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Show I BaiicM I"Miirt8K. -- SUBSCRIPTION. TgBMOF ""ET.!.. . far - iSOB V W. 1.60 .18 M.icoy DeYoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. RATES OF ADVERTISING. J 4 i M tt.W OO : 1? . 5 n II II 1,40 118 14.W 1T.00 26.M 29 P Dunatu Cards t H M M T Mill U M avinlh. U 170 will b chsrrtd far tha Arat iaaartioa. l"0" . !t a? fa 'TEaaWa a" for is aJTaaoo. Imes of typ. of b. pal. to . I 11 M St 7 $11 tlT S0 tit St M so AM I I it M l&n SbO I I 1! tl &0 8q. adrarUnri allowat to change at plaaaur., TrfolT lh additional chara. of tw.ntjr-OT- . XTRA tor J wr ccupy.nj apaoe eon- - sot markad on th. copy with th. uilartiooa, will bo publUhad at our op. .Ur "VIRTISBMKNTS inwrted till forbid, will U nntU ordared out, to awry initanca, and -- l II lT' tu ."7v..i. " ni.r -- awnu trU will ba ehara- - from th SUM. will bo Nnrti.m.nU oar adwrtW raui.) N"h In-- Ji (t th wita-w- t dnoid of iuurtot to th. ! or iDunM to promou prirau Intaratu, and paymant Will icharewi at adwtinoU, r 1 ir naraonai I.,lnr.ur.wi Jl'rTtl' e right to rj.ct any article or ad.rtiBtaataf thiiclata PENROSE, Editor. C: "W. nCDEN DIRECTORY. Lnited Stale Officers for Utah. Wood Xo. 45. OCDEX, UTAH, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1871. BY TELEGRAPU. Spwial to th. OaDw Jtmcnait by th. Atlantic and racias taiagrapu Uoupaay.J The Reticent Correspon dents to be .Prosecuted! Fatal Railroad Accident! Four Hundred Persons Killed by an Earthquake Fenian Demonstration at Dublin! The Insurgents Losses at Paris! Suicide in a Bath-tub- ! Labor Convention Boston! Murdered Xwdth Plate! ... at a Dinner l Paris Threatened with Pestilence from the Unburied Dead! AMERICAN. : George L. Governor - Keokuk, Io., 30. A. Black. Stertary Oeorg Gibson Marshall, son of S. F. Mar E. Patrick, A'anAaJ--M. shall, Esq,, who htd his lee broken rr ittamew C. H. Hmptead, J. E. Tourtollotte. while attempting to jump on a freight slot. Indian AffairI rv. Plam.nl. train ou tne valley n. k., while it was v. Surveyor-utnera- i. in motion, died very suddenly yester B. Ofar Hornet J. Public Btcmvtr of day, mortification which ensued before w.wa was performed, proved oXiu Oftet George R. amputation fatal. Great preparations are being made to decorate tne soldiers graves in Joh P. Tggrt. . 5. Jwtwor this city. The stores, banks, etc., will . 5. Collector O. J. HolliUr. be closed this p m. Juitiet3. B. McKean. . Chicago, 80. JF. Strickland and O. yutficw-jvria A maa named Ttbichent, this morning C VI. Hawlcy. went to tne residence of his former wife, from whom he was lately divorced, and TwT-tnriOfflOCrH: ended his children; being refus d, n.i.n.itt to- Conor tit William H, de he drew a revolver and shot at her, 4wjwt. missed the voraaa but she fell from Iliornfy-ffOTWfZerubbabcl Snow li and the man thinking he hud frigut, McAllister. T. D. JfuroAol J. killed her, shot himself, fell and died in William Clayton. Jaii.Br ' a few minutes. Truurr James Jack. Decoration day was observed quite School Common of ..mfuW -largely by the military and citizens who Robert L. Campbell.visited the principl cemeteries and strewed flowers, and at Rote Hill amon Weber Couiilj Officers: ument was dedicated to Oen. Ransom r. J udgt FroUt and County with speeches and religious exercises. Singapore, May 25. dtrt Mtn Loater J. Herrick, Henry A volcanio erupiion and an earth Richard Ballantyne. lUmti, quake have shaken the Island of Raa. rurk nd Recorder F. S: Richard. Miner. The country was terribly devested. Four . a hi in drawl It was lnaf William criwuiow KMarie Public N. J. 80. Jersey Cily, F. S. lUeharda. The trial of Patrick Cunningham 4iri(f William Brown. murder of Anthony Auumt wd Collector Suitori Bing charged withon tue the of March, com 25th McDunough bam. meuced y ester J ay before Hudson Couu Canfield Trtaturtr Iirael ty Court. Uontuderable uiincuity whs Coroner Vim. N. Fife. txperiened in obtaining a jury. Sevo School-'ffmBur .W. of Superintendent were examined, but no ini jil witue-sc- g ton. was given. testimony portitut iffrar n ar ..- friit0 Cij GoTernmenl: Incorcorated b? Act of Jan. 18, 1SC1 Municipal election biennially en the lecond Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on .Monday Tenings, at wty Man. wain oirecu Mayor Leater J. Herrick. ' Aldtrmenf. A. Brown. 1st Ward 2d W. Thomaon, ,J -' Wm.W. Burton, 3d Israel Canfield. David Counselor Charles W. Penrose, Winslow farr, Horatio B. Scorille. Recorder ' MarthaL-- W. Thoa. 0. Odell. N. Fife, i ' Aaron Farr. f David Jenkins. Aueuor and Collector S. Bingham. P. 0. Taylor. Captain of Folic , Juttict of the Peace S. Egglestoa ConttabU C. F. Middleton. Treaturer - Surveyor Ogden Post Office: ' . . . . " Local, not KldorCooBty, daily tut. Through Hail daily . T.30 T. a.m Wt Lak ... TJ0a.m, UO p.a 4.00p.m. dily . 1 cuiama. .... Cltw, dally . Wait, Throngh Mail daily . Kwfth, Through Mail dally . Local, Boi Elder Comity, dally . .. . (wt, Through MaU daily . . Cach P-- 8.4S p.m. .W .... IKMI WIKKLT MAILS. ruuin. and Meh County Wadoatdari J SO p.m. and Saturd&rt 2.M p.m. OgdaL Mondari and Thuradayi Hnuliill Wadneadar and Saturdaja 6.00 a.m. 3.00 p.m. Jlaia City Monday and Thumday. .U0 p.m. ainrdala Wadnatdayi and Saturdays uoopar aad AiEia WadaMdayi ana . . . . 1100 a.m. . featurdajri OFFICI H0C1U. 0wral XaliTry opan from ajtt. to pJS. ttonday p.L to p.m. tEOISTET DKPARTMKXT Opti from a.m. to 8.S0 p.m. Ouuid. Door opaa from 7 am. to p.m. ' ' ISAAC M00R1, Poatmattor. Jlh i Trains Leave Ogden daily, until further no-tic- e, for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 30.m. (For extra trains tee time "We.) For the East, at 5 a.m. For the West, at 6.6 p.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. od 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. From the West, .85 a.m. Bait Uk City Tima. ' Dhine Worship Chicago, 81. . yesterday afternoon a Boheminn, named Belada, shot bis affianced Mii Cathorine Mkcolan, in the letl temple, infl.cting a wound which will -- ndoubledly prove fatal. He then aimed ibe muzzle of the revolver to wurds himself, and tiring it, fell dead on the floor. Cause, jealousy. An action wits commenced by Lydia Gilbert, against the Post Printing Com pany, in which damsees are laid at $20,000, for a supposed libel, grounded on an article upon the decision of Judge Rogers, fining the Womans Home scheme lattery. , 3 o'clock The Germans yesterday celebrated the festival of Whitsuntide with great display. Lager beer balls and the parks were crowded. The festival will be con which will be a general tinued holiday with the Germans. , John Gcnnon, while on a visit to a rel ative in the ltith and 1st Avenue, was suddenly seized with insanity, leaped from a 8rd story window, and was bad' ly injured. At 0 last' evening, --the Boston ex press train from this city, ran into one of the Manhaitonville horse can on Fourth Avenue, carrying away the front platform, and killing tue noises, thus Butler, the driver, had his skull fractur John ed, and was fatally injured. Grounds, a passenger, was severely cut in the head. '. Washington, 30. The District Attorney announced yesterday, hit Intention to prosecute the four reticent witnesses handed over to him by the Senate, to be punished for contempt. He statu that he is not only witobliged by law to prosecute these nesses, but be is desirou that they be made test cases, in order that the doubtful question arising from the act may be settled. The grand jury meeta next month, and a certified record of the Senate, whioh, being the only testimony, will be promptly submitted. Notwithstanding the fact that the order of the President lo the army, reKu-klgarding the enforcement of the than wo law, has been distributed more weeks to commanding officers, not a sin fiom that gle case has been reported source to the War Department in return, and Gov. Scott, of South Carolina, has also informed the Secretary of war, that neither additional troops nor martial law are needed in thai State. The French minister hero has asked the Versailles Government, from which y, IRRITAt ANn CtOSINQ MAILS. " uaivaia. . . . 1M a.m. UH Uka Cit. datlv Wart. Thronirh Mail dailT ltarta. Through Mail , About New York, 80. . ...( J U JN (JilU JN held every in the Tabernacle, t 10 a.m. andSunday, 2 p.m.; and in the School Houses of the various Wards at fi p.m. . 'T r VOL. fr. The lubjoined is related by tk " 1 San Franoiaoo Chronicle. A few day. linoe, on of our well to-d-o tobacoo merchant bad occ.isitH. to Twit th city of Suiaun. Ailcr h had finished the basin ees which called him there, he went to epa the sight. Wnue in a he looked at hi. watch, a Tory fine watch by the way, 100 0-- J-T, 1 OGrDEN X11JU Manar.r, lo waoia all k..l.l h I atldraaaad. Taken la and Don bar-roo- II. he is accredited, to recall him, on ao-- ! count of ill health. He has been suffering from aberration of mind, produced by fever, and accelerated by the exciting events whioh have beeu transpiring in France. It is stated quite positively that the Sen ate did take action in its Executive session last Friday, regardinzhe construction to be placed on the rules in the treaty, for the arbitration of the Alabama" claims, and that a pecifio interpretation was adopted and sent to the President wuh the view of beinjtcommu Dilated to Lord Granville, in hopes that it may be aooepted and incorporated in the treaty, before the exchange of ratification. Of oourse this is necessary with England, though the belief is ex pressed in high Radical quarters, that grave objeotious will not be interposed. m and a bystander requested to ,eo it also. J. he stranger remarked, "A fine watch that; ia it for Bale?" Tha tobacco dealer, always on the pii viva to turn sn honest penny, even if without tobacoo, offered tne watch for 7o. The stranger being satisfioi. with the prioe purchased the "chronometer, and cave his check for $74 on the Bank of California in pay ment. The tobacco merchant troated the crowd on the bargain and went his way happy. On his arrival in town, ne presented the check; the cashier of the. Bank of California looked at the signature, turned the check several timos, and, then handing it back to the tobacoo merchant; has no funds ooolly remarked, Mr. here, sir." The tobacco merchant was of course astonished, and has, resolutions were adopted asserting that ners. The prisoners have all been ssnt must supersede th wages to Versailles. Oen. Laoillia with a few syslea; that a reduction of the hours of followers tied t the Castle of Vinoennea, labor will inoreaae its compensation, but upon the commencement ef the and protect it against Congressional erection of siege works by the Govern land grants, declaring the condition of ment troops he at onee surrendered. Gen. Deuai officially reports having the working woman worse than that of the working maa, and that they should lost forty officers and six hundred men be endowed with the right of suffrage; during the engagements ia whioh his declaring that in the struggle between troops participated sinee the Versaillists pnvi eg, capital and labor there are no entered Paris. Paris journals demand the cessation Republican and no Democratic lines; but for us are all the just and fair minded of summary executions. Several at men. And against us are all the greedy tempts were made yesterday to asaassv and unscrupulous, who sacrifice justioe nate officers ef the army. The bodies to party, and make haste to be rich. of the murdered priests are te lie in Wendell Phillips said tbe troublea in slat for a week. With the exoeption of Piatt and Grou Paris were caused by the illiterate olass, who have been half atarved by sett; all the Commune ohiefs have been . oppression, and that similar danger will killed or taken prisoners. be set before this Republic before many farts, 9U. All is quiet. Th victorious troops we are informed, placed the case ia Madison. Wis., 80. years. Addresses were also delivered A telegram was received this p.m., at by Mott, Stephen. Foster and other in occupy th barracks. Tbr is a trong the hands of the detectives. the Lawrence office, from Attorney Gen. conformity with the spirit of the resolu feeling here that the Paris Government Barlow, announcing the welcome faot to tions and the convention then adjourned. is too weak to last. the people of Superior City, that Judge Awful massaeres continue at the bar New York, 1. American NewMpapers. Bernard Devine, and wife, residing at ricades in Rue Roohuart. In one ditch Miller of the Unitod States District Court, had granted a provisional injunc East Eighteenth street, quarrelled yes- the wounded people were found buried Colonel John W. Forney said, ate. tion against the city of Duluth, restrain terday p.m. about a trivial affair, when alive; they groaned and shrieked dread ing the construction of the canal across the infuriated weman picked up a din- fully all night. An epidemio is feared dinner given in his honor : "Ia 1870 Minnesota Point, thereby changing the ner plate with which she deliberately from tbe number of dead bodies. Vedal we count fifty-fiv- e hundred news peoutlet of tne St. Louis river from ita na struck ber husband a blow on the bead, was shot, so was Frislherd; the body of riodicals of all with a probable degrees, tural course. mashing his skull. Devine was taken the latter was elaimed by his wido not less thaa annual circulation of to the hospital, where he died last night. 40,000 francs was found in his cellar, Washington, 81. seven hundred and twenty-fiv- e mil The portion of an act providing for an The wife was arrested and held to await tbe spoils of tbe Republic four lions. hundred Of and a additional issue of National Bauk note the action of the coroner, who will hold member of the these, Commune, Mather, was arrested ana loauuu iranos was seventy-fiv- e circulation in the South-anWest, ex an inquest are dailies, circulating Cable dispatches to the American found upon bim. pi res the middle of July. The fact has two millions of copies every tended to increase applications from Press Association published on Tuesday Ths Versaillists have placed baok tbe nearly r twenty-fouhours, one hundred and those lections for new banks, and sever afterneon last announced the escape statue of Henri Quat,- -, which had been are th agricultural journals, circusixty al have been granted within the last few from Paris of Grouset and Felix Piatt, thrown into 8in. Oklaeoski was taken out and shot, lating over half a million ; and about days. The Secretary has already de the notorious Communist leaders and olined applications of Eastern capitalists the proposed abolition of the French Milliere was arrested at the Luxemburg: three hundred religious periodicals,, in he resisted and Bred six shots irora his to take out any remaining undisposed of National Guards. The above circulating over two and a half mil at tne expiration of the limitation nam formation is furnished the public by tbe revolver; he was taken to th steps and lions of copies of each edition- - an air- ed, and he will hold it open for further Associated Press thia morning, 86 hours shot. without counting our month gregate, the Versaillists attack was the of the after it papers by published by During legislation. Nearly all the Senators and members the American Press Association. The upon the barricades in the Plaoe del ly literature, larger than the rest of who remained in town during the spe dispatches appear in the Herald and Fetes, a number of tbe Insurgent lost the oivuixed world. In tuiy years, cial session of the Senate, have left; their other Associated Press papers as fol their way and got mixed with th Ver when our shall nave atpopulation departure has been accelerated by the lows: "It is reported that M. Piatt has saillists; they were taken prisoners and tained, on the present ratio of increase, excessive beat. escaped from Paris, also the National fifty of them shot to one hundred and fitly millions, the x commit Guard throughout France will be dis The members of the Versailles, ou. y will have a At ths sitting of ths Assembly tee are arriving, to meet on Thursday. armed and disbanded. The question boy ef seventeen The President, and Seoretary of the arises what officer of tbe cable wilfully Changarnier spoke about Mets, defend- far different story to tell. ing Bazaine. Thiers replied, and called navy will visit the navy yard, which has delayed these dispatches. Bazam an illustrious warrior. been fitted up for Captain Hall a forth Jersey City, . J., 1, Duks Audepret Pasquier proposed the The trial of Patrick Cunningham for Mrs. Eddy, of Lincoln, caught her coming voyage to the Arctic region. the murder of Anthony McDonough at admittance of tbe Orleans prineei to the better half The adjournment of the Senate, with kissing the servant girl. out the usual formalities of notifying the Weebawken, was concluded last even Assembly. was sent for. lie says he doctor The would he be who Picard that and the case the not sub' lo was The accideutal. replied happy given ing, Preident, jury, can patch up Mr. Eddy's faoe, bat lect was mentioned, and a committee at a late hour returned a verdict of guil to consider tbe subject. Clenchamps corps of 20.000 men have he'll always be baldheadeiL suggested, but for a reason not explain' ty of murder in the second degree. The ed in public, but which is perfectly un court then sent need him to tbe State returned in triumph te Versailles with derstood, Mr. Conktin insisted upon ah prison at hard labor for 20 year, and 6.000 criaonara. who were discovered 8am at Last! "For five years". ruptly terminating the session, especial so long tbercrafier as tbe costs of the to be the Insurgents who murdered nine write a gentleman at Harriiburg, Pa-- . Dominican priests on Friday. ly when he came to know that Mr. Mor prosecution should remain unpaid. e chase after re London, SI ton was anxious to have it briefly con'I was on a The TVmai speoial from Versailles says, medies for ' I bav FOREIGN. tinued, for important Executive busitaken, dyspepsia. that Ernest Picard has resigned ths ness. The plain truth is, there has Paris, 30. first euros" and "infallible last, enough been a sudden schism among the admin The deserted and desolate appearance Ministry of the Interior, and is suc to float a jolly boat, and the mor I istration leaders, and Conklin' carried of the city is gradually being replaced ceeded therein by Victor. L Franc Mono announces that the swallowed, th faster I got bo better. his point against Morion, by a more cheerful aspect of affairs. for Paris life is commencing, and business Prince de Joinville and Dae d'Aumeile leaves The Luckily, or rather providentially, it home; he has fully recovered the use of is being resumed in a degree, although have proclaimed their adherenoe to tbe eame into my head te try Dn. Wattia's de and Count manifesto of Chamberd, his voice, a d walks about and feels many shops still remain closed. Those and the This VlOSTASU VmsaAi BlTTlBS, well, and only requires rest to fully re citizens and others who fled from the that the fusion of the Legitimists store bis beat h. was about five months ago. In less thaa city during the Communist reign of Orleanists is complete. A Datly Aetet special says Rochefort There is a prospect of stirring times terror, are now returning in large num six weeks not a twinge remained to reon the Indian frontiers. A requisition bers. House which bad been unin has certainly been condemned. mind me of the complaint. I am perGen. Leffo goes to St. Petersburg ur additional forces baa already been habited for months are agaia assuming made, by Schofield, for Arizona. Tbe an appearance of lite. Since the entry ambassador from France; he is succeed fectly well, and have only one regret In linns are on tlie war path. did not discover th tru tpecifie that of the Versailles, the Parisians have en- ed as Minister of War by Gen Assey, Fioard has been appointed Governor sooner." The portion of the act providing for joyed a feeling of safety and tranquil an additional issue of national bank security, and are not now afraid to ven ef the Bank of r reno.. Aside AcTtTAi 9iriu Sbost Wsioht. Versailles, 1. notes for circulation in the south and ture into the streets as formerly. The Cissey is appointed Minister of War in from lbs impure substances from whioh west expires in the middle of July. This streets are crowded with visitors carious fact has tended to increase applications to mingle with the troops and citizens, plao of Deglo, who goes to tb Russian are made the majority of Baking Powfrom tboie sections for new banks, and and the greatest harmony and order capital as t renon ambassador. Th Assembly bav several have been granted within a few prevail. Most of the Communist lead proposed th ders, a large proportion are short ef the days.' secretary Bout well has already ers have been already captured and shot nomination of Daemon as eandidat for weight represented upon the package. An impassive attitude is We not declined the application of eastern capi Grousset. the Communist minister of President. only claim that Doom's Ysait the entry of taliste to take the amount remaining. foreign affairs, and Felix Piatt have preserved by Paris since is free from any injurious subPowdix both escaped, notwithstanding a thor lb Versaillists. Tbe people ar terri New York, 81 Gov stances, and that eaoh paokage contains Tho trial of Joseph Murray, one of ough search, and have probably fled to fied; it is evident they regard the awe. ernment with and run. wiioht, hut that the quantity re Assembly the three men arrested on the charge of some of the provincial towns in the and not as saviors. Tbe gagging Thomas, casluer of the Central neighborhood of Paris, where they wait conquerors, measures whioh have been quired te produoe the desired result In unrelaxing Park Bank, on the 3rd of April, and an opportunity to escape from France. is from twenty-fiv- e to fifty of the Commune tbe kitchen Blanqui, who lately bad control of used for the suppression stealing $450 from the money drawer o less oent. than those of ordinary this in doubtless aided have per produoing at the Court the affairs of the Commune at Paris the bank, took place manufacture. Manufactured by Doolit in general sessions before the city judge, and who rendered himself especially feeling. A violent feeling pre- ft Bbotibb, 69 New street. New York, Bedford. The testimony was conclusive obnoxious to the Government, has been vail in th city, and it is certain that and proved the guilt of the prisoner, and brought to Versailles for trial. a proposition for restoring the Empire and for sale at retail by all respectable he was sentenced to the States Prison Dublin, Ireland, 80. grocers. A grand Feniau demonstration took would meet with the bitterest opposition for 20 years at hard labor. Other two and In the of cities Bordeaux, Lyons on occasion forenoon here this the men were arrested on a charge of being place Marseilles a similar feeling exists, and of the funeral of Terence Byrne, implicated, but were discharge'! the bavaga and determined nature of the ATTORNEY ft COUNSELOR, . On Ti esday evening a young man prominent member of tbe brotherhood who registered his name as J. C. Hayes, The funeral cortege was followed to the Paris Insurgent strongly induoes tbe Office Hotel. Ogden opposite) at Grand Central Hotel, and occupied a cemetery by a procession of upwards of belief that similar results would occur OGDEW CITT. waaiaaat af suite of' rooms, was found anting up four thousand Fenians, embracing not in these cities, if the Republio is dis Sagal in k)4t tensfdy aOeaSal turbed. Uf a. right in a bath tub. quite dead, having only the city organizations, but also In view of the present excited state of those of several adjacent towns. The shot himself through the breast. H WOODU real name proves to be George E. Hath greatest order nd decorum characterised publio opinion in regard to tbe future form of Government, the Assembly will away, of Rutland, Vt., agent for the the entire proceedings. As the proces Physician and Surgeon. sion passed through the streets of the probably delay definite action In the Warranted te Extract Marble Works of that place. Tape and Stomach until order and harmony are St. Paul, 31. city, immense crowds congregated to matter, ; worms, etc. i the restored nation. throughout The Morning Call of Duluth suspend witness it, but no disturbance occurred. fully All calls promptly attended to. , 1. Paris, ed in that place, will shortly re issue After the funeral, the proccsaion quietly The wholesale execution of Insurgents OGDEN CITT, UTAH. here in a new and improved press and dispersed. VaeoiM aMMar from th Cow always on ban. continues. All ars, without exoeption, Versailles, 80. management. tf The inhabitants of Belleville have shot immediately on being captured. Keokuk, Iowa, 81. t. H. ftsmom, M.P. The body of J. A. Lowett, aotor, of openly announced that they will make Thousands of corpses are lying in every Eotwsu Traam, U.D. in of direction various decompo stages a and found secret arson was this of the iu this place, river DRS. TIBBITS & SIMMONS, reprisais.and system sition. The smell is fearful and an epi morning. It is supposed he committed assassination is apprehended. The In demio is Phtsioiams asd ScaoBOvs, immediate if apprehended, suicide on account of being unable to siirgenls in Fort Vincennes have surren Corner of Main ft 2nd South Sts., Office, remeasures taken not are for procure employment in his profession; dered unconditionally to th Versailles sanitary the eause of the stenoh and .(Out SotUrSaKa BtnraJ moving he leaves a wife and child. troops. SALT LAKE CITY. dead the the of Many eity. solicited. The Gauloie announces that the Or- cleansing Boston, 81. Rnrgery in all its branch The May training or usual Spring leans Princes will be allowed to live in have been buried with suoh a slight covering of earth that the first heavy parade of the militia of Mass. was duly France. 0. C. 0RM3BY, M.D., Thiers has ordered the disarmament rain will wash it away. Some part of observed throughout the State toof Paris and the dissolution of the Na th oity ar wholly nninbabitsbl by th day. PHYSICIAN, BURGEON AND y John Welsh, tional Guards in tbe Department of the tench arising from the deoaying ebar After 12 o'oloek DRUGGIST, with his invalid son, Patrick, was seine. MoMahon has issue! a eon grata nel I sap. knocked down and run over by two run- Utory proclamation to the army. Brlgnam CitJi Utah81-t- f No heroes at all for as if their Paris is tranquil, and trade already The away horses in Bowdern Square. head of the father struck the pavement shows signs of reviving. The soldiers heroism is to consist ia beinz sot with great force, breaking a large por- have been fed by the inhabitants. Ar men ITtiiifey. Fat the Ctak Centre! tNfia Betua, Olaa. tion of his skull. He was sent to the rests of the Insurgents continue. CO., COAL AX'S UHt The Insurgents' losses previous te May An Alabama journalist hears "Of T X- - THOMAS hospital. The boy was severely hurt tl , rMalan, ba (oar lastly oa hao4 a toot about the head. It is feared that the 22, when the Versailles troops entered the demise of in Madi of BCPPLY whir COAL, many dogs taay will eaU oa tb wonnds of oth will prove fatal. Paris, are estimated at 12.000 killed Cara, at IS C.nV-- oo tb Toa abora ooat, for oaattor at killed son, lncemnt by barking under- ths and wounded, and 23.000 prisoners. The Mass Convention proQnn at cans ram. at tc c!a pi14 aar th. Thaatra. candidates Democratic passing Libi League has Since May 22, 10,000 have been killed aucpices of the Eight-hou- r UXlOlxubtof Bfeai: Cora wmotad. y around.' session and in been r. if. at. THOMAS evening. and wounciod, and Zu,WJ takes priso d y. Eu-klu- to-da- y, wild-goos- t I ;,;. to-d- A. MINER, ... DR. , OltTII, COAL YARD, T7-- |