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Show OGDI51ST (ihc (Dgta function. PublUUeJ rvrrr WEHXESDAY and 8ATVBDAT by th (iuliK.i i' L aw hi at. COJIHr. PENRUfViihiWi Ma)i'.Tf, 1o llanimss Cuuiniuuuyitioij shuatii be C. W. RAILROAD. MERCANTILE OGDEN CITY. kn aM CorrcMpoudcu cc. 1I0LESALE&RETAIL ext Door to Z.' C. M. I., JiM Tiox : Dsak Bit. While juu are writing about the prosperity of Settlements all around us, it may be a well la say a word about Hooper. We have upwards of & hundred working mca, to lay nothing of wo.uen and obildrea j Lav we htfve. no Joafer here ; we contrive to find all plenty to do, to keep them buny. Our seiileiueut cpter an area of about 12 square miles at present, and by another summer it will probably cover half as tuuuh more. The health of the people m Koedgenorally, and tLey are iu very good spirit. Our full graiu is now iu bloom, and the spring wheat is coming along nicely. We have no grasshoppers at preseut to deTour it,' but anticipate no abundant harvest. There are a number of young ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, DEC. "' dry goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, IIat, Clothing,etc.Fancy lion, NOW OPENING! FIFTH STREET, .30 7 JO OGDEN. THE LIQUOlTi)EPAIlTMEXT have commenced the manufacture of 500 Pieces New Prints FIRST-CLAS- Cliambrays, Scotch Ginghams, Spanish Linens. FURNITURE AND Alpacas, MAKERS. Armurcs, i'sj! Cap- ! i I j . The Virginia Citj?(KVr!) i lh,U )r!ie if M;iy 2utl fays i Anjii.ftino in. u who has been running wild ' In' tlio Mountaina" toiiifc and Hi'pain ueuily executwl on uie lUortost iipht or ten utilt north of this city, botic. , , all tho ast Winter, was caught at Onion prumptly eiwnted. Lo ioctowu liiKt Saturday, aud word ECCLES CO, being' nnt to Sheriff Atkiwon, thitt 37K )laiu atreet, Ogdun. oilicvr went imt aud pit tho man and broutrht him iu and rlucetl him iu the county iail. wlicro he in at rrca Tho man has lived rut KxiLfd. HOME MAXUFACTURJS. auioujr, tho hills, sleeping in the cav riiri of tho rocky clifl'a of Castle Din OUR trict, 8 ia Hu'Kcd, and oubsisting by visiting tho- cabins of wiibdcutters and homing hiaiaelf to provisionH tlur ing their absenco. ' Ho was seldom ii now in operation, manufacturing Cloth eeti, but tho WikhI choppers ulways of superior quality. knew whott their cabins had been vis ited by him, by tho disappearuueo of Tho Highest Trice paid for wool. catableA. J ho unmo ot the man w John Kel.xoy, aud it ia paid that ho formerly lived in Gold Hill. About a year ago ho made hid appearance at our BRIG HAM CITY S Woolen - Factory Cash paid for Hides TAAXEUY. uninng tho.,WQOlchoppeas, and at I hat time he was not bo badly umor deved mentally but that ho would do A. KING & ouia work ; finally, however, he grew wofwi, and wandered off into the hills (Kucteaaort to C II. McGregor ), Formerly ho wag always talking about BOOKSELLERS and GENERA! his lowes in mines, and having been iwiudled out of several fortunes, and NEWS AGENTS. ftually he imajiiued that there were BOPPtr OK HOOKS. PATER., men after him in order that ho might A tTLL en hand, and MaKalluea, F. CO., , Vi T IM , , Straw&Panama The Red Topped Boot and Shoe Shop! the XOKTII .STORES In A FULL ASSORTMENT . An exchango says that '"Ventilated garters are for sale." Niiw large cotton mills are planned, or in course of construction, at Fall River. There hre already seventeen at full work. little girl to her mother, ''do men want to get married as much what are as the women?" about'" ma, tho talking "Why, you 51a. .said a women who come here are always talking about getting mimid the men Vhn't 1 r." E. J. YV ATKINS, IJOOT&8IIOESIIOP at very Lou Rates. Five doors West of the Z. C. M. I., oa iourth Mreet, Ogden. OF OLD COUNTRY "WATER-TIGHTSMADE TO ORDER. HOSIERY. Wedding Cakes 200 SUITS OF GENTS' Strt, Highest l'riee imid for nil kind of Hide. Remember tti. Big Hunt, "it 14-- tf lutr.ss axw n.CKiic ItfAKlMJ. fI 118. D. M. STVART M ISUKS EVERtnODY to know tliiit alie tiM a I'lHSTCLASi SKVil.Nt) MACHINE, and ii prepared to do all kiU'U of Sewiiig, on rcasonanln term at her Roeirfent on the Dnch, EOI'RTH STREET, ram oi tiioc Timtn? orao. i.t 1v . i Ior III call " neatly execnt!, and oa short nollae. All Kind at aljT-nani- Fancy Pastry Lumber Dealers, triLt. err to order bills of all kind on hort and their CHxtomert generally produced by derangement .( tt B,; ache. Pain In tho Shoulder, Congtn, Tivhtnen ( tb- Chest, DIzzlneM, Bonr Ernctationi of the Stomarl Bad taate in the Month, Bilioui Attack. TilriltiUr of the Heart, Inflammation of tlio Lnng, Taia in t' regions of the Kidney, and a hundred other ptlcf. aymptom, are the offspring of Dyspepsia. They Invigorate the Stomach and itlmulate the tepid liver and bowels, which render them ofnnequai'.e efficacy In cleansing tho blood of all lmpnrltlft.t. Imparting new life and vigor to the whole srttcn. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruption, Tetttr.fa!: Spot, Pimples, Pnrtnles, Bcald-HeaRing-WorSore Eyes, elas. Itch, Scurfr, Dlacoloratlons ot the 61 In, Ilann and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or imv are literally dng np and carried ont of the syttrmki short time bv tho ne of theaa Bitter. On north cam s will convince thv uiost iucrcduluut ol Ik., . Cleanse tho Vitiated Blood whenever yon (Mt.l iiiiiui uir. kii I . iiik liiriii(;n me hlll III I lltipil. r.rtT I uwii.ur pi'ira, cicaiiftu iv wneil you llllll n ohslmi'li I and sliiveiHh in the vein: cleanse II alien Itlsfrnl.sr your leeimp win ten yon when. Keep the hloiwlfu: 111 KICIM wiiu .lie iivnibu vt ilia ItillOW, PIX, TAPE, and other WORMS, Inrktnglntt syslein of o liiniiy t lioiin ndf. are tee Inallr lclf ' edaud rcmoveil. For full rllrecllnn. r, the rireiilar aronnrt eneh hi.ttle, prhiteil In Jour Engliah, Ocruiau, French ud epanUh. J. WALKER, Proprietor. R. II. JTcDOXAlP. tt ff pruggUU and Gen. Airents, Fan Frnelsco, Caln 82 ard 84 Commerce Street, Kcw Tork. tP-SOBY ALL DBVGCISTS AXD CEALEE- - j rrft notiec, a usual. Is rauljlr miperudlng U ether preprtlous ft pmh Xlreml, Strut mat PTacMin MOILS, srsCrtT, r and Mber Crbtvlt Catn. PtrftcKf and lwrj$ rtadr r tmwudiau mm. T!i CUM CSTSakinirmJtrt IU WORLD, aad It WILL LAS9 OIt SEA, fa y climate, for wart. II I f !l eiUp1 of Uoutekctptrt, M:rri, Mariner, Eviifrtintf, . ta the la tvtrirctptct, Ike DZST YSiST POWVU nj l I r A'Kf f, 'w tht Ailrftm, supply the CuKji, M b'a.'iiy." DE.vLKr.sEVEHVwitrRR. l old nr uitocnns j Mannfactaml by DOOI.ET llring on j our Orders. SHOES C9 take in Tajment for Lumber: Grain, Stock, Store Pa; and Cash. NW i EUOTItEB, STREET, NEW-YOR- Will Of all kinds. can be obtained To all whom it mny concern. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT g fuiriizeil in Blaine's Ogden City, (tcr wnich the City Ordinance provide that a license must b obtained,) without first procuring license are liable to be taken before any Alderman of said City, and be etibjecteJ to a Fine. By order of the City Council, LESTER J. I1ERIUCK, Mayor. NOTICE all reasonable Hours at tht At CITY LICENSES. Shingles, itth, Pickets, nnd Cedar Posts on hand, or delivered on short notice. A GOOD MEAL Tweeds, We have also at our office for sale First-clas- s GOLD EX GATE PU CHOP HOUSE. 1YI P S, Warranted not to freeze, and full satisfaction to purchasers. e-- . TII0S. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. to give II. B. SCOVILLE, Agent. Tho Office of the City Recorder is at the Office of the "Ogden Junction, " Seventies' Hall, neaf lie U. C R. OIUUJ U Is Digestive Urgane. DYSPEPSIA OR IXDIGESTIOX. WHITKURAD. J. WILLIAMS & CO. Gents1, LudioB .11 vlilch j...a lwhr. GEO ROE lJ-l- y Y Doeskins, Jeans, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims. nillou, Remittent and Intermittent Fever,' Diseases of the Blood, Liver, Kleiner, tod isiniiucr, tiicae uittera nave been moit larotnl- SacU Diacnara are canted by Vitiated Blarf of Pa will ha tk.i. f. il alitahliihuient. Uin m bfor pttrvhaing MADE TO ORDER. KEW BRANDS OF For Inflammatory aad Chronio Btrama tlnm and Gont. Drsneaala or ledin.n.. AND Summer Clothing A Large Stock of and Children's h young or old, married or .Ingle, at the dawn of manhood or at the turn of Ufe.theio Tonic BittenUn no equal. curative ttlicU Repair AND rURNLSHINGS. QJJUt Ilourifrom 10 a. m. till 8 p.m. THE Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, ICE CREAM, NOTICE. OGDEN JUNCTION mo J will CnARLES O. PllATT AX1) ALL OTHER.' You ar hrhv uolitW-r- t thH apimtrat the U. 8. Unl Office, &dt Ui'O'T. Iwfor th Rtistrar ami Koct'lver thereof, on 8mh dar of Jim, li!71, to prove my right toei'r nnor th provisiona of tha Art, u K U N. W. Lot 1 and t, 8c 30," Tim"hip . can af N. B. 1 W, at whii h time and plo.iwar and cento t, if 70a see proper. The Best in Town, always Carpenter's Tools. read-- . (OB PRINTING OFFICE lnifi-Mt- fu A Hoot uml Shoe Maker At the ulun of the Hit Root, Fifth Oirdcn. All kind of Hontr anil Shtiea male to onlrr. Ke-1'ixnluoe In executed. taken pair ueatly (myinent, TOC WANT A PAIR OF ROOD BOOTS OR Uo to SHOES, X PURE CANDY Hats&Sundowns i Ithcum, Blotches TF can be supplied with LADIES' (Trimmed and Untriinmed) ........ t HiiKufo an well ait n..i. FOR FEMALE COM PLAINTS, whethw FERAMORZ LITTLE. Hats. a poaseaslng also, tho peculiar merit of actin, as a puweriui agent in relieving ,ongeaiion nrlnfl.m niatloa of the Liver, and alt the Vleceral Organ. FOR THE A lll.TAIL TRADE. ut 22-t- il Pu Tonic, DUPERINTENDKNT. GENTS' - vio-le- . uiuau i ui.ilii Shade Trees! ,f ' J. WALKlB rreprletor. k U. McDoniui I'o. O.a A U. 8a Fr.wiMO. CU, aait an 1 C.bm2?1L .'11 Bitters are ot a Tilt Fnncy Drt',k Leering Ogden City 6 a.m. and Salt Like City, Tlnesar Made or Poor Ram. Whlnkry, Proof S.lri 4.40 p.m. on wltlch full fare will entitle the pur chaser of a ticket to return on the aaine day and and Uefuao I.lqaora doctored, ipiced and irw train free. On and after the 1st day of Mar, 1371, enedto pUme tho taau, called "Tonic "AddmIi. the Accommodation Train will only stop at era," " Reatorers," Ac, that lead the tippler oi to HouperTill in addition to th regular utatiout. drankenncs and ruin, but are a trna Mcdklne, niife PaaMngera will please purchaie their ticket at from the Native Boota and Berbi of California fret the offices, Fifty cent additional will be charged from all Alcoholic 8tlmnlnnt. THn wueu um iar i coueoteu on (lie train. GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER andM LI Ft i.r., a pcncci jienoratot ut IuTlgoratorof the Sj item, carrying off all polMmw FARE3: $1JP natter ana reonng in niooa to a nealtliy eonditu, Ojden to Kayarill can take theae Bitten according to iltn. " tl.Go Xo pereoa Farmington and remain long unwell, prorlded their bona tloni CentrTill are not bj mineral poioa or other netai, " Wood' Cro U2b and tlie aesiroyea vital organi waited beyond th point o(tt. " Salt Lak City $2.b0 pair. For all Information fluDMrninv Traiirht nr mg, apply to D. 0. CALDER, Uen'l Ticket and Freight Agent. Is supplied with the latest improved facilities for turning out every description of FULL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Etc, Etc o GIVE ME A. CALL. la the finest mj hand Vl'ituoss 40-- JOB PRINTING All Orders addressed to D. II. 3? EERY, Ogde:i City, will have prompt attention. m tills loth ay of M.T, ,1 ... t sat THOMAS " BEAD. GROUND JTO LEASE. QEVERAL stjle. Wt O Bnioa VERY to .jnur. l'ae on ELIdlBLE the Soith-wes- l BCILPIS Cornur For particular apply to J AS. ilcOAW, Hie JcxeiiOK Utlir 't 39-- tf 1LB. CLAW SOX, SttpermtendeiU JOHN IL KELSON. t9-- 1 BOOKBINDING 1 W ALL ITS BRANOJH8. : j Dc-Lain- es. etc, constantly not dispute their right to certain lr Nile mining claims. . Now he appears to AT PUBLISHERS' TRICES. be very averse to t;pceeh, and cither aIm a f hale. Selection of Fane; Gooaa, CI gar, TiwaemiKTs nothing about himself, or i cunningly retioent. Jleing .vked Tobarcu, etc. tc, at our Depot, II room v n 3otf where he wns born, he said ho did Corner, Ogd City. YBe asked other ques uot kuow. OCDEN TANNERY. tions he scenic! dlsturlx-d- placed the TP YOU WUt'LD BB ELL FORT1HED, TRY JL b I A 1 U I a i j forefinger of hut light hiuid between Onnu ttk Ta,inrv and mm if will hii tell his teeth, looked ou the floor and said you a (1001) I.EATIIEH u tin lnwt, and aa cheap ilia cnupi in me tuaraoi. , nothing. - He looked as rugged as a a HU)K3 aud BARK WANTKP. woodehuck fat iu fact and is apJOSATHAS BROWNISO. or parently iot ok ie thuu thirty-on- e r thlrty4wa your M'jigc, ). llin hair and beard are matted, his clothes are a fadinl 'tla Jind altogether vrn unLDiKO. However rnstLv he hoks as though he belonged to a 1 or elegant,- U eomptote iu its adornworld as extinct as the glacial period. ment without its complement of IIAIE When ho made his appearance at the TREES; and they also add a beautj that will to the humblest dwelling town with the numer" hist notliiiijtelde or location. Snrinir ii the lima to nUnl them. Mr. A. C. l'yperean supply either Friday or Sat urday, ho was more than he had ever before been Locuat or Mulberry treea' in any desired number, from 2 in. to 3i in. in diameter Ken, and tried to commit Buieide by at the butt, and will deliver them on the w ith a head the himself ou .beating ii rs at S. L. City, at from 00 cents to .LrbclJI Yesterday; hi left oyo was M.U" eacb, A. C. PTPER. black, and nearly closed from a blow inflicted by his own hand. In the President Young Office, Salt Lake City f jail he is very tjuiet COKTIOM WHOLESALE COTTON I tm J.H.ECCLES&CO. from $0.00 to $12.00 9.00 6.00 Black Walnut Lounges, each...... 8 00 Tablet... Black Walnut Fall-LeCOO Black Walnut Cribs, each Walitand, 1! ii ran u, Rorklng Chair, Mat. trneve, etc., (fir., ut tMiu&lljr reilured price. All kinds of Carpenter Jt Job Work, 191 WILL RCI Goods. Bedstead. Chairs, per et pja. DAILY. (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Sortog&S-- ner Wool : TMH ACC011110DAII0.il OP Cuinpriws a Nil and complete assortment of Krugt aud MioJiciuiM, ftuuu, Oils, Yaruish, Uriulicf aud taucy article. Y-v- , In addition to th abor an STOCK -, I p.n. Lear Salt Lake City daily at 6 a.m. and ArriT. at Ogdea at I a.m. aad 5 p.m. IMMEISE THE DRUtTiH'ARTMEXT -' win laare Ogd.n dally at I a.m., aad p.m. ArriT at Salt Uk City at 10 a.m. and Traini AN Xo--. 1 iwro, PUBLIC A CUOICB of O.naral MeKhandi, oouiliug TO TUB OTTERS orchards here in a thriving condition j Contain thchoiret lctlonof Wine. RrandlM, there will be many apples and peaches Alcohol, tc, all of winch ar new Iwiur wild price. rrcriptluu raised here this session if they are not t !b'; Vfrjr lowest powible carrfully compounttai by a Competent lrUCKt blighted.; The ennd bill cherry, the P.. All parties iwlehted tu tbe )t and ilrd and strawberry Mid gooseberry are here; 2nd Want Store ere requested to MtlleiUrcuiWle with tut Odea City and in a year or two we will be able to Institution. , raise grxprs e to. The city site is dotted E. BALLANTYNK, 40-with houses already, and a number more Buperiutendaut. are being built, the most of which are frame work, with shingle roof's. Our GREAT INDUCEMENTS!!! fences are principally live willow fences, the stakes being set 'early in the spring gives them a chance to grow, and before we know it we have to look through the gateway to tee those that ' are passing.;- -! r.x j.,- General Wood Turners, The irrigating canal for this precinct has already cost upwards of $9,0H), and considerable more labor will need to be CABINET dona on it before low water, other wise the late crops will suffer. Prenidcnt Hvlknap is the right man In 11. F.0CI.E9 an exrellent A. the right place, never getting weary of t CO. bare Manufactured and J . ortineut of Hum planning for the interests of the people iuiuortl 11 JMiawiwiuieui KM uieir n ut al over whom he preides. ' , ft on Maui street, tKien. svery article la war Our SabbatU and fast "wealing are ranted, aud will be acid well atlendetl, which proves that the peoCHEAFEK THAN ANYTHING ple are alive to their religion. Wishing wide OF THE KIND HEItETO- your paper prosperity, and a I subscribe myself, . , t FOR , FORE OFFERED Yours ie. UTAH. IN Jos. R, fesservy. SALE .t'xtVada Wild Mdu A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT. MlLLiu.B wear Testimony ta Caratlve Eflm-i- of DR. WALK Iilt'S CALlKOUit,, 1 mm. W IOXEEK LIXE OF UTAH. Confectionery, INSTITUTION, HoorMvru.K, May 80th, 1872. OiiUKN GOLDEN GATE UTAH CENTRAL s allr'l. Editor z. c. m. i. CITY BtSIXESS CARDS. ' UYKRY MERCHAKTAND PB0KK?ST0SAt 'U de W" 111 man should have a supply. !' jalhe bevt strlt of th art. |