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Show by teli:geaiil It Ficial tn Oodk JrsctlflS atid Pacific Tu!egraph CoinpirtJ. Mi Strike of New York ' Gas Men! Attacked by a Menagerie Lion! Pioclie washed ashore. John Brindtey was lost: his name was put in the list of savAtlantic ed, by mistake one passenger having mistaken another person for bim. It i now proposed to bring all the t 0 lies to this city and bury ihein togeth er to the public lemetry and erect a monument over them. The city council, on application of the provincial government, resolved, tliis evening, to place a lot in the cemetery at the disposal of the friends of the dead. Fight in the New Jersey Legislature! Condition of Nixon tha Murderer! Sudden Death and Inquest. ZVcws. On to the P. L. Herald. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bates were benefit dered a genuine, citizens' the last at the theatre nigh", committee paying all expenses. The house was crowded. It has been snowing lightly at intervals throughout the day, and snow is still falling. Major Chas. F. Powell, formerly a A steamer just arrived from the resident of Pioche, has been appointed wreck of the "Atlantic." She fsElill by the President as consul at Morianda, almost intact. Only a few prvekages of Peru. her cargo have come ashore. The swell J. 8. Bratton, residing at Bulliouville, continue so heavy that the divers can- has applied for a divorce from his wife, not work. If the weather continues fair Marietta Bratton, on the ground that the most of the cargo can be saved. One has been guilty cf adultery. is the exact hundred and sixty-four number of bodies found up to this morning. The work of burying them has commenced. A gang of men will be sent down this evening to help the fishermen Of Lung Fever, at his residence in in that work. Tb bodies announced this city, April 4th, 1873, at half past recovered, including that of Sumner of San Francisco, wern brought to this city eight o'clock, p m., Jeffrey Dinsdale, and put in metallic coffins to Aged 40 years, 1 month and 1 day. await orders from friend.''. The Ftory Deceased was born at Gale, Yorkshire, that Albert Sumner committed suicide is March 3d, 1824; and in Nov. false. A friend who was saved gays Eng'and, Sumner held on to the wreck until wash- 1842, while living with his uncle, James ed off. The captain suys the stories of Burton, of Bradford, he heard and remutilation of bolies by the crew arc ceived the Gospel, and in 1848 was orfalse, and reports of the robberies are dained to to the office of a Priest, and He says the people largely exaggerated. office to an after of soon the Elder, and of l'rospect did all they could lor the living and the dead, but among the was appointed to preside over the Stancrowds who flocks to the plaoe from the ley Branch cf the Bradford Conference, surrounding country, there were some who lobbed the bodies when they could England; which position he filled faithfully until 1849, walking eight miles get a chance. San Francisco, 4. every Sabbath, rain or shine, excepting A gentleman from Napa Valley says times of General Conference, to attend the hardest frost ever known in that lothe meetings of his branch. cality occurred last night, doing great In 184'Jhe emigrated to St Louis to damage to grape vine and fruit trees. Snow covered the hills bordering the pioneer the way for his wife and two valley. The weather in this city to- sons, and in nine months' time earned night is remarkably cold for cur lati- and forwarded means for his family to tude. Mr Romer, a member of the San Fran- follow him. cisco stock board, is missing, and it is In 1852 he emigrated to Utah, settled rumored that he has loft town to escape in Kaysville, where he resided until the from financial responsibilities precipitated by losses in Consolidated Virginia. Spring of 180, when he removed to There are all sot t of rumors, however, Ogden, where he hag lived up to the as to his whereabouts aud Lis reasons time of his death. Com. for leaving. Newt and Millennial Star please Ihttrtt 5. ten- Died. Further Particulars of the "Atlantic" Disaster! to-da- The Question of Capital Punishment Agitated in Kentucky! The Population of St. Louis! Murderous Affray in Chicago! AMERICAN. New York, 4. Nison, who was yesferdaj sentenced 4o be hanged, remains in a moat tdti&ble conditiwn v Li cell; Le U only kept up by stimulants. His wife was with him this afternoon, and the scene in the cell was the most painful that could be imagined. Unless a change takes f lace, it is Believed he cannot live until the lime fixed for Lis execution. William II. Merrill, assistant treasurer of the Bull's Head bank, was arrested by the district attorney, on the charge of being concerned in mutilating the bank books. The strike was inaugur itcd in this city. Delegates from the different metropolitan gas works met. and issued a notice warning all working men to abstain from Becking employment in during the coming struggle for the entablishutnt of the eight hour 'sjstcm. The notice further states that all mean, consistent with law and order, will be issued by the men to enforce the eight hour law. There is no announcement of the duy iion which the strike will commence, but it is believed to bo imminent. Trenton, N. J., 4." A fight took pla e here this morning ia the lobby of the house. Mr. Curse, called James M. Scoville, a perjured man and a rcoundrcl. When Mr. Cole and John Hood, members, met this morning iliejr'eogngcd in a war of worJs. camo up, and mixing in the quarrel, Cole called him a liar, lie was immediately krocked down by Scovllle. The rpeukcr ordered the doors to be closed. IScfore it was done, Curse rushed into the coTille knocked him down and tight. ho was badly punished It is said, uLilohe wm down, that the mayor in-- I oi posed and prevailed upon Scoville to the wheu the fight ended. The affair grew out of opposition to the bill affecting the disposition of some property tow in the courts, tnion after It e tight, both houses adto-nig-ht gns-iucn- 's to-uig- gas-house- Sco-vil- State-hous- lc e, y Baltimore, The condition of James Laidley, Secretary of the Grand Lodge of the Inde pendent order of Odd Fellows is much improved. St. Louis, 5. Advance sheets of the new directory, give the population of 12 out 13 wards in this ci'y as 42'J,12 on increase of 117,12(52 over the census of 1870. Schenectady, N. Y., 5. About six miles west of here the k Is dammed hy ice. At noon to day it commenced to give way, the water rising to 2j foot above the usual high water marks, doing some damage. It is feared the railroad (racks will be Hooded. Frankfort, Ky., 5 In tSe Legislature Mr.'l'eck-haoffered an amendment to rcvi-the sia utes to abolish capital punishment. Altera lengthy debate it was finally agreed that it should be optional with the jury, whether they should return a verJict of hanging or imprisonment for lite. New York, 5. Despatches received here to day an nounce the death jf Mr. Henry Darling, luces, near Lou maungerof the Lps-mdon, on the 20th; 08 years of age. ?I ilal to tho Ogden Jixctis Mow-haw- to-da- y c i Chicago, 5. serious shooting affray occurrred at half past one this morning in the saloon journed Immediately after the adjournment of of Bernard Dooley. Two young men. A fine Vt. the nn ofScer walked tip to legi.-l.itur-e, the Hon. C. E. Sheppard, senator from Cumberland, and arrested him on a t issued on the complaint of one J iscph Shaffer, one of the contractors of i he Na ional railroad, charging the senator with corruptly receiving $2,500 in consideration for his rote in the interest of said National railroad. It is stated that Slieppard received the money, but did uot vote as was expected or agreed upon, and it is said he intended to return the money. The affidavit charges him with having taken the money and keepiug it. Slieppard gave bail for his appearance before the court, in May next, to answer to the charge. Washington, 4. ns Ilerr Ducotis, who has earge of the lions in a menagerie ing here, was attempting to change tit; animals from one cnge to another, one turned on hitn and gave htm fearful wounds on the left side, bead and face. The animal was secured and the wounded man julled out and sent to the tent where a physician was called to dress ' ' his wouuda. Halifax, 5$. S., 4. Captain Williams and some assistants st; itched the islands around the wreck thoroughly yesterday afternoon, and pi .ki'd out froci many bodies washed ai'iore those that have been telegraphed lor by their friends. The bo J its reported recovered this morning have been drefscd and plied In wetaljio coffins, and await the arr val of Mends and them in charge. As it Is to thought the bodies will hardly remain in n condition to be examined, t he eoffins have lcu sealed. Another trip .will be mile to the wreck toroorrot'. The ete ' arils and men acquainted with the hsva been left at Prospect, to ia!ttt charge of the bodies as they arc wart-an- To-da- y , ; A I rel-;i- .e ift-k- n lateness of the hour, the reporter could not learn, got into an altercation about a Ctrl Both had been drinking and were read tor anything. Hot words were ex changed and finally blows. They were separated twice, but returned to the combat like two wild tigers. Finally one of them drew a revolver and the other seeing his movement drew one at the fame time. They fired simultaneous ly, and both fill, oue was pierced in the forehead, and the other m the left breast It is not believed that cither will live. They were taken to their homes, and at tended by physicians. The lateness of the hour prevents any further report of ttio Mlhur. FOHEIJM. . ex-W- jm-enger- whose names, owing to the ' i Taris, 4. In ' the assembly, Ihe election for President In place of M. urevy, was held this afternoon, with the following result: Louis Joseph Bunet; SOI votes; Martel, 285. Butlet was declared elected, and was warmly congratulated by the members of the "right." The chamber then resumed the consideration of the Lyons" municipality (bill,'1 whieh paswd. The "left," after one hopeless attempt to defeat the meudurc; absiaiued from the final vote. ; Correspondence. OatiK.f , Editor Ouof.s Junction April 1, 1873. : stage, on Wednesday, March 10th, the driver reported that the dead body of a man named Charles Wallis was found near the Minnehaha Ranch, about twelve miles from town. We are informed that after mUmc tMs rtrJJO U R wrru i?iv suffer UKAOY RADWAY'S , W,J J lh ri. Uku the body was first discovered by Mr. J. L. G. Smith, proprietor cf the road. That in.tamlr.1oVn. The driver of the Boise City stage had allay Inllxtm,mUoii, nu. tll ?,,"Sli1 wIh-- her of tb not seen the deceased, who lived at Lm.,., ,ZJS? or gland one a,.,,i(;tio'17f"'-t!orpin, ly Ranch, for two or three days, and on Wednesday, March 19th, noticed a little dog, belonging to the deceased, iXiifAMf mw miller' "riwi barking, at a point on the side of the hill, near a ditch which the deceased had been cngnged in digging to convey Inflammation of the KUInrvt l the BIU.ler, lull.n.m.tion of water on some mining ground.. The acth. jtefi!! ?et.un of the Lanp. 8or. V,rZ tions of the dog attracted his attention, and ou arriving at Thorn Creek he informed Mr. Smith, who was there, as also Mr. Richard McCloy, of the curi- The iijipl ant ion of the READY . ' ous acts of the dog, and that he had not .rt or parts whre the puiu or UFIIlp will mnk,,1,J'u affurJ ea and comlurt. Messrs seen Wallis for several days Twenty drops in halfa tnml.ler ofwatnr ;n Smith and McCloy repaired to tke spot, a few m tuomwu, clire Crumps, c side-hi.V JTA'' f"or and on going up on the they tU. Iteartlmrn. Si. V in the IWeU, anj m 'hZ found Wallis lying dead in the ditch. and his faithful dog keeping watch over Travelers thouM 1w . t ... "f. his remains. On the following morning WA YS KKADY UKU EiTh . . Hon. M. B. Moore, Probate Judge, act- on wator will prevent E. F Ihanire of water. It a summoned and as Coroner, ing jury Hitter. s a stimulant 1'KYEIt AXI AtJi proceeded to the place for the purpose .:. . '. ""V0""her. u not a remedial u mi of holding an inquest on the body, and ill cure t ever and Ague, nu, other MidariZ the jury returned the fol'owing verdict : Tvphoi.1, Yellow aud other ''IT.' Tlie Only ltiin it, i Miu-ucha- St-n,- muly cl, ll ' . -t,, r "We, the undersigned, jurors to appear before the above named M. B. Moore, acting Coroner in and for Boie county, I. T., near Mionehaha sum-mon- el (allien ny lijMjway t VilU) so qui. - S i k as RADWU Health! Beauty! Ranch, iu said county, on the 20th day and rnr Rich BIo.i.1 .rf Flesh of March, A. D. 1873, to inquire into Strong and Height Clear Skin aud Beautiful (W. the cause of the deaih of Charles Wallis, plexiou secured to all. found lying dead iu his ditch near said Minnehaha Rauch, having been duly duly sworn according' to' law, and fearsiiparillinn Insolvent having made such inquisition, after in- Has made the imwt aMonishiug cures, so qukk m are the changes the body uudr.s, uu4.r specting the body, upon our Sev- rapid the influence this truly wonderful Medicine Hint eral oaths, each and ull do say tint we KVKKY lAY ofAN INCKKASK IN H.ijm aU WKKJIIT IS SKEJi AND IKI.T. found the deceased was named Charles Itl.OOIt PlKIFir.R. Wallis, was a native of London, England, TIIF. ;UEAT ery drop of the SAKSAI'ARILLIAN KKSOU he died that aged about forty-fivVENT years, cvmuttiuii'utes through tho Blood, Swwt, on or about Monday, March 17th, A. D. CriiiB nnd, other fluid and juice of the the of life, for it repairs the waMen of 1873; no marks of valence found on tMidyvigor with new and sonnd material. Scrofula, Sy. his person, therefore the cause of his philU, Consumption, tilandiilar disease, I' leers in death is unknown to us, but we suppose the Throat, 51oiith, Tumors, "d. in the lihuiJs Dr. RADWAY'S e svnU-- and other part ot the system, Sore Jiyes, Strumous Discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms by the jurymen. of Skin l)ih-VEruption, Fever Sores, SslJ Wallis had been living alone at the Head, King Worm, Suit Rheum, Erysipelas, Ame, tilitck Minnehaha Ranch, and was apparently cers Spots, worms in tho flesh, Tmnors, Caniu the Womb, and all weakening and painful a stout, hearty man. From the posi- discharges, Nijjlit Sweat, Loss of Sperm, and all tion in which the body was fouud, it ap- wastes of the life principle, are withiu the cursors of this wonder of Modern Chcinietry, sud a pears that he must have been at work range few days' use will prove to any person using It for his and he ditch, sick, digging feeling either of these forms wf (Iwjjc its potent power to evidently turned around as if to start to cure them. If tha patient, daily lieroming reduced by tl the house, but fell on his side, in the wastes and decomposition that is continually ditch, before making more than a step succeeds iu arresting these watte, auJ or two, and died without a struggle. repairs tho same with new material made from blood ud this tb. SAKSAfAKlLLIAS Both hands were clasped over his left healthy w ill and dous secure. as if there Not breat, involuntarily placed only does the Sars.iparillimi Resolvent exwhen the pain struck him. As Wallis cel ull known remedial agents in the cure of Chro-had not been seen alive after the Mon- Unic, Scrofulous. Constitutional and Skin diseases, but it is the ontv positive cure for KIDNKY ami day preceding, the body had evidently UI,ADDEK COMPLAINIS, t" riuary 'and Womb lain where it was found, since that time diseases, Gravel, Dialietes, Dropsy, Stoppage of Incoatineneo of Urine, Bright's Oisea.e, guarded by the faithful li tie dog that Water, Albuminuria, and iu nil case where tlieresrs not could from drive tho of side brickdttoit hunger deposits, or tho water is thick, cloudy, his dead master. The little animal even mixed with eubstuuecs like the white of an eg, or threads like white silk, or there is a morlmi, showed signs of fight when the body wa3 dark, bilious appearance, and white bene-diand when there is a pricking, burning approached by the men .who buried it. w ben We are informed that the deceased had passing water, and pain iu the small the back and along the loins. Trice, 1 a family, residing either on Puget Sound of WORMS. The know n and sure Uvtuody or in Victoria ; and Judge Moore states for Worms 1'in, only Tajie, etc. hed'edfrom heart disease." Signed As the time has come to overhaul bees, aud as Utah has proven a success in the production of both bees, and an excellent quality of luscious honey, 1 have n encouraging word in my experience in favor of the enterprise. Many, through bad management. Lave lost several colonies of their bees in the neighborhood where I have a few stands of the little d enterprising honey makers. One has seven hives out of eighteen, aud another has one out of three. I took three colonies on Cottonwood, ten miles south of Salt Lake City, near those high mountains the Twin Peaks; I found them that among papers belonging to the de to work early and well. John Morgan, ceased are a number of letters.frotn Vic of Mill Creek, took charge of them as 1 toria, one of which contains a photo filled a mission to the Eastern States, graph of an aged lady. The body was and frem the three hives he made nine placod in a coffin, and by order of the hives during the season of 1872. A few acting Coroner was buried near the spot found. Idaho World, 21th days ago Mr. Morgan and myself over, where hauled the Lives, tcven of which were till. n pronounced in the most flourishing of any that has been openeS, and Mr. Morgan has opened many, A both in Salt Lake City and out in the country, his own, a large apiary Mr. Henry Peters is a farmer who not excepted. We found in those laves lives, or did live until last night, in a young bees that bad been hatched out comfortable log house in Gross Point, a some time, and an abundance of brood mile north of the Jefferson avenue. His in every state, from the egg to the young family consisted of a wife and four bee creeping out from bis cell, and also daughters, the eldest of the !a ter being abundance of honey; from the seven enly fifteen years of age. hives we took over 100 pounds of surLast eveuing, in company with his plus honey, leaving a good supply in the wife, he went to a neighbor's house to hives. The other two Lives had lost attend wat the country people call a their queens, probably in the Fall, and " a meeting wlieh comhad died off. In ine of those hives was bines industry and pleasure, leaving these 50 pounds of good honey, and in the four girls at home. The night was other sufficient to hive wintered a swarm very pleasantly, and Mr. Peters andspent his of lees. Last season we took over 12 wife remained until a late hour, little pounds of surplus honey from the sur- thinking of the terrible fate which had plus boxes plaoed on the top of the hives, fallen upon their children. When they but did not rob the main hive, that was returned home this morning they found, filled up with honey. where their house had been, a heap of For wintering, we set tbem close to- blackened ruins. Their oldest daughter, gether under a shed, packed straw back whe, after anxious searching, was found un between them, and left a small open- in the neighborhood almost dead with ing to pass and repass at pleasure. Last fright and seriously burned, told them yenr many divided and weakened their that at about eleven o'clock at night, colonies too much, and robbed thesn too after all the children had been abed and olose in the Fall. If in tho Spring they asleep for some time, she was awakened have good supplies they are encouraged by a great heat, and, opening her eyes, to early brood; if poor and weak, they discovered the bed and the room envelare fearful and alow. Some have been oped in tlames. Sho sprung from the too anxious to increase, and have lost bed, dragging one of her sisters with many of those weak and poorly provided her, and made her way through the for colonies. Much depends upon the smote and flames as best she could, to locality for both supply and increase. the nearest window. Before she reached Salt Lake City has proven unfavorable, the window, her younger sister fainted aud many have moved their bees int with pain and terror, and she was un: the country. able to save her. i She clung to the Two weeks ago last TLursdny bees clothing of her dying sister, which in were carrying pollen (bee bread) in largo her efforts to drag her from the quantities into their hives out on Cothouse, wee torn from her tonwood, from the mountain grape bloom body. She leaped out of the window, oa the sides of the mountains, whereas bliudod. and exhausted, and could only in the city and other pi noes bees were 9tand hof outside as the pitibeing fed. I am in favor of leaving the less tongues of flame lapped up the rolonics strong, and well supplied with timbers of the house, and made an dry barrier to her return. The honey in the Fall, as it is easy to take any surplus away in the Spring. Bees three children were buined almost to a in Utah will pay well, and save import- cinder, scarcely enough of their bodies ing hones - and exporting greenbacks. remaining to identify them from the rest . Stkvessox. of the debris. Dtko'd Union, March 23. ; neigh-borhoo- s con-ditio- Horrible Calamity. "burn-raising- 1 London, 4. The Vail Mall Gazette confesses that the language of its article, which gave rise to the motion and debate in the house la.it night, was rude, ill chosen aud ungracious. It says the publication of the article was owing to an acci dental failure in the editorial 6upervi sion, but it insists on characterizing much of the agitation in Ireland as a species of noisy disloyality, and maintains that certain members pf parliament are at the disposal of the priestly pur- - . copy. the arrival here of the Boise City flame-envelop- ror-striek- . . ed Tumor of 12 YenrV Growth Cured ItcMolreitt. ISC'J. by Italwny'N IlEVKKLT, Mass., 1. July Dr. R.mwav: I have had Ovarian Tumor iu tl ovaries and bowels. All tho doctors said "there as no help for it." I tried everything that win recommended; but nothing heljd me. 1 saw )ur Kntolrent and thought I would try it; Vut hul no faith in it, localise I had sulfeiod lor twelve years. I took six bottles of the Resolvent, and oue box uf Radway"s fills, and two bottles of your Ready Relief; and there is not a sign of tumor to bo seen or folt, and I feel better, smarter, aud happier than I hare for twelve years. The worst tumor was in tke left able of the bowels, over the groin. I wrUe h ttiis to you for the benefit of other". Yon can it if you choose. HANNAH P. KNAl'i'. piib-Hs- DR. RADWAY'S PERFECT PURGATIVE PILLS, wl Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with gum, pnrge, purify, cleanse and strengthdisorders en. Kadway's Pills, tor the cure of all ot tke Stomach, Liver, Rowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Difea.-sHeailache, Couiintion, Costive-nesIndigestion, Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Keer, Inflammation of the Rowels, Piles, and all Derangements of the Iiiteuml Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive enre. Purely vegetable, containing no mercury, minerals r deleterious drugs. 9&- - Obferre the following symptoms resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Oitrans Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood in the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust of Food, l'ul Iticsa or Weight in the Stom- t ach, Sour Ernctatious, Sinking or Fluttering tho Pit of the Stomach, Sw imming of the Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensation a Lying Posture. Dimness of Vision, Dot or Wei before tho Sight; Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin ami Eves, Pain in the Sido, Cluwt, Limbs, and siiddeii Flushes of Heat, Unfiling in the Flesh. A few doses of Rudway's Pills will free the disorders. Pra d .from all the J5 rents Hr box. Sold by Druggists. Send one letR?UD False mid ter stamp to Radway A- Co Ho. ST Maiden Lane, New York. Information worth thousands will l sS61Jr . tent you. s. s, Ul, m sjs-te- above-name- - Tru'.' E A K- - Dr:- - faWfe&NKSS H londoncy; s'jjiLnai? Rushtulness, Svphilt. For a speedy enre of these-or oiner ailments ot a private nature can s Mump for private circular of advice to lotlt M ""'J-Addres- EPICAL box C, WESTERN 137 Sycamore street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Tlio remedies are so certain that No r.it will he required of responsible persous for treatment cured. A visit to its ui 'sonm will ronvime yu that this Institute is th only snro one in tlie United States U euro svphilis aud restore manhood; 1NSTI-TL'T- . ' SAW-SmTIIIS- G. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION" l ou Sharpened, Set. Hammered nnd Kepaire-J eusv terms and short uotica on MONDAYS ' - SATURDAYS at VTOTICE.-SA- WS XM N1GUOLS BLACKSMITH SIIOI. Main street, Ogiletu N.B, Old Saws made now. Ounimir-g- , tWtnig, etc Altering. Retooio-In- pjiRESWELL. g. " |