Fittings, Violin Strings If ears Ago SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. One door South of Ogdeii House. MEXICAN s27-l.- FOREIGN. e, to-da- to-da- y chuttler Wagon! tintnrcknown In Wns America. 0 Ita merits well known throughout Ihe habitable world. It ha WAGON CELEBRATED JUSTLY IS MADE OF THE BEST the oldest and best record of any THIS IiintincMt 1m the world. From the throughout aud is warranted. millions upon millions of bottles old no complaint has ever reachA FIJIX SUPPLY ALWAYS OX MAXD. ed us, and as u healing and Also Dealer PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT IT HAS HO EQUAL. It is recommended with unbounded ssur l, Scratches, Wind-Gall- s, Spavins. Springhalt, Ssddle.CoU lar and Harness Galls; also diseases of th Ey s PoU-ETi- Oct, 25f A. Bl and Ear in Horses, Mules or Cattle. A Complete Assortment of WAGON MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, IROl A.D STEEL. ETC. s31-6- m 1 1 1 GO a 111 AMIMEIT FOR YOUR Cure Nenralpla, r.hetimati(mi, Omit, Lama Back, Halt l.neum, Poisonous Bites, External Bone and Muscle Affections, Sore Nipples, ic, and may be justly termed the panacea for all EXTERNAL "WOUNDS. AMD CMSATCKALCCBES AND MrSHROOJC LlSU Bt vents. But we havo the experience of over with the thirty years of trial, amulktudo of witnessed. If the Liniment is not ca recommended, ths CLAIMED PIAEOS;- OEH51HS, - AND OTHER Remember, this Liniment did not spring up in a duyor a year, pro MOST ABSCBD dUCingTHE STAYNER'S TO WOJ, ALSO KEW-liOB- H mostsub-sUntialresults.and- by MUSICAL INSTBTJMENTS Money will bo Refunded. AMD Do not be imposed upon by usin any other liniment claiming the same properties or results. They aro a cheat and a fraud. So sura and get nothing but Save Twenty Cents on the Dollar. Mezicm IMkaiij Liaised US Sold by Stokes ax all Dcuqoists and Coustbi NEAR SAVAGE'S LYON MFG. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, MAIN Stilt Xjxli.o Oity, Souca Stza or Bottle, Style, kc iy & AND ALL KINDS OE FARM MACHINERY. Hoof-ale- Fatal Accident to a Child. unoon-scious- ia y Joints, frozen Feet. Ears, for Sprains. ftc. among all persons, and Founders, Ringbone, . Ml SW nee in all cases of (.'utft.BmiBes, Burns, Sprains, liheuinatism. Hard Swellings, Bitot, c.,' MATERIAL Light Spring: Wagons, Sueeisstakes9 TIircsliin2 Mowers Wand Keapurs. Machines, Buckeye . , Auiit-K3 uiii. j iuru nneiicrs, f cccl Cutters, Mills Fanning ShovelEmery Grinders, Stubble Plows, Plows, Cultivators, 25c, 50c. and $1 per Bottle Accounts have reached U3 of a most distressing, and fatal accident which occurred on Thursday last to. the infant of David Lindsay, a miner living within a short distance of tho Cerro Benito mines. Lindsay's family had only arrived two days before. He was putting up a hut for them, and his wife had ben cooking outside and had lifted a pot of boiling water from the firo a short time before, when their little boy, two and a half years old. had climbed upon a stool in the immediate proximity of the boiling water. The mother seeing the child rocking and laughing became alarmed at the danger and suddenly rushed to catch the child, but too late the boy fell head foremost into the water. On being drawn out, the child made the most piercing Fcreanis and the unhappy mother went off into hysterics. The father immediately dashed a quantity of cold water over tho child, but this only made matters worse, and tho child con. tinned the mo.t piercing screams for halt an hour, when it subsided' into unconsciousness and lingered for about thirty hours, when doath relieved the sufferer, the youngest of eight children. Parents would act with more wisdom by very cautiously approaching a child under auch circumstances. ' Ihe father is of opinion that the mother was the oause of the accident in her eagerness to save the child, Ilollitter Co. AG EXT FOR THE Rome, 20. reorganization of the A law for the Italian array has been promulgated. The strength of the army on a peace looting is fixed at 214,000 men. Berlin. 28. On the preliminary election the Progressists have been successful in this city. The Liberals carried Magden-burgWiesbanen, Konigsburgh, Erfust, Carsel, Kiel, Elberfeld, and Stettin, by decisive minorities, and achieved partial successes in Cologne aud Fulda. The Clericals have carried Wunster. Madrid, 28. It is reported that tho Insurgents at Car'agcna are completely demoralized and their leaders are disagreeing among themselves. On the return of the fleet from Valencia, the crews of the "Tetuan" and "Mendez" mutinied, and several. were killed and wounded before subordination was restored. The engines of the vessels are in bad condition, and the "Tetuan" is reported to be leaky, and An attack upon making water fast. the forts by the government fleet was expected to begin yesterday. The convict soldiery of the intransigentes have also revolted and demanded payment aud supplies of clothing. London, 28. An accident occurred on the ' Railroad. Metropolitan Underground Three passengers were killed. mercantile failures were an, Some nounced in this city. Several agrarian outrages were committed in Ireland during the past week. The cable betwen Amoy and Shanghai has been repaired and communication restored. Sir Henry Holland, the well known author and physician, is dead. The Timet reports on good authority tnat uen. Mr uarnet Wolselsy in com maud of the Ashantee expedition, has instructions to offer the Ashantees peace on condition tnat tuey lay down their arms ana withdraw from the territory under British protection. Berlin, 28. Prince Bismarck has been reappointed President of the Prussian ministry in the place of Genl. Yon Roon. It is understood Ihe restoration carries with it in effect the control of the whole cabi net which he demanded previous to his resignation saiuo time ago. r M. D. HAMMOND, Main St., Ogdcn, and Main St., Logan, Cache ssiver, is as follows : "i on will please, ot and after the receipt of this letter, aud until otherwise ordered, pay public creditors, should they desire it, on ac-- o unt of eurrency obligations, but not in d exchange for currency, punts not to tii dollars in silver coin." Cheyenne, 88. The Modoos passed here en tvsu t Fort McPherson, where they will be quartered instead of at fort I). Advuuct, . . k to-da- .accomplice, evidence. Chas. Boardman, Adara Express mes- iv- - nger, was killed by a collision of street csrs this evening (J. II. Harris, of Chicago, was found lead in his room in the Lilby House this evening. In regard to the Union Trust Company Lake Shore muddle, Mr. Wesley, receiver of the Trust Company, states, ;n within his own knowledge, that when Commodore Vnnderbilt came into the residency of the Lake Shore Company, after the death of Horace Clark, he found n debt to the Trust Company amounting M $l,809,979.34,of Jwhioh. he had previously known nothing, a. id in the contraction of which he has no personal share: that (Lis lean was made by the Trmt Company at seven per cent; and that, aithough Vanderbilt personally was not respoimble for a dolllar of it, ho had, ia order to take care of the Lake Shore interest on the one hand, and keep the Union Trust Company out of i s dillicul-ton the other, put his personal securities as collateral for the railroad company's note, which are drawn in a new nad very stringent form. Up to a late hour last night, cable dispatches failed to bring any intelligence of the missing steamer "Ismaiia," due at Liverpool from New York twenty, e'ght days ago. Inquiries have been made of steamers and sailing vessels arriving here, and at English ports, but none have seen or heard anything of the missing craft. She may have become disabled and put into some place for if pairs, but, even in that evcut, sufficient time has elapsed for word to reach those interested, 'and the conviction is becoming general that she has gone down. ftie was of the large class and had a valuable cargo. Some passengers were oa board, but how many has not yel hen learned. Her crew numbered mniytkiug like thirty-fivpersons, all . THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME ' ' In the Market, always on hand. wife-murdere- r, Reason and Hoberts, to admit them to was denied by recorder hitil llackett. George Wilkes, an alleged was discharged for want of . AND CO. WMTEB! Teams to HAGAK'S XJ. STRFJST, T. HOWE Hani Lumber SEWING JIAOIIINE. from r TnE BEST IN TIIK ECTK" th GIBSON, ECCLES AND VANNOY'S New Steam Saw Mill, ERF WORLD; SewiuK Macjiin. Inventor of the KLIAS UOWK, Jon. An IIONKSTMACIIINKawil not subject to FITS. Situated tiro miles east of 0FSUPER1GRITY: Mount Kanab, on Hear Lake POINTS Simplicity and Perfection Divide. of Mechanism. 11111a ofLumbor Tilled on the SHORTEST NOTICE. a Durabilitywill lastLifetime. Range of Work without Perfection of Stitch aud Tension. , I '1.7." ArrUCATI0X3 A SEND ON YOUR ORDERS. MAKE A Purs Blooming Complexion. 1 aili Lxsiteuient. llouHauJ removes all Blotches PiuipW. diipi Uirif dark and unsightly vots, li ives away 'Ian. rreckl?s sud Sun-bi. end by its centlo but powerful influence msnties tbe Uded check mta ' "i ar fOUTIIFL'L KLOQX AM BE1TJH. rniif!n j sit Ma. vV.ir; Vr UVl l ". cy Store. D- ' Mauatjemem. Self Adjusting Take-uAdjustable Jlewl. p. It is rr,rlj' Tcnetalue, and its oprsUonis t Mjn'J It at ouce. It Kc away with the 1'i.ijV'd Ai prvaco caused by Iloat, l'ntlgue Ti-- Ease of Operation ami - APPLT TO Call a FLTGARE & CHILD, Lumber Yard, 5th St., Ogden, CR NEXT DOOR TO Z. C. eStd-233-S- a M. I. 1 and Trie at T. W. JONKS', Tailor, Third doer from Z.C. M. I., Or6- Eunoins w Stylw SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., 4gent. Also, t tW Sahs doors west of Z. C. City. fe KooMfl, SaR UU 28-- 1' |