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Show C.; K1. .S,, rullisi,cd oVery WEDNESDAY ami SAniUUY by th Oabsm Fuhluhucs Compa.ni. LOGAN, CACHE C0UXTY. HE TAIL DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, WHOLESALE , Macdouncll , & 2.00 pieces SPRIMG Aljsaea. iiooi ueiatnes, Gingham. Tieki Denims, Domestics, etc. X'assiiucriv Cottonades, Jeans, Etc., Ej' READY-MAD- E Hats and taps, Xotions, Stoves ami Tinware, Drugs and Medicines, Etc., Etc. The Best Brands of Imported WIN JUS and LIQUORS. Carpets and Trimmings Wiiidow Curtains and Blinds. 13 Empress Moths, Merinos, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, Crockery, Hoots and Shoes, ds letters. City, Wholesale Department. The English Forgeries. tJoorgc Macdonnell, one of thos arretted for the conspiracy to rob the Jjaiik of hngland, is well known iu Louisville, Ivy., where lie first appeared in December, 1871, having pone there from .New Orleans. Two detectives from Louisville, Lligh and dallaghcr, kept a strict , watch upon him and his accomplices, and before any of their carefully laid plans were fuccesslully carried out they were arrested. The police claimed that the gang was completing arrangements to buy a lot of drafts on distant cities for small sums, to iucrcase tho amount by methods known to "checWaisers," another to collect the money and abscond. When arrested Mnf, Louisville, there were fouud in Macdonnell'a trunk printed 1 tter-hcaand envelopes of the and Third Math National Banks of New York a large quantity of each. He had also iuka of different kinds, pens of every description, erasers, and a stamp with the initials "G.M.' - on it. A large, bound check-boo- k o tho State National Bank of New Orleans wis found, two of the blank checks beiug fiigned "Baxter, Bell & Co.," a large firm of cotton factors in New .Orleans . lie had secured letter written y the firm of "John Schmidt & Co.. Louisville bankers, and by some chemical process oblit erated all the r writing except the date and signature. A letter from a bank, in Nashville has been served in the same manner. ". These letters he evidently 'intended to fill out advan tagcoulj to himself. Ho also had several strips of cards a foot long, with the name of "Baxter, Bell & Co." printed upon them iu black gfien Tweed- - CL0THIIG Mats and Q&ps, BOOTS AID SHOES! Of EveryOF Variety, EASTERN and CALIFORNIA MAXUFAnrRK A General. of As-ortmc- nt PJ n A LARGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENT OF NEW IXCLVDING Cutlery, Locks, Carpenters' and other Tools. TOYS. A LARGE STOCK OF Chicago Sclmttler Wagons. Plows, Hoes, Rakes, Scythes, Forks SINGER'S SEWING MACHINES. n ni jiran, Miorts, Jijrtrs and SHIPPED TO ANY POINT ON SHORT NOTICE. T .1 f.incai. .oariey, vais, 1T1 a Butter, T r lour, rean Tmriey, Til 1 . 1 T ETC., ETC. HARNESS AND HARNESS TRIMMINGS, . ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY ORDER. remained in , PURCHASED TO A Full Line of , CHOICE ROCESRIUS! Orders addressed to M. THATCHER, Logan, Of All Descriptions. about a week, when some influ- - will receive prompt attention . ential friends in Niw Ynrt Ml orders addrctted to I). II. fr.V-'Ogden City, V. T., a law firm in Louisville to defend ... B79tf H. B. CLAWS0N, Superintendent. rrcive prompt attention. etl bun, and remitted 1,000 for his H.'B. CtAWSON, SupomtcuduDt bond. Ho was brought into court and held to answer in this sum. The bond was forfeited, Macdouncll go ing immediately to ew York. When arrested in Louisville he offered Blight 500 to get his name kept out of tho papers. 11c was passw.. - . IMPROVED ing theu uuder the alias Sweet. In an interview Detective Blight held with h:m, he detailed the manner iu AND IN CHARGE, OF which stoleu bonds were sold in admitting indirectly that he had negotiated the sale of nearly all tho bouds which had been stolen iu Will purchase any hind of Merchandise not the cast. He was a remarkably usually kept in shrewd, intelligent man, and he haJ stock, including H a wonderful power of telling a great Engines, Haw Mills, deal without committing himself. o His address was that of a cultivated geutlemau, and his couversatim CIolli, showed him t be just the man "o Xcfl'cl Wheels, carry out the wonderful system f or Cheese Ph forgeries and frauds in the Bank i f Goods, u England that have lately been cx- Machines, and for which he and others Machine !Ksed, been arrested. During his inForce lasted which about one carceration, week, he was visited by detectives Mills, Hiid bankers from Cincinnati, Chicago, St. Louis, and many other places. Ac. fcc, He speaks several languages fluently, Or any articl? from any State, that S3 may le needed ia an Agricultural or has traveled all over the civilized Mechanical population. Vis- -si' -Send in your orders and vre will do the best to fill them at Manufactur woild, and has made dupes in every c'imc. He has succeeded so com ers prices with freight added, or cn a flight percentage. o pletely in concealing l'ro;u the world We arc expecting an immediate his real character, that until his exand n shipment of the twoabout thero posure yeaa ,ago, was scarcely a moneyed man in New '" York, London or Paris, but would fitted with the newly invented have given him their aid aud assistSCRIKNEirS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, The Factory having just got fairly running since tha ance iu tho largest transactions. ' An inventien most As soon as his arrest in New York important bearing on the futnre reputation of Rwd In having a became known in London, a requisi- struments, by meanfl of which the quantity or Volume of tone is tery largely intion for him was obtained in Frank-tar- t, creased, and quality of tone rendered WSON9 wm KQITAI, TO and New York was notified to REST ORGAXS OF S E CAPACITY. hold him if the English Buffercrs tailed to make out a case. The men Our celebrated "Vox Celee," "Louis Tatent," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox rotent," who know him in Louisville are con"OcUTe Cocpler," the charming "Olio" or "Clarionet" Stops, and fident in their predictions that he 0-23All tlio Lat;ImproTcmcnts Can bo Obtained Only in these will not be convicted if taken back to Organs. England, as he has escaped difficul- Thirty-fiv- e Different Styles, ties and dangers.quite as formidable i JTor the Varlor ami the Church, as those that now hem him in. The Hest Material and - J fin.! l'EEUr, ,m . Z 0 m I. SIMMONS & CL0UGH .ORGAN CO.'S C CAB Eu-glan- d, - HE T ORGANS C01MISH DEPARTIBNT, H. W. NAISBITT. Circular Sans, Rolling Water Factory Threshing Rairy Extras, or other Pumps, Relting, Sorghum Evaporators, o - Ac, Wi ; well-know- Grand Combination Organs, iustlv-celebratr- d CHICAGO FIH33! THAT OF THE THE All PIPE II. B. CLA T ' ' Workmanship, Quality and Volume of tone Unequalled. ro ?C()t ...... ;.F:; in streets ' Cf day, ctianced to FACTORY AND rORfTii & CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, WAREROOMS, iurh iod noticed two doctors walking WANTED AGENTS M'ICIIiaAN. IN EVEUV COUNTY. ; i nltt. lie stopped till the pained " ' '" I860. kai then followed on behind them. ! .V EfiABUsutnjV .j s5S4j And why is thist' they asked, I know niy place in this procession," laid Address, Simmons & Clougu Oroan Co., Dbtroit, JticniaAX. he. A grre digger, walking Vind?or the other . tit be-la- nd - . l?IirCES,' r,00 Iollars. ' t ,ul Superintendent. YOTJXl JOB PRINT ING DONE AT THE Ogden;; Jian'ctibn,?. idijiisr street, oa-x)Eiis- r. Sice, |