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Show Annual Confer cnce. rbriy-Thlr- d Yesterday morning at 10 a. tn. the Forty-TbirAnnual Conference of the Cherch of Jcbus Christ of Latter.Day h'aints, commenced ia the New TabernaThe Tabernacle cle, Salt Lake City. and been grained, looked painted having and cheerful. A very large pleasant congregation assembled, filling the gal- leriet and the greatest part of the body of the building. The meeting was called to order by Prest. Brigham Young. Choir sang "Great God attend .while d Prayer by Elder B. Young, Jr. Choir sang "We're not ashamed to own our Lord." Elder George GoJJarJ was elected Cierk of the Conference. Lt)E& JOU.M TATLOR Expressed his pleasure at meeting with so many of the Saint?' and of hating the privilege of the presence of l'rest. Young. The principles of tire everlas'iog gospel, alone, had drawn the saints here from the different nations of the earth. The Lord had communicated again with man and had restored the gnspel as it had been delivered to man :n all ages of the world, when a people could be found to receive it. lie bad uvhered in the dispensation of the fullness of times, and commenced to gather His people, that they might be under his direction, to whom He could His designs, ml through whom ho could meal His will to all the th-earth. The Elders, being commissioned of Jesus Christ, had gone forth to the world, making plain the things of God, and leading us to obedi-euc- e to the principles of eternal life, putting us in possession of the spirit ol truth, by which we had gained a knowT-eJg- e of the truth, and been led to gath er here, to fulfillment of the payings of the eminent Prophet: "Behold, Saith the Lord, I will take one of a city and two cf a family, and I will bring them to Zion, and I will give unto them pastors after mine own heart who ahall fiel them with knowledge and understand-ing.- " We hai come here to do, not our own will, but the Lord's will; to be with Ilim in bringing about the saltation of the world; to build up Zion, to introduce correct principles in regard to morality, religion, the facial state of society; to politics and govern-menand to teach men and women to lire in accordance with the mind of the Lord, for their own benefit in time and their exaltation ia eternity, according to His plans,, devised before the world In various disrailed into existence. had Be raised up men inpensations spired with the spirit in Ills own bosom, to proclaim the Gospel, being clothed with the roelchisedec priesthood, whic'i holds the keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. .They had accomplished their work, and had gone behind the veil t labor with the Gods in accomplishing the purpose of Jehovah. This Priesthood was held by the of God in this age of the world, who were operating with those behind the world for the sulvatiou of the living and the dead, the rooting out of iniquity and the establishment of truth and righteousness upon " the face of the cora-mcnica- 'e . t; ser-van- ... , ,...,, f ! ,c Ci.yfr" 2i-l- n Zion ing?.M tiutb. C. P. The Cf.ntr.1 r. U. P. A very large train came in gether and settle their variances, and ; acinc, will, fanned who tJf mahkihd the rea!eBihy About two vnniilv mil... , Lia.seriTpr from the East last night. j the flame of discord, and influenced hundred 'c4 ..... tnnrmn. , it.. UBUal .no(Jr emigrants principally from till to take revenge on those who Iefsons He animadverted strongly Iowa, were .bound for Washington Terri- are rushing to Virgii the upon parts being played by some who tory. They were mostly young men of parts of the Pacific coast. It s , ,. were called saints, showing that though moderate means and good address. The ted that there are not less than tuj" they had gathered here Babylon was in S' their hearts ; they were lusting after the large majority were farmers, and we un- five thousand men now engagej Cr silver and goli and the vaiu fashions derstand that agricultural implements ol preparing to go into hiiningpera!1 ' and follies of the world, and if they con the most improved patterns have been around that city. Money i4 plen. tinucd would go down to bell. People ordered by them to open the wild3 of and times are lively. Silver aud gf;j of this stamp would perhaps consider and difficulty made no difference in the him their enemy, but if he saw them the Territory, to which they are destin- are over abundant, and g.,0J cxpecta desire to gather. He would remind the hurrying to the verge of a precipice and ed. Another large party is expected tions are had for a lively pnng M,j Saints that the evident design of the did not warn them he really would be from Iowa for the same destination. summer season along the entire route. Lord in this gathering was that they their enemy. Babylon signified confuthe discord the from If be darkness. aud a Picture "and sion, Frames might separate people Moulding C. H. HcURECSOIt dr world, casting aside old traditions and saints thought they could go into heaven NEWS DE L.ERS, Fifth ntrcet,Og.l. CO., At McQKftiOR A CU, Fifth putting on Christ, living according to carrying Babylon the spirit of the Ut C The Utah Central train came revelaticns of His .will How wonder- world in their bosoms, they would find A letA. & P. Office. Lett at the id this morning promptly, and left themfully had this people been led, guided that tbey had terribly deceived 0' aad protected! How wonderfully had selves. He could say that the ma- ter for M. Thomas, and a telegraphic den with a largn number of rscngj God preserved his people from the wiles jority of the saints were a God- message for Captain W. Roberts, which for Salt Lake City. The Conference is and snares of the euemies of God's king- fearing, faithiul peo- will be delivered application. upoi attended. largely dom aud how wonderfully had thej been ple, lie talked to both the good and bleht in these va leys of the mountains! the evil. Unless that we made up our How wonderfully had He made the .minds that we are for good, for truth wrath of man to praise .Him! Looking and for His Kingdom, and willing to deat it a!!, who could refrain from acknow- vote ourselves thereunto, we were not ledging that the hand of the Lord was in what we should be. Prest. Young then this work! Every movement of the work touched u pon the capacity of mankind had to encounter opposition, but it had for receiving knowledge; the necessity been decreed ages before we were born for prayer and the requirement of God that no power on earth or in hell should that we should bow implicitly to His previal against it. We had been up- will in all things; also upon the folly AND rooted and driven, but the work could of modern fashions, and the extent of not be destroyed. If this people would the speculation of the true Saint who serve God and cleave to the truth and was aiming at obtaining "all things," love it more than the world, more than the heights, the depths, the breadths of their own ease, being undeceived by the eternity and its niches. He showed that allurements of the world, their course the Saints were the friends of mankind, should be continually onward and up- although they differed from the chrisward. In considering the work of God tian world in regard to God and his he did not view it as pertaining to the laws and ordinances. lie testified that Latter-da- y Saints alone, but to all the God was a person with all the parts that THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME ! God of dwelling upon the whole make up a man, but immortal and perfamily In the Mirkct,fc!wiiri on UauL surface of the earth. fect, and that he had a residence and The time would come when the vie'vs, lived there, while his power filled imfaiih, character and feeling of the Latter-da- y mensity. While Christian divines used saints would be properly understood a mass of words about ALL KINDS OP MUSICAL by every people on the face of the earth, a Being of whom they knew nothing, and when thousands who would not saying that his "centre was everywhere, the faith of this people would and his circumference nowhere," and From a JewsLarp to a CliuroH Orj at Clieip, or choose to dwell with them as the best describing the soul of man as "an people on the earth, recogniziug that substance." So far from the Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah. there was virtue, integrity, love and Saints being the enemies of mankind, charity in the people whom they had they were trying to enlighten the world despised. Elder Cannon then referred and held the keys for the salvation of to the "co'ton lamiao" which some time the dead as well as the living, and would ago prevailed in England, and stated continue the work until the Lord should SHEET MUSIC, ETC, ETC that the people of these vallej a did more, come and reign King of nations. s27-lfar more in proportion, for the good of Choir sang the anthem "The eyes of One door South of Osden House. the poor in Europe than the whole aris- all wait upon thee, 0 Lord." tocracy of England sending 500 wagons Prayer by Elder Horace Eldridge. Sandwich Islands, froffl every nation and clime, to gather with the Saints of God! Was it from God or the devil? Studying the matter he was forced to the conclusion, as the most simple explanation of the movement, that there was womeihiDg divine in it, particularly as the old prophets had predicted these events. And he knew that this view found a response in the breast of every one present who had gathered here in the spirit of the gospel. Sterility cf climate, mobocracy, persecution, trial ts . KLDF.R CEO. CAXXOX ' Said the Kingdom of heaven , lir.d come; who wanted to take part in It? Who were desirous, so far as their influence extended to establish truth and righteousness on the earth? Joseph had been called an impostor. But wh.tan extraoidinary work had been accomplished through this so called What a remarkable thing that, he should make the same promises to those who obeyed his teachings as were made by the Apostles of old, and that Lis promises should be fulfilled. That the Holy Ghost should be given to them; cot merely to the Elders who were sent forth to preach, but the people of every tongue and nation. And that these coming from eTery part of the earth, should testify that they had received the Holy Ghost aad a testimony from God that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. How remarkable that they should forsake their homes and gather to gel her, believing the words of Joseph that'Ood h id commanded so to do, and that this should be in fulfilment of the words of &r.ient prophet! An actual kingdom cf God established! A church built up according to the apostolic order with the same d.ctrines, ordinances and gifts as the church established by our Lord aud Saviour Jesus Christ! The fact that there is such a union existing here be-- t tween a people who were formerly ' so dissimilar in their views, habits, ferlings end drsires, was to the speaker one of tie greatest outward evidences cf the divinity of the mission of Joseph Smith. As well might one try to stop the rolling in of the tide as to stop the gathering cf the Latter-daSaint. For as soon as &ny one embraced this gospel in the spirit thereof, that moment intense de e.re seated them to go to the place designated by the Almighty as the "gather"im-yoetor- peo-p!- ?, truth-lovin- g, Coal & Lime Office MUSIC STORE, Main Street, Ogden. wide-extende- WRBMMI re-rei- and other Fittings, Violin Strings y and 2,000 oxen, loaded with provisions, with drivers, guards, etc., to the Missouri river to bring in the poor, of whom they personally knew nothing He spoks of the disinterested labors of the Apostles, Bishops and Elders of the church. Said there was no hireling priesthood here fattening on the flock. The Presi-den- t of the church had nearly wore himself out intraveling and instructing the people, and had given more in (he way of donations than any other member of the church. Preferred to the lightness of taxes in Utah, the absence of debt in cities and the Territory, and of clamoring for place and living off (he hard earuiugs of the people, and yet the country was flooded with slander against the people of. this Territory. ' lie considered that on this the forty-thir- d anniversary of the church of God we were never in more favorable circumstances, and that our hearts should be filled with thankfuluess to God for his goodness. The leaders of the church and the people of God were free, and those whose hearts were' not moved with gratitude and fervor at these mercies, were not worthy of the blessings they enjoyed. Elder Cannon concluded by exhorting the Saints to keep themsejves from' the spirit of the world and to re' main faithful to the end. ., President Young advise! those who attended Conference to come well clothed to protect themselves from the cold. Choir sang, "l will extol thee." Prayer by Elder Joseph F. Smith. office-holder- s ( ' i. ; ; 2 pm. Choir sans ".What Wondrous things we now behold." Trayer by Elder W.' Woodruff. Choir song We'll sing all hail to Jesus' uame." ; FBLIIDEM BRIGHAM TOC.NG Said he wanted the attention, the ears, tie eyes aud the faith of the congrega- tion. All enjoyed the power of sight, THE MONDAY. 7. Grhx Water Bath. Late last night a man, while in an oblivious stale, came in contact with the barricade around the proposed water tank in front of the store, and unable to maintain his into the balance, went He was released his from "unpit. who pleasantness" by some passers-b- y were attracted to the place by kis screams. It is glossy beaver hat and new broad cloth suit were irreparably damaged. We forget he left his bat there, with the "brick"' in it. Li! Co-o- head-foremo- WA st lifj PAPER! CD 'S. tu greut variety, at McUKKUOR & "IP CD 1 Town ArrAiES. The city is remarkFew wagons are to ably, quiet be seen, and a general dearth prevails iu business circles. A cold wind commenced to blow at dusk last night, and coutiuued until noon giving us a gentle remind- fpUE L LARUEST AND MOST COMPLKTK FACTORY IN THK WOULB. ATEBAOE SAUS, We 10,800 per Annum: tiiilrsc'l hy tli llpst Musical Talont in the t'uitoJ States. names of l'urriiitsun of to-da- . to-da- y, er of departing winter. Our thrifty and prudent housekeepers are busy iu sowing Beed. Many gardens are tastefully divided into beds and plats, which iu a few. weeks will make our streets smiling with flowers and verdure. Many have accepted the hint thrown out by us a few days since, and, taking "time by the forelock," are . in trimming their trees. ' Eggs are a drug in the market. One produce dealer informs us that he has on hand one thousand dozen. Next Sunday being Easier day, probably there will be an extra demand for "hea fruit." Several changes in business firms of this cily are said to be in contemplation. The Pacific combination troupe nut with great success during their stay O 0- 0- lm iurt STEY OltUAXS in Utah Territory: Prot JOHN FOWLER. Ozle City. Mr. MYNHEER, Salt Lake Citv. ' Mrs. WATKINS. Bingham. WII1TM JRK, St. George. Mr. DAN- - OLSKN, Fillmore. FARMINGTON MEETING 1I0CSE. SHARP, g. It Lake City. Mr. WILLIAMS, rtUm CiU. OGDEN JUNCTION OFFICE. CEDAR CITY MEETING HOUSE. Mrs. WILSON, Fait Lake City. Mr. KINU3LEY, 44 Mr. " Mrs. Dl'NXE, Mr. T. J. STATNER, OsJen Citv. Mr. ANOl'S M. CANNON, Suit take' City. Mrs. KIMBALL. Salt Lake City. Mr. E. WOOL LEY, " Mr. THOM AS GILES. Rait Lake Citv. Mr. ARTHUR STAYXER, Farmingtoa. Mrs. Jl'DUK MILLER, Bountiful. Call aud the Imtruiuf ut. You will buy no other. Hctr CHARLES W. STAYNER, : Next Door to Savage's Gallery, Main Street, Salt Lake City. 35tf ewihg machines. ed -- 00- JE HAVE THE AGENCY FOR, AND ARE SELLING ON FAYORADLE lerais, the justly celebrated but how different the people looked at the same things. No two faces were alike, no two minds alike. Many agreed upon things they could naturally underhand, but men's judgment differed. There were so many on the world's 8tagc,and such a variety of scenery that AT it was the best theatre we could attend. If the world of mankind could see us what would be their judghere ment? They would callus enemies of here.. They had a good house ou Saturmankind. When we looked upon them day night, and gavo general satisfaction. some of the Elders would call them eue- It is said that they will return at the mies. He that would destroy the truth eud of the week. of God from the earth, was Am enemy; Anew theatre project is on, foot in btit those whose hearts were filled with good will to mankind were not our eue- Salt Lake City. We understand that mies. He was the enemy of mankind those who are interested in- - the move00who wished to substitute error for truth, ment have capital enough to commence to take peatfe ;rom the people or the narurcLscra in the North can have INSTRUCTIONS at the Store cf ' tion. He who strove to make peace be- work early the Spring. Mrs. UOWRISG, Ogle.u. ' tween those who were estranged from ing place of his people. What influence and opposed to each other was the friend icXow is Your Chanco Prest. Young contrasted X Stumi To Buy XKKS. plauted in the hearts of both rich and of mankind. ITALIAN REF.S, il r, Full lines ol Cotton, Silfc, Xectlles nl Attachments caa who en in KiiUier Hive, to arrive April 1st. IVr ShIc nt whether in the bleak climate of the course of the or Salt Lnk Citv, yrW f!5 hhe. and Northern America; or deavored to reconcile differences by tVttcn Lvava t.r.kr nt tiKEKNMKLL A fitpplicil. B. CLAWS ON, iron sunny Italy, the warm regions ofj cood counsel, advising those who were upW, or at II. Dii;.oy FumitoryWRIGHTS", Store. j?U I i to. t'Ju-confer other wi:h to , Superla(enwct. the at Luke City. Afc.u, the Cape of Good liope or . euiiiity to-d-ay f Singer Sewing Machine, THE CENTRAL DEPOT, And at our In SALT LAKE, BRANCH STORES In y and OGDEN. -- -t- peace-make- i jr e-- s'25-Cu- ch , H. |