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Show SI )gdcn THE gunrtioa. 7 WEIWKSDAY aud FATURDAT, ,y tbsOiiMM pciutviiw CoKfim. h" all 0, w". PESROfiB, BnfliwM Mmirer, tollrMMxl. ouannankalioM tboild Ij feUlsbM fkuiun CIUIUES W. PENROSE, fcuiroft. Wednesday Momluj, Joue 7, 1871. The Expected Content.. A great many Radical papers are dilating upon the expected political strug- gle la Utah at the next election, and exhortations to all "outsiders" in Utah to la aside their differences and unite la a determined cruaade against th dominant partj. It is rather emus-in- g to see the eagerness with which these Journals urge upon our opponents the policy which they condemn in us. Id the watchword shouted in the Unit "Liberal Part, pars of the And Democrats and Republicans, Free Traders and Protectionists, Copperheads, Whigs, Know Nothings, and all the numerous and quarrelsome family of politicians, are earnestly importuned to drop their party views and uniie to overThe great throw "Mormon" unity. trouble Is that these "Mormons" all rote one way, and to make them like the reat of mankind their opponents must practise the very "evil" designed to be destroyed. Well, let the politicians try H. If they inauage to pull together and gel through an election without quarreling it will be something new and refreshing. While they are taking one leaf out of the Mormon booh, they may To onity let tbera s well take another. who vote once Let those add honesty. be contented, and net waat to "double" on It, and let then lay aside the low and contemptible election dodges eommowin A'cw York ami ether "civilised" aad Christian ciries. Beet Cheese U. II. Tribe's, ,1 In the market 40-2- rieuuo Answer. - i t Will some kind friend on fie U. P A. R. or elsewhere inform ue why OgJen is so Imposed upon in the matter of coal freleht? A ef eoal is freighted ear-loa- d from Echo to Salt Lake City for $21), while the aame quantity brought to Og den, a trine over half, the ilistauoe, is charged $31. W hats the matter? Does the U. V. Co. think we have nothing to cook here, or do they want to keep us without furl, for our siusl Haw we offended the great K. R. Co. or do tbey think we are richer than tho 8ult Lake folks? There must be a screw loose, somewhere. Where Is it, what is it, why is it? Iu ' Ul'.l Staple aud Fancy Groceries at JfiJT S. II. Tribe'. 45-U- a Playeil Out. The following letter to the Omaha on that small light, once ambitious to shine as a Utah orrespondent, and which glimmered for n while under the cognomen of "Douglas." Cannot "brother" Col. ax help the unfortunate a little t JItrald in an extinguishes Te 8alt Laki Citt, May the Editor or the IIsrald! 28. Your frleud U. J, lloilister is in trouble. He baa gone to grief. "Douglas" has caved in and lelt us. You shall know him no more until some trumpet r calls the noble back to try his band again on the tithing. Weeks ago in the d;ui twilight, 0. J. skedaddled from the Moriuou capital. There was no eye wet with tears on that nobody knew w iere he went to, er what beeame of him, uutil now be is discovered in a peck of trouble at There he once squatted on a handsome slice of land belonging to the l'avino railroad, and as it prospected well, 0. J. ma le oath ttiNt it was his properly. Somebody at Washington did not exactly believe the affidavits and sent word through Register Maxwull, of this city, that Olypiio Jack llollister might come back to us, for all the delay his claim on other peoples' acres might amount to. bo we expect bin again. Can you help us in this sorrow? Your friend is In a still worse fix than this, for ha turns up as editor of a new paper at Corinne, but bad hardly struck Lis big quill in Bureau ink when the Rtport-- r calls bis work that of a blaekguurd. This, we fear, is the feather which broke poor Rollistcr's back, and is sure to saddle him on tho Saints once more. As the H in aid has great influenoe with the government can't you get this famous itixen t posish somewhere on the Miss souri? As a nuisance he is M. played out iu these parts. Carpet-bagge- Co-rin-ne. first-clas- SPlXXtL XOT1CKN. Pure wines and liquors at the Ogden Inst. 4 8 City 5-- Ho, Cacw Vallkt: 1,500 doxen eggs per week wanted by C. W. Thornton, fifth street, Ogden. Cash- on delivery. 4itf Fanct Cuicat.Ns Pure While-face- d Black Epuninh Chicken1 at S. Smith's, Logan, Cache county Eggs; $8 per 40-doren. - 7 Gixcise Jewelry ThiTonly eetab lishnient at which genuine Jewelry can H obtained' in Ogden iu at Panr & Boessel's, Main Street. Repairs nestly r&vvvl AH vtrk MEETING. S' On Saturday last a greit number of people from every part of Weber County eame to Ogden to attend the meeting an nounced through the columns of the At a.m., President Junctwx. arrived and per Utah CenYoung parly tral train, and were wet at the depot by the Sunday School children with ban ners and nnUos, and a number of our leading cUiiene. The Tabernacle was soon filled in ev ery part, all the Sunday schools being well represented. On the Stand were The First Presidency; W. Woodruff, Lorenzo Snow, F. D.'lticbardii, George Q. Cannon and Joseph F. Smith of the Twelve Apostles; Joseph Smith, President of the Seventies ; Elias Smith, President of the High Priests Quorum ; Bish- oda Edward Hunter, and a number of Bishops nd leading Elders from Salt Lake City and other places. with Services commenced at Singing by the Choir. Prayer was offered by Elder R. L. o OGDEtf, 1'T.tII. S3T The TWO-DAY- Itf 10-1- 5 Campbell. The Choir sang. jotcrit TOl'MO. We have constant need of application to the Lord fur His power. His spirit, His protecting arm, We re in a world where the eleiuentsare confused, contaminated and corrupted, where it seems to be difficult to obtain a knowledge of We must live with an eye single Oiod. to His glory, in order to know Him and Jesus Christ whom He hath sent. The Latter-da- y for first consideration Saints is, who is our God, what does He require of us, and what is the object of our existence here on the earth T II) selfishuess, covetousness and doubts that we indulge in, hiuder our close comumn ion with God, and strangle our enjoy ment of the pleasures aud glorias of im mortality. How many who have come into the Church, and nave run well for a season, have gone back and eat down in the dark? 1 he spirit of the Lord brings distant things close to view, and we often think that what we see will Some who come to pass have been thus mistaken, have become disappointed, and have turned aside af ter the perishable things or earth. Uut what can cowrie sate for the loss of the spirit of God? Could we realise the glory and reward that is in store for the people of God, we should never complain at our lot, and never suffer ourselves to be overcome of evil. Th speaker then referred to 2 Chron, xvl chapter Uth verse, which speaks of the sickness of king Asa, and how he "in his disease sought not to tho Lord, but to the ptiyaieians," aud so he died ; to Isaiah, xxxviil, which gives an account of the sickness of king Ilcxekiah, who called on the Lord aud had fifteen years added to his life; to Doctrine and which dccluros Covenants, page that "God hath ordained all wholesome herbs for the nature constitution and use of man;" and to Jam a, v chapter, 14th verse, wmcn directs the sick to seud for (he ciders, who are to anoint them with oil ; and argued that God had appointed certain means to be used to test our faith and willingness to comply with His commandments, and that His people should use the means appointed. instead of applying to doctors. He said one fruitful source of disease was eating i oo much, and of too rich.food.and exhort- the peoplo to come out from the spirit of Babylon, some of tho sins of which were Priest-craf- and Kingcraft, t, Lawyer-cra- ft and to devote their to means the surplus ga hering of the poor aud building temples to the Lord Doctor-craft- , ELDER GEO. Q. CAXNOS. We have a great many children in all settlements, aud I think they are do- serviug of more attcutton thnu we sometimes bestow upon them. However, as we got more leisure, the advautages they draw for instruction are much greater thon they were ome years ago. 1 hope, children, you appreciate the blessings bestowed upon you. h will only be a lew years until these little boys and girls will be men and women; will be motiiers and fathers. I wonder how many boys there are here, who, when they get off by themselves, smoke cigars? There are many persons in this oily who axe not members of our church, who drink whiskey arid smoke tobacco, some of our boys think it is very manly to imitate them. Boys, if you ever cuu-tratbeso habits you will be very eorry for it. 1 wonder how tunny of these Utile girls, who when they see. their parents drink tea, want to doso too? There are many persona, who are pretty good people loo, who usq these tilings, and the children may say "if they can do so why tan not we? You should grow up with the determination never to do a wrong thing because somebody else docs eo. I was brought up in this church and when 1 was a child I read that it was not good to drink liquor or tea aud coffee. 1 am a littjc over 40 years old and I havo uever diank a glass cf liquor. 1 never contracted the habit of using tobacco, or tea and coffee, and 1 ara very thankful to Ood that I have had streugh to abstain from ihi'iu. To have good hcnlth we mut ob crve the laws of health. God made our bodies and he knows their cousiitution, aud when he tells us certain things areuot good, he knows better about these things than we do. We should curb our appetites. It is a great blessing to live long and be healthy, aud these beys aud girls should act so as to The grow up healthy and useful. reason why some people are alternately low epirited and cheerful is because they uee stiuiu'ants. A great many childrcu want to kuow who Gt d is. We tell them He is our Father and lives in heaven, Vit th?y wsnt tlnorv vh made Gad, Jesus, who is our Savior, is the Son of God, he came here on tbt earth just as you have aud His Father is our Father, the Father of our spirits, and His t atber bad a father and ho on away back from eternity; and I want you to understand that you can become like our Father by patterning after Him and keeping His commandments. You should never keep company, witlt those children who are disobedient, who use bad language, er do anything that is wicked. . May God help you to abstain from these things and keep His commandments, if" The school children aaug; "Cold water is the drink for me." Choir sang the byma on page 64. Prayer by Elder Edward Snel grove. . ...... 2 p.m. Choir sang, "How beauteous are their feet." Prayer by Elder Lorenxo D. Young. Choir anz, "Who are these arrayed in white!" mESlUEXT B. TOUSO. " My remarks will be to parents as well as children. If you who have children will contemplate the responsibilities which rest upon you, you will determine never to do anything you are not willing for your children to imitate. How often we see parents who demand obedience, good behavior, a sweet voice and a bright eye when they themselves frown at the child, and are full of bit terness! How unreasonable! If we wish our children to speak kind words to each other, let us speak kind words to them, and do ourselves as we wish our children to do. We are not overstocked with language. There are very few highly educated people in this Chtircu. Mover permit yourselves to epeak improperly to a child. To use what we are in possession of, wisely, is a pecu liar gift. Some appear to use language to their perfect satisfaction although not possessed of as much as some who can not use it as well. If we addressed ourselves to a man by way of chastisement we should use dinereut language to what we would to a child or a lady. I have heard it said by some speakers that we should use language according to the merits or demerits of the case. Some times this will do, sometimes it Will not do. Never use lauguage to a child that we would not like them to use before If we give to our chil good company. dren language that is proper to use in refined aooiely we snail not be under the necessity of taking them aside and asking why do you 'use such language? Carry this out in every principle and always set that example before our children that ia worthy their highest admiration and imitation Solomon says "train up a child in the way he should go, and when he ia old he will not depart from iu" If 1 were to ask myself, am 1 capable of bringing up a, child in the way it should go, I should have to answer I am not. When we compare our light and knowledge with the fountain oi light, it looks very small aud we cau perceive short copings; and in view of what is perfeot I have to say I am not prepared to bring up a child prtcitrfy in the way it should go. If we do as well as we can, trying to know and do more aud better, and bring up our children in this way, very few ot them will ever depart from it. When we look at the "old heads" who have been steeped in the traditions of the fiU hers, we see that tradition covers us Lke a niautle and is glued to us, and ii sectus ulmust impossible for us to get rid of it; but if we will bring up our children according to what God has revealed to us it will be comparatively en.-- y tor them to walk in the path of life. We have the D.ble, the Book of Mormon, (he Book of Doctrine and Covenants, the history and fiiyitijis of the Prophet Josi pli and of the Eldeis tf Israel, and we have our own experirnce in the Church of God, mid I think wo should be very culpable if we should say we are ignorant and do not kuow enough to teach our children su that ihey can grow up unto Christ our living head. It is much more difficult to make a bark go up stream than to float it down steam, and it is far easier to drift with the tide which has been running downward since the fall than to struggle against it. Ask these little boys whieh out of two companies they would feel most inclined to, if one were assembled to pray, and the other to smoke cigirs? How easy it is to learn to do evil! How quick are our fret to run into by aud forbidden paths! But it is our busiues, by precept and example to turn the current until our pos terity will desire rigtiteousnes more than evil. The truths we plant in the hearts of our children will live, and if we do no wrong those truths will abide in them for ever. Many of the children of those who apostatized years ago are coming here to day. They canuot forget the things taught to them when their parents were iu the faith, and they cr.n find nothing to satisfy them in the Christian world. Parents should put their children in a position, ho far as Ihey oan, to Icam everything wor h learning. If ministers from the various sects come along and wish to preach, let them occupy Ibis stand, and lot the children hear them. They will teach good mor als. There are hundreds of thousands in the Christian world who are just as Saint so far as good as the Lntter-da- y We use their books and they know. ' their music. They are ahead of us in the arts aud sciences, but when it comes to tho knowledge of the Almighty they can tell all they know .in five minutes. Wo are for the truth, the whole truth; sol say hear what they have to say and leatn all they have to impart. If the world knew us as we truly are eveu the priests would wish us well and pray that we might be sustained. Whit is our work? Nothing short of saving the souls of all the ohildren of men that possibly enn be aved. Is there anything on earth that will satisfy those who leave us. No. They must either go into infidelity or believe this gospel. Children, s udy all good books, obey your parents and never suffer yourselves to do that which will mortify you through life. In your youth preserve yourselves in integrity so that ia age you can look back on your past lives without regret aud have an honorable name among the good and pure and an inheritance in the kingdom ot heaven. Gcd blei'j veu. Amen. o-- PRESIDENT D. H. WELLS. I can bear' testimonv to the truth of the principles we have heard this after- uoon. 1 ha4 no idea or the reiauousuiji exit-tinbetween God and the people or the earth, until 1 received this Gospel I used to think, when I was downcast in my feelings, that if I could be sure mere was no hereafter, I would just as soon die aa not. The ministers used to pic lure mankind as depraved, and only fit for hell, and I used to dream sometimes that 1 was about' to fall in the awful pit they described. I could no und rstand anything about the God they talked about, nor ho to escape the fate they I portrayed, and in my youthful days a take would whiprather I so that got then I ping than go to meeting. Since have learned something about God ; that He ia the father of our spirits, that we existed Defore we came here, that He had an object in bringing us here, and that by the resurrection He will bring us forth to etern 1 life, after we have gained experience, passed the ordeal, learned ihe good and the evil, that we might act upon our volition, and prove wbejer we are worthy of the eternal riches. This is the path to exaltation, and these tnings have been made plain through the teachings of Joseph and Briguam. These principles have been restored in these days, wilh the keys of the Holy Priesthood, by which the Gods are governed, and have been revealed to prepare the children of men for exaltation and glory in the eternal worlds. What chilgreater mission could come to theWhen dren of men than has come to us? we were about leaving Nauvoo, amid all the bustle and stir prevailing. Brother Kimball came along aud asked me why I did not step forth, join the Church, and take my place at the head of my dead. I havo done so, and rejoice in the privilege we have of attending to the work we are permitted to do for our dead progenitors. The world do not understand our mission. It is a mission of peace, to usher in the reign of pence, and bring ealvation to mankind in this world, end the world to come. Ours is a great and glorious destiny. Let us p ess onward, old and young, that we may attain to the promised exaltation. Choir sang, "My God the spring of all my joys. Prayer b Bishop John Sharp. , Sunday, 10 a.m. Choir sang: "The morning breaks." Prayer by Elder hlias Smith. Choir sang. "Jesus, once of humble birth." PREST. D. H. WELLS: It that the Lfitter-da- y Saints or "Mormons" have a Bible of their own, that they do not believe in the Old and New Testament, but have "a golden bible." Now the doctrines we believe are in great part in the Old and New Testament. I can say with Saints believe truth that the Latter-da- y more in the Old Scriptures than any other people. Tho principles revealed to us are in accordance with the doctrines revealed in ancient days and contained in the Scriptures. The Bible contains a little of what was revealed to the ancients. It is one peculiarity of our iftith that we not only believe In the authority of the Holy Priesthood in apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors ond teachers but also that the signs and gifts of the gospel should follow those who believe, in this day of the world. We believe the will be ftilfi.led; whoever possesses the spirit of the Lord has in some the spirit of prophecy. The people of tho world have strayed fur from the ways of the Lord, and in view of their darkness and ignorance it was time that the angtl of whom John speaks in Rev. xiv chapter, G aud 7 verses, should come mid resiore the gos pel; it was tim the priesthood was restored and ihe Kingdom of God sot up. It is our business to preach this gospel aud build up this king loin, and we have no other work on h ind. The revelations of God in any age of the world are calculated to promote pence and tne good of mankind. When the Lord rules it will be a reign of peace. The war, contention and evil that prevail, show thai the Lord does not rule now, but that th world is under the rule of Satan. This is the preparatory work to usher in the reign of the Lord and for the establishment of his Zion on the earth. Thore who have read the Old and New Testament know that all the prophets have looked forward to the time when this work should be commenced. If we are not the people referred to by the prophets then that work has not commenced, and when it is set up there will be a people in a similar position in every respect to that which we oecupy. Th.a kingdom has never seen a movement, from its inauguration, that it has ceased to grow, ami it uever will until the knowledge of God shall cover This is m very deed the earth. the kingdom of God set up on earth. Are all Saints that are called Saints? No. Still this is the Kingdom of God, and as Jesus said, it is like a net cast in the sea that gathers of all kinds. We have inherited false traditions from our fathers; these must be got rid of. There are those who cannot stand because they cling to these traditions. Those who gather here and de not divest themselves of these evils are not truly gathered out from the world. Wo come to the Zion of God to learn of his ways and walk in bis paths. Christianity, with all the morality it teaches, has proved itself a failure; it cannot stem the tide of corruption that sweeps over th world. In the settlements of the Saints you will find the predominating influence in favor of truth and righteousness. This should be an evidence that this is the work of the Lord. There is not an Kldcr who has been sent forth to preach the gopel to the world, no matter how unlearned, but is qualified by the authority of the Holy Priesthood to give light to the nations of the world, and show them how they can' be saved Our plougbboys can teach the learned divines theoTogy about which they know We mako war against no nothing. man, but we bave to defend ourselves against the' attacks cf Satan who wages a warfare against us through them. Priests have always led the mobs against the Saiuts. Col. Levi Williams, a LWp-i- ft rt Cniupbellite preacher, led the aob is thought by some pro-plicc- ie ' " that murdered Joseph and Uyrum, and Col. Brockman, another preacner, iou the mob against the Sainis at Nauvoo. In Missouri the Saints were told they their might stay if tbey would onlydeny revereligion, and that was before tho was lation on plurality of "wives given, so that was not then the difficulty. Satan now makes war against the priesthood ia a mora insidious; manner, leading tha. Saints to negleotlheir duty, and:i this is more dangerous man open n.in ia not a relicion of enthu siasm but of every day duty, and when we neglect duty we give the adversary an advantage, , It ia not when the fence i un und ihe bars secure that cattle enter the field aad destroy the crops.and it is when the bars are down mrougn ourneirlect that Satan enters in and has power over us. It is our duty to live so that we may be ready tor ttie can the bridegroom cornet h," whether it be at midnight or any time. To do this we must bbey every word of God. The Lord knows better than we what is good fur us. Ho says it ia not good to The use of this weed is so use tobacco. prevalent that I presume the time will come when any person who does not use it will be taken for a "Mormon." It is our duty to take a course to live as long as we can to help establish righteousness on the earth. The Lord cannot establish his Kingdom on the earth with a people who will not be obedient to his laws. He cannot build up his work through a people who will hand over the blessings he bestows upon them into the lap of the devil. The Lord will delight to bestow his power upon the Saints if with hiiu.- It is they will be my prayer that we may bo faithful stewards over that which is entrusted to us that we may gaiu the re nurd of the righteous. no-i!i- -D- e-hold - PBESWEST B. YOCSO. It is a great work "to instruct ourWc know what selves and each other. it is to meet obstruction and difficulties in various ways. This people know what it is to meet the influences of ihe wicked world. But we have occasion to rejoice that we are free from Ihe difficulties we have met heretofore; I have been frequently asked why we left the States. We staid with the "Christians" just as loug as they would let us. OuV We religion will bear investigation. say to the Christian world w ill yours? If so let us compare them together. Some of elders would much rather fight for their religion than live it. If tiny one thinks to get into the kingdom by fighting for it instead of living by it a principles if they think lo enter it without being pure nnd holy they will Wo expect find themselves mistakin. opposition and the quicker the wt- of Come principle commences the better. with your teats, ond camp meetings, come with your preaching and philoso pby, and see bow many you can lead away with your phantoms. We understand the religions of the day. Let tho divines of the day question our children, and let our children question them aud see bow quick the liulo folks will load them into the waters, so that they canI do not want not see shore contention, but I any let the divines compare their doctrines with ours. A great many persons call to see me from different parts of the world, and their great auxieiy is about plurality of wives. The idea is prevalent that we are persecuted because of our belief ef this doctrine. This is not correct When we left the confines o civiliialion, the revelation on plural marriage was not made known; the world did not know of its existence. Since it has beeu proclaimed wo have dwelt iu peaco. Why t bch wero we drivcu from our homes? For believing and practUiug the doctrines taught in this book the B.ble. People object to our unity. In the world political parties coutend nguint each other, and the same exists iu their churohra on religious matters. The reiigion oi Hie 1 Almighty unites the people togi t Bay a rel gion that will not atfcot a ui m's politics is very weak. You may lake die people of every shade of politics aud re ligion and bring them together, und the religion of heaven will oleau out their contention and make them one. Many see these effects without understanding the cause and attribute it to the power or wisdom of some mortal man, whereas, it is the power of God. The gospel we preach has this effect on those who hear it it will either bring them into obedience to the Lord or drive them to the wall of infidelty. Christian ministers lead people into infidelity by their at t mpts to teach something that they know nothing about, and their pretensions may be summed up in two words ignorance and iinpudenoe. But all religions have some truth. It is my practise to receive truth whether it comes from heaven or hell, a good man or a wicked man, an angel or a devil. When Satan tempted Eve, he told her the (ruth thai her eyes would be opened, and she would become as the Gods. told a lie that she would not surely die. Apostates, who contend against the work of God. mix up a little truth with a great deal of error. 'We should live so as to discern between truth and error. A very religious man wanted to know of me why our cars were run on Sundays, when the Bibl says the Sabbath should bo kept holy. We cannot rend in tha Bible about railroads, nor telegraphs, nor anything about whether they should be worked on Sunday. How are we to know what is right then? Live so that your conscience is void of offence before God and man, and the spirit of revelation will regulate you, and if you know a thing ought to be done, do it, if not, let it alone. If I had power over all the railroads, I would have them all stop traffic on the Sabbath, but now we have to run with the others. I say to you, preach the gospel, do good and cleanse the earth from the spirit of mischief and contention, and establish peace. If the Lord gives you a wife, take care of her. and not abuse her; nevr quarrel. Dogs, pigs ami devils quarrel. If you want to control your families, show them a good example, and tell them what to do, and then let them do as they have a mind to. This is the secret-go- vern yonrsvivee, and thon vou may be able to govern others, and when rulers do this, and seek the people's welfare instead of their Pggranditcmcnt, - cou-ti-nti- ir o da they will not want to change them ever. four years. The Lord bless you. . , Choir sang: "Come Thou desire of n thy . Saints." n r ... nil rinyer oy xauer j. r. smim, 2 p.m. Singing by the Choir. Prayer by Elder A. M. Musser. Choir sang, "Lord we oome befr6 thee now." The sacrament was administered. ELDER WILFOllD WOODRUFF.' It is one of the greatest callings to preach the gospel 10 the inhabitants of the earth, aud it is one of the hardest things to do, to preach to a generation who are full of tradition and unbelief No man can preaoh the gospel correctly unless he has inspiration. No prophet or apostle ever had power to set forth the word of God without it. I htTe said I would sooner go to the penitentiary for six mont s, than go through a regular course of conversion and conviction pn scr.bed by the Sectarian world, I have set up nights, aud determined Dot to eat or drink until I had given my heart to God, but I did not know how to do it. If thero had been a servant of God to tell me what to do, it would bav beeu simple enough. But ihe shepherds who pretend to feed the theep3 kuow nothing of the things of God, and if they hear the truth for five minutes, tbey loaded up and make for the door. gt It was therefore a hard task which Joseph Smith had to perform in introducing this gospel to an unbelieving world.. I was reading at Bro. Walter Therapy son's, the account given of the Mermons-iChamber's Encyclopedia. So far u the history goes, it is pretty correct, but when it conies to our doctrines, it ridicules the idea that God should have a. body. But the orthodox idea appears, to me the bight of nonsense that God created all things down to liee and bugs nnd fleas, and all have a body but the being who created them. This idea shows the depths of tradition into which the world has sunk, aud it wants a gmt deal of moral oourage and inspiration to go fcrtb and cany the gospel to the children of men. But I rejoice in the fact that the Elders have had that courage aud inspiration, aud a few have received the word of the Lord and cone out from the foolish nonsense and traditions of the world. Of nil mankind that breathe tbo breath of life, .we have the most reason to rejoice. Then let ui be faithful, aud steadfast and firm in our integrity. And in ihe midst of the darkness of the world, do our duty, and we shall have peace in our families, peict in the land, und we shall inherit lbs glory of th-- - kingdom of our father. ELDER J (l flT II r. SMITH. The Lord requires more of us than lit does of the world. Judging from their actions we should conclude that very few of the Saints realixc this. If we do not sense this fact it is time we did, and that if we do not live up to the professions ) bave made before the Lord we shall not be bold guiltless. It is not the labor of a moment to overcome our weaknesses; it is the work of a ifetime. If a tithing of t io-- o who accept the gospel acccomplish this a great work will be done. We cannot bo too diligent in looking to final out where wc stand before' the Lord. He will have n tried people aud will give us opportunities either to build up the kingdom cf God or lo follow aflt r delusion, us wc choose. If men are indolent iu regard to tlicir duties, there are plenty of opportunities to get their minds darkened, but iftlitjr are always diligent there is no time left for doubt and tear and the service of the eul one. Observe the counsels of God, then, learn of His ways,, be faithful te each other and to the Kingdom of God, and you will not be overcome. We have a labor to perform, not only for the living, but for the salvation of our dead; the uuxiu toUucr 0' a.l f.vtj father to soa uutil 40 knot is tied which will l hem all with our Father Adam. Tmn Ii". us coi.:i;t,ie in laiuifolness until tuc work is avcowipiUluid, und we return bank into she- ficstiio of God to receive tUTuui life. 1 con-nt- ei F.LD1R OHO. Q. CAVNOX. Allusions has been inado sevcr.il times during these meeting to the idea of the Christ nn wo: Id concerning God lul lie is a being without body, parts ud The leading minds of the g' J passions. as they are called, have been much exer- eised lately on the dootrines of Darwi- n- t that we havo descended from inferior races the gospel shows us in grfl plainness that we haive descended from God. This reconimrnds itself to our minds with great force. Is it possible for a being that has no body to create be ng with a body? If we conceive f God we must conceive of a being superior to us. If He has created man He must have an organization superior to that of man. The noli. ins which men are imbibing on this poimt, show ho dark and fur from Qod they arc. I' seems as though the whole world is goinj to wr-cand those thin js which Ires, the days of Christ hijve been regarded ns lan I marks, are being abandoned, and that the saints are tho only people ho stand up for. them, and maintain tbcm as tho thing of God. It seems though, because God had revealed the truth aud they would not accept it, that the world is being abandoned to every species of delusion. It is proposed, to build a temple ' Salt Lake City, and one at St. George. It seems necessary thut we attend dill f"r gently to the work we have to do the redemption of the dead. To buiW these temples it is requisite that we pT our Tithing. The farmer who sows seed should be diligent to pay his Tithiffl" ing that fertility may continue to be parted to the soil, and that he may reP an abundant harvest. And so with the merchant, the mechanic and the laborer, so that they may reasonably expect the bles-in- g of the Lord to attend their bust s. And the sisters with their chickens nnd cows, if ihey duly pay the tent of their produce and increase, they cn reasonably expect that the Lord's blc" ar ings will be upon those things that brethre in their placed possession. My and sisters, great responsibilities rcs sal upon us. The happiness and tion of our ancestors are to a ?ra, extent committed into our hands, a" this m.ittor is closely connected with k, |