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Show Ojicn gunctiou, She Statuary in. n Mexico. Manager, jjcti AW, President nnd "" l1"'1"1" coliimuuiuitumii should be to ,l.Irc.l- - Zms'0F SUBSCRIPTION. $fl.o , Mentha Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. , BATES OF ADVERTISING. Xo. 11. s tIt 1 g,Ur, 2 50 4.50 .! SftO : 5 2..W tl.M) 7 12 8 1 J 130 $M l 21 34 i 8 25 K4 65 KS 51 70 115 85 115 170 1 11 Card f4 per month. BiimiiKm TT I1 sharped Notice! the first insertion, mt linn ",s 11,r """ ,Ur ''Very ""'""'l"0"1 will .....tvtlveii-iiti- i and li'", n fr ,Ut!!iiI advertisingof counts Square 5; 17 15 25 3 U..riO 14.M) lit )7.iiO 25.50 29 as M 1 A tt 5..KI Colnmn, e E E - r to ho paid for In advance. tcu line or type of thin OfSUIttr, UTAH, WIUMTKNDAT, FEimiTARY 15, 1871. BY TELEGRAPH. Deplorable Condition San Progress of the Cuban Rebellion! More Terrible Fires in ,rAilvcrtiM'ii'"ti tnrkii on the ropy with the tuimlierof liuwrtlo"", will Iw 'nlilihed at our opmill charged at transient out, ordered until Turkey "uiVERTlSKMENTS inserted till forbid, will Iw ami tnitiiinii! "" ordered out, iu every insmuec, ...rad fur Ro urilinnly- ia- -, vert of Yearly ami half yearly ad The nri riKtrii'l"1 to tlieirdirect line of luixliiesa, ami or uthor advoi tise-nIII loiiil Auction, ltenl will be charg- rreijrii to thoir regular trade, NrKrtiH'nieiit" from tlio Suitea will lie our advertised rates.) without the eash ( one ot our tfcoimnviiij tli order, unless from Miliar authorised Advertising Agents. t the intoroat of devoid All rouimtiniiations ...Mic or intended to promote private interest. and LiM payment tie charireil aa advertisement", If ierw)iml In cdaracter, we rixiuired in advance. reirve the right to ny.t any article, or advertise f thin clww. ment C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. DIRECTORY. 0CDEN Utah. SxTftary Georyo A. 151uck. K. Patrick. MrhaL-- l. C. H. llempslend, V. S. Attorney E. Tourtellolte. gupt. Indian AffuirtJ. C. Clements. Surrtir-GewralKteei'vrr of 1'uUic Mania J. IJ. Overt- on. Rtgiitrar of Land OJice C M. 11. Gcmgo Maxwell. U. S. Auetsor Julin T. Tagpart. 0. J. HolliMtcr. U. S. Collector Ckitf JiutieeJ . 15. Me.Kcan. O. F. Strickland Auneinte Justice! and llawley. Territorial Offlcors: William WjuK to lluopcr. Congrtsi II. 7. evnl iliabcl Snow. .McAllister. T. ). MrnUl). .iWitor William Clayton. Af James Jack. Superintendent of Common Tremurtr Schools Hubert L. Campbell. Weber County Officers: F. and Probate County Judge D. Richards. Lester J. Herrick, Henry Men Select Hiclvvrd Kallantync. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Proteasing Attorney Aurelius Miner. William Critclilow, Xotari't Public F. S. IVicliards. Sheriff William Rrown. Aiseot and Collector Sanford Bing-t- Israel Canficld. Treasurer Win. N. File. Coroner Buiion. City tLioverniJioiit: Aldermen Loren Farr. F. A. Brown, 1st. Ward; L. J. Herrick, 2d ,, A. J. 3d Slmpe, James Mc Gaw, Walter Tlwitipson, William W. Burton, Josiah lntt, Israel Canfield. Comelort Thos. G. Odell. Recorder Attorney A. Miner. Martha) W. N. Fife. Trtiuurer Aaron Farr. Aiseitor and Collector S. Bingham. W. Burlon. Surveyor Captain of 1'oliceV. G. Taylor. Juttice of the Peace S. Eggleston Conttabie C. F. Middleton. ... Lake .... AND CLOSING MAILS. . . . 7.30 a.m. . a.m. . 7.30 .in. 7.30 a.m. 4.30 p.m. Lwal. Ilex ElderCountr, daily "Wi Through Mail daily . . . . . . City, daily . J" lake Throiiuh Mail'dailv . . . Mail daily "Thwucu dailv Klder t Through Mail dailyCounty, . . . SEMI WKKKLY MAILS. 4.00 4.00 3.4.) 3.4.r .00 ", CLOKIXU. . p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. ' "i Rich County Wednesdays and Saturdava . . . . orh Oplei. Mndav and Thnrwlava nnd Safurdiivs anil Tliurwlinn "iwrdaloWclnesdnvi. and Sntiirdnvii """imr and Alma VVediiemlayn and I', iCity Monday 3.30 p.m. 2.:!0 p.m. 8.00 .m. 3.00 p.m. 4.00 p.m. 12.00 a.m. OFFICE HOURS. wml Delivery ojhju from 8 a.m, to 6 p.m. Sunday u p.m. to 6 p.m. BEfilSTItY DEPAKTMKXT OlK'ii fmm 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. 'ratnido Door ,.,en from 7 n.m. to 8 p.m. ISAAC MOORK, l'ostmaster. wtunlaj-- r Trains Leave Ogden daily, until further no- e. fur Salt Lake City nt 8 a.m. and p.m. (For extra trains sec time ii For the ,t E'1. at a.m. For c 35 v m Arrive from Salt Lake 7 a.m. "n,i Uo p.m. From the City,4.25 East, p.m. t'omtie West, (i.P,.jft.m. West, tinlt . at t n Ike City Tima. Divine Worshii J Tt'r)' in Terrible PlRgue among the Cattle intended for Paris! Mc-Clu- I to-d- de-ba- te sn,y. i" tl.e Tahernnclc. varioua Wards at 0 p.m. e, buu-ishe- i to-d- ARRIVALS. Citv, daily Jit Jwt, Thmnx'b. Mniiduilv ""'a, Through Mail daily f From York to on the Brooklyn to-d- Ogden Pont Ofiice: ARRIVAL The Orleanists Gaining Ground in France! al Incorporated liy Act of Jan. IS, 1801. elect inn biennially on the Municipal worn! Monday of February. Meetings. f the City Council weekly, on Monday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Uayvr to the Opening of tho Black ht Surveyor and Superintendent of Schooh Wm. W. the the English Vernon H. Vnngban. GortrnoT bills passed. A number of bills from the couiiTiitfeo on private land claims were taken up and passed. A lull to cede to the State of Ohio, unsold lands in the Virginia Military Liistrict In said btate passed. A bill to amend the act to reduce the expenses of surveying and sale of Public lands pass Numerous lor IniUMt Stiitem Ofilcci-- II. - for tho relief of tho inhabitants of Paris. It is considered probable that the war Special to the Onnr.x Junction by the Atlantic and I'ncitlc Telegraph Company. claim of Germany will be modified to the sum of three milliards of francs. A reduction of tho boundary line of France of will of course bo demaudud by the GerDomingo! mans, so as to include Ihe cession of the ed. Territory formerly stipulated as part of A bill extending the time for the com the German war claim. A commercial pletion of the railroad between Madison treaty will also probably bo negotiated and Portage City was called up, and af between the two Powers when peace has ter amendment it passed. Ihe bill been fairly established and tho present to incorporate the Great Salt Lake and difficulty settled. the Colorado River Railroad Company, The Turkish Government has con East! was called up but without taking any dented (o the abolishment of the stipula action on it, the Senate adjourned. tion mado for tho neutralization of the Consents Ihe House Bill providing for the rer Black Sea. Tho Government however vision, consolidation and amendment of desires to obtain from the European Patent and Copyright laws, was refer l'owers the restoration of the right pre Sea! red to the Committee on Printing. A viously enjoyed by the Sublime Porte, of bill relating to the taking of testimony giving or refusing permission to foreign to be used before the departments, was war ships to enter the Bosphorns or the Toledo, 10. The Howe Sewing Machine Factory at taken from the table and passed. A Mraus ol the Dardanelles. Felice, Ind., was totally destroyed by substitute was introduced for a bill to Berne, 0. fire this morning. E. 1. Loveland, for- provide for t he issue of National Bank Tho Swiss Government has ordered New editor of tho Miami County Repub- Notes, and for other purposes. ; it was the sale of horses belonging to the French Ice! merly lican, perished in the flames, and three referred to theCommittee on Banking and cavalry which havo entered Switzer others are missing. Loss estimated at Currency. land. A bill to provide for the better protec $100,000, partially covered by insurance. cars of provisions for the Sixty-tw- o Congress! Doings The fire is supposed to have originated tion of tho Northwestern frontier, and to t rench have arrived m Swit prisoners in the drying-roofacilitate commerce between the United zerlaud for France. St. Louis, 10. States and the British possessions, was Berlin, 10. Elections were held last night in three referred to the Committee on Commerce. Tho Prussian diet will probably close The Senate bill in relation to dispos districts of this county to elect persons on the lolli. to fill vacancies in the Radical or ition of useless Military Reservations, Stockholm, 9. In one dis- wiih amendments, which were adopted; Charles XV. is not dangerously ill, but County Committee. "Wrecks on trict a Liberal was elected, and all the passed. Ihe House then proceeded to his recovery will be slow. meetings passed resolutions advising har- call on the committee for ru ports on bills Coast! Florence, 10, between of a private nature. A bill for the re The Government has been notified that mony and hearty the wings of the Republican parly. lief of John Black, late United States an envoy from the Bey of Tunis is on AMERICAN. St. Louis, 10. Consul at Mexico, allowing him pay as his way to Florence with instructions to New York, 10. Important negotiations have just been charge de affaires during the time he act- settle the quostious in dispute. I'p to this hour nothing whatever has concluded in this city whereby St. Louis ed as such in the years 1857 aud 58 London, 11 been heard of the Toiled States steamer is to have another trunk line to the north passed. Intelligence has just been received in "Tennessee" and the apprebensions of west. Mr. Jay. representing the HanBanks reported a Senate Resolution this cily of a marine disaster of a most those who have friends ii board are be- nibal and St. Joseph's and other rail- relative to the steamship "Meteor;" af- appalling character which look place at coming serious. There is little doubt roads, after a full conference wiih the ter a debate and amendment the resolu- sea a few miles off Cape Loliaga, a head among thos-- who Khould be best inform- committee representing the corporations tion was adopted. A Resolution was land of France in Normandy, forming ed that some accident has befallen the known as the St. Louis and Keokuk Rail- introduced requesting the Secretary of a north west peninsula in the English vessel, there is hourly ground for fear road Company, has agreed to build the War to communicate to tho House any channel opposite tho Island of Aldemy. regarding her safety and that of her dis- road last named on tho chartered route reports he may have received from the A French transport heavily laden and tinguished passengers. Arrangements from St. Charles to Hannibal, via efiicers at West Point relative to the al- on which were upwnrds of 1250 troops, have been made to receive from Havana Louisiana, and the Hannibal and St. leged expulsion of the 4th by members was wrecked among Ihe rocks of the the first ncwa of the vessel when it Joseph Railroad is to connect with it at of the 1st class, was adopted. Consent coast, and all on board perished. The or near New Loudon by a branch from was obtained that tho Judiciary Comreaches there. intelligence bus cast a gloom over the The patched up peaceful solution of Monrr.e city, the whole track to be mittee be allowed to report next Satur entire city. Further particulars of the the Eastern question, winch has been finished and in running order within the day on the McGiivrahun claim. disaster ere anxiously awaited. A bill for the better protection of life reached at London, means nothing more present, year. This would leave a gap It is ascertained beyond a doubt that than powerful Russia nuiy i violate the from St. Charles to this city, which it is and properly on vessels propelled by the result of the trench elections is treaty at will, while he weaker stale is proposed to fill up by bunding an nnJe slcjnrwus made the special order for triumph for tho conservatives. to continue in the vasselago to Turkey pendent line. It is understood I but the Thursday next. Notice was giveh that Loudon. 11. which it guarantees. The foltovriug on reliable news, object of this movement is to form a con- on Wednesday next a motion 'Would be Minnie lavis, charged with setting tinuous line from St. Louis to Ouiuha mado to allow a Committee of the Whole authority, are the conditions of peace for the purpose of considering the bill decided on finally by the German Gov fire to the clothes iu lier trunk at a under one management. for the repeal of the income tax. The eminent: First, the cession lo Germany Havana, 0. boarding house on Christmas uighl, to Admiral Leo accompanied by Gen. House then resumed consideration of the of ihe entire proviuce of Alsace and obtain $3,000 insurance, was tried toal bill reported recently by Mr. Julian part of Lorraine, together with Ihe on tapt. Gen. day, the jury returned in forty minutes Bidle called with a verdict of guilty of arson, in the mased.i and Admiral Malunmps of the from the committee on public lands to stronghold of Melx. Second, payment thev were received provide a temporary Government for by France to Germany of the sum of one 1st. degree, but recommended her to Spanish Navy; mercy. She was sentenced to ten years with marked attention. Leo congratu Alabka. Sevcrul amendments were adop- aud one half milliards of francs as exlated Valiuaseda on the wisdom and ted aud (he bill passed. Mr. Sargent penses of the war, and eighty millions in the State Prison. San Domingo advices received here clemency of his policy ; Valiuaseda. re submitted a bill to provide for the sale for captured German ships and for losses of timber lands in California, Oregon sustained by German subject expelled represeut a deplorable condition of af- plied with much courtesy. and Washington Territory. After a from France or otherwise injured by fairs existing in that country. The city Washington, 11. the bill passed. On motion, Church-ill- s the war. A telegram wns submitted to thcHousc of $an Domingo is said to resemble a report of the committee on elections fortress more than a public city. The from the Government of Texas, plating London, 10. case of Shields vs. Vauhorn wai the on had State that of A dispatch cays the official result of the locked at the that are of Legislature night kept city gates the elections iu Ihe Department will be and permission to go out is only obtain passed ajoint resolution, instructing the ordered printed and recommitted. A nionarehial triable from the Government. A number Senators in Congress to urge the passIt is positively asserted that given of officers of the '"Yantic" were recently age of a bill for the construction of a the President has concluded to sign the umph is certain, as the Republican llir-railroad from the eastern boundary of Test Oath Repeal Bill. Attorney-Generrefused admission, whereupnn. majority in the cily is but 25 per cent, scaled the walls nnd made romptniui to Texas to the Pacific ocean, with grants Ackerman Las decided that the Govern- while the Monarchists have a majority Political own. sums art similar to those giveu to other l'acific ment has no authority to withdraw from averaging 50 per cent in the Provinces. the Governor. and persons engaged roads at or near the 23rd parallel. the market, and purchasers have no Bordeaux, 11. forbidden, strictly The Departments of Chareule Infori-curThere is not the slightest anxiety felt right on uusurveyei lands granted to in such discussions are puaisaid or llnutcs Alpes, Yonne, and the The feclin;; against l'.acz, grows by others of'lhe Navy mid the Depart railroad companies in alternate stronger daily, and his power does not ment about the safety of Uie"l ennessce, nnd says claimants by right of pre- cities of Dijon and Toulon, have elected He for the following reason: No intelligence emption and homestead settlement must Republican candidates for the Assembly. now extend beyond the city walls. has seized upon many of the best sites in either from Saniana or Sun Domingo of take care, if they enter upon such lands The cities of Nantes, Chalons, and the neighborhood of San Domingo City, sufficiently late date to unnouuee her to select such as shall not belong to the Anch, and the Departments of Creiiso, railroad companies under the reserva- Dordogne, Mayenne, Vendee, Loi et, knowing that annexation will bring arrival have been received anywhere the mail tion, when the lands to which the com- Gorrone and Loire, have chosen Conlarge numbers of foreigners more enter- Regular communication by is panies right has been attached and to bo servative Modcrato or Liberal Union prising than the Domuiinicans and land ship is but once a month, and she the candidates. defined by survey. will become very valuable. Many of the not due on her return trip uutil Berlin, 11. buildings in tho city, are in a miserable 23rd. New York, 11. The Kreut Zcilung snys no decision dilapidated condition, being rootless, FOREIGN. will be mado ns lo the prolongation of avid the people ore totally ignorant of During the blockade of East river by London 10. thousands of persons the armistice until it can be seen what what is being done regarding nnnva-tion- , the ice Official despatches just, received from chance there is that the French Nationeven if realizing what, it means. crossed ou the ice to and from New Versailles announce that it has been al Assembly will conclude peace. A body of troops have been sent to Azera York and Brooklyn. The blockade con Bresic, 11. which place is threatened by Cabral ; tinned until three o'clock, when the ice agreed between Bismark and the Paris A plague has appeared among Ihe the cause of Cabral is increasing. A bcoran to breuk up with tho ebb tide - Government to prolong the armistice for is seriously de- one week after the l'.hh inst. Later re- immense droves of cattle intended for large number of Dominicans have been Business during turns from the French elections have the relief of Paris, nnd a sanitary cor excited on account of their opposition to laved in consequence ladies the received. The monarchists have don has been established around the of been treasurers' The report rebellion the have Bae and joined in this city, in aid of the New carried by large majorities. The de- animals which have been infected. The against hiin. Cabral has issued a pro- fair, held clamation making desertion punishable York Foundling Hospital, shows thenctt partments of Audo, Charent Ptty Des, deathsareso numerous that it is im proceeds of the fair to be over yJiUUU. Dome, Upper Loire, Allicr, Deux Sever-e- possible lo bury the carcasses, they are by death. Canlhal, Indre ElJ Loire, Charcnte therefore loaded on condemned war A treasurer was appoinleu Dy ilie unam at the Elias Dayton, receiving teller The Orlean- ships, lowed out to sea and sunk. Commerce to receive subscriptions Infericurc, and Finisterre. of ber been in this Hall National city,.has City London, 11 detected in defalcation to the amount of in aid of sufferers by the war in France, ists claim immense majorities; the are jubilant. There has been a'violenl gale all along has received contributions to the amount about $80,000 dollars. Versailles, 10. Ihe coast of rlie Uuitcd Kingdom, six of $34,453. The chairman of the Fro New York, 11. Dispatches are at hand from Gen. Von ships went ashore near South Shields; The Herald's Paris special dated Feb- dtice Exchange Committee has received doubtsubscriptions amounting to !?13,4i0, Treskow, commanding the German several lives are known to have been ruary (.Hh says the following are forces, at present besieging Bclfort. lost; numerous wrecks are apprehended; less elected to.the assembly: M. M. Blanc, making a total of $17,123. A private dispatch from Havana, The General announces the capture, by The House of Lords was engaged last Brisson, De Seselauze, Piochefort, llaytian news 10 me nn insi., the German troops, of two of the enemy's night in notices of measures of local imFlourens, Rollin, Dorian, Quiret and giving the denies believreport that Hayti has re posts, strongly fortified, and situated in portance A inessago was read from the is Volant, Tho Orleans interest No news of the "Tennessee" has such commanding position as to render Queen asking for a dowry for the Trin ed to be strong throughout tho country. volted. The follow- been received at Jamaica at the date of their capture an important aid to the cess Lrjiso suitable to the dignity of A special to the Herald. the crown. It was read and made the to show the telegram. Tho brig 'Gi Troope," ultimate success of the siege. ing information from Cuba goes made to- which sailed from this port Ihe day after Bordeaux, 10. order of the day for Monday. the rapid stride that is being Official advices have been received in arrived at Kingston on In the House of Commons, all corres wards tho close of the rebellion, tho ri- the "Tennessee,'' this city from Stockholm, which convey pondence relative to the Franco-Pru- s of Jan. 30th the between existed valry that has bo long to the National Government the most sian War was presented and notice Washington, 11. has at given Cespcdes and Ygnacia Agraraonte of the In the Senate a memorial of the citi- profound assurances of the sympathy of many questions to put to the Governlast culminated in tho usurpation Governand the was for and interest felt ment touching its foreign policy. presented asking King by di.itatnrshiD bv Aprrinonie, Bembetta zens of Oregon Jiiinurni of Mauscol was sin in in the forces an amendment to the Constitution, pro- ment of Sweden in the cause of France. asum:ng command of the Cuban hibiting the importation and manufac- These dispatches display a great degree recent battle, he will probably be sucthat still remain in the field. 600 rebels Colture, or sale of intoxicating liquors in of animosity towards Germany for her ceeded by Synod Torke, who was victo have surrendered in the district of the United States, was referred to the late useless and cruel prosecution of the rious. arms, to able carry on, 200 of them being of most Madrid, 11 Judiciary Committee. A debate occur- war, and at the unreasonableness and 2000 in Cineo Villas District, red oi the resolution to print 20,000 injustice of the indemnity now claimed The Spanish Cortes has passed a law the 200 in and children, women (hem of the report of the Committee of by her from the French cation. making the sale of the Cuban tobacco, a Eastern Department, and 1300 m the copies The report of the Committee Education. London, 10. who those monopoly in the hands of ihe Govern Central Department. Among In the elections at Brest and Havre the ment. Deof Conference, on 143, Tension bill for have surrendered from the Central of the war of 1812, was concur- Gambetta ticket was carried by a heavy Rotterdam, 11. Dominque, soldiers partment, is the chief Andes The is now given to the Presi- majority. and red line to a for new in, rebels steamship Capital men. four officers' and 72 A Versailles dispatch gays the deliver- New lork has been subscribed and two 14J dent for his signature. The special orhnve lost in various engagement, after the morning hour, ing of the cannon and arms of the army steamers are to be built for the service der for killed, while the Spanish loss, has only consideration of bills reported of Paris to the Germans commenced on the being wounded. 23 been 11 killed and the Committee on Pensions and pub- the 7th and continued throughout the car loads of ore from the from Fifty-eve- n Drink nothing without seeing it; sign and private land claims. 8th. lic lands, City famous Emma Mine at Salt Lake The Corporation of the city of London, nothing without reading it: end make Committee on Pensions was called The also vras There have arrived here. and a largo number of private pension yesterday, subscribed 2,000 pounds guru that it means no more than it says. received bills vt lading of shipments allowed to clunge at pleasure, "'wlv advertiser of twenty-fU- e wiih on'lv the additional iharge will for 0n'I,0i,il". I'l-nWftf'l'w1 mr ovor con- iHirKwl EXTRA for oceupying tion rrfrom Salt Lake City of 1,400 tons of ore and 12,000 pounds of base silver bullion. The Fire Marshal yesterday arrested Marcus Simon, at 8 Maiden lane, on a charge of setting fire to a furniture store, at 9 Platte street, on the night of Jan. 2!?. The furniture was insured for $2o.000. The accused was held in $2,000 bail to await examination. Brooklyn. IT. Andrew Doyle, a young man, convicted of an outrage on a lilile girl, was yes terday sentenced to five years and three months hard labor at Sing Sing. drecnpoint, L.I., 11. A fire occurred yesterday afternoon in a frame hnue. occupied ns a studio. The loss on oil paintings and the building was $40,000. The adjoining build ing oecupipfl by Henry Brooks was dam aged $4,000. VOIj. y, j The subjoined particulars of recent' liscoverics in Vera Crux are taken front a Mexican paper, and have given "riso to many queries concerning the migration of Egyptians to this continent1. Vlthough no living evidence of such a Himuimws migration exists, iho hiorogiyphics.ete, frequently discovered in Central ;Araerf ie.i are taken as proofs of It thai cuuaot bo gainsayed. We recommend all anti- tpiariuns and ethnologists who ,8te in terested nnd puzzled by this question, to peruse carefully tho Book of Mormon. This curious history "gives au aoeount of the two great raocs, both of Asiatic-origin, who anciently peopled this continent, shows how they reached tho iVinerican coast, and though they were not Egyptians, why it was they wrote in Egyptian characters and were acquainted with Egyptian 'arts. It is the ' only work extant that throws a clear and complete light ou American antiquities. By Ihe Siglo wo learn there have been discoveries among the exhumations near San Andres Tuxtea, in the State of Vera Cruz, of several ancient statues, of what race the Stylo does not indicate, but in thie connection we will observe that upon a former occasion there were discovered several statues of a period, lithographic representations of two of which have been forwarded to gentle- men in this oily, aud which we have seen. One is Ethiopian and tho other ancient Egyptian or Coptio. , Theso discoveries in the East, with recent discoveries in the West,- excite speculation among the interesting ethnologists. It appears from the discoveries that tho Mexican portion of the American continent was in former periods peopled by two different and distinct raoes; that in the West the Aztec or Indie, and in the East, on the Gulf coast, the Coptio. It is known that the Aztecs were two or three centuries in their migrations eastward until their arrival at Chapultcpec. No living evidences of the Egyptian race exist, but overwhelming proofs that such a race did exist at a former period in the regions of the gulf. These are to be found in the ruins, hieroglyphics, statuary, pottery, and utensils. But their period must have been before that of the Aztecs, or the scattered colonies of the Egyptians wero overwhelmed by the g tribes which preceded the imperial and civilized portion of tho migrating race. This is an interesting question,' And another is how the Egyptians reached the coast of Mexico; whether in their owu ships or those of the Phoenicians, the most adventurous navigators of their period, and who were the only race that ventured out of the straits of Gibraltar in lltt period. , fore-runnin- , .) 4 A Nevada Cily miner was drying fifty pounds of giant powder, the other day, at a furnace. He went out through tho end of tho building. Tho furnace is to let. Isabella of Spain is now reported to have attained a weight of 2C8 pounds with a growing tendency to enormous adipose. A lady teacher in a Sunday school re cently had occasion to illustrate a les son on faith by the story of a child who was told by his father to drop from an elevated place into his arms. The fa thcr could not be seen by the child, yet, when commanded, it dropped. Upon the lady asking her class what was shown by this story, a bright litle boy replied, "It showed that he had pluck." A gentleman called into a shop on New Year's Day and was shown by tho an article. merchant Said the mer chant: you know of a man yon despise, utterly mean and contemptible, to whom, of courso, you don't want to make a present, but to whom you feel obliged, buy this and give it to him." The gentleman thought a moment and said: ':I'll take it." The next morning the merchant who sold the article found it on his table at breakfast. , From a Western paper we cut the folt lowing notice: After short a "Died illness, yesterday, my wife, leaving behind her three infant children. In the hope that ber poor soul is with God, I beg leave to inform my customers that my store will be as well furnished as formerly, hav-in- g confided my Lusincss to my principal clerk, who is extremely intelligent nnd ns well versed in the business as ' the deceased herself. "N. B. Fresh corned beef just received." . C. L. DAHLKtt, WARHKN Ilt'SSEY, Salt Luke City. Helena, Montana. HAULER IILSSEY, & CO,, ' BANKERS, JKNNINU8' niAix - SEW HUILJIINO, ' .'" stii:i:t, oden, , AND SALT LAKB CITY. Penlera In Until Dint, Coin and Curmney. PraW Kxrlmriga on San Franciwo, Montana, Denver, SU IiiNiia, New York, and all parts of .Europe, Collections promptlg attended to, ATTORNEY & ltf( COUNSELOR.. Oilice opposite Ogdcn Hotel, OtillEN CITY. All klndi of legal linsinena promptly to. ATTOKXKY AND attended ltf COCNSELOK-AT-LA- Will Prnetlce in all tho Court In Utah nnd adjoining Trrritoi'ie. Sirial attention given t Foreign and Dumrntlc Collections. in laTit!'s IJriek near Post Oiiicc Itiiildiug, 6.V2m OHleo MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL I.TVEuY ulinulU linva a supply. Yf will do them In Hit boat style of the art. |