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Show t vLIUh Q$Aux gutwtfon. everr WEDNESDAY PUBLI8HI.N0 by the OODKN and SATURDAY, CuMPAMr. Manager, iaMESMcOAW, President and Business uliuulU be counuuuioalions o whom " BuinM uddrewed. Theatre. The theatre going people such of Ogden never before experienced audience small as the treat a genuine in witnessing the enjoyed last evening the "Chimney Corner." of performance It was not acting in the common accept- ance of the term, but real life representcaned. Mr. Couldock's performance seen We have nothing not be excelled. in either hemisphere, and superior to it our statement will be We are sure that who braved the storm all endorsed by to attend the perlast evening and mud BY TELEGRAPH, Special to the Owe Junction by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company. J Several More Disastrous Fires! How Things are Shuffled Through Congress! Prussian Shells Firing Buildings in Paris! Bourbaki & Garibaldi's Successes in the East! Republican Insurrection in Spain! AMERICAN. New York, 9. The limited space at our formance. A private letter received in this city command will not permit an extended stites that Bailey who is a criticism suffice it. to say every characdefaulter to a large amount, has hought ter in both pieces was most ably sup- a country seat in Germany near Wilhem-shoh- e where he and his family are now ported. residing. Couldock will Miss Mr. and David Pv. Floyd Ex. Lieut. Gov. of the appear in the beautiful play of Dora, State, died at his residence on South dramatized from Tennyson's poem of Oyster Buy Long Island, at 11 p. m. yesHe has been in bad health for that name. No one should miss seeing terday. a mumber ol months. Couldock which has Mr. in this piece, New York, 9. This one of his very best characters. The French citizens resident here are ill be positively the last appearance of raising funds for their suffering countrymen at home. the Langrishe Company in Ogden. It is believed that the murderer of Lawrence Sullivan cannot live more than Belief Party and a Suggestion twenty (our hours longer, as he still reThe Female Relief Ball at Woodmansec's all nourishment. jects Hail on Friday last was a success every The water famine is so severe in Jervay. Wo believe all those who attended sey City that much privation and sufferhave resulted. The town is thrown enjoyed themselves exceedingly, alt hough ing into general disorder with more drunk-cnes- s the room was rather closely crowded. than and t, rioting ever before water works. The New Jersey ferry Cos. are obliged to use salt water, having no facilities for such emergencies as the present. The locomotives on N. J. R. R. are supplied principally from tanks at Newark, and the gas Co. are compelled to obtain water from N. Y. Dread of fire has alarmed house owners and Insurance Cos. aud vigorous precautions are takingavert such a calamity; every house being visited by the authorities and the occupants admonished to be watchful of their fires. New York, 10. curious case has just come to light. A man traveling in the Hoboken Ferryboat a few days since found a ladies reticule containing $5,000 in bonds, a gold with watch, and other articles a letter addressed to her lover, which stated she could contain herself no longer, and that she would commit suicide and wished him to have her money ; the letter was signed M. C. Yesterday a body was found floating on the Jersey shore, near Hoboken, of a flashily-dresse- d young woman. An examination of her clothing was made and the initials M. C. were marked in the corners of her under garments. The matter will be investigated. The frauds on the Methodist book concern, whose discovery more than a year ago, created such an excitement and universal comment thoroughout the country, are to be further investigated here in a few days. A FOREIGN. Versailles, 8. thaw has set in, and snow is fast disappearing. The change in the weather is hailed with delight by the soldiers who have suffered severely from the recent cold weather. Much satisfaction is also manifested at head quarters, the promised mild weather being looked upon as greatly advantageous to the present offensive operations against Paris, whilst a general breaking up of the road would render a graud sortie by Trochu less easy of success. Official information has been received here from Prince Frederick Charles which announces that a severe battle was fought with the French on Friday the 6th at Vendome, 89 miles East of Orleans. The army of Prince Frederick Charles was passing through Vendome enroute to engage the forces under Gen. Chauzy, whom it was expected would be met. near the town of Leuians, and when the head of the German columns hud reached about the centre of the town they encountered two French army corps posted behind barricades. A terrible and bloody engagement was at once begun, and raged fiercely for several hours, terminating finally in a hand to hand encounter, which resulted in a victory to the Germans, the French being routed completely with heavy loss, and being obliged to leave their dead and wounded behind. The Germans immediately startedin pursuit inflictingserious loss upon the French who retreated precipitately in all directions. At. 5 o'clock on Friday the army of Prince Frederick Charles was still pursuing the scattered columns of French; the town of Vendome suffered considerably from the action. Versailles, 8, eve. The bombardment of the Paris fortifications is kept up with vigor and effect. The barracks of Fort Montronee have been set on fire and destroyed, i It is reported that some shells have fallen in the Garden of the Luxemburg. The government, of Paris has issued a decree announcing the consolidation of the d male population with entire the regular army for the defence of the city. A commision was appointed to carry out this decree, consisting of the Governor of Paris, the president and commanders of the forts, the artillery and engineers' corps. A complete There was no flagging in the spirit cf known. Jefferson's Rip Van Winkle engagethe dance, but rather an increase as the weeks has netted ment of twenty-fiv- e to the sound hours passed along merry him nearly $00,000, the largest and of lively music. most successful ever performed by any The only dissatisfaction that we have single actor. It is estimated that our cotton crop heard expressed was in relation to inwill bring less by one hundred million voluntary exchanges of hats and shoes. dollars than it did in 1870, and that our Everybody will admit that it is rather shipment of national securities will fall annoying when you go for your hat in a off thirty or forty million dollars. The American Railroad journal gives hurry, anxious to see "that lady" home, a list 1j,1C0 miles of It. K. projected to find that your hut is lost, and after last year, and 5,574 miles completed and keeping "her" wailing, to be compelkd opened for business. The latest advices represent the French to seize anything in the shape of a and nioing heaven nnd earth chapeau that comes to hand, then to find, desperate to save their capital, which it is bewheu her arm is cozily linked with lieved in military circles must surrendej yours, that the blamed tile you have before the middle of February. Newton, Mass., 9. got in exchange for your own nicely-fittin- g mill owned by Thos. Wales The paper old is hat an greasy, floppy tiling, Rice Jr., was burned yesterd.iy; loss four sizes too large. It is also provokhig $30,000, insured for 15,000 in the Hartfor a lady to find as a substitute for ford. Etna. Phoenix, Home, Rational Insurance Compad her natty little gaiter shoes and Roger Williams nies. of a pair ordinary, dilapidated Brooklyn, 9. The Allphcne Oil Works at Greenport split up the backs. We suggest to all who intend getting were set on fire by an explosion thisa in. The fire department in this city hurried op social parties tlio propriety of apout, but were unable to arresttlie flames. pointing some capable person to receive The works were destroyed. They are and ticket articles of clothing not needed owned by Baineheemer, Goldsmith and in the and furnish a corre- Siressman, and are uninsured. Total loss $1,000. sponding ticket to the depositor, that Geo. Wilson who was shot by Sylvia mistakes may be prevented and practical Maynard yesterday, died this a.m. jokers foiled. A proper retiring room, Washington, 9. In conversation with some gentlemen or cloak room for the ladies, is also a at the Treasury Department on Saturnecessary adjunct to a ball room in day, Gen. Schenck stated that it was his every place pretending to be at all purpose to live entirely within his civilized. income while in England, and that he Thied Wakd Taetv. The teachers would have it understood immediately upon his arrival in London that he of the 3rd Ward Female llelief Society would not attempt to compete with his intend giving a party in Child's Hall on better paid colleagues in social entertLondon, 9. busiHe to intended of make ainments. residents Marsailles German The when Jan. Thursday evening, 19th, they hone to have a full attendance and a ness his primary object, to the exclusion have sent a letter to the King of Prussia or pleasure-giving- . of pleasure-seekin- g expressing their indignation at the barlively dance. We hope the the ladies Mr. Beck, of Kentucky, will endeavor barous character of the struggle, warnwill be sustained in their efforts to to secure the favorable attention of the ing him against the spirit of conquest House, on Tuesday, on the bill on appro- and demanding a cessation of the infablind amusement and benevolence. priating the unexpended balance of mous war. The casement? of forts D'Issy and Should be Supported. The 1st and $L'(iO,000 for the continuation of the down after a work on the Louisville nnd Portland Vauvre, were battered 3rd Ward Institution make Canal. Mr. Davies will, however, en- fight of eight hours duration. a call through our columns for all those one of the deavor to Private advices from Versailles to the high-heele- ball-roo- able-bodie- interpose appropriwhom they have credited !o call nt the ation bills. Attorney-Genera- l Ackerman returned store and settle immediately. Tlie genon Saturday evening, and says t is here tlemen at this store are kind, courteous all bosh about his intention to resign. nd and their call accommodating, Chicago, 10. ' should be promptly A woman thinly clad was found dead The ts. responded in a haystack yesterday, near the city 1st and 3rd do a good business. They limits. It is supposed she was wanderhave made great improvements. Their ing around homeless during the recent store is now neatly fitted up; the drug cold weather, and crept into the hayside is a credit to the establishment and stack to keep warm, but was frozen to death. the dry goods department would have a Washington, 10. much larger An instance of the transaction of supply, if people whom they have accommodated would pay business about which nothing is known of their debts. We desire to see this en- occurred Starkweather, offered a resolution, providing terprise flourish, o we urge prompt Conn., for a new joint committee of the Senate payment on all who have been credited. and House on the Ocean Cable Teleto which should be referred all Another Party. On Friday evening graph, schemes of that sort now before other next the gentlemen at the Z. C. M. I. committees, with power to send for and report at any and intend giviig a select papers, persons party at Child's time. This, if consummated, would Hall, when the everlasting jig will not throw away all work a. ready done, and rule the entire evening, but songs, reci- necessitate a new examination cf the tations etc., will give variety to the whole subject. The bill passed without attention to evening's amusement, and a musical and objections, nobody paying was going on. A motion to reconwhat intellectual tone to the party. This sider was laid on the table in the same meets the Junction's mind exactly; way. It was subsequently discovered monotony is not in our line ; the same that something important had been tune on a single done, and questions as to its nature were string does not come up put to the Speaker. He explained the to our standard of enjoyment ; we go in matter, and said it was past remedy, for the "little variation." except by suspending the rules and A Mr. Child's Hall is now in excellent passing a rescinding Resolution. condition for dancing. Several very similar proposition was made in the Senate a few days ago, when a lively good parties have already been held debate at once sprung up, and the opthere and the walls and the floor are position was so strong that it was withlow smooth and dry, and everything is drawn. The various Ocean Telegraph schemes are now distributed among eat and pleasant. three or four different committees. in the day Banks gave notice that See notice of Notes and Tithing Late he should move to suspend the rules ""ice Order in issue. and rescind the records of the House at the first opportunity. Jersey City, 10. At Marriott The greater portion of the factories, settlement, Jan. 1st, 1871, Mrs. Elizabeth Morris, aged 88 years foundrys and other large establishments t)i 9 months. Deceased was bjrn at were obliged to suspend business, either wholly or partly yesterday ia Bon-dain the parish of Tuckford, of being unable to obtain water, Shropshire, England. owing to the accident to the Jersey City ini:i. aoDse-quen- Gth, state that the general bombardment and North of the forts on the is furious, and not withstanding the slaughter caused by the French fire, they will all be silenced before Sunday. Bourbaki is believed to be planning to release the siege for attempting to invade Germany. The black forest will be his base of operations. Advices from Paris state that General Trochu's proclamation, issued on the 30th ult., denies the reports circulated in reference to dissensions and riots staled to have occurred in the city. The proclamation says the Government nnd army have undergone great trials and rest is needed. The enemy seeks to prevent to prevent this by a violent and We have destructive bombardment. gained experience since the opening of the campaign. The greatest hope exists among the citizens and soldiery, notthe recent depressing withstanding events. The army and national guard are preparing for vigorous action. The Times Washington special says it is expected that the San Domingo resolution will be the subject for the consideration of the House The President will send a special message to Congress on the lawless condition of the South and recommend stringent measures to put down the Ku Klux Klan and urge the passage of laws declaring it to be a felony and punishing it accordingly. Masked, disguised men roam over the country committing acts of violence. A committee from New Bedford visited the State Department witk reference to the Alabama claims. Secretary Fish being confined to his bed, an interview was had with Assistant Secretary Davis. The committee were informed the Executive Department, and Congressmen generally are in favor of a settlement promptly. Dispatches received here sta.e that, the town of Duxicne, on the left bank of the Yonne river, 93 miles south-ea- st of Paris, has been by the German troop?. Versailles, 9. A little firing is going on along the German investing lines Tho South-ea- st effects of the late bombardment have been of a most decided character. The Prussian guns have been tested with reference to their range, and it has been effectually proved that the mortars are within easy shelling distance of the city. 'The American Consul arrived at Ver sailles this forenoon, having obtained permission to leave Pari from the mili tary officers In the eity. From observations which, have been, made by the German officers, it Is apparent that the shells which have been fired into the city had their due effect, and a number of houses and other buildings had been fired, some of which are now in flames, which, it is stated, can be observed from a great distance beyond the city walls. A strongly fortified redoubt, which has been created at Notre Dame, appears to have suffered severely from the Prussian shells. A severe engagement hus just occurred at Clamant, a village in the Department of Seine, about five miles south of Paris. Several French battalions here held a strong position, which has been on several occasions used to much advantage against the Prussian columns. In the recent operations in the vicinity of the batteries, they occupied a most commanding range. A Prussian force was detached for the purpose of attacking this position. The onset was a most determined one, and was met by a raking fire from the French guns. Notwithstanding the wholesale slaughter in tho Prussian column, they advanced and soon succeeded in mounting the heights and driving the French from this position. They took possession of the artillery so lately used by their enemies, and turning them upon their former possessors, hastened their retreat by pouring into their breakiugand wavering columns a tremendous ennuon-adThe los on the Prussian side in this action was considerable. The very Rev. V. Scaesseller, Bishop of Versailles, has made an appeal to England on behalf of 100,000 destitute persons in districts around Paris, pleading that the British Government should exert its utmost power and influence to stop the present calamities of war and aid in alleviating the misery it has pro' o. duced. It Berlin, 9. is highly probable that the German Government will shortly issue an order for a new war loan of eight million thalers. Lyons, 9. Z. C. M. I. BBTAIL at night to the prison of the Holy Office, the euphonic for the Inqnisition, where he was menaced with severe punishment if he not only did not abstain from courtesies to ProteRtants, but to compel his wife to leave the Anglican communion, and enter the Roman. The brother of one of my most intimate friends was arrested in his bed at night, and carried AND off by officers of tho Holy Office, and never heard of again nnlil a year after, when a released prisoner came to tell the survivor that his brother had died in the prison with him and was buried in the dungeon. The system of terrorCall attention to their large and wcll- ism was such that tho liberal Romans assoitcd Stock, just recoived, 'condared not meet in public and never persisting, in part, of in mitted a stranger to approach them Tartan I'laids, conversations. Masons know very well the history of two brethren hanged and Silt ins, Merinos, buried in the highway for no other Cloaking, Itepellnnts, Worse than offense than being Masons. ArabH, was the conceive can we sysanything Coat. Cloth tem of debauchery kept up by the priestChameleons, hood. It was a proverb among the RoBalmoral and Gored mans if one would go to a house of etc ho must not go by night, for at California" Celebrated The hnd the all places. night the Priests The amours and profligacy of Antonelli were as well known as those of the late Flannelf and Hosiery. Emperor of France, and no one who has lived in Rome long, can be unaware that THE the immorality of that city, was greater than any city in Europe. " is complete in Late German papers state that the wounded French prisoners in Germany, GcntH't Misses and up to the fall of Thionvillo amounted to Children" Moots Shoes',: 10,007 officers and 83,542 men. Prus and. ,'. Siinuers Metallic sia, ineludine tho Federal fortress of es Over-ShoArctic Mayence, has S.fill officers and 1!1 7,808 men in the fortresses, ana 4,Ulo otneers; etc., etc. and 13.G57 men in open towns. Also' DEY GOODS GKOCEEY, Poplin, Miaul, ill-fa- llfaiikets Kngs SHOE DEPARTfSENT Iade II ATS and F1M.M011K. G. Huntsman, Esq., called to see us on Monday last, from Mink. Coney, Knnine, The whom we learned the following: Squirrel and Heaver Setter and winter at Fillmore thus far has been Trunk mild and open, and improvement is the Carnets Window Curtain watchword of the people there. Two and CLOTHING. READY-MADlarge schoolhouses have been built dar the Trice of one The Highest rock, paid for all kinds ing the fall and winter, Furs. of H. their of Mr. and other brick, says A full Stock of GROCERIES, HARD educational institutions cannot bo cx WARE, etc., etc. celled in the Territory. A dramatic Examine. and Call association is in good playing order It Fillmore believes in boast of a mercantile institute, owning a large foricK building nearly completed, a large herd of stock doing well on the range, and extensive farm- all on the ; operations, principle. Their Female Rolicf Society OGDEN, U.T. MUS FAYOMTB HOl'SK, HAVING BEEN is flourishing, their Presidents and recently ronovuteil, mid f urnished throughout e men, with patent S'priiitt tne rroprietor Bishops are lively, to 4ii lieing ntiln to give entire rathnVtlon and the people are prosperous and ami tlm Traveling Diiy Boardcm, i up- at a rennoiinble price. Tlie tnhle healthy, having no wuisKey shops nor lilied from txitli the California, awl Home market. A llai'K will run to aim irom mo j nua iu carry gambling houses, nnd the old Capital to the Iloxat free of chnrire. intends to hoist her flag, and shine as paseli2er uu Attactieo u in whih w a run a 80WA FOUNTAIN. brilliantly as any of her sister cities JOHN MA (ION. Utah. fallen, Utah, May 28, 1870. Mr. Huntsman showed us a specimen of coal blossom taken from the surface of Mount Nebo, six miles from Nephi City nnd only three miles from the road. SALT LAKE CITY. It is eood coal and burns readily in the OFFICE IN SECOND SOUTH KTRKET, OrPO- -. flame of a candle. fITE THE OMAHA HOUSE. CAPS; lalie; Shade. E HOTELS. 1 detachment of 25,000 troops has just quitted 'his city enroute for tha army of Bourbaki, now before Belfont, with whioh they will in an united attack on tho German troops within the city. Madrid, 9. Advices have just been received in this city containing the startling intelligence that the Republican party have broken out in full and defiant insurrection in the town of Bamaia, in the Province of Grenada. It also stated that the insurgents have taken a full movement, and are concentrating their armed strength in the town, with the view of taking the field and assuming the offen The sive towards the Monarchists. interior Province of Grenada is said to be much agitated by this unexpected and gigantic uprising, and much unens iness is telt Dy reason ot tlie serious consequences that are apprehended in the city. Bordeaux, 9 Dispatches have been received here from the Head Quarters of Gen. Ray, at present now operating in the vicinity of Rouen, stating that the city has been almost entirely evacuated by the Prussians since the late victory by the French troops. An ergigcmrnt took place on Thurs day night in the neighborhood of Lau- gre, between a portion of the army of Garibaldi and detached columns from SALT LAKE CITY, the command of Prince Frederick Char les, in which the former claim to have Are prepared to fill onlcri for gained a victory, and driven the Prus siuns off the field. Advices received from Bourbaki and Garibaldi operating in the vicinity of Vcoul are to the effect that they premeditate a united attack by both armies Of Material and Worknianriiip, on the position occupied by Gen. Wer- der, at Vesoul. Dispatches have just arrived from At "Wholesale nnd Itetail. uen. liourbaxi ot almost encouraging character. The Gen. states that he lias been du ring the last few days, operating in con Tho facilities at our command cmiUo lis to offer junction with Garabalui in the vicinity of Vesoul, and their united operations in this neighborhood, he claims to CHEAT INDUCEMENTS have been successful. His army is now TO COUNTItY marching on Belfort, on the baone. in the Department of Haute Rhine, and is now about two days march from that STOREKEEPERS. city to Belfort. His troops have been actively engaged in cutting off and destroying such of the enemies troops as they met in the engagement which lately The only EXTENSIVE FIRM in the took place between a portion of his com mand and a detachment of Prussians in Territory that manufacture Roots and the valley of the Jura, in the Province of Shoes from Leather of their own tanning. lower Burgundy, which resulted in fa Our Good Valley Tan vor of the trench soldiers, after a severe from llrst to last. but decisive battle, in which many of the enemy were slain. It is also reported ENCOURAGE HOME INDUSTRY. that Gen. Bourbaki attacked and signal ly overcame the German force, which Call and compare the quality and price lay in the encampment at Mont of our Goods with those of States' town a in the Billiard, Department manufacture. of Doubs on the Rhine, and entirely de feated it in a severe engagement, after which the French troops took possession We are Proprietors of of the encampment and considerable qunntitities of munitions and stores left KITCHEN'S r.VTEXT by the Germans in their retreat. This is of one the utmost capture importance HKTAIUC to the successor Bourbaki s enterprise against Belfort, as the camp of Mont Billiard was crowned by parallells defending the approaches to Belfort and those being removed, the path to the latter city now lies open to the French troops. The eommand under Garibaldi A light, cheap and durable article, which is now operating on the Swiss Fronteer prevents Root and Shoes from Tho Tribune publishes a letter from running over. W. J. Stiliman, late United States Con sul at Rome, in which lie declares that the late Government of that city was the Shop and Courtly Right most atrocious in existence except. Louis for Sale. Napoleon's, That it was conducted by espionage ami tyranny. He adds, "I know fpics were placed at the dcors of places of Protestant worship to sec any Romans went in, and that one was arrested for having waited on his wife Salt Lake City. and an Eaglish woman, aud was carried A Skirts wide-awak- Interesting to All. TEASDEL & Co. EAGLE HOUSE OGDEN HOUSE, MAIIST STREET a it DR. R. TIB3ITS, IliyHioInnanlKuryooii, teinlod Call, from tl t. Cormtry at' promptly PUENITUEE CABINET-WOR- K. First-clas- Furniture of all kinds lowest rates. s tt tho Black Walnut, ttaiilc, Mahogany, 1 han the common tic, Cheaper kind elsewhere. Repairs done neatly and with docpatch. or if DESCRIPTIOS MANUFACTURED ON THK SHORTEST NOTICE. KVEIIY BOOTS & SHOES, ToixiId Stones KUKNIHIIKD HEEL. TEASDEL & Co. ss-6- , 'onr the Post Ofllce, Ogden 80-- 1 m ' SALT! SALT! Pt'l'l'I.Y THE TEHY BEST QUALITY IVTTJi roarw or fltii. ill ainnll or lnreo Sock, liramlfil to milt tlio trH.Ki, on tho h'rU$ untu p mid clicaiitT than aiir in tlie markot. A iHrjn- fjimiilitv SIll'liTMFF, Plain City, or to Amily to I,. M. VANDYKE, One Poor East of tlie Tlieatro, Ogden City. 90-t- ; n JiimhI. - ' f GROUND TO LEASE. VKUY KMrtinr.E Leittto en the' fioi'lli-wc- SKVKRAI, BCIWIXO. Corner of Union Sfimre. For piirtM-itlaappty to JAS. MeGAW, tlie JujitTlos 0(lic. ' Esq., tt ' " 3!Mf arc BOOT & SHOE TO ORDER.. HOIIRUT AVIISOX, Kirst-cla- AT CAIX OYSTERS. TUB REVEI1E HOUSE BAIWN, ttrwt. Unit Ijikff City, wher IOK. KIMMONS or liie awiistanU really and tf illins In nerve you With South you mil find FRESH OYSTERS, (jiOM)EX CKOWX CIGARS, TIGS FEKT, etc. i- 17-t- - CV11 and him. f & J CITY LICENSES. To all whom it may concern IS IIKREBl GIVEN, THAT ent;nged in Business in Ogden City, (ftr wnich the City Ordw nance provide that a license mfist be obtained,) without first procuring a license are lvible to be taken before any Alderman of Said City, and be subjected to a Fine. By order of the City Council, NOTICE LOHIN FARRf Mayor. TIIOS. Oe. ODELt, City Recorder. The Office of :he City Recorder is at the Office of the "Ogden Junction," Seventies' Hall, near 'the U. C. R. Testation. Office Ilutirs from 10 j. m. till 0 j. m. v " . |