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Show m WEDNESDAY and SATCRDAY, thJt.lrX l'L'BUaUISO OXMNV. . Publ by 3 Mct viiniiii K BY TELBGHAV1L D4cn gunction. anil llnsincss Manager, touuuuuiaitioiu .liould lie W. l'rwident '"' nuiM.' M.l.lrw large audiin the Theatre, on Saturence Mcmblcd last, to greet the Cusluuan day evening their return from the South. Troupe on in the songs, The interest evinced offered in the music sweet and even was greater than entertainment manifested on their former appeara"csiUMAS'B Concert. A rcci-tutio- that Monday evening's performance and won was equiJly well received There is nothing applause. nce. Special to the Oniw Junction l.v tlio Atlantic and 1'auiUi: Telegraph Cunipuiiy.J Discharge of Crispins in Hew York! Cruelty on the High Seas! Water Famine in Brooklyn! A Congressman on Trial tor Bigamy! Prospects of a Renewal of Hostilities in France! apportionment of members of Congress under the new census on Wednesday or The Committee Friday of this week seem to think they can secure a majority in favor of the bill. The Democrats are again trying to consume the morning hour by calling for the reading of bills and resolutions presented for reference iu order to prevent an action on the New York Air Line bill. The friends of Minister Bancroft have just discovered that in the bill prepared by the House on Foreign Affairs Committee, to appoint a minor to the German Empire is passed, it will legislate him out of office. Secretary Fish, and Asst. Secretary Davis, who is Bancroft's nephew, are at work to have the present Minister retained at Berlin. The business of the Senate is so far behind that Morton introduced a resolution y to have a meeting of tho Senate at 11 o'clock hereafter. A bill to enable the Jackson Lansing and Saginaw Railroad Company to change their Southern terminus from Trader's Bay to Mackinaw Straits, passed, and a resolution directing the Committee on Military affairs to require what Legislation is necessary to protect the frontiers of Texas, Arizona and New Mexico, from hostile Indians was adopt- nor startling about this but hc simplicity, sweetAMERICAN. t!ie whole affair ness and genuineness of New York, 13. About one-hait to the public, and its of the Crispins iu this recommends were discharged The manumoral and elevating tendency nndors it city facturers say the high wages demanded commendation 1,10 highest of worthy and obtained at the late strike has made it necessary to reduce the number of nd support. s will be seen in another column a hands. John Costello, aged 1! who pleaded ed. will be givon to Complimentary benefit to a robbery committed Doc. 17th, In official circles, news is not expectguilty Miss litirkc this evening, whin there was brought up and sentenced to five ed from the "Tennessee" before the last of this week at the earliest. cliange of programme and years in t lie Slates' Prison. will be It is posiJohn Thomas, a negro, who was sen- tively asserted by the friends of Gen. when we hope all our fiiutiJs within a tenced to be hung on Friday next, for Logan, that ho will move for reasonable circuit of the city will atkilling W. Johnson, another negro, a few the dismissal of all members of the first tend, as it will be the last performance mouths ago, received frum the Governor, class at West Point, on account of the this p m., a reprieve fur three months. recent disturbances. It is said that Loof this engaging troupe in the Territory. The U. S. Commissioners, gan is influenced to this course by a de Fill up 'bo house, spend a pleasant the suffering seamen of the ship sire to be revenged on the President for visited of show your appreciation wiling, and 'Neptune." In answer to questions put the hitter's alleged interference to defeat ulcut and harmony. the Commissioner, the seamcu stated Logan for the United States Senate durby . tint, they had been severely dealt with ing the recent election iu the Illinois Orkat Rkihttiox in while on the passage, and compelled to Legislature. The President's eon being Look Hmi. D. Wood proposes do work when utterly unable. Two of a member of the 1st. class. His assertjiriccs of groceries. the sailors have commenced suits in the ed that Gen. Logan has in his possesYork Factory Cheese Marine Court to sell prime New against Capt. Peahody to sion a letter written by the President to the members of the Legislature urging at 25 cts. per lb; Mocha and Java recover damages for cruelties inflicted. East river was again blockaded with his defeat. Coffees, 30 cts. per lb; Host Gunpowder ice and thousands crossed the The trial of Congressman Bowen for dree i Tea,' $2.25 per lb; Japan Natural river on foot at Fulton ferry. The ferry bigamy was commenced iu the criminal cts. o5 or I.caf Tea, $110 per lb., per boats w ere unable to make regular cross- court here this morning, one wife was and steamers produced in Court, and the others it is half pouud package; Coal Oil, 70 cts. ings and several were blocked by the immense mass of said will be when wanted. per gallon, and everything else cheap Remember his Califor- ice; several of the ferries were obliged The joint resolution providing for the in proportion. to suspend their trips for hours. On admission of Miller, Senator elect from 1 nia Wines, 75 cts. per quart. turn of the tide the ice gave way and Georgia, after an unusually animated floated down stream. All fcbo were on and exciting debate, was passed and Goxe East. Yesterday morning Col. the ice escaped safely to shore, although now goes to the House for concurrence. The probabilities are that it will pass many were rescued with difficulty. John Sharp and Septimus W. Scars Y.a Rartlctt S. Meyer, first mate, and that body at an early day. of Salt Lake City, left Ogden per U. 1. Gov. Vance of North Carolina has reChilds, second mado of the ship train for the East. Success to both and Capt. l'enbody, were arrested this turned to this city. He is now advised evening, and held to 50,000 bail to by his friends to resign iu order that the t safe return. answer the charge of cruelty on the North Carolina Legislature may elect a Camk and Went. On Monday last person. It is not thought that Congress high seas, by Commissioner Stillwell. will remove his disabilities. New York, 14. Hon. Lcland Stanford, President and Weather still continues stormy, snowSenator F. P. Blair gavo a dinner Chas. Crocker, Esq., of and constantly, with every party at his father's house in this the C. P. R- R- - arrived at Ogdcn in a ing heavily city indication of a protracted snowstorm. on Saturday night to the Democratic special car, and after a short rest proThe temperature is much milder this Senators at which party measures were ceeded oa their way toOmaba. morning. Great masses of ice are in dscussed, and views on the situation the North and East rivers, causing exchanged. Shot is tuk Arm. On Monday evengreat obstacle to the navigation by small Washington, 14. craft and greatly impeding traffic. The agent of the New York and Haming last, two young men at the R. 11. John Ryan, rosining iu West 14th burg steamship Co. has notified the depot, Samuel Low and Frank Mosely, street, while at work iu the saw mill of e department that tho steamer were having a friendly scuffle over a Wm. Minser, at the foot of West 144th will sail for Ham'Thuringen" a was mull pistol which Frank was struck by piece of wood burg, via Plymouth, England, landing trying to street, from a circular saw; his skull was wrest from Sam's hands, when the pistol, bi'ukcu and death ensued almost iustaul- - the continental and British mails at Plymouth. which was loaded, went off and a oullet The Collector of the port of Boston was lodged in the arm of Allen The great, railroad disaster was the Henry, telegraphs to the Secretary of tho Navy 'r ag near the bone. The wounded topic of conversation yesterday. Crowds this morning that Captain Hopkins of of people gathered about the fatal draw the British bark "Barker from St. joung man went to Salt Lake City yes bridge watching the work of raising Michael, which arrived at Boston this for terday morning surgical assistance. the locomotive. In the afternoon ar- morning, reports that on Jan. 28th ho Wlien will people learn not to fool with rangements were completed for rapid saw uu American off St. business, and by means of screw levers Nicholas on the north-wes- t side of Hay-t- i. the locomotivo commenced to rise gradWhen first seen she was under Singularly enough with the decision ually, nnd as the drivers came to view steam, and soon. after started over to tho f the Ecumcncial all eyes concentrated on that portion East, and headed towards Cuba under Council, nt Rome, near where the engineer and a friend sail and steam, going very slowly, and tkat the Pope was lufullille, it. was who was with him were expected to be her description answers to that of the Mtorded by the American public that found. But as the engino was raised Tennessee." Doom's Yeast rowDEii was likewise still higher all doubts were removed; FOREIGN. the foot, board was clear. The driver infallible. says there is a vast heap of rubbish Versailles, 13. ,We do not wish to dispute with Pius near where the cugine lay, and thinks JlrrahT special: If the terms of peace Kistohis infallibility, but wc chall- that in the rubbish odies may be found, determined on by Bismarck and confi enge y Raking Powder to be pro- and therefore proposes to grapple the dently communicated by him to Jules w'lole heap with chains and hoist, it in Favre and to no one else, are not agreed ved that is as clearly infallible as ours the same manner as tlie locomotive. to by the National in Assembly which will strength, purity, freedom from delete-n- a After consultation it was decided to meet at Bordeaux in a lew days, hostilisubstances, and that will stand postpone the exploring till this morning. ties will be resumed immediately after brace-lots sutW chemical the expiration of the armistice. Vigor It is the Pieces of guld chains, purl ions of analysis. and a brass chain were taken from ous are adopted toward Aiwt, cheapest, nnd best ever yet the top of the boiler of tlie locomotive Paris proceedings in the matter of securing pledges I'.iKoii it and be convinced. tlieie for t tie Try yesterday, having probably payment of the war indemnity from broken trunks. It is believed that this will be fixed at Fish. We tt c.d TIk' rumors circulated in r.'ard to not less than four milliards of yesterday frum bH. McDonald of Olympia, V.'asli-ttP- n several steamers which left San Domingo ."00.0 10.000, but it is anticipatedfrancs that l'ir tins port being over dti, r.j pe.trs to Germany will make concessions on other Territory, who is engaged in he steamer be without foundation a work on the fisheries around points. All ihe troops before Paris are left. St. Marie on the -'- .)t!i fully reinforced to the utmost war Northwest Coast, with the object of January, and is now about due. Her strength. Cueing meri of brains and to arrival is hourly expected, but she bus capital tun 'heir The only other not at present arrived. Small Pox. We have learned of two attention to Puget Sound and st 'auier expected here soon from San more in the Lynne cases of small-po- x fisheries, as the ' great market for Domingo is the "Tyber which carries Salmon and Cod-fis- h for (he whol? of the United States mails but which is not district, both of which caught the inNm'1 fection at Cordor.V, on the Main Street, America. Mr. McDonald says due here until about the 22nd. Dubuque, Io., 13. nJ mount of the finest fish iu the North of Ogden Bridge. We warned Hon. John King, the pioneer newst0f'd can be laid down in Ogden, so as paper publisher of Iowa, died at ten the public against this place a short 10 ie WW for from time since, but the proprietor was angry eight to ten cents o'clock this morning. 14. l)cr the notice, and has denied the exat Brooklyn, pound. Brooklyn is again threatened with istence of the disease in Ihe house. WDEt) Out. We have received an water famine, iu consequence of the Marshal Fife and Dr. Willowness of the springs on the Yesterday ''resting cttcr from E1(k,r D M made an official investigation, and liams water. obtain which from they aut, which is crowded out. till our island, in the house they deThe supply will be shut off after the finding small-po- x e:tElder Stuart is well and arrived inst. for eight hours during the clared the place infectious, and hoisted lith St- Louis middle of each day. The reserve supon the 5th inst. to the public. a is now only sufficient for five days' a white ag as warning A. Liet(ers nnd ply C, Drigham City, understand that Now let every person j consumption. Eagleville, are also una-- " The general committee of the German if they stop ut this house of call before crowded out of this issue of Patriotic Societies, composed of deleit is dec'.nrcd free from disease, they do gates of branch organizations, held a so at tbeir own peril. meeting last night. It was resolved to From Dr. Royal we learn that lie has for a peace celebra0 BoOT make nrrangements see it Anybody may ;, tion on a grand scale to come off soon as had seventeen cases of small pox under "lialfan eye" if they look up cr news of the signing of the treaty of his care at Plain City, all of whom are liryllVlrC,t lea'Iin8 totllc DcI10t- - peace in Europe has been received. The convalescent but one, and that one he are composed makes any wearable siza committee of arrangements ot9 or shoes expects will recover very shortly, when at short notice and on of several leading Germans of the city. 13. Washington, doable terms. See advt. Plain City, it is hoped, will be free from The President stated this morning to infection. Dr. Royal hns been very suc1 i. several Senators ami others that he exThere is a. woman-beatof this loathsome treatment his in cessful liti information from San Domingo Somehere near the R. R. depot, pectedbv next. thanks of the and the deserves or Thursday disease , J! Wednesday City, m Who lwMS sion"' in the "divar-- The "Nantucket" which was dispatched people of Tlain City. from Havana on Thursday last, is exabusin5 a woman. We nro f. to return by that time. There is 0'at 1"St toWno Waxts a Faem. A good chance Monj!y be heat his pected a posibility of receiving information which cruelly that yesterday sho was morrow is offered to any one who wants a good by an English Steamer homeward homestead, cheap. ' 10 n'VC- - The her on Havana See advertisement Hail? at touches W at , from San Dominthree talk of days only Marriott voyage him Settlement. from Allen, treating ,0 a COilt Joseph . and fibers. The City. Louul had goThe House Committee on Judiciary ,Cr1H hb bas lost a shawl, See Advt, brutality, right away. will take occasion to yeport a bill for the wonderful lf y, tug-boa- ts forth-comi- Vice-Preside- - Post-offic- to-d- man-of-w- 1 ."on-tinn- , - er f in-i- Cedar Cut, Iron Co, Feb. Oth 1871. Editob Ooben Jcsctiok, Since writing from Levan 2Gth ult, we passed over rather a sevore country crossing the river Sevier on a substantial bridge which is about the center of our Territory, North and South, and soon arrived at Scipio where we held meeting. About 70 families have settled here, with good prospects. e traveled up Parley s rasa, through high mountains and over a pass to l'au-va- u valley, and stopped at Cedar Springs (Holdeu.) 1 visited this place in 1852, and there was only water enough to water our animals, dipping with a tin cup. Now 73 families reside there having many fine brick houses, orchards, farms, an abundance of fine stock, andsutficient water to irrigate their farms, which they cultivate in a capacity with good success and satisfaction. There is a fulfillment of the Prophets; springs have burst forth in the desert to water the parched places. This is only a sample of many of our Southern settlements; the waters have increased as the people have spread out. After holding meeting, we went on to Fillmore City, spending the Sabbath there, holding two full.mectings, and at tending a Sabbat Irschool numbering 2. M with a libra y of 70 volumes; Mr. Platte Lyman Superintendent. Fillmore is up with the times. Many fine brick dwell ings grace this beautiful locality. A fine brick dwelling is now being finished by Gabriel Huntsman, of the brightest red and best finished brick that I have seen in the entire Territory. Several fine barns draw special attention, one built of stone, erected by Mr. Holbrook, large, substantial and commodious. Having spent last winter in the East ern States, passing from Nebraska to New York, I could more readily draw the contrast between the nearly insipid fruit there with tho fine, beautiful flavoured fruit of Utah, and more especially that of Fillmore, which is not surpassed, if equaled in the Territory. Mr. Huntsman measured a Rhode Island Greening which was 10 inches in and weighing 22 ounces. is a leading feature here. herds and herd grounds successfully abound. We passed one fino flock of sheep of 1000, in charge of comp petent hands out on Ihe hills. A erative store does the entire business, very successfully. miles further brought us to Forty-tw- o Cove Creek and Corn Creek settlements, within 14 miles of Fillmore, 28 miles over dry barren country, excepting abundance of cedars which dot the mountains aud hill sides. This Fort is built of stone, 18 feet high and 100 feet square. A telegraph office and mail station kept by Ira Ilinkley break the monotony of a long dreary travel. It is 20 miles from theuce to Beaver, dry and dreary, passing only three familios on Pine Creek, six miles out. Traveling down Wild Cat Canon, and Dog Creek now dry, and passing ovr the divide, oue is delighted to see Beaver City situated on Reaver River. Fine brick houes, an excellent woolen factory, with orchards and bains so delighted us that we spent one day and two evenings, holding four meetco-o- Editor Junction Oi:dkn : Some time since, I made a promise to write to you, but a variety of circumstances have prevented my l'ulllillmcnt of it. But as I have at last, tho opportunity, I will now make use of it. 1 will not cuter upon a description of our lovely little valley for you know about as much of this locality as is necessary for a non resident, but send you the items. First of all, good health prevails and a general feeling of peaco and good w ill Call attention lo their Targe nml " exists in our midst. Slock, just received, eon- Mental improvement is the order of in sitting, part, of the day, aud that you may form some Tartan iMaids, idea of our doings, 1 w ill say that we have a Lyceum composed of about t, SatitiM, Merinos, the young men of Huntsville, and it has Stepellaitt, Cloaking, already proved itself a success. The ArabnT havo a that those subjects discussed are Cloth Coats, tendency to promoto the spread of use- Chameleon, ful knowledge, and otherwise benefit Halmoral and Gored the rising genuratiou. SklrtM, ele. Our meetings are well attended, and California The Celebrated t great interest ib manifested in the printhe for advanced ISlanketH, that are Itiigs, ciples being 1'lannel.H and Hosiery, good of the people, especially not only in mercantile matters, but THE also in mutters that interest us much the importation of good more, namely stock, of fish culture nnd other like is complete in matters, that havo the good of the peomore individual than aggrandizeple Cients, Ladies', Misses and;' ment in view. Hoots Shoes, Our schools, both day and Sunday are Metallic and Nlinpers, largely attended, the former by some Aretic Over-Shoe- s, 180 pupils under the care of Messrs 11. etc., ele. Vtardleigh and 0. Halls, nnd Mrs, O. A. Lish and tho latter by about the Also same number with Messrs. W. W. Brou- II son and G. Halls, superintendents, assisted by a numerous corps of young XTiuk. Coney, Krniine, men and women. Squirrel nnd Heaver Sells;: Tlie Dramatio Company entertain us Trunks 31 ml Valines; periodically with some very good perforCarpets, U iaiilow Curtains mances. Last evening the play of "The 'harcoal Burner" was well put on the aud Shades. READY-MADCLOTHINd. boards, aud the characters well sustained by H. C. Wardleigh, Jos. Mullendcr, The Highest Price paid for all kinds . Wm. Halls. G. Halls, J. Larsen, V. of Furs. A. M. Miss P. ironson, Bing McBride, A full Stock of GriOCERIES, HAR-Dham, Miss McBride and Mrs. E. Slater. The performance ended with tho farce WARE, etc., etc. Call and Examine. of lour Life s in Danger, aud the part sustained ly Mr. Wm. Halls, "JoLn Strong, was the best rendered of any he ins yet attempted, anil drew tlio meri CHEAP! CHEAP! AS ted applause of tho audience. The Ogden jcsctiok conies to hand CHEirESTl in good season, and is favorably spoken of. May it prosper. DRY GOODS GROCERY ii:sA5:TJiaixT, well-ttssorl- ed lo;ilis Khaul, SHOE DEPARTMENT Children' .ITS and CAPS; E imVlMSTlIE Cbsics Feb. OuiiKN, To Loci. WE HAVE A LAUUB ASSORTMENT 187U 14, tub Editor and Manaoehs of the Ogden Junction: I wish through the Gentikmen: of your paper to tender my sincere thanks to the citizens of Ogden and other portions of your Territery which we have visited in our recent Concert tour, for Ihe unbounded friend ship aud general courtesy extended to ward us. Cominz, as we did, from that portion Lava no gf the country where po.Uthe slandered and good unjustly bitterly people of Utah, we leel gratelut lo ac knowledge that wc have learned the utter falsity of the many report bo freely circulated, derogatory lo ihe interests and reputation or tliu citizens ings. of Utah. We find your people to be in From Beaver about eight mile? of dustrious, thritty nnd enterprising, good roads and wc gb down into striving with that energy characteristic Parowau valley, passing Red crock of every true American citizen, lo build (Paragoona) to Parowan City popula- for themselves homes and open a country tion 20(H) 26 miles from Beavr. Ap- so long barren and desolate; and rapidly proaching ihe city the buildiugs appear- are their works bcins crowned with ed red, like brick, but cn close iuspec-tio- u success. they were adobies of red earth, Feeling confident that, ero long, the which predominates here. Even the peoplo who are now so bitter in their mountains are red and quite attractive. renunciations of the Mormons, will ex- We very much enjoyed a short visit, w ith lend toward them (hat friendship nnd President' oung and party, on their way brotherly feeling which is their right lo to Salt Lake City. claim and privilege lo receive, 1 remain, After spending Sunday forenoon here, lours respectfully, we went to Cedar City, 20 miles, pass Fred. Babdwell, ing Summit, a small town seven miles Agent Cushman s Concert Troupe.' from Parow an. Cedar City has a popu lation (if atiout wo souls, experiences many difficulties by ram clouds bursting 1)13.!. on the high mountains, destroying can In this city, of lung fever. Feb. 11, water on roads anu ditches, l.isuop of Orville 11. Henry Luut told me that it will cost 1871, Elizabeth, daughter about $1,000 before they will bo able to and Urinda Child, nged two years and irrigate their farming lands this season, six months. from the tffecis of those torrents caused bv bursting clouds. On Monday, Oth inst., the citizens of Cedar assembled for the purpose of ded icating a lot nnd spot of ground for I meeting house 40 by 00 with vestry at inched: af:er singing Edward Stevenson was called on to offer a dedicatory pray er, when Bishop Lunt, Ins counselors, myself, Elders Porter and Lambert with the Presidentess of the Female Relief PIOXEEK OF CTAII. Society proceeded to break the ground, followed by others. Some brick houses OX AND AFTER are improving tho appearance of Cedar City which is looking up. 1 The weather is delightful and roads dry. We have held twenty-si- x meetings up to this date, nnd enjoy Ihe trip ad Edward Stevenson mirably. Trains will lvc Oglcn daily nt 8 a.m., nml lc RAILROAD. USE IIAItmVAKE, DllUCB,. OILS, 1MISTS, Wines and Liquors. at nil of Editor 1871 Oodkm Jcnctios: Dead, Pknrosk: Seeing your writings in tho "Junction," from time to time on Smelting Works in Ogden, I send you a few items, which may tend to ptimulate capitalists for their benefit. I own a coal mine, which has been open for nine years, that will make an excel lent article of coke, and could be shipped to Ogden on reasonable terms. I expect to coke coal shortly tor the market; it is the only coal at present known in this region of country that will coke. The bed is about four miles from tho south of Coalville and is extensive. We can also supply any quantity of an excellent qua! ity of Are clay for lining furnaces. You may expect a largo amount of smelting from our region of country as soon as spring opens, as we have several rich leads of silver and galena partially open, and expect to hlup in large quan tities soon. Accept of my best vvibhes from your old friend, Jons SrBiGos, Coalville, Summit county, U.T. P. 8. Any one wishing to obtain sample of tho coke and fire clay, by teniling to mo l will forward them sample. I expect to pass through Ogden in the course of a week or two, and shall sake the liberty of leaving a sample at Office. the "Jc.NCTioN J. 5.31 p.m. Arrive 7.30 p.m. at Suit Lake City nt at 6 n.m.anil 145p.m. 7 a.m. and 4.46 p.m. Leave Palt Lake City (Inily Arrive at Ogdcn at 10 a.m. and COOPERATIVE STORE, MAIN ACCOMODATION THAW WILL RCN DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Leaving Ogilcn City 5 a.m. an'l Salt Luke City, 4.40 p.m. on union full fare will entitlu the purchaser of a ticket to return ou the name day nml train free, and will stop by arranging witii the CoE'tuctor, at any point uu tlie line lo lake ou or let otf paiw ngers. ''avenger will plcnxe pnrrhaso their tickets at theoiruw, Fifty cent ariilitlorial will be charged when the fare U collected ou the train. FARES: Ogilen to Kaysville " " " " For all information concerning freight or Passage, apply to D. 0. CALDKR, Ocn'l Ticket and Freight Agent. JOSEPH A. YOUNG, ltf le rorelvud In Exchang for Mi'irliiuiiline, All IVrmnii who know DKIiTKll In tlie tlieinsclvm to b Initltuliou, if IS- - ,J are- ri'imfli'Hi 10 d&i i iiuuieumuiiy. Vt'rmm wIhMiik to become BTOCKU0LDE11S In thu Institution can tin no. WILSON WRIOIIT, 8Ctf fuporintninlent. DR. R. TIDBITS, rliA Hioimmsid Surgeon,. SALT LAKE CITY. OFFICE IN HKTOXI) HIl'TII 8T1IKKT, OI'PO MTK TIIK OMAHA IIOL.SK. Bg Culli) from the Country proimitlv al ten-lw- l. l - IJ-T- m SALT! SALT! WILL SI HI'I.V TIIK VKKV BEST QITAMTT' nf HALT, rinrm' or timi. In kuihII or (urge Sc'k, lirmiiti'il ti Milt lliu tmK on tlio nhoiteat uotif nml it!itHr liiiiii itny in tlie maiket. A Irt"' tmnlilv on IiiitH. A111.lv to L. W.SIll lli'Lll'F. Vlnlnf'lt. or to M. V ANDY KK, ot tliu 'I hratrii, Opli'D City.. M On.. Door Kat OYSTERS. TIIK HOL8K KKVKKK SALOON, South S11 t. Suit Luke (Ity, whr or In anxintautd' vim mill li ii1 Jul!. MMM'I.VS ral,v ami willing to ti'v you with (1ALL AT FKIINII OYSTEItS. ;CL1KN ( KOWX CIGARS,' PICS FKKT. etc. Be- - Cull ami oee him. 17-- C "id W00i)MANSEE, Msiiu ril rool, O (;dcu, DKAI.KIt 13 GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS. GROCERIES AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. of ME PANICS' Good Supiily TOOLS on hand. A ' 1 in OCDEN TANNERY. WOULD HE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY LEATHER. Come to my Tannery and see If I will not sell yon as iOiD LEATHER as the beet, anil as ciivap as the cheapest iu the market. HIDES and DARK WANTED. 4C3m JONATHAN BROWNING. WLipSES. To sill whom it may concern. VT0T1CK IS UEREM GIVEN, THAT nil ferNMis in liusiness in Ogdcn City, (tcr wiiicb. Ihe City Ordinance provide that a license must bo obtuinw'.,) without first procuring a tt.se licenso aie liable to be taken before any tl.Go t2.05 Farmington Centreville Wood's Croat Salt Lake City 8IIIKKT, OQDEN. will l'rmlii'-- IF YOU In nil'lition to Ihe aiiovi- - an Owelty, fur little r PuiM-rio- The Second liistrlct Zion'a tiiuiisia.y, ii:c. II, OT ikyc;ooimv ;i:oc i;im:s, columns UTAH CENTRAL Coai.vii.lk, Feb. I. Z. C. M. HnsTsviLLS, Utah, Feb. 11th, 1871. Correspondence. BLTEKIXTEMUKNT. ll Alderman of suid City, aud be subjected w a Fine. By order of the City Council, LOltIN i'ARK, Mayor. TI10S. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder. 0 of ihe City Recorder ia at the Oflico of tho "Ogdcn Junction," Seventies' Hull, near iba U. C. R. It. Station. Ojjtce Hours from 10 a. m. till 3 p.m. The Offico |