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Show " Died. tOCALljTEMSrr ' ;' " - At Brigham City, on the 24th inst of 0etoier DaihJ , cm Tu ftoj'' teething, Laverno Angeline, child of R. R. Ties on the Utah William and Thk U. N. Mary Ann Aired Packer, are 1 being road rapidly put 3 months. and aged orthcr year is work vigorously Millennial pushed Wie Star please copy. wn weather being propitious forward, the laborers. fjr the Oxlt Two. A quiet day for Monday, there were only two fights, which re13ishop Nichols, of Brigham CaLLE0 sulted in nothing more than bloody ever a welcome visitor,' was in town noses City and black eyes. oa business, and honored us with . " to-d- a call. Walker, of the Urigham Store, also called. Mr. City Furniture a fine business at the Walker is doing City of the North," in both f. T .Qucen tome-mad- and imported furniture. e g W. i. r. are requested We by" Mr. four-legg- ly - r, 32 II ytu-- t! pa-pap- Re-Elect- first-cla- ss to-da- W. s, ar-riT- first-cla- ss v 4 k i N. Fife, by which we y ... ch ei moved to the new and spacious premises he has recently erected on the east sida of Main street, nearly opposite his old stand. He has a magnficent show of States' furniture, and is determined to put them at such figures as to invite custom. See advertisement, and call nd look at his stock of goods. They are well worth seeing, and would look bet. ter in some of eur houses than in Boyle's show-roo- Ready for Winter. Passengers coming in from the East report that the greatest activity prevails along the route among the hands of the Union Pacific road to prepare for the winten Every precaution is taken to prevent the recurrence of snow blockades or untimely delays. We are informed by Berne who have traveled several times over the en. tire line, that the road is in a better state of preparation for the winter than it has ever been. Mr. J. A. Jones the model of a patent showed us to do gate designed away with necessity for alighting from a vehicle to open and shut gates when passing through an enclosure. The driver by simply reaching out his hand and moving a lever .as he approaches a pair of gates opens them, and by moving a another lever as he passes through, closes them again with out moving from his seat. The contri vance is simple, but fully answers the the purpose intended. Mr. Jones has the patent right of the gates for this Territory, and intends to make his home here. Patent Gates. to-da- y in A Cask dif of Embryotomy. ficult and dangerous operation in major- surgery was performed successfully and quickly by Dr. Brown, of this city, last Monday at Terrace. A lady who was enceinte received a kick from her bus- band, which threw her into violent spasms, inducing premature labor. Dr. Brown being called to her assistance, was compelled, in order to save her life, to resort to the difficult operation of removing, by instruments, the foetus from the womb, which he successfully accomplished. The patient is now doing well, and a speedy recovery is looked for. We have not learned the name of the brutal person who was so unmanly as to treat a woman in this manner, so cannot him to the contempt he deserves. A most ex-po- se Sheriff's Sale. Heller was "hollering" around town He "hollers" to-da- y. the remnant of what' Webster, the absconding cobbler, left behind, was sold Tom. getting good by auction bids as usual. The Sheriff was present at the sale, and wished us to understand that in posting up three notices of the sale, instead of advertising in the Junction, he was only conforming to the law to-da- y, - walk, - 70 00 " cash received on cemetery lots, " " . " from Committee, being cash In the hands of the late City Kecordor at the time of hi " " " " " . death, caith returned by Sheriff Drown, Willi receivable, . taxet for 1873, pistol left on deposit for fines, watch aud chain left ou deposit for lines, Script uuredoctned, 36 . 10 00 09 6U $2X480 77 16134 8S$ ... Resource! on hand, LIABILITIES. By Police " loan, tervice, (12345 88 - . 1206 00 3A50 00 1022 42 197 7i 400 00 187 35 314 78 128 . " Ogden Tub. Co u labor on City Hall, " appropriation to Brans Band, " per centage on cemetery lots, u and postage, " stationary Municipal Ball, " C. Welch, labor on highways, M " " Ogden River embank- ... ... ment, Z. C. M. I, for 2 90 105 60 872 85 788 37 19 45 39 10 234 20 75 177 2 mcrchaitdUa 60 00 25 00 00 90 60 104U 00 " Judges and Clerks of election, " appropriation for arrest of Lee, " safe aud freight of the tame, " V. 8. Bichariht, recording deeds, " appropriation to City Officers, " 16 66 25 60 00 3 90 ' relief of paupers, -" job wagon work, " boarding prisoners and cleaning . . coll, " G. A. Black tor commissions, " Dr. E. O. Williams, luedical service, " Liberty Tola. " David Jenkins, for surveying, " expenses of cannou, " J. M. Brown, buildiug privy and coal shed for City Hall, " expenses of 4th aud 24th of July, " expenses of labor, etc., on day of fire, " C. Welch, fencing tank boles, building bridges, planting shade trees, repairing ditch, " A. C. Pjper, 312 shade trees, " freight of shade trees, " painting city hearse, " Vbi. U. Fif8, fencing city pound, " handcuffs, pistols, leg irons, etc., for Police " L Cantield, services iu relatiou to City Books, " C. Welch, bridge across Mill Creek, " appropriation to T. Barlow, repairing wagon, "D.M. Stuart, pump and repairing City pump, " C. Welch, balance due tin roll Tax, " framing city niap, " appropriation to VV. II. Clark for services, " 2 shovels, 2 pair of blankets etc, for prisoner!, " Livery teams, u Ihot. Jones, appropriation for losses by the fire, u School furniture for Court House " water tank on Main and Fifth. Streets, " appropriation for stock in U. X. K. R, 30 60 42 00 i 00 10 4 00 65 00 20 00 25 00 12 00 2 50 20 00 20 00 12 00 60 00 19 20 2088 06 1445 CO (16134 88 167 83 8760 78 33U6 77 mil Isitter; the : "CELEBRATED $12345 88 Oodk.1 Cur, October lit, 1S73. TREASURER'S REPORT For nine months, commencing January 1st, 1S73, ending Septeii.lor 30th, 1873. To the Honorable, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of Ogden City. GzMTi.iMKii: I prevent to your Honorable body, my Report of the Fiuancial condition of Oirdcn City, for nine mouths, ending Sep. 30th, U73. ' RECEIPTS AKDDI3BURSMENTS. To cash in Treasury Jan. 1st, 1873, 4,523,67 " 44 received on lieeuiii, 6,301,85 41 - " bills 1.7H.80 receivable, " " received on Fines, 1,236,25 H u of 70,00 Ret . u u u 36,00 lots, Cemetery 44 " from City Council Com- miltee, being cash in the bauds of the late City Recorder, at the time of his death, 132,06 u earth returned by Sheriff Brown, 15,00 bills receivable, 8.760,78 " taxes for 1873, 3,396,77 " pistol, watch And chain left on 20,50 deposit for fines, " scrip unredeemed, 614,09 side-wal- 2S,480,77 10,134,88 By disbursmcnts on City orders, 12,346,88 RECAPITULATION. To balance in Treasury, September ; 30th, 1873, ' ' ' " bills receivable, tt taxes for 1S73, fines secured by deposit, 107,83 8,760,78 ; 36,77 TOM 10 AND APPETIZER, TS PCBELY TEOETAELE PEEPASUTIOS-compose- d R O OTS, simply of HERBS nl FRUITS, combined with other ropertiei, which in their nature are Cathartic, Aperient, Kwttitioui, Diuretic, Alterative and Tlio wholo is preserved in a sum. cient quantity of spirit from the SUGAR CANE to keep them in any climate, whirji ' ..,-- . makes the A well-know- n Anti-Eiliou- IMITiTffl I MTTEEB one of the rriort desirablo Tonics and iu the world. They arc nton-ie'' ' ' ' etrictly Ca-(hnr- tlca usa' 20,50 12,345,88 Farr, S.T-1860--X 20 60 Treasurer, TciiipcraiicC; Bitters only to be used as a znediuion, aud always ao eordiB to directions. ot the feeble and They are the sheet-anchdebilitated. They act upon a diseased liver, and sti&nlate to such a degree that a healthy action is at once brought about Asa remedy to which Women are especially subject it is super, As Spring seding every other stlmtdsBt or Estray Notice. bad Summer Tonle they T FOLLOW- - II AVE IN MY POSSESSION TUB anil talrAtiaurav iri h Via uiM rn f Iim liirhAlt Dh Bingham, Oct. 27. Last evening, at half-pasix, John poniiMe bidder, at the lintrfct StrftJ Pound, at Weber Ctoraty, Wednesday, Nov. 6tlif .a a McGinty, a constable, shot Mike Cody Ofcdftfi, at p.m. t Sid, in the right hand; the ball lodged in An. 9 v r Aid n.n Imifpr cmn rtfT Ivrfl ar. hM.1t wrist. A misunderstending betwen crop OB right, illegible e rand on left eboalder. them was the cause of shooting. Cody nm. ii. lira, , . v ' District Ponodkeepel. was taken to Salt, Lake City this mornOgden City, October 27th, 1873. ing Dtterit Ntvi. I st . l-- t have no carnal. They are a mild and gentle Purgative as woll as Tonle. They purify the blood. They are splendid Appetizer, They mai-- the weak strong. They purify and invigorate. Thf cure Constipation and Heodaebe. They act as a specific in all species of disorders which undermine the bodily streogtfe sod break dow tt animal spirit. Dys-pepa- ia, Depot, 63 , , ' . ' , CO., i 199 05 ... F. II. II. IUcDOXALD Ocn. Agts., San Francisco. Ool., Druggist Jteor. Washington and Charlton w., K.Y. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS & PHALERS. 30 00 18 00 IS 10 To cash on hand Sept. 30th, 1S73, ' " bills receivable, M taxet for 1M73. " uncollected fines, secured by deposit, Public Auditor. ' Head- - Coughs, Tight-ne- s of the Chest, Dizzlnens, Sour Eructa- tlons of the Stomach, Bad Taste in tins Month, Bilious Attacks, l'alnitauon of tho Heart, InnanimaMon of the Lungs, rain in the region of the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, are the oUHprlnus of Dyspepsia. In these complaints it h&a no equal, and one bottle will prove a better guarantee of lu merlta than a lengthy ad vcrtiscment. For Feinalo Complaints, in joud? or old. married or single, at tulawn ut womanhood, or the turn of lift, these Tonic Biturs display so decided an Influence that a marked improvement Is soon perceptible. For Inflammatory and Chronic and Gout, Dyspepsia or niieuniHtiem Indigestion, Bilious, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters nave been most snccossfuL Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood, which la produced by derangement of the I)lgentlve Organs. For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Tet-te- r, 8lt Ruenm, Blotches, Spots, pimples, Pustules, BoiU, Carbuncles, King-worScald-llea8oro Eyes, Erysipelas. Itch, Scnrfs, Dlscoloru.lons of the Hkln, Humors and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are liieraHy dug op and carried out of the system In a short time by the urn; of these Bitters. One bottle in nch cases irlll convince the most incredulous of their curative effects. 402 10 150 00 RECAPITULATION. Aaron or Indigestion, Dyspepvla rain in the Shoulder. 19 00 ... Janm Tatlor, long unwell, provided their bone are not destroyed by mineral poison or other meant", and the vital organs wasted beyond the point of repair. UO 122 60 41 25 ... which in such cases made no provision He is right, and the for advertising. b'ame belongs to the Legislature for passing such law. Three notices only gives information to a few, while published notices in a paper informs the public. - No Person can take these Bittern according to directions, and remain ' aetie, " furniture for City Ilall, " per cvntage ou Licences, " James Brown, fence around City Hall, " Thomas Doxey, Water Matter, for labor, cleaning City Hall, Ot) 1752 08 15 00 8760 78 33U0 77 10 60 Liabilitiet, to some purpose. A lot of odds and ends, rs first-clas- AUDITORS' REPORT. Of the' Financial condition of Ogden City; showing the Assets and Liabilities from January 1st, 1873, to Seplearn that the missionaries had arrived tember 30th, 1873. and New at to start York, safely expected for Liverpool. While in Chicago ASSETS AXD LIABILITIES. visited the Exposition, and received To they in Treasury January 1st, 4SJ3 67 much kindness and courtesy. All were " 1S73, ckxh received en licence, KM 85 " " in good health and spirits. Milt receivable, 1773 80 " ' " " fiuet m 25 from Elder Chilb's Hall. The dance given by the Philharmonie Orehestra last night Piract. Who own the cows that at Child's Hall, passed off brilliantly. prowl around the tithing yard and Between forty and fifty couple, took "hoor their living out of people's wag- part in the dance, while many others enons? If there was any shame in such joyed themselves as spectators. The men we would try to raise a blush on members of the orchestra made their (heir cheeks. Every day these piratical debut, and received warm encomiums on animals ransack wagons, often throwing account of the excellence of their perforbreakable articles to the ground, and mance. The party broke up at half always stealing the provender of other past three o'clock this morning. quadrupeds. The Stray Pound is the proper place for the pirates. First Rate. Mr. John Boyle has re- Collector of Internal 0 J. Hollister, e state that the collection Revenue, to Persons discontinued. is at Corinne Utah having business with northern in have to deal his office will hereafter Personal Hon. George L. Woods, with the Collector at Salt Lake Governor of Utah, arrived from Salt Lake last evening, expecting to meet citySenator Mitchell, of Oregon, who passed By Deseret Telegraph. through this city yesterday. The GovStockton, Utah, 27. Mr. ernor of son returned to Salt Lake this mora Keplinger, ast evening went hunting this near place, living ning. was ducks, when his companion's gun Bishop Peck, of the Methodist Episcoaccidentally discharged, lodging the pal Church, arrived from the West this contents into the body of young Keplin-cehe died this wound from which morning, and is the guest of Rev. Mr. morning at 4 o'clock. Dr. Stewart, of Long. whose age Ophir, attended the patient, Hon. Charles Norkelff, formerly beas about 18 years. longing to the editorial staff of the New York Evening rott, and a contributor of The Philharmonic dance Thk Dance. great merit to Harper's Magazine, will promises to be arrive at Child's Hall, in this city on his reao u utosifvo v SUCCeSSIUl, turn home from the Sandwich Islands. have been active in makingw nminittee i. such arrangements as to assure all who Iron I Iron ! We hope the gentlemen attend, that the opening party will be from Wisconsin, who are now in our city pleasant and entertaining. The young to investigate our iron prospects, will men who compose the orchestra are well take time to examine the subject pretty and favorably known to our citizens, thoroughly. Messrs. Seagcrs and Wood- and deserve encouragement. mansee hold one of the finest claims of the kind these gentlemen want, as were Bishop Teck has arrived, ever seen on the continent. They have and will deliver a lecture in the Ogden other mines that only need capital to Theatre this evening; subject, "Science produce wealth untold. Mr. Seth Tanand the Spirit World." 'Admission ner, of North Ogden, is also lin possesFree. To commence at 7 o'clock. sion of a very valuable claim. Samples of the ore can be seen at our office. GenThe Instructob. The Juvenile tlemen from the East sometimes stay a for October 25th is an excellent few hours in a place, listen to the statenumber. It is printed on superior ments of one or two individuals, form and the engravings are well exe- conclusions and depart without diving cuted. Every family in Utah ought to into the matter for themselves. We hope take and pay for the "Juvenile." It is it will not be so in this case. Ogden worth ten times the subscription price. facilities as as good any localipresents Take it, everybody. for world in iron the works, and we ty would rather see them established in New Books. We are in receipt of our midst than any number of smelters "The Pacific Law Encyclopedia," by J. for silver bullion. F. Cowdcry. This is a work of useful information to the farmer, manufacturFrom Wednesday' Daily of Oct. 29. er, merchant, clerk, and persons of all trades and professions. It should be in Ladies. All go to the Tabernacle toand every library on the Pacific slope, morrow to hear the lady speakers from reference to it would save lots of trouble Salt Lake. Time 2 p. m. and expense. Also, "The Struggles of Petroleum V. Personal. II. A. Wiebert, Esq., a Nasby." A big dish of humor, good for prominent merchant of New York, arrivdyspeptics and lean people, "laugh and ed this morning from San Francisco and grow fat," being an accepted axiom. for the East by the regular train. left It is full of wisdom, wrapped up in Bishop Peck left for the East this quaint sayings, and demolishes many morning, pleased with his visit to Ogfoolish theories by that potent weapon den. ridicule. Mr. Chas. Fisher is agent for both works, and is now in our city. IIcrt Herself. A young girl named Sarah Cassell, while crossing the track A Foreigner Abcsed. Mr. Alexan- of the Union Pacific this morning, slipder Behaghel, accompanied by his wife, ped and fell spraining her wrist. arrived in this city en last Sunday. He is on his was to Tahiti, commissioned by Manager. Mr. Charles the French Government to collect infortwo years ago, California of Croeker, mation which is deemed of great value sold out his large interest in the Central to the authorities who have charge of Pacific road, of which he was then a the national museums. Not being able manager. He has returned frem an exto speak a wold of English he was subtended tour in .Europe, and has repurject to many impositions. While in Enchased his interest in the road. Mr. gland, previous to taking passage for Crocker has again been elected one of Ms country, he lost his baggage, and the directors of the Central Pacific Railas consequently delayed a month tj road Company. enable him to repair his loss. Upon his arrival in ew York he was accosted by 80le ticket Bishop Peck's Lecture. A very agents, who conducted him to an audience attended the lecture of office where he bought two tickets large to Chicago paying for them Bishop Peck, last evening. The distinkre, but they reputation for proved to be emigrant guished gentleman's his audience to form the ''eketg. At Omaha the same game was erudition led Phyed upon him, greatest expectations of a rare intellecpurchasing from tual entertainment, nor were they disapwhat he supposed to be n pointed. The subject "Science and the reality, emigrant tickets. He , was handled in a masterin Ogden, where his wishes being Spirit World," "JtwPpeted, ne succeeded in exchanging ly and scholarly manner. The audience 18 the lecture, which tickets for passage by pay-,B- ! apparently enjoyed much f thought and difference' of six' y dollars. His gave evidence Pience thus far has been costly. great learning. of-fe- 1' F. IJ Richards is in receipt of a communication MissroNAamX-Treflt- Padt Pkoe, Hew TdL i ' |