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Show 6 v f1 f t gunrtion. CO)dcu SUBSCRIPTION. A,, ' '"" Devoted to News, Literature, Urates of advertising. a 20 5.50 tliO a ? o. 46. tia $4 $7 s It T 4.SO BOO $17 $30 $V2 at a; H 13 Ml Si (1 5.00 8..W 11 IS 24 34 5i 84 g 40 14.40 16 22 3s 41 76 114 17.00 2i.40 29 38 64 84 115 170 Bunineu Crd $4 per month. Column, Special Noticed will be charged ,.V,.fi,e cent, per line for the flrnt laiertion, id filtwu ceuw per line for every nubacqiieiit nd '"fiwiMt adrerti.iiiK to be paid for in adrai.ce. f teu line of type of tun A,u.re eoit '' vlarlv adertiwn allowed to chanire at pleamre, of tvreuty-tiv- e .iTnnlv the additional eharjn for eomp.wit.ou, hut they will he EXTRA for occupying npuce over con- not marked on the copy with the Trfverliieiiunt ,,' r 0f iuwrtiona, will be published at our op-until ordered out, and charged at tran.ient "UnVEBTISKMENTS inserted till forbid, will be and catinuw! nntil ordered out, in every intuuice, C . advertia-Iand half yearly Tl,rurivilMt" f yearly and restricted to theirdirect line of biwine, inland Auction, Heal Estate, or other advertine-eu- uwill be chargft.re.gn to their regular trade, '"vrAdwrtiMmenti from the States will be without the caidi (at our advortiwd raton.) "rder- - ",llei" fr"m 0Ue of WUr rmnanvinK ttlar authorised Advertising Agmita. of mterent to the At communication devoid or intended to promote private interet, Li "h. charged a advrtuwmenU, and payment in character we i ISJiTtlie right to reject any article, or sdver'-w-i- t P"'"" "'I'"- vf thin clam. FEN ROSE, Editor. C. W. OCDEN DIRECTORY. SecretW J.tr.Am'-- M. C. At'ontft S sipt' Indian Hempstead, E. Tourtellotte. Affairt--J. C. Clement B. Over- - fyirrtuor-Gtn.vnl-- lUctiitr of Unwell 11 S. Join P. Taggart. Ai'r Hollister. ColbxtorO. Jmlkei. cii C ilonict3. Vu'-li- 15. iMoewfc JutlkuQ. XL Hawley. II. Auditor Weber County OHIoer: F. and D. Judgt County StUtt Clerk If' Leiiter J. Ilerrick, Henry tticlird llallnntyne. and Rerordtr?. S. Richard. rroittuting AUornry Aureliu Miner. William Ciitchlow, Kotariu Vahlk Richard. Artr William Brown. F. 8. Aurtmtt.and Collteivr rraurrr t'ort-nf- Sanford Iirnel Canfield. Superintendent ofScltoolt ton. Win.W. Bur- City Government:, 2d Thomson, Wtn.W. Burton, 3d Israel Canfield, AV. Charles W. Penrose, ftrr, Horatio B. ScoTille. We, Rteordrr XvtKal David Winslow Thos. G. Odell. W. N. Fife. TreuMurer r Aaron Farr. David Jenkins. Collector S. Bingham. Aaar midPolice V. G. inaiViU. a.m. Wt Uke Citv, daily . rt, Throneh Mail dally . Sortu, Through Mail daily " Local, Box Elder County, daily Ewt, Through Mail daily . T.M 7.30 7.80 7.30 4.30 a.m. a.m. p.m. Wt Lake Citv, daily . Wert, Through Moil dully . N"rth, TliniiijHt Miitl diiilv " lK-allns Elder County, daily l!at, TUrougU Mail daily . 4.00 4.00 3.46 3.46 8.U0 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. ajn. .... MAILS. CL0H1M0. farb and Wh County Wedneadayi 3.30 p.m. uid Sttnrdave . ?rtli Oislei. Mondnvs and Thnrsdaye 2.30 p.m. .0C a.m. llnnlKTille Wedncmlava and Satunlayi 3.00 p.m. JMaiB City Momluyn and Thnrndaye 4 00 p.m. anerdiOe and Saturday! Weilueadnyg and Alma Wednesday) and 1 . 2.0a.m. . . . . Saturdavi OKKICK HOURS. tMOeral Delivery open from S a.m. to 6 pjn. Sundjy b p.m. to 9 p.m. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT Oprn from 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Oulid Uuot ojx'n from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ISAAC MOORE, Postmaster. nIr Trains rloiln tmlll fll1tini 'ce, for Salt. Lake City at 8 a.m. or extra trains Bee p.m. Table.) p0r the East, at 8 a.m. " West, a,t 5.85 p.m. Arrive from Lake City, 7 nd 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 rora the West, 6.35 a.m. 8lt 1 H. and lime For a.m, p.m. Salt Lake City Time. "held The French Assembly Rejects a Proposition for Amnesty! , Count de Chambord didate for the French Throne! . Petitions for the Resto- . ""'" ration of the Bourbon , The-oronr- Family! Amnesty to the Commu nist Prisoners! Recompensation to Mc Mahon's Army! ; , Devene,-rendere- . - , ... - Alarming Conspiracy in ran, - Odessa! " Welcome to ohenclc on his Arrival in England! . ! : -J ' cM Ogden FostOfllec: MAILS. ABB1VAL AND CLOSING nlna to-d- ay Cherry deposed from the Ministry! it Taylor. JmUirx of the retire S. Eggleston Cvutablt C. F. Middleton. OfUin of LeATA Rev. y, Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 18fil. Municipal election biennially en the weond Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Mondiiy evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. itnifor Lester J. Herrick. Aldermen?. A. Brown, 1st Ward; Cottniffcr Miners Strike in California! er Bing-La- Win. N. Fife. r foot by the United States, and the order sury Department it advised that there gressive motion was 'five miles an hour, o General Sickles was to give the Span is quive an Immigratiooi from Western and was watched with fearful anxiety by the terror stricken inhabitants. Its path Special to the Oonts Jcsctioji by the Atlantic and ish governineut one week in which to Canada to Manitoba, ia British North Facile Telegraph Company. make answer. aa from 60 to 80 feet wide, and about America i .,. etrfK-.--- t Kansas City, 2. irir'.New York, 3. , three miles in length, aud upon this Mace was arrested at Wyandotte The Forest City base ball club of Rock- - space nothing was left alive. '' Hedging this forenoon, but the sheriff had no ford, played their third game in this vi was burned to a crisp; green wheat and warrant, and the party escaped. Mace, cinity (today,, with the Amateur Star. corn was turned yellow,, and prairie Allen, Cusick and Haywood, with a Odds in betting were on the' latter, and grass presented the appearance of hav party, assembled three miles south west betting men were badly beaten. It re- ing oeen puueu up oy tne roots ana ari-eC. C. of there, on the 9 ate line, at noon. sulted in favor of the Forest City. in the sun. Just previous to the apA private letter from a trustworthy They put up the ropes, and Mace wnt pearance of the tornado, the air was sul raris, 5. into the ring and summoned ColArn. sour in Berlin, says the National par try, and its oregin may probably be at An order of the day issued by MoM-- . The latter not appearing, the referee. ty in itussia is urging the Liar to war tributed to the electrical influence, belion, to the marine and soldiers of hi Halliwood, declared the stakes forfeited against Austria, iu order to prepare the sides heat aud sparks which it exhibited, ,, to Mace. Coburn is still in New York, way to Constantinople, by weakening the it had all the appearance of a water army, praises their courage and duvo-which the hands delivered of Paris tion, it is said. MaCe and Allen have been HupsDiirg.' Whether the Ciar will allow spout on the oeean. The scene of its deout of the wretches who iutended to re-- " exhibiting at the Walnut Btreet Theatre himself 'o be led inU this adventure is etruction is being .visited by hundreds, duce it, and says the Assembly is about, to immense crowds. difricu'' to predict.' ' The temptation is and it will, at least, furnish a grand subto give them the worthiest recompcusa- ' would 2. remain New York, neutral, ject for scientific investigation, and re lion Cangreat" Germany by voting that they have deserved ' It is 'stated that, contrary to general ex and Franco would hardly be in a position ligious terror. well of their country. The streets in would do be a to still his John P. it Huleie much, . always pectation, recovering FOREIGN- the city have been reopened to' traffic, health and his friends talk of putting great ' tehture greater from the faot , i Paris, 2. the barricades have all disappeared: ho sevhim in the political field again. t!ie Russian army will rtquire that and exit will be free on Satur pavements are repaired, and (here is Entry per;, A bcunton special says the feeling eral year! td Complete it new organizaday for foreigners, on identification of feet order everywhere., The police. are - ' against Williams, mine inspector, was tion. their papers,, "Court' all ar: csting suspected persona. He left that jury yesterday,1 in the very great at Pittston. Active measures are in progress for martials have been established hi Cher- It case of Mrs. Maria Devene, held for kill place for his house at Wilkeborre. , , the, city. bourg, for the trial of prisoners sent, a dimuteoting thought if he had not done so he ing her hjnband, B. MaBi shops are yet closed., ., ,, j there by the provast marshal., Service would have been banged in the street by verdici 'of justifiable homicide. The The Journal Vet Debatt says the men is carried out at the Theatre Du Chute-- ' was from the exasperated miners. discharged custody. prisoner of the 4th of, Septomber have outlived let in this city, where summary" Inventi A Toronto dispatch says the Dominion Dr. i arlton, tbts morning, publishes a beir time, Ulner papers, supporting gallons are held prior to the trial by the Government, has not agreed to ratify nor card, stating tjat in as much as certain Thiers and tbe Republic, protest against military oourts. feearch still tonlumea even commend the ratification of the atfidavt's not yet presented to the courts, monarchical and demand the intrigues .Many have , been found. and others have transfer of tbe assembly of Paris. The vigorously. treaty. In Nova Scotia so great was the signed by John Danohan Arrests continue on a large calo, chief the papers, making damag- Gvuloit alarm excited by reports that the treaty appeared A says Palis must submit to the ly Guards, and soldier had or was to be ratified by the Ottawa ing allegations against the financial man- will of Frauoe. is strict the oa watch bauk of kept right of book Methodist concern, Government, without reference to Par- agement the Lonil on, z. the koine, and .sentinels challenge, all liament, that the authorities telegraphed it is proper to him to say, that aa an..Victor Hugo baa arrived in London at night. , , .f , . passes to know whether or not Ihe Dominion swer, fully meeting and refuting the .Versailles. 2. , . , . . " Government was free to deal with that charges is in course of preparation, and Discussion upon the eligibility of the M. Paschal Oroiissft," the twuirioti as soon as is it part of the treaty respecting the fishe will be "published Orleans Princes will take place in the Commune leader is arrosled. It w to the courts. ' ries. Assembly on Monday. " ' conjectured, he had effected his escape ' Washington, 3. Ottawa, 2. Rochefort will be tried to the provinces, but search revealed hi on Committee the The Southern out is It declared that Sir John McDonald The charge is inciting civil war and hiding place in Paris. Ho will be taken is not committed to the treaty, and an rages continned their investigation to ... , to Versailles for trial. pillage. anonymous letter in the same paper says day. .The testimony taken was princiThe search for arms continues. la view of prospective changes in the he is more likelyto oppose than to sustain pally relative to the Eutaw riot in South The press are nearly unanimous in French ministry, it ha been divided articles affecting Canada. The friends westers Alabama, senator Warren, and declaring for a Republic that Favre shall retain the port folio of of Sir John here are in receipt of infor Collector Miller, of Mobile were examin.. . Lisbon. 2. AMERICAN'. foreign affairs be now holds, and from two witnesses other names and whose ed, to conclu same which leads the mation The ministry is in tbe minority upon which it was intimated he was about to to make Committee 2. decline the San Francisco, sions. public. the marine question. A dissolution of retire in, favor of.tyuo De Broglie. Jules The jury in the Bowen bigamy cage tbe Cortes will The Republican Central Union Club The Timet Government organ, speak take place and pew eleo- - Simon also is toretain his present port hat united with the ward clubs in ask ing of the treaty at Washington, says rendered a verdict of guilty. A new ttous be hele in ; ,, folio; July. 'i of . ing the county committee to hold pri the people of Canada are not satisfied trial ia applied for on exceptions taken 2. ! . , 1 . . 4. Paris, Versailles, Bowen the bail trial. lab guve maiies for the election of delegate to with the assurauce that the reservation during Two thousand Communists will be im the announced It ii that' officially the State Convention in the ward clubs of the fisheries article for the approba- further attia of two thousand dollars.' prisoned in the Hulks' at Cboibourg Crown diamonds and je"?!, which asa hmYeen is have to is who mere of tion t our a not ascertained that a state Six hundred supposed It McCoppen, legislature arrived at said to have been seised and converted from here,' to the effect that port. majority in the han r rancisco delegation formality; that it is quite open to tbt ment teleg. uphed Into money by tbe Commune, buvu bcea . . L t! I.' .1 1...J of the Democratic Sta:e Convention, Parliament of the Dominion to deal with uiai aa ,i.iiijm"'nau uau uctiscu iv me Tbe Steclt advocates extensive decen recovered and are now in a place of says he is willing to accede to the de these articles in such a manner as it United stales Government the sum of tralization of the administration. at Versailles. ' safely mand of the ward clubs for rescinding thinks most likely to be advantageous to eleven milliot dollars. ' The will w bused -The Journal J)et .Pc'tt expreana ii There ate tatl,nuns that tbe motion on the conditions that the Treasury De- astonishment at the pertinacity of the the appointment of delegates and allow the people of the country. recently made by Brunol, proposing the them in be elected at the primaries, if Washington, 2. partment shall keep a record of births, Assembly in holding aloof from Paris, abrogation of the decree proscribing tbe held that under election Porter's in been be and the of It has the same deaths, currently reported family marriages lirussels, 2, and other enemies of the Bourbons, the Joint Ilijrh Commission has received Devise, and pay the heirs an annual de A report reached here that Felix Piatt Government, will law. pass. The Assembly This is not viseal, and Unit in case the Treasury and Groussett have been arrested in is The coroner's jury found, on the in no pay for their services. in faver of measures granting growing mi!- - that Aueust Kanip came to his true, as an appropriation of twenty-fivDepartment refuses to accept DevUeal's Switzerland, but a dispatch from Berne political amnesty to those who opposed de 'lb from a cbot fired by Deviue alias thousand was made for this purpose property, it shall '.e distributed accord denies its truth. the Government in the late struggle with Chicken. Berlin, 2, during the short session of Congress, ing to the inheritance laws of Massuchu the Commune, and it is believed the mo- setts. An imperial decree orders that the lion of Brunei is certain to pass. If it Qen. Deck has been sent to the btale and all the expenses atteuding the Com mission have been settled. The news of The laborers strike, which has been loth of June will be observed through does, it is not thought improbable that prison for seven months for assault. Winder, in Santa Clara county, suici the ratification of the treaty of Washing in progress hero for several days, to out Germany as a day of thanksgiving. the Mupoleon, should proht ded by strangling him.ielf with strips of ton. by Great Britain, is expected here day resulted in a harmonious scttlcmeut, Home, i. by the passage of the inoaaure and take within a week or two. The treaty does some of the contractors agreeing to pay Tbe Pope has sent 60,000 francs in advantage of the opportunity to blanket on Wednesday. General Calion, rresiueDt or tne Ami not become law, however, until the rati two dollars per day, thr price demand- cash to the distressed Parisians, and France, bhould be do so, he will bo dor mine, is now there. Ihe strikers fications have been formally exchanged, ed, at once, others will pay it on new also several chests of consecrated ob arrested and taken before the Govern jects for churches destroyed during the ment at Versailles, when he will bo yesterday stopped work on every mine and is open to amendment by either contracts. Boston, 3. at Sutler Creek and Amador, and an- nation until this is done. tried by court martial for acts done by siege aud the fighting in l'aris. The annual Harvard races took place Chicago, 3. nounced their determination to allow no him at Sedan, in the capacity of general Versailles, 8 contested for by Frestman The Christian Missionary Society of In the Asssmbly yesterday, Brieuet, J uv per man to work for less than of the French armies. Felix Piatt and Groussett were ar day, an advance or fifty cents, lne Illinois, after haviug elected officials for Soph mere, and the Junior crews, each deputy, proposed that the Government A foul occurred, should grant a political amnesty to the rested near Geneva, whither they were owners ana omcers oi me uinereni the ensuing year, and heard reports with six oared boats. mines have generally determined to shut from various committees, yesterday ad and the prize was awarded to the Junior Communist prisoners, urging that suffi fleeing to place themselves under the crew. cient punishment bad already been in' protection of tbe owias Government; down entirely for the present rather journed line die. Peter Maguire and George Hall, con- ficted to the service of the Government both effected their escape, however. Last evening, while driving in Lincoln than accede to the demand which the A great number of condemned Com strikers are attempting to enforce by Park, Mrs. Charles L. Wardman, the victed of robbing the store of Churchill, in effecting a complete subjugation of y to the Paris Insurrectionists, and that the munists were executed here wife of a leading citizen, undertook to Gilman & Co., were sentenced violence. adoption of a lenient policy will be ful Bazaine is expected to arrive hero soon Eight inches of snow fell on the Yose- - jump from her carriage when the horses ten years'in the fetato prison. The investigation into the affairs of lowed by beneficial results throughout in order to be present at the investiwere running away, and becoming enmne trail on bunduy. It is believed that the .Sutter Creek tangled in the wheels of the vehicle was the defunct Commonwealth Insurance tbe country. The majority of the mem gation of the circumstances attending; and Amador mine proprietors will per very seriously injured. Company, is progressing. Risks have bers disapproved of the proposal, which the surrender of Met. The newly elected directors of the been reinsured in the Occidental of San went over accordingly. sist in thoir determination not to accede Duo D'Aumnle has taken up his resi to the demand of the strikers, and in Chicago and N. W. R. R. yesterday re Francisco, which Company also contracts Proposals were also presented, sup- dence at St. Germain, seven miles north case of violence being resorieil to, will ceived the resignatiou of George L. to pay the return premiums on policies ported by the majority of the members, of Versailles, where the friends of the for abrogating the decree of exile pro- Bourbon family desire him to remain in call on the State authorities for military Dunlap, as director, and elected B. F left for canceUationsince April 1st, 1871 Allen, of Iowa, ti fill the vacancy. The It it stated that the consideration paid nounced against the Bourbons; also attendance in case he is called to appear protection. place of John B. Furncss was filled by by the Occidental was ninety thousand prolonging the administrative powers of before the Assembly. nasningion, i. Thiers for the next two years; both the The "Olympics" of this city defeated William H. Ferry of this city. George dollars. Versailles, 4. latter proposals were voted urgent and Springfield, 111., 6, the "Haymakers" of Troy this after L. Dunlap continues as General Muna It Is ascertained that Deluschux is S. to eer and John (J. Goult, as General Hu Compositor, S. noon in a game of base ball; score Spriggs drew the demanding speedy consideration. still alive, and has escaped from Paris. ten thousand dollar prize iu the Milwuu 8. perintendeut. Blanque will shortly be placed on He is now hiding in the provinces. . kee lottery. Spriggi works in the State trial before the Versailles tribunal. It Alton, 111 , 3. A very delicate case, involving con has been discovered that he, with two The harvest commenced here yester- Kegxtter olhce. flicting claims of the U. P. and K.P. Kail- Chicago, 4, roads for bonds and lands, lias oeen re' day, three weeks in advance of the orothers, were lead.ng spirits or the com- A j0 8choo, Yesterday, the daughter, and only ferred for decision to the Attorney Gen dinary season. Crops are excellent and members of ot the to stato of is a who board heir terrible outrages perpetrated by tbe pnyilogs wealthy Doctor, eral, who has announced bis opinion large. New York, 3. (JongresH, said that they Wore not will be ready this week. The conflict ing with his family at the Briggs House Insurrectionists. It is stated that MoMahon desires to liable for arrest except for treason, arose from a resolution introduced in the Specials say Paris is now quiet, that in tins city, clandestinely married to house br the late Thaddeus Stevens, all the dead are burried, and thatreason young man who does not seem to meet resign, ana win snortiy tender nts resig- - feiony aurl braach oi promme. ,. the ideal of the old gent. When the Iinbiuu, no iuc vviiiiiinuuci vi lug miuit and order have resuraned sway. and passed by Congress, which it Waltbam, Mass., 3. newly married pair returned this morn to the Versailles Government. claimed by one party by inference will London, 8. reneal t rart of the charter of the A sad stabbing affray occurred here ing to be forgiven, the Doctor would not A.. r A Grand military review takes place last night, three or four men, strangers, forgive worth a cent; he took bis daugh other. ATTORNEY k COUNSELOR. his at team the hired to ter a from out of town, back, but refuses here in September next. Gen. recognize Chicago, 2 Von. Moltke will be presented to bis Ofllcc Offden This mornine Bishop Whitchouse pro the New England Hotel, and returned new sou. " OUDRtf CITY. Rev. Stephen Tyrge Jr., of New York, Majesty, the emperor or lirazu, who is nounced the sentence of the ecclesiasti at midtiight, affected by liquor, and All klixt of lgaf btnluM promptly attended completing his European tour. He sails to. cal court on the case of the Rev. Charles quarrelsome. They had words with the preached this evening to a large congre; lu from here for New York. On his arri C. Chenery, deposing him for the minis' hostler, when one of them drew a knife gation in Rev. Mr. Cheney's church. New Y'ork, 4. will proceed to pay a visit of and stabbed him in the abdomen, inhe val try. The Weston pedestrian has returned to state to President Grant flicting a ghastly wound. The injured Washington, 2. Paris, 8. Phj'fclclan The controller of the currency inform- man was taken home, and medical assis- this city from the West, and has made There is little pro- arrangements to walk the Empire ring, Communication between Paris and Warranted to Extract Tape and Stomach ed Secretary Boutwell yesterday that he tance summoned. his recovery; his asailant 112 miles, in 24 hours, to be followed by the surrounding country is now open, Wormn, eta. has, durintr the week, issued $750,000 in bability of All calls promptly attended to- and uninterrupted. walking 500 miles in 6 days, commencgreenbaoki. This will be employed fled and ia at large. Eminent ing on Monday, June 12th. Washington, 5. Versailles, 8. in the redemption of three per cent OGIIEIS UTAH. no one attend and will the at received Official him, about out several changes in tne ministry are Vacelm matter Iroai th. Cow alwavt on baol. physicians now dispatches are there bonds, of which ' War Department prove conclusively that but his trainer will control him. will make the com which imminent, f $34,600,000 Chicago, 6. plexion of the Cabinet more favorablo to Numerous complaints have been re- there will be an Indian war this summer. A most remarkable tornado occurred a monarch. to the ComThe indications are that llnavKU TianiTa, M l). . V. U. gian.i.vii, M l). ceived at the treasury department from Dispatches have been sent Mason in to in Mason near Gen. last l'latts-burure Do Chambord, will tho Arizona, name Count of every City, in County, manding DRS. T1BBITS & SIMMONS, merchants and manufacturers collection district, that exertion to maintain peace. Two of the Friday morning. The first indications shortly be proposed to the Assembly as N.Y Physicians and Sukoeons, members of the Indian commission are of it were of a dark cloud gathering, a candidate for the throne, with the title Corner of Main & 2nd South Sis., there is so much smuggling along the Office, ci to itart immediately for that about six miles off the y, but ere long of King. The Clerical party is acively (Orer Biitterfiohra gtore.t Canada border as to seriously injure expected administration is very it assumed the shape of a huge boat, hav- working in the interest of tbe Bourbon, SALT CITY. Single case, involv- - country. to The them in business. or col- and a number of petitions have been Surgery in all its branches solicited, ing three distinct smoke-stackprevent an Indian war. each are re- anxious ing thousands of dollars Revenue connected Internal The Department umns, extending upward and put in circulation by Catbolio clergy ju-t-r men, favoring the restoration of that PA ipecinl to the Sun alleges that on has decided to reduce the number of with the clouds. This wonderful was fully charged with elec- family to power. was in- assistant assessors to 1,400, being a Sickles General last Monday thousand less at the end of the fiscal tricity, and from these columns, spars In the Assembly yesterday, Breciet, Near tlie t'lah Central ng!u Ilonw, Ogiitw. structed by telegraph to notify the THOMAS k CO, COAL AMI UMK the estates be- year on July 1st, than at (be commence- were constantly issuing, and making a deputy of tbe left proposed that Gov that Spanish government liar cnnrtantlv en hnnii a good noise, and cracking similar to the firing ernment should grant political amnesty TM. in Cuba which ment of lust year. Americans to SUPPLY of whi. h they will twll on th COAh, longing The iota-r- y to the Communists prisoners urging that Cara, at IS Cent ua Uia Inn The Treasury Department is about of a thousand muskets. once be above oot, Kir fu.--b or had been sequestered must at law motion new of the this the fearful to enforce sufficient at caah ratm. apparation punishment already having produce returned to I heir owners, and damages names of r tearaers to be requiring rno old the at the Theatre oar such was as to tear up by the roots all been inflicted to serve tbe purpose of lt plao or that printed in white 1,000 buihel of Shelled Corn wanted. of their sequestration be paid, in black The Trea on a that its Its on letters Government the in vegiUition set a once lay ground. pro path. effecting CO. complete TTa J. M . THOMAS warlike measures will be at e Richard. IIoWa, you II. BY TELEGRAPH. .l- Trauurtr Jantc Jack. of CoixiMit SehooU SujtriuUtdod Kobert L. CmnpUelL VtoImU J UXE 7, 1871. . J. jfOTW OODEJT, UTAH, WEDXES HAY, isterto England arrived at this port tor' day. ; Shortly alter the rrjya of Ulia steamer. Gen, Suheuck waa. waittil vpiiiT" by the Commission of American Chamber Commerce, of Liverpool, who pre-- . senled him with an address.1 recently adopted by that body,'eoinmcnditig hira upon his appointment and welunuiiii nun to f.ngiand. Uen. hchenck resiiou.. ded in a abort speech, thanking ilium fur the honor conferred upon him, and ex pressing the nope that his labor In England would result in strenuiheuiiiir . the bonds of friendship between the twv countries. The Joint lligli Commission' ers also received marked atteutions. The ship "Sovern" belonging to 1b for Emigration Leage, sailud eiui- - , Quebec, having on board ut-, grauts. Science, aiid tlio Arts. have-alread- 7er ulihuhei Snow. I). T. MeAllinter. William Clitj'ton. Jtiurtwy-Gener- Agrilture, ' , Cuiiijreu t ilooptr. :'"!; ...... . McKean. P. Strickland and Offleers: Territorial William to fitty-ii- . i . J- - if! A ' in Paris! George L. George A. Black. E. Patrick oT I' i ( ' Peace and Order Reigns ruitctl Stales Officer for Utah.Woods. Gox-rn- 1 ' I ' IM '- , Liverpool. 3, ' The Cunard steamship "Cub.-i.?Jiav-?- 1 Ing vn board ihe Knglish members of the Joint High Commission, uud Uuu Schenck, the newly appointed U.J4. Mitt. . , CU- Sad subjugation of the Pui is iuaurrcctimiislH, and that the adoption a lenient policy will be Jfolluwed by a beneficial tre- -, $6.00 3.t 0Mj"f, 2 THE PKNHOHE, BuiineM Munairor, to whom all communication! nlioulJ Iw addiinwod. C'(liini :::::iRMs"OF 4 6 Divine Worship everv S,,,l,,,. ; n,D T.nm,o1 l 10 a.m. and 2 and in the School p.m.; . l!nttaA. J i M"MC ot me Tarwus Wards at 0 p.m. .... MINEU, t)sr Hotel, opposite , . DR. WOOD WOUTII, and Surgeon. CITY, ' . iU-t- . g, l,A!ii: COAL YARD, |