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Show t .JJJ.IL...A..IJJ BY TELEGRAPIL ud SATURDAY, WEDNESDAY Manager, to wnom au be addled. " 7BKtM.WliulJ . ar now 111 attene to endowments but the lime will coaie arur dead .. 'xiinanoe must be attend .? . ee" a now attend to them:' Why has the Lord . .a that irnr fie" . . anaj rtenlura u,"",thev haVB quarter of a such fertility for It i because we are culled of Lot h. neglect Sbuild upZion. a l.orrAnness and Sterility (T w iAB ,,, Of iCUUkwb X OS . "Si 3 'a5 JSd of the Interior Department, and Joseph H. Black, Gen. Supt. f foreign mails, as a board. , Ui Chicago, C. .J The case of Thomas Sheehan against the I. C. R. R. Co. is on trial before Judge Davis. This is a suit to recover damages laid at one hundred thousand dollars, for alleged unlawful use ef a patented prooeas Jbr case - hardening VI iron. Washington, 6. The Japanese Embassy, who have been investigating the financial system and machinery of this Government, especially the National Land feature, think eriously of adopting it, and have made proposition to two or three treasury officials to go to Japan and assist in inaugurating it. The offer will probably bo accepted. The strike of the colored laborers is ended.. When the laborers presented themselves for work they were' greatly surprised at being informed that the contractors were at present well supplied with white labor. The Ceusus Office is paying the accounts of the Assistant Marshals who took lite census of 18U0. In the scco-din- g States it is directed by law to pay only those who present proof of loyally salisfautory to the Secretary of the Interior. C. Cox, Siwsud to the Oidin Junction by tb Atl&atleaoii Pacilic Tslegrtjih Company. The VersaillisW StlU Want More Blood! Departure for the North Pole! Reduction of Cable Telegraph Rates! , Japan Adopts the Ameri-ca- n System of Finance! blessings will be God will make and upon us, H AMERICAN. New York, 5. In all the Catholic Churches of New ( Ana York and Brooklyn, the grand collection L..i.pnfthe New Jerusalem. for the l'ope was taken yesterday. what can not be done with such The Timet speoiul from Washington of the 5th says, among the witnesses to Le on earth, und examined before tho Ku Klux iuvtsti-eratio- n .ill be Ilk a Leaven will deliirlit to look un i committee are, Judge Orr aud LT. S. There is another thing I wish to Mr. Pride of N. it jlrt "r C, painter; er tne noru u " of S C; the Attorney General fil satined in my mind that it would of S. C; Hun. D. H. Chnuberlain has us to abstain from the also been summoned. Witnesses have hf,r better for liquor, tea una coffee been summoned from four States: tobacco, of ute North and South Carto partake of them. ljCI) Ala--bam- a, Missisippi, olina. Fi,lr Cannon then read an extract The Governments of tho Southern Doctrine and I imi the Word of Wisdom States are responding, generally to And referred to scut them by the Commissioners, Corentnts. page 240. who were lately having the information it called for. families of two he one The sub Commissioners will continue to Jtngerously poisoned through partaking take testimony of a. general character, cheese, and con- all through this month. The nature of some unwholesome this testimony will determine wLether Itinued: families eould be poisoned by the Ku Klux Commisssion meets in Sephow many could tember. The Commission does not now etliDg imported cheese, imported or expect to remain here through July and drinking by poisoned l, . .trvchoine whiskey which will kill a man Augut-tCSl.,.11 ..... l nnt'mtta Irt IIUA Next Wednesday is now set for the : rocs d wu"U5 it forty and lose the promises ? or departure of Capt. Hall, who is now lucre .hIiIm them and receive here, aud will remain until his vessel shall we discontinue n leaves. The detention from Saturday th blessings- - A great many of our testified that since this Word has been caused partially by testing b ofWisJom has been strenuously taught, some of his machinery; and the crew .k.. i,.o l,.nL rmtier. been less ner- - w ill be taken on board before she leaves the wharf hero, Esquimaux Joe and his tous, td a better appetite, and enjoyed belter health everyway, may iue i.oru wife, who are in Conn., will be taken o:i at Brooklyn, New York. Hmj us, and help us to observe His Tho report of tho refusal of President Amen. are the people Grant to appoint Geo. Meagher, son of Choir sang, (Icn. Meagher, lo West Point, is denied. that know the joyful sound.' Mrs. Mengher, the young man's stepDeneUictton by I'res. Ueo. A. smitn: mother, recently. intimated, to the memThe greatest interest was manifested bers of the Irish Brigade in this city, It the people throughout the meetings, that he would like to enter West Poiut A delegation visited the ui oa Sunday, particularly in the after-tee- s, Academy. and were told be would do President, to was the crowded the Tabernacle all he could for the young boy, and that find Dot could and numbers Jours, great tie gave the few appointments in his I mm to enter the building. power to sons of meritorious officers. The President and party left for Salt Tammany, however, hearing of t be President was the action, probable 5 train Utah at Central Use City by and by his instructions. Conafraid, 1 p.m., a irge concourse of people gath gressman 1'osevell. made the appointment himself, and informed Mrs. Meaering at the depot to witucss their de gher, who has accepted bis action. Ths parture. boy, meanwhile, is in Ireland. JtiTici's Court. Justice Egglcston Boston, 5. The hundred and thirty third anniwa engaged an Monday last, iu the in- of tho ancient and hono-ab- le of a case which caused con- - versary Artillery Conipaay is being commemoiJersWe interest. Mrs. Dopror, a lady rated Taking tho State and rho arrived from Salt Lake City about city officials under escort, its battalion Old South Church, and tiro weeks since, sought to recover from proceeded to the listened to a sermon from the Kcv. M. the House ?25, proprietor of the Ogden of the Unitarian Church forth loss of a shawl, which she alleg- of Unity The annual dinner kIso took ed kid been deposited with him, with her place. The election of officers will fake in the p m. Nearly three hundred It appears from the evidence, place 'iWge. nicjsfetia) participated. ' that Mrs. Duprti did not New York, 5. put up at the hotel on her Of the one hundred and six members arrival, but after sending Iter trunks there with the shawl in ques of the Commune and Government, Piatt remains at large. tion, which she gave to a boy who wae alone FaiiS special! say the VtrsiilUlsts iu with the hack that convoyed them, shi tend to imprison or execute all Insurreceived an invitation to slay with Mrs. gents who. took a lead in the revolution; Moore. On sending for her trunks, the tiiata.ll the bloodshed, has uot appeased their thirst for revenge. (haw! wag missing, and Mr. Mahon White' Stockings," "A same between Inew nothing about it. Mr. Kcithley Chicago, and Mutuals," New York, was ippeared for complainant, and Mr. A. played at Union Ground, Brooklyn, toresulted in victory tor the Miner for the defendant. The case was day, and It was a splendid contest. Mutuals. iismissed for lack of evidence. was ijaued to day: The - followivg On Tuesday the ene of Pool v. Alien "Notice is hereby given, that on and vi investigated in the s,me court, after Saturday, the .first of July, the tariff between New York City, New Vr. Minor app?ai in f r Mr. Pool, Mr. L'nIund Mates, Dominion of Canada, foiihly for Dr. .Allen. Tb.o complain-H- I I'riuee Kdward'B Island, St. Pierre and fought to recover thesam of $G.Go Newfoundland., and Great Britain, IreAboard and lodging furnished to Dr. land and France, will be ten dollars in not exceeding ten fin during a period of more thn gold for messages uute ana address, words, including tire months. r iu gold for each Against this the defend-"- t and The tariff will apply put in a bill for medical services to additional word ft of messages, except those to all clas-seamount of $85.00. that Believing of the Governments of the United States, fte Dr. was about to leave the country, France, aud the United Kingdom of Mr, Pool had attached the Dr's. horse, Great Britain and Ireland: and cypher limitU attachment was released yesterday messages double rates. The rule lo fifty words of the messages length ing on its morning, and tho case tried ,, to be discontinued after July fir.it. ' Beritg. ,P. COOPER. Signed, ' Mr. Pool's bill was allowed. Dr. AlPresident of the New York, New- tai's bill rejected on 'he grounds, as foundland, and London Telegraph Company." " ' wgned by plaintiff s attorney, that he Chicago, 5.' as pract thing as & physician without lor the Th following appointments My certificate from the Board of exami Pullman Palace Car Company have just ordi-"acW!ion as the city reqn!red by been announced by its President, G. M. Defendant's attorney took an Pullman, namely: U. P. C, G. HamTpeal to the District Court. mond, late Superintendent U. P. RailB. Pullman, GenFor tub President. A tnaguificent way, second V. P ; A. Marvin llugheit, eral Superintendent: Illinois palace car arrived from San Frans-'isc- o lute General Superintendent on Monday last. It is constructed Central R. R.; Chas. W. Angel continues The I nllman Company f n almost endless variety of woods, as Secretary. here this year! Works intend erecting Uglily polished and beautifully matched. for manufacturing their cais which will SL- - . '. . . . . . . iron work and the whole material employ one hundred men. ' of California Washingtin, 5. production, and it was . "'ide by the Kimbnll Manufacturing the Among the' ease to tome before Company.The ear has been forwarded to Spanish Claims Commission is that of JJtshington, and will be tendered to Capt. Griffith, af the schooner "Lillas," "fesident Grant, for bis use while on his who was imprisoned at Sogua La Grand, ,riP to California. The Cuba, by the Spanish authorities. The finest Scotch Ales and Wines history of this case has already been 4 Liquor, pure, sparking and rich, given in the despatches. l the The contracts for stationery for the Pioneer Drug Store, Main street. Interior Department, for the fiscal year ea. Ths best brands in the Terri-ta4G-about to commence, has been awarded . , to Messrs., Dempsey and ,0'TooU-- of 45?" Lnger Boer for tae will get about two and thirsty, they Washington, fe Lager Beep for the weak, --feij e thirds of the heavy iiems, and uimy-fivDufor. Lager Ber for the strong, -- gjj Mr. and rioes: of tho .r pni Lager Beer for everybdy. -- ifea of N.Y., will get all the remainder. The r bs had Kel-0I the drink or quart, at by Pre-idehas appointed uud'-- th secGolden Gate Ch.,p House. F.fb act of March 3rd, 1871, G.W. the of tion 'reet, Ogden. 25 cts. per quart 10 cts. of N. Y., Joseph Mellville, ot Curtis, f glass. 46.2 i., Chicago, Ex Senator C'atett, oi 4 E. K. Birioked Eicellcnt Berf, Salmon Oavisoa A W.lker, ;Of penna.. . D. Trout, cheap, at O.H. Tribe's. Elltolt,"of the Trcasarr rHrnrtmem, FOREIGN. . Versailles, Correspondence. '" Bkioham, June 3, 1871. " Editor Ocdes Jcnctioh: Dear Sir, Yesterday afternoon when Franklin Snow ( son of President L. Snow, aged 14 years) had bitched a span of gentle horses to a carriage at his father's yard, he happened to be in the carriage before the bridles were buckled, when the horsts took jrigtit, caused, by some Indians passing, and started, nildly over tbs bars, which were only half down, took a straight course to the northern limits of tho city, thence turning proceeded to the southern limits, when they turned eastward, passing the cemetery, and by some eniangloment were forced to stop near the mouth of the kanyon, where the boy jumped out, and Dr. 0. C. Ornisby, jun., who was in close pursuit on horseback, soon overtook them aud hindered them from going further, AH efforts to bring them to n stand while passing through the city were vain. Frank was unhurt. One ot the horses was badly injured and the tongue of the carriage and the axle-tre- e were broken. A wonderful escape indeed. Respectfully, A. C. t . figg" Who has found the See advt. C. Z. G. M. WOODMANSEE'S DEY GOODS GEOCEEY NEW STORE; nXTX STREET, of Ltitest Stjle Th Xew Good's, Lawns, snd a full complement of SUMMER London, 4. A telegram received from Odessa con- LOST, WeEKS S1SCK. BsTwBSif blue Yutmn Citv moil Oeilfii, OVtRCOAT, UiBud. withulk velvet collar. Will tb finder plean Iwv it at ths Oumn Jcnction Ottir, Ogdtn City, and b luilatily i (warded by 46-- 1 JOHN THOMAS. TWO ABOUT tains information of An alarming conspiracy in that city, which .was discovered in time to avoid the most dreadful conscqueuces which otherwise would have ensued. The Russian population evinced their hatred of the & FARMING Jews residing in the city. The feeling lately prevailed to such an extent as to render the lives of Jews precarious. The llussians were determined to rid the MAIM STREET, OOIHV, city of the Jews at oue blow, and formed I lie MD. HAMMOND, a plot to uiaxsucpo them. The conspiraTithing Office, bu for lain tors were to assemble armed, and in St hulller and Light Spring force, on a given day, aud at a preconWagons, at reduced rates. certed signal, fall upon the Jews, and put them to the sword without mercy. Buck7 Rasper and Movers, Sulk; Hora tUkas,riowi, luiuraiora, etc. The plot was revealed to the Jews, who communicated it to the authorities, at Wa(on Timber, Iron andSttet, of all klndt and lie. . , the same time imploring protection. Measures were taken to arrest the leaders. ' In the meantime, a panic prevails in the Jew population in the district. fortu-tunate- ly GOODS. Piquns, Poplins, Alpueas SHOE DEPARTMENT is complete ia lihiens, lelaliie, (J cuts', Iadien', Sllftses and Children Parasols, Ribbous, etc.. Ia endluu variety. California and other HOOTS AND SHOES. Croquet Slippers, Jnnlettaei. , GENTS AND LADIES' Summer Hats 4. wards the restoration " The telegragh lines will be working again by Saturday. Piqna. 3IarfieII!e, Fine ShawlH, Vr.' part of In Confuting t . Poplinii, Grenadines, 4. A GENUINE JEWELRY. ' READY-MAD- and all the latest styles. V Also ', II ATS and CAPS) . Ladies Sundowns, Glpslefl. Allison's, Gents Straw and Panamas. ' Carpets, Mosquito Bars, E CLOTHING and Shades. NEW A OP LOT READY-MAD- E ' CLOTHING. A full Stock of GROCERIES, WAKE, eta., eto. , Call and Examine. Boots and Shoes. . Window Curtains A MS IMPLEMENTS. HARls- : Full Aaeortment of GEOCEEIES, To all the Feoplo ia tke different Settlement. Queenswarc, Glassware. YOU CAN GEX A.T Hardware, " ta-o- p'l.6...ws,'.' STEAM SAW MILL. d infinitum. And NOTIONS H. DINWOODEY'S i.. i ! t J f ' Lit iUlUllti U1VUUI Eaut Tomplo Street, SALT LAKE CITY, 1 Miiminotli Circus. Mr. Chas. C. Pell, agent of Madam Lake's Hippo Olympiad and Mammoth Circus, is iu town making arrangements for performances in this city, to commence on Wednesday evening, June 28th, and continued on the afternoon and evening V " of Thursday tho 2'Jih. A grand free Balloon Ascension, by Professor Miles, will take place ou Thursday, June 2'Jth, at one o'clock. Madam Lake has a superb troupe of to-ls- y. their large and well assorted Stock, just received, eon- sitting, in part, of CJDEX TVlth a full Aiwortaient of WANTED. sis-te- DEPARTMENT, Call attention to . The probable result of the sittings of (ho National Assembly is the cause of great excitemcut. COMPETENT MILLER. LIBERAL It i believed that the decree of the wages given: apply at Coalville Mills, Bourbon Pr nces will be abrogated. Newspapers generally disapprove such a Coalville, Summit County. R. H. Porter. course, which they say will be a step to- 46-- rs AND : over-coa- t. ' I. NOW OPEN! I. J .1 TIES A Co. Having commenced business again at their Steam Saw Mill on the Middle Fork of Ogden All of which will be Hold fut Cheap an the Cheapest. C. WOODMANSEE, Main Street, Ogden, 3G-- tf Kivcr, NOTICE. - Good Chairs for 15 par (Knocked down and boxed,! Iow, 88 and SO. Fall Loaf Tables Kitchea Tables are prepared to fill Bills of Lumber in mO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN TUAT CAFH any quantity,' on short notice, and at I tiitry. Xo.tiW Tuwu Kite. VOIIsYill. City, Walnut Buroau. ) Witt glut,.,- ,. ) Cuche.Cv.nty, Utah, mart May lirtb, 1K71, eat- the very Lowest Rates. w B s .V t. y. and low 1 and br.ciiiK tt. E. U 8. W. U' and S. E. X. W. V !W. .'I; W. W Walnut Bedstoadt, ' f. 8. W. H. N Ki and V. Lot 4 " .11 QlA .... -- ' .,: V . ! Soc. 0; W. ann r.. . '4 see. ti l p. iu . artistes, and hertock of horses are un & j S: W U 8. W. i' Sf. 44i and H E '. taction No. Ul surpassed by any company in the United Orders filled at the " ill or delivered in In Towiubip 11 North 1 nf Rannu containing tnhabi- 116(1 acre, linn Wu mnAe in trut for It Ogden City. States."1 Their advertisement wil: be in tantx. and it mm ready to tm uirpored of in iota scrted in a few days, when it will be re Ui any penon or perann. entitld tlivrrto. All r.reun. .lainiini to be the ownar or powee- ferred to more particularly. tor of any portiua of wid entry will take due (' $10 to ' i. V . $17. - 1 1 HsF All the delicaoi?s of the season v at G. II. Tribe's V viili-2- Teams wanted to haul Lumber on Shares from the Mill to Ogden. makes the best ale and beer that has ever been All Orders addreseed to BARJARD WHITE, brewed in this coun'r, and sells it at Fourth Streot, Ogden, will receive prompt attea 3tf . tiou. reasonable rates. Malt and bops are materials which he uses, and he is not RALPH ufraid to drink what lie sells to the public. Families can be supplied with FRESH AND SALTED MEATS CON small kegs on application at the STANTLY ON HAND. Brewery. 83tf U. P. BaEWF.T.-Mr,.Lan- dt . DOUGLASS, ntTTCIIISU. notice and make tho application a provided in the statute ol ttub. wattAM MArOHA.V, Mevor. 3u-3Wellsvllle, Mny 11, 1871. beginning west of Willard City and con tinuing the work to Ogden. It is the intention of the company to extend the fence along their line from Willard to Cearriver.t ... . LADIES' (jo-oPEiu- . IMC Ogden, WITH A TVLL STOCK OF IHOSIERY IjIj 1 3XT J3 2L w locomotives Nsw t arrived here from the East on Sunday FANCY GOODS. last, and went on the same day west The Ladienof Northern Utah ars reepectfully ward. Tbey are designed for the Cali lnited to call and inspect befuro purcliaaing else where, , fornia Paciflo Railroad. e. J- J- Go to G. H. Tribe's for the best cheese in Utah. 45-2- 3Irs. PENROSE Min been enraged m the Millinery Department, and a I imitate Drewmaker will be in attendance to receive orders. 43lf Articles good and prices moderate. Crocker, P.'R. R., arrived here in a special car from the CORRECT RETURNS OF AN Y KIND OF ORE the (Uorteet nuticrund ou reaawnable West on Monday, aad went, tie same PARPE & BOESSEL, day to visit the coal works at Evanston. m Main Street, Ogden. He returned to Ogden.on!"Tue'sday even ing and went to Salt Lake City. 'Faosf THi , WBST.T-Char- RE OPENED. Theatre. Notices of the Theatre and Concert are crowded out till Phillips' our next issue, 7. TUB HOUSE WPIITE i... - pii:i. At Brigham City, June 2nd. r ot ef lung fever, Pollt Akn. a duughier of Orson and Susanna Pulsipher, aged 11 months. Also, William Wii.fohd, son of Jona than C. and Mary June Wright, aged si i, weeks, five dsys, pu jthe, same djy; complain lung"feTer4i -- " : oo to tf Jtet in Utah BANK EXCHANGE, " BE E.N TIMKOLUllLY , . FRAMES, ETC., KEPT OV HAND BILLIARD HALL. Finst Hall in tbe City. Ever attention given to customers. M. BCCIIMILLER. & P. BREWERY MALTING HOUSE, Ogden, APOLPIl Lua. LAXDT. LAOXR PROPIUETOIL Cool and BparkUng, alwaya on baud. Saloons and Families Supplied. Orders ant from rertona residing iltine tb Rati road Lino, and tbe enrrosnriinff Town will be tiled it tit rat of per eight (al firomptly Tbe uric, of Malt t!J b. rocnleM Wy the for. rent market prim of train. A liberal allovttnoe 3IU will bo made to agents. SUMMER HERD. CJTOCK HERDKD DURINt) Tl( SUMMER AT a.7 a M'Li(.vi RA.tLiUi uear ugoeu totioy it the lollowing low rates: . Hones, till Norombor per bead $1.00 -. .Ier Month ' " 2.M) Uurned Stock, till November firt " " " 1.2j per.Moulh int Stock will be reroired at the Titbinf t'orrul, fvery SaturUajr. fotety guaranteed. Ogiton, P. A. HAMMOND, I). Mcl. A. W. COOLEr. 42tf r ASSAYING. Assays of every dtfcripiion of ores made and returns given witbin twelve hourssby JOIIS REED, Logan, Cacho County. do t lernis Reasonable. IMPORTANT TO WINERS. KVAKi ASSAYS ORB WIIH DISPATCH f) , at biJotBce, Sixth nrreet, Oiiden. Rjifcrence own be had at un Jusoiok Printing Ofilce. T MADE T) ORDER. 6 by 6ft. 6, ana by 6ft. 8. DOORS, 82ft. 2ft. . STEAM PLANING MILL SMf U. ASP 1 JJatn Street, Ogden. MAJK 8TRKCT. fXJPliN. Rtf AIRED AND up with appointment complete in No pain, have been upared to every particular. make it a FIRST ChkA 110TKL. Tbe tabbM ith all the productions of tin w,ll be furoiKhwl setwu, and will le mcuud Ui ooue in Ulan. The House ie 0.en for the reception of OiicjU and the axccmmodatKn of Traveler. Tertut leammable. MEAL HOURS. Brw kfa.t, from till 9 o'clock. " " 12.00 ' 2 Dinner 1M u 6.V) Fitppor ' Free1 Coin t from all Retulac eyiwice- 'to an " R. J. UAKKISON, Tra'ns. 37tf Proprietor. HAS tf t ft. TIX Willi:, The Cheapest and ASSAYINGS. 41-- 1 C. R. O ies EsqtTice-PresidentVtbe- TT. MAIN STREET, OGDEN. . THE SERVICES OF On. and a half Ittovks Eatt of i INSTITUTION, E.Ndikia,i-Twon- BALT LAKH CITY, V E S SASH. DOORS. o. znsv rL o 33, MOULDINGS, The IS YOV WANT SOUTH TEMPLE STREET, The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars iu the Market. mi Mniu Street, IF AX1 OGDEX CITY, UTAH. oue-dolla- - ST Raii.rob Fencing. Mr. .Superintendent Campbell informs us tfiat ho will this week commence to build a substan tiul fence on each side of tho C. P. R.R., . , LATIMER & TAYLOR, AMre. V. 0., Bps SHS. Dunford & Sons, SALT LAKE CITY, Are still driving an exclusive Boot, 8boe and Hat Trade, Wholesale aud Retail, at tbe ! Mammoth Boot, Shoe, and Hat Store, EAST TEMPLE STREET. We have a large and Tnried Stock of tbe above Gonds on band, and are receiving fresh Goods from the East and West every day; al.o a good supply of Custom JIade BooIn and Shoes, of tbe best quality. All of which we are determined to sell at tbe very lowest possible prices. Exnniine our Goods and Frlocs before purchasing elsewhere. 22-Si- a |