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Show Publish- -! by In a recent discussion at the Odon In ft please n tows on the Boston CfrAt. and Maine Railroad (say the Boston tologies! Society, the notion was Kuuit, to when ell Traveler the pastor of the leading thrown out, that the teeth have ft siioelj be eddreeaed. church l universally esteemed for higher office than that commonly as gentle manners, hi even temper and signed to them namely, that of mere WEDXBtDAT mnOaBM Pciuiiix tin W. PiKROet, BmImm UutiwiM oemmanioatMU and iATtlDAT Caught by the Flame. Great fire hare boeu raring lately In the forest! in gulliTia, Lifter, and Delaware Counties in thin State. The woodkndu in the remote auction " at the' were 8hnud&ken Mountain dueoTerod in flame on the 18th of dry a j.wasThelikeunderbrnah, a train of gunpowder, and the flames spread with extraordinary rapidity. The following description is from the lips of ' . an '"You see, we were irantiV for b'ars, which you know got off to just such places, whar there aint nobody or nuthio' to be a bother'n' on 'em. When w found a track, aod were a follerin' on't up, Jim says to me, Bob, something's a. burning I , We hadn't tramped much further, before the itinoka came' pretty thickin puffs, liko. Tberewasn ta breath if air. All at once there came a cloud of It came right smoke, liko a blanket. down aud made the woods as dark aa sunset, although it was only 2 o'clock Then came a shower of cinders. We ' trot choked and blinded. Some of the cinder came on our necks like so many needle stickin' into us. W were Dieh to the top of the bills, and in a minute or so, the smoke and cin der smiled a not tier way, so we could see a bit. There never waa auch sight I All about us, except one little streak along the eaatrd was in blase. W were both u black as Congo nireers. It was like the At lantic Ocean chock full of kerosene and pine wood, all afire at once, Well, on top of the mountain, a bit Ma tin-do- r, home-xpu- n r a. Teeth as Detectors. 'The Deri! in II U Eye. 1 ' hi affectionate words, speaking or ft most amiable disposition and giving evidence of ft life at peace with man and God. In an adjoining town is a preacher of the saute, denomination who is suspected of heresy, and is regarded by some of the good people of hi oek as a minister cot sent exactly from above. Recently a member of the pariah of the horetie clergyman died, and an aged female friend, whose infirm yean kept her away from church, with some doubts of the propriety of listening to the suspected preacher, decided to attend the funeral. The services passed off quietly, snd at the close ft friend inquired how she liked the minister. ''What he said was well enough," was the re sponse, ''but I saw the devil in his tye" bo confident is she of this hat no one has yet ventured to tell her that the popular minister of the neighboring town had at the eleventh hour been called in to officiate. But he has heard the story and it may be long before he hears the last oi it Hidden Treasure. M 1 An agont ot a wrecking company in this city ha gone to 1'anama for the purpose of opening negotiations with the Government ot hquador in the matter of fishing for 97,000,000, supposed to be sunk in the deep blue sea at ft well defined point off the Equadorian shore. It is well known that Morgan and other notorious pirates who infested the South Amer ican coast during the early reign of the Spaniards, were in the habit of sinking vessels they could not plun der, owing to their close pursuit. I be native ot those distant regions assert that there are millions of dol lars hidden in the sea all along the entire coast south of Panama. Many ineffectual attempts have been made to discover portions of the treasure. rerhaps the one now under way may prove ft sucoess in the hands of the g wreckers of this astute city. 8. Jr. Chronicle. crushing or masticating the food: They are to be regarded a endowed with a tactile sense, ft discriminating faculty, correspondent to that pos sessed by the muscles snd nerves of the eye and ear. Teeth, it was remarked, have an extreme delicacy of discernment, both as to whether the object comminuted be so stable as food, or such as will irritate the delicate lining of the oesophagus. How speedily do the teeth detect the small est particle of cinder that has found it way into a freshly baked biscuit! And yet both are pulverized with much the same force and sound. Work a Garden. The idea, made so popular from its laiinera, that it costs more to raise "gardening" than it does to buy it, is not good sense.' Every man who has a lot, and every man with a family ought to have, can raise the vegetables for his own table, snd not only have the pleasure of having them fresher and better than any he can buy, but also save that much money. It is to a large class of our residents more benefit than money saved and better vegetables had; the men in offices and stores, with no op- ponunuy ior exercise, win find that an hour or two of work each day in the garden will visibly widen the distance between them and the doctor and the undertaker.. Then. in whatever shape you have a mind to consider it, there is nothing much better to have in a family than a garden well worked. There is blessing at each end of the hoe. oui-ao- 25. CHI. I. narrow UTAH CENTRAL A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERT Wonderful Cmmlv. F.o..i " DR. WALKlill'S CALIFORNIA railroad. riTTYJ riOXEEK LINE OF UTAH. ON AND AFTES V1I0LESALE & RETAIL TIIt7rtSIA.Y, DEO. 1 1870, and TniM vtll 1t OfUn itilj U a.m. aad ArrfT at Salt Lak (My at I S !E OPENING! NOW 10 Uk at Of dM at Ania AX dtj dailj at t a.m. an4 1W p.m. T a.m. aad ttt a. Ia additioa to tha abort aa IMMEWSE ACCOMIODAIIOS 18.1131 WILL RCV DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) or Spring&Sommer Goods. Uaflni Ofdaa City I a.m. and Salt Laka CI (v. 4.40 p.m. am which full laro will (otitis tha r of a ticket to ratora an tha aania day and ana un iraia atur ma lit day ot May, 1871, tha Accommodation Train will only atop at Hooparrilla in addition to tbt rtgular tatiom. Ptwnnri will plaaat Durchaaa thair tickati al tha oSom, Fifty oaota additional will ba ehargd waa tha Un ia collar td on tha tnua. it, 500 Pieces New Prints hambrays, Scotch Ginghams, Spanish Linens, Alpacas, Armures, Wool i De-Lain- Poor Kim. M blakey, Proof and Reran Liquors doctored, tpiced and Made of 1 1. it and A Lin perfect KenoTatoro, Invlgorktor of the System, carrying off all poltoaou natter and restoring the blood to a healthy condiiim. Ko person can take these Bitten according to dlr. tlons and remain long unwell, provided their bona are not aesiroyea oy mineral poison or other ntUL and the vital organ wasted beyond tha point of nv . . . pair. $1.30 . tl. $2.06 $2.26 $2.60 Far all information aonaaralu Fralrht or afa, apply to D. 0. C ALDER, Gaa'l Tickat and Fraight Ag.at. Paa- - FERAMORZ LITTLE, SGPEKINTKND8NT. The Red Topped Boot and Shoe off below us, was a hollow, with ateep rocka ail arouod it. There wa ppriog and a brook there, and green Exciting A (Tray in Church. grass. In that hollow, say about ten rod long, aad five wide, there were During the morning service Tester more-- than ft million of snakes adin the Roman Catholic Church day, der, moccasins, racers, and black of St. Vincent Ferrer, at Lexington nskca "aid woodchuck, squirrels TF TOU WANT A PAIR OF GOOD BOOTS OK Avenue and Sixty-sixtstreet, John X SHOJCS, Go to foxes, &nd one b ar. They had al Gibney, an Irish stonecutter, aged oome there to get to the water, away HID AIM 35 years, living at f lttieth street and from the fire,' but now the water waa and avenue, entered, Lexington wearing Untrimmsd) (Trimmed all dried up, the ground bak nearly his hat. The sexton, Jas.McLarney, cd, and the rocks around as hot as an requested him to remove it. Gibney oren.Y They were all walled in by refused and the sexton ordered him thanre. There wa no gettin out. leave the church. Gibney de to 41 Firs doors Wet of the Z. C. M. I., oa i ne o ar laid down on hi tmcs: and clined to go, snd as he acted in How he Plugged up that I ourib btreet, Ogdan. growled. Hi hair waa most burnt some-whdisorderly manner, two or Hole. off and hi hide wa scorched. The three of the congregation stepped OLD COUNTRY "WATER-TIGHTA FULL ASSORTMENT OF l'osen were burnt as bad, and looked There ia more than one way to forward to assist the sexton in expell MADE TO ORDER. awful curious with their tails al COTTON HOSIERY. He then drew a knife and roasted. The most amusing thing of skin a cat and a fellow up at Marys ing him. in the head, st .bbed Michael Cully lUpalra naatly axacntad, and on hort noltco. iill wus the snakes, borne of them ville has found a new way to plug up a tho point of tho blade breaking off 1. a All Klniti. nt P. -I- ll k l.k.- era aena in ineaps, an twisted up hole, according to the following and i ma aataoiiahmant. (lira ma remaining in the skull, inflicting and burst open ; others were burnt from I call bafora purchasing alnwhara. the Marys ville Apptal a very serious wound. Several other crifp; and the rtat squirmed and OEORGB WHITEHEAD. members of the congregation then A few days since Bill Winkley, or wntrcied like ft heap of tanelod ropes came were to about seize up snd " u ianuliary call All this happened in has than half Dutch lull, ed, took it into his head that he Gidney when he drew an axe from an hour.' While we stood OF GENTS at the sight, a gust of wind and hot would tap a barrel of lager. Pre under his coat flourished it over his declared that he cmders came on us. e choked and paring himself with spigot, he com head, and loudly & who attempted would man "brain menced in Alter operations. starting any turned around to get out. There was with him." The excitement no time to lose. Only a narrow, dry the cork, instead ot striking a fina to interfere fus-- t tho and blow the congregation now became among in sending spigot ravine was unburnt. Down that we and secure, he kept tapping it unti intense. Many shouted "Hang him about each varus two at strad went, cork went in and the Lynch him!" and a rope was speedily die, until we got to the bottom suddenly the TO ORDER BILLS OP ALL WILL CXT out, on short notice, and suddIt their drenching the ceil procured. A rush was made ior hiui We'll never forgit that, stranger, and lager spirted customers a asual. and disarmed, but If hell is any hotter'n thut, we'll jine ine overhead and nearly drowning and he was soiled Bill with the frothing seething mess before the crowd could carry their the meetiu next bundny. sure I Bring on your Orders. Gents', Ladici' and Children's ' The whole" of the Shandaken that covered him trom head to foot. threats of lynching into execution the Will take in Payment for Lumber: Mountain seemed to be on fire lust The shock was so great that the spi officers appeared, took Gidney into in locked him aud east flew out of his hand beyond his Grain, Stock, Store Pay snd Cash. up the Saturday night. In the vicinity of got Fifty-nint- h Police Station street reach. It me dot "Hand Oftllkiads. schpigot," MontSeclly and Liberty Village the Shingles, Lath, Pickets, and fire extend for miles in several di sputtered Bill, ashe frantically clawed is believed that he is insane on the rcctionss Tens of thousands of acres one linger into the hole in a vain at. question of relgion.- - N. Y Tribune, Cedar Post) on hand, or of excellent woodland have boon tempt to stop tho flow of the seething delivered on short burned over, and thousands of cords beverage. "Got in himmel, poys, 5EW BRANDS OF . .Worth notice. Knowing. of wood andHark have been destroy hand me dot schpigot, so I blugs oop T weeds, d. The Methodist chapel, the pub dis hole," he cried in a smothered It is a matter well worth knowing and other buildings tone. "Ain't you all d n fools that a tree felled while in full leaf in lia school-housDoeskins, have been consumed at Jilack Lake. shust now?" he continued to tho yel- June or W have also at our office for sale lie allowed with and to July, Wild tamor prevail of other exten ling crowd, who were pearly dying their tops and lops on till every leaf with laughter. "You let ft man xive losses of property, and, perhaps has fallen, are then very nearly dry nice his drown in de mit hole, fingers ot human lite. lt names have aur ub the leaves will not drop off them rounded several farms and dwellings fun for you, don't it let me get dot selves till they have drawn up and on the distant mountain terraces, and schpigot in dis hole vot runs avay exhausted all the sap in the tree. Warranted not to freete, and to give ears ftre entertained a to the tafety mit de peer, und you vill shust go The time required is from, a month right avay out mit dis blaso." Find- to six full satiifaotion to purchasers. uu the famine.- - weeks, according aa the weath The fbreeta on the Orange County ing no one could or would help him, er is dry or moist. Trees so treated II, B. SC0VILLE, .Mdunttuas . have auto been on tire he wheeled around, and sitting down will never or show leaves push again, " exclaimed the he as on hole, wiped as the stocks of winter-felle- d The tut, extensive of iivo confla timber COOKING trratiou wa along the Hudson High the lager from his face: "Yell, dis almost do if allowed to lie. invariably ' beats vot have never ' I ' elerytings Ion had vestwvd of a Island. and thus prove that they have lost AND hovers arrested the flame on Mod seen, (just then one of tho boys that vitality which the latter retains. handed him the spigot). Ife got de day. and the fire are now smolder THE The floor of a mill laid with poplar so echtopped now, but how can I in ing. extensive loreei nrc are said peerdot treated and cut up and put place achpigot in dis hole. How in less than ft month nine get to to raging ti the New-Jerseleaves after the know answered waa we OGDEN JUNCTION not, barrens, and on Long Island. A. Y. the query shown the slightest but the tailor had an order for ft new fell, ha never Tribune, Jlay 24. symptom or shrinkage, or other in pair of pantaloons for the wild Dutch- dications of not being perfectly sea man. soned. r "Don t yoa Una my son resemJOB OFFICE bles me?" asked an apothecary, as he out of Plaee. Trees emaciated Irishman hav A poor, introduced his greasy-face- d , boy to the witty Dr. "Ye," replied Trees art out of place (says a writer ing called in a physician in ft forlorn Ii inpplied witk the latest improved the doctor, pretending to scan the in the Farmer) when they overshad- hope, the latter spread ft large mus A FULL STOCK OF facilities for turning out every tthysiognomy of each: "yes, I think I ow the roof of ft house, or darken its tard plaster and put it on the poor fel description of see your Imiwuntt ia hi counte- windows, or shut out ft fine prospect. low's lean chest Pat. when with nance." Etc, Etc It is the testimony of eminent phji-oian- s, tearful eyes he looked down on it. small part of the sick- said: "Doctor, it sthrikes me it's a dale that bo It frequently happen that painter ness of families is attributable to the of musthard for to little mate. , splash plate, or other las window AH Order- - addressed to D. R. PIIET, of dwellings by overhanging la the laBt siyle. A London merchant, lately deceas' when they are painting the silhv shading1 Ogdeu City, will nave prempt tree and thiek clustering vines. ed, left a legacy of 20 to ft Glouces When this U the case, melt some sontteatio. Our todies need light, pure sunlight, ter tchoolmaster who one da in very hot water, and wash then gav him deal and our of a and it, spirits a thrashing that had been s life-lon-g great with thorn, using ft toft flannel. It need it none the less; and he who benefit to ill entirely remove paint. him. shuts our this genial dispenser of Wife beating i calld uspousa! A religious journal wants tea in health makes ft great mistake, and mrmvm oi mo Koo I . T . mn . V1 ctead cf vinc at Communion. 0P a greet wroug. is Chicago. oastigation a Straw&Panama Shop! Hats. h LADIES' Hats&Snndowns gold-huntin- BOOT&gHOE SHOP, at ie.. aooTa-nania- a 200 SUITS u Ilonciy - aVXado Summer Clothing S H O a a pu wcriui -- gout in rouoTing vongesuoa OTlUliB. matloa of the Llrer, and all tha Visceral Organ. TOO. FEMALE COMPLAINTS wfcetia h young or old, married or single, at the dawa cf a. manhood or at tue turn or lire, these Tonic Bitten ant no equal. For Inflammatory aad Chronlo Itleaaa. tlam and tiont, Dyapuaeia or IadlfenH unioaa, iiciHiiieni ana intermittent rnm, Piacaaca of the Blood, Liver,. Kidneys, u Ultters have been most anecmnL are caused by Tltiated Blsee, Is which generally produced by derangement of Uu UlaUder, these Bach Dlseaae Dlgratlve Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR IXDIGESTIOX, Rt ache, Pain In the Shonldere, Coughs, Tightnea if at Chest, DUzlnesa, 8our Eructations of the Stoma, Bad taste In the Mouth, Bllloua Attacks, Pslpltuiu of the Heart, Inflammation of the Longs, Pals a tki regions of the Kidneys, and a hnndred other ptlsnl symptoms, are the offspring of Dyspepsia. They invigorate the Stomach and stimulate Outer. pld liver and bowels, which render them of nneeuM efficacy In cleansing the blood of all lmpsrltlri, sU Imparting new life and vigor to tha whole irittm FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter.StS Rheum. Blotches Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boilt, Cu Scald-Bead- , Bore Eyes, Era else, Itch, Scurfs, Decolorations of the Skin, Dragon and Disease of the Skin, of whatever xame or (itvr, are literally dng up and carried out of tha Systran i short time by the owi of these Bitter. On bottle It uch mars will convince the most lucrsdulous f atir curative effect. Cleanse tho Vitiated Ttlond whnvr nn Mi Impurities burstlnir through the skin In l'!iiinl. W tionsor Sores, cleanse It Mhen von find It hatrti iiu.niKHii.il in nit veins; i it lien ittsruai.nt your feeling will tell yon when. Keep the blood put aud the health of the system w ill follow. PIN, TAPE, and other WORlfff, lnrklnr In tt system of so ninny thourand. ere eflretuslly dwtnwrn ana rvmovra. ror mil airrctlons, resil esrfnup the elrcolsr around earh bottle, printed In tour lai guugca cngiiiii, ucnuuu, t reucn sua epsnua. CO. J. WALKER, Proprietor. It. IT. McDOXALD Druggist snd Cen. Apcnts, San Francitco, Cil.,sti and St Commerce 8treet, Kew York. fT"SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AJUD DEALESS 12-l- y J. WILLIAMS CO. lmber Dealers, E S e, Jeans, Domestics, Stripes, Tickings, Denims. They are a Centle Pnrgatlve a well us Tonic, possessing also, the peculiar merit of actlif f. A Large Stock of cut-tod- n it ir Kiir.i i uiiuuu cs. GENTS' nJi enedto plaaaa the taste, called "Tonlca, "Arottl era," Reatorera," e.. that lead tha tinnier drnnkenneii and ruin, but are a trna Medicine, from the Native rlooti and Berbe of California, ai, ttt from mil Alcohollo Stlmnlnnts, They arttkt GIVING PllINCIPLE, FARES: Ofdaa ta Kayrrilla " Farmingtoa " OantreTilla ' Wood't Croat Salt Laka City 0.. A, to. Saa Frmw, Cl, tutlutK Cna!? r Bitters are not aylla Fancy Dri.i' Tin er FIRSTCLASS4 P JJ m P S , STOII FURNISHINGS. t. MW nr.nmr.tirm. atf m.J.'lat MOLLS, BtSCUITS, MUit ist Coku. PtrfuUt .uil. Bn4 eM rMifv tar immtdimt Wi Tb. CEUf XSTBolint PowdtriH tkt WORLD, aad It WILL UO U LXXP OR SEX, in any ciumM, pit ytara it u wu t. th. as. of Vtuhcprt, jrtiura, MrnHxtrt, SmtimH to. tat MIST TSlSTrOWUS rp-c- t, a It la fatt, la ami. "or Mo JTUcara, lo Cms, Mo 6sUoy.N OLD Br 0 ROCEE9 k DIALEBS EVSBrWMU. BEOTH1B, Mannfactured by DOOLET 9 NEW STREET. NEW-YORl J 1 BH X!fMt, StMt ant nulooM IwtilNl act .'.bar GrlidU fn , CITY LICENSES. To all whom it may concern. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT eneugmi in JJueiness Ogden City, (tcr wnich the City provide that a license must b obtained,) without first procuring license are liable to be taken before nj Alderman of (aid City, aud be subjected to a fise. , By order of the City Council, LESTER J. IIEKR1CK, Major. NOTICE e , i ttya.n J TT ue. - T vul-lu- , T 1 itecoruer. The Office of :he City Recorder ii aj the Office of ths t.)g:den Juneti. Seventie' Uall. near iie U. C. R- Station. . tiU Z p.- Offie Ileurt from 10 a. NOTICE. y- Locks, Harness Trimmings, Cutlery, II. Carpenter's Tools. PRINTING mo 1 will CHXRLES O. fRATT AND ALt OTHKR' intsratid. Tots ar Ur.by notinsd that1 at tha U. 8. Und Ofli Salt UkaWj appar hrnr th Raoiilror Ininf thOTOOf. OH Suth day of Juna, 1871, to prov my right to"'"; n nndar th aravisiont of the . K: 'H N. W. tots 1 and Sac. SO, Towanhip at which tima and place yon caa sppaar and contest, if you sea proper. i.tlW, Witnes my hand thi 15th day of May, ": GROCERIES, JOB PRINTING mB'AN' BOOKBINDING ' "' TUOSIAS BEAP GROUND TO LEASE. SLI01BLS TKRT BTtDi?j Cra Bite V Leaaa on tha Korto-wa- s Union Sqoara. r HHJA.W, to JAB. far particulars apply OITERAL P th. Jcvotkir 39-- tf Ml... UfBca. ... Mil Bl SIX ESS CARDS. MERCHANT AMD 11VKRT aawpply. the bast styla mi Itvo art. PROF0, Wa will |