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Show Sk gdcn function. PublUheJ every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY by tho uudk.v la'ut.iiiiu CiiHM.il, JAMKS Met AW, l'miideiit nd Hmiuem Manner, to whum all Utwiuesti toiiiniwuicaticiui puuuld be addreiwed. as drunk as a lord. A flock of tipsy mocking birds is a very funuy sight. They fly around in a most comicai man- and staggering just ner like real men, mixing up all sorts of bacchanalian songs, and interrupting each other in the most impudent way, not at birds. It is even all like said that they will fly out promiscuously, intrude on domestic relations, forget the way heme, and Ret into each others nests and families, just like the lords of creation. 1 1 is not improbable that also, like the lords of creation, they become vcrry penitent after the season is gone and the yearly frolic is over, and that they make many good resolutions, join the temperance society, and keep sober till the next season comes around, and the berries are ripe once more. As they are"mocking"birds' it is not out of the way to suppose that they are only imita ting men. WILLIAMS NEW YORK TRIBUNE. 1071. UTAH well-behav- Disappearance of an Island. island ia missing. Captain Hock, of the bark "Adolphe," bound from Iquiq"e to London, states that while passing the New Hebrides Islands, he discovered that Aurora Island had entirely disappeared, and no trace of it was to be seen on the face of the ocean wkere it was before nituuted. What mikes this occurrence more deplorable, ays the J'all Mall Gazette, is that Aurora was one of the most fertile of the group of which it formed a member. It was last seen in latitude .152 deg. S., longitude 108 deg. 25 min. K.; it is described miles in a having been about thirty-si- x length and upwards of live miles in breadth. Any information respecting it will be thankfully received, and it becomes a question whether a reward should not be offered for its recovery. If large islands take to disappearing in this fashion, we shall soon ceaso to congratulate ourselves on our "insular position." There is. however, this consolation that if England were to dis appear like Aurora Island there would bo doubt be a rigid investigation made kilo the circumstances by the rest of the world. Franco would miss a useful depot for her refugees; Irelutui would suffer from ennui with no one to abuse, and we may be sure that unless we had previously settled the Alabama, elaims, America would never rest until she had fished us up again. A largo Juvenile .Suicides. Within a few mouths the number of suicides of mere children has been alarming, and the evil seems to be si i 11 on y the Increase. our exchanges tell of 1 u i I e similar cases, occurring as fur apart as in Maine and Michigan. Near Cornish, In the former State, Dr. VV. Sweat asked his son to go to school but the boy refused, and upon his lather in- aisting, shot himself. Then in Huron, in Wayne county, iu the latter State, K. A. Ciiamberlain desired his sou to change his school, for good reasons. The boy refused, and the dispute was continued. On the morning after, the lud rose and performed his usual work about I lie house, and then took a vial of strychnine from the clock, where it was concealed, swallowed a large dose, and as deliberately walked to the water pail and took a drink, and in half an hour was dead. The coolness of these youth ful has been paralleled in ao many cases lately, that the subject is obc demanding serious consideration. To-da- The Itomuiicc COMPANY. Cheapest Yard Truckce& SaltLake in Ogden. LUMBER YARD, SALT LAKE CITY. SHINGLES, $4.50 WILLIAMS & CO. PER THOUSAND. Fencing Lumber wiiAFUitxisii ON CARS AT OGDEX, AT TIIEIIt Y.YIr, $25.00 per 31. Corner of Xorth-lVo- st Doors, Sash Doors, ami III! uds made to order. SaltLake &Truckeo LUMBER YARD. Union Square, Close to the Jdnctios Puinti6 ALL KINDS Office, OF Plank, ADDRESS, J). W.PAllKJl UJIST, Scantling1, Salt iAtke City. Joists, VHITE PINE Eafters, LUMBER YARD, Fencing, Inch Lumber Siding, White Pino Lumber Battens, ofn Divorce. Flooring, $25. per 1000 fect, Finishing Lum $25. to $40. per 1000 feet. ber, and Picketing, Oats, ami RlMf ONE LOT NOUTH OK WHITE IIOL'SK. The lieal quality From Bear Lake Divide, near Mount Nebo, fir Sale, at tho Mill, The San Francisco Hullctin of the 4th has the following. A few months since the wife of a GerAwl at lite Yard, from man living in this city, left her home for Germany, and shortly after her de parture ho commenced an action for Iu Canh or it. equivalent. divorce in one of t ho District Courts. She was served with notice by the pub licntiou of summons, and as soon as she received it, the wife started in haste to return. At Loudon she found herself out of merits, but soon her countrymen raised money enough to pay her pass age to ytw lork. In ttie meantime, LUMBER PLANED OX ONE SIDE, the decree for a divorce was granted to at Reasonable Hates. the husband. The wife came on by t railroad and lie parties met. He be same convinced that she had been tra duced by enemies, and they determined Apply to D. II. PEKIIT, at Z.C.M.Iast, or of the man iu the vara. to plight their faith again. According LEVI WHEELER ly, ten days after the County Clerk bad tuo for decree of divorce them, signed he was appliod to for a marriage li sense, and they were duly married. SIJ11SC18I11K NOW!!! i nst LUMBE a Wheat, Host Terrible Calamity. Allegan, December 20, 1870. The residence of Kinanucl lielpman, situated on section 14, in tbe the town' ship of Trowbridge, was entirely con,' sumed by tire on the night of the 21ih, with three of his children one boy atid two girls. Mr. and Mrs. lielpman barely escaped with their other two chil dren. Mr. lielpman had worked hard all day and retired quite early. His family soon followed, leaving the stove red hot and well tilled. The fire must have caught ia the roof from the pipe, as there was no chimney, and Mr. 11. was awakened about midnight by the roof fulling in. Ihe tire had then blocked up the passage through the door, and he immediately aroused his wife, broke open a window, and pulled hor and two of the children out, none of them having and anything on but their night-clothe- s even those being nearly burned otf. His other boy came to the window, and Mr. 11. had nearly succeeded in pulling him out by the shirt when the garment, which was badly burned, parted, and the boy fell back into the tlames. The cries of tho liitle sufferers were heard for some lima afterward, but they could not be saved. Mr. lielpman then coTcrcd his wife and rescued children up in the hay in the barn, aud rode a horse one mile to his nearest neighbor for assistance When he arrived ho was nearly frozen, that being the coldest night of the season, nnl he wholly naked. He sank into a state of unconsciousness as soon as he teld the story. The neighbors immediately rallied and furnished all the assistance within thoir power. Mr. II. is in a critical condition, being roasted aud froieu in places. No calamity has ever before cast such a universal gloom over the community, a this. Several hundred dollars have already been raised for the family. . Wanted. Ilarlcy FROM $30 to $35 per "riaovtscvxici. Bills sawed to order at Family Paper Ever a few day's notice. i'liolislicd! OltEATEi'T OF THE WEEKLIES! WAS IA1I). DURING THE year, fur the liiMruetiou end Enter tainment i'i lt hundred of tlioumnd of reader. Six ill' lloo. lairga t'yllmler I'roMie am kept contantly running, day and night, to .iiiily the enormous demand tor thin favorite journal. Every utorv, ererv nkctclt, ami every article printed In SATl'KOAY MtiUT ! oriKinal, and written exprely fur Ita column, ly the beet talent that money can prnrur. The iniritv ami moral tone of SATURDAY XttillT in of the hlirhiwt order. Nothiui; that can in the least offend the religion. or political Micf of any one will be allowed to apieur on IU iaiwc. bout the In fact, it Family Paper pulilinliod. and its uant nurceiw ia proof that it in III. thVOL In everv Ihe home land. lor SATURDAY M( J II T a larffe eiht-pap- i paper, routaiiiini; forty rolumn. of the bunt reading mat ter, elegantly printed on flue white paper and ucatly illiitmtei. A New Story i commenced every three week. Five continued Storiua in every aper. From aeveli to ten ehort Short Stories of Love Mid Adventure III every paper. from tlx to ten beautiful places of 1'octry In every nuer. Haifa column of Facta Worth Retuumberiug, givluj item, of interest to every one. Under tlie head of lias I.irht Heading ia a splendid collection of Witty and lliimomua 1'aratrraph., In every paper la puhluhtit a fairy laic, writ ten expreKi-i- for the children. The column of Answer to Oorreniiondeiita con tain, information in ret'erewe to matter, of Law, DomrMic aud Friendly Kelntiona, llwtory, Ancient aud Modem, and everything connected with Love, Courtship aud Marriage. OVER ?TO,ih) EACH NUMMfili OF "SATURDAY NIGHT CONTAINS Art MICH READING MATTER AS ANY OF THE ItH'l I.R .MONTHLY MAtiA '.INKS. THREK DOLLARS PER YEAR WILL OK lM'Rl'll ASK M NUMBERS "SATURDAY NIGHT." THE SAME MONEY EXPENDED IN A MAGAZINE ONLY 11U1KU3 YOU 12 NU.M liERS. SUUSCKtmOX TRICK OF "SATURDAY Nit! I IT: For One Year, 62 Numbers. Is only $3.00, Six Montha, Li Number, ia ouly JlJa). Four Months, 1" Number, ie only fl.UO. OUR CLUB RATES: For MO we will end four copies for one year to one adilresa, or earn copy to a separate address. For f JO we will .end eight copiea to one address, or each Copy to separate addrwxes. The party w ho vends us J'.""! for a club of eight copies (all tent at one time), will In- - entitled to copy tv.lt.. tietters-i'- p of Clulw of eight copies ci- - after want add single copies at Ji.oO each. Good temperance people will be shocksure u'i rilie tor no other paper liutil lie and ed to learn of what a sot no milder term you see tne f.vn used the mocking bird makes of We will send Specimenisiuin. can be Copies free to any whe himself in Honda. Ins special weak-lie- s will semi us their aimres. ELVERSOV DAMS is tho berry of tho Pride of China 1'ivp's.aud l'ub's. cf SATURDAY NIGHT, he the of which bccouiis tree, upon juice tliiladcipuia, ia. Ornithological Inebriety. iuai Throu'U struggle and suffering, at the cot of multiform agonies, bereavemeutrf, devastations, the Aniuricau Idea enilmdied iu the preumble to our father.' Declaration of Independence ap- iroaches its complete realizatiou. The uoklu, nepiring assertion that "all men are created equal," and endowod by their Creator with inalienable rights to life, liberty, uud the pursuit of happiuess, is no longer a glittering generality, a poet's fancy, a philosopher's speculation, but the recogniKeJ base of our political fabric. The Revolution, which dates from the Uoston Muwacre of li iO, fiuda its logical completion, just one century later, in the X th Amendment; Milieu gives to the equal political aud civil riglita of every mau boru or naturalized iu our Republic the shield and defence of tire federal Constitution. Tho billows of Caste and Privilege may roar and rage around that rock, and may transiently seem ou the point of washing it away: but its founda and steadfast, and the breakers tions are deep-lai- d of Reaction and Slavery are hurled aguiust and dash their spray over it in vain. edo not underrate the force of Prejudice altd Aristocracy. We do not forget that a very large minority of the American People still hold in their inmost hearts that lllacks have no rights which Whites are bound to respect. We fully appreciate the desperation wherewith all the warring elements of hatred to Itcpuhlicau achievement will be combined and hurled ugaiust the battlements of Hepuliliian asceiideucy iu the Presidential cloctiou of 1S72. We do not doubt that local successes, facilitated by Republican feuds aud dissensions, will inspire the charging host with a sanguine hope of victory, such as nerved it to put torth its utmost strength in the earlier stages of the contests of 1SB1 anil 186N. Yet our laith is clear and strong that the American People still bless God that, ou the red battle fields ot our late Civil rtar, the tmou was upheld and Slavery destroyed, and will never consciously decide that the precious blood tltereou poured out was lavished iu vaiu. Tin TiiiHCXE lielieves In tho prosecution of the great struggle bv legitimate means to beneficent ends. To State Sovereignty, it opposes indissolu ble National Integrity; to Slavery for lllacks, Lilierty for all; to Proscription. iufniiichiseineut; to Popular Ignorance, Luiversal Kducattou; to intensity aud eternity of wrathful Hate, universal aud invincible Uood Will. It would lain do its utmost to hanteu tho glad day when the South shall vie with Die North in exultation and grati-tU'l- e over the disapearauce of tlie last trace or taint of that spirit which impelled Man to exult in tho ownership aud chattlehood of his fellow LATH, SHINGLES. at Ogtleit. Address all communications, JOSHUA WILLIAMS & CO., Weber Station, lT.lM5.lt on, H. 6. SCOVILLE, Box 10, OGDEX B23 fii I is 1 w mmtw WOC , VAIH taste bitteriah, and antilogous to mint. If t TS nnv garPoor i iy Ram, Vhlk-y- , spiced andltefuso Liquors doctored, " Made af peculiar tendency to the "Sis m JS ST s: rrnirint :reat I I SO 1' II I Urinary Organs, such aa Gravel, tation of the Bladder a life t -One Copy, one year, 52 issues $2. i'ive Copies, one year, 52 issues - - - - 9. To One Audress, all at one - $1 fsl each. 1 25 each. 1 HO each. Aud One Kxtra Copy to each Club. lOCopie. Persons entitled to an extra copy can, if pre ferred, have eithar of the following books, postPoliitical Economy, by Horace age prepaid: fireelr. Pear Culture for Profit, ly P. T. Qtiinn; Tho Elemeuts of Agriculture, by tieorgo E. Uilious.Ui-miltPiitnuDim-axe- cf the Blood, s or Indijieation, Intermittent Fever Liver, Kidneys and I)ypei-in- , d Khuem.Blotchcs, Spots, Tim pics. Pustules, Scald Head, Sore Eyes, ErysipHumors elas, Itch, Scurfs, Discoloration of the Skin, and Diseases of the Skin, of whatever name or nature, are literally dug up and carried ont or the system ina shori time by the use of these Bitters. One bottle in such cases will convlnco the most incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse the Vitiated Blood whenever yon find its s impuritiesburstlngthrough the akin inPlmples.Ernp-tlonor sores ; cleanse it when yon find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it when it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the system will follow. FIX, TAPE and other WO RMS, lurkingln tho system of so many thousands, are effectually destroy, ed and removed. For full directions, read carefully languthe circular around each bottle, printed in four German, French and Spanish. ages-English, J. WALKER, Proprietor. K. H. McDOJfALD & CO., CaU Druggists and Gen. Agents, San Francisco, ew York. If 34 ' and 32 and Commerce Street, BT ALL DRUGGISTS ASO DEALERS. Bolls.Car-buncle- of the Trostrate Retention Gland, and or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts concern ed in its evacuation. also The remedy has been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affec- s, IIilmbold's Extract Bccho is sei I by persons from the age of 18 to 25, and from Go to 55, or in the decline or change of life; after Confinement Labor Tains; BedATetling in or cfeulAren. In affections peculiar to females, the Extract Buchu is uncqualcd by any sth-remedy, as in Chlorosis, or Rctea-tio- n, er Tainfulness or Irregularity, Sup- pression of customary evacuations, Ul- cerated or Schirrous state of the uterus, Leucorrha'a or Whites. Diseases of the Bltitfufcr, Kidieys, Gravel and Dropsical Swellings. This medicine increases the power of Diges tion, and excites the absorbents in healthy action, by which tbe wntcry or calcareous depositions, and all unnat. ural enlargements are reduced, as well as pain or inflammation. gnu. - jF'i'vW Extract Helmboi.ii's Bucnu has cured every case of Diabetes in which it has been given. Irritation f tho of the Bladder, Inflammation li rapiiflT supeneding .11 other preparations for producing Elwnt, SkcH nnd Whotaom BOLLS, BISCVtTS, DREAD, tuckrhrd end other CriJJlc Cakcl Pcrretlf Pm and . The CHEAPr.tlialU, end alwa'jt ready for inmtdiatt nd It WILL KEEP OX EST EMng Potcdcr n tht WORLD, L1X! O.I SEA, fn any clima'.r, fur yrart. It U wet! adapted J.'aeM, ltnrinen. Emigrant!, C, to the use of and 1 In fact. In nrrf mptct, tht BEST TEAST POWDER nuul "far ! Kitchen, the Camp, tht Coffey." Zotipr, BOLD BV Ult(X:EliS t DKAIXUS EVERYWHERE. ilnnufacturcd by DOOLEY BEOTHES, 69 NEW STREET, NEW-YOR- V I ' C K FLORAL S GUIDE 1871. FirstFor COLORED tht of Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of tbe Frost n te Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, Brick-Du- st Deposit, Mucus or Milky DisehaTgest, and for en- fcebled and delicate constitutions, symptoms: Knmox or One nd Firrr VICK S ILI.l'STKATKl) CATALOG IE of SKKDS and FLORAL OD1DK, is published and ready to eend out Km ics, and an Kngraring of almost every desii aide Flower and A'egetble. It is elegantly printed on tine tinted paper, illutrateC with Three Hundred tine Wood engravings aud Two lieautiful The Neck - of both sexes, attended with the following PLATES. The most beautiful and the mwt instructive Flornl Guide published. A (IK KM AN EDITION published, in all other renpects similar to the F.nglish. rent tree to all my customers of 15i0, ai rapidly as possible, without application. Sent to all others who order them for TEN CENT,"!, which is not half the coxt. Address JAMF.S VICK, Rochester, N, Y. 0!-- 8 Indisposition to exertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Difficul- ty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trem- bling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Tain in tk Dimness of Vision, Hot Hands, Flushing of the Back, Bdy, Dry- ness of the skin, Eruption on the Face, Pallid Countenance, Universal Lassitude of the muscular system, ic. Helmbold's ExthactBcchc is Diuretic and blood purifying, and cures all diseases arising from habits of dissipation. THE Helmdolds Adverlisiny Rales. Extract Buchu is a ser-- ereign remedy for the evils resulting Daily Tribi'.ne, 30c., 40c, 50c, 73c, and fl per line. , Semi-25 and 50 cents per line. kekly Triiu-nbW eekly Tribune, $2. J3, and $o er line. According to position iu the paper. To Fubseriler8 wishing to preserve Mr. Cireely's essavs on "What 1 Kxow of t'ARMtNU," and who , i. e., $10 for Daily, t4 for Semi-pay the lull pru-ekekly, or $2 for Wei kly Tribune, we will send e made at the if request the book, post-paii- l, time of subscribing. The Tribune Almanac. Price 20 cents. Tribune Almanac; Reprint, lsys to 1858. 2 vols. Half bcund, $10. Recollections of a Busy Life. By Horare flreelv. Various st vies of binding. Cloth, $2 50. Library, $a 60. Half Morocco, $4. Half Cloth, $6. Monaco Antique, $7. Political Economy. Hy Hoi-arOroely, fl 50. SixEwbank's Hydraulics and Mechanics. teenth Edition. Ijirge octavo. Cloth, $5. Pear Cui.tuee fot Profit. Quinn, $1. Elements of Agriculture. New Warring. Edition. Cloth. $1. Dkainino for Health and l'gorn. Warring. Cloth, SI 60. Sent fYfe on receipt of price. la making remittances always procure a draft on New York, or a Post-OfhMoney Order, if possible. W here neither of these cau be procured ser.d the money, but always in a registered letter. Tlie registration fee has been reduced to fifteen cents, and the present registration system haj been found by the postal authorities to be virtually an ibsoiute protection against losses by mail. All Postmastera are obliged to register letters when requested to do so. Tonus, cash in advance. and Urethra, tions and Dropsy. l. Illnddcr, these Hitters have been most sncccss-fuSacU Piseancs are caused by Vitiated Tilood .which Is generally producedby derangement cf the DisoMivoOriian?!. i, DYSPEl'SI V Olt IX DIGESTION, Head, s the of nc.he, Pain in the Shoulders, Conghs, Tightuef Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tho Stomach, Bad taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpitation or the Heart, Inflammation ot the Lnngs.Palnlnthe regions or the Kidneys, and a hundred other painful symptoms, aro the offsprings of Dyspepsia. torThey invigorate the stomach, and stimulate the pid Uver and bowels, which render them of unequalled efficacy in cleansing tho blood of all impurities, and Imparting new life and vigor to the whole system. FO It S K I X D I S E A SES, E ruptlons.Tetter, Sal t ' OFFICE. Disease cr-t- us tism und (.'out, Chron- - ic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irri- a perfect Renovator and X CI 1 off til poisonous of the carry Bystem, lavlgorator matter and restoring the blood t o a healthy condition. Ko person can taUe tlicso Dlttcrs accordinj to direction and remain long nr.wcl!. lOOtvlllbo given for an Inrr.raMc casn.provlded the bones aro not destroyed by mineral poison or wasted beyond tho ether means, cad the viu! point of repair. For Innaminntory nnd Chror.to RheumaV Or- They are given in complaints of the Spirit Toalcs,"" Appetison to ers," " Restorers," &c, that lead tho tippler drunkenness and ruin, bnt arc a true Medlclno, nia('.a from the Xatlve Boots and Ilcrbs cf California, frco from nil Alcoholic Ktlimilititrs. Thcyaro tho V. Urinry gans. and sweet- and Bu- - . -- ened to please tho taste, called lii-oo- n Properties axb Uses chu leaves are gently stiranlarrt, with a Thoisanb cnpie of To Mail Subscribers. Address THE TE1RLNE, New York. Their odor is strong, and somewhat aromatic, their diflusivc, li - nDinf ni . Proof feSt-AM- Fv TERMS. TRIBUNE. : Mkdicai. q-a Ituchn Cm tr" gI - Leaves. rnoPEitTiES Profoundly do we realize that the contest is not yet ended that Millions mourn, more or less publicly, the dowiititll of the slaveholders' Confederacy, and nar their children to hate those by whose valor uud constancy its overthrow was achieved. If wo ever seem to differ essentially from other Republicans, our conviction that magnanimity is never weakness,that vengeance is never politic, and that devils are uot cast out by Beelzebub, must serve to explain alleged eccentricities whose pertect vindication we leave to Time and Reflection. Thk Tkiiicme has been, is, and mint be, a zealous advocate of Protection to lloute Industry. Regarding habitual idleness as the greatest foe to hiinnin progress, the bane of huuiaD happiuess, we seek to win our couutrymcu in masses from the ensnaring lures of Speculation, of Traffic, and of always overcrowded Professions, to the tranquil (tilths of Productive Industry, lie would gladly deplete our overcrowded cities, where thousands vainly jostle aud crowd ill misguided piust of "Something to Ilo," to cover prairies aud luius with colonics aosorhed la Agriculture, Mechanics und Manufactures, aud constantly (rejecting into the blank, void wilderness the homes and the works of civilized Mau. Holding the Pmtectiou of Iloiue Industry by discriminating duties oil imported Wares and fabrics essential to the rapid, beneficent d ilusion of Production in all its phases and departments, and so to the instruction of our jieoplo in ail (lie gainful arts of eai e, we urge oar countrymen to adhere to aud uphold that policy, in uuiluiiljllir," l.iitu that the true interest, Uot of a chuss of a section, but of each section uud every Useful class, is thereby subserved and promoted. a .Nrffs- liiK iKiiiLNK aims to he paper. Its correspondents tniverse every Slate, hattlc-lieiure present on every important arc early advised of every notable Cuhiuct decision, ibservo the proceedings ot Congress, of Legisla tures, and of Conventions, ami report to us by telegraph all that is of genera! interest. Wo have jiaut lor one day s momentous advices trom huropc by Cable lar more thau our entire uwcipts lor the Issue in which those advices reached our readers, If lavish outlay, unsleeping vigilance, and unbounded faith iu the lihcralitv UHd discernment of tlie reading public, will enable us to make a journal which has no superior in the accuracy, variety, and Ireshness ot its contents. Ins ltuu-I'N- E shall be such a journal. To Agriculture and tho subservient arts, we have dcvote'l, and shall persistently devote, more means and space than any of our rivals. We aim to make Tim Wkekly Triui nk such a puT as no farmer can afford to do without, however widely hi. politics may differfrom ours. Our reports of the tattle, llorse, rrouuee. and Oeueral .Markets, are so full anil accurate, our essavs in elucidatiou of the farmer's ling, and our regular rejHirts of the runners Club and kindred gatherings, alt' so interesting, that tho poorest farmer will find therein a mine of suggestion and counsel, of which he cannot remain ignorant without positive Wo sell Tn Weekly to Clubs uud serious lof-s-. for less than Its value in dwellings for waste-pajie- r; ami, though its subscription Is already very large, we believe that a Half Million more farmers will take it whenever it shall be comWe ask our friends mended to their attention. everywhere to aid us in so commending it. BOOKS FOR SALE AT THE TUIKUNE Agent - Is Diosnia Cronuta eft" .... H. B. SCOVILLE, From Disjieusatory of the t'uited State.. 0 . i WHAT ARE THEY? Is To Name, of Subscribers, all at one - $1 (WoiU-h- . in Copies . 20 Copies 13.) each. 1 10 each. 60 Copies And Oue Extra Copy to each Club. JIa rkit Hates. S1 i'ul Curative Effects. ? ? 20 Copies 60 Copies Flour, Grain, Stock, and all kinds of Produce taken at Hundreds of Thousands 21 .Man. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY BUCHU. VINEGAR BITTERS. Daily Tribine, Mail Subscribers, fin per annum. Semi-per eeki.y Triri'.nk, Mail Subscribers, annum, t ive copies or over, .! each; an extra copy will tieseut for every club of ten sent for at one time; or, if preferred, a copy of Recollections of a busy life, by Mr. Greely. SATURDAY NIGHT! THE A GHEAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. "WAITER'S CAXIFOBNXA THE & GO'S COLUMN. OGDEN JUNCTION from the use of Alkali water, which is widely distributed in the west, exposing almost every person in this vast region I) DD1YT to its baleful effects. In Sold by all druggistsand dealers every- supplied with the latest improved where. facilities for turning out every for Helmbold's. Take no ether. description of Beware of counterfeits. $1.25 per bottle, or 6 stecl-cngrav- BOOKBINDING ITS r.HANCHI-S- IIELMB0LD, 301 Broadway, N. Y. None LN ALL Describe symptoms in all communications. Address II. T. In tho finest stjle. Price, bottles for $6.50. Delivered to any address. JOB WtlNTING Ask . are genuine unless dae wrapper, with op ia fac-ai- il of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed ro-i- y II. T. HELMB0LD. |