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Show Do She S)g4m Sfmtttimj. Gucrry are throwing shot weighing 24 pounds and shells sixty five pounds. JUNCTION They have bombarded forts D'lssy, aud theT Montrouge, yeslerday and forts replying with considerable effect with 6 and 7 inch guns throwing shell weighing ono hundred and one hundred and htty pounds. The German enginTERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. eers expect to silence the forts by One Year $6.00 , night. 3.CK) Six Months Gen. Cbauzy is advancing in two 1.50 Turoo Mouth .10 Single Copy columns, the main body at La Loup, and the other at eudome. ., The Dukegfr RATES OF ADVERTISING. Mecklenburg occupies a line between, Blois aud Vendome and La Loup and JAXUA11Y 1S71. VOL. 3fo. 1. OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, Verena. The Dun and Droux garris6mf in all 75,000 men, are joining Chauzy, a a who has 150,000 soldiers in splendid dealconvicted of 6. FOREIGN. The following persons Washington, condition. Tho forces of Gens. h -i e ii e ra o ih It is believed that a few officers of de ing in, and passing counterfeit money London, 5. and Barricllos aro in excellent, 1 Square, $1.50 $2.50 $4 $7 $12 $1" $30 $62 United dnitcnced the iu Versailles received were front to cided merit have been Dispatches compelled 6 8 15 22 31 60 2.50 4.50 order. Gen. ManteuiTel's losses in that, 2 Special to the OunEs Jixctiov by the Atlantic and Beny before I'iotrict assert that Gen, 68 42 States 25 1H tlieir leave the army against 7 9 Court, " 3.50 6.00 distinctly inclinations, Judgo 3 racinc leicgrapu i.unipany.j battles of the 2nd and 3rd were 5,000. ' 5.00 8,50 11 15 25 34 55 85 A Column, ' by the operations of the reduction law, edict: Bowdarsto eight years in Al- Faidhcrbes army was signally defeated B.50 14.50 16 22 38 51 76 115 Lille, 8. which has just come into cflect. Many bany Penitentiary; J. E. Manahan, five in the engagements ot Monday and 17.00 25.50 29 38 64 65 115 170 Gen. Faidherbes has issued a proclaBusiness Cards $4 per mouth. gross improprieties in the working of years; William Dwyer, four years; and Tuesday, by tha army under Gou. Mau- - mution to his army, in which he conCounin offi was one loss William the the law for the retirement of army Johnson, teuffel, that the French very tradicts the Prussian claim of a year Local aud Scial Notices will be charged victory cers have been brought to the attention ty jaiL David Brownly of Tennessee, severe and on the night of tho 3rd the at cents per line for tho first insertion, twenty-fiv- e Bapaume, and claims his success was of the Houso Military Committee. Many two years; each convict was also fined r rcuch retreated, closely pursued by the and fifteen ceuts per line for every subsequent decided. He states that his army is in insertion. officers are drawing from $500 to $2,000 one dollar. German cavalry. On tho other hand, the best of Army-PensionsGross and thoroughly con- -' Transient advertising to be paid for in advance. Ex. The American Merchant's Union more pay a year on the retired list than advices from French sources claim vincedofitsspirits, A Square counUts of ton lines of type of this over Mantcuf-- -' superiority ige. they received while ou active duty. Co. advertise a reward of $5,000 for in- that the battlo of the 2nd resulted sat fel's forces. conto to the and and arrest that formation Yearly advertisers allowed to ckaupe at pleasure, no is of Meauwhile them, isfactorily although them, leading required duty 8. with only tbe additional charge of twenty-liv- e of and many of them are engaged in lucr- viction of the parties who robbed and fighting on the right was without deci- Tho King of HollandLuxembourg, has caused to be otnts a square for composition, but they will be ative business. This abuse irrows out of attempted to murder their messenger sive results, their victory on Ihe left and made tharged EXTRA for occupying space over conpublic, a proclamation in which her tract. the law authorizing the retirement of while crossing the Railroad bridge at centre was complete; so much so that announces that he is satisfied the neu-- : the with the marked on not Advertwements copy Gen. Faidhcrbes 3rd on on a the issued 8 o'clock officers held at on the pay ofthe grade they Friday Evening. Albany of the Duchy of Luxembourg" taiunbw of insertions, will be published at our optrality The latest advices show that the Prus- congratulatory order to his army. wlien wounded or disabled, which passed tion until ordered out, aud charged at transient will be respected by Prussia. rates. Versailles, G. be some years ago, at the solicitation of a sians have turned their attention and The Versailles, 8. ' ADVERTISEMENTS inserted till forbid, will be bombardment forts of tho southern forts also had runs their who son in the a a guarding upon Captain mtinued until ordered out, iu every instance, and Con- Senator, On Saturday a force of 10,000 Ger-- ; largcd for accordingly. regular army, aud had been Brigadier of Paris, apparently abandoning, for a tho southern line of Paris commenced at mans, the greater part of whom were The privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisGeneral of voluuteers during the war. while, the demolition of the works on nine o'clock this morning and was con detached from tho army occupying ers Is restricted to their direct line of business, aud The son was enabled to drop the duties the East. The ground held by the Ger tinued during the day with unabated crossed the river Seine by means-onil Legal, Auction, Kcid Estate, or other advertiseBourn, much be A is south will of the to of their regular trade, chargments foreign higher vigor. city, Captain and pay 2,500 ayearand go mans, pontoons near Jamiages a village' ed fur separately. Advices received at headquarters from on the retired list with a salary of over than the positions crowned by the Paris Saved on the Seine, t welve miles west situated No Advertisements from the States will be in$5,000. A large number of officers have forts, and those acquainted with the Gen. Manteuflel at present operating in of Rouen, attacked and defeated the serted without the cash (at our advertised ratos,) the of our have ono of that from the unless in of the this retired order, depart supposed vicinity way, Lieutenants, Majors, geography accompanying city under tho command of Gen. Ray. state that a por corps afterwards regular authorized Advertising Agents. Colonels, Captains aud Majors, as Brig the real attack, if ever made, would be ment of All communications' devoid of iuterest to the occupied Achard and; They tionof his command engaged the French Thearold and threaten adier and Major Generals, while these from the south. Fort Andcmer. :' public, or intended to promote private interests, A Versailles letter of the 17th has the force on the left bank of the river Seino will be charged as advertisements, and payment regular army officers are thus retired Bordiaux, 8. and brilliant hot and a loss from Germans after required iu advance. If personal in character, wo of the the pay of the volunteer rank they following: Tho yesterday, On Friday the Prussians on the Loire Defences! upon reserve the right to reject any article, or advertiseheld during the war. Disabled volun- the casualties of war and from disease engagement succeeded in effecting the forced the irench from their ment of this class. position teer officers who do not get places in the is estimated at a thousand a day. This, dislodgcuicut of the enemy from their back to Ncuvy. The French resuming" C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. The French of suffered of such battles exclusive from is of course, severely the offensive entered St. A maud, position. regular army get only a pension d as the late ones under Paris, or around in the action. It was a complete victory !flo to ?o0 per month. aud drove the Prussians to Ven it, The navigation of the Potomac, which Orleans, or Beaugency. The French for the Prussians who now hold posession dome. The loss of tho Prussians wa OCDEN DIRECTORY. has been suspended tor some days by ice loss cannot be inferior, and is infinitely of the field. very severe. Releas- is again resumed. ' larce if we take into account the miser London, 5. London, 8. ' United Stales Oaiccrs lor ed Mantciiffel Gen. from Y. who die beyond . Corcoran tho philanthropist, war of able telegraphs prisoners Mali. Dispatches from Versailles announce, made a formal tender of the beautiful the Rhine from fatigus and exposure to Amiens on the third that Gen. Bertheim that Governor Vernon 11. Vauglian. Fort D'lssy has been silenced, and with cannot first from the be he These cold. in the erected this troops prisoners army corps owing to the dense fog which prevails, building recently city Secretary George A. Black. attacked the French early on Tuesday tho results of tho bombardment o the directors ot the Widows Home; much under five hundred thousand, Marsml M. E. Patrick. London! upon tho building cost nearly $200,000. Paris, taken, that number would be morning on the left Seine bank, and cap- other forts cannot at present be ascert C. II. Hempstead, U. S. Attorney 3 3 it. tured serious be a must cannon, understood General K. Butler It that is doubled; indeed, flagsandSOOpnsouers. ained. J. Tourtellotte. ; . ) Supt. Indian Affair AMERICAN. has two more letters which Admiral question with t lie Prussians what they Gen. Bertheim himself telegraphs on the C. C. Clements. Surveyor-GenerLa er advices received from Ver 0. New York, Porter wrote to parties in New York, will do with their million of prisoners, 4th confirming the above intelligence, sailles state that the Receiver of Public Monies J. B. gnus of Fort Dc- aud adds that he has pursued the enemy Ice dealers who have been amassing denouncing uencral Oram, lliese let if tho war is to go on. have also Vauvres been silenced, but A Bordeaux correspondent of the beyond Bourgachard. The battle lasted R enormous fortunes during the past sea- ters are said to resemble the one already Gcorce Renistrar of Land 0'Hce a terrific fire is directed although the alarmed by son, are becoming printed. In the meantime the Admiral s Lond m Standard, writing on Dec. 18th, throughout the day, Maxwell. against fort Do Moutrouge, the latter formation of a new company of promi- friends are working for his confirmation. says ia regard to Bourbaki's force in the London, 6. S. Assessor J ohn P. Tnggart. still respouds. Prmco Charles, of It is tho prevailing impression hero fort A resolution was submitted censuring East. 'l hear that, from Toulon, on the nent capitalists, who have selected S. Collector 0. 3. Hollister. Rouuioiiia, has conveyed to the Sublime secured and of the result of the bombardment and Commander 15th hist., no less than 6,000 men went that Justice 5. B. McKean. Sterling Lake, Orange Co., Captain Ramsay Porte assurances of his intention to u leaso thereof. A new company is Churchill, for going to the camp of forward, and there is no doubt that the forts to the southward of Paris will Justices 0. F. Strieklandand strictly adhere to the provisions of the for decide into tho furto Bides a seem to as contract both are Marseilles Bliss and enter ami and to Master Touloa, Lyons siege, Lopez proposing listening C. M. llawley. treaty of 1IjH, and states he has no, tons thousand hundred French be a The all their the of when confessions man's the delivery exerting energies, they knew them nishing very large contingents. intention of repudiating any part of it. New to be false and enforced. Their conduct last two towns would between them be to their defence, the Germans to their of ice at any point iu or around OfileerK: Territorial Ihe Government has decided upon an William II. York. The Washington Ice Company was declared by resolution, a dishonor able to send forward 50,000 men. Bour capture. lue filing, yesterday, was increase DeUyatt to Conyrcss of military establishment, and both but on two the retreat after baki's beiran to cut ice yesterday. J he Knick to the American Navy, and deserving of sides, decidedly spirited day's army, determined to place at once in Hooper. have considuntil will not in the contest the Germans had erbocker Company Zerubbabcl Snow. begin A great censure. A resolution was sub from Orleans was 70,000 strong. It is service un addi--. each class of the ice is thicker, lee, thus tar, is mined requesting the Secretary of the now probably nearly double that force, erable advantage in the superiority of tioual force ofmilitary men. Marshal J. D. T. McAllister. 20,000 found to be hard and clear, and avera Navy to institute a court martial for in and if its ndvance bo delayed for an their guns. Auditor William Clayton. An article in yesterday's edition of A communication has been received sea ubout eight inches thick. into t lie conduct of Admirals other fortnight, it will probably be Treasurer Jamea Jack. quiring the Saturday Review treats at length on From the abstract of returns of the Gordon and Davis, and tako action nearly 200,000 strong. Military men in from the Austrian Government to the Superintendent of Common School the present condition of the Euglish Europe and iu this country express the effect that the protocol to be submitted gate keepers at Central l'ark, it is thereon. Robert L. Campbell. which it declares inefficient;, and ' has provisions to the Conference by England is con- army, shown that 8.4SI. 4J7 persons visited the if Pui-iopitiirti-tlia- t Boston, 6. further that if the present Gov declares 1870. Park during the year A very large and enthusiastic meeting enough to last, and can hoi 4 out by sidered entirely too weak, aud urging crnmeut is not lVeber County ORIcers: prepared to submit Ou account of assaults made on the was held in the Masonic Hall to op any means till tho middle of March that the adoption of a stronger one. To this to F. D. Probate and County Judge some Parliament satisfactory York New tbe offers will Russia have shoemakers French or the Newark tho by the temporal Richards. grave objec measure for a better organization of every advantage, proposition pose deprivation letstationed have been ba victorious. Paris tions. Select Men Lester J. Hcrrick, Henry Crispins, policemen power of the Pope by tho Catholics of and probably it will bo speedily swept from Tho Times has an article applauding Boston. to prevent au attack on the terries. Much enthusiasm and vigor of ters say that the supply of bread and Holmes, liiclmrd Ballantyne. power. M. Jules 1'avre fur declining to leave A newspaper correspondent at Havana utterenco was displayed and a protest wine is sufficient for three months. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. A sudden thaw has caused the river Paris ou the eve of au altuck which will Weir to overflow Aurelius Miner. describes the excitement ot the ispanisii embodying their feelings was adopNew York, 8. Prosecuting Attorney its banks, inflicting William Critchlow, authorities in Cuba on the subj 'd of ted. Notaries Public All the Fenian organizations held decide the fate of the city, to attend the immense damage the country on, upon a fillibirsterins expeditions. He men It is stated that the liabilities of Hall, meetings F. S. Richards. to make arrangements Conference, but hopes France will have either side. Several vessels lying in, of & a reinforcement its and a councils the who Brown. William woolen Dame tions arrival representative in Sheriff Bullock, dealers, for the reception of the Fenian prisoners the harbor of Sunderland, situated at from Spain numbering 21 officers and failed yesterday are $152,000; assets reccutly released by the British Govern- urges the appointment of M. Thiers. Assessor and Collector Sanford Bing-liathe mouth of the river, have been drivBerlin, G. 2,177 men, also that there is danger of $110,000. ment. en out to sea by the flood, and one vesOfficial dispatches from Versailles an Treasurer Israel Canfield. E. F. Stokes, connected with the complications with England aud tpain Washington, 7. sel being driven upon the rocks has been, 15 miles of the the nounce town latter of Rocroy, that the The publication of Orville Grant's--! Brooklyn Refining Co., was arrested Coroner Wm. N. Fife. owing to tho seizure by wrecked. , north-weof Meziercs, after a severe totally Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools British schooner, "Victoria," and that letter impugning the honesty of certain charged wiih forging two checks The expenses of O'Donovan the voluuteers of Havana find it impos- prominent revenue officials in the West, for $10,000 on the Merchants and bombardment, surrendered to the Prus Rossa, traveling Win. W. Burton. and others of tho released Fena largo number of pris ian sians sible to live on Government rations, occasions considerable comment in off- Traders Bank, aud ono for $7,500. going to America, hav prisoners oners were captured. hence subscriptions have been started to icial circles especially the Internal RevBritish Government, y,. the City Government: Continued failures and suspensions in been by paid The Bordeaux correspondent of the enue Bureau. Incorporated by Act of Jan. IS, 1801. supply them with other food. Small pox has been spreading fearfinancial and mercantile circles are rethat tho News to his on the from writes New 7. A election Havre, yesterday York, paper biennially dispatch Municipal in this city during tho past feW and add to the alarm and Daily No cable dispatches of date ported econd Monday of February. t reach delegate to the Loudon Couler fully Meetings morning confirms tho dispatch already Wall street. aud may now be considered epiof condition days, shaky ence will bu instructed to licmaud the of the City Council weekly, on Monday published of the great battle on the left have been received by either the Amerdemic. Much alarm, is manifested by A number of capitalists have arranged, Re French was the absolute of Main Press battle Street. of Association Associated or at ican Seine. the Ihe bank recognition very City Hall, evenings, Ihe people in infected districts. The, fierce and sanguinary, and lasted several Press. The delay is attributable to a it is said, to open two new through rail- public, and if the demand be refused, authorities Mayor Loren Farr. are enforcing stringent to and th:s the road from lines west, city he will decliue taking any part m its measures to . A. Aldermen Brown, 1st Ward; hours. A decided advantage was gain crowd of business upon the wires. stamp out the disease. L. J. Herrick, 2d Lawrence Sullivan, condemned for intend setting about an execution of deliberations. ed. The loss of the Prussians was heavy T !e Earl of Derby, in a speech yesMr. Martin, of the Irish National 3d A. J. Shupe, and the French troops showed remark murder, is reported insane. He starved their plans at once. 's advocated tho keeping of terday, that the assert The to employ- party, is elected Crispins Counselors James Mc Gaw, Walter able spirit and daring. himself nearly to death, but was prevailrepresent the county of state defences in a national show to a disposition of Neath in the British Parliament, An Athens letter of the 10th, says Gen ed upon to eat some bread, last night. ers are beginning Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah thorough efficiency. He claimed that the Vienna, 6. Sheridan spent only four days here, but A commission of medical men, will pro- to accede to their demands. It is under Leavitt, Israel Canfield. maintainance of the scientific branches defi of is stood the that been wages has invited Count question Austria Recorder Thos. G. Odcll. found a private audience with the King bably report his condition by was England's -- est seon next the and Von Bismarck to send a representative of the services Monday The eclipse of the moon which was to nitely settled, who expressed delight to meet such an Attorney A. Miner. for of its civilization the triumph to Ihe German headquarters at V ersaules. curity Marshal W. N. Fife. eminent military leader. Sheridan was have taken place last night was only men will be in their old seats. over the more barbarian forces.. He flat has been invitation Treasurer Aaron Farr. most the and X. 0 and complied Plainfield, J., partially observed here; heavy clouds present at the Court Ball, urged the division of every county into Assessor and Collector S. Bingham, A destructive fire occurred at the dry with. preventing any observation by astronomteringly received everywhere. districts, each district to provide its C via D. A. London, 6, brick ers much to their disappointment. a Servia is said by Hungarian letter store of Versailles, Surveyor W. W. Burton. Eaton, goods large . quota of militia, or be compelled to The G. German batteries the south of to Police P. The to the entire lasted weather warm lroin but to be ready a Turkey, Captain of Taylor. building, covering nearly separate pay a pecuniary fine. effectt whose S. has Peace been armament Justice of the The cold has interfered with the block; it was completely demolished. Paris, and to join the Austrian Empire.ns an inEggleston ed will the without from cer Constable C. F. Middleton. Ice insured for Loss of the at estimated men enemy, interruption $21,000; Kingdom. Turkey Companies; operations dependent y bombarded Forts D'lssy, Yille- and horses are compelled to be idle. There is something exquisite in our $13,000. Eaton, Collector of Internal tainly loss an uer u unuoian principaii Office: ties, and Austria is likely to acquire Washington specials to the Tribune Revenue, occupied a portion of the first ieuf and Pont Jour, and tho French countryman's reply to the European Ojrdcn Post most of them. ARRIVAL AND CLOSING MAILS. speak of the discomfiture of crowds of floor; loss $13,000; insured $H,000. gunboats on the Seine. Tho bombard travelers, when he was asked if he had ARRIVALS, front of Paris just crossed the Alps: 'Wal, now, sinc Madrid advices say that after Sedan lobbyists, office seekers, and others with Tbe remainder of the building was occu- meut of the north-eas- t a.m. 70 fait Lake City, daily submitted a Treaty to Napoleon, axes to grind. A delegation who repre- pied by Baldwin & Schefflin, extensive has also been continued with great you call my attention to tho fact, I guess Bismark 7.30 a.m. . Mail daily Vest, Through 7.30 a.m. the conditions being that Alsace and a sent the Republicans ou the Pacific coining manufacturers; loss 100,000; energy, partly from newly erected I did pass risin' ground a spell ago.'', r Xerth, Through Mail daily 7 30 a.m. " Local, Box ElderCounty, daily part of Loraine, should be ceded, that Coast, intruded on the President their insurance 70.000. The fire is snpposed batteries. The results thus far have 4.30 . Mail p.m. daily East, Through been most favorable to tho Germans, Bazaine should leave Meti with arms opinions as to how he should make the to be incendiary. CLOSING. C. I,. PAUI.KH, WARRKS III S8EV, 4.0C p.m order in Cabinet, and whom he should appoint to 9. and baggage and Salt Lake City, daily notwithstanding the prevalent heavy Williamsburg, Suit Lake City. llelrmn, Muataui.' 4.00 . . Mail p.m. Southern France and that the German office. daily Vest, Throiifrh a young man fog. lesterday morning 3.4o Mail p.m. daily orth, Through Dennis Murphy, a watchman of the named Geo. Wilson, aged 20, wag shot London, 7, notwithstanding the armistice, 11LSSEY, DA1ILER & CO,, 3.4ft p.m. army, " Local, Uox Elder County, daily 9.00 p.m. should invest Paris, and reduce by fam Advices which have been received Hudson river Railroad Depot in this through the head and mortally wounded last, Through Mail daily . BANKERS, state operations ine the population, who had proclaimed ci'y saved a train containing 200 MAILS. by a t rcnclunan named Silivio Mallard. from Versailles JENNINGS' NEW Ul'ILDING, CL0SINO. from destruction this morning, Wilson and his friends were proceeding are still being actively conducted by the the Republic. Napoleon approved of Cache and Rich County Wednesday" the treaty which was taken to Eugenie by discovering a switch home, and had crossed the ferry freni Prussian armies against the eastern 3IAIX 3.30 p.m. and Saturdays STREET, OGDEJT, " accidently Forts. The German artillery, although Horth Oplen Mondays and Thursdays 2.30 p.m. and she was prevailed on to sign it at which had been turned by a man New York, when Wilson AND PALT LAKE (TIT. lluntaville Wednesdays and Saturdays 6.00 a.m. first, but she afterwards changed her who gave the name of J. McCount. jostled Mallard; the latter mistaking him inferior, has proved effective and has ilMlcri iu Uolil Dint, Coin mul Currency. Draw 3.00 p.m. I'laiu City Mondays and Thursdays Montana, Retivnr, becauso she distrusted Bazaine He was arrested and sent to the Is- for a buglar, drew a pistol and shot destroyed the casements protectin2 the Kxilmniie 'n Km Fmnrim-o4.00 p.m. mind, Kivordale Woilucwlays and Saturdays so land for six months. Tho late foreign hirn. Wilson has remained insensible batteries of Fort Rosney. Ihe more St, Louis, Now York, and all jiarta of Enrol. ambition his and ana overweaning and Alma Wednesdays Hooper Collection J promptly attended to.: l(f ' 12.00 tore the paper to pieces. Tho latest exchanges state apparently on good au since the shooting, and his death may powerful artillery is held in reserve, the Saturdays in a to use feel formidable the intention Germans show it OFFICE HOURS. that moment. the be ia have that Mallard rrussiana being dispatches expected any thority again General Delivery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. attack on the Southern forts prcpara compelled to hasten the fail of Paris as prohibited the merchants of Champagne arrested. A.. ISIIIVElt, Sunday 6 p.m. to 6 p m. tiou for which are in progress. much as possible, and that henceforth from sending their wine to Belgium for Washington, 9, -REGISTRY DEPARTMENT & COUNSELOR. ATTORNEY When the intelligence was received Versailles, 7 they and the French will do everything transmission thence to England and Open from 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. the here state that received Outside Door oien from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. in their power to hurry on the conflict elsewhere. here that the British Government bad Oflicc Dispatches Ogdcn Hotel, opposite La Liberie says the floating population discharged the Irish American Fenian siege of Lapres has been raised by the OGDKN CITY. ISAAC MOORE, Postmaster and terminate the war. u This evening a negro attempted to of Bordeaux is daily increasing; it i prisoners, the Secretary of State tele Prussian force of Gen. Goltz, and his All klinb of legal businww promptly attondsd ltf ' murder a colored female, Sarah Vander-nica- t, estimated that about 40,000 have arriv graphed to tho American representative command has proceeded to Vesscuil to to. Trains first-clathe Gen. the of in reinforce with in stabbed the Government. he ed Bordeaux London to furnish t icm a of l'J2 Greene street; Werder, Leave Ogden daily, until further noarmy XV. Three accounts from Bucharest state passage to the United States. Tha safety of whose position is threatened tice, for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and her no less than 18 times with a dagger. Bourba-k- i AND COUNSELOR. AT LAW, , ATTOKNKY p.m. (For extra trains see time Murray is a desperate character, and that the agitation for Roumanian inde British Government then volunteered by the united French armies of aud Garabildi. Will Practice in all the Courts in Utah aud passage, Table.) For the Ea'st, at 7.25 a.m. For has bad 27 years in prison. The girl it pendence is confined to newspapers and to give them a second-clas- s Twriforie. Sixx'ial attention giveu to London, 7. but they very naturally declined, prethe West, at 6.35 p.m. is said will recover. The negro escaped. w not supported by the Government. O'Donovan Rossa and other Fenians Foreign mid Domestic Collections. The Tnbune says editorially, that at ferring to accept the offer of a first-claArrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. Gamier and Rudolph have made a and 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. match at French caroms 300 points. the present time the embarrassment in passage by the United States Govern- were released at Chatham They OHieo In L,ertvitts Rrick From the AVest, 6.35 a.m. The stakes up are $500 a side, to corue off Europe gives very good opportunity for ment. A dispatch from tho American proceeded to Liverpool to leave the ISaildiug, near Post Olfiee. Suit Lake City Time. Gamier to re- America to settle her old claims, hns legation in London, received at the country. on the 21st, inst., The Peaoe Conference at. London is land betrays her anxiety to arrange wiih State Department, states that McClure, ceive 15 per cent discount-BrooklyBUSINESS CARDS. 6. Rossa O'Donovan and postponed, till, at least, it is thought, us before pluuging into greater compli UnJcrwood, IMvine Worship of Paris. fall acthe sailed after in the for "Cuba" was this and the has O'Connell, in Beeclier's cations Ward Last, is held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, Spain salary Henry MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL 2.1VEHY should have a Brussels, 7. at 11 a.m.; and in the School Houses of evening increased from 1,000 per tually opened negotiations for the set- New York. Col. Halpine and others supply. We will do them The aud Ville Clamont at butteries iu best the refused the unconditional in American tlement of claims Cuba. style of the art. annum to 20,000. the various Wards at 6 p.m. pardon. Tublwhed every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, by tboCKlDEN I'UULJSUl.NO CoMPANT. JAMES McOAW, Presideut and Iluniness Manager, to whom all Business communication should be addressed. to-da- y, Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. II. II, BY TELEGHAB1I. Faid--herb- es to-d- to-da- Expected Complications between England and Spain! Jobbing in ' ! 5 1 5 J The Southern Forts Paris Bombarded! Recognition of the French Republic to Demanded at the ference! Passenger Train from Total Destruction! Nantes-sur-Sein- beine-et-Ois- England Waking up to the Condition of Her Forces and e, c, Progress of the Paris Bombardment! Departure of the Fenians for America! Ravages of the Small Pox in occu--jiie- al I I IU. tlornei-Gener- . -- tho-arm- to-d:- st y, Eug-laud- few-days- .... .... .... , pas-srnge- rs mis-plac- ; ss It. KEITIIIiV -- ss y. - v |