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Show nd SATlKD.ty Hie OuDtM yuuLiBHi.va CuiiPAsr. Published every WEDNESDAY kjr The Willow Prcbbely'H Folly. concluded. ' "I think Mr. Blank worked at the mine all night," the girl said to her mother, in the morning, "for 1 saw him at midnight, and when I arose. I'm getting nervous about him, and, if you don't take some measures to have him leave the premises i certainly shall." "He opened the wine to please me, and it's a pity he can't fill it up to please himself," said tho widow, with what she intended should, be a smile. But the smile was a failure, for all that. She did not like to confess, even to herself, that she had been duped. Late in the day, Dr. Jeffries reined to up his horse before the speak to the widow and her daughter, "Yes," said the doctor, with a fresh lash at the horse. "So have I," she said; nd then all her restraint gave way, ad she broke out into loud lamentations. "He's alive, Estelle, wthout doubt. I did hear a groan when Ijtood in the tunnel; but I little thought vhat it might be!" ' An Ordinance In Helation to ran nbrokers. Seo. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Ogdcn City, that no person or persons shall open, establish or keep a pawnbrokerage within the limits of said city, without first obtaining a license for such purpose from said Council, and giving bonds, with security, to the people of said city, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful observance of the provisions of this ordinance. Said bond to be approved by and filed in the office of the City Recorder. Sec. 2. No pawnbroker shall receive any article in pawn from any minor, or from any person who is by law disqualified to transact business on his own account, nor at any other place than his licensed place of business; nor shall any pawnbroker receive a greater rate of interest on money advanced on pawned articles than three per cent, per month. Sec. 3. All pawnbrokers on receiving any property in pawn shall issue to the party pledging suoh property a certificate or check for the same, which shall contain a brief description of such property, tho date of issue, the sum or amount for which such property is pledged and the rato of interest to be paid thereon. They shall also record in a book to be kept by them for that purpose, the hour of the day, the day of the week, the day of tho month and the year, when such property was received and the name of the person from whom received, the kind of property, the sum or amount loaned thereon and the rate of interest to be paid on such sum or amount, which book shall be open to inspection to all interested parties during business hours. Seo. 4. On presentation of Buch certificate or check at any time within six months from its date, to the pawnbroker issuing the same, and tendering to hira Ihe amount due on such certificate or check at the time of presentation, he shall, without delay, deliver to the holder of such certificate or check the prop- "You don't know whai I could tell you," Estelle said, trying b choke down her sobs. "I found blood under the old beech tree, yesterday, that was not yet dry." The doctor turned his feee abruptly toward hers. He saw it a',1 then the Estelle glanced at the leaf again, then unaccountable tremor of the man Blank, threw it aside with a shiver. who sat by the window. when they had gone to visit the tunnel .But a little before, that drop of blood how he shook and paled, asd grasped "Where's Johnnie?" had coursed in the veins of her only It seemed, as the widow said then, at the jagged stones. It was ;he cowardbrother. Why did it not cry out now, and often said afterward, as if that ly fear of the murderer that had forced and bear witness to the guilt of the mur- voice him to flee. dropped down from heaven. derer! By what strange providence had Not another word was spoken, until "La eakes, doctor ! 1 never was so it been allowed to fall there, where a frightened! I was this ininuto the doctor jerked his horse to a standjust Bister' je might efface it with a tear? thinking of the dear boy, and when you still at the foreman's door. CHAP. II. Where is Johnnie?" naked. 0, dear, "Hollo, there ! We want every man The morning when Johnnie had set dear! I've got the palpitation !" Here of you down to the tunnel, as quick as out on his errand, was one of rare the widow put her hand upon her heart, horses will carry you !" "Wove all given up work two days beauty. The boy was a happy-liearte- d and made a show of fainting. lad by nature, ami he was espe"Well, where h Johnnio? askod the ago. the truth is, doctor, we camo to cially happy in the anticipation of spend- doctor, again. "I wont hira to hold my the conclusion something was wronsr." horse while I take a look into that mine ing a few days with his aunt. "lea; we know all about that. Blank if there was anything in the world he of yours. You are about giving it up, is crony, ana we are going to gel I'"" loved as well as his mother, it was red I'm told." irtfo the asylum; Imt but there's some I hope so, doctor. There never was thing vforse than that," glancing un Streaks; and he knew very well that be would be allowed to eat as many as he a truer saying than that there's no fool easily toward Lstelle. "O, make haste! Make haste! Make wished, and to take as many as lie could like an old fool. "Johnnie's gone out to his aunt's for haste 1" groaned the girl, wringing her carry when he returned home, three a day or two ; but you can hitch the hands and rocking to and fro. "He's days later. buried Johnnie in tho mine!" lie had reached that point of tiie road horso to the tree, there." Tho report of Johnnie's burial spread Br. Jeffries sat a minute, as if utxicci-le- d where Peter's hill juts out toward thoir wn field, and produces the curve which whether to take so much trouble ; like the wind. Willing heartt and hands huts out tho view of his home, when then, ditmiounted very leisurely and fas- toiled diligently, till the tnudnan's cruel and Johnnie was work was undone, Mr. Blank called to him, and the lad tened the animal. Do you know, Mrs. Prebbely, that I borne into the open air, mor dead than tepped to the wall, to ask whttt was wanted. "Where are you going, John- never saw a tunnel of this kind in my alivo. We will not dwell upon Eitelle's joy, nie, this fine morning?" askod tie man. life! I don't know what put it into my "To my Aunt Harriet's. I have leave head to take a look at this. Suppose we or the widow's gratitude. "The old tunnel had yieded her a to be gone three days, and it is the sea- go down and walk through it. It is son of dark enough for candles ?" treasure, after all,,' the mil her said, "Ah Well, you can bring 31 e one. 'Kutclle, you can bring along some "and one too, that all the joU and silver I like apples, too, especially whin they torches," said tho widow! "La sake, in the world would not purcluse " Mr. Blank was, after some lays, found erty therein described. . doctor! it's been more than sis months are Sec. 5. No pawnbroker shall remove Here tho man laughed in a ttrange since I have had the courage to go in. dead in the forest, and even those who from his place of business any property wanfrom most had suffered his mile eratic a a of bard at It's now, long, winking way, quarter they poor Jjhnnie, held in pawn by him, without the conwho wondered what there was in such a say." derings, forgave him freely. Johnnie has grown up ti manhcod, sent of the owner thereof, except it be The party found Mr. Blank still at revolting idea to be laughed at. "I'm going along to the torn, in a work, roliug in tho stones that previous- but he could not be persusled to '.ive to another licensed place of business in minute, to hurry up the workmen," said ly had been blasted out. The man looked upon the old farm. It has pissed into said city, on surrendering the former Mr. Blank. "You might wait for me by like tho ghost of his former self. As the hands of strangers, and he curious place of such business. Sec. 6. No property pledged under the Dr. Jeffries came nearer ho paused and may visit the tunnel any diy, the the roadside." is to hidden of this ordinance shall be which man I the save can the provisions bciig rapidly "Perhaps attentively. you truble," regarded until after forfeited for "We came down to take a look at your by rank weeds and clamberiig vines aid Johnnie, not liking the man's comthe expiration of six months from the pany. "I will call and speak to the mine," said tho doctor, pleasantly. "We The Champion. date when such property was pledged. foreman myself, and he can hurry up have brought along some torches, and Sec. 7. Any person failing or refusing the rest." A TVoinnn in tho Jiws of a proposo to go in." "Just as you think best," (aid the An unaccountable tremor seized the Lioness Terrific EiMoiuitcr. to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be liable to a fine in any man, sullenly, his vivacity and smiles poor wretch, and ho grasped the edges all gone. of the ledge for support, drawing his Tho Keto York Sun says of the lite sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to imprisonment not exceeding six breath with short convulsive gasps. "SbaUltclUhem?" sensation in the Bowery theurc: months, or both, for each offence. "That man's as mad as a March hare," "its no I don't care." At about 12$ o'clock yesteday mornPassed June (it h, A.D. 1870. Johnniu looked at the man in a per- said the doctor, under his breath, to LOIUN FAltR, Mayor. plexed way, thon started off with a whis- Estelle. "I would not trust myself in ing, when the curtain was abut to full, tle. there with him. If you havo a mind to Minnie Wells entered the din oflioas Tlios. G. OoKl.t., City Recorder, "I'm glad he gave up going," thought remain here with your mother, I will and tigers, and reduced theintc submisJohnnie. "I would not like this pleas- take a torch, and step in far enough to sion. Attired in her garish osiume.tle girl went into tho eage of thttvo puir.a An Ordinance isolating; fo ant walk spiled by him. Iio's as glum see what the fellow is doing." "You can't enter that tunnel, sir," lionesses, and began her pcftrmance. f lie i' s a ruvon." IHppotlng Just then a flock of crows came sail- said Blank, when, having liht.l his One of the animals was reafj to obey lotion (inn her mistress, but. the other vis out of . Aitro and ing OUt of lh fovM (jilyceriue. by, .ud Mi- torch, the doctor was about, to pro- humor. But it would never 6 to dislled, with great cawing and clamor, ceed. Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by the City "No? And why not?" keeping his eyo appoint the patrons of the Bowry theaover the branches of an old pine tree, tre, so Minnie Wells attempted .0 chas- Council of Ogdcn City, that it shall not upon that of the madman. directly in the boy's path. "I'm making a tomb in there. It's a tise the animal, and the brute, marling be lawful for any person to keep, sell, Johuuie stopped to regard their moveor give away within the limits of said ments. Boylike, he was never weary jolly tomb, too! I've buried all hopes in under tho blows, sprang upon h r, of listening to their garrulous noise, or it Jla: and 1 II bury you, too! " city, any gunpowder, gun cotton, or THE 0.1'EF.S DETHRONED. Tho man sprang upon the doctor like a in nitro of watching their pert ways; so he sat quantity, withIu the twinkling of an eyethe lion out glycorine,of saidanyCouncil: Provided tlowu by the roaditido, playing with a tiger! permission was thrown (lit furious down, and The doctor was not unprepared for queen for his own use few pebbles ho held in his hand. keep may person any beast at her throat, farming his not lie had becu in this position but a this attack, for, as he said, he had seen teeth sprang exceeding in quantity five pounds of and into both and few moments, when a dark shadow the evil in his eyo. Ho was a powerful sloulder. claws gunpowder, one pound of gun cotton or was It at irst the by thought four ounces of niiro glycerine. slanted along the wall, and a hand was man as well as a cool one; and, as he Sec. 2. All permits for the keeping or warded off the blow, the doctor grasped spectators that this was part of the play laid upon his shoulder. until the girl's shrieks undeceved ;hem. of said articles issued by suid "Hallo! So you have not gono yet? him by tho collar. disposing "You are my prisoner, Mr. Bland!'' Then tho truth began to dnvn on the Council shall be registered bv tho Re Just jump over and help me a minute. house. The women also slia'eke1 ond cried the doctor. 1'vo a little job on hand." corder, and shall state the name of the "Not yetl" shouted tho man. hittine fainted. Some of the more timkl left person or firm to whom granted, and the A , shadow fell on Johnnie's face, their seats and fron a place darker than the one at his feet. "No, right and left; and, leaving his coat in which had been rushed fromthe place where such articles are to be kept changed repreor sold, and shall bear date of the day of indeed I I'm not going to stop to help the possession of the doctor, he flew sentation of mimic to a real tr.gedy, and issue, and shall not be issued for a long anybody long. Is it much of a job ? If across the field as if he had wings, and to one of real horror, and whothe red er plunged into the forest beyond. , The ochre was it is I can't come." period than one year. And no per put into the sli de by the son or firm holding such permit shall "I won't keep you waiting a minute. party looked after him a moment, and shedding of real blood. Men usuwhq at their place of business (or else It is only to move' a stono by the old thou into each others' faoes. are not afraid of anythi.g mrtal, keep within the limits ot saul city, ei where beech tree!" "That man must be looked after,"said ally were paralysed at ihe sight bus unexJohnnie could not help vrondtring tho doctor. "I'll go at onco, and havo cept at such places as said Council shall beforo and brought up hem, a greater quantity of gun what the necessity waa for stopping him hiro confined. It's a mercy you have not pectedly could do nothing more thai shout for designate) twenty-liv- e than for such a trifle, which could be done been murdered by him." pound3, of gun powder t assistance. cotton than he as as well wat but pounds, or of nitro "Did hear that?" shrieked twenty this; any day you Estelle, saved! to obey Mr. Blank, s he grasping the doctor's arm. glycerine than five pounis, which shall All this was tho tragedy of ai instant. be "What?" kept as far from fires, lighted lamps leaped over the wall, and followed the "That! Listen! What is it? a groan. yet it seemed hours to the w.man who or canities as may be practicable. And man, who moved before him in long "Nonsense!" said tho doctor, luugh-in- lay on the floor of the caci with tho no person Bhall sell or weigh any of such leaps, rubbing his hands together gleeteeth an d claws of tho beast leering her articles after the lighting of lamps or to aud himself. gabbling fully, "What ails the man I" thouzht (.), but I hear it again! Listen! flesh. Shriek Rfter shriek rang through candles in the evening, unless the same the theatre, and all suppose, that the be in sealed canisters. And it shall be Johnnie, who had never seen him in Listen!" such a mood. But, before he had time The doctor took a few steps forward end of the lion queen's perfornnnre had the duty of every person or firm to whom come. But soon the attendant rushed such permit shall bo granted to keep a to consider, the maniao sprang upon into the darkness. b'.m, and, with a blow, fulled him to "I do not hear anything," he said, re- to the stage, armed with iron ars, and sign in a conspicuous place at the front. organ to belabor the tawny monster un of their place of business, to wit, the the earth. turning. he had released his hold. The girl word "Gunpowder" in printed or painted tit ! ! ! Johnnie fell, without even a groan; mother friend stand 0, sister 0, 0, but from the wound upon the soft skin, ing so near that treasure in its living was men capital letters. Sec. 3. No person shall convey or TAKEN OUT MORS DEAD TH AM ALIVE a little stream of blood trickled down tomb I is there no electric spark, dartupon the leaves, and left tho drops, one ing from heart to heart, to telegraph tho for sho fainted. Her friends juslied up carry any gunpowder or gun cotton in of which LsteUe afterward saw there. and took her from the theater to her quantity exceeding one pound, through poor boy's dying moans ! "I told the widow it would be a sor1 he doctor had had quite enough of lodging9, where a any street or ally in said city, unless the surgeon was summonsame be secured in tight canisters or rowful filling up, if tho let me close up sight-seeinand lie was now only in- ed to dress the wounds. On examina that tunnel," growled Mr. Blank." I've tent upon having tho madman secured tion it w Aiuuu mat the keg, an as to prevent the same from were injuria, spent a whole year digging for treasure and conveyed to a place of safety. g ?cijr severe. being spilt or scattered, and in no quannot fatal, but still thy in that spot, and there haU be a treas"As tor you, laities, remaining nere The girl's face, neck and shoulders Iihj tity exceeding one hundred pounds, exure there for somebody 1" alono, it is out of tho question. If he been very severely bitten and lacerated cept uuder the direction of a police offCarefully removing, as he supposed, attacks any one, it will, most likely, be by the animal s tcth and claws. In icer. Sec. 4. Any person violating any of all traces of blood, the man hurried the one or both of you." trying to save herself, the lion queen "I am going to town, directly, to visit thrust out nor hand, which was seized the provisions of this ordinance shall be body to the tunnel, and deposited it in the extreme end of the passage, after a patient, and will take you to your by, tho liou's teeth, and so severely bit liable to a fine in any sura not exceeding which ho commenced to fill the broken sister's, where Johnnie bus gone: and I ten that it may bo necessary to .impu one hundred dollars for each offence. Tassed June tith, A. D. 1870. tones in a manner calculated to give advise you to stay there until Blank is tate it. The LORIN FARR, Mayor. the space the appearance of a tomb. secured." lacerations by the teeth, cspeoially in "The widow to'd me the best uso to The ladies, fully aroused to a sense of the reck, are deep and wide. Tie hand Tnot. G. Odell, City Recorder. which I could put this tunnel, was to danger, gladly accepted the doctor's is fearfully mangled, and, al hough no use it for a tomb, and she will see I kind offer; but what was their surprise bones are broken, some of tie tendons have acted upon her own suggestion." and distress, upon reaching thoir desti- are so badly injured as possibb to cause Then the poor maniao flung up his nation, to learn that Johnnie had not permanent deformity. The gashes from bands and laughed, his voice echoing been there, nor was there any suspicion the animal's daws are frighful, and along the narrow passages ss if a hun- of his having loft home. considered the most dnngerus, s the NEAR dred demons hid him in possession. Estelle looked into tho doctor's face virus getting into the blood jay cause All that , day the widow and her with blanched cheeks. mortification. If he read her thoughts, he was too daughter noticed the miserable man We are now prepared to exchange Tolling stone after stone into tho treach- prudent to give utterance to his. The Captured Gm. erous mine. "Mrs. rrebbely," ho said, "there's no CLOTH AND YARN FOR WOOL Alas The Canadian boys took a gu from the They little dreamed that, at doubt but Johnnie is alive somewhere; last, a treasure was lying there that and I will find hira, if ho is to be found, Fenians, among other spoils. It is said One ponnd of Grease tn eight pounds of would outweigh the consideration of a before I sloop. Just make yourself that this instrument of war vt,s cap Wool will be required, if it every in not furnished the thousand with your sister, and I v:!l tshs tured within ihs American line and will price of the greoso wiU be deducted from the wool. aye, tens of thousands of dollars, to recover which, they would Estolle with me. We will bring the boy be demanded back.ono would lvdly supcount life itse.f as nothing. over to you, or" here tho doctor check- pose that tho American Govemcnt will Bwf and all kind of Soft Groaso As Mr. Blank had not latterly been ed himself. have the "cheek" to make sut a reclataken in Exchange for an inmate or tho widow s As if on purpose to avoid seeing the mation; but if they do. we hopthat the to observe his movements woman's distress, Dr. Jeffries, urging cannon will be previously bursand the they ceased toward nightfall; but, in tho night Estelle into his wagon, jumped in him- American nation respectfully resented when Tstelle looked out at the land self, and, putting his horse to its utmost with the pieces, la 1837 ihCarolint FULLER and was cut out and sent over the ills, and CT Wanted a first-clascape, woicn was never so beautitul as speed, he retraced the road homoward. FINISHER. under the bright rars of the full moon, "Dr. Jeffries," gasped Estelle, when if that excellent precedent isollowed, ftio was surprised to see hira still mov fcho could venture to speak, "have you tho plan spoken of will be aipted. & Co. ILL, London Fret Vw. ing in and out of the tunnel. any idea where the child is !" As she glanced toward the solitary man, she noticed that he was standing with his head turned toward her with a fixed, stern look. The moment he perceived himself observed, he resumed his work. farm-hous- e, 1 blood-streaked- v Keciiigand oi'tiiiowdcr, th.-o- - COJHIERCIAL. Office of Ogden Junction, DRY GOODS. Black 50c. to $1.00 par yard. Lustres 22c to 25c BAREGE 55c- - to 65c. 44 BROWN SHEETINGS 16c. to 20c. to $30.00 por pair. BLANKETS-$.- 00 BLEACH MCSL1NS 15c. to 22c. BED TICKINGS 2c. to 40e BRILLIANTS 35c. to 62e. 13c. to 16c. CAMBRICS to HM ,, CARPETING, ALPACAS, . . CHECK9-25c.to- , , 32e. Be CORSET JEANS 18c to COTTON ADES 30c. to 45c. 1.50 18c. to 22c. Arinnres 22c. to 24c. DELAINES " - All Wool " OGDEN JUNCTION PUBLISHED SEMI-rTEEK- ij; $2.50 to $3. per banch. COTTON YARN DAMASK-$1.25to$- THE LS EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY 37c. to He. 18c. to 22c. Mudlin & n n DENIMS 25c. to 37c. per yd. DUCKING 334c. to $1.60 FRENCH MERINOS-$V- 35 FLANNELS, White k Red 15c. to J2c. M 0era 60c. to 7c. to 30c. GINGIIAMS-- Uc. niCKORY 18c. to 27J4c. HOSE, Ladies' $2.25 to $6.00 per dot Gents' half 1.2i to $4.00 per dos. JACONET 30c. to 50c. JEANS 45c. to 60c. LINEN, Irinh 55c. to 95c. Table, BOc. to $1.25 n to 14e. PRINTS-- Sc. RAVEN'S DUCK-- 33. SHAWLS $6.25 to $9.50. SKIRT BRAIDS 85c. per dot. And already enjoys an extemiv circulation. ITS COLSMSS CONTA1H , ane-t- THREAD, Spool" 90- - " GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HOME CORRESPONDENCE, Ao. ALUM 15c. per lb. ALLSPICE 15c. per lb. AXE 11 ELVES $1.50 to $5 JO per dc BACON 2334c per lb. BARLEY, 3c. per lb. BEESWAX $0.75 per lb. 60c. per lb. BORAX BRAN k SHORTS $1.25 to $1.75, per cwt 8c. to 15c per lb at abop ; 10c. oa foot BEEK BUTTER 20c. to 25c. per B. BAKING POWDER $3.00 to $4.00 per do. BROOMS $6.50 to $7. per doz. BRASS KETTLES 70c. per lb. CURRANTS 24c per lb, by bl. COFFEE, Rio per ak, 28c per lb. CHEESE 25c. to 27c. per lb. 65c. per lb. CLOVES CANDLES, 12 oa.-$- 3.00 per box. OANDY, Fancy 32c to 10c per tt). " Stick 30c- CHURNS, Patent Julian, $6.75 to $12.50. COAL $9.00 to $11.00 per ton. COD FISH 14c. to 16c. per lb. COPPERAS 13c. to 15c. CUDBEAR 55c CAMniOR $1.40 , 75c. COMPOSITION CORN $1.25 por bueliel. RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, Pr Linen 75c. to $1.2J per lb TOWELLING 17c. to 20c. per yd. FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE, EDUCATIONAL, AGRICULTURAL, DOMESTIC OGDEN JUNCTION mm 50c, each. 20c Per do. FLOUR $4.00 per sack. GINGER 10c. to 50c. per lb. GLASS 8x10 per box, $6.50. " 10 1 12, $7.00. GLUE 10c. per lb. HAY Full supply, $7. to $10. per ton. HOOP IRON 14c. to 15c. per B. a keg. HORSE SIIOKS-312- .50 INDIGO $2.00 per lb. IRONS, SAD 12J. per lb. LYE $11.00 per case. LEAD White $4'. to $6.00 por can. Bar 20c. per lb. LOGWOOD 2Sc. to 33c. per lb. LAMPBLACK 20c. per lb. LUMBER $3)- to $5.00 per hundred feat. MUSTARD 55c. to 65c. per lb. MATCIIES-$8.- 00 to $11.00 per cas. MADDER 35c. per lb. METAL, BABBIT 10c. per lb. Is supplied with the latest " description of JOB PBINTING Im COAL $2.1S " Black-4- 5c. " per lb. Cayenne 70c per lb. PEACHES 10c per lb. PORK Sold at 20c. to 25c. Bongit at 15c to JOc POTATOES 50c. to e. per bmiel. PUTTY 15c. per lb. rOLISH, STOVE-41- .00 per dot. PICKETS, $5.00 per 100. RAISINS $6.75 per box. RICE 15c to 17c. per lb. ROSIN 15c. per lb. ROPR, MANILLA 30c. to 33c. per lb. SOAP, OLIVE, I. X. L. $9.00 pn box. SODA-$10- .25 per case. STARCH 24c per lb. SULPHUR 20c SALT, Flne-3.- i,ic. SALTS, Epsom 15c. SALTPETRE 30c SUGAR, Brown 15c to 17e. per lb. " " 10 $8.50 per ewe 3c. per lb. PEPPKR, ORDERS " .60 MACHINE OATS the finest stvle. 1.7 SPERM-$3- " " improved facilities for turning out ever per gal. Sugar Drip, $2.00 par gal. NCTMEGS-$1.- 75 per lb. NAILS $8.90 to $9.90 per keg. per gal. OILS, LINSEED$-i2" FISH $1.85 MOLASSE3,-$- mi THE CHICKENS EGGS AND RAILWAY . rosters. Hand Bills, Letter Heads, Bill neads, Deeds, Blanks, Order Books, Invitations, Tarty Tickets, A-- 20c. Crushed $21.00 per sack Cards, etc., TEA $1.50 to $2.25 per lb. TOBACCO. Nat LeAf $1.10 per 8. M NAVY k GRAPE 80c TRUNKS, $5.00 to $10.00, WASHBOARDS $8.50 perdo WUEAT,-$1- .24 per busheL WHEEL-HEADS $9. WASHING MACHINE, Doty'a, $17.00. 0 per aest WOOD $7. to $9. per cord. OGDEN CITY. 1 I870J ' TRICE LIST. WHOLESALE g. Excelsior Mills!! Ogdtn City, Utah Territory, June 22, 1870. Subscriber's Attention! Promptly attended to and FIRST-CLAS-S WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. com-fnrtab- le WILL TAKB ON SUBSCRIPTION, "yK CLEAN COTTON RAGS farm-hous- For CLOTH AND YARN. Vf hich ire will allow Five Cents per lb. ss lllI prcSLEY nWe l will also allow THREE CENTS per lb. for i.i.vvi-ow'U- BOOKBINDrNG a V7 0tW tin vunv. p your Rags and bring Item along to IN ALL' ITS BRANCHES. |