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Show He Xot Over t unning. Jim function. She SATURDAY, Com'Axr. JAMES McflAW.PrwtuViltaml Htislness Manajrer I to whoa til Buiui coiumiiniiHtioui ahould tddrewii. As.hcciatb Editoii, C. W. PENROSE, !"' -- OGDKX, 1 TAIL Wedniday Morning, Feb. 13, 1S71. iJ ELECTION RETURNS. List of names of tbe persons voted for, and number of totes foiled, t the Municipal Election of OgJett City, in the ity Hall of said city, on Monday, February 13, 18?1, for the offices of Mnyor, Xlderiuen aud Councilors: For 3Iayon LESTER JVIIERRICK AARON F. FARR J. G BROWNING- - - - XTJ - Vt 1 For Aider men: FRANCIS A. BROWN WALTER THOMSON - 881 ... - WILLIAM W. BURTON ff, PERRY 4flG - JAMES HORROCKS W. 414 . 8 4 l For Councilor: . ISRAEL CANFIELD 417 - DAVID MOORE - 417 . 413 PENROSE II. B. SCOVILLE - B?0 WINSLOW PARR - CHARLES W. AMCEL HORROCKS JOHN BROOM JOHN HOAGLAND THOS. - - LUTHER PORTER 0. S80 . - - 80 85 1 . - 1 ODELL, City Recorder. City nail, Ogden City, Feb. 14, 1871. Fin in. The election is over, tbe contest is tided, and the Teople'e Ticket has been eareied by an overwhelming majority. The Opposition, after all their twistings tad wmdings, ticket patching, legal (?) atfilidance, donations for 'incidentals," whiaky and wind, induced but compara tively few t support their little plot to divide our ranks. Tbe grave of their lead schem may now be dug by the venerable chairman of the Central Committee, while "Hark from the tombs a doleful sound" is chanted by the "dozen er fifteen" and a "thimbleful" pased round for cordial comfort, if a sufficient balance is lft of the $')o currency to liquidate this little "incidental." Oae very curious feature of this elec tion opposition is deserving of notice A great deal of gas has been emitted over the financial report of the City Treasurer. Ono of tho chief Local points put forth by the Reform Party, was the necessity of financial reports contrary to the usual node of proceeding In this city. When informed through tuo Jcscrio that the necessary reports had been publinljod, And that one of thorn bad actually appeared side by side with their statement that such reports were net given, objections were raised as to the incompleteness of these reports; that they wcra not In sufficient detail, aud dark bints were thrown out about misappropriations, ete. Now, strange to sty, the whom this party were so gentleman anxious t run for Mayor, in spite of lis repeatedly declining their nomination, was the very city officer they were grumbling about. Was it because they were so dissatitthVi with hie accounts as Treasurer that they wanted to force him, against bis will, into the chief scat of the municipality! Would it uot be well foi this party, next time they want to tir up strife, to hiro a "head" for the time being, with brains in it to manage with discretion, and eyes hi it to see the virtue of consistency? Sow wo hope they will not bo offended with the Ji'M'Tioy for the above suggestion, as they appear to have been with our letting daylight through their platform of reeds. It is foolish to get eogTt a ad poor business to stir up strife where there is no rul principle involved, no great good to be acliiereil, nnd where it pays so poorly us the lato dead and gone effort to defeat tho People Ticket. ed . . The i2th Tng Amkmcak Artisak. volume of this valuable weekly periodit Cunning folks frcqnntly over-reathemselves. We have frequently noticed this in our chequered experience, but never saw it more plainly demonstrated tit an in the grief tlmt has lately overtaken the Salt Lake "ring." In the zealous efforts put forth to make trouble among the "Mormons," certain judicial dignitaries, ignoring all precedent, trampling under foot established forms and customs, declared that tho Supreme nnd District Courts of this Territory were not Territorial but United the which over Courts Stales and no had control, Legislature ruled that the Territorial Attorney and the Territorial Marshal had nothing whatever to do with tlice Courts, but that tho United States Attorney and United States Marshal were the ofliccrs who should exercise the functions heretofore "assumed" by the Territorial officials. Acting on this ruling the Territorial Attorney was silenced and the Territorial Marshal ousted ; tho United States Attorney's voice was hearkened to in Territorial matters, ami the United States Marshal summoned juries, appointed deputies and did many other things which entailed considerable expecting that with strong backing at Washington, there would be no difficulty in the way but that our reverend Uncle Samuel would unqueslioningly foot the bill. Cunning fellows these "truly loll" officials, nnd zealous and efficient deputies, some of them with $10 per diem in perspective. But alas ! for over cunning and excessivo zeal! Uncle refuses to foot the first little bill forwarded for settlement, which was only a forerunner of mightier nccounts. The "ring has come to grief. Tho Organic Act appropriates the first six days of every term of the Supreme and District Courts of this Territory for the trial of causes nrising under the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the Government declines paying for expenses incurred outsido of legitimate United States business. Consternation feebly expresses tho effect of this decision on the cunning "ring" and blasphemy is no namo for the cursings they indulged in. Not only does it involve the loss of many dollars expended and ninny more anticipated, but as a certain little legal luminary declared, it upsets all their judicial rulings, based on the false theory that the Courts of the Territory were not Territorial Courts. The United States Marshal has placed himself in a.very embarrassing position by usurping the functions of thu Territorial Marshal, as may be seen from the di arl Pabllihed .wry WEDNESDAY by Ii OutilM PobushiNQ following: Tkbiutoriai, Marshals' Office, j I Salt Lake City. U.T. February 13th, 1871. J Editor Desrukt News: Dear Sir: I wish to caution the inhabitants of this Territory not to buy properly sold by the U. S. Marshal, in pursuance of decrees from tho 3rd Dis trict Court in and for the Territory of L tali, as no is not an oiticer or the Court, and cannot give a legal titlo to property thus sold. All papers issuing from the Territorial District Courts should be directed to and placed in tho hands of the Territorial Marshal or bis Deputies. (I have not deputised the U.S. Marshal.) See code passed last winter bv the Utah Legislature, under which our Courts arc now practising. Respectfully kc, JulIN 1. T. MC.Utl8TF.tt. Territorial Marshal. How about the property already sold by the U.S. Marshal in Ogden and other Has not tho gallant officer places? aforesaid placed himself in the wrong pew, and is he nut liable to suffer further pecuniary los if certain persons choose to test the validity ofhis sales? Our advice to all, Including Federal dignitaries, hi, bo nut lest ye be caught in a not of your own weaving. over-cunnin- MT.t'IAI, IWfltXS. s, A fresh Jot of sparkWines and be received will ling Liquors in a few days at tho 1st and 3rd Ward "C.tf Store. first-clas- Gesui.ne Jrwglrv. Tho only establishment at which genuine Jewelry can bo obtained in Ogden is at P.vftrK & Cor.ssia's, Main Street. Repairs neatly executed. All work warm ted. ltf No mistake Williams & Co will sell lumber, cheaper than any house in Ogden, at their yard near the & Junction jv Office. A full line of Groceries, Dry Goods aud Notions ore to be found on Sale at the lowest rates 'at the 1st and Srd Ward Tfitf Store. Jan. 4, 1S"1. It fs". The Purest Drugs ia the mareonttiins lji pagos of reeling matter ket are dispensed by conipctrnt hands highly useful to miners and artisans ia at. the lit and Srd Ward 7o-verj branch of mechanism, and many Store. exwfcat iilustations. It is a good, Srif. Tho Drugs and Medicines at sound, scientific journal, ami has the tltel'ionoer Drug Store, Maiaet., Ogden, cal was commenced if ...i. great merit of cheapness, being pub- are of the finest quality, the Wines and 70-t- f lished at $2 per annum, with great in- Liquors of the purest brands. ducements to clubs. Specimen copies Pl$ If J'Oit want a cheap lot of lumwill be neni free, on application, by ber, apply to Mr. II. It. Seville, nt Brown, Coombes & Co., 189 Broadway! Williams & Co's. yard, fieur tho Jrxc ,ew York. tiox Office. Ilenefit. Complimentary Feb. l:Hh, 1871. To Miss Lkttik L. Bchke. We, the undersigned citizens of Ogden, desirous of manifesting our appreciation of your talon's and ladylike qualities, and recognizing the elevating and instructive character op the entertainment given by you and the troupe with whom you nre associated, herewith tender you a complimentary benefit, to be given at Ogden Theatre, on any evening that may best suit your conve-nian- c OfiOKN, . TELEGRAPHIC. people who have lost their crops four years in succession, it shows an indomitable energy rarely possessed by any Reduction of Tariff on the Pes-erother people. The people have a plenty Telegraph Line. to eat nnd drink and have acquired contheir siderable property notwithstanding losses. For sobriety, the people up the JAXt'AKY KITH, 1S71, AVO AFTER ON- llwMie.ofteu wtttlln or lesrt will hi! wilt Valley of tho Weber cannot be beat, from Svilt AtWv tn ii.l from Franklin ami intenne-itiiil- e there is only one place licensed to sell iiiit. uuit to (iiltiiiimiti, Li'Vim anil mint.s fui i'j ci; iidJiliunal live vnmls ur liquor, viz: Mr. Beckweth's Echo City; in consequence of the absence of liquor, frat tinn, 10 it. Kiiini Salt Lako to anil from St. (Imrje ami we. have less sickness, and more health aiMitiiUi-a- l uiiitK miiiiIi if Luviiu, iot valuable nd industry. cts. fivu wonla ur frartion, Wishing your St. (inri;o M and fnmi Xt'i'M. Cinmisnn paper an increasing circulation and amiKniin hitiTineiliate iiit)t, 25 ct; u'lilitinual five a we realize glorious worilK. 10 cti.. hoping may futuro for Morgan, I w ill close. all jHiiota nin th ami ninth of Salt words or Jjiki-- , 50 its; wMitiiiual av Y'ours respectfully, JO An et ti- i OGDEN CITY. wisolesale&rl wi'i-i- i Respectfully, yours, Lester J. Iferrick, Fred. J. Kicsel, John Mahon, Fred. Levy, Chan. W. Penrose, James Horrocks, Clias. Woodumnsec, A. A. (libson, M. W. lluclitiiiller, It. Keithley, Chiis. Pearce, T. R. Thomas, Robert Wilson, W. It. Reynolds 0. 15. McGregor, J. McGaw, Thos. J. Stayner, To Lestru J. ('has. ' J. J. Morrow, A. Clreenwoll, Jos. Wright, William Driver, Samuel Hon.ocks, John A. Jost, G. Rodford, Wilson Wright, M. J. Herrick, J. J. Clayton, llBiinif'K, W. I'r.Mtosn Mr. Theodore New Weekly Papku. Tilton, late editor of the Independent, and the Brooklyn Ifo'ly Union, is about to issue a new weekly, called The Gulden A'je price three dollars per annum. The new journal will be "Devoted to the Free Discussion of all Living Questions in Church, State, Society, Liternture, Art and Moral Reform." Mr. Tiltons name is as familiar to the literary world as that ofGrccly or Bennett, and his Jonx Maiiox, talents nnd abilities are acknowledged axu othkiis. Gentlemen: Fully appreciating your kind motives in the tetimonial !'.".!'! and assuring you that I will me strive to merit tlio approval of real friends, both in public nnd private life, I would name Wcdnesdny evening of this week as tho occasion for our fifth and farewell concert in Ogden. Cordially thanking you. and hoping we may meet again in the "Sweet bye and bye." I am, Gentlemen, Sincerely yours, Lettib. L. Correspondent?- Burke. - Morgan, Feb. 11, 1871. to be of a very high order. There is no doubt that his new paper will make its mark in both hemispheres, and be liberally patronised by persons of all sects, parties and opinions. Works. From the Sal of llrrald yesterday we learn that Smelting Works have commenced to run out bullion at Ophir City, East Kanyon, Smkltinu A. MILTON MlPSKIt, Superintendent. everything going, like clockwork, and the bullion ranging in value from six to Take notes, eight dollars to tho ton. OPENING! NOTICE UINTAH MIXING DISTRICT. liTSTItlCT, ORflAXIZED JAN. 2!rd, L 1S71, i hounded as follows, to wit: llrximiinf; at J. M. Stoiidiird's Iioiihm on llm h rreek, and running easterly ulonjj said rrrek to tlio cinnniit ol the mnmitainx, from tlieiieu following Straw-lierr- y creek lo its mouth in Weher rivr, tliein-iiutiiurly tn the month of Jaroh' creek, and paid ereek westerly tn the summit of the moHnTaimt, from thence following Kay' creek to a place oiMisitd Calvin Miles' huupe, thence, north, ei ly to the point of liPisimiiiig. (.'HAS. UK LA IIAU.MK. Recorder lor Uintah District. 8 I'inhih, Jan. 23, 1871. AX flllllS FOR SALE (AHOI'T KIlillT MILKS North of O'deii City) a iimid FARM, conI2:u-re- i of which taining 24 Acres, more or is fenced nnd under good eultivatiou. It is in a good situation. For particulars enquire of R. ft. RERRKTT. North llgdeii, or ot t'.W.THOliXTOX, Olcu Citv. OF Winter It; 11-- 1 Scotch Plaids, Satins, Poplins, Flannels, "10RX, KfiliS, A Nil (lOOll FUKSII W'TTKI! J hy WILLIAM riliL'IN'K, al his Store oi Ml' Main Street. Ogdenl 1 Goods. T NORTH (K1HKX i Lake Editor : Dear Sir: I Mn. Ct-- S. F. Linseys, WANTED, COMI'KTEXT SCHOOI.TEACIIF.K. t to RICHARD JOXES, TmsUf, We'ner County. - AI'i'LV N.iU (lwlrn, ti tf. An ingenious wife in Des Moines curam as diffident about writing for tho public as some others ed her husband of snoring thus: She are about speaking to tho public, hence hasagutta perclia lube with two-cuRAILROAD SALOON, my reticence. Morgan City is improv- shaped ends; one slie puts over his nose 32uiai his ear. ing despite the ravages of the grass- nnd mouth, and the other over K C1I01CKST RKAXDS Olf WINKS, hoppers, and our future prospects ore He consumes his own noise, as a stove I.Ilil tlltS and CHIAUS always on hand. enoouraging. Since friend Joseph was does its smoke, nnd wakes up instantcr. Two 1!ILLIA1U TAL;LJ.S fur Wvcrs of the inline. up here in the spring on business for Gov. on a of recent Iowa, Merrill, J Si 11 in your paper, we have been taxed to the visit to the Slate Penitentiary, commenutmost to procure a sufficient supply of CO. EKYXOI.DS Mm the necessaries of life to last us until ced a speech to the prisoners by remarkso was to sec "he that ing many glad another harvest, nnd secure plenty of This was followed by no apseed, so that we might have an abund- there'" liOOKSF.LLKK AND NEWS AliKNT. ant harvest next fall. We have no plause on the Contrary, by an awko tho and ward Governor then pause grasshopper efrgs deposited here, and took back w he with what had hat Books, 3Iagaziir.es, Efc. said, we ull feel confident that with tho blesscould he muster. AT VUICE.S. PLULISIIKnS' grace wo bo God shall successful of tbe Alpacas, All Wool Arinnrcs, p Nubias, Scarfs. t!en. Wired, Dc-Lain- cs, T 7 Hosiery. First-Cla- rd 23 0 per fiaaic. t A NEW C.B.EcGKEG OI?, Papers, ings coming season. During the past summer and fall five large brick buildings, some rock and concrete ditto, end one large frame building have been erected in Morgan City, and in other settlements, brick, rock and frame buildings hove been erected. which speaks well for the brethren of Morgan County, and shows us wbat to expect when wo are blessed with prosperous times again. Wo nre beautifully situated for building materials, wc have abundance of reck all around us, mountand a little way cast ains of inexhauslable beds of coal, and our kan yons bavo still a plenty of timber and wood. All of these materials are obtainable for labor. Wo have a prcsperoui Mercantile store, and a few Tannery and days ago a Manulacturing Company was organized, Lime Manufacturing also a is Company. The spirit of extending into all branches of industry, by it wo began to exist, aud the people unticdly say through it let us contiuue existence and prosper. The prospectors tell us that our mountains are rich with mineral deposits Ono iron mine has been developed, and in a fow vears hence Morgan City will bo the centre of vast iron works, capable of supplying this Western country with this useful metal. Already some of our sanguine friends sec a string of smelling furnaces andiron works down the Valley, and tho unmanageable Weber devided up into mill streams, working up into useful machinery and implements, tools aud utensils for domestic use, our iron Jores. We hopo you will soon have those Ogden smelting so that we can have furnaces under assayed our gold, silver, copper and other minerals, for we expect to go into extensive mining business ns soon as we get our beautifull valley fully cultivated. Education is receiving greater attention in the county than ever before, we have a lively Superintendent, and all hands seem ready to take hold with him to make our common school system a success. Religiously we are blessed with good men, fathers to the people, who labor indefaligably for our temporal prosperity and eternal salvation. Their exemplary lives inspire confidence in the minds of the people, anfl give them dticli power among Israel that the schismatic influence has had no pcrman-an- t results in our midst. Some malicious individual ou the night of the Vth instant, entered the corral of William George, at Stoddard's Place, noor Morgan City, and stabbed two of his horses to death and two of his eows and cut one set of harness to pieces. A span of mules tied up alongside of the horses belonging to wulow MoUtara were left unhurt. A young man of George's is suspected to have done the deed. This man was a brakesman en tho U. P. R. 11., be married George's daughter some time ago and had been living at her father's house since last fall. They quarreled last Monday night, and Tuesday Georgo sent The from the house. his young man felt bud and threatened to make a poor man ofhis father-in-liHe. has made his escape so far, but the officers arc on his ti'ack and I trust they will como up with him. If this meets the eyes of some of our young and inexperienced sisters I hopo it will be a warning to them and inspire caution. This girl, I understand, ran away from home and married the young ninu without the consent of her parents. I have just returned from a visit through Summit County, the folks all the alley of tho Weber arc rejoicing in the' work if sanation. It is astonishing to see so much prosperity among a lime-ston- e, son-in-la- w ltf J. E. WATKBfJS, and Slaoe Maker, ISoot At the liffil of thf Hit! Ttm.t, Fifth Htrrot, Orli-tl- . AH kimh nf liootv mill SIhkmml'' to order. neatly exerutfti. 'roiii-- taken in ja yuifitt. llKousi'a Cobm:k, Ojrileu City. SHAWLS, BLANKETS, Bed Spreads, T. II. WEBSTEll, F.VSIIIONARI.E LOT OF HX)T AX II SllOKMAKKJT. Criekff, Ikiso Bui, liace and Dancing Shoos Made to Order. R F, iOT Krm''mbi;r tho Big Hoot. 1' A 1 R t NKATLY KXKCUTKD. Five Doors ."viuili of the White Uuiisp. ltf 14-- tf FOUJJD. 100 the night of the llth iust. a Opposite the Tilhiu;; Office, Ogden, The owner striped Paisley shawl. a .ixi) lpply of in hand can obtain thcslmulby identifyin; it Kk;:p I'.r Ill's. Collars. rt-- , etc. lu'iiairs ne;.tly and promptly rxin uUs!. Terms at the Junction Ot!ice and paying for this advertisement. STOKER t 1UDDLE, On SUITS OF GENTS' SADIH.S AND HAUNESS MAKERS', , .Main ES7RAY. S1NTK HAD IN MY F0SKSS1ON on three year old red HKII' LH. with wliitfl star in forehead, whitft spot on c- h no brand or etir marks. Hank, nnd white The owner i reipmsted to provu property, pay liares uud take her awav. Y. W. MXOS, 8th District, Welier Count v, Fob. 15, lJ71. TIIAVK 1J-- 3 Oirden. flrect, CLOTHING, Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, Heat for tho People. MEAT ii OF THE REST QUALITY, AT LOVV us, ahvaya on hand at the v Drawers, etc. VE meXt Oii lMr MARKET, South of the Sccniid V;ml Store, 100 Cases For Sale, Cheap! FARM OK EIGHTY AHSES.iTITLE on llrooiu's licuch, Oden cuaranteed y Meal-thC. P. Railroad; with a City, House, On hard. Meadow, etc. Apply for further particulars to the proprU'ior, JOSEPH AI.LF.N. 11-Marriott's Settlement. GOOD A TAKEN AT CASH HATES. Hny your nicint at tho Piph-'- If 1H Own s ul Market ilown with lu;;h jiriros. BOOTS & SHOES STUDEBAKER WA G-- S ST 0 K THE CELEBRATED A XVMliEll WAGON! for isile, cheaper ever been ottered before in this have tliey Territory. rHAVE NEW r.HANOS Cassi meres, 3Icifons, tliim NOTICE. WIFK SARAH IIKREAS HAS LEFT MY V my Red nnd Hoard without any just muse, this in to notify all persons flint, n and alter thin date, I will not he responsible for any dchUof hur contracting. 1 L. A. W. STONE. Opleu, Feb. 8, 1S71. AXl) J. First and TSiird U'ard STORE, SIIOEj, (jo to KECEIVKD, A COMPLETE Also, (lEOKGE WHITEHEAD'S 1100T&H1I0I3SII0I, Door Xorth of the Female, Relief Storo, Main street, Ogden. a Splendid Stock of PKY PURE LIQUORS. COAL YARD, Engine Hoiiso, Near the I'tali Central - noatly executed, and on short notice. call before purchasing POrjANT f, can I to mum. ASSAYS OliE WITH DISPATCH nt his ofiice. Sixth Street, 0:den. Iteten-nce- s o lia-ftt the Jr.sni 'X I'rintini; Ofiico. 1 8m KVAN! COAL AND M. THOMAS & tff.OAIf JSAIilA"i. A5TS P. SI. STCAltT WISHES KYERYBODY MUS. know thnt she lias ft KlltS SKU IM! MAC HINE, Rnd is to do all on reasnnnl'le tenn-at her kinds of Sewin-j:luisiileine on the Bench, IXM.'liTIt S'l'UilET, four Office. Illoiks fjit of ttl-l- y GROUND TO LEASE. VERY ELICini.E SEVERAL Lease on tlie Murth-we- Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. CO. vlsewhero. GEORfiK V1TEHEAP. T CO., J. UTS" All Kinds of Pay will he taken for work done tiivo me a Kstahlishmeut. at the above-nam- ed Ogden. Locks, Harness Trimmings, LIME , lleaters, have constantly on hand fi pnxl PCI'PLY of COAL, which they will koII on the Cars, at 18 Cents on th Tun above cost, for null or pnslnce at cash nitos, t Lime at the old place near the Theatre. l.OKI bnshehof Shelled Corn wnntinl. soir-in-la- w G STOVES AND FURNISHINGS. GOODS, Prfwcriptiotis carefttHy propartl. All Ortlera pronintly f.lUM. ltf M. THOMAS A Good Supply of ISoois and SIiocs kept conslautlj' on hand, Tor Sr.Ic, CJIIlll'. COOKING ASSOUT-lllfil- lt and OLD COUSTr.Y "WATER-TIMADE TO ORDER. Prints. of DRUGS AM) JIEDICIXES. YOU WANT A PAIR OF (100D ROOTS OU Reii- Stripes, HERU1CK. Tickings, Denims, Jl?T One Domestics, OHioe. 3IVIX OGDEN. KTKI3ET, SHOP. . Jeans, 13-- 3 i on excels SHOE BOOT t Doeskins, Call nt Hie Second District Store, 32ahi street, or at the Tithing OF A FULL STOCK OF GEOCERIES. Etc., Etc. All Orders addressed to D. II. TEERf, Ogdeu City, will ht ve prempt attention. HCTLDING U.B. Corner of Union Square. to JAS. McGArt', Esi., at For iwticuhirs apply the Jrxcuos omce. l-- u CLAWS02T, Su per in tendent. |