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Show qttcu t Junction. WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, '''bjtheOow PCSUSU1KO Compant. Young's president Xorth. Trip St Charles, llich County, Utah, June 16th, 1870. in Bear Lake Paris i the largest town west side of on the situated is ley of valley, at the skirt of a range Len hills, which are backed by high mountains. The ground it Lupies Is uneven, but th ioil is rich. of logs, though Th, houses are mostly houses hare been erected, ,0me frame which present a Tery neat appearance, contains a pjrii i ,ix yers of "ge a population of about 600, has general store, a two blacksmith shops, a jjent market, and four a school-hous- e reading-rooElder miles up the kanyon, a saw mill. to erect a grist mill, is about Rieh C. jj, contannery will soon be started, and siderable material for a new meeting-hous- e is already collected on the public Fine pastures are fenced in square. close to town, and the farming land, which lies north and south, is contiguwell-Jtock- who visited Utah acknowledged our superiority in many things already. Spoke of the trials of Job, and showed that our afflictions were to make us feel our dependence on God, and that we had the same faith and knowledge as the patient man. ilder F. 1). Richards, said one of the greatest recommendations for the settling of the Rocky Mountains by the Saints, was the fact that nobody else wanted it, so there was some chance of their enjoying it in peace. The frosts, grasshoppers etc , were permitted of God, to try our faith and confidence in Him. The people in this valley would be able to grow the same varieties of fruit as in other places, if they persevered. Spoke of the folly and sin of laboring on the Sabbath day, and of working too hard and too long so as to leave no time for reading and general improve- IOTELS. TO FARMERS. Just Received and lor WHITE HOUSE, .Sale AT THE OGDEX BRANCH Z Cm Best of Accommodations and Rebuttable Charges. I TULm A good anpply of OF th. MAIT STREET AND McCORMICKVS Reapers and Mowers, WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP. HIGH SCHOOL. ...... first-clas- -- MAIN" NOTICE. To Bridge Builders, e. A FOOTBRIDGE l.irer, e i NOTICE. Hot Spring District. of cheese. On motion, the congregation voted t ave an afternoon meeting. 2.30 p.m. the people assembled ia and around the school-hous- e. Jne Bloomington choir sang some sweet "jmns. Elder E. T. Clark opened with prayer. President Young advised the raising f the roof of the school-hous- e 4fU and MARES SUMMER CALIFORNIA FOR SALE. Also, The undersigned have, at BEAK RIVER BRIDGE, GF.NTLEMF.N'8 Half-Bree- d Sill) :.n.fullv nclm-toMares, bought with the view of driving East: but on account of Indian difficulties will I Hold at the And SHOO FLY NECKTIES. place at exceedingly low rate, or exchanged N.B. Th Demoreat Models for Dross Cutting on themselves avail ihoiiid for Cattle. Stock growers sale. Instructions in the art gratis. of this opportunity to make a good investment. 47-- 4 , . Hear Iliver Bridge is North of Corinne, on Montana Stage Itoad. GIUSON 4 REID. 60-- 2 Straw XX fits OCDEN TANNERY. it way insertion of more windows. Said whom To 'gn roofs caused good ventilation. ure air entered by the windows and as healed air arose, it was carried Citt Recohkib' OmcO round in a circular current J June IS, 1S70. the pure by 'f and passed out. IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY NOTICE Mar 30, 170, mi Ordinance, passed Elder John Taylor recommended the by the City Council of Ogden City, all persons Building of shops, so that in the are of In Ogden, or the City keeping dogs long owning nters the brethren required to register them. their might employ the see that pro"n in The Police are instructed to making furniture, boots and visions of said Ordinance are fully carried ont. M Plow. i . etc., on the The certificate of registration may be obtained Principle, instead of wasting their time. at my office, between tho hours of 10 ajn. and . d Israel was to be at the head of all 4 p.m. By order, Uons m art, science, politics, religion TII03. C. ODELL, nJ City Recorder. 4fj.j everything else. .Influential men joe GOODS, nil eoiieern. IF YOU WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY LEATHER.. Come to mv Tnnnery and see if I will not sell you as GOOD LEATHER as the best, and as cheap as tho cheapest in the market. I Leave Salt Lake City daily at 5 a.ta. and 2.4J p.m. Arrive at Ogden at T a.m. and 4,46 p.m. In addition to tke above an IMPORTED. NOTICE! Jlillvillc District. HEREBY GIVEN, THAT A NOTICE District was organized May 28, 1870, commencing st E. Edwards' Saw Mill, thence running up lio centre of Blacksmith's Fork river, in a Soiith-etslerldirection to the Eastern boundary line of (uhe County, thence along said line North to tin centre uiuin Fork of Logan river, thence Wont following that stream to a point due North of sail mill, thence South to tho place of beginning. CHAKLKHW. HULSE was duly electod Re corder of MilMlle District. FREDERICK T BATES, Secretary. IS BEEWERY FARES: Article First-Clas- s Agents r American and Elgin Watches. K.ep cmistanly on hand a largo assortment of Hie Jewelry, r'oreign Watches, Guns, Pistols, and jiimiinitinii of all kinds. Purchaserswill do well to examine our Stock lietre purchasing elsewhere. Repairing caH'ully done and all work warranted. Tim COAL! COAL! IJULMACl JOSEPH A. YOUNC, SUPERINTENDENT. Cheaper than ever before offered to the Public, Having a Large Supply of every kind on hand, Second Flank, Scantling, .Joists, Flooring DMrlet Eton's CO OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, 8IKKKI, OUBIN, MAIN EXPECTED TO ARRIVE, DIRECT the Kaot, a splendid Assortment of SHORI-L- iml Huiniuor Spring: (ioodM, which, together with our present Stork, we think will enable us to supply our customers and tho public generally with such articles as they may Hoed, at prices that cannot fail togivesatistaction. Please call and examine before trying elsewhere. Wheat, Cern, Barley, Oats, Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for Goods, at the highest Market prices. CASH NOT REFUSED. Mf Flrxt niiri Third Wnrl 1XSTITLTI0X, Opposite fiiihop Wett't, MAIN OGDKN', HTKKET, COAL! Have oo hand splendid Stock of DIIL'OS AM CO. ARE NOW PREPARED TO the best quality of Coal, at A Rafters, $1.00 icr Ton, Inch Lum- Dry ber and Sheeting, rl FEMALE at $35 per RELIEF ASSOCIATION, Thousand. ROr.INW lio. Ticket and Freight Agent BEtf BEER IN WEBER COUNTY. and our Mill running in the Bust Grova of Tim niaiiutiftured and for sale in quantities of tier in Utah, we will furnish Lumber, at the C. P. on Bnrch Crek, four miles south-eas- t of Ogden. Saloons all Families supplied. Orders will R.R. Depot, at the following rates: jeceive pront attention, to-t- f A. LANDT, Proprietor. ALL KINDS OF Watchmiuers, Jewelers &(a'unsmiths. ll.Ai $1.7; D. 0. CALDKK, OF AilE Vily, $1.8.' For sll Information consenting Freight or Ta ge, ajply tu from Five tishins and upward at Landt's Brewery, te BOESSEL PAEPE Jam Street, ilgdtn tl. Ogden to Kaysville " Farmington M Ceutrevillo ARK PREPARED TO FURNISH THE " Wood's Cross " Salt Lake City Inhabitants of Ogden city and Vicinity with a LTJMBEE, U. P. & SATURDAYS, Leaving Ogden City 6 a.m. and Salt Lake City, p.m. on which full far. will entitle the pur. chaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, ami will stop by arranging witli the Ccuductur, at any point on the lias to take ou ei let off passengers. Passengers will please purchase their tickets a' the offices. Fifty cents additional will be ohargei wheu the fare is collected ou th train. J. WILLIAMS & CO. ni 1 WEDNESDAYS 4.4(1 ANY Ogden, Utah, Muy M, 1870. 45-- CHEAPER THAN JOHN MAHON. TBALV ACCOMODATION WILL RUN AM) MEDICIXES, ChemicaU, Oil, rainU, Glait, etc., Likewise an excellent Assortment of 1Joo1m, (roc(M'lcN, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SUOliS, AND STATIONERY. on tho Cars, at Echo. All ordfS addressed to ROBINSON k Co., Coalville, Ssuuit County, Utah, will meet with prompt attention. N.D. PrPMTiDtlons carcfull prf pared - rt NOTICE. ALL PEnMONS WHO HELMUT IN Ulasa of Hue Fparkllng Beer, pleas, call at A th. ' WESTERN LAGER BEER II ALL, 3AIN North side of I'nlon Pijuare, Main Street, Ogden, where thoy can be supplieO with that Article, of tlie very best quality, and at reduoed prices. STREET, 00DE.V. tf FF.IALE RELIEF SOCIETY BEG etll th attention of the Ladies tu their 'HUE 1 TO SMITH & CO'S. FIRST-CLAS- S HEW STOCK Finish- LUMBERYAED Flooring, Oue and a Hulf Blocks Went of tke SI'lMCf GOODS, JuKCTioii Office, th. C and Lumber ing etc, WE tie suit at $40. Picketing, at ATTENTION, LADIES! Consisting A And near Artificials, Feathers, Ribbons, Hats, etc. assortment, for sale, cheap. order. Strair anl Tuscan Goods cleaned and altered to tho latest Ikidihm. UHJD WORK GUARANTEED. 3'.Mf CALL APSI per M. 20-fl-n Parties requiring well to give us a Bill for Building will do a call, as he hat located himself on MAIN STREET. in Ogden, South of White House, and Is now pre- to kinds of flocks, viati nes ana all miair pered Jewelrv at tho shortest notice, ill a workmanlike manner ant on terms to suit the times. Tithing Oftlco orden taken at par for work. 47-- tf JAMES FRODSHAM, that We will delivor In Salt Lake City at an advance of $2.50 per thousand over Ogden price. S To F all.MI.US nml of UTAH we offer this advantage: We will '' t At Market Rates: Eggs, Butter, Flour, or other Having carried on business successfully in Salt Lake City for the last ten years, feel confident that productions of the Farm. Also Stock ol any kind: they can give satisfaction to the residents of Ogdr.n. A choice collection of Sheep, Cows, Work Cattie; Wagons, etc "VeNtiiijrH, A dtp tod to ths etc. on Season, always hand. Gent.' Own Materials Made Up. lf i liock Weet of the Bank, Ogden City.-C- ft Eeapers, Mowers and Wagons. TO TIE FARMERS OF UTAH. MORE, OGDEN CITY, ISAAC Ttritory of the 1 TO PER TON on Sis Cars at Echo. All orders to 1 addressed John Ppriet", Coal 14-l- y villi, Summit county, Utah Territory. MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, MAIN RTKECT, OCIDBN, Calls ths attention of th. Pabtic to hit New and Splendid Assortment of Tin, Iron and Copper Ware, whlcn he keeps corohsntry en hand. variety of Also, a good STORES, of superior quality; all of which he offers for sal. at as low flgnres as any that are imported from the East. N. II. Job Work puncttwlly and neatly executed Store Pay at cash rates, or even Cash itself not refused. C. WOODMANSEE, We are also prepared to furnish 31ulu HStreet, Shingles Option. DffALER IX CIIIliPKIl TIIAS KVKIt OFFERED Jli:i OSEIL GENERAL MERCHANDISE, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, ETC. 13 AGENT FOR KirbjReaping &Mowing Midline combined. and a assortment The BP1U00S IS NOW PREPARES furnish th. best quality Coal HOME MI.H-CHAXT- & BRO. ClotliH, OtiMHlmercH, JOHN AT $4.00 the line. TAKE ALL KINDS OF PAY, JOHN TAYLOR COAL! COAL! we will furnish a General Bill of Lumber cheaper than any other house In JEWELRY AND VATCHES. rnilK UIDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM X hii nunerons ft lends and the public generally R. R. Depot the resulrciiieuta of the purchaser. Also an immense quantity of Pickets) all of which wa will Cash price. sell choeu lor Cash, and Urain N II A II those iersona whom we nave aocom-modatand who know themselves Indebted to us, are requested to com. forward and mak settlement vitblo one month and save costs. SMITH Co., Proprietors. 20-- lf MI I.I.I M.UY OK ALL KINDS IIRST-CIASMo. PENROSE'S, on the Fist side of Main Street a little South of Ogden House. Hals, Buuets, Babies' Hoods, etc., made to If. HAVE ON HAND A LARGE QUANTITY of goisl Lumlier, of various Sims to On good security we will also give time, en mt for large orders. Mndnos, of Wagons, large W. shall open an extensive Lumber Yard. In IIYDE8 and BARK WANTED. are on exltition at Nathaniel Leavitt's, Maiu-s- t, JONATHAN BROWNING. Ogden, In a few days. Due notic. will be given of Ogden, Uu. 4Mm 4r-CL- L AND EXAMINE THEM. locality. Wagons furnished to order. Parties in Salt Lake City can look ont. as wa a ISAAC MOOR 8. shall open up there In onr line In a few weeks. and give every one a chance to build and improve HAVE IN MY POSSESSION THE FOLLOW-in- g "LAWER AND SHAVEM." desrrilicd animal: One small Brown Horse, at cheap rates. OF THE THOMAS, FORMERLY b years old, branded K L on left thigh, white strie TJWKi AH communications to be addressed for ttvs House and well known as an accomi..'r,... t.i.,.1 .i white, which, if not claimed, will be sold by Anction on Monday, the . 27th day of plished kght of the scixzors and blade, has present to opened bmess on Main street, a little north o) June next, at the rirav rouno. ug'u-uJOSHUA WILLIAMS CO, N. Leavifc He asks for the patronage of his old Wm. N. FIFE, l'oundkscpor, Weber Station, V. P. R. B. Ogden friends aiof all who want a clean shave In an Ogden City, June 18th, 1870. 49-- 3 easy chaHrith a light hand and a keen raaor. 14tf Uly ESTRAY. 6.30 p.m. Arrive T.30 p.m. BETTER SODA FOUNTAIN. 48-- MILLINERY. will leave Ogden dally at 8 a.m., and at Salt Lak City at 10 a.m. and Trains COHEN, Proprietors. FAVORITE HOUSE, HAVINO BEEN JL recently renovated, and furnished throughout with patent Snrinir Beds, the Proprietor feels con fident in tieiiig able to give entire satisfactiun to May Hoarders, families, and the Traveling community, at a reasonable price. The table is supplied from both the California and Home markets. A Hack will run tu and from the Track to carry passengers to tho House free of charge. Attached to the House is a FINE BAR and rpHIS e, j)ii;i. TIIUKSDAY, MAY 11 OGDEN, U.T. 49-l- st ON AND AFTER UTAH STREIST LUMBER m 43-- 1 EXCELSIOR, s. MILLION. isST" Free Bus to and from the Lepots. THE lt k BAS1EU.GER C1IAHPIOX, 49-- PIOXEKIt jLIXB OF UTAH. railroad; Board $$.00 per Week. s First-Clas- CELEBRATED Elder W. Woodruff spoke of the variety in the discourses delivered to the people. Said variety was a great blessing If everybody and everything was alike, no man could tell which was his own wife, his horse, stock, etc. The Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doc. and Cov. portrayed the future history of the Saints and this nation. The Lord would bring his judgments on the nations while we should be hid up in these mountains Uparis creek supplies plenty of water and every word of the Lord in those in va- books would be fulfilled. for irrigation, and wells are sunk Fruit Elder C. AV. Peurose made a few re rious parts of the settlement. the people to trees adorn many of the gardens and the marks and recommended OGDEN people feci that they have a good place. subscribe for the Ogden Junction. A good spirit prevailed, and the peo They are in the right of it. At 8.30 on Wednesday morning the ple felt refreshed and well repaid for weather clear and sunny, we started coming together. from Paris to the south; two miles disThe Brass Band, led by Cant. Josiah tant we came to Eardlcy, enlivened the town by their PRINCIPALS Of TUB OODEN HIGH tako pleasure in announcing to the BLOOMIKGTO, lively strains of music, and returned in TUB that their School apparatus and general to 400 public about inhabitants, the evening Paris, while. the I'resi facilities ft fine town, of for intellectual development are not ell laid out and ornamented with shade dent and company staid in St. Charles equalled in Utah, outside of Salt Lake City, and Rich pastures close at hand, to partake of the hospitality of its citi they therefore solicit the patronage of the inhabit trees. tants of Weber and surrounding counties. iwith g'reen willows in and around them, ions, who vied with each other in mak tho visitors comfortable. Blessings and rural a pleasant the ing place ,We The farming land joins the on thee, St. Charles, for their kind care, The cool and gentle evening breezes, clean BRANCHES TACGHT. Paris field and is very fertile. ! In Tuition per Term of Fourteen Weeks. .people, presided over by Elder James II. cottages, fresh trout and snug beds fT.Otl Preparatory Course Hart cultivate a taste for music and my next, I will give you some particuCommercial 16.00 liiterature, for they have a reading club, lars about the Lake. The express Advanced Classes (not including the lan:iaiMxcellent choir and a martial band; which is to carry this communication is 15.00 guages) 10.uo .forborne unknown cause, the latter was about to start so adieu for the present. Phonography 10.00 Latin Q. silent at our visit; "not a drum was The above charges payable In advance. heard, nor a single note," (possibly they s weraioo much engaged in looking at the figy Gentlemen wanting lomrtriin of carriages to raise the wind Tailors should go to Among the advantages of tho School may be or shake a drumstick) as we passed Thirkill & Earl's. enumerated a paper, edited by the students perithrough the pleasant town and went on odically, to which all will be required to contrialso litorary iustitut ous will be organised bute; mrwary to t6T Tatlor Bro's, Merchant Tailors, among the students, having for their objects a 8T. CHARLES, theo otical and practical training in Oratory, half a block west of the bank, Ogden. This is seven iiiriles south of Paris. Delate, Declamation and Composition. Students can enter the classes at any time, their truly .aibelightful spot. Located at the You will find Pure Wines and term will commence from tho date of eutry. foot of: tie western hills, it commands a Board, with respectable families, may be promagnifiwit view of the lovely lake, Liquors at the First and Third Ward cured at a cost from live to seven dollars ht week. a like blue feet its at deep preadout Drug Store. diawitn mantle, aranglcd glitlriDg PRINCIPALS. monds. The Best Accommodation for T. B. Lswu. 1V. Vf. IlMTO!t. St. CbaiKes is the county scat of Rich Travelers will be found at tho Traveler's county, ituataing about 400 inhabitants, has a schoel-housstore, Rest, Ogden. John R. Pool. blacksmiih shop, gr st mill, saw mill, and a grnlt many we.'l-buiA Serious Accident occurred early It ii ornemnted in many parts with on Monday morning last at Mr. Levi young shade trees, and the gardens look Wheeler's steam saw mill, about thirty six settled has been years, splendid. It is shout a mile long and is tinder the miles north-eaof Ogden. prrridenqy f Elder John .A. Hunt. Mr. Joseph Hancock, one of the hands Hero, as in other places, the school children, lean and neatly tlre8ed, with employed at the mill, and who at the PROPOSALS WILL BB RKCETVKD their teachers, and a large number of time tho accident occurred, was removSEALED Tithing Office, Ogden, until Five o'clock older persons awaited our coming and, ing the sawdust and bark from the saw, on SATURDAY, JUNE -- 0th, 18T0, to with the Bear Lake Brass Band from raised his left hand when it came in p.m, Paris, welcomed the company to the contact with the saw, sovering the hand ettlemcnt. Meeting was held at eleven o'clock in the school-housPresident almost entirely off, about an inch and a Young read 1st and 4th paragraphs of half below the articulation of the wrist. See. XV, Doctrine and Covenants. Said Mr. Samuel Burt, who has charge of the the Lord has reserved these valleys for mill, his people, that while the whked were immediately bound up the wrist making war upon each other, the Saints And the mutilated hand. Over flic Weber might make them holy places unto the In the evening Mr. Hancock was Lord, spread abroad upon the land and adorn their minds with virtue, grace and brought to this city, and Dr. Tibbitts On the South aide of the Utah Central Railroad wa.s called in to dress the wound. He Track. wisdom, and their bodies with the beaulie exhort- found, on examination, that the hand Materials to be furnished Contractors. ty of their own handiwork, ed them not to turn away from any of was dead, and the patient was in a very the revelations which God has given, The Bridge to be Six hundred and seventy-livIt was also found neces- (075) feet long and throe (3) feet eight (8) inches but pray that He might continue to re- low condition. veal further light and truth for their sary to administer strong restoratives to wide, from outside to outside, and a guard on each guidance. bring up the pulse to a normal standard. side two (2) feet six (0) inches high. President Wells said the Lord gathered For further specifications apply to Messrs. his Saints here that he might have a Finding it impossible to save the band THOMPSON FIFE at the Tithing Office. T. at the it Dr. articulation Satan amputated people who would do his bidding. was aware that man was a religious beof the wrist. We arc happy to learn Ogden, June 15, 1870. ing and manufactured religions to suit that the urfortunate man is doing as 484 their various views. The devil did not care how near men came to the truth so well as can be expected under the cirlong as they missed it. This was the cumstances. only spot on earth where God could JGgy" Ge5TLf.men wanting Summer establish his work. Elder L. Snow said our religion re- Suits should call and see Patterns nt quired us to manifest God in our acts. Thirkill & Earl's. Gave as examples Moses in his desire to save Israel even at the loss of the benefits A Free Eide. On Saturday last, J. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A which the Lord offered to him, and X Mining District was organized on the 13th A. Young, Esq., Gen. Supt. U. C. R. It., day of June, 1KT0, commencing at the Hot Springs, David, who spared his enemy Saul, when thence South one mile, thence East six ke was completely in his power. Said treated the pupils of Fort Union School runningthence North six miles, thence West six miles, the Lord could not make a man holy; he to a free rid on the cars from "the city" miles, thence South live miles to the place of bemust do the work of eanctification him-el- f. ginning. Said District boing in Weber and Box to the Hot Springs, and back. Elder Counties, Utah. JOHN Sl'l KKS was duly elected Recorder of the Bishof were under tho charge They Elder B. Young, jun., made some inter-Min- g Hut Springs Mining District, and THOMAS H. MUSGUaVK. remark upon the productions of op 5. Richards, and Mr. E. Harrington. Secretary, the southern part of this Territory, the 300 See for advt. sale. mares Astonishing results of the blessing of God upon the labors of the brethren in (that once desert region, the increase of the people (said there were 47 families In this city, on Saturday, June 18th, in St. Thomas when the President visitei of disease of the lungs, Hyrum, son of MRS. M. BOWRING BEOS TO INFORMsheTHE has i(. and he counted forty babies), ani of Ogihn and Vicinity that Lorin and Sarah Farr. Aged 4 months, opened her new MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT, upon the now general observance of th ordof wisdom; said One Door South of tlie Post Office, would and 2 davs. be the means of our And has on hand a choice selection of salvation, temporal HIRER HUNDRED nd advised the people in this place U for the extensive manufacture To which she respectfully invites thoir attention. . FOIl TUT OGDEN, U.T. WORLD, ment. LimibeR UTAH CENTRAL PATH gNT, A Good Supply TOOLS on Land. of MECHANICS' Mm DIVORCE LEGALLY OBTAINED ABJOLtiTK York, Indiana, Illinois and other Hlates, for person froin any ?tate Of Country, legtd everywhere; desortieit, drunkenness, non support, etc. attflicien cause; o publicity; n charge until divorce obtained. Ad vies free. Busi ness estahlinhed frfteea vntrs. it. HOUSE, Attorney. Address, 28-?No. Nassau Street, New York it;' ' Handbills, Posters, and Cards Printed at the Office of this Paper with neatness, punctuality and dispatsh, on reasonable Itrau. |