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Show 3tttti she ' .".wry WEPSESDAT rVHOSE liusinH-- l n Monaster, AitKitAU'f: '8. aaolagieal .Surveying tyartyJbf SATURDAY, the Territories, referred to in our last, to wbom all and who are a liifljii frlyW iteellow-rrive- d at Ogden, from stone, East, The t. Sn ti - j - a Junctiox Siwaial to theOuDF. liy the Atliuitio and 'Jnr y J Francispp,j TUa f the ('artinen, be discontiuued and " Other be retiri-d- . clUh'geii contingent upon Ihose above are Ljikes wiflpi-obablGen. .Cuok. will RETAIL""" BIER CAM TILE ' ,v;,! orrVaged.n appointed Wra. and Jlenry Warren, of oa luursauv last, iuey are.euoaui IL.Cbggett, .t 2 ot J caas, 'and V) w Parsons II., y' .Mon.tana.jand 11. near the R. Depot, and will remain forcele-iratin- g be to commissioners to provide' held ia tb. in ,1 j. cy I I AND i 'J t ..nrit.li. A. ConpTftssniftn - . Ogden for "several days for the pur- ;bli0 me6tiugs .wm .be of ihe'Continential tAntdversary ik' t . tm uc ucait ct.o tie f. American Independence at Washington-Le Tabernacle, at which the First pos of exploring .n4 txn,iugf jh.l, Wiyes.1 j 1 V The Secretary ot thft.Treasury would liext the Twelve, and mountains in this to ecveralof obser vicinity, taking i W.Jency. have accepted the fffet of Jay Guuld and TO THK ITBLIC A Cjiotbfe Elders will be present. rations, milking sketches, photographs, number of other other bankers to take the remainder gf OFFERS OJ"ixlinJie; jiutwtiu will leave Salt etc. The and all are in health party five millions tvvo cent hundred good loan.' party per prest. Young Call attentinn ta their' large and arrand ,'had the law of Congress authorised Lira 7.43 this morning and spirits,' and are pleased with their aartei Steele Just . received, Ci.a- -; ' 't Uke City ! 1 their' propositions. 'Comply )a 9.45. V .' will at thus j U far. Often They travel, trip , by wag Jjcl aist.ing, in farVof : j , ,r ive i w Should the loan not be taken at the CROCERIES. to attend the of Cache incited - Monis X valley i Virginia, pity, Jq Everybody ii rcrt I lies, meeting ef Congress, it is probable lha l'opl 10 HARDWARE; will ask for such legislation , j commencing each day at tana, and thence to the headwaters of AMERICAN. Secretary Liwna, PlqunA, T flings, as will enable hint to accept the propo' the Yellowstone; ' " New York. 1. 1 ' MarscilIosl"ine KlinwN,'' att4. " in August, v ; ; The pUoiriug U a Cwrecfcliat of the tk Um'ing tie aiorra"esteraay p.m. tqe sition 9j..i3aj j fujj complement of i lipfin 'stfufck'TKf lessnan" len "or4 ocneoca uaa an mtercnurse wuu ua geolTheatre ought to be party: 'Pv'of. F. i' P. in of the To HiaHt.T-ThXo C'lotlilii s Secretary Treasury bQusijsnjanu-liwturietwelve dvniUUigs Fancy: on the occasion of Mr. ogist and of the expedition; Mr. ,io-M'- h ami iliipsy tc crowded the behalf off Commodore Vaiiduibilt ..end ' lo etc. 'tioiiM, ' Read th Ivl --: the N.Y.CH.Uthe relative to of owners t'. i ' pr- James Stevenson, jhief aisfnnjYan'i Jiiy. A number of pursous'weresh"ockeJ, - Lyne's benefit. the decision of Qommisaioner Plensnnton "but none able receive will J)BUG JErfIiTMfiNTj oline. Mr. Lyne general manager; rrol. U. mourns, agri- , Wui.ii Uhamtiers, acd in about scrip dividehd tax.' SchcU'wanted Brooklyn, iPrlmrnt uf CiimprUei a full anil complete Luortin'lhe rendi.iojt of two of his cultural staCs'ician rft(, entomologist; aged have Jo the which cot decision., 88 years; he wasnhe olde polled 1'niK" and Mwdiciuua, ,1'uiuU, Oils, VaruisUiM, Odd ni.plct?. In m .ii)n Theatre-goin- g . the and ihe to Mr. Henry Wj Elliott, artist Mr Win.. 7 i company pay tax, reversed. llrutlKM uJ fiuwj yul Gcut favorite characters, 31LsHe und , Ladles ttmdoi-stanil well gave 'Mat to that 1 an enjoyable en- II. Jackson, photographer; Mr, Geo, J!. in uwiMiuiiii. ow f hiiw .& lilt t;u flout ' public may expect ,d.-.t I decision will stand. Vanderbilt five niembers wuo estublislfecf the ordir 1 Dixon, assistant ditto; Dr.' ChasI S. tertainment. W1U pay tax under protest, and carry Contain! Ihe choicest elwtion of Winw, JimiiiliM, 3 five dj after. Pi here, jears aUrornla other mid - ' Turnbull, physician ani surgeon; Prof'.j matter to the courts. The reduction Alcohol, tr.i ate.; all ol. which a now tMlni;luld i i i. the aitile vuium; l thavory omt ihe children to see Geo. N. yiir.n?08ton, LioN's.-rTa- kc df the month of debt the lor May ' The public and aosistant CHrefullv ruiiMuniltMl hy l'om)ieft'nt llruy'L CunardiatmstJ? Tarifla," is four gpologls't Allen,' UOQTiW.iXSO ' ' P.S. 'All 1 and half million dollars. They imrtiM ttuiebl.it to lha Ixt knd in und I he Sea Lions and Leopard ! 1 botanist; Mr. Robert A'lams, assistant troni Livtri ool, on -the 18th, and Quei-n.1 '"' ' Sturen to iiuiueJ., Ward 2nl mie Ktle 2.f rrqufritud " J Woodmansee'a Washington, Croquet Slippers, i 1nvn, the 10th ult,- arrived below last Ui Ojilen City Oojeruttvt Moiointili with crty re on exhibition opposite 5 recomiais-cioned botanist; Mr. A. Scbonbern,. topographa: ; The President yesterday, I but was detained in Uie quur- JniilcUiv lastittttioiu i ,: t .',.' f ;;,) ;I"'Is are an interesting ical i MCk building, and . U. BAtLAJTTVSK, "4 George Danoroft as miuiaier to engineer; Mr. J. W. Beaman, assist- Hilling urilil tliirt ' al! the and latest L, styles.-40.1 L.. EnporinteBdmi, students of natural history, ant Mr.-A- . F. Smith; ditto, of one of UeVnuraber belnr tiek? jitf,h new. German, Empire, thus effect u- - ' (a. aU'l' . " . ;. gight to all ' tlfe'i topographer; Jjg ally setting aside the claims of one or advertisement in another column. ' ditto; Mr. Cam Carrington, ichthyologist; suiad pox. All the others ou board are two Hede-sired "'it AT S 'and' CAPS t '"''!.' applicants for that position.,' Tan iff,'; kings' 69 GREA1 INDbcEMfeNTk!',) J: Dr. A. C. Peal, mineralogist; Mr. F. J. welL.t.tTh to appoint a Weviern 'man, but the cah.naad.il and ate wage passengers, Mr. Ladies Sundown!), Gipsies, Thilip Phillips, II use, friends of Bancroft, eame up in too strong MonUat NrcKT.-ornithologist; Mr. wm. B. Logan, a large cargo. wLo has gained a ' force. ; I ...-;:- ( the singing pilgrim, Mr. Dawes, Chester Cplumtn,'O.Jl;r musical general assistant; NewTork, 2.;. The Ohio Democratic Cpnveuiiou reGntH KtruwandPiiuainuw Ci ., .. i,rii:int reputation in the Mr. Clifford Negley, ditto; Mr. ditto; The report is gaining ground, that 'ati assembled aflerioon. '..'ft'tixk 1 to thit is sing both hemispheres, soirees of Wilson Duncan, ditto; Mr. Stephen HonGe U.Pen-lleiiu- i Judge Edward Pierrepdnt, who has been ! General Wood Turners, 4 was elected CarpetB.- Mosiquilo 1 in Washington dnring the past two days, .tibeOeden Theatre on Jlonuay even Hovey, wagon roaster; ieyeftlemifiri ' chairman." C' Vftlland TV I. win..- - Kirtntiia1 V- ngtiain and was jJ closeted "with Grant on TuesD We have never had the plea-MT.U two cooks, and two or three other presented ihe resolutions recently Hdp- iagneit. is he a to. but ted by the Montgomery Co. Conveiuiim. day, will shortly succeed Hamilton Fish. of hearing Mr. Phillips, hands. Gen. Morgan preaetueJ u sulisiiCute, dif- He came oi with the President to Long TREADT-MA-D- J . and .1- - NEW" tenor voice, LOT a have to splendid r)FJ nid Branch this p.m. Fish favors the a'p in poiBtsj oJ' minor impor-taficfering only us 3' ClilTIUNO.J 8 in I.I ' ' . Wines tM! and VWt i, First Class. t speak both EtVt' and liquors of h.'nr " liThe 'coiiitniitW od resolutions pointment'of Pierrepont.'' A fiill felook of 'OltOCERIES,. UHlh'.i Y. burs aa exorllm A njKtX LtS kf nraise of hU musical tiie be-- t kind at the OgJen lty Co-p.i.L -m. it a which, although presented platform, mid uortni.'nt of Ilunix Mauurnutnml ,',V . FpREIGX. VAtIw Btotutt n ii r.9.,,a lute nd So the differs First but Third. their ITHXITUKH at Katallihmn aay.'SM partly compromises, lniinrtii slightly abilities. ' ,' t London, 1. OiJfisl n Hum stfenv Oirlea. ayitiy arucl is,a f J from the new resolutions. T. Kurd of j Canand'Eikmina.i'-' Large numbers of Frenchmen and for- ranted, and will Iw ald t. i " is Farini Tenth District a the giving , presented minority Signor Tu Piasist. are returning to Pari to resume Richmond. Mn W. T. Fwher, cut report, signed .byj himsKlfj and D. 11. eigners their commercial and manufacturing opconcerts with success at Corinne, and 14th1 of Chlan the the Dhstire', declaring agent at Richmond, writing on tfiest erations. A dispatch from St. i)enis is foriuiuit a class for musical instruc and fit'teimiEameiidments f inst ,'" sends us the narfies of hiorV"But-avribcr- s, fourteenth 4 says two regiments of guards ' theX'ooihTiifion 6f the U. S,ivgn6 fViiid in tna different SettlementK 8 5fn FORE OFFERED FOR 1tion. have returned to Germany. Their and says: r. andv.i 3j ,ri? ii.";'. ulently, illegully vdoptetK ;: are supplied by other troops.-- . , gALfe T; :i;' All is well here. - The farmers are in null and void. A hardvOht ensued places 1 be standard contains a disoatch from Sisd fob Tin. The Couldocks are over prospective crops. We during the discusaionpi itwo reports. & v : .1 wi representations liji,h glee been the still giving their life-lik- e Versailles, announcing ibe resignation Bectsteads ...:....il.fi om $6.(XjU $li(K) ,'..(( of a splen- Tlie m.ijority reporWiw jiially adopted of have just recipients Two more Favra. the members of we oa the Suit Lake stage. Why catiuol 131. nomi3U5 nhich fields McCook was Gen. makes, the and to did rain, 9.00 hy Commune, Frankell and Fontaine, were Chairs, per set nated for Governor, on the second bal- arristed. '" secure their services in Ogden for a gardens look magnificent. : ' ' ' ' ' too each...... Walnut Black Lounges, The class or plays which Mr. C. II. " Monson, from ihe saml lot receiving "Jf4 votes; E wing on the short season? de Gambrael goes to Berlin Black Walnut Vall-Leioo M.irquis Tables Gros-becand interesting pl.ice, called to see us yesterday on bjs a.iuie ballot received 191; Ward 9; on the 3rd, as French Ambassador. The they make so touching C.(Kj Walnut Cribs, faeh 1; AiWn ,2:f McCook's nomination interdiction and Black the from, ,..,fy.. and upon of egress, home! the with interests first a: filniiik in all morality, ' WUiitndi', are way was made nua iuious by the 'ConvenRocking l(1iair, Ilnu,jua)ly rduo4 jiriaa. ingress to Paris, will be removed from ' etc., otc., .'J Ura :. Und to cultivate the better parts of ' millwhich he initnis.fot stb uplil KScli tion. the 3rd inVt, ' , "wv. 1. o ' York, We should bo very glad to see mond. Good. Gladstone has been indisposed, but h All kinds of Cnrppiitor i; Job Work," Bring ou the inacliinry, lhat' now in ' etter health. ana iivpaira nwny axecuuN ou uoe auoruxt i. and let it 3 hursli but welcome' divs.cl Af1wpeT?m'eyjfTomViiris' the Couldocks again in Ogden. no"c"-j is.;: : y The colliers of South Wales have reOnion promjiUy executed. souud in every settlement throughout his throat, and the soldiers who went solved to .1 v:. conceduuless are strike, they New goods at the ' to execute him, found him dead. A ed an advance of 6 Jitwn rnn tue Ladiks. ECCLE9 CO., Territory. Good Chair, fori $13 per Down,: cent in wages. per i. ; . IUliiiU't .Oglea i . special reports the execution of InsurSome tpices and cotton have been sav. tht Z. C M. I. The Retail Department (Knooked down and bojted,) .jln-jI men and women who were d "Crea-vont.- " gents, ed from wreck of tne the steamer and inafull supply of summer goods, itml AccitiKKT. The Danver A'evi of. May Fall Leaf TabU ,!: tryng to burn ,the buildings. Ii is bel.cved that hundreds who are iml!r. Tribe delights in waiting on the laCar-liThe rumors of the agitation, and :1 31st, says: "Mr. Sam. .Bradford, master Kitchen Tallo, ,1,- -, M dies. lof fMcijc(iii-iBtiy3 Call iu and see the new fashioned mechanic jeii rising in Spain, are otlicially conof the Denver Pacific railway prisoned HOME XAXUFACTIRJS. The make it latest hot. dispatches beautiful the tradicted. shoes and ,r, lists, slippers, company was seriously injured, yew aft- - probable that the Bourbon dynasty will Advices received here stated that there s aud " artificial.', and pretty restored. be !. Ho was an in are evidences in France, which are daiday. engaged coupling ;; OCH j fire 'em a and discovered a was This of great morning Heaps to', $17. Walnut ly becoming more apparent, of a generengine to a train of curs, when the coup bn the ot' floor of me the building. al reaction ' top J?2-t- t the variety. See advertisement. .. taking tbrougout his place and iron arm, slipped eaught ling No. 5, Frankfort street, occup.ed by country, supported by the army, the peobreaking one bone anJ seriously injur- several oewppuper printing offices, and ple and the press of Europe, who uuite . . s -- Vi Pure wines and liquors at the Odcn saloon. beer ,, in the out-cr. by a lager the ligaments. further execution ta now ip operation, manufacturing UuU ing 48-against Inst. City Washington, 2. of superior juality. a t 3 of Insurgents by Versaillists. The ComDowen mune The trial of has been subjugated, and its Tor tt of .vOJth Carolina, for (tiganiy,- whiclTls Labokers Wastiu. The Helena- htrt.et'"knrru Tr.vpT.E have suffered sufficiently for their The llislicxt Price paid WiLLABn. Mr. C. D. Brunson reports . in exciies the court l"".1); here, ' i ) til progressing in and crimes, without the applicaspeaks of a dearth of laborers the people at Willard all feeling lively, io dHyJi from jhe tion of lurther cruelties. C9niiidrftbTeatntercat, , mill men tae.'tia two4t( lof en'4 wivjas uppeared health excellent; crops flourishing, grass- Montana. Farmer, miners, ' nrid ili'ilt '"the' rfcord of fhe Ont and a lialf Block Eni't of C. (X B H. Xffpm mechanics and iicohrt non in areyaiiyfenulfiriglor all and tut, hoppers things moving " a vm ! "s.t ..i f. :i i Now York, which is pretended court in r thuC'btf-te' claims The Gatellt This u our Road at , Steax Waooji. the right direction. powerful So may it be laborers. in show that Roweu bad obtained a diwages are pai in Montana than ip vorce frem his wife No. 2, before he hauling machine invented by Oliver ' i llways. ..V.I any country in the world and yet a suff- married No. 3, was proven a forgery, Hyde of Oakland, and built by Hanscom i. 'j i CoMME.vnABt.1!. The Road Supervisor icient number of men canuot be obtained f he witc.-s-e frdni t ha court, ,tb5, pub- k Co. of San Francisco, arrived by C. P. .d' A. KING & tad a corps of . assistants have been lishers of newspapers and others fieui train on Wednesday in any part of the Territory.-- , i; j ,: fl.' e.J l : last, and SF. evening testialtidavits whom bogus appeared.al (SucCowom to C p. McOregur), , doing good work in removing the loose j fied Jat.ie whole recgrd, so far as they was sent on to Salt Lake City on Thurs Hones from the main road. Horses are and with GENERAL hours' BOOKSELLERS total Its a four cbuceroed, weight ver9 day. being forgery atjda ; Quick Petrifaction o frautiH Rowen's th'rd wile,-Mrglad and their drivers are full of bless-ig- s SueSn fuel is 22,000 lbs., and it hauls 30 tons : ..' i i i. v c r. .t '!.teV$ testiBowen. authoress, instead of cursings. Our ways are Jfetrs has the Petiigrew K.ng The Deseret MADB i TO: is said to . miles AND. ON hour. an UAXD It KEPT two ' easily r 'i : .. Evening , . Mini fied tuat before she married Bowen she proving. following item from Fouuta.n Green, had hunted from Maine to California for be designed to haul ores from the mines 4 TTLt, BtPPlT OF BOORS,1 PArERH. ORDER. J ; llagaziaeii, etc, OuataiiUj on baud, and f"' ) San Pete Cot ' w.fe No. 2, and was satisfied tbat she o ihe U. C. depot ani to the landing lor sale ''! ' '! J i i i ?otrcfi! Touch! Big Steve is moving 'i 2ft- - 6 by Cft G, enil. A few days ago, whrie'aboiiV a'Moien was dead and thereupon she married stage of the new m amer. i tond with a damaged countenance, AT rUBLISnERSrRlCES. - r.i VfJ.r.i' 7? SI men were engaged in clearing out a portcn. ' v- - : 2ft. 8 bv 6ft. 8. 1. hoof Ihe assaulters have been, pun-sbt- large sp ing from which (he people obWashington, A Iko a choir 8lcction of Fancy Oovqd, Cigara, The President ncconipat(ted'. by; hi where are the others? ' Such tain water lor irrigation, tiny lound, Tobaccoe, etc, 'etc.','' at our Dpot,' Broom's si and Gen.- Porter,, left this mornfamily ' ' ' SOtf standing erect, in i lie prng, what had Corner, Oplen Cityi "JUVl age work should i bo suitably reBranchi for Long been a two year old heiier in an advan- ing of Ogden Junction. Of4a$ C!ty, t0jjitt continuwas case Bowen tailed. The ' bigamy, ' ced state of petnfuf ibn.' The animal is Utah Tcrrito-ry- , JuuJ I, 2871. was uot (fectaed h the criminal OCDEN TANNERY. : i i U ; I'.J o complete that even the car marks are ed, but ...: t will YoikwovLn be v tui kokiihed, try f iotJj-day.fAerdict Bbkad Ahead probably couu-'in Weber Crops at e plainly "visible. The work 6t' petri.7 WHOLESALE PJIICE LIST; X , .,r,.. . f h A. I reached look just as a farmer delights to Be faction has proceeded sojarjn )he cas be '(V ,i i Come to nir Tannerv anil m If I will not el ;i'H!' i made here toA demons rat ioti'lwa it is 'atnd Kit aa an I.I.ATH Ihe best, and at tlMf ttOOI) of this heit'tr. jhat Quite, iinrJ, 'hetn.'. That rain, followed you warm the colored hundred by several Laborers, aa by day 1, lit niaraoi. the , rhiuipexl if left in the spring BOtuft timeionger1i' ' " iwishine of the past few days, has lifted the waikmen on ."vri'i.-- i l!... ,? HIDES and BARK WANTED. til: i would doubtless be, completed. ...We wiio attempted to mop $1.S0 per tiuubel. IVURAT, ' JOXATIIAM of ' BROWXISO, on Mr . accouut new street 'hem railroad, AdJniM, V. O, Vox 3C4.I V.'J up wonderfully; They will get so think that It wdutd be kdvisable to let the ' ', low wages, and. but for thefVmcly inter-- 1 tOtlN 100." fcigh and BARLBVMlOO " ' proud that they will have to it remain until the full result is obtained, ference of a large serious polie force,occurred. 1)4 iOAT8,-i9" !"" ;.: 'i t taken down a big notch in a month as a petrified animal entire, would be a tro ible, doubtless, would have - ,; roTAToi-eogreat ouriosity' and would be a valuable ,r two. Get the reapers' c( ; driven, fxoij), the, j ready, bpys. .;, addition 10 the growing and interesting The BEKF-K- ia Jt. . foot, (5.10e. to differiept workjf, fionjti'in to building; HOWEVER' costly V) pieneile j specimens at the Deseret Mueum. . Ml'TTOJf, 10e to lie,, , ," the dityi iVvl Jhreait drgveeff all jhe i 1 ' or elegant, i.t complefe in its adorn-mpi I ftfiJ aft 5 fn.V-- . .fjill U' ::' -'vtAt.- -: , "; laborers f om the public woras. SHADE Tlaxk. The ladies of Korth without ita compU-men- t of LAKE BrrTER.-!-itc.'- ,' pkei lltie.--i: a K"t I TREES; Atid they also add a beauty (hat ii gien arc thankful for the little plank, i!r r:;." ii so,. held a meeting y, E008. 30e ' the Southern will the lo outrages notliingelee1 jiumblefttdnelling . Are (till driving an e cl u sire Boot, ,mU as it Is which the Eighth District ! On Thursday morning, June 1st 1871, ; C1IICK.EK8.-- Wc n '; j 1 nil U, No evidence of witnesses was la 1 to or tbo time plaut location. Spring flks have ...Ehoa aallZat Trade, , placed ""vef, the water ditch Mrs. Chambers, wife of Mr. J. G. Cham taken. Tit La)-.theni, Mr. A, C, P.vpercan Supply either 01,. 'J ill 3:!' 'dry goods? r ff their accommodation; but they Official communications from GovernLocnut or Mulberry trees in any desired WlioloHalo' bers of ihj city, oT daughters f,Q c." ,BLi:ACnei-iS!.toZ7the Southern officfeJ ors and other per Trd-- i fronf 2 in. to 8 in in.diameter nnmbcr, submit ..that six inches is a sxceed; interested iT'J doing Persons Inost " States received by the Chairman were j CHAMBRAtsljUB tb.Jne. at the bntt, add rilfcdeliTor f hem oa Ibe aall allowance, f A foot-wiplanli', pr car atK. UCify. a Xronl 60 ' cenla to ingly well. Long life to mother and laid before! ihe, C6minittej relktivoi to "gStee'n inches, would be better '' tlOTTOSACBa-f-SW J? 'UI 7 the condition of some ,11 States, parapprQ- $1.00 each. teo,.'0 Aaxes. The 'r"! 60c 'debt and to COTTON $100 as THREAD td ""ed, and no danger of slipping off -dos, par ticularly JL.C.jeTPR. . btinrlt.- TARS 42,S0 President Toung'a Office, Salt Lake City. examination, of wittitsnes begiBt-fnor-row"ouidthen be apprehended, y 'Sherman the General j ' return tf t)n "n x 1 , .trARPSva.oo,' . ;t ,c i., , : r ..1 4.ij " " Mary Jones, wile of William Deakin, from his Southern and Western inspec'.'.f r 1 t Jxt . yarif. a nee Ann (j'i.'. JS't. x m hi.- - S5t. ill. tion tour it is'expecteJ the reorganisaonTii poDES.-yM- r. figed 68 years, 4 wonthg nd 21 jdays.-'M. 0, Berrettjn-for- n tion of the, military divisions and depart- (' e. tease.l)KnM-1f.i.Liui.1 Siar us that the North please eopy, 'Boot and ; Shoe Maker, Cl BBtLiiW-a- sa Ogdcnites to soa.r .. irn" !; f 1st the sof on fevet. lune At this citv. In tM dtftn'rif thn Hipf Hoot Fifth fctrwt, Og.lon, . to, complete their new canal this j w ni ' tpiflii'tv ;iiri;ii'tiiM;.7 u uc.picmiu 'IWlVlKSTtrsi 1". ' (n UUr.-"w All kind of !erM anil Khwu niaile ty orilori. lto. was are not Deceased, hnvftf lnie krid tnried BWcVief Emma it but under "aion. It i9 is fully Hastings. arrunged, - ., ( . (" jiaim BatlyexwiitiHl. Prod nr. taken hi fmtniont. rt,ANKU.8icfotK designed to induct wa'ter inst., the above Goods on hand, and are " tilNfiUAMS 16e to 3Jc. . fr" Ijhe - Leicestershire, stood that, it willJinvolve the trancfer of At born for all Og ln river tg irrigate about 1 3K A Tl- t-t Price tCuyisthrp, Wet to BtW. . i . . ' ' ( ' ' . I .' t s 1653.1 Shbeuira-te- d Jeu. Sheridariffo'mXhicago to New WO acre', i Weal freali Goods from tho East and klntN of II liitm..a 3 to J5o. r.jHWR-j- ric tf land now nncultivated. England Mii) ISiU :u' good anppl 4' York, from which point he will exercise : evry dkyr also I'RIN'TR. J: ig lkwt..-tto tlia KmDib t oit. ft" 18G2, in - ',,-- , with her parents to Utah, aiH bo nine miles in conrtnafcd. I!Gtfn.iiclioSWtywiU b rei 8TKTPKM.lnto 27r. ijwi.'n length, and is tAlAc r. she con tained. in .command. Tb division of -- TlCKLN13.-l4c Boots', V," he bottom. This speaks and came to Ogdefi Cifywl6re ' 1 , inbe ' so as ill '- - I a i' A to DUI.SS Missouri her h' enlarged of i" IDtt'.iu time the a j: . .,cV. J . M r the enterprise of Ogden tinued to reside until Shoes, .Gen. Meade . . .. 0 . i death. She was intelligent, of irre- clude the Indiancountry! it. ' . CA"1V-tHIoiSaVie to Kc. to the of md command Crops there are better than ever succeed will Vft likely ef lha best.)iality." All Of characrer," and was h.ghly EVFRfBOnf P."M. 'STCART iLi proachable MSriF.S He,'-".;''' unless he should - the Indian divis.on, ""wn before. are determined to sell at tho very lowvt W' ta tx. Unit th ha. a ifirrr.r, respected by a wide circle of acquamt-alK' in CHEESB lie to 20c, " EiiW lNU MaCm.NK. and ii rrincod to.iioaU possible prices.' ': :'' MULSir rleua opy rT which ca-- e he oh will receive a Uepartmenl-comnn- d . SiJ SAR 1.1c to 17c a:ii;M nl Powmn, on rpwonntiW trirn, at hr . Goods our Examino and Trices beferir Ira ik Tl,. . On .the Jb Jnd n& to tl.Vt. n mixed TC jal'f.lSWi tho Jknctv VUi;KTU bl'ttKljTi four underi lha ;U.'.Gen.; and Gen. ' Wm. elsewhere. BACON, HidM. lSe. " 00 w leve 06den purchasing aad? Rachel Halleck will be restcre'l Tl daily at Elisa, daughter of. ' to his at The President; istruck by Lightning! To-da- INSTITUTION. it;lit.r are', - DRY- - GOODS i loor Colliery Strike in South Wales! ivi-U-S .!.)... 1- I VTiNWARErV' ''' ' sl n, .ivboi skoi bo ots. '' IItn, to-J- f j !.- JllE SHOE DEPARTMENT,; f artu-Uw- 1 Chldrcnv , ' i- - - m - s "1 ( ., evi-iiit'- r' . f : . I ' 5 J.H.EGCLES&CO: . ' i nt FUUN I " RE AN CABINET MAKERS. ' ; J. pj 1 s cacj , i i Toallttltorcoplo;.: t -1 - and-arai- in - mrr. VOTr CAN GET' AT'i i j HSDINTODEY'S -- ois mm store, f, y. ' Elt8t Ten. pi Stioti SALT LAKE CITY, u : . ' . - to' I ' st i't $8 BRIG HAM CITY I ' cVa-steaOil- VoolenvFactorv . L1TI1R ITAUOIt 3 rs Ga-in- i , er-or- HALT Cash paid for Hides CITY,, : : ' . TAXXKltY. SASH. CO,, , MOULDINGS, , FRAMES, ETC.; 'agents! , doors,; ' - . r" ' DOORS, - -f i- d; COJIXEItCIAL. - , STEAM PLANING ', ? jr 7 . 111 , 1 . ' Sliade Trees! Dunford 0e. pegrsiug, R-- - t- 1 nt & Sons, -- SALT miiTii. CITY, -- -- y. : 1 : j- ,f " : and Rotaii - j - irimiKflircflfil '- fr Mammoth Boot; 'Shoe;' 'and 'oi .. 11 '"' 1 ' WATKlNS,it .. rf 1 Higher 1 , ' paid' Ujr fc c 14-t- '' AM) C14AKt 3Iadc g;;itoui and. . e- - -- - ii : -- Urei t, Pgden time. Putt"n, g'd 11 'ocBt'h- jTt tic,pc, pot iff tiltSt-OLAiS- S . . Hmtn. Me s C. ?21m ' - |