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Show Counterfeiter Checkmated. It is a generally conceded fact that there nd SATURDAY, rabllshed every WEDNESDAY by the Uudix piulishihq company. is more counterfeit paper money in the JAMK8 McGA W, President auU Business Manager, United States than in any othor country I whom nil Business cvmmuuicutioui should bo addressed. in the world. There are in circulation Municipal. The City Council met, pursuant to OGDEN THEATRE ad- - ira7i'miheCityIIall,onMoil(lay' Mr. and Miss COULDOCK UTAH CENTRAL 2fi G RAILROAD. OGDEN CITY. There were present, L. J. Ilerrick, PIOXEEIt LINE OF UTAH. different known counterfeits, F. A. Brown and A. J. nearly C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. Shupe, Esqrs., DIE ASIATIC COMPACTS and the number is continually increasON AND AFTER Aldermen; Israel Canfield, Walter ThomWill perform in the 0den Theatre, of these bogus notes are so ing. Many son, James McGaw, Josiah Leavitt and UTAH. X skilfully executed that none but the W. W. Burton, Esqrs., Councilors; Thos, TO-NIGH- T &RETA1L 1871. Jan. WHOLESALE most 11, Wednesday Morning, experienced handlers of our nation G. Odell, Esq., City Recorder;' Mar al currency can detect them. Bills of shal Fife and Constable Middleton. See handbills and posters. Trains will leave Ogden daily at S .m., and A Hint to all denominations down even to the Smelting Several petitions were heard and 5.30 p.m. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10 a.m. and Uguen. smallest fractional currency have been A. M. POLAND. A. STEVENS. 7.30 pjn. granted. Omaliiv oapitalisla have, for some time counterfeited, and extensively circulated Leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a.m. and 145 p.nt. The following gentlemen were ap Arrive at Ogden at 7 a.m. and 4.45 p.m. throughout the Union. put, been carefully watching the pointed as Standing Committees for the KAILROAD DEPOT, OGDEN. We have not had much opportunity of the mineral Interests of Utah. The Choicest Brands of California Wines and Liqyear 1871: and the Best Cigars in the Market constant for a critical examination of the noted hare the of lately On Municipal Laws: Walter Thomson, uors, They passage many In addition to the above an ly on nana. POLAND ft STEVENS, tool of valuable ore through their city, kind of greenbacks used in Utah, but F. A. Brown and W. W. Burton. Proprietors, AN onsigned to the Newark, N. J., Smelting from "information received" as a detec On Ways and Means: Israel Canfield ACCOMMODATION tive would Works, and have read of numerous express it, we have reason to and Josiah Leavitt. LOST BY BENJAMIN KALER. WILL RUN NOTE ON JOHN GALLIHER. AMOUNT On Revision and Printing: W. Thorn shipped by way of the Central believe that a great deal of spurious ilim, drawing '24 per cent per month, Pacific for the Western coast and thence paper money is passed off among us for son, vt. v. Jiurton and due the 1st of April. INTO. i. A. Urown. DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Aoto on Harnett. Amount fl50. drawing to Wales. Every load of mineral ore genuine. Counterfeiters who have made On Finance: James McGaw, Israel per cent per month, due the 1st of October, thus conveyed to other places has vexed the East too warm for their health have Canfield and A. J. Shupe. Leaving Ogden City 5 a.m. and Salt Lake City, A Tlthine Office Order, (riven by Warren Child, 4.40 p.m. on which full fare will entitle the purtheir oul and stirred up their enter fled to the West as a safer field for their On Improvements: Israel Canfield, amount joo; chaser of a ticket to return on the same day and OF train free, and will stop by arranging with the prise. Tha extraordinary prospects of professional labors, and it is not to be Walter Thomson and F. A. Brown. Conductor, at any point on the line to take on or wondered at that let ott" passengers. where so novi Utah, as they consider them, and On Claims: W. W. Burton, A. J. many Passengers will please purchase their tickets at ces in start some of them received are business, from other mineral promises the offices, Fifty cents additional will be charged Shupe and James McGaw. when the fare is collected on the train. districts, have loused them to action and deceived and thus bogus money finds exOn Unfinished Business: A. J. Shupe the Omaha Smelting Works, now nearly cellent chances to change hands. and Josiah Leavitt. FARES: JAJIKN & C o. A method of dctectiag counterfeit completed, are the result. fl.30 On Elections: James McGaw and F. A. Ogden to Kuysville " Aro prepared to FILL BILLS of LUMBER all tl.Co Farmington According to the Omaha Herald, the money atsight.wasshown to us yesterday Brown. " the Winter, at their Steam Saw Mill on Centreville $2.06 company was organized on 15th October, by Mr. W. A. Rooks, who is staying and through On Police: Walter Thomson " the Wood's Cross $2.25 with a capital of $00,000. The for a few days in Ogdcn, and is tho Josiah Leavitt. Scotch " Salt Lake City $2.50 works are expected to be in full On Public Works: A. J. Shupe and Middle Ozdcii opera general Agent for the Western and For all Information concerning Freight or Pastion by the 15th inst. Tho main build Southern States for "Heath's Infallible Israel Canfield. sage, apply to ng is a substantial frnmo structure, 40 National Bank Noto Detector," a work D. 0. CALDER, On Public Grounds: Josiah Leavitt Gen'l Ticket and Freight Agent. X 80 feet, and contains two smelting endorsed by the Treasury Department and James McGaw. at the Following Rates: furnaces capable of smelting six tons of of the United States. By means of this On Licenses: W. W. Burton and Wal JOSEPH A. YOUNG, 100 Sheeting:, S1.75 re every twenty four hours. They are book, and instructions which Mr. Rooks ter Thomson. SUPERINTENDENT. ltf built of 4,000 brick, made of fire cloy will impart, any person can learn how Committees Tho re were Reports of ... . n m 111!..!. ' .i Square-Kdge- d, ivui Wool Dc-Lain- cs, milium, cusung m umuna ?.j per to detect spurious notes at sight. The ceived. lOU 1API CHIMP! AS thousand. The outside of the furnaces benefits of this information extend to The Recorder's Report on the receipts u oounu wun ncavy iron plates, and it the future. Any counterfeit bank note and expenditure, the Road Supervisor's Floors ii it their intention to line them with red that was ever passed, or that can be Report, and the Police Report for the CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST! 100 sandstone from Utah. The smoke stack executed, may be detected. This may juarter ending December 31, were read Delivered anywhere in 1U0Ofrdcn City for $1 extra leet. Is fifty five feet high and six feet WE HAVE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF per square, appear impossible; but when lhe gener and approved. We will take Cash, Stock and Grain in pay tho interior of the flue al of the construction of two principles The Treasurer's Report for the half ment. gen meusuring 0 ec'- - There are four separating furna uine currency is understood, in contra year ending December 31, 1870, was vuuoiiuiieu on i lie littiwicu princi distinction to llioso by which bogus ii read and referred to the Committee on A NEW LOT OF 200 Bushels of CORN Wanted Immediately. ple, six reterts and a refining furnace, manufactured, tho point will not be Finance. IIAvIimVAKE, In- other buildings are the boilor, a disputed. beveral Tradesmcns' bills were pre All Orders addressed to BARNARD WHITE. steam crusher of An excellent opportunity is offered to sented and ordered to bo twenty horse power rourtu street, Uguen, will receive prompt atten paid. tion, capable of crushing ten tons of ore per our business men to obtain a safeguard atf A variety of other business was trans day, a laboratory, an assay house con against deception on a vital point, and acted, and the Council to adjourned ESTUAY XOTICJB. taining two small furnaces, and a neatly we give publicity to Mr. Rooks' visit. Jan. 23, at G p.m. lurnisued otlice containing assay balan because an exposure of the counterfeitHAVE IN MY POSSESSION ONE SORREL Lbctuhe. On Friday evening next, all of a Snperior Qiuility, for Sale at aet with weights on the French yearling COLT, with bald face, liirlit mi er's art is a public benefit, and anything plan. and tail, no marks or brands visible. The owner 3rd the in delivered will lecture a On the north side of the be will that to is to drive The or Second District Zion's requested help prove property, pay charges, and away keep building is Ward Schoolhouse, by Mr. John Bar- raae it away. v these curses of from on our away me. west a sooiety JAMES JOHN. Portage, ...viiug ures, COOPERATIVE STORE. Box Elder County, U. T, platform fifty feet long with a track midst should bo encouraged and sup- ker, on the Apostacy from the Primi MAIN STREET, OGDKrf. tive Church; to commence at 7 o'clock. alongsido so that tho U. P. cars ported. Produce will be received in Exchange for IMPORTANT TO MINERS. come up and be Merchandise. conveniently unloaded, A Woman C aused The War. E.ciiamieu. The lady who took the T EVANS ASSAYS ORE WITH DISPATCH net on the cast side an additional his All Persons who know themselves to be IV. otlice. at build Sixth Street, 0den. References shoes at the Female Relief Party J , i t OF GENTS' DEBTED to the can lie had at the J imtio.x Printing Office. It has been affirmed by some old wrong Institution, arc mg is Doing constructed to contain two on Friday last, can have her own by requested to SETTLE UP immediately. furnaces for refining and a that woman is -at Persons wishine to become STOCKHOLDERS calcining. Fifty croaking bachelor, at the Junction Office and mak m the Institution can do so. nanus win work in the establishment. the bottom of every piece of mischief in calling BOOKSELLER ing the exchange. AND NEWS AUENT. VILSOX WRIGHT, nd the company feel assured of their the world. A communication to tho 86tf SiiMrintendent. Sco Tolund and Steven's advertise constant employment, and of a fortune Washington Patriot from Mr. Harvey, IJooks, Tapers, Magazines, Etc. I la,e for eaeh of the shareholders. . S. Minister to Portugal, AT PUBLISHERS' helps to ment in another column. PRICES, ltf Baooji'g Corner, Ogden Citv. This venture speaks loudly In Dralse I bear out the 8ayinS- - 11 appears that told "What ails your eye, Joe!" "I of the enterprise of Omaha, and sueeests tlie Pre8cut i8R8' rous and gigant ic war a man he lied," was the reply. T. II. WKIJSTER, . Huesuon, n ny should Utah HAVE A NUMBER OK THE CELEBRATED ores be in Europe, can be traced to the influence FASHIONABLE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER. "A prudent man," says a witty French STUDEBAKER WAGONS for Sale, cheaper melted outside of Utah? There are of a Yankee girl. than they have ever been offered before in this IJase Uall and Race man, "is like a pin. ms nead prevents Cricket, men of means The Territory. Spanish Crown, which went a beg him from residing in Salt Lake City bhoes Made to Order. going too far. who are very Call at (he Second District sanguine as to the mineral ging so long among hesitating Princes, NEATLY REPAIRS EXECUTED. A school girl was recently asked at an was thrice offered to Don Fernando, Mure of this Territory. Why do Five Doors South of the White House, ltf Store, Main street, or at they by a gentleman, to tell father of the King of Portugal, who examination, oi -- snow uieir faith by their works, the Tithing Oflicc. what Adam lost by his fall; and when I thrice refused ad form RAILROAD the bauble. The SALOON, L. J. IIEURICK. was she repcat- pressed Company for the reduction replied: "I suppose it ofthe precious ores which they exnoct ed offers and tho refusal have both his hat." to see rolling out of the A little boy hearing his father say THE CHOICEST BRANDS OK WINES, mountains by Pecn well known, but the cause of the and ClflARS always on hand. wiousanas or tons! If smcltinir Utah latter "as remained a secret until Mr, "there is a time for all things, climbed Two First-- lass BILLIARD TABLES for lovers of the s whis behind his mother oree will pay in Omaha, it must game. chair, and, up First and Third Wards' certainly Harvey's disclosures, REYNOLDS A CO. in her ear, asked: "When is the now transpires that Don Fernando pering pay In Itoh, and such works as are de- proper time for hooking sugar out of the scribed above would be a public benefit na'' Miss Elise Hcnsler, a fam- V sugar bowl? NEW BRANDS OF ty furnishing paying employment to ous ianscuse nd comic opera perfor ISoot Shoe Maker, OGDEX. Home labor, and w'10 Fourth a was Block from raised at Springfield, Main Street. Street, half assi A COMPLETE ASSORT-mekeeping in the Terri- - mcr RECEIVED, JUST SMX'I.iL NOTICES. Opden, thanks his numerous friends for their very of fory tho means which are now carried Massachusetts. Sho was created Coun- liberal patronage during the past year, and hopes DItLliS AM) MEDICINES. Meltons, by his punctuality and attention to business, to way on the wings of steam to places tes3 D' Edla after her marriage, and Takb Notice. All persons knowing merit a continuation of their support. Also, a Splendid Stock of DRY GOODS. GRO far off. CERIES and was received into society at the Tortu themselves to be indebted to the 1st. and We commend the foregoing to tho at- - g'leso Court. Tho late Gen. Trim made 3rd, Ward Store are posi- HTOKKIl & SADDLK AX'D HARNESS MAKERS, tentionofthe business men of Ogden. the offer of the Crown of Spain to Don Prescriptions carefully prepared. tively requested to call and settle forth i All Orders promptly filled. the Tithing Office, Ogden, To say nothing of the Opposite who to Fernando, pro-oagreed accept, mining prospects of tf. with, ON HAND A GOOD SUPPLY OF own immediate vicinity, we are here vided that his wife should be made Kf Harness, Bridles, Bits, Collars, etc, etc. C. W00D3IAN&EE, Genuine Jewelry. The only estab t tho junotion of the thrco Roads Repairs neatly and promptly executed. Terms was taken aback by this Trim Queeu. by reasonable. lishment at which genuine Jewelry can 31 ii in Sti-ee-t, wnich mineral ores can bo STOKER A BIPDLK, conveyed proviso.and agreed that she should have bo obtained in & DEALER IN is Main Streot, Ogden. at Parpe Ogden from the surrounding country with easo any other titlo, but that the American GENERAL Main Street. Repairs neatly Cokssel's, MERCHANDISE, anu dispatch. Ogden is a splendid girl should be Queen was a little too All work warranted. executed. ltf much. the for The DRY GOODS, erection of a smelting ocality repeated proffer of the Near the Utah Central Engine House, Ogden. A CO., COAL M. THOMAS AND LIME establishment, and such works, if erected Spanish throne was met with the same New Year's Gifts. C. C, Asmusscn's f1 , Dealers, have GROCERIES constantly on hand a good here in time would secure the business required condition, and finally the negoSUPPLY of COAL, which they will sell on tho Store, Main Steet, Salt Lake City, is a Cars, 15 AGRICULTURAL at Cent" on tho Ton alioi'e cost, for cash or of this Territory and others, within a tiations were broken off ; the dignity COOKING STOVES IMPLEMENTS.ETC. repository for elegant jewelry, hand produce at cash rates. A Good Supply of MECHANICS' Lime at the old place near the Theatre. considerable radius, and would matc- - was offered to Trinoe Hehenjollcrn, the some watches and clocks and a splendid 1,000 bushels of Shelled Corn wanted. TOOLS on hand AND ially help to make Ogden what it is torch was applied to France and Prus assortment of toys ; just tho place to J. M. THOMAS 4 CO. destined to be, a great and important sia and Europo is in flames. "Great select HOME MANUFACTURE. presents for Jyew Year's, entre of trado and manufactures. things from littlo causes spring." M. D. Hammond has removed to new MAIN STKKKT, OODK.N. Who was Suot? On Monday night For Elko. On Monday evening premises oppo&ite the Tithing Office, Manufacturer of Calls the attention of the Public to bis New and we were awakened by powerful musio Messrs. H. P. Kimball, J. Q. Knowlton, where he has for sale Schuttler wagons, Spleudid Assortment of from a "family organ," and soon after R. Judd and B. Hampton arrived from wagon timber, iron, ploughs, Buckeye Iron and Tin Copper, Surprise Boxes and Pop-Cor- n Hags Beard the reports of soveral pistol shots. Salt Lake Ware, City per Utah Central, and mowers, etc, at low prices. lm at Wholesale. whir a he keeps constantly on hand. Also, a gooJ We made anxious enquiries yesterday, went on by the C. V. train for Elko. It variety or A full supply of CONFECTIONERY. ORANGES, to Look Here! Are you indebted erpecting to get an important item of will be remembered that these gentlemen Tools. liOLOUN A SAUSAGES, etc. "a man shot," or something equally effected tho capture of several of the the 1st. and 3rd. Ward Store ! If so, of snperior quality; all of which he offers for sala HOXEY IX THE COMB, cheap. once and at as low figures as any that are imported from This call settle at up. request stsrtling.but it simmered down "some train robbers; they have now gone to ine r.at. Orders from Country Stores solicited. is urgent and positive. tf. N.B body married," and the boys making a Elko to give evidence at tho trial. Job Work punctually and neatly executed A FULL STOCK OF hindj over it, just as if getting marritiCW William n miatellA fn Gross Imposition. No imposition is ed was anything strange tn Utah. Are OCDEN TANNERY. will sell lumber, cheaper than any YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY CO conaemneu 1 more ot to UiO be than that 1)10. the boys aware that this pistol shooting . IF : i i l. r l - uit uiuum LEATHER. me vygueu, juru xiuar il. Etc., Etc. is a violation of the City Ordinanees.and "short weight." So common is this, iiuum) Come to my Tannery and see if I will not sell Office. OF Junction THE BEST QUALITY, AT LOW is as commerce article of GOOD an that LEATHER as the best, and as cheat yon hardly MEAT renders them liable to a fine T always on hand at the as the cheapest in the market. ffered to the public which has the full 2?" The Drugs and Medicines at HIDES and BARK WANTED. All Orders addressed to D. H. FEERY, Such is not the Monday Xiciit. Tho Ball at 's weight represented. JONATHAN BROWSING. Main the Fioneer 4m Store, st., Drug Ogden, wun s uoolkt hast 1'owder, Hall on Monday last passed off case Ogdeu City, will have prompt now universally used in this country. are of the finest quality, the Wines and AXI CLOAK with spirit and pleasure.. A seleet com- Each attention. One Door Sonth of the Second Ward Store, 76-package contains, with scrupulous Liquors of the purest brands. MAK1XG. made use the of full or the good pany time, having exactness, weight quantity 31niii M. STUART WISHES EVERYBODY teny o reom to- promenade. The labeled upon it, and will produce better BsuS If you want a cheap lot of lum MRS. D.know PRODUCE TAKEN AT CASH RATES. and greater results than any other that sho has a to Mr. H. I). Soevillc, at ber, upper at the Ogden House was plentiINC. SEW apply JT. MACHINE, and is prepared to do all Powder in market. Try it and Baking kinds of on reasonable terms, at her Sewinir, ful and sumptuous, and the whole affair Williams & Co's. yard, sear the Junc Buy your meat at the People's Own Market and Residence on the Bench, FOURTH STREET, Four satisfy yourselves of the truth of our flown with high prices. was done up in good stylo. Blocks Eat of the Tithing Office. auertioii. For sale by grocers. Superintendent. tion Office. f THE LANGRISHE 6(X) ogdi:, THURSDAY, DEC. isro, Work. JUNCTION SALOON pro-grei- a OPENING! NOW tf car-Ibad- g, IMMEMSE il 1 STEAM SAW MILL. STOCK Winter Goods I. Plaids, Fork of Hirer, Satins, Poplins, Flannels, per leet. Linseys 82.00 per leet. and 1'iekets, leet. per Alpacas, All Arnmres, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery. in aons. .uo( a:im:s. "i - SHAWLS, BLANKETS, Bed Spreads. Dittos, OILS, IMOTS, Wines and Liquors. 3- -t 100 SUITS above-name- d O.B.McGEEGOB, Ilcady T!Ia.cio CLOTHING, Cardigan Jackets, Woollen Shirts, Drawers, etc. Jlain Street, Ogden. E. J. iil 100 Cases STUDEBAKER WAGONS I 92-3- BOOTS & SHOES DRUGS&MEDICINES STORE, ATKINS, meres, Doeskins, I5III)E Jeans, MAII STREET, nt PURE IAQUOHS. Domestics, Stripes, Tickin Denims ur Ogyclou, Prints. COAL YARD, FURNISHINGS. H. WALLACE, SALT IVlCia CITY. PURE CANDIES, Locks, Harness Trimmings, m CHARLES PEARCE, Cutlery, Carpenter's STOVES, so-a- - ir in ii iiCat I0F " I t i GKOCERIES, Wood-mansee- MEAT MARKET. ini:ss tf trooi.Oirloii. - B. CLA ITS OX, 01-t- FIRST-CLAS- |