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Show si i The CoaWne rl f tjfah'J fceieraiJMar m 5eW York Scandal. lvilihvard J.Seari;' editor and 0 G DEN THE AT B E GOLDEN GATE iiNOIfOPENP ''"' iyJl M(i, ,.,,., I pro i r a tofeurile iritrVr it,f tie Qiartt'rlp Review, a man tfif ltd meatLbiliy and g(ld ?putat on has '" fende (iV.Te3WHB,1raai Kieth ornrriT much at- uumrHNaii miii by tho Journal in a fornw;? issue. Jsy got niniself into trouble, loo laehiMBt-Jotbfair sex ia what ail r C.-jLHjV-'J'fHj"X"IN"IH1 faf ' lbecnqpart:cf Jbarc4itorj!i'-tr'of Itah, a.it.e4 hf tlie ugaeu Tlie s in Mrs. has Dr. told O'Keefe fioneur actor ope the PWr-rtfact the h.nt thi?E i.a , r J y'ffiif,-- t 2 DJJK) tv !' i f will tetrr-.long quotation frJiu e.incted Howard layne Od a J u ,, which t j Mil .caniim even are to the confetBUCe. and last delivered J bita, hislettcrf Hed lady idaut Youngs AcU, cut - Uraiii i .Batnrdif, Mrmf, Jue , l$Jl We forgive ihe Journal for lUllTie Uui-- more' damaging than lier evidence."" -. 3diCt(fJvcftjae k iiatiye, flf lndand, , H thitigithi fjfcd to sny, in . Qrj tlie Orphitn of Genera! pirMtttkLag iki.ai.i'avWXMi't Uyi wLo.bad dunii ihe.I'ra. father some Advocai e 'f M RJ.l. IYN E in Tier husband tbo are scrvico Isle. Emerald on the CARWI H.an' . JlirlUUaj (juotajion ' " " ' ouniji'icoranienU ..... f t J ' i J i ' ' t p r ia tVi' u"iitp being'ouV of employment she called on .1 tfforl VTif fuUf'Wti'i tTt"1 fuuftb Act of TUB ., Rot To"lo c It ' witnafulIAasortMentnf 'tt'i aof goi 9 "5 I jfrsMptit'Hr; jhnili Toon j? reached ihi nbliisai), i)if to say onaia to engage (jui interest an getting otneihingi' knti-Ue- f K '. ? I i Jt MERCHANT $Ipe BgO "oflirce" cor !nd tetr on Iefyni6-RepuMioanJier husband into the police fbrce. The ..... a ... n ; -' little th least, desperate"'Th .;' rf Sijles f j! lias who Thur'sdAv Juiitf Tj one lecn MR. T A. Linlt t ""Is it ilglil fir the pboj.fc amorous'. editor 'attempted to" force her ; SHYLOCK. tuinp&r-ijly.tMrs. G. J. WiUUlir o iliuob lendlt,. spirit unjljf aal of ib HKild to ,elctt; their jircsiuwiU to jBtiliiiiit to bis embraces, lint after a Portia r ' " s.'t r 'due peopU'of JJtah, wecannot do t i'w 1,5 t s,.., 4()J '"iiu. 'i uents; 'Oallory Zh c? nts. and ruler I i Yea, if tlwy wlU, lp, Jk'ot duapbrattt Htruggbiahe got away, fear AduiinpioM, i In part of nit u" i Consbrting an at To'fcommeuc belibV 7.3J. at Doom Eight. bftipiiicaV IcV tUa 'mk ... otea ... ... , x hunbn.nd-the disgrucc-fn- l Yes, ot .tof 'one yar, or frig to tell hor fo'uryenrs! t 8 wUU jcara.-rjl$jiroBjpfri'. iuerctthing affair, lent he should inflict summary for mi inorif!is.'or bnrf'nifinlb.'jf 'they iq lias, iiis,vllpacal igbam Young. J not the founder of vinb to.:' 1'ait, vo auppf.0 the Journal vengeance on tbo Dr., she kept the' mutill vcr JorAwubm," but bis uamo '.; the when the lo and ter follows anxious what i"Hut t husband, secret, Liiiiens, objects to ; rZu- , lM HUktuM wiU, lh (,jstem t a Jip Lord "'...'.'.; H rifft pet tb her to pay situation, pressed presidents appoints ; "i director; a T hio, upder ICiblonsr feolUf cliange tliQio every month vpr joar, or another Visit "td' Scars.' ; After much fiitlao .Pravidenee.we ,j&rin4bted for H. HAMMOND, MAW STRHRT.'OOPIW, ." ' Ia endlosi Tariety.J ... every four years." tlii'ova.roifld persuasion she'did Bo't when the former M , 0oiM Mm Tithing Otfie, hai fiir sate jtJj 4nr !dlirne Hmm'tW pientt cut ion MineiubeT ' thfit t'the' Lovd'a ore attempt wits repeated with even greater iaya ib old Sohnftler'aiHl Light Prlng and affllcKoas iuffrd.fo not" af m'ttnVwa'js,"Ani if 'wo consider violence, and it was only after a terrible and'tba prpt,'ritjr which . ili Wuginis "at reilufctl ratei. I LftYavcomn.ouced the manufacture ".7 GENTS' AND. sh'e at "got" away."' Mr'f better than any struggle! f , of inftrltei' Wir progress from the tri- - Hiavay,.(of governing Buckeye RoaK,r-- ami Mrs, Sulky Hdlia Rata", method prevftiliagid (he world, n 9 bftvc O'iipet'o then told ber husband the whole Wowa, Cttltivatura, etc. j France "ef the pioncern W(? the; Valley bf and alao produced some letters she t - . .. ., .. . !. j r Wijon Tinier, Iron anl! Stwl.'of all klaita and j. ' run.. a perfect right (a hut belief evift under story, He Ball LaKS 10 me present, unj. s '? had from 'ibe' brute, in which received a llepublican'Constltutng;;; fame bus gone to the uttermost parts of, he advances him of made to (he JnstituUons boanUjd i n Wt repeat FIEST-CLAS- S Republicftt ' theaartb and hi nam ia fcrwrt fttnong have teen established S'C, .ttvUll iiad cherished in by ludiea, both married aud aiuglo, nd GENUINE MILL.1 JEWELRY. belied by1 ... all nations. No man is more .",V. A ... ; i' eve,n by school girls- 4 ;,'Mormona''''htive fjlfth ever' ln8e.''fjie "' ' levad . i; hu ... ' if enemies,rtor betrer This' learned libettip.e is s teacher of Iho land,' an JthS Jfngt pf ouV frtnd 'Re has'spent 'llie chief part of ooenpied for adinitmon I" HEADY-MAD- E the city of New York, nioral.i,infih'egreat tuiy liyon nia life Sn'Uborifti for the good of mari- - application f r CONFECTIONERY ,' ,if . JAMKS D. & columns eeleot Co;;.;; on our' first setfleiai'iit of what was then who, in tlia pf the 1tind; Jand 'posiavitj 'will 'acknowledge, McxiSari adniinisters stern Having commenced business again at soil, proves t!Ut we wished to Quarterly, frequently him to oe queoi me greatest penetactors live uiuler ucbiiiBttiiflyap'if we,i,uve rebukes j fo'tho public men who do not their Steam Saw Mill on the . UV luvu. U4 lin rut,,,,.,.. vj far out idoal BonmtbiugiiMfhipli.we. con- reach his immHCuhitp standard.. lie is kfio FOR THE eoufidcnoe of th peopleahd thwe e about 60years of age, nearly six feet Middle sider higher, bettir and purer than Ogden ot know him put tba most truM In 'bis Boots Shoes; institutions, bat'ibeecT''toil'ind higfi, weighs "00 pounds, is a married '' sit, J "'. ." nial,",!,, doewiuo j(Uci'for!i witb, 6ui;.'iuluasioii man,' has received a splendid education, .'.s J God blcavtbejeteran, loldier ill th fill in to Hills Lumber of are WHOLESALE & RETAIL is a Doctor of Laws and occupies a posi-.,tf r prepared to the laws of our oountrV. nor euc ref '" -,' '1 HI A lull- Awortmeut of , muw f( right; ;the wis counsellor', the erence for and at Ws s. Republican' Institutions1 hi tion in the best society. The case is under any quantity,; on short notice, TRADE. peopksfrionaj jiftlay tba vigor ef his the beat' Dr. is the very Lowest Rates. he'fcumaarac'e and the judicial investigation, cajoled by jet InindaBd bB itrengtb ot hi. btU.rc-siai- n la ' ,' ft ci)mrrj, )i the gnui ,of . Hwputli- - under $3,000 bail. .,.'' '. i round tba rail m unimpaired' years canism to see ahead of the times, and to " iiPBr .Anus. The S. JLV Ittrald 'of tad may the triumph of the truth corer Orders filled at the n ill or delivered in work, wiflifn tbbeumf! of tbaConstitu- has the following : Via lut Mnbly'daya wilb a balo of lra Tbursday fiila.s.sirare, hs', t i :.'' Ogden City. : ,1 ! and j iniprovemcni " iyit (or, progr'tss' I. t 't "Another Occident from the careless tiH tlmparikhaUft !gWj!' W f beiitjva bat (ld set up the Jkpuhlia use of occurred on Tuesday ... ii'- - ''I.-- ' .' ef the United States; inspiring the fiam ' t i 3 Thomaa Morris, son ofWm. morning. ItVIti NTOIti:S to era final a wanted a.i of not Conaiiiuti haul the n, if .m ;t.ti, i c4 ul i.v.lr.i V. Morris, of the 15ib Ward, a lad of Fainiberon S!u:ros from the' for tlie'relesiption pf .fhe. race but 0 Tburfdaj' last tba annuaL, pirating ' about J 3 years of ago, was thoughtlessly And NOTIONS ad Infinitum."- 8 be ; to Mill as a means to ran ud a. stepptng-aton- e ef the , Ogden.' '; ,tn the It&h.Cea a shot-guwhich unexpected;'.'. 'i .;i ,' handling tral Kailread Jo jSalt I,kS to a- - higher :'nd- - tnereiperTecIs y4em ly, of course, went off, aud entirely sev' Ail CbristeTdora ptbfe?st( ; fb'ttall. tie All ered line of his fingers from his hand, ivliich m 111 be Sold as i , r-4,f ..;, .He. was' taken .to Dr. Ander-on- , .Tbe following '.gentlemen were .elect d glad dy wUe ,Qod bI) rule unive who Cheap as the Cheapest.'! All Ord, m aJdrrnMd to BARNARD VTITTTB, "'direolors of tbo Uoad: Bi ixJiam jYoung, sully, and His will be done on earth, as found it necessary to remove tbo shutFourth istrect, Ogiteu, will ' attenend tered bone. the iirumpl of , liOw ; , tion. 3u" jJ'BK.J'anniagaV Joseph A, Young,, Fera it is done1 in beaveii. And if He does not i Trilling ., with fire-aralways a C. WOODMANSEE, a "our rreVdi'ul mor Lilt la "and; CJiriatogb? seo fits .taytpni jo jippoint evcrjt dangerous business, which many youths 36-- tf After transacting some other birninc! yean wbos wtil find fault , We presume discover ' afier dearly-bough- t .cspcri-ence,- " Main Street, Ogtien. .. 4he peeling adjourned" Tlie Direators that even the Uoriaae VttmWill admit after a ards uiefc apdj, elected, Brighaat Mil inperlor9 wigddni.bJ 'His rfght It) 'ASD SALTKD" MEATS CON-Arrivals at the White House. FRESH STANTLY ' i dirc according to if. ON HAND. IT MAY CONCKltJi! THAT CASH rWHOM No. 6t Town - Kite, Wellxville Citf,l; i At la eur leaders claiming Hnfallibil Co den, June 8, 1871. Vbi., Jeuiii(?s , Geo. Cache minkMay l'lth, ltTl, eoOfaUEX CITY, UTAH. 83:f County, L'tnb, o A S. K. orarinR p. K. .ad Iot 1 and H f w0, ocrctar; I).. McRenait, ; esist-ja- i( ity, and hobltiig 'their decreea aa of W. T. Cotter, Omaha. E. U (i. V. U anil J. K. N. W. W Sec. 3; W. A. ltoeuig, Grand Island. Uv force1 and than V. of tiilid'ity'' 8. N )bpne . greater W. 8.. W. X atf Li 4 See. 2; W.U Hacrejaryi. Jaincs; Jack, Jreasurcrj .' Six 11; N. r".:;."' William T. lturgess, ;l'.ureka. ':.!!;v;: S. . iT and K. K fee. lo Tp. In n' ttalt Joba hftrp, jGeiieral "Suptrintendcnt Cpngrocx," ,tbat is 1J clup-traNo. 31 N; W t 8. W. ,e. 35 anil B R i Section Georgrt partholomew aud lady, Circus. in Tonnehip 11 North of Kunf e i . runtainini an Jewte vt'ox. Chief JSngineerj , bniubig, borrywetl from Ibeanouthing Miee Wmetta, va. ,. ,,, . 4 lltflaoree haa been m,le in (lust for the Master George, and in now reeily to he dinpo-e- d of hi kill apOMtales whe . , ... ,,Jl!v.Fi'!io.1MMl being atjiiTely of . . . to any person orpen.n untitled thereto. .ii .. ' .! i Charles Graham, ; , AND fcenjpttgeaVitt be construction of tltq, Utah seot nam a oneur uieposuiou to 11) use All be or owner the pemontcUiniing to poMM. ". .. J, 11, Slocum, , , or of any portion of eaid entry will take due e?uub5!,u,.felt bimselX unqble to continue trouble. "The law , pf the, 0bm cb", to J.C. Fay,.,,, ..... ,; notice and make the application an provided la the ISiMntea of U tub. .. lajialri,pn tbo I'tab nlral so aa Je which the Journal refara, ran parallej JK Forest, , ... ., Mniii O n, WILLIAM MAU01IAS, Mnvor. to the Company; bewastbere-axoJfta- e with the 'Constitution of the ' tutted J. Motriaon, .' Hh ,i WellKTillo, iliy 11, 15,1 VtTH A. Fl tL STOCK Of IS . .. amlJdf f barp appointed Statcnj and no Jaw, .ada 'in strict con- i Mr. Frank, ,.a, ', , "Big. Steve," ; JM "ST, Xj the letters viU 1'in tp vfOBglitilat cenjlurt 0V any J. A, JUoUgo, ,bot formity twi , Mr. Sharp' Tl MADE TO ORDER. Companies on the change. & VVm. HOSIERY degree with tb former. high Duverna, , it CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE! be of iiu. places of the tate," as the Journal calls Charles Lake, Chicago. , FANCY C00D3. riFTU STREET, OODK.V . nr.pnergy jind .J, .. .. niiliulns' ... i ' a i' ;, , .', Scriptner, Con. ;. to the U, C, and air. Lit them, are, fijled in etbe .manner prescribwense benefit t'tivh ar rpujiectftilljr The IaiIIm of Northpru Jl'LlCS KIKSEI, lnwcn-taiitl- v on hundatthe J.: WoU'.i Saa Francisco, Cal, vUto ami fnviteil bnfnro rail full innpect of ahove a KetaMinhnient parchusing tle,a whole,tiBie being now devoted to ed by luvi and our law are sanctioned by mpplT . parrjugton, Stiver City, Idaho. t . ; WllOr. ':,..;('!'.-,,Mi a ' ' - "' imprests of the new road,, we may Congress.' ' Vi snbwtt toaomeregnlations J. " h iln. , J(. ...( ......;...;,. A ol i TUE SERVICES OF nuperior qniity. great yarlety of Frniti, .R. Li Foster, Columbus, Ohio. ; . , looa for tno work to oe pushed with consisting in part" of Oninires, Apple, StrawberImposed upftn us In our Territorial .', V Mrs. ries, etc., and UI kind of Urind and Canned Kniiti. , but , we.Vlput for emancipation, IUI1. Childs, Montana.. igor,. Success to both roads. SUMMER DRINKS & ICE CREAM Aij 1', Hubbard, Vermont. Hare Hen anptp-i- l In lh Mllliiwry Pi'pnrtmnit, , , e can t do. without the Itah Central, not from Conatitutienal restriction always ready, and a ouuH.ituMe room in wtnek " nor J. Ger'nie. ami a t . lirtiiiuaker wilt be iu attendiuica j mv patron ran enjoy thece delicacies. to re,ve nrclern. ' ft.nJ the ci'iiiirucUiin of tba Itah Soutli- - Federal obligations,1 but as a free? State J.iM, Ganigk-..,:PROMt-WN. ; 4a full neWrtment of tiUO'WUES . v Arii, Ui good anil priceii mKlerat. 43tf can alao b. obiained cheap at the City liukery and r ., into the .full liberty hitherto denied us, Geo. I'ike, C..PR, R, r r ' ' 1 ' California i'juit Store. A. W. Calder, Nevada,.. ., t 3S lm KIKSEL, Proprietor. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. JtUl'S Pf true Jiepubucaa institutions. , ii, Maclean, St. Louis, Mo. VtOTlOK IS HKRKI1Y OIVKN, THAT THli Jir mafhtner, and , more every t h ii g IF YUU WANT R. It. Wm, Ford,. Xl fartnemhlp lmrtotre pxistin bitlwft'n fbai.wilCdeyiiop tlie'country and bring Mr. 'Drawer, Omaha. titiJIttiK Tlltl.Ml'!!')N auiI UKtlUtiK KETCH CM in thi dny WSSOLVEM tT mutiml Ponwnt. a W. K. Wallace, Salt Lake City. iMt outiq oi Mcserci lurwara to us Uicu (ieoreti Thimiiwon amuine all 'ImtilMtien, and Geu. -Nevada. Denver will collect all Jel.ls riiio the late iirp p to thta Stephen Miller, AXD TIMVAlti:, Vri says the tditorof , (The 1'iei xon iuiltilitml to the .1 dat. fliai Hatch,: Chicago. Joseph o n requested to nettle humeri Klclv. ji'nctjox ougnt to live, m .Auxyaa. L, S. Wild, Qtnncy, Hi..v At all reasonable Hours j 4 t the OBORtiK THOMPSON,! i mi is Derails we anioiaov ertea oq tlie Jnftiea I'nrcell, Santa Fe, Mexioo. ' OBOKtaB RtMtJI, MAIN STREET, OGDEN. ' V. . 1S71. 4 20, , Ogden. May T., Lake flfanf Salt a , ., ; Camp masacre,,at'li)cfi City.; party Jha Kiley, The and Best in Utah. Cheapest M a George Taiue, Denvsrj Cab ., murdered "J'ravee' about,, thl feopf of Weber : irou R, J.iHariusos, Proprietor, ."f'v. bmidred ,aitiaw and paieoaoa, Xbc RP.TCRNtt' OK AXY KtSDO ORE iTrtr advocates the Sterlnalion"6o- CORRECT tlie shot ti.t aotienand on reatunahle UVi ftirfeloYalfyH 'VeSrtfffle v trincl we are for fustlcV'ew'rfio tdii red tl'Bl, h,v Main Street, Ogden. ' : & wbicb PAHPE Meat, It4.ajia4errtigeaieni ej BOESSEL, mnt. ii mo tnuian poncy oi (lis peonle , ,r A GkaXi) Yocil' and Instrumental . I Main Strcet,.Ogden. .. ,! finH, fT ttril)l.iniii.li were tarried eut ht Aritooa, wo poNCKBT will be given at the Ogden Thelift.t 'tk.4 tht . fqgoujtj Vhould riof'hiflr of so many lndiu eut-U- 2 atre 011 Monday eveuiug, June 5th, by .." "j'i'. ;;.!.. ,.'(' .: . i.'-fPilthe 'i.-.7Jrv : D. ft RE-OPENE..!. Phillips, ..!.!.' singing .1.. The choicest Wines, Wqnow .. reifs yr "6," wuiie. grim. Ihillip Doors opened at half past seven, V'f.;' ia. Hicb roductiqo, We 4 aud p'l, iust oad, of ehautj tb$ ldiaas1; to commence at eight, 'Admittance 50o. Cigars lu the Market. body will want to kaovr how it can be ana vaan 45-tinder Children aeaerv 12, eaam halfprici), iiement hc taey The Finest Flail; in1 tie 'Cfty. Every done.' 'We'rtae Tlo,ein6iIn.''X'FiiecUl 't miirder squaw, but teach the waij-- l.i'MJO r. Val.sv! Ho.jj.CAeusi attention to doen cuntomcri. i A given, ' MAIW ca MVfiUlWh- $70,4 HK UN THOIUimHIiY RKI'AIRED ASD eggs per week wanted by C. W. 1 horn-o- n HAS an,f ViltK atilled to ctfhtt t. it Js'ifiU stteet, Odeu, de-ii) with appointnicnts cuiiiplete in Casli uioiiibuting,, jaatiee evn ;i jyar.ipX'he tW, ' No puin ImVe hwn tire(1 to TrrJ !,f pnrtirnlar. . ' c ,fl Vi tf umkn it KIHRT CLASS HOTEL. The tnlilw iW'jmodarou iijaftl hlooilv volun- - i4a1ned 6 lh. XtuSL Ueery. U will le ftirnisbwl with 'the iroduetinn of the r tf tse wlier.fbajrtqr itorjt'tV easou, aiij will be mronil to none in l!th. v i M The House Is Olieil for the reception of flnwtt ? , .m. t.lT 5m.es, Spanish thickens at S. Smith s, i.a tli fft Bevt accommodation of lVavaiyni. Terms $3 "per and Town, CaWJlcqun't;Esgs, Tt'RtNf THE SUMMER At irttogarf, , .. ireauounhie. .., ; ,i :' f STOCK HERIlT!!) RAffCHK wWl to ..i Bear tlen Vtl'y ... ", i.'..j'. , MEAL HOCUS. ,.ftln-ayt the following low ratts; -' ' T jf 4t present indUulion, but wlieaitiaan RiweVrast, froui 6,:S0 till 9 o'einre ,...s,,.j Gentink Jewki.rv. The cnlv estah .'. A I''' Dinner' " i laoo 2 :,. 0 :; j ,r fetd 3J Morxw, h'Notmb faMW y?MVHni;jl t.Fx;nc,aB5 f tiettHt to I tah.f or rathet, t&r State of lishtHrut.ai reauina Jeaulrv run 0.00 " 7.30 ". ,! Vupper " obtaiuctl onanjr when it mnj kt- do- Free Copveyauce to and mm all lUicular e abulbava noplycctieu, prof b obiatiwd. int.Oglenrt ie at Paf & Tram. !w ' "" iJg.vrt',t, llorued Stock, tili KqvenUwr firel R. J, HAIUIISON, s, iuaiu street. Repairs neatly duksskl ... 1JS ' 87tf " " Month.' Proprietor, tt4h.Ve?c' dtos8'.mav tbwe witji xeeutad, h AH ,wDrk. Warranted.,., T if J " : per t "" j ' I, TSiVarr?nfmeut WffisPHie'tBing fo "' ....I!, ,1 Jiil. '10 Ma i anl J .' 'tCvf Stock wilt be Wdei4 iK the Tithlns Corral, S a or una c X (fedm, ewjr Satimiftj., ijalety. jatBel.. Wuj 'prnoTir "trip,' ttl cji;aricii psriics nit t t Ti.'iiiF.lA. qAMMOSA.t . we should lbsnk'th?fftr of the Comi- O-- a .acji .,: ju-jr W.iiritWjdCXi .'.X;. GoouTOnorTirfil-Trttlf'l waions J ,ljl Ol ft.$ OOttT-- f pany4f?f fmfuilf-nwBttbe w l'!M 1 J i r, , 'I'" S SOMETiifNa NEW! T' 1 V.''-'- 1 I;a.b MJ to'i i i42tf3 & '' HOUSE. f nn. ia Off-r i'iii rj-T-r-?f-nr. t . t f ;i , i ' ( ( ', -. i -V"' ,3i5LV'crIs a,re sill See in this city, at reifoPraW PcVl 4 " f ti.'f. . ; GnEATATTRACTlOK! POt.l'U "lAN'Df. PR jPRIETOR.- - a(1ER Aisay ef eVerp dee'crfjiiitrn df cWi " II Cool ami Sparklitrf;; alwayd on hand. jti- vfr" day n "'-- ' fi'aH ibe.yi!ift Ogck HEEll, ..,'.'' J:. ! saa ft !": pi ((c?Mj tbefjn:ortbs and returns given within Iwe'lf hemfti ;gona milF.ai.VlNa SUA' HONS AND SEA ' t r SalovHis and Families Supplied. .TO, ;eln.ftii it pJng ti'f irfwt. and ddnsilif Leopard, which havA created nrh JOHN UEtD.'losaa,' Caclic Counft in. Salt Lake vhhke th'bill, "a.1 makes' thfftdj Mn ilamtaoad, b City, will b Ordors mnt from Pein residing niong lb Rail-.,agh Bnu ,VK" ,m urro'ng iwm win te "m ...i.. ? jt kALlJjl in street, Ucaun, v utvuutata. trniUl& iio'U out ike ore, timber constautlx 00 baud, and is doing exaion6(t promptly ouwi at tne rate ot fc.oo per eight gal-from 9 a.m till It ti MINEHS and pief'fc lalt w;ii ih,e Crusba ad a fir and square b isinegs JOHN 5 'ee jwa ad KELSON, lMFORTANTlTQ' ,,iiimssiob cents, CMldrea 10 cents. TU lrlr of Maltf wUl h recnlated y the cur- ket Tent A niiii prion-oliNirnl allowane grtiin. vitimcnt ia thia No. of tbo JrxcTtox! F iii i lies at Reduced O , - at bin onV. Sixth ytreet. (Vd""' "T?"!!, will tp mt en grnt. 9ef en H had at the. fvsxnrm Prmtinj OffieeJ1" YMterdavleadti iurk U v M......7reirlv Confectionery lra't:,aiaiii. . r; TEEEBSE! . , . EIFTII STREET, If tf . OF-yENIC- I )Utet . ' -- .ri'OGSENJUrtT o Goodsi ' - ' . . ,Ji of wm 1 runiiM Popl Delaines Parasols, ctc, -- IMPlEJIEFf S. da j4 P api5S'!' ki ! .... w STEAM SAW:; "i v. ' - ' ! I - CLOTHING Fork of Kiver, Bian-mpl- v4W'nj and , ' ' ... - "" .. GEOCEEIES ; . : ueensware, ; ' Hardware,! Crt-arr- . .'fWC, in the tToiitiw ef-fg-rt can 1 sioek-boldo- ra ?beld supplied wiili PURE CANDY ; at very rm-ei- - of Rates. RALPH DOUGLASS, t 'J.UTOIIKIt ,,NOTlCE.( Vice-rrcidn- ladies' . p PlillATI VE COO . , , ...,.. Street, : ., ? .jjUii) ; i I . aJr'l . . ... , 1 V inhnM-tant- INSTITUTION, ';:; . Weddm g Cakes , I Xj lc i . Fancy Pastry 23 H. CITY BAKERY , ! . - s , , ( . 'fi.fi..! CONFKCTI ONKUV, ; ',: e,, ' ' i'EXKOSK . .. . ii'st-ciu- . . '- -'t -- . C-P- . caii be obtained ; S T O'VrE S aliore-uauie- d ' ( , ;. ' leTlri ojln GOLDEN GATE ASSAYINGS. :eilliSd;bail: : im BANK EXCHANGE, CIIOR JIOUS& ... m , ., i . . IbAVi'l gWi , WEIlTlS'ilOIJSE 1 ri htl ' - , ' PTRRET.-OHOW- ICE" CREAM, el i un-Lla- oj-t- i J,!W"' lrKtftl(f4n 8, dj .Wim The ' Uviaa: '' '1 SUMMER HERD, in s : 'r ready, " irtXV - ; , ' ia U. P. ; - ,Alir..nii BIlEWERy drEi MALTING ' k.- -.l as a'.; chilli ,Ht ASSAYING, 1 ' "' ' ' ! . ; -- itfltMi j - iU.-u- II. Rate. t w |