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Show A lm function. (The wrt WBPSKPIlAY ami SATURDAY liy the Oiipki l'ousw.vu Compasv. and l!iHnr TAJIKS SliKIA W, iioiiid I tO Wlltllll all HtSlinCHS CKIIilllllliiL'iHlOllri dilrwwnl. Fuldislud liotirccn Hie Acts. Mirmn the Acts while tin- - music play Strauss waltz, sciifUuiM, rhythmic" ittuni?, 1 luunge t ease in my velvet (hair, With my lady beside mc, cold and fair, in J I think, with u Miiilo, uf u j. viul hong That I used tu sing In my yuiiiii s w.ld days. A and When, (aging iilly aero tlio aUl., I notlcs a lair face, nun nnil worn ; Thoii;h tliu lip are smiling, the even uro sad At niy glance they would mice grow bright and And I uots how a lnok of meaty scorn d IVdlowi ehwe after the smilr. How the pauseless, pitiless ycui ii hnv fled Sine I um(1 te cull hor my own Lisetiu Ones more her Innocent liiK seem To warm uiy lips; auin the Of our needless love cmiies back. And yet Vor score uf years I Inul thought it dead. She wii poor and fiii'iidlnss, and had hut me To lovt;.and i.u tluiiigbt to lie my wifr ! How could I marry tlm Coolifb child, And o, by her beautiful face buguilml, Sentence myself to a toilsome life, Kover from caie-o- r labor free 1 Tuu see I was not iu tho least to Maine-- , She mint haro known that our dreiuu must end. In her look I can rmd the life she has led Since I left her. Of course she ban inner wed, for women like her rim only wend The droary, downward path of thump. Ilearoul I will ntulu me with no mure Hunt But for me, Llaetto, you were pure lucl good! Thuu;h ynu may forgive; inn Uod forget 1 Come back tn me, love, (,,t I love you yet! By And to uievtyoui .....;i:vU-iiearm I would Turn back from tufrgnlcs of Paradise! A tours from my lady's dolicate glover The music ceases, the curtain Una, Jt Is late, too late, my lost Liscttet You hare passed from my life, ami with vulu 1 regret, know that llje world's most glittering gifts Are dnll y the aide of your shitting love. Tlio Frudulfiit llllsillCSM. Divorce Conn., Feb. 2. A few weeks since a petition for divorce was presented in tbia city in tlicuirenicCourt from Lucien B. Randolph through Charles II. Fowler, an attorney of , The grounds get forth were adultery, desertion and misconduct. The cose was heard by Judge Minor, and a decree granted upon the testimony of two persons, one purporting to be Lucien Randolph who, it uppcars, was n lor the real acting us a Randolph, and the other purporting to fce one Samuel 8. Wood, who, itturusout, Was an aocomj.lioo in the case. The party personating Randolph swore n he hud beeu a resident of for 20 years, The decree was granted Deo. 'l'AT 1870. Two days afterward the eal Randolph, having by this fraud Keen freed from his tmrnago relation with Ismtore 1'. Randolph, now, it is believed, living in Virginia, married the of Jacob 11. Wycoff of Manchester, N. J. Through a New York paper the fraud divorce cumo to the attention of Mr. vTycoff. Greatly alarmed and mortified, Nr. Wyooff immediately wrote to Judge Minor, informing liim that Randolph had married his and that ho (Randolph) had not been absent from Kew Jersey in over three mouths past, long enough to have appeared in New Haven, and that there must have b;cn a fraud practiced. This morning, also, Mr. II. P. Hermann of No. 84 Nassau of Mr. St., New York, a Wycoff, appeared beforo the Court as he attorney and friend of the injured girl, and substantiated the statements in Mr. Wyeoff's letter. The fraud appearing conclusively to the Coyrt, the decree of divorce was annulled. The Court took the counsel for Randolph Bhnrply to tank, and demanded of liiiii that ho clear his skirts of all complaints in the bafe transaction. It is, Judge Minor said, the grossest fraud practiced upon the Court in his knowledge of practice. Randolph had never Been before the Court and was personated by one who was probably unknown hi the city, and certainly not one who had resided here 20 years. The Court further stated he had been informed that the divorce petition came through otio house, a noted divsree practitioner in New York City. Mr. Fowler, attorney in the case here, stated at length his connection with tlio case, asserting that he had acted in good faith, and had teen also a victim of fraud. The attorney was ordered to make a thorough inves'igation of the case and report to the Court. The daughter of Mr. Wycoff thus married is represented as a lady of excellent character, aud one highly esteemed, and it is conjectvred that Randolph thus deceived and married lier in expectation of obtaining possession of funds belonging to her and then decamping. N. Y. Trihune New-Have- n, Ncw-Have- n. stool-pigeo- New-Have- step-daught- r, son-in-la- ami Convenient Mode of Is.uk Lunar and Other t'uutiC!. JTotcI The extreme danger of conveying infection on the point of a frequently used pencil of caustic, will recommend this simple device to the medical profession: Take a bundle of splints of wood, similar to lucifer matches; dip the ends in melted caustic, separate them, and allow them to dry. A fresh match of caustic may be used for each application, and a fine caustic point is thus always at hand. Lunar and carbolic acid, nud all the solid caustic bodien, may be used in this manner, of which the original suggestion appeared in a London newspaper. J. WILLIAMS Frontiersman. Sioux City has occasionally a ripping, tearing, swearing frontiersman, named Jack Morrow u terrible fellow who shoots on the least provocation. Jack will get drunk himself, but never permits hid cleik to similarly offend. One of them once went oil" on a big "bust," and the Journal tells it thus: "The clerk awoke along near rundown, Rnd feeling guilty and believing that Morrow would surely discharge him, he concluded to take time by the forelock, and go away that night. He went into the clothes drawers and selected a complete suit of clothing, aud put it on. Then he took all the money in the store, and "some other little articles," and started off down the road toward Morrow soon discovered matters, and going into tlio corral, he caught up a horse, and saddling and bridling him, he went back to the house and told the folks he was going to follow and catch the clerk. With no arms but those he always carried, his belt revolvers, he started for the fort. As he came iu sight of the fort, the guilty clerk (who bad just arrived there) saw him, and attempted to keep out of sight. He had obtained a shotgun from somo citizen, and thus armed, he crawled into a huge pile of telegraph poles that luy near the Morrow's keeu stockade of the fort. eye soon delected his hiding place, w hen the clerk levelled the shol-guand fired at Morrow's face. As tlio muzzle of the gun was pointed at him, Jack quickly put hi open hand over his luce, and the clerk tired one barrel of the gun, the charge striking Morrow iu the hand, lodging three buckshot between the metacarpal bones, but not passing into his face. Before the clerk could raise the hammer of the other barrel, Morrow's long lingers were in his hair, and with one long pull the clerk was dragged from the wood pile and jerked to his knees, when ho found the long shiny barrel of an army revolver in close proximity to his forehead. Morrow's first impression was to shoot the man dead on the spot, but his peculiarity here camo out in full force and asserted itself. "I ought to shoot you, you d WI rss-ca- l, but 1 won't do it. Get up ou your feet and come along with me." As soon as he let go of the man's hair, he arose and followed Morrow to Gallagher's store, where Morrow drank and made the clerk drink with him. He then mounted his horse and made the clerk accompany him to the ranchc, when, upon" their arrival, the fear and excitement, and the terrible drunk he had experienced, threw the miserable clerk into a long spell of sickness. He was carefully attended to and his wants anticipated by Morrow, and, after he became perfectly well, Jack called him into the ranuhe one day, aud, giving him a hundred dollars in money, said to him: "You came to me poor and I gave you a You good situation with a good salary. got drunk and neglected my business, but for that 1 intended to forgive you. You then went off with my propeity, and added injury by shooting at me to kill me when I followed you. I cannot do any more for you, but I cannot send you away a beggar. Here is $100; now I want you lo go." double-barrelle- d u Illcnding AlJVellon nnd Economy. A curious change of domestic relations occurred in the town of Orange, Massachusetts, five or six years ago. Two young men, neighbors and friends, says the lloston Traveler, had married two young and amiable women, and each couple had lived together happily for a few years, each having one or two infant pledges of affection in the meantime vouchsafed to them. At the time spoken of six years ago one of these friends and his friend's wife took sick and died within a week of each other. The friends during their life had secured adjoining lots in the cemetery of the town, and when the decease of the parties mentioned took place, they were buried in their respective lots, but in such a way that a monument could be erected between them. Whether this was occidental or not, is not related. About five months after the double decease, however, the surviving male and female representatives of both houses, somewhat to the surprise of the neighbors, concluded to perpetuate the former friendship by a closer alliance; in other words, they got married, and their wedding was a splendid affair. After a time about three years ago the united representatives of both houses concluded a joint arrangement to show their love for the dead, by erecting a splendid monument the finest in the cemetery ou one of the faces of w hich I ho name, age and vii tues of the dead husband '.vere set forth, on the other face those f the deceased wife. The w.ty New York policemen get diamond pins is e'.pl.iined by a liquor dealer, lie says; t "Two weeks ago a detective came into my placo and asked mo to put my name down on a paper he had for twenty-fiv- e dollars, to help to buy a diamond to be I told him I . presented to Captain was under no obligations to Captain or anybody else. He said it. would be belter for me to give it, as they all were putting their names down for the same amount. I said the last time he camo in, that Superintendent had issued an order against the police taking anything. He only laughed aud said that would be all right. iSo, for fear of being watched night and Sunday, I gave tventy-fiv- e uollars. & CO. Lumber Dealers, TUE VINEGAR BITTEES. 1071. Through strucifle and .uflbrini:. at the cot of BILLS OF ALL multiform borpavemuntB, devastation, on short notieu, and emiply their the Americanagonic, Idea omhodii d in the to customers as usual. our fathers' Ikn'laration of Independence ap- proainea its complete realization. The noble, on inspiring assertion that "all men are created equal," and endowed ty their Creator with inalienable rights to life, lilwrty, and the pursuit of "Will take in Peyment for Lnrabcr: happiness, is no longer a glittering generality, a poet's fancy, a philosopher's speculation, hut the Grain, Ptock, Etore Fay and Cash. recogniicd liase of our political fabric. The benign Revolution, which dates from the Boston Massacre of 1770, Ands its logical completion, jmt one century later, tn the XVth Amendment; Willi n gives to the tonal political and civil rights of every man born or Daturalir.ed in our Republic the shield and defence of the Kedxral Constitution. The billows nf CaKte aud Privilege may roar and ia5e around that rock, and may transiently seem on the point of washing it away: but its foundations are deep-lai- d and stcadla.it, aud the breakers ot Keai tion and Mavery are tiurlud against aud dn-- li their spray over it in vain. We do Hot underrate the forces of Prejudice We do not forget that a very aud Aristocracy. U'e have also at our office for sale large minority of the American l'eople still hold in thoir turnout hearts that 1)1 ks have no rights mtes are bound to resin-it- . winch weiully appreciate the denperation wherewith all the ot to hatred Iteinililican achieve warring elements ment will lie combined and hurled againnt the battlements of Republican axecudeucy in the residential election ot lSti Vie do not doubt that local snccesses, facilitated by Republican Warranted not to freeie, and to give feuds and dissensions, will inspire the charging uoxt witn a Kangume hope ot victory, eucti as full satisfaction to purchasers. nerved it to put forth its utmost strength in the earlier stages of the contests of 1MH and ISoS. let our faith is clear aud strong that the Ameri II. B. SCOVILLE, can People still bless Und that, on tlie red luttle-fiuld- s ot our late Civil War, the L'nion was upheld Agent. e-and Slavery destroyed, and will never consciously UecMIe ttiat tlie precious blood Ihereou poured out was lavished in vain. 'fat Truii.se believes In the prosecution of the great smuggle by legitimate means to boneflcout ends. To Mate Sovereignty, it opKwes indissoluble National Integrity; to Slavery for Itlacks, ii('ranchisemenl; Lilierty lor all; to Proscription, to Popular Ignorance, Universal Kducation; to and nf wrathful Hate, universal eternity intensity aud invincible liood Will. It would fain do its utmost to hasten the glad day when the Puuth shall vie with the North in exultation and grali-tml- e 124 over the disappearance of the last trace or of that spirit which imjs'lled Man tu exult Are pnired to KILL HILLS of LUMBER all taiut in the ownership aud chattlouuud uf his fellow Maw Mill on Man. through the Winter, at their Profoundly do we realise Hist the contest Is not the yet ended that Millions mourn, more or less publicly, the downfall uf the slaveholders' Confederacy, aud rear their children to hate those by whose valor and constancy its overthrow was achieved. If we ever seem to differ essentially from other Republicans, our conviction that magnanimity is never weakness, that vengeance is nevat the Following KU-- r er politic, aud that devils are not cast out by lteelxebub, must serve to explaiu alleges! eccentricities whose perfect viudicatiou we leave to Time and Reflection. Tut Tkiiium: has been, Is, and m'nt be, zealous advocate of Protection to Home Industry. to Regarding habitual idleuess as the greatest l Hquare-Kdse- d, human progress, the twine of human happiuess, we seek to win our countrymen in masses from the ensnaring lures of Fi illation, uflralltc, and of always overcrowded Professions, to the tranquil paihs of Productive Industry. We would gladly deplete onr overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly Jostle and crowd in misguided Delivered anywhere In Ojrrton City for It eirra quust of "Something tolsj," t i cover prairies and per luo reet. in Agriculture, plains with colonies Mechanics and Manufactures, and constantly We will take Canh, Stok and Grain la payinto the void wilderness the ment. Iirojecting the worksblank, of civilized Man. Holding the Protection of Homo Industry by discriminating duliea on iiii(iurted ares and fabrics essential to tlio rapid, keiienrent ditliision of Prcsluc-tio- n 200 Bxmheli of CORN Wanted Immediately. in all its phases and di sirtmonts, and so to the instruction of our proj le in all the gainful arts of peace, we nrgo onr countrymen to adhere All Order addrpmcd to BAnXAIW YTIIITK, to and uphold that policy, in nmloiibting faith Konrth Street, Ojeli't), will receive prompt ttn-tio- that the tme interest, not of a class of a section, 3tf but of eac h section and every useful class, is thereby subserved and promoted. The TRi lira F. aims to be a Xews-paie- r. Its corresKindeiils traverse every Slate, are present on every imrtant tttle-hc!d- , are early advised of every notable Cabinet dis'ision, observe the proceedings of Congress, of Leisli. turea, and of Conventions, and reMrt to us by telegraph all that is ol general interest. We have paid for one day's momentous advices from Kiiropo by Ca'de far more than our entire receipts tW I lie Issue in which those advices reached our readers. If lavish oullav, uusleeping vigilance, and unbounded faith in the liberality aud discernment SALT LAKE CITY. of the reading public, w ill enable us to make a journal which has no superior iu the accuracy, variety, and freshness of its couteut. Tm Taili-- i vk shall be such a journal. To Agriculture and the subservient arts, wo have devoted, aud shall persistvnlly devote, more means and sjiace Ihau any of our rivals, tie uiui to make 1'ue Wef.klt Tuihi vi such a paper as no tarmer ran afford to do w ithout, how ever widely TEll THOUSAND. his politics may differ from ours. Our rejstrts of tha Cattle, Horse, Produces, and Oeiieral Markets, are so full and accurate, our essays in uluculaliou of the farmer's calliug, aud our regular reports uf tho Farmers' Club and kind red gatherings, are so orot farmer will find interesting, that the therein a mine of suggestion and counsel, of which he cannot remaiu ignorant without positive aud serious loss. We n il The W i.iklv to Clubs r; for less than its value in dwellings for and, though its subscription is already we ve Mn that a Half Million more very Urge, farmers w ill take it w henever it shall be commended to their attention. We a-- k our fileuds everywhere to aid us in so commcuiling it. WUX CUT Bring TO ORPKIt j our Orders. Jith, Picket, nnd Cedar 1o(m on hand, or delivered on short notice. Hurulrctb of Thon2.1r.cb o c 0 he to- PUMPS, STEAM SAW MILL. I. & o. tm 3Ii(Wlc Fork of Ogdcn Kivcr, Sheeting, $1.75 per 100 Tee. $2.00 per 100 feet. Flooring nnd IMe.tet, $2.25 per 100 feet. Truckcefc SaltLako LUMBER YARD, their Wonder- Eeur testimony lul Curative Ku'uets. a r. 5 x y t o jT S ? 1 2 .diJ '' 5 3 P Z 3- - I . ON CARS AT OGDEN, 825.00 per M. Doors, Sns Door, nntl islands made to order. SaltLako &Trnckee LUMBER YARD. '' - j). m PAiiKii unsT, Salt Lake City. 80-t- f WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD, liCJlTOS. ONE LOT NORTH OF WHITE. ftOCSE. It! pSSSif Ill mSWW sis 2 7,. a m o s4 rrrrv-- r - - ATtT? XflT Ill A VTT.T". Poor Rnm, WJiSsltpy, Proof Pplrlf doctored, spiced and to please the tasto, called " Tonlca," " AppctU-ers,- " Mncatorers,"ie., that lead tha tippler on to ndllrfiisjel-iiquora- drunkenness and rnln.bnt are a true Medicine, mada from the Katlvo Root3 nnd ncrbs of Ca!ifonita,frro frnm all Alonholio rtlmrilnnf ;. They are tl.o Invleorator of tho System, carrying off til poisonous rnalterandrcstorliigthcbloodtoahcaUliycoortltlon. Ko person can tako tlicso Eittcr3 according to direction and remain long unwell. l'JO will be given for au lncnraMc ease, provided the honct aro not destroyed ty mineral poison or other means, and tho vital organs wasted beyond tha For Inflnmmntory nnd Chronic! nhenma-flaIndlgeatlon, nnd (Jout, I)ypcni! Ulllon. Kcinlttent nml Intrrmlttrnt Fewer Dinrasc ortlie Blood, Liver, Kidneys and liluddcr, theso Hitler havo btsen most success fal. Sucli I)lnruci are caused by Vitiated m Blotches, Spots, Tlmplcs, Pustules, BoIls.Car-buncle- Eye, Fryslp-cla- Tlie beat quality White Pino Lumber From Boor Lake flviclo, near Mount Nolw, for Solo, at the Mill, Aud at the Yard, frout $25. to $40. per 1000 feet. Iu Wheat, Cach or tu equivalent. and $1 per and Hurley 20 cents. ISSS to 1858. Morocco Antique, Ecomomt. from a loss of tone in tho parts Urine, concern- ed in its evacuation. The remedy hai also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronio Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affw IIkliiboi.d's Extbact Bcchu is usj by persons from the age of 18 to 25, and from 35 to 55, or in the decline n change of life; Labor Tains; after Confinement in Bed-Wetti- children. In affections peculiar to fcmalos, the Extract Buchu is unequalcd by any tk. er remedy, as in Chlorojis, or RetePainfulness or Sup. pression of customary evacuations, R. ntion, Irregularity, cerated or Schirrous state of tho utemi, Leucorrhcen or Whites. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidnejt, Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. Tha medicine increases the power of Hon, and excites the Dig absorbents into ;: healthy action, by which the waterj or calcareous depositions, and all unnatural enlargements are reduced, as has been given. Irritation well h el toad, "or SOLD terj tht Eitchen, l Er CliiX-F.K- Camji, 4 Iht Gallc)." Dr.AI.r.RSEVEItYTVIIEna Munufaeturcd by DOOLE Y & BKOTI1EE, C9 NEW STREET, NEW-YOR- it of the Ncei of the Bladder, Inflammation o""r preparations for productnj Is vaplJlr supsrwllut JTsjaat, Suttl and r.oleiome S0LL3, trSCUlTS, BBKAD, Perfect!) Fun and ana otlwr Criddll Cakn. Jturtw r.tliall; snd always rat' fir sudta(s . Tb. CHEAP-rsWORLD, and It WILL KEBP OH Bating Povitr in -T.AXP on SEA, a any clixatr, for icon. It Is well adapted ti tha VM of Ilouickcfptr Mituri, Mzrintn, Emigrant 4&, and l In fsrt. In t rapKt, tlu BEST TEAST POWDBB of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidueys ani Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases f tho Prostate Gland, Stone in the Bladder Gravel, Calculus, Brick-Du- st Deposit, Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled and delicate constitutions, symptoms: to Indisposition of following exertion, Lops of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficu- TIIR lty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, bling, Horror of Disease, income Trem- Wakefulness Tain in the Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Body, ness of the skin, Eruption on the Is supplied with the latest improveil facilities for turning out every tleseription of Dry Face, &c. Diuretis ExTRACTBccucis and blood purifying, and cures all JOB PIUjSTMCr Helmboi.ds Extbact Bucuu is a from the use of Alkali water, which is widely distributed in the west, exposing Sold by all druggists and dealers region everyAsk Beware of counterfeits. for Helmbold's. Take no other. Prid $1.25 per bottle, or 6 bottles for $6.5 Delivered to any address. Six- sov ereign remedy for the evils resulting where. In the finest atyle. di- arising from habits of dissipation. almost every person in this vast to its baleful effects. ty Horace Oreely, $1 60. Cloth, $1. Oats, A Gentleman at Rutherfordton, N. C. IiRAixiss for Health and Profit. Warring. $1 had his Sunday suit stolen, and was 50. Cloth, , Sent free on receipt of price, obliged to go to church the next Sunday remittances nlwaya procure a draft la making with his overalls on. A colored brother e on New York, or a Money Order, if exhorted the man to "Come te Jesus," LUMBEIl NiAXEP OX ONE SIDE, possible. W here neither of these-cabo procured send the money, hut nlways in a rfoistkhed letter. with such fervor that he looked the man at Reasonable Kales. The registration fee has been reduced to li flora over, he' seemed so good, and pious, and cents, and the present registration system has been found by the postal nnthoritiea to be virtu, all that. He examined so close he A bachelor friend suggests that in found the colored gentleman bad on his ally an absolute probation against losses by mail. to D. II. TF.KRY, at Z.C.Jt.Iust., or of the All Postmasters are obliged to register letters niost marriages considerable "soft missing suit of clothes. In the language Apply lien requested to do so. buui iu the yard. Terms, cash in advance. soap," with strong h'e, is used, and tlm of the illustrious poet, "Some pork h ill LEVI WHKELEB. whole operation ends iu thaviiii. buo so." Address THE TKrUTOE, New York. Helmbold's seases ft. lYr.At'ijcs and MECHANICS. teenth Edition. Ijirge octavo. Cloth. $6. Pear O'Lti'kb rot Profit. t)tiinn, 1. Elements or Ac.rutitirk. Warring. lB(j cured every case of Diabetes in which 2 Half bennd, $10. Ew bank's of Helmbold's Exteact Bcchu OFFICE. Recollections or a Hist Life. By Horace flreclv. Various stvles of binding. Cloth, $2 fin. Library, 3 60. Hall Morocco, j4. Half Cloth, Political Gland, or Iucontincnce Retention Urethri, as pain or inflammation. job T?nj. The Trim-s- r Alm.oac. Price TnansB Aukaxic Rrpiu.it. ,". of tho Trostrato of the muscular system, TniarxK. 2.1 and ot) cents per lino. Weekly Tribixe, f& ), and fx per line. According to position iu the luiper. To sulcrilers wishing to preserve Mr. (Ireelv's essays on "Wbat 1 Kxow or Karmimi," and w ho 10 for Daily, f 4 for Semi-pay the full price, I. e we will send krklv. or ti for Weekly Trim-hk- , the ltnok. post-nniif request lo made at the time of subscribing. vols. Disease and Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude )t- BOOKS FOR SALK AT THE TRIBUNE $25. per 1000 fcot, of the Bladder s, of thoSkin, Humors and Pisceses of tho Skin, of whateTor name or nature, ara literally dug up and carried ont of the system In a ihort tlmo by the nsoof thcao Bitter. Ono bottle In rueh cases will convince the most Incredulous of their curative effect. Clcanso tho Vitiated Blood whenever yon And Its s Impurities bnrstlngtlirough the akin inrimplos.Erup-tionor triret cleanse It when yon find It obstructed end sluggish In the Tclns ; cleanse it when It Is fonl, sad your feelings will tell you when. K eep tho blood pore and tho health of the system, will follow. riX, TAPEandothcrWOMIS.lnrklngtn thec system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy-A and removed. Tot full directions, road carefully taa circular around each bottle, printed In four languagesEnglish, Oornian, French and Spanish. J. VTALKER, Proprietor. Ti. H. McDONALD COH Prticslits snd Oon. Agents, San Francisco, CaL snd 32 snd M Commerce Street, Kew Tork. BY ALL DBUGGI3T3 A3D DEALERS. SOLD ITT ItcVi, Scurfs, Dlscolorattons OGDEN JUNCTION Persons entitled to an extra eonr eno If nr.. ferreiL have either of the following books. ago prepaid: l'ointical r.conornv, bv Horace tireely; Pear Culture for Profit, by' P. T. ijuinn; The Elements of Agriculture, by Oeorge E. Waring. Advprllvliitrr. 50c., 75e, Chroj. tions and Dropsy. III ood .which Is teucrally prrxluciedby doraufcuieDt ef tho Dlgrstlvo Organa. DYSPEPSIA OU INDIOESTION", Heal, ache, Pain In tho StioulJora.Congha, Tightness of tho Chect, Dizziness, Rour Ernctatlona of the Stomach, Had twto la tha Mouth, BIUon Attncka, Talpltntloa of the Heart, Inflammation ot tho Lunga.ralnln tho region of the Uldneya, and a hundred ether painful symptoms, are tho offsprinps of Dyspepsia. Thcylnvlt'oratathe stomach, and stlmulato the and bowels, which render thcru of unequalled cfrlcacyln cleansing tlio blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. TOriBICIX DISEASES, Eruptlons.Tetter, Salt r.hu-- th ic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation rrmviuii nnd a life :reat tJIVINO PKINC'IPI.E a perfect renovator ar.d ni.oon point of repair. Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Dimness of Vision, .... .... .... 4tc, They are given in complaints of Mad of TRIBUNE. To One Audress, all at one Post-Ofl- ii e. . l fflearh. 10 Copies 1 lift mich. 0 Copies 1 IKi each. 60 Copies And One Extra Copy to each Club. To Sanies of Subscribers, all at one 10 Copies $1 Co each. 1 S.j each. 20 Copies 1 10 each. 60 Copies And One Extra Copy to each Club. 30c, chu leaves aro gently stimulant, with, peculiar tendency to the Urinary Or. gans. IFANCY DRINK, Pll To Mail Subscribers. line. Medical Properties asd UsesBq both sexes, attended with tho TERMS OF THE WEEKLY otrorjj, and somewhat aromatic, their taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. diflusive, cam; an extra milium, rive copies or over, copy w ill be sent for every dull of ten sent fur at onetime; or, if preferred, a copy of Recollections of a busy life, by Mr. Orcely. Daut Tnroi'NE, Their odor is TKOPEnTiES TERMS. ........ ltuclin II THII.T TRincNE, Mail Subscribers, JlOper annum. 1UIHINE, Allkll MlliscnlielTS, J per One Copy, one year, 62 issues ti. Five Copies, one year, 5'j issues - - - - 9. ADDRESS, Crenata DioNimsk SHINGLES, $4.50 Fencing Lumber From Dispensatory of tho United Etatej.) h - f 3!i WHAT ARE THEY? ShinjjleH, JAM UCHt, Dr. WALHER'3 CALirOKNIA NEW YORK TRIBUNE. Describ symptoms in all communications. Address II. T. Wanted. HELMBOLD, 89 Broadway, N. Y. None are genuine unless done up BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. f wrapper, with of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed fac-simi- 'c steel-engrav- "9-l- y H. T. IIELMBOLP. |